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Bacteria & Archaea, Kingdom Archaebacteria & Kingdom Eubacteria


1. Bacteria, Kingdom Monera back then, true bacteria, widespread group

2. Archaebacteria – primitive bacteria, most closely related to eukaryotes and live in extreme habitats.



- prokaryotic (no true nucleus and most membrane bound organelles)

- cellular organisms that contain both DNA and RNA

-have ribosomes and can manufacture their own enzymes which enables them to generate ATP and
synthesize other organic compounds.

-size: microscopic (smallest, 0.3 m – Mycoplasma genitalium; largest, 0.75mm – Thiomargarita


- exists in three general shapes:

a. coccus (cocci; pl) round shaped; may appear as single cells or clusters

ex: streptococcus, staphylococcus

b. bacillus (bacilli; pl) rod shaped; may also form chains

ex. Bacillus, lactobacillus

c. spirillum (spirilla; pl) spiral or helical-shaped

ex: Rhodospirillum, Leptospira


1. capsule – a network of polysaccharide which functions for bacterial resistance to phagocytosis.

Ex. Streptococcus pneumoniae

2. pilus- short, hair-like appendage used by bacteria for conjugation (genetic exchange)

Ex: Escherichia coli

3. flagella- threadlike appendages used for locomotion

4 different patterns of flagellar arrangement

a. monotrichous – with one polar flagellum, single flagella on one side ex. Vibrio cholera
b. lopotrichous- with clusters of flagellum at one or both side, tuft of flagella on 1 end ex.
Pseudomonas fluorescens

c. amphitrichous- with single flagellum at each pole, single or tuft on both ends, ex aquaspirillum

d. petrichous- whole surface is surrounded by flagella, flagella throughout the cells, ex

salmonella typhi

4. Endospore – extraordinary resistant structures that allows bacteria to survive diverse or unfavourable
conditions of their environment. Endospores are resistant to heat and chemicals and are formed by
Gram positive bacteria. Ex: bacillus, clostridium

5. Plasmid – circular, extra-chromosomal DNA that can reproduce by itself; it helps bacteria to resist
toxic chemicals and antibiotics.

6. Cell wall- provides strength, mechanical support to cells, it provides bacteria with shape and
protection to osmotic lysis. Major components: peptidoglycan

Two types of bacteria based on cell wall composition

Gram positive (G+) bacteria – peptidoglycan

Gram negative (G-) bacteria – peptidoglycan + lipopolysaccharide

*gram+/gram = based on their reaction to Gram Staining

Fixation – crystal violet – iodine treatment – decolorization – counter stain safranin


Hans Christian Gram – Gram stain was devised by the Danish physician, while working in Berlin 1883. He
later published this procedure . studying lung tissue sections from patients who had died of pneumonia

BINARY FUSION- a mechanism of asexual reproduction that yields two equally-sized, genetically identical
descendant cells.

1. cell replicates its DNA

2. the cytoplasmic membrane elongates, separating DNA molecules.

3. Cross wall forms; membrane invaginates

4. cross wall forms completely

5. daughter cells

1. transformation – bacteria take up free DNA, such as that from a dead cell from its environment.

2. transduction- a virus picks up DNA from one host, then passes the DNA along its next host.

3. conjugation - a bacterium donates a plasmid to another bacteria.


1. Autotrophs

-capable of manufacturing its own organic molecules for food.

- aka as “self feeders”

- they rely on inorganic sources of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen which are used by the
organism in synthesizing cellular compounds.

- there are 2 types:

Photoautotrophs – use light energy as energy source and

Chemoautotrophs- use inorganic substance as energy source.

2. Heterotrophs

- consume organic molecules as source of CHO and energy

-aka “other feeders”

- there are 2 types:

Photoheterotrophs – use light energy as energy source and carbon from alcohols, fatty acids, or
other small organic molecules

Chemoheterotrophs- obtain both energy and carbon by breaking down carbohydrates, lipids,
and proteins

*Decomposers – break down organic molecules to inorganic ones.


1. Methanogens – extract energy from hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide in the absolute absence of
oxygen, and produce methane or “marsh gas” as waste material.

They can be found in bogs and deep soil or in mud bottoms of lakes and swamps with decaying

Grazing animals with four-chambered stomach (ruminants), such as cow, sheep and carabao expel
methane gas produce by methanogens in their intestinal tracts.

