Art of Being Happy Project

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appiness in

H Urban
01 What is Happiness?
Happiness, in the context of mental or emotional states, is positive
or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense
joy.Other forms include life satisfaction, well-being, subjective
well-being, flourishing and eudaimonia.

02 Analysing Happiness
General happiness is philosophically construed as a sense of
well-being which in turn has been defined either as a complete
and lasting satisfaction with life-as-a-whole or as a
preponderance of positive over negative feelings.

03 How to Be Happy??
Everyone has the power to make small changes in our
behavior, our surroundings and our relationships that can
help set us on course for a happier life.

04 What Makes Happy?

Every person is different from another and every persons
feels happy due to a different reason . It is easier to
remain happy if we know the context and source of our

05 Credits!!
The Hand and Efforts behind the Work put in to make this
project happen.
What is
Happiness is an emotional state
characterized by feelings of joy,
satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.
While happiness has many different
definitions, it is often described as
involving positive emotions and life

The first type, known as eudaimonic well-
being, is happiness associated with a sense
of purpose or a meaning in life. The second,
known as hedonic well-being, is happiness as
the result of “consummatory self-
gratification” or happiness not associated
with a purpose but rather a response to a
stimulus or behavior.
A factor analysis of thirteen well-being scales
shows that these two definitions coalesce into
a single general well-being factor which is
distinguishable only from an independent
stress/worries factor. Further evidence shows
that familiar scales of neuroticism, depression
and trait anxiety measure the same well-being
dimension if only in the negative half-range.
So does a list of somatic complaints.

Various two-factor models of well-being that

treat positive and negative affect as
independent processes, or that distinguish
between affective and cognitive components, are
challenged on the grounds that they depend on
the properties of Bradburn's affect scales
which are found to be highly dependent on
methodological parameters.
How to be
Conquer Negative Thinking
All humans have a tendency to be a bit more like Eeyore than
Tigger, to ruminate more on bad experiences than positive
ones. It’s an evolutionary adaptation — over-learning from
the dangerous or hurtful situations we encounter through life
(bullying, trauma, betrayal) helps us avoid them in the
future and react quickly in a crisis.

Controlled Breathing
Breathing practices can help reduce symptoms associated with
anxiety, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression
and attention deficit disorder. For centuries yogis have used
breath control, or pranayama, to promote concentration and
improve vitality.

Rewrite Your Story

Writing about oneself and personal experiences — and then
rewriting your story — can lead to behavioral changes and
improve happiness.
How to be

Get Moving
When people get up and move, even a little, they tend to be
happier than when they are still. A study that tracked the
movement and moods of cellphone users found that people
reported the most happiness if they had been moving in the
past 15 minutes than when they had been sitting or lying
down. Most of the time it wasn’t rigorous activity but just
gentle walking that left them in a good mood.

Practice Optimism
Optimism is part genetic, part learned. Even if you were born
into a family of gloomy Guses, you can still find your inner
ray of sunshine. Optimism doesn’t mean ignoring the reality
of a dire situation. After a job loss, for instance, many
people may feel defeated and think, “I’ll never recover from
this.” An optimist would acknowledge the challenge in a more
hopeful way.
What Makes The
Urban Marginalized
Happiness was not significantly different between males or
females or in immigrants and other groups of people. Higher
scores of happiness were seen in higher educated people,
singles, and people with enough income to meet their living
costs. Participants who were disabled had the lowest score of
happiness. The results showed that age had a negative and
significant correlation with happiness.

Happiness had a negative and significant correlation with

total general health and all aspects of the general health of
the people, including somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia,
social dysfunction, and depression.

Satisfaction with life, hope for the future, job

satisfaction, and safety in the neighborhood had significant
positive relationships with happiness. Mean happiness in
people who have a friend or family member to talk to was
higher than the others, which was significantly higher than
in those without friends or family.

People who have someone to help them in emergency situations

were happier than others
What Makes The
Urban Marginalized
Happiness was significantly lower in people who had been
subjected to violence compared with others. Those
participants who had observed bribery among government
officials during the previous year had a significantly lower
mean score for happiness than others.

Cigarette and hookah smokers were less happy than non-smokers

, but there was no difference between the happiness levels of
alcohol consumers and non-consumers. Opium users were
significantly less happy than non-users. Participants with
religious beliefs were happier than others.

As you saw Every Body has different reasons to be happy and

some people are even unhappy whereas some are happier than
others. So it is difficult to say that what makes everyone
happy but it is possible to figure out what makes an
individual happy and if this can be found out than it will be
easier for the individual to remain happy!!
Further Figuring out the Reasons for the

Urban Marginalized

1.In terms of life-domain satisfaction, the residents in

urban slums in India where hardship is bounteous were most
satisfied with their social relationships and least satisfied
with their financial situation.

2. Numerous studies have emphasized the links of life

satisfaction with several benefits such as health, longevity,
social relationships, prosociality and productivity

3. These people significantly have lower satisfaction in the

financial domain than in the other life domains, whereas
their ratings of satisfaction in the social domain were
significantly higher than those of the other life domains.
They tend to keep themselves happy maintaining good social
relationships with one another and finding happiness in each
Further Figuring out the Reasons for the

Urban Marginalized

4. They are well satisfied with their social relationships

and health(both physical and psychological)

5. This contradicts the common sense belief that poor people

are always unhappy. Such judgment is, however, an
illustration of the “focusing illusion”.The “focusing
illusion” takes place when individuals exaggerate the
importance of a single factor as in here the importance of
money is highlighted so much but it's of no use when people's
hear are lit so beautifully.

Summing Up
Summing up with what makes the marginalised community happy:-
Marital status, employment and job satisfaction, social
support and trust, feelings of insecurity in the
neighborhood, hope for the future, not facing violence, and
income satisfaction were the main determinants of happiness.
Statistics Supporting
The Above...

The effect of economic and social capital characteristics of

area of residence on the difference in subjective well-being
and happiness between slum and rural populations
>Tushita Chowdhary 224009
>Sahaj Khurana 224019
>Dia Batra 224021
>Kirandeep Kaur 224024
>Shaurya Gupta 224043
>Kavya Panday 224046

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