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© 2018


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Department: Issuing Date: Rev. No: Version Number:

Health, Safety & Environment 20th June, 2018 00 01

Unit: Document Control No: ASSL-HSE-ERP-015

Occupational Health & Safety

Originator: Sign: Date:

Cynthia Ozobu 20th June, 2018

HSE Officer

Checked By: Sign: Date:

Louwrens Du Preez
22nd June, 2018
Project Team

Approved By: Sign: Date:

Fatima Mohammed

Chief Executive Officer 2nd July 2018


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Revision Issue Date Purpose Page Amended Description of Updated/ Modified

Number Sections (If any)

00 20 /6/2018 Issue for N/A N/A


This is an electronically generated document, which has been reviewed and approved in accordance with the ABC
Sanitation Solutions Management System. An audit trail of review and approval is available within the electronic
system. The screen version of this document is the CONTROLLED COPY always. When printed, it is considered a FOR
INFORMATION ONLY copy, and it is the holder’s responsibility that he / she holds the latest valid version. , ABC
Sanitation Solutions thereof, Copyright 2018-2023 and design right reserved. Coping and/or disclosure of the confidential
information contained herein is prohibited without written permission of the proprietor.

1.0 Purpose.............................................................................................................................................................4


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2.0 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................4

3.0 Definition of Terms.........................................................................................................................................4

4.0 Roles & Responsibilities..................................................................................................................................5

4.1 Chief Executive Officer:..............................................................................................................................6

4.2 Director of Operation..................................................................................................................................6

4.3 Corporate HSE Manager & MR.................................................................................................................7

4.4 Fire Fighting Team/ Lead..........................................................................................................................8

4.5 Facility Manager/ Supervisor....................................................................................................................9

4.6 Planning & Logistics Manager.................................................................................................................10

4.7 Security Coordinator.................................................................................................................................10

4.8 Community Liaison Officer......................................................................................................................11

4.9 Medic (Doctor/ Nurse).............................................................................................................................11

4.10 All Personnel............................................................................................................................................12

5.0 Procedure.......................................................................................................................................................12

5.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................12

5.2Emergency Management Philosophy......................................................................................................13

5.3 Emergency Scenario Identification..........................................................................................................13

5.3.1 Types of Emergency...........................................................................................................................13

5.3.2 Emergency Classification...................................................................................................................14

5.4Emergency Response Management..........................................................................................................15

5.4.1. Emergency Classification & Notification........................................................................................16

5.4.2 Communications & Emergency Information Flow.........................................................................16

5.4.3 Emergency Response Management Team Members......................................................................17

5.5Emergency Response Training & Drill Exercise.........................................................................................17

5.5.1 Emergency Equipment Monitoring & Inspection...........................................................................19

5.5.2Handling hazardous Material Spills..................................................................................................20

5.5.3 Handling Fire Emergency..................................................................................................................21

5.5.3 Handling Injury/illness of Personal.................................................................................................22


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5.5.4Road Transport Accident....................................................................................................................23


5.5.6Bomb Threat.........................................................................................................................................23

5.5.7Severe Weather and Natural Disasters.............................................................................................24

6.0 Reporting & Meeting.....................................................................................................................................26

7.0Critique of Emergency Response & Follow-up...........................................................................................27

8.0Emergency Response Preparedness Matrix................................................................................................28

9.0ABC Sanitation Solutions Staff Emergency Contact Numbers.................................................................30

1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this plan is to establish and maintain a system for carrying out emergency preparedness
and response actions within the premises of ABC Sanitation Solutions and areas of its operations, with


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the aim of minimizing the impacts of emergency situations on the environment, including risks &
injury to employees, subcontractors, public, other interested parties and limit damage of assets.

2.0 Scope
This procedure is applicable to all emergency situations which can have significant impacts to the
environment, including occupational health & safety risk to employees and other personnel working
for or on behalf of ABC Sanitation Solutions in conformance to the requirements of ISO 45001:2018
standard. Strict adherence to this procedure will be expected during emergencies and awareness will
be maintained by all units and communicated via Toolbox Talks, Safety Meetings, Safety Audits and
Emergency Drills. A communication flow chart is designed to guide everyone about whom to contact
in case of any emergency.

