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Preparedness and opportunity- Success Guarantee

Sanjay Srivastava Life coach and Motivational speaker

No point of time the word “Impossible” has a place unless you let go of the opportunity. Everyone
has the opportunity to convert your dream of success. Either the problem is, you don’t see the
dream or you don’t realize the dream. Opportunities knock the door and you are not prepared to
grab or when you are prepared to grab the opportunity doesn’t come. Synergy between the two is
important and it happens only when you wait for the opportunity with open hands, with
preparedness. At the threshold of the dream your success purely depends upon the readiness. You
need to realize the environment around is progressing and the opportunity is just around the corner.
Either you grab or someone else will steal the opportunity. What is important is, how does this
happen? Automatically never this synergy takes place. It’s you who decides to accomplish the
success with preparedness, then opportunity knocks your door.

Awareness of an opportunity- Situational awareness

If you are preparing for the last 8 years of getting an opportunity to sing as a professional singer,
despite a trained classical singer, it means you must have lost the opportunity. Opportunity to build
your career as a professional singer.

Usually, we are not aware and alert about the situation which is conducive to taking off the dream
and the opportunity is lost. What is situational awareness for grabbing the opportunity for the
success you would be looking for? Situational awareness can be simply defined as “knowing what is
happening around us”. Perception of situations available in the environment. If the wind is flowing
swiftly with heavy cloud cover, means rain or thunder storm is in the environment and we need to
be prepared. Similarly, you should be aware of what is going to happen based on the environment
around you. If social media is getting strong and you haven’t changed your approach, chances are,
you will miss certain opportunities which are vital for your success.

Failures are very close to success but if you ignore the reasons for failure the opportunity to correct
shall be missed and thus the opportunity to achieve success, therefore an helicopter view of the
situation is the awareness about the situation around you.

How to convert an Opportunity into success?

every lock has the key, so the opportunity has the success built in. behind the curtain opportunity is
to win or succeed towards achieving your goal but what is the opportunity is lost. An opportunity is
the road map of success and you have to prepare a road map and to be aware about the map before
you venture out. You need to understand that opportunity favours the preparedness. Every child or
human being has opportunities in life but our lack of ability to remain prepared is a hurdle in
recognizing that opportunity.

Every year in cricket dozens of new players are inducted to get their place in 11 but only 10% have
the sustainability to secure their place. People who were given the opportunity to be part of the
team have equal opportunity but very few have the ability to recognize the importance of
preparedness and eventually they lose their place and someone else grabs the opportunity.
Preparation like endeavours, efforts and practice played a key role in their success.

How to recognize an opportunity knocking at the door? Hypothetically, in your college where
hundreds of students are studying and many are bright as you. You all are engaging each one into
discussions and having an opportunity to showcase your talent while in the canteen or in the
classroom. Some take the courage and initiate the discussion on any topic and people participate.
Teachers are also seeing some of the discussions are being held and students are participating. You
being reserved and shy in nature avoids taking any participation in such classroom discussion though
you have deep subject knowledge.

Next month, there is going to be a college festival and there was a program on debate competition.
While selecting the name many have given their name and some were picked up by the students,
colleagues and teachers too. In the debate function your friend was adjudged as the winner. You
started feeling, you could have delivered a better debate. Perhaps, true but the opportunity was
lost. You were not prepared and you were not aware of the situation arising before your eyes to

In our life, endless opportunities are knocking everyday but we fail to recognize them. Success is
limited to a very few just because of the lack of awareness and their preparedness. Many leaders
strive to succeed, prosper and make solid progress in their personal and professional life. They know
when and where the opportunities are and pave their path with the awareness and consciousness.

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