2. Extreme halophiles- adapted to unusually high salt concentration in habitats such as Dead Sea and
great salt lake

They have unique glycoproteins in their cell wall that are stable as long as the salt concentration in the
environment is high.

Extreme halophiles also accumulate potassium ions inside their cells and keep out sodium ions. these
prevents water from leaking out of the cell.

3. Extreme Thermoacidophiles

Those that can be found in sulfur-rich hot springs and geysers.

Some live along hydrothermal vents or “smokers” on ocean floors where temperatures can reach 10 deg
C, in shallow pools surrounding volcanoes, and in waste dumps of coal mines.


1. Aerobic photoautotrophs

Use sunlight as source of energy, carbon dioxide as a carbon source and water for photosynthesis .

Produce oxygen

They use chlorophyll a and b to capture light energy

Some can fix atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds (nitrogen fixers)

2. nitrogen fixing bacteria

Bacteria that lives symbiotically with the roots of legumes

The plants benefits from the presence of the bacteria, which provide them with ammonia

The bacteria benefit by living in shelter from the roots and receiving sugar from the plant

3. decomposers – bacteria converts wastes and remains of organism into nutrients in the soil in a form
that plants can use.

4. fermenters/ spoilage bacteria – bacteria converts food into corresponding metabolic products which
can either be beneficial by producing fermented products or nonbeneficial by spoiling our food.

5. Chemoheterotrophs – disease-causing microbes

Use organic materials as source of energy and CHO


Protist – animal-like protist, plant-like protist & fungus-like protist

- Simplest eukaryotes
- Unicellular, filamentous, colonial, and multicellular forms
- Multicellular forms lack tissue & organ
- Mode of nourishment: some are autotrophic, and some are heterotrophic
- Occupy diverse habitats (moist); mostly free-living, some are parasitic.
- With 3 groups: protozoans, algae, and slime molds
- Mode of reproduction is mostly asexual, fission, fragmentation
- Sexual reproduction; fusion of gametes.

BINARY FISSION: parent cell, nucleus divides, cytoplasm divides, 2 daughter cells

Types of Algae: unicellular, colonial, multicellular & filamentous

ALGAE (Plant-like protists) Subkingdom Phycobionta

1. unicellular and multicellular; unicellular forms are called phytoplankton and multicellular forms are
called seaweeds.

2. multicellular bodies are called thallus (no true organs)

3. live in aquatic environment

4. Have chlorophyll are photosynthetic

5. photoautotrophic mode of nutrition

A. Unicellular

1. euglenoids – some with flagella, with chlorophyll a and b. can be heterotrophic when
sunlight is absent.

2. dinoflagellates – with two flagella producing spinning motion. With chlorophyll a and b.
phytoplankton. Some produce toxins.

3. diatoms – with siliceous cell wall made up of the 2 halves that fit together. With
chlorophyll a and c.

B. Unicellular, Filamentous, Colonial, Multicellular

Green algae – Chlamydomonas (unicellular), have chlorophyll a, store food as starch

Volvox (colonial)

Ulva (multicellular)

Ulothrix (filamentous)

C. Multicellular

1. Red algae – gracilloria, with predominant phycobilin pigment (red) produce agar &

2. Brown algae- giant kelp, includes the large types of seaweed, with predominant
xanthophylls pigment (brown)

PROTOZOANS (Animal-like protist)

Subkingdom Mastigobionta

- Unicellular
- Heterotrophic
- Capable of movement; equipped with locomotory organelles
o Flagella
o Cilia
o Pseudopodia
- Some are parasitic and can cause diseases

A. Flagellated Protozoans

Trichonympha campanulate – live symbiotically in the gut of termites

Trypanosoma gambiense – cause African sleeping sickness.

B. Ciliated Protozoans

Paramecium – a free living freshwater ciliate

Balantidium coli – causes dysentery

C. Protozoans with pseudopodia

Entamoeba hystolitica – causes amoebiasis

D. Sporozoans

Plasmodium vivax – causes malaria; vector is Anopheles mosquito.