3.0 Definition of Terms

 Incident – a work related event(s) in which an injury or ill-health regardless of severity or
fatality occurred or could have occurred.

 Risk – a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and

the severity of injury or ill health that can be cause by the event or exposure.

 Nonconformity – a non-fulfillment of a requirement.

 Corrective Action – any actions taken by the concerned department to eliminate the cause of
the identified non-conformities to prevent its recurrence.

 ERT – Emergency Response Team; a group of employees trained in responding and handling
several types of emergency situations or scenarios.

 PPE – Personal Protective Equipment.

 Controllable Emergency: Is an emergency where reasonable and prudent action can prevent
harm to people or property. Personnel are trained to recognize and take appropriate action to
respond to controllable emergencies should they occur.

 Uncontrollable Emergency: Is an emergency where reasonable and prudent action cannot

prevent harm to people or property. Personnel are trained to act to minimize harm to the public
and personnel, including prompt notification of appropriate local officials of the emergency and


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possible need for evacuation of the public near ABC Sanitation Solutions as prescribed in this

 MR – Management Representative, a person appointed to manage and monitor the

implementation of the organization’s ISO 45001: 2018 Management System.

4.0 Roles & Responsibilities

The emergency Response Team for ABC Sanitation Solutions consists of the following personnel in
leadership roles:

 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

 Director of Operations

 Corporate HSE Manager, MR & Fire Team Leader

 Facility Manager

 Planning & Logistic Manager

 Community Liaison Officer

In addition to the ERT leadership, all other on-site personnel have some role regarding ERT. In some
cases, this is limited to remaining vigilant for emergency conditions and proceeding to MUSTER when
an emergency is raised.  In either case, the ERT Leadership team is responsible for ensuring all site
personnel are trained in and are prepared to play a role in emergency response.  It is the ERT’s role to
ensure that all personnel expected to act in an emergency are trained about their roles and
responsibilities for several types of emergencies.  Additional key responsibility of the ERT key
personnel is provided in the following sections.

4.1 Chief Executive Officer:

 The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for providing resources related to the effective
implementation of the company’s emergency preparedness and response plan.


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 S/he ensures significant emergencies, that are expected to result in downtime, considerable
damage, and reputational damage to Company, reporting or regulatory requirements, are
managed in an effective manner.  

 It is responsibility of director of operations/ HSE Manager to report incidents to the Chief

Executive officer (CEO) in a timely fashion, after the initial incident has been responded to.

4.2 Director of Operation

The Director of Operations shall be the Emergency Response Team Leader. He shall:
 Provide overall initial response contact for all operations emergencies.
 Activate emergency response personnel as per availability and/or appropriate to the incident.
 Evaluate and initiate immediate actions to contain and mitigate effects of emergency.
 Arrange to mobilize any additional resources likely to be required.
 Advice all emergency respondents to remain on appropriate communication channels until
emergency is concluded; declare radio/telephone silence for all other users other than
emergency respondents.
 Ensure any injured or at-risk personnel are evacuated/rescued to a safe area.
 Develop initial priority action plan with Emergency Response Management Team Members;
continually review to ensure response is appropriate to incident.
 Ensure prompt notification to local response agencies, if incident/accident is likely to require
external assistance.
 Brief CHAIRMAN/ CEO, about the prevailing emergency and actions planned and assistance,
which may be required.
 Alert and liaise with Doctor/Nurse promptly to determine treatment and regarding MEDEVAC
transfer; as appropriate and as per MEDEVAC procedures.
 Confirm all personnel are accounted for; and no personnel are trapped.
 Liaise with fire team leader to place fire team on standby or mobilize as required.
 Monitor events; determine need for evacuation of personnel/equipment.
 Evaluate and review emergency team management strategy and provide if any additional
resources required.
 Debrief personnel prior to releasing them from duty.
 Debrief at the end of the incident to the CHAIRMAN/ CEO.


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 Review Emergency response events; provide recommendations for response improvements in

Liaison with the HSE Manager.
 At the end of any incident/emergency; prepare a complete incident report and send to

4.3 Corporate HSE Manager & MR

The Corporate HSE Manager/MR is responsible for, assisting with emergency response that include a
fire, potential of fire, or potential of environmental contamination. Other responsibilities include:
 Ensuring that this procedure is executed consistently and effectively throughout ABC Sanitation

 Liaise with ERT on how to contain the incidents involving release to the environment,
personnel contamination, and fire.

