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May 2023 "Blast" Email

The Iowa Association of Nursing

Students Board of Directors
Would like to say...

Congr at s,
Gradu at es !
Job well done! We are proud of you!

Class of 2023!

Now a message from the President...

As we look back over our time in nursing school and reflect on all the priceless
memories (including the crying ones) we can only say man where has the time
gone? For some nursing school has been a 4-year process, a second career, and or
have completed a ASN or LPN. No matter the way you decided to get into nursing,
congrats! You made it!

I may not get to see you at our convention in the fall, but I am sending you my best
wishes on your next steps! I too fully understand what you are experiencing right
now. I have accepted a job a the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and am relocating
from the Des Moines area where my family is located. We got this! Change for some
is scary and for others, it comes at ease, no matter how change affects you just
know you got this and you have unwavering support from over 1,400 Iowa NSNA
nursing students behind you!

I will leave with a quote that some of you may know..."It's ok not to know what to do
with the rest of your life. It's a journey to find your direction or your passions, so
don't get frustrated by the mistakes and setbacks as they happen to all of us" -
Selena Gomez.

-Hunter Morgan, BSN

President of the Iowa Association of Nursing Students

Enjoy these photos from my graduation on April 30th!

Pictured: Hunter Morgan, President; Madi Turner, COSP; Katie Wichman, Vice President
General IANS Info
Congrats to the graduating seniors from the IANS BOD,
Hunter Morgan, President; Katie Wichman, Vice President;
Madi Turner, COSP; Evita Fazliu, Membership; Kait Gureno,
Disaster Relief.
Recently the BOD attended the NSNA Annual convention
in Nashville, TN. We were so happy to connect with some
of you there and hope you had a good time!
Congrats to Hunter, Katie, Evita, Kait, Madi, and Sonia from
the BOD on being accepted into the NSNA Leadership U
Honor Society. For more info visit and find the tab "NSNA
Leadership U".
The BOD is working diligently to make this year's
convention better than ever! We are still working on
securing a venue for the October 23rd IANS convention.
More information coming soon!
Our Council of School President's Chair Madi will be in
direct contact with school presidents and faculty advisors
every month. Her email is for any
Our Website has recently been updated!
If you have any questions our board would love to hear
from you! You can find our contact info on our website
under the "Board of Directors" tab.

For general contact please email our Public Relations Director, Hannah Rees at
Please allow 24-48hrs for a response.

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