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to the succession are transmitted from the moment of death of

Chapter 1: General Provisions Danilo Suarez et. Al. V. CA (GR 94918)
Concept of Succession The law in point is Article 777 of the Civil Code, the
Elements of Succession law applicable at the time of the institution of the case. "The
When Succession opens rights to the succession are transmitted from the moment of
Cases the death of the decedent."
Spouses Isidro R. Salitico and Conrada Salitico v. Heirs The latter may freely dispose of the remaining half,
Resurreccion (GR 240199) subject to the rights of illegitimate children and of the surviving
Article 777 of the Civil Code, which is substantive spouse as hereinafter provided."
law, states that the rights of the inheritance are transmitted Thus, from the foregoing, the legitime of the surviving
from the moment of the death of the decedent. Article 777 spouse is equal to the legitime of each child.
operates at the very moment of the decedent's death meaning Petitioners became co-owners of the property not
that the transmission by succession occurs at the precise because of their mother but through their own right as children
moment of death and, therefore, at that precise time, the heir of their deceased father. Therefore, petitioners are not barred
is already legally deemed to have acquired ownership of in any way from instituting the action to annul the auction sale
his/her share in the inheritance, "and not at the time of to protect their own interest.
declaration of heirs, or partition, or distribution.
As applied to the instant case, upon the death of CHAPTER 2: Testamentary Succession
Amanda, Resurreccion became the absolute owner of the SECTION 1. WILLS
devised subject property, subject to a resolutory condition that
upon settlement of Amanda's Estate, the devise is not SUBSECTION 1. WILLS IN GENERAL
declared inofficious or excessive.
Therefore, as a consequence of the valid contract of Article 774. Succession is a mode of acquisition by virtue
sale entered into by the parties, Resurreccion had the of which the property, rights and obligations to the extent
obligation to deliver the subject property to the petitioners Sps. of the value of the inheritance, of a person are transmitted
Salitico. through his death to another or others either by his will or
by operation of the law.
Nacar v. Nistal (L-3306)
Indeed, although respondent Japitana may have a TERMINOLOGIES
legal right to recover an indebtedness due him, petitioner ● Decedent
Nicanor Nacar has no correlative legal duty to pay the debt for ● Testator/Testatrix
the simple reason that there is nothing in the complaint to ● Administrator/Administratrix
show that he incurred the debt or had anything to do with the ● Executor/Executrix
creation of the liability. ● Inheritance – property or right acquired
Vasquez, J. (Concurring) ● Succession – a mode of acquisition
Under these facts, the filing of an ordinary action to ● Legatees
recover said claim is not allowed in any court. Even if ● Devisees
settlement proceedings had been taken to settle the estate of ● Compulsory heir
Isabelo Nacar, the suit to recover the claim of the private ● Voluntary heir
respondents may not be filed against the administrator or
Anderson v. Perkins (L-15388) Article. 783. A will is an act whereby a person is
There is, however, a serious obstacle to the proposed permitted, with the formalities prescribed by law, to
sale, namely, the vigorous opposition presented thereto the control to a certain degree the disposition of his estate, to
appellant, the surviving spouse of the deceased, on the take effect after his death.
ground that she is allegedly entitled to a large portion of the
personal properties in question, either because the were ● The making of a will is a statutory right.
conjugal property of herself and the deceased, or because ● Allows the testator “to control to a certain degree the
they are her own, exclusive, personal property. disposition of his estate after his death.”
Indeed the records show that up to the time the
propose sale was asked for and judicially approved, no Article 777. The rights to the succession are transmitted
proceeding had as yet been taken, or even started, to from the moment of death of the decedent.
segregate the alleged exclusive property of the
oppositor-appellant from the mass of the estate supposedly REQUISITES FOR SUCCESSION MORTIS CAUSA:
left by the deceased or to liquidate the conjugal partnership 1. Death (actual or presumed)
property of the oppositor-appellant and the deceased. 2. Rights or properties that are transmissible
Until, therefore the issue of the ownership of the 3. Transferee (must be living, i.e. no predecease; no
properties sought to be sold is heard and decided, and the repudiation; no incapacity)
conjugal partnership liquidated; or, at least, an agreement be
reached with a appellant as to which properties of the conjugal PRESUMPTION OF DEATH
partnership she would not mind being sold to preserve their 1. Ordinary presumption of death (no probability of death)
value the proposed sale is clearly premature. ● 10 years
● Absentee disappears under normal conditions – 10
Maria Vda. De Reyes, et al v. CA (GR 92436) years;
In the case at bar, the lot sold by Rafael Reyes, Sr. to ● If the person aged 75 disappears – 5 years
private respondent Dalmacio Gardiola is his share in the 2. Extraordinary presumption of death or qualified
estate of his deceased father, Gavino Reyes. absence (with probability of death
But even if We are to assume arguendo that the oral ● 4 years
partition executed in 1936 was not valid for some reason or ● Missing airplane, lost vessel, military missing
another, We would still arrive at the same conclusion for upon because of war, etc
the death of Gavino Reyes in 1921, his heirs automatically
became co-owners of his 70-hectare parcel of land. The rights REAPPEARANCE

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


● In case of the person reappears, he recovers his 8. It is revocable or ambulatory.

property/properties but not the fruits or rent thereof. 9. It disposes of the estate partially or totally


● Prior to a person’s death, his heirs merely have an ● A will cannot be subject of a compromise agreement as it
inchoate right to his property. Therefore, during his defeats the purpose of making a will
lifetime, the heirs have no right of disposition or ● Testator’s wishes must be strictly followed.
alienation over said properties. Tordilla v. Tordilla,
60 Phil 162 AMBIGUITY (Art. 788-794)

Q: Can an heir dispose of his share in the estate pending LATENT OR INTRINSIC PATENT OR EXTRINSIC
● A: Yes. The property is no longer “future property ✔ Does not appear on the ✔ Appears on the will;
will; ✔ No need for extrinsic
Note: Future inheritance cannot be sold ✔ Discovered using evidence;
extrinsic evidence ✔ Ex: I institute some of
Q: Is the donation of property after the decedent’s death ✔ Ex. I hereby give this my relatives. Here, it is
but before a judicial declaration of heirship valid? property to my sister. It obvious that the
● A: Yes, it is not a donation of future inheritance. turns our there are two institution is unclear
Osorio vs. Osorio and Ynchausti, 41 Phil 531 sisters. → “To all the men I’ve
loved before...” = sino
Ambiguity is not seen on the Ambiguity is seen on the will
Q: When does estate tax accrue? Is it at the moment of will
decedent’s death or at the time the heirs possess the How to cure: Extrinsic Evidence
● A: At the time of decedent’s death Note: Testacy is preferred over intestacy only when the will is
Note: The date the inheritance tax (now referred to as estate
tax) is distinct from the date on which it must be paid. AFTER-ACQUIRED PROPERTIES
(Lorenzo vs. Posadas, 64 Phil. 353)
Article 793. Property acquired after the making of a will
Q: Wife and children survive the decedent. Wife sells shall only pass thereby, as if the testator had possessed it
conjugal property. Valid? at the time of making the will, should it expressly appear
● A: Yes, but only insofar as her share is concerned. by the will that such was his intention.
As to the shares of her children, sale is invalid.
● Reason: Children acquired the properties at the Example:
moment of decedent’s death (and not at the time of ● In 2010 T made a will disposing of all his five (5)
the judicial declaration of heirship). Ibarie vs. Po. beach resorts and giving the same to his mentor.
L-5046, Feb. 27, 1953 From 2010 to 2014, T acquired four (4) more beach
resorts. T died in January of 2015. How many
KINDS OF SUCCESSION beach resorts will the mentor get?
o Answer: Only 5. The other 4 are after
Article 778. Succession may be: acquired properties. These properties will
1. Testamentary; go to the compulsory heirs by intestate
2. Legal or intestate; or succession.
3. Mixed
NOTE: 2 more kinds of succession:
Article 794. Every devise or legacy shall convey all the
4. Compulsory or forced succession – where the interest which the testator could devise or bequeath in the
decedent is compelled to give the heirs their property disposed of, unless it clearly appears from the
legitimes; heirs, however, are free to refuse will that he intended to convey a less interest.
5. Contractual succession
Note: The entire interest of the Testator in the property is
WILLS Example:
● T bequeaths to A his car. A conveys ownership of
Article 783. A will is an act whereby a person is the car and not mere usufruct.
permitted, with the formalities prescribed by law, to
control to a certain degree the disposition of his estate, to VALIDITY OF THE WILL
take effect after his death.
▪ Refers to the form ▪ Refers to the legality of
1. Making a will is a statutory right.
▪ Ex. Need for a valid the terms/provisions
● Testator is allowed “to control to a certain
attestation clause ▪ Ex. Provisions must not
degree the disposition of is estate after his
impair legitimes
2. It is a unilateral act. ▪ Law at the time of the ▪ Law at the time of the
3. It is a solemn or formal act. EXECUTION OF THE TESTATOR’S DEATH
4. There must be animus testandi. WILL
5. Testator must be capacitated.
6. It is a personal act. Felix Azuela v. CA, Geralda Aida Castillo,
7. It is effective mortis causa. substituted by Ernesto Castillo (GR 12280)