 If a fire or explosion occurs, raise the alarm; communicate using hand held radio or Mobile
Phones etc.

 Review incident requirements and activate HSE support resources as appropriate.

 Brief personnel in your charge regarding likely incident needs and safe working practices;
monitor them for signs of trauma, fatigue and stress.

 Draw and audit emergency response drill plan

 Ensure the fire response equipment is ready and available to respond to emergency conditions.

 Ensure all front-line fire response personnel are trained, and well prepared to respond to an

 Determine likely waste management requirements and advice accordingly.

 Provide HSE and hazardous materials technical advice and assistance.

 Go to muster point, mobilize fire-fighting crew with fire extinguishers and direct fire crews,
contribute to the assessment of the incident status, and implement response strategy.

 Prepare incident report and provide advice on critical issues for CEO.

 Assist in firefighting with firefighting crew.


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 Assist in Search and Rescue as appropriate.

 Ensure that regular emergency response drills are performed.

 Check and ensure that muster points are established, and sign posted.

4.4 Fire Fighting Team/ Lead

 Responds to fire incidents and emergency medical incidents.
 Implement Emergency Response drill on site.
 Drive, manoeuvre and redeploy fire service vehicles.
 Assists in performing routine maintenance of all fire apparatus and tools.
 Liaise with ABC Sanitation Solutions First Aiders for emergency medical/first aid as
 Liaise with appropriate agencies (e.g. Lagos Sate fire Service) in consultation with HSE
 Coordinate and support in areas of administration and information gathering.
 Participates in pre-fire analysis & inspection, in reviewing target hazards within the facility, and
establishing actions to be taken at the time of an incident.
 Debrief personnel in his charge before releasing them from duty.
 Review incident response events; provide recommendations for response improvements.

4.5 Facility Manager/ Supervisor

 If not the first person at the scene, obtain all relevant incident information from person who
raised the alarm or who initially assumed the role of incident controller.

 Evaluate and initiate immediate action to mitigate the effect of the emergency and request any
additional resources likely to be required.

 Assess the likely impact of incident to simultaneous operations, the local community or the

 Continually update the HSE Manager/Director of Operations with ongoing incident response
activities and requirements.

 Advice supervisors of any processes or systems that are threatened should be diverted or that
should be closed etc.


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 Brief personnel in your charge and constantly monitor them for safe working practices, stress,
fatigue or trauma.

 Immediately confirm location, extent and type of emergency.

 Confirm all personnel in the immediate area are accounted for.

 Assess probable cause of incident and undertake corrective action/damage control measures.

 Guide fire teams to incident site by safest route as required.

 Monitor events; determine need for evacuation of personnel /equipment if situation warrants.

 Relief of personnel in your charge.

 Consider relief/support for his role; prepare hand-over reports and plans.

 Maintain log of events for collection at end of incident; provide to Managing Director.

 Debrief personnel in his charge before releasing them from duty.

 Review incident response events; provide recommendations for response improvements.

At the end of any incident/emergency, prepare a complete incident report; provide to ERT.

N.B: The responsibilities of the Facility Manager /supervisor may be assumed by first person on the
scene and then assumed by a more appropriate or senior ABC Sanitation Solutions staff as an incident

4.6 Planning & Logistics Manager

 Maintain familiarization with the emergency response plan, key respondents and appropriate
emergency notification requirements.
 Coordinate and supply support vehicles and any other logistics support required and
appropriate for the incident.
 Constantly monitor logistics requirements and plan in co-ordination with Director of
 Contact with local transport /hire companies to determine availability of transport.
 Determine with Admin officer on requirements of catering and accommodation requirements.
 Maintain accurate tracking record of locations and movements of all support services, their
personnel, equipment and materials.
 Make arrangement for return of vehicles, equipment, and materials.


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 Supply data to the Director of Operations.

