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<div style="font-weight:bolder;font-size:16px;text-align:center;" ng-

hide="true" class="ng-hide">
<div class="studentupper ng-binding" style=" padding-bottom: 0px; text-
transform: uppercase !important; font-size: 25px; font-family: auto;">AJAY KUMAR
<!-- ngIf: --><div style=" padding-bottom: 0px; font-size:
18px; font-family: auto;" ng-if="" class="ng-scope ng-binding">BRANCH:
ECE: 3 SEMESTER (SECTION-2ND YEAR ECE-3 [2021-25]_ODD) </div><!-- end ngIf: -->
<div style=" padding-bottom: 0px; font-size: 18px; font-family: auto;"
class="ng-binding">27th Km Stone, Delhi-Hapur Bypass Road, P.O. Adhyatmik Nagar,
Ghaziabad - 201009</div>
<!-- ngIf:!=9042 --><div style=" padding-top: 0px; font-size: 18px;
font-family: auto; text-transform: uppercase !important;" ng-if="!=9042"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">Cumulative Attendance (06/09/2022 to
03/03/2023)</div><!-- end ngIf:!=9042 -->
<!-- ngIf: -->
<!-- ngIf: -->
<!-- ngIf: -->
<!-- ngIf:!=9042 --><div style=" font-family: auto; padding-top:
0px; text-transform: uppercase !important; font-size: 16px;" ng-if="!=9042"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">Batch Name : B.TECH 2ND YEAR ECE-3
[2021-25]_ODD</div><!-- end ngIf:!=9042 -->
<!-- ngIf:!=9042 --><div style=" font-family: auto; padding-top:
0px; text-transform: uppercase !important; font-size: 16px;" ng-if="!=9042"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">Descending Order</div><!-- end ngIf:!=9042 -->

