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LANDMARK CASES:................................................................................................................................3
REVIEW AND LITERATURE:.....................................................................................................................4
RESEARCH GAP:.....................................................................................................................................6
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE:...........................................................................................................................7
RESEARCH QUESTIONS:.........................................................................................................................9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:.................................................................................................................10
RESEARCH OUTCOME:.........................................................................................................................11
Chapter 1: Introduction...................................................................................................................12
Chapter 2: Analysis of Custodial Violence........................................................................................12
Chapter 3: Human Rights and Custodial Violence............................................................................12
Chapter 4: Analysing the Link between Custodial Violence and Human Rights...............................12
Chapter 5: Findings and Analysis.....................................................................................................13
Chapter 6: Discussion and Conclusion.............................................................................................13


Custodial violence refers to acts of violence or abuse that occur within the context of
custody or detention, often perpetrated by law enforcement or other state authorities against
individuals who are in their custody. These acts can include physical, psychological, or
sexual abuse, torture, or even extrajudicial killings. Custodial violence violates the basic
human rights of individuals, including their right to life, liberty, and security of person, as
well as their right to be free from torture, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or
punishment, as enshrined in various international human rights instruments, such as the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights.
This analytical study aims to examine the phenomenon of custodial violence in the context
of human rights. It seeks to explore the causes, forms, and consequences of custodial
violence, as well as the legal frameworks and international human rights standards that are
relevant to addressing and preventing such violence. The study will also delve into the
challenges and limitations in effectively addressing custodial violence, including issues
related to impunity, lack of accountability, and the need for comprehensive and coordinated
responses at various levels, from national to international.
The study will draw on existing literature, reports, case studies, and empirical data on
custodial violence and human rights from diverse sources, including academic research,
human rights organizations, and other relevant stakeholders. It will adopt an analytical
approach to critically examine the complex interplay between custodial violence and human
rights, including the underlying socio-political, legal, and cultural factors that contribute to
the persistence of this phenomenon in different contexts around the world. The study will
also explore potential strategies and best practices for preventing and addressing custodial
violence, including the role of legal and policy reforms, human rights monitoring
mechanisms, civil society advocacy, and international cooperation.
The findings of this analytical study are expected to contribute to a deeper understanding of
the issue of custodial violence and its implications for human rights. It is hoped that the
study will generate valuable insights and recommendations for policymakers, practitioners,
and advocates working to combat custodial violence and promote respect for human rights
in diverse settings.


Custodial violence refers to the abuse, torture, or violation of human rights that occur while
an individual is in custody of law enforcement agencies, such as the police or other security
forces. In India, there have been several landmark cases of custodial violence that have
raised significant concerns about human rights violations. Here are a few examples:
The Death of Manorama Devi: In 2004, Manorama Devi, a 32-year-old woman from
Manipur, was arrested by the Assam Rifles on suspicion of being associated with a militant
group. Her dead body was later found with multiple bullet wounds. This incident sparked
widespread protests in Manipur, leading to calls for justice and an end to custodial violence.
The Bilkis Bano Case: In 2002, during the Gujarat riots, Bilkis Bano, a pregnant Muslim
woman, was gang-raped and her family members were brutally murdered by a mob that
included police personnel. Bilkis Bano's case gained national and international attention,
leading to convictions of police officers and others involved in the custodial violence. The
case highlighted the issue of communal violence and custodial violence in India.
The Ishrat Jahan Case: In 2004, Ishrat Jahan, a 19-year-old girl, was killed in an alleged fake
encounter by the Gujarat police, who claimed that she was a terrorist involved in a plot to
assassinate the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi. However, subsequent
investigations raised doubts about the authenticity of the encounter and suggested that it was
a case of custodial violence. The case brought attention to extrajudicial killings and custodial
violence in India.
The Thoothukudi Police Firing: In 2018, in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, 13 protesters were
killed and many injured in police firing during a peaceful protest against a copper smelter
plant. The incident raised questions about the excessive use of force by the police, resulting
in custodial violence and violation of human rights.
The Soni Sori Case: Soni Sori, an Adivasi schoolteacher from Chhattisgarh, alleged
custodial sexual violence and torture by the police in 2011. Her case brought attention to the
issue of sexual violence against women, particularly marginalized communities, in police
These are just a few examples of landmark cases of custodial violence in India.
Unfortunately, there have been many more incidents of custodial violence and human rights
violations that often go unreported or unresolved. These cases highlight the need for
comprehensive reforms in law enforcement practices, accountability mechanisms, and
protection of human rights in India.


