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North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

3025 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-3025 NC OCME
NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Telephone 919-743-9000
Fax 919-743-9099
Document Identifier B202205249
Autopsy Type ME Autopsy
Name Nasanto Antonio Crenshaw
Age 17 yrs
Race Black
Sex M
Authorized By Jeffrey P. McNabb EMT-P Received From Guilford
Date of Exam 08/23/2022 Time of Exam 09:35
Autopsy Facility Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Persons Present Ms. Alycia Alves
(Autopsy Technician)
Cause of Death

The facts stated herein are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Digitally signed by
Paul Yell MD 27 March 2023 10:55
I. Gunshot wound of right neck, penetrating
A. Entrance: right neck
1. Indeterminate range
B. Path: skin, right sternocleidomastoid muscle, 3rd cervical vertebra, spinal cord, and penetrates
the left side of the 3rd cervical vertebra
C. Associated injuries: subarachnoid hemorrhage which extends up to the basilar brain, complete
spinal cord transection
D. Recovery: 1x projectile from 3rd cervical vertebra
E. Trajectory: leftward, slightly backward and downward

II. Gunshot wound of right forearm, penetrating

A. Entrance: dorsal right forearm near the elbow
1. Indeterminate range
B. Path: skin, right arm musculature
C. Associated injuries: none
D. Recovery: 1x projectile from posterior right arm
E. Trajectory: upward, slightly frontward

III. Gunshot wound of right medial axilla, penetrating

A. Entrance: right medial axilla
1. Indeterminate range
B. Path: skin, right 5th intercostal space laterally, middle lobe of the right lung, pericardium, right
atrium, left atrium, left ventricle, pericardium, lower lobe of the left lung, and penetrates the left 7th
rib laterally
C. Associated injuries: bilateral hemothoraces (left 1050 mL, right 1250 mL) as well as

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hemopericardium (50+ mL)
D. Recovery: 1x projectile from left chest
E. Trajectory: leftward, downward NC OCME
NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

IV. Loose projectile fragment near left chest in clothing

Body Identified By
Papers/ID Tag

Length 70.5 inches
Weight 164 pounds
Body Condition Intact

The body is received in a zipped body bag, sealed with a tamper-evident lock #0002004. There are
identification tags present on the outside of the bag and on the body, however the ID tag on the outside
of the bag has the decedent's proper name, while the one attached to his toe instead says "John Doe".
SBI reportedly identified the decedent by fingerprints at the scene.


1. Two white and green shoes
2. Two black socks
3. Black pants (previously cut)
4. Black belt with a buckle depicting the word "Dior"
5. Black hoodie (previously cut)
6. Black T-shirt (previously cut)
7. Two yellow metal rings on the right 2nd and 4th fingers
8. One yellow metal ring with clear stones on the left 4th finger
9. Baggie with green plant material in the right sock
10. Yellow metal chain necklace with pendant bearing the text "Snitches get stitches"
11. Two $1 bills
12. Zig-zag cigarette papers
13. Two Star Wars candy wrappers
14. Pink, plastic vape device with the text "Elfbar"
15. Black key fob with attached yellow metal mini purse (empty)


1. Plastic stabilizing collar on the neck
2. Plastic nasal trumpet in the right naris
3. Two defibrillator pads on the right upper outer and left lower outer chest
4. Plastic thoracostomy needles in the bilateral upper chest
5. Intraosseous catheter of the right tibia

The body is that of a normally developed, well-nourished, dark-complexioned man appearing consistent
with the listed age. The length is 70 1/2" and the weight is 164 lbs, as received. The body is cold, well-
preserved, and has not been embalmed. Rigidity is fully developed in the large and small muscle
groups. Lividity is inapparent due to dark skin pigmentation.

The scalp is covered with black, curly hair measuring up to 1" on the top of the head. There is also
facial hair in a beard and mustache distribution which is up to 1/8" in length and wispy. The ears are
normally formed and without drainage. No piercings are apparent. The irides are brown, the corneas
slightly cloudy, and the sclerae are white. The bulbar and palpebral conjunctivae are free of petechiae.
The nose is intact and the nares unobstructed. The lips are normally formed. The anterior teeth are
natural and in good condition. The superior and inferior frenula are intact. No oral mucosal injuries are

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seen. The neck is normally formed, symmetrical, and injured as described below.

