11.nervous System

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 Co-ordination is the process by which 2 or more

organs interact and complement functions of each
 Cells of the neural system  Neurons.
Human Neural System

Central neural system Peripheral Neural system

Brain Spinal Cord Somatic Autonomic

(CNSskeletal muscles) (CNSsmooth

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A neuron has 3 parts: Cell body, dendrites
and axon.
 Cell body has cytoplasm and granules called
Nissl’s granules.
 Dendrites are fibres that branch repeatedly
from cell body to tranmit impulses.
 Axon is a long fibre which is branched at the
end. It ends in bulb-like structures called
synaptic knobs.
 Synaptic knobs have synaptic vesicles which
have chemicals called neurotransmitters.
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 Neurons are of 2 types:
 Myelinated: They are covered by Schwann cells
 Non-myelinated: They aren’t covered by
Schwann cells.
Nodes of Ranvier: The gaps between the Myelin

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A nerve impulse is a signal sent by the
 There are 3 things done by a neuron for a
nerve impulse:
 Generation
 Conduction through same neuron
 Transmission to another neuron

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 When neuron is at rest, the membrane of
axon is more permeable to K+ ions and
impermeable to Na+ ions and –vely charged
 So, inside the axon, there is more K+ and low
 Outside the axon, there is low K+ and high
 This ionic gradient is maintained by the Na-K
pump. For every 2 K+ ions inside cell, it
pumps 3 Na+ outside cell.
Content Owned by Eduscope International FZ LL, DHCC, Dubai.
 Outer surface of axon is +ve and inner
surface is –ve charge.
 The electrical potential difference across
resting plasma membrane is called resting
membrane potential.

Content Owned by Eduscope International FZ LL, DHCC, Dubai.

 When a signal is sent at a site (A) on the
resting membrane, that site becomes
permeable to Na+.
 A lot of Na+ comes inside neuron at that
 Polarity is reversed at that point, outer
surface is –ve and inner surface is +ve.
 This is called depolarisation.
 The potential difference across membrane at
this point is called action potential/nerve
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 At the site next to A (B), membrane has +ve
charge outside and –ve charge inside.
 Current flows from +ve to –ve.
 Current flows inside from A-B.
 Current flows outside from B-A to complete
 Site A returns to being impermeable to Na+
and permeable to K+. This is called
 This process continues throughout the
Content Owned by Eduscope International FZ LL, DHCC, Dubai.
 Nerve impulse is transmitted from one
neuron to another through junctions called
 A synapse includes membrane of 1st neuron,
membrane of 2nd neuron and a gap in
 There are 2 types of synapses:
 Electrical synapse
 Chemical synapse

Content Owned by Eduscope International FZ LL, DHCC, Dubai.

 The 2 neurons are very close to each other.
 Electric current can flow easily from one
neuron to another.
 Transmission of impulse is just like
conduction of impulse along the axon.
 It is fast
 It is rare in our system

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 2 neurons are separated by a space called
synaptic cleft.
 Chemicals called neurotransmitters are there in
the synaptic vesicles of neurons.
 When the impulse reaches the end of 1st axon,
the synaptic vesicles in the synaptic knobs start
moving towards the membrane and fuse with it.
 It will release neurotransmitters into synaptic
 The neurotransmitters will bind to receptors on
the membrane of 2nd neuron and transfer
impulse to it.
Content Owned by Eduscope International FZ LL, DHCC, Dubai.
 Brain is covered by cranial meninges.
 Brain has 3 parts:
 Forebrain:
 Cerebrum: Largest part of brain. (Grey matter)
 Thalamus
 Hypothalamus
 Midbrain:
 Hindbrain:
 Pons (respiratory
 Cerebellum
 Medulla

Content Owned by Eduscope International FZ LL, DHCC, Dubai.

 Involuntary response is produced without
thinking, produced by CNS
 Reflex arc: Pathway for the signal to travel

Content Owned by Eduscope International FZ LL, DHCC, Dubai.

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