Custodial violence, also known as police brutality or police violence, refers to the use of
excessive force, abuse, torture, or other forms of violence by law enforcement officials
against individuals who are in custody or under their control. This disturbing phenomenon
has been a persistent human rights concern, both internationally and domestically. In this
literature review, we will examine existing literature on custodial violence and human rights,
focusing on an analytical study of this issue. In this literature review we will examine
various research paper, books, articles and journals along with other literary sources that
discuss the legal and ethical implications of custodial violence in India.
"Custodial Violence and Human Rights: An Indian Perspective" by Dr. B.B. Pande (1997)
This book provides an in-depth analysis of custodial violence in India, including its
historical background, causes, and consequences. It also delves into the legal framework,
judicial pronouncements, and human rights mechanisms related to custodial violence in
"Custodial Violence and Abuse of Police Power in India" by P.N. Bhayani (2007) is a
comprehensive analysis of the issue of custodial violence and abuse of police power in
India. The author discusses the widespread occurrence of custodial violence, including
torture, abuse, and extrajudicial killings, perpetrated by police officers in India. The book
highlights the systemic failures and deficiencies in the criminal justice system that enable
such abuse of power, including lack of accountability, impunity, and inadequate legal
safeguards for victims. The author also examines the socio-political and cultural factors that
contribute to the persistence of custodial violence in India. Overall, the book provides a
critical examination of the problem of custodial violence and calls for reforms to ensure the
protection of human rights and the rule of law in India.
Custodial Violence: A Study of Human Rights Violations in Indian Prisons" by Smita Gupta
(2010) is a comprehensive analysis of the widespread issue of custodial violence and human
rights violations in Indian prisons. The book delves into the systemic problems of abuse,
torture, and neglect faced by inmates in prisons across India, and examines the legal and
policy framework in place to safeguard their rights. Through extensive research, case
studies, and interviews, the author sheds light on the harsh realities of custodial violence and
advocates for reforms to protect the human rights of prisoners. The book serves as an
important resource for understanding the need for prison reforms in India and the urgent
need to address custodial violence as a violation of human rights.
"Custodial Violence and Torture: A Human Rights Perspective" by Praveen Kumar (2015)
explores the issue of custodial violence and torture from a human rights standpoint. The
author discusses the prevalence of such abuses in the criminal justice system and highlights
the violations of human rights that occur in custodial settings. The book sheds light on the
legal and ethical aspects of custodial violence and torture, emphasizing the need for

adherence to human rights principles and the importance of effective measures to prevent
and address these violations. Overall, the book presents a comprehensive analysis of
custodial violence and torture with a focus on human rights considerations.
"Custodial Torture and Detention in India: Legal, Ethical and Human Rights Dimensions"
edited by Dr. Mahendra Pal Singh and Dr. Sheetal Dhadial (2017)
This edited volume presents a multidisciplinary analysis of custodial torture and detention in
India. It covers various aspects such as legal, ethical, and human rights dimensions, and
includes contributions from scholars, practitioners, and human rights activists. It offers
critical insights into the prevalence, causes, and consequences of custodial violence in India.
"Policing and Human Rights: The Legitimacy of Coercive Practices in India" by Jayadev
Uyangoda (2018)
This book explores the relationship between policing and human rights in India. It critically
examines the use of coercion by law enforcement agencies, including custodial violence, and
its impact on human rights. It also discusses the challenges and prospects of police reform in
India, with a focus on human rights concerns.
"Torture in India 2019: An Instrument of State Terror" is a report published by the Asian
Centre for Human Rights in 2019. It highlights the issue of torture in India, stating that it is
being used as a tool of state terror. The report documents cases of torture perpetrated by state
authorities, including the police and security forces, and highlights the lack of accountability
and impunity for perpetrators. It sheds light on the systemic and widespread nature of torture
in India and calls for urgent measures to address this human rights violation.
"Custodial Justice and Human Rights in India: An Analytical Study" by P.K. Chaubey (2017)
- This scholarly work critically examines the issue of custodial violence in India, analyzing
the legal framework, cases, and challenges related to human rights violations in the custodial
"Unheard Voices: Stories of Forgotten Lives" by Harsh Mander (2007) - This book presents
the narratives of marginalized and vulnerable individuals, including victims of custodial
violence, police brutality, and human rights violations, shedding light on their struggles for
justice and accountability.
"Bhais and Bhagwans: Notes from a Prison Journal" by V. Venkatesan (2016) - This memoir
provides a firsthand account of the author's experience as an undertrial prisoner in India,
revealing the harsh realities of custodial violence, torture, and human rights violations within
the prison system.
"The Hanging of Afzal Guru and the Strange Case of the Attack on the Indian Parliament"
by Arundhati Roy (2015) - This book discusses the controversial execution of Afzal Guru, a
Kashmiri man who was accused of being involved in a terrorist attack on the Indian
Parliament. The book explores the issue of custodial violence and human rights abuses in the
context of the conflict in Kashmir.