4.7 Security Coordinator

 Implementation of this procedure.
 On receiving any information about any incident/Accident immediately secure the place of
 Mobilize, control and instruct BEMIL Security staffs and MOPOL (police) units as required.
 Ensure that all access into ABC Sanitation Solutions is secure.
 Organize adequate protection for the all personnel.
 Take actions as the situation demands and in consultation with the Director of Operations.
 Investigate together with the Director of Operations & HSE Manager the security issues and
 Liaise with local security agencies and the police station.
 Render support as situation demands.
 Constantly monitor the situation until the situations returns to normal.
 To secure, regulate personnel and traffic, control confrontations and assist in security aspects.

4.8 Community Liaison Officer

 Maintain liaison with the Director of Operation for latest community impact information.
 Prepare an initial community impact assessment and provide to the Director of Operation and
keep updated with all community liaison issues.
 Assure communities /resources users near incident area (landowners etc.) are advised and
regularly updated of incident status and likely impact.
 Liaise with CEO/ Director of Operation regarding offers on external assistance.
 Consider meeting with relevant community leaders.
 Determine any incident details that may involve notifications to civic or social welfare
 Establish community contacts if necessary.
 Maintain log of events for collection of end of incident; provide to CEO/ Director of Operation.

4.9 Medic (Doctor/ Nurse)

The on-site medical emergency response team as the first medical responders to assist in medical


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emergencies. The emergency response role of the Medic and Nurses is as follows:
 Coordinate the initial / first medical response to injured personnel.
 Assess the need for and coordinate the medical response to emergency conditions that have
resulted in serious or multiple injuries beyond the capability on the on-site medical resource to
 Assess and coordinate Medevac activities.

4.10 All Personnel

 Report any emergency to the ERT immediately; provide incident details, its status, any actions
already taken and any likely requirements.
 Ensure Director of Operation/ HSE Manager is kept aware of all response operations and of
any hazards, which may affect the safety of a response operation.
 If a fire or explosion occurs, raise the alarm using the automatic alarm system.
 If alarm is raised, move to designated Muster Point, and stay out of danger, remain there until
further advised.
 If unable to reach designated Muster Point, ensure to stay upwind of any fire or smoke etc.
 If responding or attempting to control an incident, ensure person in charge is advised of his
location to ensure inclusion in headcount.
 If civil unrest/protest occurs, avoid the disturbance area; do not confront, aggravate or interfere
with protesters.
 Do not communicate with any outside persons, strangers on the incident details.

5.0 Procedure

5.1 Introduction
In operating integrated waste management solutions, ABC Sanitation Solutions recognizes that there
are hazards which exist in this aspect of operations. All hazards with the potential to cause major injury
or fatalities, major asset damage, extensive environmental impact and/or considerable adverse impact
to the company’s reputation are continually identified, assessed and suitably controlled. If these
controls fail, ABC Sanitation Solutions has put in place plans and resources to ensure swift and efficient
response to any such emergency and minimize any consequential losses. In an emergency, making
important decisions is difficult in a very short time hence the need for this procedure.


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5.2Emergency Management Philosophy

The ultimate philosophy of Emergency Response is to mitigate and protect lives and property during
emergencies. ABC Sanitation Solutions gives priority in the following order:
 Safety of people

 Protection of the Environment.

 Safeguarding of company’s asset.

 Protection of ABC Sanitation Solutions reputation.

5.3 Emergency Scenario Identification

 The Corporate HSEQ Manger, in co-ordination with other departments, shall identify all
potential emergency situations or scenarios arising from the risk assessment associated with the
company’s activities, operations and processes, including the means to eliminate, control and
minimize the hazards and risk associated with it.

 All identified emergency scenarios shall be developed, registered and maintained using the
“Facility Specific Risk Register”, specifying the activities, operations and processes including
the hazards, risks and appropriate controls.

5.3.1 Types of Emergency

For the ABC Sanitation Solutions, emergency situations envisaged include but are not limited to the
 Fire
 Medical
 Road Transport Accident
 Hazardous Waste Spillage
 Security (Robbery)
 Civil Unrest
 Explosion/ Bomb threats.
 Community Disturbance
 Severe Weather and Natural Disaster Emergency
 Missing Person


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5.3.2 Emergency Classification

Level of Emergency Description
Level 1 An emergency has occurred and can be controlled
by the company’s ERT. The incident has no effect
outside the facility. The potential or no danger to
life, the environment or to the company assets or
Level 2

An emergency has occurred. However, the

situation is not under control but is confined
within facility premised. The emergency is
confined to a small area or to a fixed site and
does not posed a threat of spreading to a larger
area or off-site. The company’s ERT shall take
the necessary response for controlling the
A need for external agencies to assist. There is
likely to be danger to life, to the environment or
company assets or reputation.