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


The notarial will did not comply with the D) Due execution of the last will and testament.
requirements of the law. Intrinsic validity is another matter and
The attestation clause fails to state the questions regarding the same may still be raised
number of pages of the will. Such purpose is to even after the will has been authenticated.
safeguard against possible interpolation or omission If the will is extrinsically void, the rules of
of one or some of its pages and to prevent and to intestacy apply regardless of the intrinsic validity
prevent any increase or decrease in the pages. thereof.
The attestation clause was not signed by
the instrumental witnesses. Art. 805 particularly Extrinsic validity - formal requirements
segregates the requirement that the instrumental Instrinsic validity - dispositions
witnesses sign each page of the will, from the Absent one of those two, the will is invalid
requisite that the will be “attested and subscribed by
the instrumental witnesses.
A notarial will that is not acknowledged AS TO FORMALITIES: EXTRINSIC VALIDITY
before a notary public by the testator and the Kinds of Testator:
witnesses is fatally defective, even if it is 1. T is a FILIPINO
subscribed and sworn to before a notary public. a) Philippine Law - [Arts. 804- 814]
The decedent failed to sign both pages of b) Country where he may be [Art. 815]
the will on the left margin, her only signature c) Country where he executes the will- [Art. 17 lex loci
appearing at the so-called “logical end” of the will celebrationis]
on its first page.
Testate Estate of Edward Christensen Aznar v. a) Law of his domicile
Christensen Garcia (L-6759) b) national law
Philippine law is to be applied, not the c) Philippine law [Art. 816]
law of California. d) Law of the place of execution (Art. 17, par 1)/ Lex loci
The court of domicile cannot and should not celebrationis
refer the case back to California; such action would ** mnemonic: Di Na Po Love or Do Not Leave Please
leave the issue incapable of determination because
the case will then be like a football, tossed back and Q: The Rock is American Citizen, domiciled in Bahamas, he
forth between the two states, between the country of flies to Santorini, Greece. From Greece, he went to
which the decedent was a citizen and the country of Switzerland where he made his will. Then he went to France
his domicile. The Philippine court must apply its own for sight seeing. He came to the Philippines, he wants his will
law as directed in the conflict of law rule of the state probated in the PH. What country’s law will apply in the
of the decedent, if the question has to be decided, extrinsic validity of The Rock’s will?
especially as the application of the internal law of ANS: Bahamas, America, Switzerland, Philippines.
California provides no legitime for children; while the
Philippine law makes natural children legally Q: If inconsistent with extrinsic validity of PH laws, shall we
acknowledged forced heirs of the parent recognizing strike the will invalid?
them. A: Yes
Following the renvoi doctrine, the question
of validity of the testamentary provision in question 3. T is an ALIEN IN THE PHILIPPINES
should be referred back to the law of the decedent’s a) Law of his nationality
domicile, which is the Philippines. b) Philippine law
Remember: MVP Stephen Curry, Katy Perry, George
Bellis v. Bellis (L23678) Clooney
The national law of the deceased, that is,
the Texas law, should apply in this case.
Art. 16, par. 2, and Art. 1039 of the Civil Example: Alien abroad
Code , render applicable the national law of the ● An Australian, domiciled in France, is en route to
decedent, in intestate or testamentary successions, Switzerland. He has a 5 hour lay over in Spain.
with regard to four (4) items: a) order of succession; While in the airport (Spain), he makes a will. What
b) amount of successional rights; c) intrinsic validity country’s/countries’ formalities should he observe to
of the will; and d) capacity to succeed. make sure that the will is valid as to its form?
Art. 17 Par. 3 of the NCC is NOT an o Answer: This is a case of an ALIEN
exception to Art. 16 par. 2. Congress has specifically ABROAD. He can apply the formalities
chosen to leave the amount of successional rights to prescribed in the following places. Hence,
the decedent’s national law. apply Di Na Po Love:
A provision in a foreigner’s will to the effect 1. France (Domicile)
that his properties shall be distributed in accordance 2. Australia (Nationality)
with Philippine law and not his national law, is illegal 3. Philippines
and void. 4. Spain (Lex loci celebrationis)

Lourdes Dorotheo v. CA, Nilda Quintana, et al. Example: Alien in the Philippines
(GR 108581) ● A Korean who has a Korean Restaurant in Manila
It does not necessarily follow that an has been residing in the Philippines for 15 years now.
extrinsically valid last will and testament is always She intends to make a will. What country’s/countries’
intrinsically valid. Probate proceedings deal generally formalities must she observe?
with the extrinsic validity of the will sought to be ● Answer:
probated. Such proceedings focus on these aspects: 1. Korea (nationality) [Art. 817 – lex nationalii]
A) Whether the will submitted is indeed, the decedent’s 2. Philippines [Art 17 – lex loci]
last will and testament;
B) Compliance with the prescribed formalities for the Garcia v. La Cuesta (L-4067)
execution of wills;
C) Testamentary capacity of the testator;

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


The attestation is fatally defective for its failure to trustworthiness of a thumbmark so it is not considered as a
state that Antero or the testator caused Atty. Javier to write the valid signature.
former’s name under his express direction.
Taboada v. Rosal
If signing of the cross is customary - still valid The objects of attestation and subscription were fully
met and satisfied in the present case when the instrumental
The Attestation Clause (WILL BE IN THE MT; To witnesses signed at the left margin of the sole page which
make an attestation clause) contains all the testamentary dispositions.
- a notarial will has 8 requirements: The failure of the attestation clause to state the
- 7th requirement number of pages used in writing the will would have been a
- Made by the three witnesses which states that: fatal defect were it not for the fact that it is really and actually
“we, witnesses, in this will of legal age, residence, composed of only two pages duly signed by the testatrix and
respectively hereby attest to the ff facts: her instrumental witnesses.
1. Consists of X pages including this attestation clause
and the acknowledgement; Nera v. Remando
a) If this is not indicated, it will be a fatal defect which The execution and signing of the will was made in the
renders the will invalid --> intestacy presence of the testator and of one another.
b) Substantial compliance: Somewhere in the will The true test of presence of the testator and the
itself, the # of pages is indicated witnesses in the execution of the will is whether they might
i. Putting the # of pages in the Judicial affidavit - have seen each other sign had they chosen to do so
NOT VALID NOR A SUBSTANTIAL considering the mental and physical condition at the time of
COMPLIANCE; cannot be an evidence inscription of each signature.
aliunde; outside of the will
2. (All about the testator) The testator signed the will in AS TO LEGALITY OF PROVISIONS: INTRINSIC VALIDITY
our presence / of the 3 credible witnesses ● NATIONAL LAW of the testator governs
a) (IF SIGNED BY ANOTHER AS ● Regardless of the place of execution of the law or of
REPRESENTATIVE) Signed by __ in the presence the place of death of the testator
of testator upon the express direction of the testator
and in the presence of the witnesses. BELLIS VS BELLIS
3. (Refers to the witnesses) “We the witnesses signed ● Facts: T was a citizen and resident of Texas who had
in the presence of the testator” and “and of each other” illegitimate children in the Philippines. He had two
- the record of the facts of the will for the purpose of wills one disposing of his properties in Texas and the
preventing fraud other disposing of his properties in the Philippines.
He had recognized illegitimate children in the
Yap Tua v. Yap Ka Kuan (1914) Philippines but were not given anything in the will.
If Tomasa signed any portion of her name in the will, Texas had no conflict of law rules. Also, Texan law
with the intention to sign the same, that will amount to a did not have compulsory heirs. His will stated that
signature. the Philippine properties be distributed in accordance
It has been held that one who makes a will may sign with Philippine laws and not with his own national
the same by using a mark, the name having been written by law.
others. If writing a mark simply upon a will is a sufficient ● Issue: W/N said provision is valid.
indication of the intention of the person to make and execute a ● Held: Not valid. It is void. Said provision
will, then certainly the writing of a portion or all of her name contravenes Art/ 16, par.2 of the NCC.
ought to be accepted as a clear indication of her intention to
execute the will. CHRISTENSEN CASE (RENVOI)
The actual seeing of signatures made is not ● Facts: Edward Christensen was born in NY but
necessary. It is sufficient if the signatures are made where it is acquired citizenship in CA when he resided there
possible for each of the necessary parties, if they desire to from 1904-1913. He came to the Philippines and
see, may see the signatures placed upon the will. resided here despite frequent visits to CA.
● He executed a will in Manila on March 5, 1951. He
● Last name only - invalid had a lone acknowledged natural child named Maria
● First name - valid Lucy Christensen who was deprived of legitime per
● Exception to the page requirement in the attestation Christensen’s will.
clause; here there were only 2 pages in the will ● Issue: What law should govern the intrinsic validity of
the will in the light of the renvoi doctrine, CA law or
Abangan v. Abangan Philippine law?
The will is extrinsically valid and there is substantial ● Held: “Reason demands that We should enforce the
compliance with the formalities required by law. California internal law for prescribed for its citizens
A will consisting of two sheets the first of which residing therein, and enforce the conflict of law rules
contains all the testamentary dispositions and is signed at the law for the citizens domiciled abroad. If we must
bottom by the testator and three witnesses and the second enforce the law of California as in comity we are
contains only the attestation clause and is signed also at the bound to do so, as so declared in Art. 16 of our Civil
bottom by the three witnesses, it is not necessary that both Code, then we must enforce the law of California in
sheets be further signed on their margins by the testator and accordance with the express mandate thereof and as
the witnesses, or be paged. above explained, i.e., apply the internal law for
residents therein, and its conflict of laws rule for
Garcia v. Lacuesta those domiciled abroad.
The attestation clause in the will is not valid. It is ● The conflict of law rule in California, Article 946, Civil
fatally defective for its failure to state that Antero or the Code, precisely refers back the case, when a
testator caused Atty. Javier to write the former’s name under decedent is not domiciled in California, to the law of
his express direction. his domicile, the Philippines in the case at bar. The
On the cross affixed on the will by the testator, the court of the domicile cannot and should not refer the
Court held that it is not prepared to liken the mere sign of a case back to California; such action will leave the
cross to a thumbmark for the cross does not have the issue incapable of determination because the case
will then be like football, tossed back and forth

