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First Terminal Examination 2020 – 21

CLASS: IX TIME: 30 mts

Max. Mark: 20
Answer any 2 questions ( from 1 – 3 )
1. is the membrane covered the heart ?
2. The bile is secreted by the ?
3. % of oxygen in the atmosphere is
produced by algae ? (2x1=2)
Answer any 4 questions ( from 4 – 8 )
4. There are different types of teeth in human.
Which are they? Mention their functions .
5 . There are different types of plasma proteins.
Arrange them correctly .
Protein : Function
a. Albumin : ?
b. ? : Helps in defense
c. ? : ?
6. Chloroplast is the green coloured portion in the
leaf. Explain the structure of chloroplast
7. Pancreatic juice help in the digestion . Write the
missing part .
a . Starch Pancreatic amylase ?
b. ? Trypsin Peptide
c. Fat ? Fatty acid + ?
8. Differentiate between osmosis and active
Answer any 2 questions (from 9-11)
9.Various kinds of gastric juices are present in the
stomach .Tabulate the components and their
functions in two columns.?
10.Write a flowchart showing the flow of blood from
Right atrium to Aorta .(no need of valves)
11 .Write the health issues created by junk food and fast
food .?(At least 6 points ) (2x3=6)
Answer any one question (from12-13)
12 .Some features of blood vessels are given below .read
these carefully and tabulate under suitable headings .
. Valves are absent.
.Minute pores on the walls.
.Carries blood from the heart .
.Carries blood to the heart.
.Thick and elastic walls.
.Wall is formed of single layer of cells.
.Blood flows with high speed and high pressure.
13. Redraw the structure of canine and label the parts
.And write the functions of these parts .

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