No organ for locomotion; requires vectors to be transferred to its suitable host (parasitic)

Slime Molds (fungal-like protists) Subkingdom Myxobionta

-shiny, wet appearance, with jelly-like texture. Live in damp, watery places. Active decomposers, with a
life cycle comprised of two alternating forms;

a. amoeba-like stage (feeding stage) – actively feeding when food is abundant.

b. fungal-like stage (resting stage) – dormant; produce fruiting bodies that form spores when
food is scarce.

1. cellular slime molds- resemble amoebus, ingest fungi & bacteria by phagocytosis. Cells aggregate into
stalked fruiting body. Some cells become spores.
2. Plasmodial slime molds – multinucleated large cells (protoplasm), cytoplasm separates into stalked
sporangia. Nuclei undergo meiosis and form uninucleate haploid spores.


There is a kind of mushroom that if eaten only once, is enough to feed a person until the end of


- eukaryotic. Mostly multicellular (molds & mushroom); some are unicellular (yeast). Multicellular forms
have bodies called Thallus. Not capable of photosynthesis and with cell wall made up of chitin. Have
long filamentous cells called hyphae (pl. Hypha). Mass of hyphae constitutes a mycelium (equivalent to
tissues in higher forms of organisms). Mostly aerobic; yeasts are facultative anaerobes

Heterotrophic mode of nutrition:

1. saphrophytes – feeding on dead, decaying organisms.

2. parasitic – obtaining nutrients from living organisms

Produce exoenzymes which digests their food before absorbing them. Live in moist places. Some
pathogenic to man (skin disease). Can be beneficial relationships with other organisms (symbiosis)

Lichen = fungus + algae/cyanobacteria

Mycorrizae = fungus +roots of a plant

3 groups of fungi:

1. mold

2. yeast

3. mushroom

2 kinds of hyphae:

1. Septated hyphae- hyphae – hyphae with cross walls

2. non-septated or coenocytic hyphae – without cross wall

2 types of mycelium:

1. vegetative mycelium – concerned with acquisition of nutrients.

2. aerial or reproduction mycelium – concerned with reproduction

Mode of reproduction

A. Asexual

1. budding

2. fission

3. asexual spores

B. Sexual – via production of sexual spores that results from the fusion of two nuclei from two opposite
mating strain of the same species.


Mycorrhizae – (pl. mycorrhiza) mutual relationship between fungi and plant roots

They hypha functionally increase the absorptive surface of their plant partner
Fungi shares water and nutrients taken up by its hyphae with supply sugar to the fungus.

Club fungi

Sac fungi

Glomerocyte fungi – phylum glomeromycotan

Glomeromycota – newly established phylum. Arbuscular mycorrzae – hyphae interact with the root
cells. Do not reproduce sexually. Do not survive without the plant roots.

Symbiosis – any relationship in which two species live closely together. 3 symbiotic relationship:

1. Mutualism – a type of symbiosis in which both benefits.

2. Commensalism – 1 organism benefits, the other is not affected

3. Parasitism – 1 organism benefits the other is harmed.

Pathogenic and Beneficial Fungi

1. Cause diseases

a. in humans, mostly skin diseases

b. I plants, smuts, rusts, downy mildews and even some produce toxins (aflatoxin Aspergillus sp.)

2. Decomposers – fungi are fast acting decomposers

3. Food and Food Processing

4. Pharmaceutical Industry

Penicillin – first antibiotic, produced by the mold: penicillum notatum


- Multicellular and have cell arranged from tissue to organs.

- Primarily terrestrial
- Autotrophic by means of photosynthesis (photoautotrophic)
- Contains chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids
- Store reserve food as starch
- Cell wall is made up of cellulose
- Reproduce sexually and asexually
- Have a life cycle described as alternation of generations: 2 generations in the life cycle of the
o Sporophyte – the diploid generation; the generation that produce spores
o Gametophyte – the haploid generation; the generation that produce gametes (egg &
- Oogamous (gametes are eggs and sperm cells)
- Classified based on the presence or absence of vascular tissues
1. Vascular (tracheophytes) – plants that have vascular tubes to transport water and food. Non
seed like ferns, seed like flowering plants, conifers & first seed plants.
2. Non-vascular (bryophytes) – plants that don’t have vascular tubes. Like mosses liverworts,

Meristematic – growing tissues

Vascular – transport

Ground – filler tissues (support storage, photosynthesis

Dermal- skin


1. Lacks means of transporting water and organic nutrients (vascular tissue, xylem, and phloem)
2. No true roots (instead have rhizoids), stems and leaves (no vascular tissue)
3. Gametophyte is the dominant generation
4. Small, the largest measure only 20 cm tall
5. Found in moist habitats– requires water for fertilization; sperm cell is flagellated

Rhizoid- a thin rootlike structure that absorbs nutrients ad anchors nonvascular plants.