"Broken People: Caste Violence Against India's 'Untouchables'" by Anand Teltumbde (2018)
- This book discusses the issue of custodial violence against Dalits (the lowest caste in the
Indian social hierarchy) in India.


Lack of Data: One potential research gap in the field of custodial violence and human rights
is the lack of comprehensive and reliable data on incidents of custodial violence. Data
collection on custodial violence can be challenging due to issues such as underreporting,
lack of transparency, and reluctance of victims and witnesses to come forward. Conducting
research to identify gaps in data collection and exploring ways to improve data quality and
accessibility could be a valuable contribution to the field.
Legal and Policy Frameworks: Another potential research gap is the analysis of existing
legal and policy frameworks that govern custodial violence and human rights. Research
could investigate the effectiveness of current laws, regulations, and policies in preventing
custodial violence, holding perpetrators accountable, and providing remedies and reparations
to victims. Additionally, research could explore the implementation and enforcement of
existing legal and policy frameworks and identify gaps, challenges, and best practices in
ensuring compliance with human rights standards.
Psychological Impact on Victims: Custodial violence can have severe psychological impacts
on victims, including trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and
other mental health issues. However, there may be limited research that examines the
psychological impact of custodial violence on victims and their families. Conducting
research to understand the psychological consequences of custodial violence and exploring
interventions to support victims' mental health and well-being could be an important area of
Impact of Technology: With the advent of technology, custodial violence can occur in the
form of digital surveillance, cyber torture, or other technologically facilitated means.
However, research on the impact of technology on custodial violence and human rights is
relatively limited. Exploring the intersection of technology and custodial violence, including
issues related to privacy, data protection, and accountability, could be a significant research
gap to address.


Examine the nature and extent of custodial violence: This involves collecting data on
incidents of custodial violence, including the types of violence, who perpetrates them, and
who is most likely to be targeted.
Analyze the causes of custodial violence: This involves exploring the underlying factors that
contribute to custodial violence, such as lack of training and resources for law enforcement,
corruption, and cultural attitudes towards law enforcement and criminal justice.
Evaluate the impact of custodial violence on human rights: This involves assessing the
physical, psychological, and emotional harm that custodial violence causes to victims, their
families, and society as a whole.
Identify best practices for preventing and addressing custodial violence: This involves
researching and analyzing successful strategies and policies that have been implemented to
prevent custodial violence and provide redress for victims.


Custodial violence refers to the use of excessive force, torture, or abuse by law enforcement
personnel against individuals who are in their custody, including police stations, prisons, or
other detention facilities.
Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that every individual is entitled to,
regardless of their nationality, race, religion, or any other status, as recognized by
international human rights instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which India is a signatory.
The hypothesis posits that custodial violence in India is a violation of human rights, as it
involves the abuse of power, denial of due process, and disregard for the dignity and well-
being of individuals in custody.