Level 3 An emergency has occurred where the situation is not

under control and protective action may be necessary
to protect the surrounding or offsite area. A site area
emergency involves events in process or which have
occurred that result in actual or likely major failures
of facility safety functions. The company’s ERT
together, Civil Defense, Police and other Agencies
shall take the necessary response for controlling the
There will be one or more of the followings:
death/severe injury, potential significant pollution or


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environmental damage, Substantial damage to

property and major media interest.

5.4Emergency Response Management

 An Emergency Response Team (ERT) shall be formed and maintained to ensure the company’s
readiness in the event of incidents and other emergency situations affecting the environment
and the health & safety of all personnel.

 The ERT shall be headed by an assigned “Incident Commander” and shall be organized in
accordance with – “Emergency Response Team Structure”, which identifies the key emergency
responders in the overall Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan (EPRP).

 Members of the ERT shall be qualified and trained in matters related to emergency
preparedness & response actions to mitigate severe impacts to the environment and its
associated risk in the event of its occurrence. Emergency trainings shall be planned and
coordinated by the Head of HSE Department with qualified trainers.

 The HSE Manager will remain at the emergency scene and provide directions as appropriate.
S/he will closely liaise with the fire fighting team at site for emergency control actions.

 If Emergency escalates above Level 1, the HSE Manager will communicate to the Director of
Operation for directives.

5.4.1. Emergency Classification & Notification

 All emergency situations will be assessed by the Incident Commander and Corporate HSEQ
Manager who shall determine the level of emergency according to the classification specified in
Appendix 2 – “Emergency Classification”.
 Appropriate communications shall be performed by the Head of the HSE Department with all
relevant authorities depending on the classification level of emergency.
 For Level 2 & Level 3, the Corporate HSEQ Manager shall notify Civil Defense, Mutual Aid
Response Team Leader, Police and other concerned agencies. The notification should clearly
identify the level of emergency scenario and sufficient information for any foreseeable
assistance requirements.


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5.4.2 Communications & Emergency Information Flow

 Communication lines through Radio and mobile phones shall be accessible, readily usable and
maintained to facilitate proper communication with relevant authorities.
 In addition, emergency contact numbers of key personnel, including ambulance, police and fire
departments shall be posted for quick reference.
 All occurrences of environmental and OH&S emergency situations and incidents shall be
communicated immediately to the Head of HSE Department, MR, and/or the Director of

5.4.3 Emergency Response Management Team Members

During emergencies, responsibilities shall be assumed in each specialized area as follows:

Position/ Role Responsible Person Alternate

Emergency Response Team CEO Director of Operation/ HSE
Leader/ Incident Commander Manager
HSE Advisor HSE Manager Fire Fighting Team
Communication Incident Commander HSE Manager
Muster Point Coordinator Facility Manager Facility Supervisor

Facility Emergency Coordinator Supervisor in charge where the HSE officer/ Manager
emergency occurred
Medical Support Doctor/ Nurse BLS First Aider
Logistic Coordinator Planning & Logistic Manager Fleet Supervisor
Facility Emergency Control Operations personnel trained in
Teams emergency Control
Security Facility Security Team
External Authority Liaison Cooperate Communication
Community Liaison Community Liaison Officer- Planning & Logistics Manager


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Facility Manager

5.5Emergency Response Training & Drill Exercise

In other to prepare all personnel for any eventuality or emergency, Emergency Response Training shall
be provided for all personnel. Basic Emergency Response Training shall form part of the HSE
Orientation Programme for all personnel with key responsibilities in Emergency Response, and such an
employee shall undergo additional training on emergency response management.

Emergency drills shall be conducted quarterly. The HSE Manager and Firefighting Team will draw up
a plan to ensure that staffs are adequately prepared on how to respond during emergency.
The drill plan will be for a period of one year; however, it shall be reviewed every six months to ensure
that those drills not done are adequately planned for before the end of the year.