3 groups of bryophytes:

a. Liverworts – flat, ribbon like e.g. Marchantia

b. Mosses – small, leafy stem e.g. Fanaria
c. Hornworts or Anthoceros – flat thalloid e.g. Anthoceros

Division Hepatophyta/Marchantiophyta

• Liverworts
- With flattened lobed thallus or leaf like structure (liver like)
- With 2 rows of partially overlapping leaves.
- Sperm from the male reproductive organ (antheridium) travel through an aqueous environment
to fertilize the eggs that are still retained in the female reproductive organ (archegonium)
- Example: Marchantia

Division Anthocerophyta

• Hornworts
- With flattened thallus
- Gametophyte – blue green thallus
- Sporophyte – capsule looks like horn which maintains growth throughout the life of the plant.
- Example: Anthoceros

Division Bryophyta

• Mosses
- Largest group of non-vascular plants
- With shallow rhizoids, allowing them to survive in tundra.
- With leafy shoots and sporophyte-capsule that produces spores
- Very sensitive to pollution
- Example: Sphagnum


1. With vascular tissue – xylem & phloem; can efficiently transport water & food
2. Have true roots, leaves and stem
3. The sporophyte is the dominant generation
4. With 2 groups: spore producing (Pteridophytes) and seed producing (Spermatophytes)
5. Vascular: seedless, seed plants: gymnosperms & angiosperms

Division Psilophyta

• Whisk Ferns
- Oldest known vascular plant
- Highly branched stem looks like straws of the whisk broom
- Synangium is the spore bearing structure.
- Example: Psilotum

Division Lycopodiphyta/Lycophyta

• Club mosses
- Common in moist woodlands and temperate zone
- Low growing vascular plants that look like small pine trees, also known as “ground pine”
- Produce spores in strobilus
- Example: Lycopodium

Division of Equisetophyta/Sphenoophyta

• Horsetail
- Have photosynthetic ribbed stem
- Stems have silica which imparts strength
- Spores are borne in strobilus
- Example: Equisetum

Division Pteridophyta

• Ferns
-Largest group of spore-producing vascular plant
- Live in moist habitat
- Spores are borne in sorus
- Example: ferns – Nephrolepsis, Adiantum

Division Pinophyta /Coniferophyta

• Conifers
- Cone bearing trees
- With evergreen, needlelike leaves with reduced stromata
- Seeds are dispersed by wind
- Example: Pinus
- Male cone – pollen cone, female cone – seed cone

Division Cycadophyta

• Cycads
- With palm-like leaves
- Insect-pollinated
- Large cones
- Flourish in Mesozoic era
- Example: Zamia

Division Ginkgophyta

• Ginkgos
- Near extinction, the only surviving species is the maidenhair tree
- With forkveined, fan-shaped leaves
- Leaves turn yellow in autumn
- Separate male and female trees
- Males are preferred because female produce seeds with foul odor.
- Example: Ginkgo biloba

Division Gnetophyta

• Gnetophytes
- Most unusual; has deep reaching taproot
- Contains three genera that looks different from each other
- Example: Ephedra, Welwitschia, Gnetum
“A good cheerleader is not measure by the height of her jumps by the span of her spirit.”

Cheer dance- is relatively new in the field of sports and dance as it has only emerged the early 1990’s as
part of the cheerleading events. It is one of the categories in International Cheerleading Competition
that focuses on dance techniques and basic elements of cheerleading, excluding stunts and advance
gymnastics skills. The performers are cheerleaders and not just dancers.

To better understand the foundation of cheer dance, it is vital to first learn the fundamental aspects of

Cheerleading- is an event that consists of cheers and organized routines for sports team motivation,
audience entertainment, or competition. The routines contain many components of cheers, jumps,
dance, gymnastics, and stunning. The purpose is to encourage the spectators of events to cheer for
sports team at games. The yeller, dance, and athletes involved in cheerleading are called cheerleaders.
When they are grouped together as one, they called a squad.