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


between the two states, between the country of which ● If foreigners execute a joint will abroad and it is valid
the decedent was a citizen and the country of his in the place of execution in accordance with Art. 816,
domicile. the same shall be considered valid here.
● The Philippine Court must apply its own law as ● If foreigners execute a joint will in the Philippines, the
directed in the conflict of law rule of the state of the will is VOID.
decedent, if the question has to be decided,
especially as the application of the internal law of ● Look at who are making the joint wills
California provides no legitime for children while the ● There can only be 4 questions revolving around joint wills
Philippine law, Arts. 887 (4) and 894, Civil Code of Q1.) 2 Filipinos joint will in PH? Invalid. Art. 818
the Philippines, makes natural children legally Q2.) 2 Filipinos joint will in France? Invalid. Art. 818 &
acknowledged forced heirs of the parent recognizing 819; Lex loci celebrationis not applicable.
them.” (Christensen Case) Q3.) Foreign couple joint will in PH? Invalid; Public
Llorente v. CA Q4.) Foreign couple joint will in Italy? Valid. Art. 816;
The Court remanded the cases to the court lex loci celebrationis is applicable.
of origin for determination of the intrinsic validity of
Lorenzo Llorente’s will and determination of the Alsua-Betts v. CA (L-4643031)
parties’ successional rights allowing proof of foreign There was no violation of the law regarding
law. the prohibition of joint wills.
It must be stressed here that the distribution
Bellis v. Bellis of the properties of Doña Tinay was subject to her
The national law of the deceased, that is, holographic will and codicil of Don Jesus executed by
the Texas law, should apply in this case. him on the same date. Otherwise, to consider both
Art. 16, par. 2, and Art. 1039 of the Civil wills and codicils jointly would be to circumvent the
Code , render applicable the national law of the prohibition of the Civil Code on joint wills and
decedent, in intestate or testamentary successions, secondly because upon the death of Dona Tinay, only
with regard to four (4) items: a) order of succession; her estate was being settled, and not that of Don
b) amount of successional rights; c) intrinsic validity Jesus.
of the will; and d) capacity to succeed.
Art. 17 Par. 3 of the NCC is NOT an
exception to Art. 16 par. 2. Congress has specifically SUBSECTION 2. TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY AND INTENT
chosen to leave the amount of successional rights to
the decedent’s national law. REQUISITES OF TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY:
A provision in a foreigner’s will to the effect 1. T not prohibited by law to make a will [Art. 796];
that his properties shall be distributed in accordance 2. T is at least 18 years of age [Art. 797]; and
with Philippine law and not his national law, is illegal 3. T is of sound mind at the time of the execution of
and void. the will [Art. 798]

Cayetano v. Leonidas SOUNDNESS OF MIND

The will is valid.
The intrinsic validity of the will normally Article 799. To be of sound mind, it is not necessary that
comes only after the court has declared that the will the testator be in full possession of all his reasoning
has been duly authenticated. Capacity to succeed is faculties, or that his mind be wholly unbroken,
governed by the law of the nation of the decedent. unimpaired, or unshattered by disease, injury or other
● What is the difference between the Aznar and Bellis It shall be sufficient if the testator was able at the
case? time of making the will to know the nature of estate,
- Variation of decedents’ citizenship and residency proper objects of his bounty, and character of the
- Reference of the law testamentary act
● Art. 16 -> Law of the nationality of the testator IMPORTANT:
● 2 laws of succession in CA 1. Nature of the estate – what the T is giving
■ Law of CA 2. Proper objects of his bounty – recipients of T’s
■ Law of domicile abroad bounty; persons to whom T is giving
● Renvoi doctrine was applied 3. Character of the testamentary act – ambulatory
[BELLIS] and revocable
● Did not apply the renvoi doctrine
● Used the law of the nationality ● “Between the highest degree of soundness of mind
and memory which unquestionably carries with it full
testamentary capacity, and that degrees of mental
JOINT WILLS aberration generally known as insanity or idiocy,
there are numberless degrees of mental capacity or
Art. 818. Two or more persons cannot make a will jointly, incapacity and while on one hand it has been held
or in the same instrument, either for their reciprocal that mere weakness of mind, or partial imbecility from
benefit or for the benefit of a third person. disease of body, or from age, will not render a person
incapable of making a will; a weak or feebleminded
● Joint wills are VOID whether they are reciprocal or person may make a valid will, provided he has
not. understanding and memory sufficient to enable him
● If the will is executed by Filipinos, regardless where to know what he is about to do and how or to whom
they execute the same, the will is VOID due to public he is disposing; it is not necessary that the mind be
policy. unbroken or unimpaired or unshattered by disease or
otherwise. It has been held that testamentary
capacity does not necessarily require that a person

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


shall actually be insane or of unsound mind.” Ortega The will has been executed free from
vs. Valmonte, G.R. No. 157451, December 16, 2005 falsification, fraud, trickery or undue influence, with
citing Alsua Betts vs. CA , 92 SCRA 332 (1979) Olivia having testamentary capacity.

PRESUMPTION OF SOUNDNESS OF MIND Heirs of Sanson v. CA and Hernandez

Article 842 of the Civil Code provides that
Article 800. The law presumes that every person is of one who has no compulsory heirs may dispose by
sound mind, in the absence of proof to the contrary. will of all his estate or any part of it in favor of any
person having capacity to succeed. It is within the
The burden of proof that the testator was not of sound right of the testatrix not to include her only sister who
mind at the time of the making of the dispositions is on is not a compulsory heir in her will.
the person who opposes the probate of the will, but if the The Court does not subscribe to the
testator, one month or less, before making the will was contention of the petitioner that the testatrix was of
publicly known to be insane, the person who maintains unsound mind when the latter failed to dispose of all
the validity of the will must prove that the testator made it of her estate. Art. 841 of the Code provides that “a
during a lucid interval. will shall be valid even though it should not contain
an institution of an heir, or such institution should not
comprise the entire estate, and even though the
SUPERVENING INCAPACITY AND SUPERVENING person so instituted should not accept the inheritance
CAPACITY or should be incapacitated to succeed. In such cases,
the testamentary dispositions made in accordance
Article. 801. Supervening incapacity does not invalidate with law shall be complied with and the remainder of
an effective will, nor is the will of an incapable validated the estate shall pass to the legal heirs. Thus, the fact
by the supervening of capacity. that in her holographic will, testatrix disposed of only
11 of her real properties does not invalidate the will,
FORMS OF WILLS or is it an indication that the testatrics was of unsound
o With an attestation clause and
o Acknowledgment before a notary public
o Entirely handwritten,
o and Signed by the T
Article 805. Every will, other than a holographic will, must
Q: Can a person make a holographic will using his be subscribed at the end thereof by the testator himself or
foot? by the testator's name written by some other person in his
A: Yes, Art. 810 of CC. What the law requires is the presence, and by his express direction, and attested and
Personal distinctiveness, genuineness, and subscribed by three or more credible witnesses in the
authenticity of the testator; there is still compliance presence of the testator and of one another.
with the law.
The testator or the person requested by him to write his
Q: How about using a mouth? name and the instrumental witnesses of the will, shall
A: Same siz. also sign, as aforesaid, each and every page thereof,
except the last, on the left margin, and all the pages shall
Lim v. Chinco (GR 33592) be numbered correlatively in letters placed on the upper
The testimony of the witnesses is convincing part of each page.
to the effect that the patient was in a continuous state
of coma during the entire period of her stay in The attestation shall state the number of pages used upon
Meycauayan subsequent to the attact, and that on which the will is written, and the fact that the testator
the forenoon of June 5, 1929, she did not have signed the will and every page thereof, or caused some
sufficient command of her faculties to enable her to other person to write his name, under his express
do any valid act. direction, in the presence of the instrumental witnesses,
Upon the statement of the witness that the and that the latter witnessed and signed the will and all
patient was unable to utter intelligent speech, the the pages thereof in the presence of the testator and of
paper offered for probate was properly disallowed. one another.
If the attestation clause is in a language not known to the
Barrera v. Tanjoco (L-5263) witnesses, it shall be interpreted to them.
It is not necessary that said will be read
upon its signing and in the presence of the witnesses. REQUIREMENTS OF A NOTARIAL WILL
The discrepancy relates to an insignificant matter 1. In writing
which cannot vitally retract from the credibility of Atty. 2. In a language known the testator
Puno to the effect that upon arrival at the house of o This need not be indicated on the face of the
Olivia Villapaña at about noon, he read the will to her will
with a view to finding whether she was agreeable 3. Subscribed by the testator himself or by the
thereto. testator’s name written by another person in his
It is true that Salvador Tanedo was already presence, and by his express direction.
dead and the testatrix knew about it, but it is not o T must sign at the logical end
uncommon for a woman of old age, conffused by the o First name only – valid
big number of her relatives to commit mistake of o Thumbmark, cross, initials – Valid provided
unwittingly mentioning a deaadone. With respect to the T intends this to be his signature
the instituted heir, Marcelo Villapaña, while it appears o If T cannot write his name, another person
that Olivia did not have a grandson answering to that may do so provided:
name, there is evidence tending to shoe that 1) It is done in the presence of T; and
Pioquinto Villapana, a child of Ruperta Pineda, must 2) It is by T’s express direction.
have been referred to.

