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Direction in life is more important than speed

Sanjay Srivastava
World is moving fast. World has witnessed phenomenal changes in our lives. Politically and socially,
we have become advanced. Technological advancement has changed our life in a big way. Reality
has become virtual. Virtually we are connected to everyone but in reality have lost our voice. We
don’t meet but we see. We hardly feel the presence of our dear ones yet we are connected with
hundreds of emoticons. Expressions have become virtual with our anger, laughter and even bunches
of flowers with plenty of cakes instead of one. Sweetness in cake is seen more than felt, flowers are
seen than smelled. Corona is more a biological war than a health issue. Every small country is
heading towards launching its missiles and hoarding to be atomic power.

How speed has affected our life

Accelerated way of living has changed our thinking process and our day to day habits. Our youth has
become more frantic in their approach towards achieving their goals. Tolerance is reduced to accept
their mistakes so the humbleness and the youth is steering the wagon uncontrolled direction in life.
Culture of copying and pasting has become the synonym of achievements. TikTok has become the
source of happiness. Everything has become virtual. Mimicry has turned out to be the real acting
genius. Creativity is lost in the speed of achieving success and fame. Tendency of experiencing the
world has become swifter in youth, resultantly adolescent has become a grown up youth in a hurry.
But where is the maturity in life which comes with the real experience than of virtual talent in place.

Sickness of Hurry
We are racing in our day to day life, speed has accelerated right from the morning till we go to our
bed. We get up late and rush for work. We reach the eleventh hour at our office and run to register
our attendance to match the timing. After parking, the car rushed to our desk without taking our
laptop in a hurry. Rushing for a meeting and just grabbing the papers for the presentation and we
often rush back to home in a hurry. Our mind runs in a hurry and psychologically chases the time as
if 24 hours has become 20 hours. Our behavioral pattern can be termed as hyper driven culture.
Technological advancement is either mechanical speedup or changed culture but behavioral speed
of humans is becoming a syndrome.

We do more in less time

Either we have plenty of things to do with no direction or less time. Both have the same meaning
because in the current scenario, we all want to do everything but fast. Sleeping at 12 and getting up
at 5 in the morning to make the presentation and catching our transport to reach at work. Instead of
walking slowly for 45 minutes, we run for 20 minutes. Hitting the gym at 7 in the evening to
compensate for our day long desk work. Eating in five minutes and rushing with a bottle of drinks.
This is all acceleration of speed and compression of time.

Building career in Hurry

We all need to build an empire in a short duration by compressing the time period. We do three
courses simultaneously and work for extended hours to finish our education and get retired at the
age of 45 but that never comes. No one has time to study deeply and attain the expert level. Instead
we prepare our notes from google and submit our research papers and our presentation too. Youth
need to understand the correctness of the path and acceleration of life in the right direction.
Technology has opened various opportunities and given work advancement but at the same time
has given the short keys and scattered path to move on. We keep on changing our path and
accelerate to the different direction in half a way. This all due to unclear direction in life.

How to get a purposeful direction in life?

Having an internal road map in mind would play a decisive role to take the right direction in life.
Speeding the paddle without having clear vision might turn out to be accidental. Right direction
guarantees the successful destination, a thoughtful pause.

If someone builds his career as a YouTuber, should have a goal for some defined purpose. Goal of
having a large chunk of views and subscribers and merely earning, may not be the correct direction.
Similarly, in life, the purpose is to have a satisfactory career or just an option to move directionless.

Think less, act more. If you remain in imagination and keep procrastinating your plans, you will
never ever be able to find the ways in life. Making plans for the direction is good but too much
sketching the path might mislead you. Start acting if the path is well planned.

Remain focused to convert your plans. You would never be able to find success if you keep on
changing your direction and keep changing the gears without realizing the need. Accelerate when
required but never speed up in a hurry. Sailing smoothly in the right direction will take you to the

Cheerful while moving to the path you have chosen. If you become sad and start repenting in the
middle of the road, it might take you in a different direction. Happiness is the key for success. If your
work and decision you have taken is not keeping you happy, chances are, you would change the
direction and focus is lost.

Take criticism as the successful tool but remain positive. Working on your instinct is good but
refusing to take criticism as positive feedback for improvisation will push you back. While taking
criticism, remain positive.

To conclude, we all make mistakes but correcting at the right time for the right direction in life is key
for success. You should never do the work only because others are doing it. Copying and pasting will
divert your mind. You should never have the option of a career or work which you don’t enjoy. The
work may be small or big, high paying or less but the work which is not keeping you happy when you
wake up and when you go to bed is the lost direction and the very purpose of life. Find the purpose
first. If you are looking for freedom, do not take a 5 days a week job, instead be the freelancer and
give 100% to that. Think of and penned down whom you want to be? What keeps you engaged and
happy throughout the day? Which was the perfect day ever you had, follow the dream you had ever.

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