Past Simple-Continuous-Guerrero Lugo Edgar Gael-1AM16

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Past Simple-Continuous

I. Complete the story with the Past Simple or Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

I’ll never forget my first interview. I decided to go by bike, but while I (1) was cycling
(cycle) there I (2) had (have) an accident. Because I was nervous, I (3) didn't look (not
look) where I was going and I (4) crashed (crash) into a tree. I ran to the interview. I
(5) arrived (arrive) late and three people (6) were waiting (wait) for me. The interview
(7) went (go) O.K, but I (8) didn't think (not think) I would get the job.

The next day I (9) was having (have) breakfast when one of the interviewers (10) rang
(ring) to offer me the job. I couldn’t believe it!!.

II. Complete the dialogues with compound words such as: someone, something, anything,


1. You look a bit sad.

Is anything wrong?

2. Let's go out. We have been nowhere for weeks.

That’s a good idea. I want to go somewhere hot and nice.

3. Would you like anything to drink?

I don’t drink anything only water.

4. I met new people in the party. Everyone was funny and nice.
Really? I didn’t know anyone at all.

5. Where are the keys?

I think they are somewhere in the kitchen.

6. Did you tell Eva’s family about the party?

No, I haven’t said anything to anyone

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