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


🡪 person should not be one of the three

instrumental witnesses; person does not o Q: Attestation clause states that the
have to sign his/her own name; cannot put witnesses signed in the presence of the T
his/her name instead of the T’s but is quiet as to whether or not the
4. Attested and subscribed by three or more witnesses signed in the presence of each
witnesses in the presence of the testator and of other. Is the will valid?
each other ▪ A:
o Attest – to affirm to be true or genuine; to ____________________________
authenticate officially ________
o Subscribe – to write one’s name
o In the presence – not physical presence ● NB: Commit to memory arts 804 to 809 of NCC for
but POSSIBILITY OF SEEING WITHOUT the Requisites of a notarial will
Different scenarios (curtain, Article 804. Every will must be in writing and executed in a
hallway, looking at a passing language or dialect known to the testator.
5. Marginal Signatures. The testator or the person Article 805. Every will, other than a holographic will, must
asked by him to write his name AND the instrumental be subscribed at the end thereof by the testator himself or
witnesses shall sign each and every page of the will by the testator's name written by some other person in his
except the last, on the left margin presence, and by his express direction, and attested and
o Signatures appear on the last page already. subscribed by three or more credible witnesses in the
o Failure to comply with this is a FATAL presence of the testator and of one another.
DEFECT and renders the will VOID.
o The purpose of this requirement is to The testator or the person requested by him to write his
PREVENT FRAUD. name and the instrumental witnesses of the will, shall
o T signs second page but fails to sign the first also sign, as aforesaid, each and every page thereof,
page. Will is VOID. except the last, on the left margin, and all the pages shall
o If the whole will is only on one page, no be numbered correlatively in letters placed on the upper
need for marginal signatures part of each page.
o If the signatures appear on the right, upper,
or lower margin – VALID; purpose is The attestation shall state the number of pages used upon
nonetheless served – FRAUD is prevented. which the will is written, and the fact that the testator
6. Numbered correlatively in letters on the upper part signed the will and every page thereof, or caused some
of each page other person to write his name, under his express
o Prescribed: One, Two, Three, etc direction, in the presence of the instrumental witnesses,
o Substantial Compliance: Page 1, Page 2, and that the latter witnessed and signed the will and all
Page 3, etc.1, 2, 3, etc. the pages thereof in the presence of the testator and of
7. Attestation Clause one another.
o Must include the ff. info:
a) Number of pages (know substantial If the attestation clause is in a language not known to the
compliance) witnesses, it shall be interpreted to them.
b) That the testator signed the will in the
presence of the instrumental witnesses Article 806. Every will must be acknowledged before a
c) That the witnesses signed the will in the notary public by the testator and the witnesses. The
presence of the testator and of one notary public shall not be required to retain a copy of the
another will, or file another with the office of the Clerk of Court.
o Absence of the Attestation Clause =
FATAL DEFECT 🡪 Will is VOID. Article 807. If the testator be deaf, or a deaf-mute, he must
o Attestation clause not signed by the witness personally read the will, if able to do so; otherwise, he
at the bottom = FATAL DEFECT 🡪 Will is shall designate two persons to read it and communicate
VOID to him, in some practicable manner, the contents thereof.
o Failure to state number of pages = FATAL
DEFECT 🡪 VOID Article 808. If the testator is blind, the will shall be read to
o GR: No of pages not stated = VOID him twice; once, by one of the subscribing witnesses, and
▪ E: When there is substantial again, by the notary public before whom the will is
compliance acknowledged.
▪ There is substantial compliance
when the number of pages can be Article 809. In the absence of bad faith, forgery, or fraud,
found somewhere else in or undue and improper pressure and influence, defects
the will itself. There should and imperfections in the form of attestation or in the
be no need for evidence aliunde language used therein shall not render the will invalid if it
o PURPOSES OF ATTESTATION CLAUSE: is proved that the will was in fact executed and attested in
1. To preserve in permanent form a record substantial compliance with all the requirements of article
of the facts attending to the execution of 805.
the will….
2. Proof of compliance with the statutory DONATION MORTIS CAUSA
requisites for the execution of the will. ● Partakes of the nature of testamentary provisions
3. To minimize commission of FRAUD. (Art. 728).
o Q: Attestation clause fails to state that the T ● Thus, requisites of a notarial will must be complied
signed in the presence of the three with.
witnesses. Is the will valid? Azuela v. Castillo (GR 12280)
▪ A: The notarial will did not comply with the
____________________________ requirements of the law and should not be admitted
_____ for probate due to the following defects:

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


1. The attestation clause failed to state the 1. it conveys no title nor ownership to the transferee
number of pages of the will. before the death of the transferor;
The purpose of the law in requirement in such clause 2. That before the death of the transferor, the transfer
is to safeguard against possible interpolation or should be revocable by the transferor at will;
omission of one or some of its pages and to prevent 3. That the transfer should be void if the transfer should
any increase or decrease in the pages. survive the transferee.
2. The attestation clause is not signed by the The donation being then mortis causa, the
instrumental witnesses. formalities of a will should have been observed,
An unsigned attestation clause results in an unsigned which in this case, was not. It was witnessed by only
will. two (2) witnesses. Moreover, the witnesses did not
3. The requirement under Art. 806 that “every will even sign the attestation clause. Lastly, the
must be acknowledged before a notary public by witnesses did not acknowledge the will before the
the testator and the witnesses” has also not been notary republic.
complied with. The Deed of Donation, which is one of
A notarial will not acknowledged before a notary mortis causa, not having followed the formalities of a
public by the testator and the witnesses is fatally will, is void and has transmitted no right to the
defective, even if it is subscribed and swron to before petitioner’s mother.
a notary public.
Testate Estate of Toray (87 Phil. 139)
Other defects: The order denying the probate of the will
- the decedent failed to sign both pages of the will on must be affirmed for the requirement “that the
the left margin, her only signature appearing at the attestation clause should state the fact that the
so-called “logical end” of the will on its first page. testator signed the will and every page thereof, or
- the will itself is not numbered correlatively in letters caused some other person to write his name, under
on each page, they were numbered in Arabic his express direction, in the presence of three (3)
numerals. witness” was not complied with.
An attestation clause is a declaration made
Celeda v. Abena (GR 14545) by the witnesses and not by the testator. The law is
The CA did not err when it probated the will clear that it is the attestation clause that must contain
of Margarita Mayores. a statement that the testator signed the will in the
Art. 809 which reads “in the absence of bad presence of the witnesses. Without that statement,
faith, forgery or fraud, or undue influence, defects the attestation clause is fatally defective.
and imperfections in the form of attestation or in the
language used therein shall not render the will invalid Lopez v. Lopez (GR 189984)
if it is proved that the will was in fact executed and The probate of Enrique Lopez should not be
attested in substantial compliance with all the allowed.
requirements of Art. 805” The law is clear that the attestation must
The error in the number of pages of the will state the number of pages used upon which the will is
as stated in the attestation clause is not material to written.
invalidate the subject will. It must be noted that the While Art. 809 allows substantial compliance
will is consecutively lettered with pages A, B, and C for defects in the attestation clause, Richard likewise
which is a sufficient safeguard from the possibility of failed in this respect. The statement in the
an omission of some of the pages. Acknowledgement portion of the subject will that “it
consists of 7 pages including the page on which the
Lee v. Tambago (AC 5281) ratification and acknowledgement are written” cannot
The will in question was attested by only 2 be deemed substantial compliance. The will actually
witnesses, Noynay and Grajo. On this circumstance consists of 8 pages including its
alone, the will must be considered void. acknowledgement which discrepancy cannot be
The Civil Code likewise requires that the will explained by mere explanation of the will itself but
must be acknowledged before a notary public by the through the presentation of evidence aliunde.
testator and the witnesses. The importance of this
requirement is highlighted by the fact that it was HOLOGRAPHIC WILL
segregated from the other requirements under Art.
805 and embodied in a distinct and separate Article 810. A person may execute a holographic will
provision. which must be entirely written, dated, and signed by the
An acknowledgement is the act of one who hand of testator himself. It is subject to no other form,
has executed a deed in going before some and may be made in or out of the Philippines, and need
competent officer or court and declaring it to be his not be witnessed.
act or deed. It has a two-fold purpose:
1. to safeguard the testator’s wishes long after his VDA. DE ENRIQUEZ VS. ABADIA, ET AL., (L-7188,
demise and AUGUST 9, 1954)
2. To assure that his estate is administered in the ● 1923 Sancho Abadia executed a holographic will.
manner he intends it to be done. Holographic will were not allowed in 1923.
● In 1946, the will was presented for probate.
Here, acknowledgement of the will was ● On August 30, 1950, the NCC was adopted, thereby
neither strictly nor substantially complied with. There allowing execution of holographic wills
was the conspicuous absence of a notation of the ● In 1952 the trial court allowed probate.
residence certificates of the notarial witnesses ● Q: Should the court have allowed probate of the
Noynay and Grajo in the acknowledgement. holographic will?
o A: NO! The holographic will should not have
Aluad v. Aluad been allowed probate.
The deed of donation inter vivos in favor of o Under Article 795 “The validity of a will as to
petitioner is in fact a donation mortis causa for the its form depends upon observance of the
following characteristics: law in force at the time it is made.” Here,
the holographic will was made in 1923 when

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


there was no law allowing holographic wills. 2. Those who have been CONVICTED of
Applying Art. 795, as there was yet no law at FALSIFICATION OF DOCUMENT, PERJURY
the time the holographic will was made, the or FALSE TESTIMONY.
will then is extrinsically VOID.
o Hence, it should not be allowed probate. DISQUALIFICATION OF A NOTARY PUBLIC
PROBATE ● The notary public before whom the notarial will is
● Probate – allowance of a will after proof of its due acknowledged is disqualified to be a witness to said
execution will.
● In the probate of holographic wills: ● It would be absurd for him (as a witness) to be
acknowledging something before himself (as notary
UNCONTESTED 1 witness who knows public).
the handwriting of the ● Cruz v.Villasor, et al., L-32213, November 26, 1973
testator (not necessarily
the subscribing Q: X, convicted of Acts of Lasciviousness/Robbery
witnesses) with Homicide, can he be qualified as a witness?
CONTESTED At least 3 identifying A: No. Art. 821
Q: Civil Interdiction.
● Lost or destroyed holographic will without intent
to revoke 🡪 CANNOT be probated as there is no Q: When should the qualifications be present?
comparison as to T’s handwriting A: During the execution. Art. 820.
● Photostatic copy of the holographic will 🡪 may be
allowed as there can now be comparison as to T’s Gonzales v. CA, Santiago
handwriting. Under the law there is no mandatory
requirement that the witness must testify as to his
NB: Holographic will can be made in the Philippines or outside good standing in the community, his reputation for
the Philippines trustworthiness, and reliableness, his honesty and
uprightness in order that his testimony may be
Spouses Roberto v. Thelma Ajero & CA (GR 106720) believed and accepted by the trial court. It is enough
Failure to strictly observe other formalities will not that he comply with the requirements under Art. 820
result in the disallowance of a holographic will that is and 821.
unquestionably handwritten by the testator. Contrary to the requirements for
Art. 813 shows that its requirement affects the Naturalization Law, the instrumental witnesses are
validity of the dispositions contained in the holographic not character witnesses in probate proceedings for
will, but not it’s probate. If the testator fails to sign and date they merely attest the execution of the will or
some of the dispositions, the result is that these dispositions testament and affirm the formalities attendant to said
cannot be effectuated. Such failure, however, does not render execution.
the whole testament void. Likewise, a holographic will can still
be admitted to probate, notwithstanding non-compliance with SUBECTION 5. CODICILS AND INCORPORATION
the provisions of Art. 814. REFERENCE
Thus, unless the unauthenticated alterations,
cancellations, or insertions were made on the date of the HW CODICIL
or on the testator’s signature, their presence does not
invalidate the will itself. The lack of authentication will only Article 825. A codicil is a supplement or addition to a
result in disallowance of such changes. will, made after the execution of a will and annexed to be
taken as a part thereof, by which any disposition made in
Sample of Holographic Will: the original will is explained, added, or altered.
1. Notarial or Ordinary Codicils
2. Holographic Codicils
Assuming it is a Notarial Will
Article 820. Any person of sound mind and of the of Must comply with the formalities of a NW (8 reqs)
eighteen years or more, and not blind, deaf or dumb, and Assuming it is a Holographic Will
able to read and write, may be a witness to the execution Must comply with the formalities of a HW (W, D, S by
of a will mentioned in Article 805 of this Code the Testator)