The chest is normally formed, symmetrical, and without palpable masses. The abdomen is flat, and
without palpable masses. The external genitalia are those of an adult man. The back
is straight and
NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

symmetrical. The anus is atraumatic.

The arms are normally formed. No needle punctures, track marks, or ventral wrist scars are seen.
There is a palpable projectile in the posterior aspect of the right arm. The fingernails are trimmed
short. The legs are normally formed and without edema, amputation, or deformity. The toenails are
trimmed short.

1. Tattoo of left cheek depicting the text "LLK"
2. Scattered nonspecific scarring of the lateral left arm
3. Tattoo of left volar forearm depicting the text "LOCK" with a partially enclosing set of lines
4. Scar of left lateral wrist which is linear, obliquely oriented, and 1/2" in greatest dimension
5. Tattoo of right volar forearm depicting a faint, indiscernible symbol
6. Tattoo of right volar wrist depicting indiscernible text
7. Tattoo of left dorsal palm depicting a broken heart
8. Two scars of the left posterior arm which are both horizontally oriented and linear and
measure 1 1/4 and 1" in greatest dimension, respectively
9. Surgical scar of right upper back with protruding sutures which is only partially healed and 1"
in length, as well as linear and obliquely oriented
10. Curvilinear scar of right posterior arm which is 2" in length and obliquely oriented, and which
has a palpable projectile immediately beneath it
11. Surgical scar of right posterolateral elbow which is 1/2" in length, linear, obliquely oriented,
and partially healed
12. Tattoo of right dorsal wrist depicting an ankh
13. Tattoo of right medial wrist which is black, irregular, and polyhedral, possibly covering up an
older tattoo

All wounds are described in the anatomic neutral position. The order in which the wounds are
described and labeled does not convey their severity nor is it an indication of the order in which they
were received.



On the right neck, centered 7 1/2" below the top of the head and 2 1/4" right of the anterior midline, is
an entrance gunshot wound consisting of a 1/2", round defect with a 3/8 - 1/16" wide, circumferential,
red-pink, marginal abrasion, that is widest at 6 o'clock. Soot, unburned gunpowder particles, and
gunpowder stippling are not visible on the skin surrounding the wound.


The hemorrhagic wound track sequentially perforates the skin and soft tissue of the right neck, right
sternocleidomastoid muscle, 3rd cervical vertebra, spinal cord, and penetrates the left side of the 3rd
cervical vertebra.


In addition to the injuries described in the wound path above, there is subarachnoid hemorrhage which
extends up to the basilar brain. The spinal cord is entirely transected.

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and a copper-colored jacket. The projectile is retained as evidence and labeled "Projectile
Recovered from the 3rd cervical vertebra is a deformed, gray, metallic projectile with an expanded tip
from neck".
NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner


The wound track travels from the decedent's right to left, and slightly front to back and superior to



On the dorsal surface of the right forearm near the elbow, centered 13 1/2" below the top of the right
shoulder and 1" lateral to the posterior midline of the arm, is an entrance gunshot wound consisting of
a 1/4", round defect with a 1/8-0" wide, non-circumferential, pink, marginal abrasion, that is widest at 6
o'clock. Soot, unburned gunpowder particles, and gunpowder stippling are not visible on the skin
surrounding the wound.


The hemorrhagic wound track sequentially perforates the skin and soft tissue of the dorsal right
forearm, and penetrates the right arm musculature.


There are no additional injuries associated with this wound.


Recovered from the posterior right arm is a deformed, gray, metallic projectile with an expanded tip
and with a copper-colored jacket. The projectile is retained as evidence and labeled "Projectile from
right arm".


The wound track travels from the decedent's inferior to superior, and slightly back to front.


