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Name: Jenina Faith M.

Castillano Date: April 14, 2023

Course, Year & Section: BSCE -1, M11 ASSIGNMENT


1. What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and what are their
main objectives?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consists of 17 global goals that
are aimed to end poverty, protect the earth, and ensure economic growth. The main
objectives of SDGs are to end poverty, protect the planet, and guarantee that all
people enjoy peace and prosperity.

2. What is the relationship between the SDGs and the concept of sustainable
The relationship between the SDGs and the concept of sustainable
development are connected through providing a guide for achieving global
sustainable development. It shows that the SDGs are a part of a broader framework
for sustainable development that aims to strike a balance between economic,
environmental, and social factors when making decisions in order to ensure that the
needs of the present are satisfied without risking the capacity of future generations to
satisfy their own requirements.

3. How many SDGs are there and what are they called?
There are 17 global goals of SDGs and they are called the Sustainable
Development Goals.

4. What is the significance of the SDGs in shaping the global development

The significance of the SDGs in shaping the global development agenda is to
give people the chance to confront the complex problems that the world is currently
dealing with and to work toward a more fair, just, and sustainable future for all.

5. What are some of the challenges facing the implementation of the SDGs and
how can they be overcome?
Some challenges that are facing the implementation of the SDGs are the lack
of awareness and understanding, limited capacity, insufficient financial resources,
and lack of political will. These can be overcome by promoting the benefits of
sustainable development and encouraging public support for the SDGs. Such as
involving collaboration and partnerships, the use of technology, develop policies, and
educating and raising awareness among people.
6. How do the SDGs differ from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)?
The SDGs differ from the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) through their
objectives in which the SDGs aim on a broader range of issues while MDGs aim
more on the developing countries. While SDGs intend to be more comprehensive
and integrated on their targets, MDGs have a set of specific and measurable targets
for each goal.

7. How are the SDGs monitored and evaluated at the national and global
The SDGs are monitored and evaluated at the national and global levels by
reporting on their progress annually to track their progress using global indicators,
comparing them across the countries. The use of assessments are also conducted
by organizations and institutions to provide recommendations and suggestions
towards SDGs.

8. How do the SDGs prioritize different sectors such as education, health,

environment, and economic growth?
The SDGs prioritize different sectors such as education, health, environment,
and economic growth based on their importance for sustainable development,
recognizing that progress in one area can contribute to progress in others. While
each of the 17 goals is equally important, certain objectives may be prioritized over
others based on the situation and specific challenges that each nation or region is

9. How can the private sector contribute to the achievement of the SDGs?
The private sector contributes to the achievement of the SDGs through
adopting sustainable and socially responsible business practices, investing in
sustainable development projects, and establishing relationships with other

10. How can individuals contribute to the achievement of the SDGs in their
daily lives?
Individuals can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs in their daily lives
through making sustainable choices, volunteering and donating, speaking out for
change, taking part in civic duties, and assisting small companies and communities
in one’s area. Individuals may contribute to building a more sustainable and
equitable future for everyone by working jointly and taking collective action.

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