1. Of sound mind [Art. 820]
2. At least 18 years old [Art. 820] Article 827. If a will, executed as required by this Code,
3. Not deaf, blind or dumb [Art. 820] incorporates into itself by reference any document or
4. Able to read and write [Art. 820] paper, such document or paper shall not be considered a
5. Domiciled in the Philippines [Art. 821] part of the will unless the following requisites are present:
6. Not convicted by final judgment of:
● FALSIFICATION of a document; (1) The document or paper referred to in the will must be
● PERJURY; or in existence at the time of the execution of the will;
(2) The will must clearly describe and identify the same,
DISQUALIFICATIONS stating among other things the number of pages thereof;
Article 821. The following are disqualified from being
witnesses to a will: (3) It must be identified by clear and satisfactory proof as
1. Any person NOT DOMICILED in the Philippines;

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


the document or paper referred to therein; and ● The revoking will must be VALID.
● Revocation must be definite.
(4) It must be signed by the testator and the witnesses on o E: However, conditional revocation is
each and every page, except in case of voluminous books allowed, i.e. revocation takes place when a
of account or inventories. condition is fulfilled. This is called
conditional revocation or dependent
Incorporation of an Extrinsic Document relative revocation.
● Different from Codicil Doctrine of Relative Revocation - if a
testator revokes a will with a present intention of
WHEN MADE/PURPOSE making a new one immediately and as a substitute,
● When the T wants to incorporate in his will certain and the new will is not made or if made fails to effect
documents only by reference without need of copying or for any reason, it will be presumed that the testator
attaching said documents to the will. preferred the old will to intestacy, and the old one will
be admitted to probate in the absence of evidence
Must not be inconsistent with the Will overcoming the presumption, provided its contents
It must not alter nor modify the original will unless it is can be ascertained.
for the purpose of revoking the same. 3. Revocation by overt act
REQUISITES PER 827 1. Overt act
1. Document in existence at the time of the execution of 2. Completion, at least of the subjective phase
the will. 3. Animus revocandi
2. The will must clearly describe and identify the ● BURNING
document incorporated by reference. o The will need not be burned entirely.
3. The document incorporated by reference should be o If burning of the will is accidental, there is no
identified by clear and satisfactory proof. revocation as there is no animus revocandi.
4. It must be signed by the testator and the witnesses o Remember the requisites for this act:
on each and every page thereof, except when in case a) there be an overt act;
of voluminous books of account or inventories. b) animus revocandi
o Situations
Does it have to be attested by the witnesses? - No ● TEARING
What is incorporation by reference? - Art. 827. o Document need not be torn into pieces
o Slight tearing is sufficient to constitute an
Unson vs. Abella (1922) overt act
When in a will reference is made to an inventory of o Subjective phase (as to the T’s intention)
the properties of the testator, which has thus been made a part must completed
of the will, if the will has an attestation clause that meets the o Cutting is construed tearing.
requirements of the law, no other attestation clause is o Situation: T tears will. X is able to stop T
necessary for the said inventory, but that of the will be from tearing the will. Is there valid
sufficient for the validity of both the will and the inventory. revocation?
▪ A:
SUBSECTION 6. REVOCATION OF WILLS AND ____________________________
o Cancelling is made by putting lines across
MODES OF REVOCATION the disposition. The disposition, however,
can still be read.
Article 830. No will shall be revoked except in the o Obliterating renders the text no longer
following cases: legible

(1) By implication of law; or REVOCATION BASED ON FALSE CAUSE

Article 833. A revocation of a will based on a false cause

(2) By some will, codicil, or other writing executed as or an illegal cause is null and void.
provided in case of wills; or
(3) By burning, tearing, cancelling, or obliterating the will ● Q: T made a 1st will giving P10 M to Juan. Then he
with the intention of revoking it, by the testator himself, or learned that Juan figured in a vehicular accident and
by some other person in his presence, and by his express died. T then made a second will bequeathing the
direction. If burned, torn, cancelled, or obliterated by P10M to Juana. A year later, T learned that Juan
some other person, without the express direction of the simply joined the underground movement and was in
testator, the will may still be established, and the estate reality still alive. Who inherits, Juan or Juana?
distributed in accordance therewith, if its contents, and o A: Juan. The revocation was based on false
due execution, and the fact of its unauthorized cause and is therefore void as provided by
destruction, cancellation, or obliteration are established Art. 833.
according to the Rules of Court.
1. By implication of law Article 834. The recognition of an illegitimate child does
● Testator sells or donates the property after not lose its legal effect, even though the will wherein it
making the will. [Art. 957] was made should be revoked.
● Heir (compulsory or voluntary) commits an act or
unworthiness. [Art. 1032] De Molo vs. De Molo (1951)
2. By a revoking will or codicil
● A will may be revoked by a subsequent will or codicil. Gan vs. Yap (1958)
It may either be notarial or holographic.

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


The execution and the contents of a lost or destroyed second will does not revive the first will, which can be
holographic will may not be proved by the bare testimony of revived only by another will or codicil.
witnesses who have seen and/or read such will.
A lost HW cannot be probated Example:
No photostatic copy ● Q: 1st will is made. T makes a 2nd will revoking the 1st
will. T makes a 3rd will revoking the 2nd will. Is the 1st
Rodelas vs. Aranza (1982) will revived/reestablished?
A photostatic copy or xerox copy of the holographic o A: No. The 1st will remains revoked. The 1st
will may be allowed because comparison can be made with will can only way the 1st will can be given
the standard writings of the testator. effect is by way of:
Unlike Gan vs. Yap, a photostatic copy/carbon copy may be 1. Republication (re-execution and by
probated. codicil) – made by the T
2. Revival – by operation of the law
Gago v. Mamuyac (1927)
The law does not require any evidence of the EXPRESS REVOCATION
revocation or cancellation of the will to be preserved. The fact ● Q: 1st will is made. T makes a 2nd will revoking the 1st
that such cancellation or revocation has taken place must will. T makes a 3rd will revoking the 2nd will. Is the 1st
either remain unproved or be inferred from evidence showing will required (feeling ko revived yung word dapat
that after due search the original will cannot be found. ditto hindi required…)?
o A: No. The 1st will was revoked immediately
Testate Estate of Maloto vs. CA ( 1988) by 2nd Will. The Principle of Instanter
The intention to revoke must be accompanied by the applies.
overt physical act of burning, tearing, obliterating, or cancelling o The second will took effect immediately.
the will carried out by the testator or by another person in his o While a will takes effect mortis causa, the
presence and under his express direction. revocation takes effect inter vivos.
Here, the document or papers burned by Adriana’s
maid, Guadalupe, was not satisfactorily established to be a will IMPLIED REVOCATION
at all, much less the will of Adriana Maloto. For another, the ● Q: 1st will is made. T makes a 2nd will
burning was not proven to have been done under the express INCONSISTENT with the 1st will. T makes a 3rd will
direction of Adriana. And then, the burning was not in her revoking the 2nd will. Is the 1st will revived?
presence. o A: Yes. The second will impliedly revoked
the 1st will.
1. Mayor Richard Gomez. Chief of staff (COS) told him that o 1st will is automatically revived
Lucy Torres was having an affair with Ian Veneracion.
sat on his chair, he opened a drawer in his left side took
the will and tore it to pieces. While doing that, the chief of ALLOWANCE AND DISALLOWANCE OF WILLS
staff returned and said, “dumating ang crew ng GMA 7 for ● GR: Questions as to title of property cannot be
interview.” Not wanting the socmed get a clue of what just passed upon in testate or intestate proceedings,
happened, he opened his right drawer and placed the except where one of the parties prays merely for the
pieces of paper (will) and closed it. Richard let the GMA inclusion or exclusions from the inventory of the
crew in. property, in which case the probate court may pass
Ladies: Valid revocation. provisionally upon the questions without prejudice to
Gentlemen: No valid revocation its final determination of the question in a separate
action [Alvarez v, Espiritu, August 14, 1965]
2. Congressman Cayetano. He was in his room and
his staff came in and said, “ang chief of staff ninyo ay OPTIONS OF AN ACKNOWLEDGED NATURAL CHILD
bumabaliktad at lahat ng info about this office ay (Uriarte vs Uriarte)
binibigay kay Cong. Velasco.” Cong. Cayetano was 1. Motion for intervention
furious. Cong. Cayetano got his will from the drawer and 2. Petition to Reopen Proceedings
burned it. He put it in the trash can. COS went to the room
and asked Cayetano. The latter confronted the former Allowance - bringing of a will to probate
regarding the former’s alleged betrayal. The COS was able Probate - party would want to know if the will is intrinsically or
to pacify and convince Cayetano and thereafter change extrinsically valid.
his feelings. Cayetano got the will back from the trash can
and put his will back in the drawer. Jurisdiction of the court
Ladies: No revocation. Probate - generally looks into the extrinsic validity of the will.
Gentlemen: Revoked.
--> Art. 833 is not applicable because such article refers to If the will is disallowed
two (2) wills. Results to intestacy