<div class="table-scrollable" id="tblStuRpt">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-advance table-hover"
cellpadding="2" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 2px; border: 1px solid; border-
collapse: separate !important; border-spacing: 1.5px !important; ">
<th rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid !important;">#</th>
<th rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid !important;">STUDENT
ADM NO.</th>
<th rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid !important;">STUDENT
ROLL NO.</th>
<th rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid !important;">STUDENT
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th style="border:
1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope ng-
binding">KAS-302</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th
style="border: 1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">KVE-301</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects
--><th style="border: 1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">KEC-301</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects
--><th style="border: 1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">KEC-302</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects
--><th style="border: 1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">KEC-303</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects
--><th style="border: 1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">KNC-302</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects
--><th style="border: 1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">KEC-351</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects
--><th style="border: 1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">KEC-352</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects
--><th style="border: 1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">KEC-353</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects
--><th style="border: 1px solid !important;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">KEC-354</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects
<th rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid
<th rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid !important;">%</th>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-repeat="sub
in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(73)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(74)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(96)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(92)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(81)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(41)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(34)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(32)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(36)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><th ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">Total(30)</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">Per</td>
</th><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects -->
<!-- ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Vandit&nbsp; Mishra</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">71</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">97.26%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">74</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">91</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">94.79%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">90</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">98.90%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">79</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">97.53%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">40</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">97.56%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">94.44%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">571 | 588</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Taru&nbsp; Pathak</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">64</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">77</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.21%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">85</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">92.39%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">70</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.42%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.93%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">512 | 585</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shambhavi&nbsp; Mishra</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">59</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.82%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">63</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">85.14%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">81</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">84.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">80</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.91%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">68</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.95%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">37</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">90.24%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.78%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">500 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Samarth&nbsp; Goel</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">62</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">84.93%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">80</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">91</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.31%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">38</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">92.68%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">20</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">62.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">498 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shivam&nbsp; Sharma</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.19%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">59</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">79.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">77</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.21%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">75</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.42%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.72%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.89%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">489 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Saurav&nbsp; Pandey</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">62</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">84.93%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">59</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">79.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">80</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">76</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.52%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">73</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">90.12%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.05%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">488 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Vaibhav&nbsp; Sharma</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.71%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.43%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">79</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.29%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">78</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">85.71%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">65</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">94.12%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.78%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">490 | 588</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Rishu&nbsp; Maddheshiya</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">53</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.60%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.43%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">86</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">89.58%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">65</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.43%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.72%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.93%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">36</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">27</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.10%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">487 | 585</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">VISHWAJEET&nbsp; SAHANI</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.19%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">71</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.96%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">80</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.91%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.72%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">37</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">90.24%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.47%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">479 | 588</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Sartaj&nbsp; Ahamad</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.23%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">78</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">76</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.52%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.31%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">35</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">85.37%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.89%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">476 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Sanjay&nbsp; Rathor</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">77</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.21%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">72</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">79.12%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">66</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.48%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.93%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">476 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Snehal&nbsp; Shukla</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">53</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.60%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">63</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">85.14%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">79</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.29%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">73</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">79.35%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.37%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.05%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.35%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">471 | 585</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Sanyam&nbsp; Agarwal</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.71%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">64</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.49%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">73</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.04%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">70</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.09%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.37%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.05%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.89%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">472 | 587</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Tanya&nbsp; Chaudhary</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">62</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.78%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">74</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">85</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.41%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">62</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.54%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">33</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.49%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.47%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">469 | 584</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Sanjeet&nbsp; Gound</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.71%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">78</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">71</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.02%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.37%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.05%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.89%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">466 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Utkarsh&nbsp; Rai</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.97%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">82</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">85.42%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">68</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">74.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">63</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.78%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.47%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.89%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">466 | 588</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Vashu&nbsp; Paliwal</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.19%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.43%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">72</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">81</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">89.01%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.14%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.47%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">465 | 588</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Siddharth&nbsp; Agarwal</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.19%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.03%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">82</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">85.42%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">65</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.43%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.14%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.17%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">94.12%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">20</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">62.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">460 | 584</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shubhi&nbsp; Gupta</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">59</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.82%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">72</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">66</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.53%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">59</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.84%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.47%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">449 | 584</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shivanshu&nbsp; Singh</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">55</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.34%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">74</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">63</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.23%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">74.07%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.93%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">94.44%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">20</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">62.