On the right elbow area of the hoodie in which the decedent is clad and corresponding to the entrance
gunshot wound is a round defect with frayed edges. Soot or unburned gunpowder particles are not
visible on the fabric surrounding the defect.



On the medial right axilla, centered 18 1/2" below the top of the head and 5 1/2" right of the anterior
midline, is an entrance gunshot wound consisting of a 3/8 x 1/4" oval defect with a 1/8" wide,
circumferential, pink, marginal abrasion. Soot, unburned gunpowder particles, and gunpowder
stippling are not visible on the skin surrounding the wound.


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The hemorrhagic wound track sequentially perforates the skin and soft tissue of the medial right axilla,
right 5th intercostal space laterally, middle lobe of the right lung, pericardium, right atrium, left
atrium, left ventricle, pericardium, lower lobe of the left lung, and penetrates the left 7th rib laterally.
NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner


In addition to the injuries described in the wound path above, there are bilateral hemothoraces (left
1050 mL, right 1250 mL) as well as hemopericardium (50+ mL).


Recovered from the left 7th rib is a deformed, gray, metallic projectile with an expanded tip and a
copper-colored jacket. The projectile is retained as evidence and labeled "Projectile from left chest".


The wound track travels from the decedent's right to left, and superior to inferior, without significant
deviation from front to back.


On the right medial axilla area of the hoodie in which the decedent was clad and corresponding to the
entrance gunshot wound is an oval defect with frayed edges. Soot or unburned gunpowder particles
are not visible on the fabric surrounding the defect.


A deformed, copper-colored, jacket fragment is recovered from the left chest area of the black hoodie
in which the decedent is clad. The fragment is retained as evidence and labeled "Projectile fragment
from left chest of hoodie". The fragment is not intimately associated with a wound path.


The following items are released with the body
The following items are preserved as evidence
All items are retained as evidence, including clothing, possessions, a pulled scalp hair sample, a blood
card, and all projectiles and fragments.

Full-body, postmortem radiographs are performed.

Body Cavities
All injuries are described above and will not be further characterized in the Internal Exam Section.

The abdominal fat layer measures up to 0.5 cm in thickness. The body cavities are hemorrhagic as
described above. The serosal surfaces are smooth, glistening, and without adhesions. The organs are
normally located. The diaphragm is intact.
Cardiovascular System
Heart Weight 300 grams
The heart has a normal shape with a smooth, glistening epicardium except where injured as described
above. The coronary arteries have a normal origin and distribution with right dominance. They also
have no significant atherosclerotic stenosis.

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The myocardium is red-brown, firm, and uniform without focal fibrosis, softening, or hyperemia. The
ventricles are not dilated. The thicknesses of the right ventricle, left ventricle, and interventricular
septum are 0.4 cm, 1.2 cm, and 1.7 cm, respectively. NC OCME
NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

The endocardium is intact, smooth, and glistening. The cardiac valve leaflets are of normal number,
pliable, intact, and free of vegetations. The atrial and ventricular septa are free of defects.

The aorta follows its usual course and has mild atherosclerotic changes. There are no vascular
anomalies or aneurysms. The vena cavae and pulmonary arteries are without thrombus or embolus.
Respiratory System
Right Lung Weight 270 grams
Left Lung Weight 200 grams
The tongue, strap muscles, and other anterior neck soft tissues are free of hemorrhage. The hyoid bone
and cartilaginous structures of the larynx and trachea are normally formed and without fracture. The
airway is unobstructed, contains no foreign material, and is lined by smooth, pink mucosa. The
prevertebral soft tissues are free of hemorrhage, however there is a small amount of hemorrhage noted
in the musculature lateral to the spine on the right. The cervical vertebrae have no displacement,
hypermobility, or crepitus.