Article 839. The will shall be disallowed in any of the
DEFINITION following cases:
● To republish a will is to REESTABLISH the same as it (1) If the formalities required by law have not been
was either void or has been already revoked complied with;

HOW IS REPUBLICATION DONE? (2) If the testator was insane, or otherwise mentally
1. By re-execution (copying the same) incapable of making a will, at the time of its execution;
2. By codicil (implied republication
(3) If it was executed through force or under duress, or
Article 837. If after making the will, the testator makes a the influence of fear, or threats;
second will revoking the first, the revocation of the

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


(4) If it was procured by undue and improper pressure and ● In brief, preterition renders the institution of the
influence, on the part of the beneficiary or of some other legatees and devisees void
person; ● Q: Mario has three children Apple, Banana, and
Carrot. Mario made a will instituting Apple, Banana,
(5) If the signature of the testator was procured by fraud; and Dean Lawiswis. Carrot was completely omitted.
How is the P30 M estate divided?
(6) If the testator acted by mistake or did not intend that o A: Apple, Banana, and Carrot shall share
the instrument he signed should be his will at the time of P10 M each. Nothing for Dean Lawiswis.
affixing his signature thereto.
Q: Can a spouse be preterited?
SECTION 2. INSTITUTION OF HEIR ● A: No. A spouse is not in the direct line?

INSTITUTION OF HEIR Q: Can a brother or a sister be preterited?

● Institution refers to devisees and legatees ● A: No. Neither is in the direct line?
● Art. 840 defines it as an act by virtue of which a
testator designates in his will the person or persons Q: Can an ascendant be preterited?
who are to succeed him in his property and ● A: Yes, if the ascendant is the nearest relative
transmissible rights and obligations. surviving.
● Free portion
o Legitime cannot be impaired Q: Can an adopted child be preterited?
● A: Yes. An adopted child has the same rights as that
A Voluntary Heir Cannot be Represented of the legitimate child.
Representation - PRI (Predecease, Incapacity,
Disinheritance) Q: Can an illegitimate child be preterited?
● A: Yes. He is a compulsory heir in the direct line.
The law does not distinguish between legitimate
REQUISITES FOR VALID INSTITUTION children andillegitimate children.
1. Will is extrinsically valid.
2. The institution is valid intrinsically. PRETERITION
3. The institution must be effective (no predecease, no BY MISTAKE OR VOLUNTARY OR
repudiation by the heir, no incapacity of the heir) INADVERTENCE INTENTIONAL

INSTITUTION OF CLASSES (CLASS INSTITUTION) Considered true preterition Considered defective

● T can entrust to a third person the distribution of a disinheritance
specific property of sums of money that he may leave
in general to specified classes. Total intestacy results Institution of heirs is not
wholly void but only insofar
COMMIT TO MEMORY as it prejudices the legitime
1. There is only institution of heirs in testate succession. of the person disinherited
2. Institution of heirs refer only to the Free Portion.
3. Legacies and Devises must not impair the legitimes. Nullity of the institution is
only partial
** Acain vs IAC (Oct 27, 1987)
Article 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or
all the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether living
at the time of the execution of the will or born after the VOLUNTARY HEIR
death of the testator, shall annul the institution of heir, but ● A voluntary heir who predeceases the T transmits
the devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as they are nothing to his heirs.
not inofficious. ● A voluntary heir cannot be represented.
If the omitted compulsory heirs should die before the DISPOSITION CAPTATORIA
testator, the institution shall be effectual, without
prejudice to the right of representation. Article 875. Any disposition made upon the condition that
the heir shall make some provision in his will in favor of
Definition the testator or any other person shall be void.
The total or complete omission, generally due to mistake or
oversight, by the testator in his will, of one, some, or all of the ● This is void as it makes the execution of the will a
compulsory heirs in the direct line living at the time of the contractual act.
testator’s death. ● Disposition captatoria vs. Reciprocal Succession
1. TOTAL OMISSION in the inheritance As a requisite of preterition, the omission
2. Of a COMPULSORY HEIR from the testator’s inheritance must be total or
3. Compulsory heir must be in the DIRECT LINE complete. There is total or complete omission where
a compulsory heir is not named in the will, or
Note: Spouse cannot be preterited as he/she is not in the although mentioned, he is not given any share in the
direct line. hereditary property without expressly being
● The institution of heirs is annulled --> leads to Nuguid v. Nuguid
intestacy Disinheritance is a testamentary disposition
● Annulment of the institution is automatic; there is no expressly depriving any compulsory heir of his share
need for legal action. in the legitime for a cause authorized by law.
Austria v. Reyes

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)



Rosales v. Rosales (1987) ● Substitution - is the designation by the testator of a
A widow (surviving spouse) is not an person or persons to take the place of the heir or
intestate heir of her mother-in-law. heirs first instituted (Rabadilla vs. Villacarlos)
The provision of law under Article 887 refers
to the estate of the deceased spouse which case the KINDS OF SUBSTITUTION
surviving spouse (widow or widower) is a compulsory 1. Simple or common
heir. It does not apply to the estate of a parent-in-law. o One takes the place of another
The surviving spouse is considered a third o In case of PIR/RIP
person as regards the estate of the parent-in-law ▪ Predecease
Here, the estate which is the subject matter ▪ Incapacity
of the intestate estate proceedings in this case is that ▪ Repudiation
of the deceased Petra V. Rosales, the mother-in-law 2. Brief or compendious
of the petitioner. It is from the estate of Petra V. o Brief – 2 or more take the place of one
Rosales that Macikequerox Rosales draws a share of ▪ Ex. Annie is the instituted heir.
the inheritance by the right of representation. Buknoy and Charlie are her
Ventura v. Ventura (1988) o Compendious – one takes the place of two
or more
Acain v. IAC (1987) ▪ Ex. Buknoy and Charie are the
instituted heirs. Annie is the
Heirs of Montinola-Samson vs. CA (1988) substitute
Art. 841 of the Civil Code provides that a will shall be valid 3. Reciprocal
even though it should not contain an institution of an heir, or o Ex. Tatang instituted Alhambra to 4/5 of the
such institution should not comprise the entire estate, and property and Buknoy to 1/5. If Alhambra
even though the person so instituted should not accept the predeceases, is incapacitated, or
inheritance or should be incapacitated to succeed. renounces, her share of 4/5 goes to Buknoy.
The fact that in her holographic will, testatrix If Buknoy predeceases, is incapacitated, or
disposed of only 11 of her real properties does not invalidate renounces, his share of 1/5 goes to
the will. Alhambra.
Article 842 of the Civil COde provides that one who 4. Fideicommissary
has no compulsory heirs may dispose by will of all his estate o Where the first heir called the fiduciary
or any part of it in favor of any person having capacity to preserves and transmits to the second heir
succeed. called the fideicommissary the inheritance.
It is within the right of the testatrix not to include her o REQUISITES:
only sister who is not a compulsory heir in her will. 1. 1st heir (with right to usufruct)
2. 1s heir to preserve and transmit property
JLT Agro Inc. V. Balansang (2005) 3. 2nd heir (naked owner, with full right of
Preterition is the total omission of a compulsory heir ownership upon transmission of property to
in the direct line from inheritance. It consists in the silence of him; he inherits from the T)
the testator with regard to a compulsory heir, omitting him in 4. 1st and 2nd heir must be one degree apart
the testament.
In the case at bar, Don Julian did not execute a will Mnemonic: So Brief a Rendevous my Friend
since what he resorted to was a partition inter vivos of his
properties, as evidenced by the court approved Compromise FIDEICOMMISSARY
Agreement. Thus, it is premature if not irrelevant to speak of Lucky Manzano and Vilma Santos
preterition prior to the death of Don Julian in the absence of a Vilma institutes Edu as the first heir and Luis as the second
will depriving a legal heir of his legitime. heir. The former has to preserve the inheritance and then
transmit to the latter the estate.
Morales v. Olandriz
The preterition of a compulsory heir in the direct line Q: Jinggoy is the testator. Edu is first heir and Luis is second
shall annul the institution of heirs, but the devises and legacies heir
shall remain valid insofar as the legitimes are not impaired. A: Valid. Law does not require that the testator be related to
Consequently, if a will does not constitute ane devisees or the heirs.
legatees, the preterition of a compulsory heir in the direct line
will result in total intestacy. Q: Jinggoy is the testator. Luis is first heir and Edu is second
Spouses Cano v. Spouses Cano (2017) A: Valid. Law only requires that the 1st and 2nd heirs be one
degree apart.
Cruz v. Cruz (2018)
The case involves a situation where one heir was
able - through the expedient of an extrajudicial settlement that 20 YEAR PROHIBITION
was written in a language that is not understood by one of her
co-heirs - to secure a share in the estate of her parents that Article 870. The disposition of the testator declaring all or
was greater than that of her siblings, in violation of the part of the estate inalienable for more than twenty years
principle in succession that heirs should inherit in equal are void.
The CA was correct in ruling in favor of Concepcion SECTION 5. LEGITIMES
and setting aside the subject deed of extrajudicial settlement.
The issue of literacy is relevant to the extent that Concepcion LEGITIMES
was effectively deprived of her true inheritance, and not so
much that she was defrauded. Article 886. Legitime is that part of the testator’s property
which he cannot dispose of because the law has reserved
SECTION 3. SUBSTITUTION OF HEIRS it for certain heirs who are, therefore called compulsory

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


Under the civil code on the law of Reserva Troncal,

COMPULSORY HEIRS reservetarios are supposed to be within the 3rd civil
degree from the propositus from the origin.
Article 887. The following are compulsory heirs:
 Here, the reservatarios which is the auntie survived
(1) Legitimate children and descendants, with respect to the reservista which is the father.
their legitimate parents and ascendants; Thus, it is the aunt who should inherit.

