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Olivo, Aila Nicole P.


1. What are the reasons for conducting a room check?

- Conducting a room check is very important because it ensures that the rooms
meet hotel cleanliness standards and nothing has been overlooked. It helps to
maintain very high housekeeping standards. If a check is not conducted, a lot of
things may be overlooked. The inspection of guest rooms makes sure that the
housekeeping crew regularly produces the expected outcomes of an established
cleaning method. A room inspection's primary goal is to identify any issues that
may have gone unnoticed during cleaning, preventing them from being
discovered by visitors and leading to complaints. In order for the hotel to achieve
high visitor satisfaction in terms of room comfort and also for safety concerns, the
housekeeping supervisor must examine every guest room on a daily basis. When
the shift ends, the assistant floor supervisor will check the room if the floor
supervisor was unable to do so. Before the room is made available for guest use,
the executive housekeeper must complete it.

2. What is the significance of the room status report?

- Every room on the property is listed in the Room Status report from RDP, along
with the occupancy rate at the time of writing. The front desk employees,
management, and housekeeping staff can all benefit from this report. Room
status report is highly significant. Restaurants know how many customers will be
coming for breakfast and/or other meals, as well as how to prepare promotions
for lunch and supper, while housekeeping knows what to clean and how to clean
the rooms. The management, reception, and maintenance staff are fully aware of
where each guest is at all times. Without this report, a hotel really cannot
operate, much alone operate properly. The hotel's room condition is described in
the room report. Three fundamental states exist: occupied, unclean, and vacant
and ready. Typically, the housekeeper is in the best position to give this
information. Without this information, the front desk wouldn't know what rooms
are available or how many there are in total. The list is also updated if a room's
status changes. The housekeeper is notified that a guest has checked out and
that the room is unclean. It is empty and ready once it has been cleaned.
3. How will you maintain the cleanliness and orderliness in a guest room?

- To earn the trust and loyalty of the guests, high standards of cleanliness and
hygienic conditions must be upheld. Additionally, the government has imposed it
as a requirement on the hospitality sector. There are so many ways to maintain
the cleanliness and orderliness in a hotel guest room. Guest rooms must be
cleaned and supplied with freshly laundered sheets, pillow covers, towels, and
washcloths before each new guest or group of guests arrive; clean bed sheets,
pillow covers, towels, and washcloths must be provided to each guest at least
weekly. They may be provided more frequently as requested by a guest or
according to establishment policy; Shared bathrooms must be cleaned daily; All
bedding, towels, and washcloths provided by management must be clean and in
good repair; Each mattress must be covered with a machine-washable pad;
Sheets must adequately cover the bed and fold over the blanket at least six
inches; All bedding including quilts and comforters must be machine-washable or
covered with machine-washable linen such as a duvet; Mops must be air dried
between uses; All furnishings, fixtures, floors, walls, and ceilings must be clean
and in good repair; Management must provide for maintenance as needed;
Cleaning compounds and pesticides must be stored, used, and disposed of in
accordance with the manufacturer's label instructions; Ozone air purifiers may
not be used within the establishment; Glasses, pitchers, ice buckets, coffee pots,
and other utensils used for food or drink provided for guests must be washed,
rinsed, and sanitized or single-service items must be used; All utensils used for
food or drink provided for guests must be stored, handled, and dispensed in a
manner which prevents contamination.

4. How do you handle a guest's laundry that is damaged?

- If your work is in a hotel, if you can, notice the damage when you get to the
laundry service. Then, if there is a guest, speak to them or, if not, ask the
concierge to do so. It is crucial that the hotel management get in touch with the
guest before processing the damaged item for cleaning if you have already
received it from the guest. You should let them know you've received a broken
item and ask if they still want it cleaned or even repaired, if there's time. If you
are alleging that you mistakenly harmed a guest's laundry "in-house," the hotel
has a direct duty to either make things right, if at all possible, or provide
restitution. The guest may prefer to be paid for the item, which the front desk
should pay out without any hesitancy, provided the manager approves and even,
possibly considering increasing the amount requested by a small figure, to show
your sincerity that you apologize and don't wish this incident to reflect on the
hotel's dedication to its guests. You must speak with the laundry personally and
bring up the matter if the item was sent to a professional laundry for cleaning and
you received it back damaged. They will be liable for covering the cost of the
error. However, you should never subject the visitor to this inconvenience. The
hotel shall submit the bill to the outside laundry if it pays out as a result of the
laundry's error and acknowledgement. At no time should you inconvenience the
visitor. A top-notch hotel with a top-notch staff is dedicated to making each guest
feel valued and special.

5. How do you classify items for laundry? Why should garments be classified?

- The three basic categories for organizing laundry are color, fabric type, and
whether the items are clothing or linens. Garments should be classified because
it is essential, and for us also to ensure the safety of the fabrics. It's easier to
avoid color transfer, redisposition, and streaking that harm clothing and other
items by properly separating your clothes. The proper removal of the maximum
amount of soil and the safety of materials both depend on the classification of the
garment. Putting a load of mixed clothes in the washing machine can be simple,
but it's best to learn how to separate laundry if you don't want everything to turn
an odd shade of pink or grey. Deeply colored clothing is more likely to bleed color
when cleaned. Sort your laundry by color, keeping dark, medium, and light hues
apart to prevent fading or other damage to other garments. To avoid abrasion
and damage to finer materials, wash heavy items, such towels, separately from
lighter-weight clothing. Separate knits and underwear from items with zippers
and buttons for the same reason. Wash any clothing that sheds lint separately
from microfiber, corduroy, and other textiles that do the same.

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