The lungs have the usual lobation and are injured as described above. The pleurae are smooth and
glistening; the lungs have minimal anthracotic pigment. The lungs are well-expanded and crepitant.
The parenchyma is dark red and exudes small amounts of fluid on sectioning. The lungs have no
consolidation, infarct, tumor, gross fibrosis, or enlargement of air spaces. The bronchi contain no
foreign material and have smooth, pink mucosa.
Gastrointestinal System
The esophagus and gastroesophageal junction are unremarkable. The stomach contains approximately
200 mL of tan masticated food, but no visible pills or pill residue. The gastric and duodenal mucosae
are intact and unremarkable. The small and large intestines and appendix are unremarkable to
inspection and palpation.
Liver Weight 1320 grams
The intact capsule is smooth. The parenchyma is red-brown and uniform without mass, yellow
discoloration, or palpable fibrosis. The gallbladder contains approximately 5 mL of brown bile and no
stones. The mucosa is uniform, and the wall is not thickened.
Spleen Weight 130 grams
The intact capsule is smooth. The parenchyma is maroon, firm, and uniform.
The pancreas has the normal size, shape, and lobulated architecture. The parenchyma is tan and
Right Kidney Weight 110 grams
Left Kidney Weight 130 grams
The kidneys have the normal shape and position. The cortical surfaces are smooth. The kidneys have
the usual corticomedullary structure without tumors or cysts. The pelves and ureters are not dilated or
thickened. The bladder contains approximately 60 mL of clear, yellow urine. The mucosa is uniform,
and the wall is not hypertrophied.
The prostate gland is of average size and grossly unremarkable.

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The thyroid gland is not enlarged, and the lobes are symmetrical. The parenchyma is red-brown and
uniform. The adrenal glands have the normal size and shape. The cortices are thin, uniform, and
yellow, and there is no hemorrhage or tumor. The pituitary gland is not enlarged. NC OCME
NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Brain Weight 1380 grams
The scalp is free of hemorrhage. The calvarium and base of the skull are normally configured and
without fracture. There is no epidural or subdural hemorrhage. The dura is intact.

The leptomeninges are glistening and transparent with basilar-predominant subarachnoid hemorrhage.
There are no cortical contusions. The cerebral hemispheres are symmetrical with a normally developed
gyral pattern. There is no flattening of the gyri, narrowing of the sulci, or evidence of herniation. The
arteries at the base of the brain have no atherosclerotic changes or aneurysms.

Sections through the cerebral hemispheres show a normally developed cortical ribbon and uniform
white matter. The basal ganglia, thalami, hippocampi, and other internal structures are normally
formed and without focal change. The ventricles are not enlarged, and the linings are smooth and
glistening. Sections of the brainstem and cerebellum show normal structures without focal change.
Immunologic System
There is no enlargement of the lymph nodes of the neck, chest, or abdomen. The thymus is involuted.
Musculoskeletal System
The musculoskeletal system is well-developed and free of deformity. There are no fractures of the
clavicles, sternum, or pelvis. The ribs and vertebrae are injured as described above. The ribs are not
brittle. The skeletal muscle is dark red and firm.

Microscopic Comment
Representative sections of organs and tissues are retained and processed to the level of blocks only.


1. Liver, left lung, right kidney

2. Left ventricle, right ventricle, right lung
3. Hippocampus


According to reports, this 17-year-old man, Nasanto Crenshaw, was shot by law enforcement officers
after he fled from a traffic stop and subsequently tried to run over a law enforcement officer.

The autopsy documented a well-developed, young man with three external gunshot defects (three
entrances), corresponding to three penetrating wound tracks. None of the entrances had any signs of
an intermediate or closer range of fire. The wounds of the neck and chest both had a primarily leftward
trajectory, while the wound of the right forearm was mostly upward. The neck wound transected the
spinal cord at the level of C3, while the chest wound damaged both lungs and the heart with significant
bleeding throughout the chest cavity. The wound of the right arm damaged only muscle. There were no
other significant injuries, though there was a small jacket fragment recovered from the clothing. There
was no significant underlying natural disease.

Toxicologic analysis of postmortem blood was negative for ethanol, and positive for cannabinoids

Based on the autopsy findings and circumstances surrounding the death, as currently understood, the
cause of death is listed as multiple gunshot wounds. The manner of death is classified as homicide.

1. Body Diagram: Adult (Front/Back)
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NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

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