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Parents are different, there are parents who are not really interested in the child, parents who

are interested in their child and strict parents. The last parenting style will leed to, that
„Strict parents create sneaky kids.“
I believe that strict parents lead to sneaky children. When parents don't give their children
space to develop and get experiences they need, they do things because they know they're
not allowed to.
Often the parents do not want anything bad for their child, but raise it as they have
experienced it themselves or want to protect it because they love their child.
If a child is not allowed to experience things for itself and therefore does not set its own
limits, it will end up that as soon as the child can distance itself from the parents, it will try
to set these limits itself. In the attempt to set the standards themselves, which were normally
set throughout childhood, now in a short time to catch up, can lead to accidents.
Alcohol, for example, is something most teenagers learn about during their lifetime. If
consumption is forbidden by their parents, but they have friends who drink, they will begin
to drink with their friends, away from their parents on a larger scale, because they would
otherwise not be able to participate.
An other example is, if parents don't want you to go out with your friends and they won't let
you, it will lead to the child sneaking away, because they want to get independent and make
their own desicions. Or if parents don't want them to go somewhere they actually want to
go, it will lead to them lying when they say where they want to go.

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