Every worker shall be made familiar with the contents of this emergency Response Procedure by
discussing the procedure as a topic at routine HSE Meetings or toolbox talks.
In the event of emergency, the basic actions to be performed by the first person on site
 The Corporate HSEQ Manager, in coordination with the MR and Chief Executive officer,
including all other departments in the organization, shall plan and conduct company-wide
emergency drills at least once every 6 months.
 Emergency drills shall cover all but not limited to several types of emergencies as follows:

□ Evacuation
□ Firefighting;
□ First aid
□ Hazardous material spills.


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 Designated fire exits and evacuation areas (or “Muster points”) within the company premises
shall be clearly marked and made clear to all personnel. Selected and assigned personnel
(referred to as “fire wardens”) shall supervise the evacuation, including headcount.
 Where appropriate, Facility layout and emergency contact details shall be posted in strategic
locations of the company premises for the general awareness of everyone. The maps should
show evacuation routes, recovery routes, closest exits, fire protection equipment locations,
shower station, spill control station and whatever is applicable. All employees should follow
these instructions and be familiar with the evacuation map.
 If planned results are not achieved, appropriate corrective actions shall be planned and carried
out in accordance with “Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure” - ASSL- OH&S- PRC-013.

 The HSEQ Department shall prepare and maintain records of “Emergency Drill Report” (ASSL-
HSE-FRM-015) duly signed by the MR and/or Corporate HSEQ Manager.

5.5.1 Emergency Equipment Monitoring & Inspection

 The Corporate HSEQ manager shall ensure that appropriate emergency equipment is provided,
deployed and easily accessible in strategic areas of the company premises, where a potential
environmental emergency and associated risks could potentially occur.
 Emergency equipment shall cover all but not limited to the following:
□ Fire Extinguishers
□ Fire Alarms
□ Fire Hose
□ Emergency Lights
□ Spill kits (in the event of chemical/oil spills)
□ First Aid Kit
 The Corporate HSEQ manager and/or its assigned staff shall periodically check and monitor all
emergency equipment using the “Emergency Equipment Monitoring Sheet”. Frequency of
inspection and maintenance shall be specified in the list.


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 It shall be the responsibility of the Corporate HSEQ manager and his designated staff to ensure
that all emergency equipment are in good operational condition and easily accessible in the
event of an incident and other emergency.

In the event of emergency, the basic actions to be performed by the first person on site is as follow

5.5.2Handling hazardous Material Spills

The guidelines below shall be used in environmental emergencies such as hazardous spills and leaks
resulting from improper handling, accidents and explosions that pose immediate danger to employees
and environment:

 For minor spills, clean the spills or leaks with absorbent materials and put the contaminated
materials in a hazardous waste bin.

 For major spills, call the ERT and report immediately the matter to Incident Commander and
the Corporate HSEQ manager.

 Then identify the type of chemical or oil spilled in the area and determine the source of all spills
or leaks.

 Use appropriate protections in handling spilled chemicals or oils.

 Stop the source of leaks or spills.

 Cover or dike drains to keep spilled chemicals out of the water supply.

 Remove or block-off reactive materials in the area/floor.

 Contain the spill or leaks using the techniques that best fit the situation.

 For oil leaks, place an empty container under the source of the leak.

 Tie-up the pipe or hose where a chemical comes out.

 Replaced the defective pipe or hose.


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 Put the leaking container in a recovery or inside another container.

 Rotate or shift the container to a position that stops the leak.

 Use appropriate absorbent materials to remove the spills or leaks.

 Limit the spill or leak to as small an area as possible.

 Contain the spill chemicals within a salvage drum.

 Remove the contaminated clothing & dispose them accordingly, then shower.

 Decontaminate any tools used in the removal and clear-up of hazardous materials.

ERT shall ensure that appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is used when handling
chemical or oil spills.

5.5.3 Handling Fire Emergency

Person who discovered the fire shall promptly report the matter to any ERT member, Incident
Commander and/or the Corporate HSEQ manager through telephone, mobile phone or any other
means of communication. In the event of fire, the following guidelines shall be as follows:
 Call the ERT and report the location of fire.
 Use the nearest fire extinguisher (if trained and fire can be extinguished in less than 2 mins)
 If not, Sound the alarm or shout “fire, fire, fire”
 Move out of the affected area and Muster
 All fire must be reported.
Upon receipt of emergency call, the ERT shall respond immediately and shall act according to the
 Use firefighting techniques.
 Responds to emergencies as required.
 Initiate orders and command activity with firefighting.
 Call external Fire Department if the situation is out of control.


