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Points to Remember: 1.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has helped a lot of women living in the

hinterland (rural areas). 2. Enrollment of girls aged 12 and above has gone up immensely -
education is a great leveler and an empowerer to women. 3. Women's issues are national
issues - issues that were considered taboo earlier are now being discussed in the open, for
example, Narendra Modi talking about sanitary towels in the Independence Day speech. 4.
All schemes (Swachh Bharat, Jal, Jan Dhan, Ujjwala) will give women access to more
resources and financial independence - leads to a rise in self-confidence and status of women
in society. 5. The participation of women in the labour force and competitive exams (Group
B leadership role jobs) is falling due to many socio-economic causes like workplace safety.
Solution - work from home opportunities in various technology startups. 6. The perceptions
of and expectations from a girl child from a family and from society as a whole need to
change. They are expected to deal with all the domestic chores after coming back from work.
We need to let the pressure off of them. 7. Ugly forms of patriarchy exist in many countries
including India - change needs to start from each and every household - teach boys to respect
girls from childhood itself. 8. Campaigns like 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' help to change the
mindset of the people regarding some stereotypes related to women and female feticide as
well. 9. Women are and can become economic contributors. Their skills (eg. cooking) can be
monetized. 10. Women's natural talents are suppressed and they are led in a particular
direction due to parental or family pressure. Do read the description box below the video.
Please feel free to add any more points.
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