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This is an Offline OJT assessment for the GenCs by their Home Managers. The supervisors need to
assess the GenC during their year 1 and based on their interaction with GenCs share feedback on their
communication skills. The supervisor to assess them on their written (Email, presentation decks,
reports etc.) and their verbal communication skills (team meetings, client presentations, conference
calls etc.) The GenC should be able to articulate their thoughts confidently, take ownership and
accountability to respond and signpost as required during their interaction in the project.

Scenario 1 – Gen C does not have the necessary communication level to perform the role

Step 1 – GenC to register for the course ADMCM281387

Step 2 – If a supervisor feels that the associate does not have the necessary communication level, they
need to nominate GenC for the Catalyst post deployment program. (For nominating Genc to this
program please drop mail to )

Step 3 – Supervisor to give the feedback and score the associate by clicking on the link. The supervisor to
assess the associate on confidence, articulation, verbal and written communication skills

Step 4 – If supervisor scores 70 and above the associate does not need any further customized learning
intervention. If scores below 70 should go for learning interventions (both self-paced and VILT) offered
by Academy (For queries related to learning interventions please drop mail to )

Scenario 2 – Associate has the necessary communication level required for the role

Step 1 – GenC to register for the course ADMCM281387

Step 2 – The Home Managers at the end of the 11 months or before the end of the development plan
clicks on the link below and scores the associates 70 and above

OJT Offline workflow:

In offline OJT, the submissions for the assignments and grading process will be done offline and the
grade will be uploaded via Offline grading sheet in Assessment Portal.
Associate Perspective
1. Log into the Cognizant Learn URL and search for the course using the ‘Search’ option

2. The ‘view details’ option can be used to verify the attempt remaining, attempt history and the course
details before registering.

3. Click on Select -> Register option

4. Click on ‘Register’ option to enroll to the assessment.

5. The associate need not submit any documents in assessment portal. The submission screen will not
be enabled. The associate needs to discuss with the Home Manager for offline grading.

6. Once grading is done, the associate can view the score in Cognizant Learn.

Home Manager Perspective

1. Home Manager needs to navigate to below link, click on the ‘Upload Offline grading sheet’ option
available under assignment administration.

2. Home Manager can download the template from the page and fill the associate id and grade.
3. Click on ‘Choose file’ option to select the filled grading sheet and click on ‘Upload Grading Worksheet’
to upload the score in Assessment Portal

Attached the template for reference


4. If enrollment is not available for the associate, the enrollment will be created and score will be
uploaded when the grading sheet is uploaded.

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