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 If situation is getting worse, evacuation shall be planned upon HSE’s recommendation and
approval of the Chief Executive Officer/ Director of operation.

The ERT and/or designated personnel (referred to as “fire wardens”) shall direct and lead all
personnel/workers towards the designated evacuation area (or “assembly point”). Employees and
visitors shall follow the following evacuation guidelines:
 Proceed to the nearest exits or stairs.
 Walk fast. Do not run.
 Proceed to the designated evacuation area.
 Do not go back to get personal items.
 Wait for a further announcement.

The Corporate HSEQ manager, in consultation with the MR and Incident Commander shall make a
recommendation if there is to be a suspension of work and shall take any necessary action if suspension
is announced.

5.5.3 Handling Injury/illness of Personal In case of serious injured:
 Shout for help.
 Recover the injured person and administer first Aid as per injury treatment.
 Do not attempt to move the injured person if you are not aware of handling back or neck
 Call the ambulance: 767/112 and report the accident to the management.
 If the injured person is conscious, ask if s/he can walk and transport to the nearest hospital.
 If injured person is unconscious wait for the arrival of the rescue team In case of illness:

 Inform the supervisor.
 The Supervisor or first aid nominated person must transfer the sick person to the hospital for
proper medical treatment.
 If vehicle not available call: AMBULANCE: 767/ 112


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5.5.4 Road Transport Accident

 Initiate general emergency response notification procedure
 Determine if doctor/ ambulance or other external services (Lagos State Rescue Unit- LRU) is
 Administer first aid if required and wait for medical response.

5.5.5 Evacuation
 Initiate general Emergency Response notification procedure
 Switch off all equipment.
 Assemble at mustering point
 Ensure that everyone is accounted for.
 Supervisor takes control and gives instructions on how to proceed

5.5.6 Bomb Threat

 Be calm, be courteous. Listen. Do not interrupt the caller.
 Pretend difficulty hearing - keep caller talking - if caller seems agreeable to further
conversation, ask questions like:

 When will it go off? Certain Hour ________ Time Remaining_________

 Where is it located? Building_________ Area__________

 What kind of bomb?

 What kind of package?

 How do you know so much about the bomb?

 What is your name and address?

 If building is occupied, inform caller that detonation could cause injury or death.

 Call Security at …………. and relay information about call.

 Did the caller appear familiar with plant or building (by his/her description of the bomb
location)? Write out the message in its entirety and any other comments on a separate sheet of
paper and attach to the bomb threat checklist form.

 Notify your supervisor immediately.


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5.5.7Severe Weather and Natural Disasters

When a warning is issued by sirens or other means, seek inside shelter. Consider the following:

□ Small interior rooms on the lowest floor and without windows.

□ Hallways on the lowest floor away from doors and windows, and
□ Rooms constructed with reinforced concrete, brick, or block with no windows.

 Stay away from outside walls and windows.

 Use arms to protect head and neck.

 Remain sheltered until the tornado threat is announced to be over.

 Stay calm and await instructions from the Emergency Coordinator or the designated official.
 Keep away from overhead fixtures, windows, filing cabinets, and electrical power.
 Assist people with disabilities in finding a safe place.
 Evacuate as instructed by the Emergency Coordinator and/or the designated official.
If indoors:
 Be ready to evacuate as directed by the Emergency Coordinator and/or the designated official.

 Follow the recommended primary or secondary evacuation routes.

If outdoors

 Climb to high ground and stay there.

 Avoid walking or driving through flood water.
 If car stalls, abandon it immediately and climb to a higher ground.
The nature of a hurricane provides for more warning than other natural and weather disasters. A
hurricane watch issued when a hurricane becomes a threat to a coastal area. A hurricane warning is


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issued when hurricane winds of 74 mph or higher, or a combination of dangerously high water and
rough seas, are expected in the area within 24 hours.

Once a hurricane watch has been issued:

 Stay calm and await instructions from the Emergency Coordinator or the designated official.

 Moor any boats securely or move to a safe place if time allows.