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">450 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">SIDDAHANT&nbsp; YADAV</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.79%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.63%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.31%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">33</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.49%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">446 | 585</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Satyendra&nbsp; Srivastava</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">48</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">73</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.04%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">69</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.82%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.31%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.05%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.89%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">16</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">50.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">445 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Sulakshna&nbsp; Singh</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">53</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.60%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.03%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">74</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.83%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">55</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">67.90%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">94.12%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">443 | 585</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shivam&nbsp; Sharma</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">51</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.86%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">51</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.92%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">71</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.96%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">72</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">79.12%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.31%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.17%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">83.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">442 | 586</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Vishal&nbsp; Yadav</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">51</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.86%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">46</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">62.16%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">78</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">65</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.65%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.31%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">33</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.49%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.24%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">444 | 589</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Utkarsh&nbsp; Pal</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">44</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">76</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">79.17%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">68</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">74.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.60%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.24%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">441 | 588</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp; {'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">SHANT&nbsp; SHUKLA</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">50</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.49%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.97%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">71</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.96%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">73</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.22%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">439 | 586</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">74.9%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Riya&nbsp; Chauhan</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">48</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">50</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">67.57%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">72</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">79</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.81%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.31%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">33</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.49%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.78%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">19</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">61.29%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">436 | 585</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">74.5%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Yuvraj&nbsp; </td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">49</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">67.12%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">74</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">71</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.17%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">27</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.85%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.47%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">431 | 589</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">73.2%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Sarthak&nbsp; Gupta</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.23%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">55</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">74.32%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">78</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">72</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">79.12%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">53</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.43%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">29</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">12</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">33.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">19</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">61.29%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">424 | 585</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">72.5%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Utsav&nbsp; Singh</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">47</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">64.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.68%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">64</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">69</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.82%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">64.20%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">29</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.24%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">421 | 588</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">71.6%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">SARTHAK&nbsp; SINGH</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">48</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">69</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.88%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">64</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">74.07%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">27</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.85%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.22%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">19</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">61.29%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">417 | 585</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">71.3%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shewta&nbsp; Rai</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.23%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.03%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">66</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">62.64%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">55</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">67.90%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.47%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">18</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">56.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">412 | 584</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">70.5%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">SHAHIL&nbsp; </td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">41</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">56.16%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.68%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.79%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">63.74%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.60%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">35</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">85.37%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">61.11%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">20</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">62.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">413 | 586</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">70.5%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">TUSHAR&nbsp; GUPTA</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">47</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">64.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">59</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">61.46%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">69</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.82%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">63</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.78%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">18</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">52.94%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">20</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">62.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">411 | 584</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">70.4%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Utkarsh&nbsp; Rai</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">42</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">57.53%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.79%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">59.34%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">34</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.93%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.35%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.22%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">411 | 588</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">69.9%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shashank&nbsp; Pandey</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">55</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.34%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">71</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.96%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">66</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.74%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">53</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.43%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">29</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">12</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">33.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">410 | 587</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">69.8%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Taarush&nbsp; Agarwal</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">48</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.79%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">63.74%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">49</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.49%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.29%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">88.24%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">86.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">406 | 584</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">69.5%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Rishabh&nbsp; Verma</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">43</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">58.90%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">45</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.81%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">72</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">62</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.13%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">55</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">67.90%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">23</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">56.10%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">61.11%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">396 | 586</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">67.6%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">UTKARSH&nbsp; ANAND</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">44</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">48</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">64.86%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">67</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.79%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">62</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">67.39%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.14%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">27</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.85%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.47%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">18</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">50.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">398 | 589</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">67.6%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">SANI&nbsp; SINGH</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">41</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">56.16%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.68%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">59.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">68</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">74.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">49</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.49%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">31</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.61%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">61.11%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">23</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">74.19%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">20</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">395 | 585</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">67.5%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shashwat&nbsp; Soni</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">37</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">50.68%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">51</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.92%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">64</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">59.34%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">74.07%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.17%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">394 | 586</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">67.2%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shashank&nbsp; Chauhan</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">38</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">52.05%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">78.