(2) In default of the foregoing, legitimate parents and Q: Your father while still alive (and the reservatarios
ascendants, with respect to their legitimate children and are still alive) sold the alabang property to his
descendants; bestfriend. Is the sale valid?
A: Yes, the sale is valid subject to a resolutory
(3) The widow or widower; condition. The buyer then acquires a revocable title.
After the death of the reservista, the reservatorios
(4) Acknowledged natural children, and natural children may rescind the contract because the resolutory
by legal fiction; condition to which the reserva is subject has already
been fulfilled. (Sumaya vs. IAC, Sept. 2, 1991.)
(5) Other illegitimate children referred to in article 287. In the case at bar, upon the death of the father, the
bestfriend should have to return the property in favor
Compulsory heirs mentioned in Nos. 3, 4, and 5 are not of the reservatarios.
excluded by those in Nos. 1 and 2; neither do they
exclude one another. Q: Will you buy a property subject to a reserva
In all cases of illegitimate children, their filiation must be A: No. It is subject to a resolutory condition.
duly proved.
Q: Assuming your father remarries. Legitimate
The father or mother of illegitimate children of the three wedding. Second wife. When father passed away, he
classes mentioned, shall inherit from them in the manner is survived by the auntie and the 2nd wife. Who
and to the extent established by this Code. inherits the property?

ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN Q: Father is survived by the second wife. Who

● An illegitimate child gets half of what the legitimate inherits the property?
child gets A: The wife will inherit the property.
Here there are no more reservetarios. Now the
Article 891. [PROVISION] property now will go to the estate of the reservista.
No longer subject to reserva troncal.
1. Origin Q: Mother gives the child a property in Alabang. Child
2. Prepositus is survived by the father. Father now holds the
3. Reservor/Reservista property. Father passes away and is survived by the
4. Reservees/Reservatarios aunties and the uncles.
The ascendant
Q: What happens if the reservista sells the property, is the
sale valid? Q: Can a grandmother give you a property
● A: Yes, the sale is valid subject to a resolutory gratuitously?
condition. The buyer then acquires a revocable title. A: Yes
● After the death of the reservista, the reservatorios
may rescind the contract because the resolutory SECTION 6. DISINHERITANCE
condition to which the reserva is subject has already
been fulfilled. Sumaya vs. IAC, Sept. 2, 1991.
Q: Assuming that at the time of the reservista’s death,
there are no reservatarios, what happens? Article 919. The following shall be sufficient causes for
● A: The property is released from reserva troncal and the disinheritance of children and descendants, legitimate
becomes part of the estate of the reservista as well as illegitimate:
● “If there are no reservatarios, the property subject of
reserva troncal is released and will be adjudicated in (1) When a child or descendant has been found
accordance with the regular order of succession.” guilty of an attempt against the life of the testator, his or
Sumaya vs. IAC, Sept. 2, 1991 her spouse, descendants, or ascendants;

Q: Must there be annotation/registration? Q: What if your father remarried again, killed the 2nd wife of the
● A: Yes, if only to protect the rights of the father?
reservatarios against buyers in good faith and for A: child may still be disinherited; law did not distinguish.
Q: Child attempted to kill his brother
Q: Can the reservista dispose of the property in his will? A: Child may still be disinherited. Brother is a descendant of
A: No for as long as the reservatarios are living. The the father.
property is not his. The reservatarios are the heirs
mortis causa. (See Tioco de Papa vs. Camacho, (2) When a child or descendant has accused the
Sept. 24, 1986) testator of a crime for which the law prescribes
imprisonment for six years or more, if the accusation has
If pareho ng degree, ang ascendant ang been found groundless;
[Sample FLAC in Reserva Troncal] Q: Does it require that child actually file a case against the
The aunt shall inherit. ascendant?

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


A: Accusation does not have to be filed in court. A mere (3) When the parent or ascendant has accused the
statement will do. testator of a crime for which the law prescribes
imprisonment for six years or more, if the accusation has
(3) When a child or descendant has been convicted been found to be false;
of adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the
testator; (4) When the parent or ascendant has been convicted of
adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the testator;
Q: What if the mother of Ms. Pakingan married for the second
time, can her mother use this as a ground? (5) When the parent or ascendant by fraud, violence,
A: Yes, still spouse of the testator. intimidation, or undue influence causes the testator to
make a will or to change one already made;
(4) When a child or descendant by fraud, violence,
intimidation, or undue influence causes the testator to (6) The loss of parental authority for causes specified in
make a will or to change one already made; this Code;

(5) A refusal without justifiable cause to support the (7) The refusal to support the children or descendants
parent or ascendant who disinherits such child or without justifiable cause;
(8) An attempt by one of the parents against the life of the
Q: Assuming you are an illegitimate child, and the father other, unless there has been a reconciliation between
chooses his legitimate family over you. Is it a ground for them.

(6) Maltreatment of the testator by word or deed, by the Article 921. The following shall be sufficient causes for
child or descendant;
 disinheriting a spouse:

(7) When a child or descendant leads a dishonorable (1) When the spouse has been convicted of an attempt
or disgraceful life against the life of the testator, his or her descendants, or
Q: Child engaged into prostitution so provide means for the
family. Can child be disinherited? (2) When the spouse has accused the testator of a crime
A: for which the law prescribes imprisonment of six years or
more, and the accusation has been found to be false;
Q: A descendant is a son of a general, and the mother is a
doctor. These parents both known in the society. This child is a (3) When the spouse by fraud, violence, intimidation, or
lawyer of legal age, earns very well, litigator, academician. A undue influence cause the testator to make a will or to
good son in the sense that he pays respect but he did not change one already made;
accede to his wishes when he went on to live with a gay
partner. Is the disinheritance valid? (4) When the spouse has given cause for legal separation;

A: Yes/Qualified. A child leading a dishonorable or disgraceful
life may be a ground for causing disinheritance, a single act is (5) When the spouse has given grounds for the loss of
not sufficient. For leading life implies continuity to be a parental authority;
sufficient cause for disinheritance. Here, if the son continues
to live with his partner which the father finds as dishonorable, 6) Unjustifiable refusal to support the children or the other
then it may constitute as a valid cause for disinheritance. spouse. (756, 855, 674a)
Q: Same facts as the preceeding question but the character is ● In case of reconciliation between the parties, the
Charice Pempengco and his physical attributes as a woman. offended person loses his right to disinherit.
● Any disinheritance is rendered ineffectual by a
(8) Conviction of a crime which carries with it the reconciliation
penalty of civil interdiction ● Disinheritance covers both the legitime and the free
portion. The person is completely disinherited.


Article 950. If the estate should not be sufficient to cover
Article 920. The following shall be sufficient causes for all legacies or devises, their payment shall be made in the
the disinheritance of parents or ascendants, whether following order:
legitimate or illegitimate: 1. Remuneratory legacies and devises;
2. Legacies or devises declared by the testator to
(1) When the parents have abandoned their children be preferential;
or induced their daughters to live a corrupt or immoral 3. Legacies for support;
life, or attempted against their virtue; 4. Legacies for education;
5. Legacies or devises of a specific or determinate
Q: What if son ang binugaw? Pasok pa rin ba sa “induced thing which forms a part of the estate;
their daughters to live a corrupt or immoral life” ? 6. All others, pro rata.

(2) When the parent or ascendant has been Article 956. If the legatee or devisee cannot or is
convicted of an attempt against the life of the testator, his unwilling to accept the legacy or devise, or if the legacy or
or her spouse, descendants, or ascendants; devise for any reason should become ineffective, it shall
be merged into the mass of the estate, except in cases of
Q: Mother attempted to kill your wife. substitution and of the right of accretion.
A: Yes, a valid ground to disinherit.

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


● T has a brother Jun but instead instituted Ime, her or sisters, whether they be full or
best friend, as a legatee. Ime has two children Ian half-blood. Representation in the
and Zara. If Ime repudiates, neither Ian nor Zara can collateral line is limited then to
represent her as there is no right of representation as nieces and nephews. Since Juna
to voluntary heirs. is a child of a brother and is a niece
● As there is no substitute and accretion under the of Angie, she is the only one who
given facts, as provided by Art. 956, the legacy shall inherits. Angelina does not inherit
be merged into the mass of estate, and will therefore as she is not a child or a brother or
go to Jun as the nearest intestate heir sister. Her relation to Angie is that
of a grandniece. In gist, only Juna


ACCRETION, INTESTACY PER STIRPES inheritance by Heirs inherit in their own
GROUP. All those in the right. No right of
ACCRETION DEFINED group inherit in equal shares. representation.
In Per Stirpes, heirs inherit
Article 1015. Accretion is a right by virtue of which, when by way of representation Definition: the estate is
two or more persons are called to the same inheritance, divided into as many equal
devise or legacy, the part assigned to the one who Definition: the sole parts or as there are persons
renounces, or cannot receive his share, or who died representatives or group of to succeed.
before the testator, is added or incorporated to that of his representatives is counted as
co-heirs, co-devisees, co-legatees one head

