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National Institute of Technology-Tiruchirppalli-620015

Mechanical Engineering Department

Dynamics laboratory questions for END SEM preparation


1. What are the two mechanical elements which are required for Vibration?
2. What is a free vibration? How it is different from forced vibration?
3. What is damping?
4. Model a door closer as a vibrating system, and explain its response for under, over and
critical damped condition.
5. How the mass is supported in free and forced vibration apparatus?
6. How the oscillation of mass is measured?
7. What is eddy current damping?
8. How the natural frequency of a spring and mass system can be increased?
9.What is the principle of operation of laser displacement sensor?
10. What is the difference between the natural frequency, damped natural frequency,
resonance frequency and radiancy of a vibrating system?
11.Describe the vibrating system from energy point of view.


1. What is Gyroscopic Effect?

2. How to find out direction of gyroscopic couple?
3. How to represent angular velocity as vector?
4. Whether angular displacement a vector? Explain?
5. How moment of inertia at rotor is measured?
6. What is the type of motor used in gyroscope?
7. What are the safety interlocks provided in gyroscopic couple?
8. What is the use of gyroscopes in rockets?
9.What is the role of precession motor in Gyroscope setup used in the Lab?


1. What is the difference between a simple and a compound pendulum?

2. What is center of percussion?
3. How the center at gravity of an object is found?
4. What is the measure of inertia when an object is undergoing translation motion and
when it is undergoing rotational motion?
5.Why the angular displacement of a pendulum should be small to have simple harmonic
6. What is the significance of taking 30 reading to assess the period of oscillation of a
compound pendulum?
7.What are dynamically equivalent systems?
8.Why the distance at which the masses are placed in a dynamically equivalent systems is
less than the length of the connecting rod (center distance between the two centers) ?


1. What is static unbalance?

2. What is dynamic unbalance?
3. Show the reactions on the bearings that support a rotor that has
a. static unbalance.
b. dynamic balance.
4. What is residual unbalance?
5. What is the difference between reciprocating and rotating unbalance?
6. What is the unit of unbalance?
7. How static unbalance of rotating system is measured?
8. Why unbalancing of rotors operating at high speed is critical than those operating in
low speeds?


1. What is the reflected / equivalent inertia of a geared system?

2. Write the equation for calculating reflected / equivalent inertia of geared system?
3. When the first gear (reduction ratio of 1:40) is engaged in automobile,
a. What is the magnitude of reflected inertia of vehicle on engine crank shaft? b.
b. What is the inertia of engine on the drive axle of automobile?
4. How moment of inertia of a flywheel fitted with a bearing is measured?
5. Derive the equivalent inertia of geared systems using energy approach.
6. What is frictional Torque?


1. How a Torsional Vibration system is equivalent to linear vibration system?

2. How angular displacement of rotors are measured?
3. How angular acceleration of the rotor is measured?
4. Write the governing differential equation for a Torsional and linear vibrating
system subjected to (a) free vibration.
(b) forced vibration with sinusoidal excitation.
5. Why we get saw tooth waveform in Moment of Inertia measurement?
6. In measuring the angular acceleration with plot between time and angular velocity
why the angular velocity points are plotted at center of time period of each cycle?

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