 Continue to monitor local TV and radio stations for instructions.

 Move early out of low-lying areas or from the coast, at the request of officials.

 If you are on high ground, away from the coast and plan to stay, secure the building, moving all
loose items indoors and boarding up windows and openings.

 Collect drinking water in appropriate containers.

Once a hurricane warning has been issued:

 Be ready to evacuate as directed by the Emergency Coordinator and/or the designated official.

 Leave areas that might be affected by storm tide or stream flooding.

During a hurricane:
 Remain indoors and consider the following:

□ Small interior rooms on the lowest floor and without windows,

□ Hallways on the lowest floor away from doors and windows, and

□ Rooms constructed with reinforced concrete, brick, or block with no windows.

6.0 Reporting & Meeting

 The Corporate HSEQ manager, MR and other relevant personnel shall review and discuss any
reported incident and shall plan corrective measures to avoid recurrence of the same
environmental and OH&S emergency and incident.


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 Emergency procedures shall be reviewed and revised as necessary to reflect continual

improvement on the company’s emergency preparedness and response plan.
 All matters discussed shall be communicated to all employees, contractors and other person
working for or on behalf of the company through meetings and bulletin boards for general

7.0 Critique of Emergency Response & Follow-up

This Emergency Response Plan is subject to on-going improvement, and modification when the facility
is changed. At a minimum, the ERP should be reviewed after each major change to the facility, or once
every two years, to ensure it is accurate, reflects actual operational practices, and up to date.

This plan can also be improved by incorporating lessons learned from drills and actual emergency
response activities. Periodically, such as after any emergency response, a critique shall be completed
utilizing the Incident Investigation Procedures that considers and discuss the following:

 Nature of incident/emergency.
 Possible cause of incident/emergency.
 Time and Date of incident/emergency.
 What was the response?
 Was the response sufficient?
 What could have been done better?
 What could have been done to avoid this incident or emergency?
 Was anyone injured? Who?
 What was the nature of the injury?
 Were they hospitalized?
 What is the status of the injured person(s)?
 Have measures been taken to keep this from happening again?

A de-briefing shall be organized for follow-up and shall consist of the following elements:

 All organizations involved/key team members


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 Invite other experts to critique

 Review procedures, problems, etc.
 Develop lessons learned

8.0 Emergency Response Preparedness Matrix

The following table details the preparations, equipment and training that need to be in place to be
able to respond safely to various emergency incidents:

Event Equipment Available Safety Signs Training

Fire  Fire
extinguishers  Mustering  Fire Fighting
(portable and points.  First Aid.
semi-portable),  Extinguishers  Hazard
fire water stand. Communication
(certain  Exits. .
locations).  Building Floor  Fire emergency
 First aid kit, Plan. response
blankets.  Notice Board.
 Fire tender on  Telephone
call from fire contact matrix
 Fire alarm.
 Smoke

Medical  First aid Kit  First aid kit  First aid

 MSDS  MSDS  First
 Safety Shower  Safety Shower
 Medical
 Qualified Medic  Notice board
 First Aider  Telephone
Contact Matrix
 Medical Center

 Ambulance

Evacuation  First aid Kit  Muster point  Medical


REV:00 Page 27

 Ambulance, Medical  Exists evacuation

Center response.
 Building floor

 Notice Board

Chemical/  Washing Chemical  Notice board  Dangerous

oil spillage good
 Absorbents  MSDS
 PPE  Telephone
 Hazard
Contact matrix
 Containment bund communication

 DCP Extinguisher

 Empty drums

Road  Qualified drivers  Fire extinguisher  Defensive

Transport driving
 Planned preventive  Traffic cons/
maintenance schedule. signages.  Incident
 Route tracking/  Telephone
monitoring device. contact Matrix  Journey


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9.0 ABC Sanitation Solutions Staff Emergency Contact Numbers

Staff Name Description Contact Number

Louwrens Du Preez Director of Operation +2349070006302

Cynthia Ozobu HSE Officer +2349070006307

Mr Tunde Sulaiman Planning & Logistics +234907000318

Engr Ojo Augustine Facility Manager & +234907000320


Dr Busayo Retainership Hospital +234907000305

Ikeja Lagos Lagos State Fire Service 112/ 767

External Agencies (LRU) 112/767


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