Example: Example:
REPRESENTATION DEFINED Angie had a brother named Q: In the problem given
Jun. Jun has two children above, if Jun and Joy also
Article 970. Representation is a right created by fiction of Earl and Juna. Angie’s sister pass away, how will the
law, by virtue of which the representative is raised to the Joy only has one child named estate be divided?
place and the degree of the person represented, and Angel. Angie passed away.
acquires the rights which the latter would have if he were Jun also passed away. A: Angel, Juna, and Earl will
living or if he could have inherited. Estate of Angie is P1M. divide the P1M among
Divide. Jun’s children themselves. They inherit per
● There is no will.
● Principle of Nearer Excludes the Farther Juna’s and Earl’s share Sample FLAC:
1. Car dies intestate leaving Ghia a daughter and a partake that of their father’s The heirs will have
niece Chiclet. Only Ghia inherits because the share. to divide equally the
nearer excludes the farther. Chiclet does not estate among
inherit. Joy gets P500T and themselves
2. Froilan dies without a will and leaves behind a Civil Code
grandmother and a sister. Only the grandmother Juna and Earl get the other provides that if
inherits. Although Froilan and his sister are two P500T. nieces and nephews
degrees apart just like Froilan and his alone survive, they
grandmother, the direct line is preferred over the Principles: Representation, shall inherit in equal
collateral line. Proximity portions.
Palatandaan: Basta may Here, Juna, Earl,
NOTA BENE isang kapatid na buhay and Angel survived
1. The right of representation takes place in the stirpes agad yan. the decedent without
direct descending line, but never in the their uncle nor
ascending line. [Art. 972, par. 1] Auntie.
● Lola has a child called Mama. Mother has a
child called Son. Mama passes away. Son Follow up Hypo: Angel has
represents Mama and inherits from Lola - a child named Angelina.
valid How much does the latter
2. In the collateral line, the right of representation get?
takes place only in favor of the children of Nothing.
brothers or sisters, whether they be of full or half Art. 972 Par 2 provides that in
blood. [Art. 972, par. 2] the collateral line, it takes
● Q: Angie has brother named Jun and a place only in favor of the
sister named Joy. 🡪 Jun has a daughter children of brothers or sisters.
named Juna. 🡪 Joy has a daughter named
Angel. 🡪 Angel has a daughter named
Angelina. 🡪 Angie died intestate. 🡪 Jun, Article 975. When children of one or more brothers or
Joy, and Angel pass away, too. 🡪 Only sisters of the deceased survive, they shall inherit from the
Juna and Angelina survive. Who of them, latter by representation, if they survive with their uncles
if any inherit from Angie? or aunts. // But if they alone survive, they shall inherit in
o A: Only Juna inherits from Angie. equal portions.
The Under Art. 972, in the
collateral line, it takes place only Note:
in favor of children of brothers ● 1st part – per stirpes – by group

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


● 2nd part – per capita – by their own right ● Danz is an adopted child leaving behind her three
children and her husband. The estate is P4M.
FOLLOWING CASES o A: All children get P1M each. The surviving
1. Predecease (testate and intestate) spouse gets the share equal to the share of
2. Incapacity (testate and intestate) each child. Hence, husband gets P1M
3. Disinheritance (this happens only in the case of
testate succession) REPUDIATION

Note: In testate succession, the right of representation covers Article 977. Heirs who repudiate their share may not be
only the legitime. [Art. 806 and 1035] represented.

CASES: NB: A renouncer may represent [Art. 976] but may not be
● Bagunu vs. Piedad, Dec. 8, 2000 represented [Art. 977].
o The right of representation in the collateral
line does not extend to the 5th civil degree.
● Dela Rosa vs. Damian, 480 SCRA 334 (2006) RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION
o Right of representation does not extend to
grand nephews and nieces, only to nieces Article 970. Representation is a right created by fiction of
and nephews (children of brothers and law, by virtue of which the representative is raised to the
sisters) place and the degree of the person represented, and
acquires the rights which the latter would have if he were
EFFECTS OF ADOPTION living or he could have inherited.
● Under the Art. 189, FC, Adoption shall have the
following effects: ADOPTED CHILD
1. For civil purposes – adopted shall be deemed to ● An adopted child cannot represent and cannot be
be the legitimate child of the adopter or adopting represented.
2. Parental authority of the natural parents is lost
and transferred to the adopting parents;
3. Adopted shall remain an intestate heir of his IRON BAR RULE/IRON CLAD RULE
parents and other blood relatives
Article 992. An illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab
Article 190. Legal or intestate succession to estate of the intestato from the legitimate children and relatives of his
adopted shall be governed by the following rules: father or mother; nor shall such children or relatives
inherit in the same manner from the illegitimate child
1. Legitimate and illegitimate children and
descendants of the surviving spouse of the adopted shall RATIONALE FOR THE IRON BAR RULE:
inherit from the adopted, in accordance with the ordinary ● The illegitimate child is disgracefuly looked upon by
rules of legal or intestate succession; the legitimate family; the legitimate family is in turn,
hated by the illegitimate child; the latter considers the
2. When the parents, legitimate or illegitimate or the privileged condition of the former, and the resources
legitimate ascendants of the of the adopted concur with of which it is thereby deprived; the former, in turn
the adopters, they shall divide the entire estate in equal sees in the illegitimate child nothing but the product
shares, one-half to be inherited by the spouse or the of sin, palpable evidence of a blemish broken in life;
illegitimate children the law does no more that recognize this truth by
avoiding further grounds of resentment. (7 Manresa
3. When the surviving spouse or the illegitimate 10 cited in Grey v. Fabie)
children of the adopted concur with the adopters, they
shall divide the entire estate in equal shares, one-half to Q: Kris Aquino has a child by Philip Salvador, Joshua
be inherited by the spouse or the illegitimate children of Aquino (illegitimate). Assuming Cory Aquino is still
the adopted and the other half, by the adopters. alive, can Josh inherit from the former?
A: No. Joshua cannot inherit from Cory ab intestato
4. When the adopters concur with the illegitimate
children and the surviving spouse of the adopted, they Q: Can Joshua inherit from Pres. Noynoy ab
shall divide the entire estate in equal shares, one third to intestato?
be inherited by the illegitimate children, one third by the A: No. Art. 992. Noynoy is the legitimate brother of
surviving spouse, one third by the adopters. Kris.

5. When only the adopters survive, they shall inherit the Q: Can Joshua inherit from Bimby?
entire estate. A: No.

6. When only blood collateral blood relatives of the Q: Can Bimby inherit from Joshua ab intestato?
adopted survive, then the ordinary rules of legal or A: No. Iron bar. Separates the legitimate and the
intestate succession. illegitimate.

Example: ** See diagram on the board

● Airos is an adopted child. Her parent by nature is
Richard. She is adopted by Grace and Noel. Airos ACCRETION
passes away leaving behind Richard, Noel, and ● The share of the person who repudiates shall accrue
Grace. Divide the estate the estate of P2M. to his co-heirs. [Art. 1018 NCC]
o A: Richard gets P1M. Noel and Grace ● Among the compulsory heirs the right of accretion
share the P1M or P500T each. shall take place only when the free portion is left to
two or more of them, or to any one of them and to a
Example: stranger. [Art. 1021, par. 1]

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)


● Accretion shall take lace among devisees, legatees, of the legitime of each heir, and in the account of the
and usufructuaries under the same conditions partition.
established for heirs. [Aft. 1023, NCC]
Q: Melle and Tris are married. They have three children, 1. Expenses of education (elementary and secondary),
Agnes, Coco, and Frances. During the lifetime of Tris, Agnes support, medical needs, customary gifts (Art. 1067)
renounced her inheritance from her father. Upon Tris’ death, 2. For professional, vocation, re career (Art.1067)
will the right of accretion apply? 3. Wedding gifts except when they exceed 1/10 of the
● A: No, the right of accretion will not apply. Agnes sum disposable by will (Art. 1070)
renounced her inheritance during the lifetime of her 4. Donation to the spouse of the child (Art. 1066)
father. Renunciation of future inheritance is thus void. 5. Parents are not obliged to bring to collation in the
Renunciation must be done after the death of the inheritance of their ascendants any property which
Tris. may have been donated by the latter to their children
(Art. 1065)
● If there is only one heir, there is no need for a judicial
Art. 1032. The following are incapable of succeeding by declaration of heirship. He may execute an affidavit
reason of unworthiness entitled Self-Adjudication and have it registered with
1. Parents who have abandoned their children or the Registry of Property.
induced their daughters to lead a corrupt or
immoral life, or attempted against their virtue; REQUISITES FOR EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT:
2. Any person who has been convicted of an 1. no will
attempt against the life of the testator, his or her 2. no debt
spouse, descendants, ascendants; 3. heirs of legal age
3. Any person who has accused the testator of a 4. public instrument
crime for which the law prescribes imprisonment
for six years or more, if the accusation has been
found to be groundless;
4. Any heir of full age who, having knowledge of the
violent death of the testator, should fail to report
it to an officer of the law within a month, unless
the authorities have already taken action; this
prohibition shall not apply to cases wherein,
according to law, there is no obligation to make
an accusation.
5. Any person convicted of adultery or concubinage
with the spouse of the testator.
6. Any person who by fraud, violence, Intimidation,
or undue influence should cause the testator to
make a will or to change one already made;
7. Any person who by the same means prevents
another from making a will, or from one revoking
on already made, or who supplants, conceals, or
alters the latter’s will;
8. Any person who falsifies or forges a supposed
will of the decedent.


● Acceptance and repudiation retroact to the date of
death of the decedent.
● Acceptance may be express (in writing; private of
public) or tacit (resulting from acts that imply
● Repudiation of an inheritance shall be made in a
public or authentic instrument, or by petition
presented to the court having jurisdiction over the
testamentary or intestate proceedings. [Art. 1051,


● Computing or adding certain values to the estate and
charging the same to the legitime.

● Every compulsory heir, who succeeds with other
compulsory heirs, must bring into the mass of the
estate any property or right which he may have
received form the decedent, during the lifetime of the
latter, by way of donation or any other gratuitous title,
in order that it may be computed in the determination

EC NOTES ON WILLS (2020-2021)

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