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Worksheet 5: Baby Steps

1. Set a goal to use a planner for one month. Stick to your plan.
a. How can you hold yourself accountable to use your planner?

By reminding myself every day and using an alarm/reminder on my phone

to help me remember.

2. Identify your biggest time-wasters.

a. Do you really need to spend two hours on the phone, surf the Web all
night, or watch that sitcom rerun?
i. My biggest time-wasters:
1. Tik-tok
2. Instagram
3. Videogames
4. Internet ( google, safari)
5. Netflix

3. Are you a “pleaser,” someone who says yes to everything and everyone? Why?

Sometimes since I say yes at times to other people, I’m the kind of person to say
more yes than no.

4. If you have an important test in one week, don’t procrastinate and wait until the
day before to study. Suck it up and study a little each day.
a. How would you do this?

Separate the study session into different sections and do a different

section every day.

5. Think of something you’ve procrastinated for a long time but that’s very important
to you. Block out time this week to get it done.
a. Some things I have procrastinated on for a long time are:
i. Homework
ii. Chores
iii. Schoolwork
iv. Projects
v. Presentations

6. Note your ten most important big rocks for this upcoming week. Now, block
out time on your schedule to accomplish each one.
i. Go to the park and play basketball
ii. Finish ethnic studies work
iii. Work on the spanish essay
iv. Finish math homework

Now take out your planner and write them down!!

7. Identify a fear that is holding you back from reaching your goals.
a. The thing holding me back from reaching my goals is procrastination and
low quality.

8. How much impact does peer pressure have on you?

Little to none, I have been taught to not let peer pressure get the best of me no
matter how hard it is to resist.

9. Identify the person or people who have the most influence upon you.
My dad and mom because they were the people who raised and they have high
expectations for me because they know if I put my mind to something I can
accomplish it.

10. Ask yourself, “Am I doing what I want to do or what they want me to do?” Be
Both since while I’m trying to make my parents proud, I am also trying to
accomplish my own goals of becoming a lawyer and pursuing a higher education.

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