Cheerleading history is linked closely to the United States history of sports, its reporting venues, as well
as the historical development of overall crowd participation at many athletic events (History of
Cheerleading, 2015) However, its origin can be traced as far back as the late 19th century where in
1860’s students from Great Britain began to cheer and chant in unison for their favorite athletes at
sporting events. This event eventually reached and influenced America.

In the late 1880’s the first organized recorded yell done in locomotive styles w as performed in an
American campus and was first seen and heard during a college football game. However, organized all-
male cheerleading only transpired when Thomas Peebles m one of the graduates of Princeton
University, brought the yell and the football sport to the University of Minnesota 1884. It was through
the initiative of Johnny Campbell, who was a student of the university of Minnesota that cheerleading
officially began in Nov. 2 1898.

Cheerleading for the past 25 years was an all-male activity. It was only during the 1920’s when women
cheerleaders participated in cheerleading. A lot had happened then in the world of cheerleading in


1870s - the first pep club was established at Princeton University.

1880s- the first organized yell was recorded at Princeton University.

1890s- organized cheerleading was initiated at the University of Minnesota as was the first school “fight

Megaphone was used of the day cheerleading began in 1898

1900s- usage of the megaphone was becoming popular.

The first cheerleading fraternity was organized.

1910s- the first “homecoming” was held at the University of Illinois

1920s – women became active in cheerleading. The University of Minnesota cheerleaders began to
incorporate gymnastics and tumbling into their cheers.

1930s – Universities and High Schools began performing pompom routines and using paper pompoms

1940s – the first cheerleading company was formed by Lawrence R. Herkimer of Dallas, Texas

The first national organization of cheerleaders, the American Cheerleaders Association was formed by
Bill Horan.

1950s – College Cheerleaders began conducting cheerleading workshops to teach cheerleading skills.

1960s – the vinyl pompom was invented by Fred Gasthoff and introduced by the International
Cheerleading Foundation.

1967- in addition to cheering for the traditional football and basketball teams, cheerleaders began
supporting all school sports.

1970s- the first nationwide television broadcast of the National Collegiate Cheerleading Championships
initiated by International Cheerleading Foundation.

Cheerleading began to receive recognition as a serious athletic activity as the skill level dramatically
increased in areas such as gymnastics, partner stunts, pyramids, and advanced jumps.

1974- National Cheerleaders Association trained hundreds of thousands of cheerleaders.

1975 – the Birth of cheerleading routine “Universal Cheerleaders Association used cheerleading skills
with music.
1980s – National cheerleading competitions for junior and senior high school as well as collegiate squads
took place across the nation.

Cheerleaders received national media recognition as one of the most important school leadership
groups to promote enthusiastic, positive attitudes and school spirit within schools and communities.

1982 – as a method to accommodate the thousands of requests for the new style of cheerleading on a
new sports television network called the ESPN. This begins 30 years of highlighting cheerleading on
television; an introduction of Jeff Webb’s modern cheerleading not only all parts of the USA but also the


Cheer dance contains dance techniques, basic elements of cheer, and basic gymnastics skills.

Dance techniques – depending on the competition, requirements, various dance techniques may be
used in a cheer competition. Some squads prefer conemporary dance techniques, while others
incorporate several techniques such as jazz, hip-hop, modern dance, contemporary ballet and ethnic or
folk dance. However, cheerleading style dance tends to be more rigid and sharper compared to
contemporary or pop-culture dance styles. The emphasis is on the placement, sharpness, and
synchronicity of the movements.

The World School Cheer Dance Championship, for example, requires, hip hop dance style. In the
Philippines, the UAAP Cheer Dance and NCAA Cheerleading competitions do not require as specific
dance styles in the routines. The teams are given freedom to choose their dance styles for their
respective routines if they adhere to the safety and competition guidelines.

Elements of Cheers – cheers are coordination or organized words and movements relating to an athletic
event. These are used during a sport event when has been stopped on the field or court. The purpose is
to draw a unified response from the crowd to highlight their support for the playing team.