 What are the causes and contributing factors of custodial violence in India?
 What are the various forms of custodial violence prevalent in India, and how do they
violate human rights?
 How do gender, caste, religion, and other identity markers intersect with custodial
violence in India, and what are the differential impacts on marginalized


Identify the research question and objectives: The first step is to clearly define the research
question and objectives of the study. For example, the research question could be: "What is
the prevalence and nature of custodial violence in India and its impact on human rights?"
Literature review: The next step is to conduct a thorough literature review to identify
previous research on the topic, including academic articles, books, government reports, and
other relevant sources.
Design the research approach: Based on the research question and literature review, the
researcher should design an appropriate research approach, which could include qualitative,
quantitative, or mixed methods.
Sampling and data collection: The researcher should identify a suitable sample of
participants or sources of data, depending on the research approach. For instance, if using a
survey method, the researcher should identify a representative sample of individuals who
have been victims of custodial violence or have knowledge about the issue.
Data analysis: The collected data should be analyzed using appropriate statistical or
qualitative analysis techniques to draw meaningful conclusions from the data.
Ethical considerations: Throughout the research process, the researcher should adhere to
ethical principles and guidelines, such as informed consent, confidentiality, and protection of
human subjects.
Interpretation and conclusion: The final step is to interpret the findings and draw conclusions
that address the research question and objectives. The researcher should also discuss the
implications of the findings and make recommendations for future research or policy


In India, custodial violence and human rights have been topics of concern and research due
to reported cases of abuse and violations. Analytical studies on this issue have yielded
several outcomes, including:
Prevalence of custodial violence: Research has shown that custodial violence is a persistent
issue in India, with reported cases of torture, ill-treatment, and deaths in custody. The
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India has received complaints of custodial
violence, and various human rights organizations and civil society groups have documented
cases of abuse and violations.
Vulnerable groups: Studies have highlighted that certain groups, such as marginalized
communities, religious minorities, and economically disadvantaged individuals, are often
disproportionately affected by custodial violence in India. This raises concerns about
discrimination, bias, and the need for protection of the rights of vulnerable populations.
Lack of accountability and impunity: Research has pointed to the lack of accountability and
impunity for custodial violence in India. This includes issues such as the failure to hold
perpetrators accountable, inadequate investigation and prosecution of cases, and lack of
redressal mechanisms for victims and their families.
Violation of international human rights standards: Studies have highlighted that custodial
violence in India often violates international human rights standards, including the
prohibition of torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and the right to
a fair trial. This underscores the need for adherence to human rights principles and standards
in custodial settings.
Need for reforms: Analytical studies have called for reforms in India's criminal justice
system to prevent custodial violence and protect human rights. This includes measures such
as improving police training and accountability, ensuring access to legal representation and
medical care for detainees, strengthening oversight mechanisms, and promoting awareness
and sensitization about human rights among law enforcement officials.
It is important to note that custodial violence and human rights are complex and multi-
faceted issues that require further research, advocacy, and action to address effectively. It is
crucial to ensure that the rights and dignity of all individuals, including those in custody, are
protected, and that accountability is upheld to prevent custodial violence and promote
human rights in India.


Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background and context of custodial violence and human rights
1.2 Research questions and objectives
1.3 Literature review
1.4 Review of relevant literature on custodial violence and human rights.
1.5 Review of empirical studies on custodial violence and human rights.
1.6 Research Gaps
Research Methodology

Chapter 2: Analysis of Custodial Violence

2.1 Overview of custodial violence
2.2 Types of custodial violence
2.3 Factors contributing to custodial violence
2.4 Impacts of custodial violence on victims and society
2.5 Legal and policy frameworks addressing custodial violence
2.6 Case studies and examples of custodial violence

Chapter 3: Human Rights and Custodial Violence

3.1 Understanding human rights and their relevance in the context of custodial violence
3.2 National legal and policy frameworks on human rights and custodial violence
3.3 Challenges and barriers in protecting human rights in custodial settings
3.4 Role of civil society organizations, human rights institutions, and other stakeholders in
addressing custodial violence

Chapter 4: Analysing the Link between Custodial Violence and Human Rights
4.1 Relationship between custodial violence and human right.
4.2 Impact of custodial violence on the enjoyment of human right.

4.3 Factors contributing to the violation of human rights in custodial setting.
4.4 Legal and policy responses to prevent custodial violence and protect human right.
4.5 Case studies and examples illustrating the link between custodial violence and human

Chapter 5: Findings and Analysis

5.1 Presentation and analysis of the research findings
5.2 Interpretation of the findings in the context of custodial violence and human rights
5.3 Discussion of the findings in relation to the research questions and objectives

Chapter 6: Discussion and Conclusion

6.1 Summary of the main findings
6.2 Discussion of the implications of the findings for theory, policy, and practice
6.3Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research
6.4 Conclusion, including a recap of the main points and recommendations for addressing
custodial violence and promoting human rights.


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