Sounds Cool Q&Aofc

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1.1. On a warm day, an amusement park balloon is filled 1.2.

1.2. When filling a weather balloon with gas you have to consider that the gas will expand
greatly as it rises and the pressure decreases. Let‛s say you put about 10.0 moles of He gas into
with 47.8 g of helium. The temperature is 33°C and the a balloon that can inflate to hold 5000.0L. Currently, the balloon is not full because of the high
pressure in the balloon is 2.25 atm. Calculate the volume pressure on the ground. What is the pressure when the balloon rises to a point where the
temperature is -10.0°C and the balloon has completely filled with the gas.
of the balloon

Feb 17­11:27 AM Feb 17­11:28 AM

1.3. If you were to take a volleyball scuba diving with you what would be its 1.4. An aerosol can contains 400.0 ml of compressed gas at
new volume if it started at the surface with a volume of 2.00L, under a 5.2 atm pressure. When the gas is sprayed into a large
pressure of 752.0 mmHg and a temperature of 20.0°C? On your dive you take
plastic bag, the bag inflates to a volume of 2.14 L. What is
it to a place where the pressure is 2943 mmHg, and the temperature is 0.245°
C? the pressure of gas inside the plastic bag?

Feb 17­11:28 AM Feb 17­11:28 AM

1.5. Have you ever wondered what the pressure is under the glass bell jar 1. You discover in an experiment the mass of a gas is 14.2g. You use a
when the vacuum pump is turned on? One way to measure it would be to see 6.
manometer you found in a lab drawer to measure the pressure at 725 torr.
how a balloon changes when it is inside. At the beginning of the experiment The volume of the container holding the gas is 475 mL and the temperature of
you note that the volume of the balloon is 560.0 mL under standard pressure. the room is 21oC. What is the molar mass of the gas?
When you turn on the vacuum pump the balloon grows to 780.0 ml. What is
the pressure under the bell jar at this point

Feb 17­11:28 AM Feb 17­11:29 AM
1.7. A 325g block of dry ice (solid CO2) vaporizes to a gas 1.8. The density of a gas is 52g/L. Given a balloon full of
at room temperature. Calculate the volume of the gas at the 6 moles of the gas at STP, how many grams of the gas
24oC and 32 psi. do you have?

Feb 17­11:29 AM Feb 17­11:29 AM

Feb 17­11:30 AM

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