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">64</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">65</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.43%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">63.41%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">16</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">44.44%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">81.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">393 | 586</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">67.1%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Sonu&nbsp; Singh</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">41</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">56.16%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">48</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">64.86%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">59.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.30%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.14%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.17%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.47%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">16</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">50.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">387 | 585</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">66.2%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">YASH&nbsp; GARG</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">44</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">77.03%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">62.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">52</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">57.14%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">53</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.60%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">25</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.98%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">13</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">41.94%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">380 | 577</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">65.9%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Saurabh&nbsp; Dhakarey</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">33</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">45.21%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">51</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.92%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">57</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">59.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">61</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">67.03%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">53</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.43%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.17%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">20</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">55.56%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">87.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">18</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">56.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">93.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">379 | 586</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">64.7%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">RAGHAV&nbsp; SHARMA</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">29</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">54.72%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">29</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">56.86%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">47</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.44%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">41</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">63.08%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">57.14%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">18</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">64.29%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">14</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">100.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">8</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">40.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">6</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">91.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">242 | 376</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">64.4%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Suyash&nbsp; Singh</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">29</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">39.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">59</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">79.73%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">56.25%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">55</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.44%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">69.14%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.17%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">32</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">94.12%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">12</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">37.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">375 | 584</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">64.2%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Shiva&nbsp; Yadav</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">47</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">64.38%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">44</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">59.46%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">56</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">58.33%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.93%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">54</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">28</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.29%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">14</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">38.89%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">20</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">62.50%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">20</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">66.67%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">367 | 586</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">62.6%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Saurabh&nbsp; jaiswal</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">33</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">45.21%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">42</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">56.76%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">58</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.42%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">62</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.13%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">55</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">67.90%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">30</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">73.17%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">16</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">44.44%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">22</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">80.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">366 | 586</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">62.5%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList --><tr ng-repeat="stu in
studentList" class="ng-scope">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important;text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">Yug&nbsp; Tyagi</td>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in stu.filteredSubject"
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">44</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.27%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">38</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">51.35%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">62</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">64.58%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">60</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">65.22%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">49</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.49%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">58.54%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">24</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">70.59%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">14</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">43.75%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">26</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.22%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
stu.filteredSubject" class="ng-scope">
<table style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
<tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;" class="ng-binding">18</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-
align: center;">
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures>0 &&
sub.totalLeactures>0 --><span ng-if="sub.presentLeactures>0 &amp;&amp;
sub.totalLeactures>0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">60.00%</span><!-- end ngIf:
sub.presentLeactures>0 && sub.totalLeactures>0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.presentLeactures<=0 &&
sub.totalLeactures<=0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in stu.filteredSubject -->
<td style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-binding">359 | 589</td>
<td style="text-align: center; border: 1px solid !important;
background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);" ng-style="stu.percentage < 75 &amp;&amp;
{'background-color':'gray'}" class="ng-binding">61%</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: stu in studentList -->
<th colspan="4" style="border: 1px solid !important;">AVERAGE %
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td style="border:
1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">68.76</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.13</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">74.05</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.05</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">72.65</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">75.79</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">76.44</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">82.22</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">71.88</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal !=0 --><div ng-
if="sub.averageTotal !=0" class="ng-scope ng-binding">85.56</div><!-- end ngIf:
sub.averageTotal !=0 -->
<!-- ngIf: sub.averageTotal ==0 -->
</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects -->
<th colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid !important;"
<th colspan="4" style="border: 1px solid !important;">No. of
mass bunks</th>
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub
in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">2</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --
><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important;
text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">1</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in
filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px
solid !important; text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">0</td><!-- end
ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-
binding">2</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">1</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --
><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important;
text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">0</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in
filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px
solid !important; text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">0</td><!-- end
ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects"
style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-
binding">0</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">1</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --
><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important;
text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">0</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in
filtered_subjects -->
<th colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid !important;">--</th>
<th colspan="4" style="border: 1px solid !important;">NAME OF
<!-- ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub
in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">Dr. Meenakshi Sinha</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in
filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px
solid !important; text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">Mr. Jitender
Chhabra</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">Mr. Alok Kumar</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in
filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px
solid !important; text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">Ms. Amita
Asthana</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">Mr. Shani Pandey</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in
filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px
solid !important; text-align: center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">Mrs. Amrita
Bhatnagar</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-repeat="sub in
filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align: center;"
class="ng-scope ng-binding">Mr. Gagandeep Singh
Mr. Alok Kumar
Mr. Abhishek Tiwari</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">Mr. Jitender Chhabra
Mr. Om Gupta
Mr. Himanshu Nagpal
Ms. RAJNI PRASHAR</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding">Dr. Anil Rai
Dr. Dibya Bharti
Mr. Shani Pandey</td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in filtered_subjects --><td ng-
repeat="sub in filtered_subjects" style="border: 1px solid !important; text-align:
center;" class="ng-scope ng-binding"></td><!-- end ngRepeat: sub in
filtered_subjects -->
<th colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid !important;">--</th>
<!-- ngIf: (organizationId == 194 || organizationid == 9011) && branchId !=
2658 && branchId != 2659 && branchId != 148 && branchId != 147 --><div class="col-
md-12 ng-scope" style="padding-top:2%;" ng-if="(organizationId == 194 ||
organizationid == 9011) &amp;&amp; branchId != 2658 &amp;&amp; branchId != 2659
&amp;&amp; branchId != 148 &amp;&amp; branchId != 147">
<!--<span style="font-size:12px;">Prof. </span>--> <br>
<!-- ngIf: (semester_name == 1 || semester_name == 2) && branchId !=153 -->
<!-- ngIf: (semester_name != 1 && semester_name != 2) || branchId ==153 --
><span style="font-size:12px;" ng-if="(semester_name != 1 &amp;&amp;
semester_name != 2) || branchId ==153 " class="ng-scope ng-binding">HOD
ECE</span><!-- end ngIf: (semester_name != 1 && semester_name != 2) || branchId
==153 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: (organizationId == 194 || organizationid == 9011) &&
branchId != 2658 && branchId != 2659 && branchId != 148 && branchId != 147 -->

<!-- ngIf: (organizationId == 194 || organizationid == 9011) && (branchId ==

2658 || branchId == 2659 || branchId == 148 || branchId == 147) -->

<!-- ngIf: (organizationId == 194 || organizationid == 9011) --><div

class="col-md-12 ng-scope" style="padding-top:2%;" ng-if="(organizationId == 194 ||
organizationid == 9011)">
<div style="font-size:12px;">Remark </div> <br>
<div style="font-size:12px;">1.</div><br>

<div style="font-size:12px;">2.</div>
</div><!-- end ngIf: (organizationId == 194 || organizationid == 9011) -->

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