Cheer motions are also used to lead the crowd and emphasize words for crowd response. These are
made up off hand, arm, and body positions. Although cheer styles may vary according to the
cheerleader’s reference, all motions originate from the standard basic motions, here are the positions of
the hand, arm, body for cheer motions.

Basic gymnastic skills – cheer dance incorporates simple gymnastics skills such as jumps and tumbling to
add to the thrill of the games and the effect of a routines. Also, these helps cheerleaders to develop
higher spirit level and enhance the crowd motivation, these skills must work smoothly with the cheers.

Jumps – jumping requires stamina, strength and flexibility and they greatly improve every area in cheer
dance routine. Every jump has 4 important elements:

Approach – 1st stage of a jump

Lift – occurs after a cheerleader leaves the ground.

Execution – hitting a jump at its peak or maximum height.

Landing – involves whipping of the legs and feet together to end with a small rebound. Knees are slightly
bent when touching the ground to absorb the weight.



1. In an accepted statement of a causal connection between A and B, you are making an inference
that A is the cause for the occurrence of B. True
2. A hasty generalization is an attempt to make a universal statement using “all” based only on a
lot of cases observed. False
3. The genetic fallacy usually happens when one is trying to dismiss the view of another based
solely on the basis of its origin. True
4. Emotive terms are seldom employed for propaganda purposes. False
5. They are considered emotive as such because they may not simply be stating a claim but may
contain a subtle command that you should avoid it or disapprove of it as well. True
6. “That girl is liberated” is an example of the uncritical use of emotive terms. True
7. Rationalization is an accepted and sound manner of offering justifications. False
8. A value-laden argument may go along for years without being resolved, precisely because of
two opposing values that each proponent holds. True
9. Setting the limits of applicability on the use of these vague concepts could be easily
accomplished. False
10. Rationalization is not a form of self-deception and inconsistency. False


1. Something is claimed to have intrinsic value if it has inherent worth in itself, meaning to say, it is
worth pursuing as an end-in-itself because it is valuable or good for its own sake.
2. Something is claimed to have instrumental value if it has considered as a means toward
achieving a certain end, thus its worth depends on whether it was successful in bringing about
the particular purpose or end that is supposed to serve.
3. Specimen is interpreted as exclusively for the benefit of the species Homo sapiens.
4. Eco-centrism gives importance on a holistic regard for the biotic community or ecosystem.
5. Callicott reminded us, that one can only secure self-interest by putting the interest of others on
par with one’s own (in this case long range collective human self-interest and the interest of
other form of lives and the biotic community per se).
6. According to Rolston, ‘The system is value transformer where form and being, process and
reality, fact and value are inseparably joined. Intrinsic and instrumental values shuttle back and
forth…Every good is in community.
7. Biocentrism is the view advocating environmental protection for all living organisms
8. Singer proposes being alive or having life as his criterion of being morally considerable.
9. Regan, a proponent of animal rights, proposed animal rights to be accorded to higher forms of
animals, especially mammals.
10. Singer espoused that the realm of being morally considerable must be extended to higher forms
of animals or intelligent animals like dogs, and chimpanzees, who are sentient and therefore,
have the capacity to feel pain, and thus, suffering.


1-3. Three examples of dualistic dichotomies that show the hierarchical value characteristic of the
domination of men and women and nature.

1. Reason/emotion man/woman active/passive

2. Mind/body human/nature civilized/primitive
3. Culture/nature masculinity/femininity

4-6. Three common characteristics or features of ecofeminism.

4. Historical, typically casual connections
5. Conceptual connections
6. Symbolic connections

7-9. Three main theories in radical ecological philosophy. Describe its main characteristics or feature.

7. Deep ecology
8. Social ecology
9. Ecofeminism

10-12. Three broad areas of environmental philosophy.

10. Environmental ethics

11. Radial ecological philosophy
12. Reformist anthropocentrism


1. Basel Convention. It is aimed at controlling ‘transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and

their disposal’.
2. Montreal Protocol. It is a result of the agreement in the Vienna Convection of the Protection of
the Ozone Layer, aimed to reduce ozone depletion by phasing out products that contain
substances responsible for such.
3. Kyoto Protocol. It was agreed upon by member nations to reduce their carbon dioxide
emissions, thus reducing human-induced warming (anthropogenic) of the global climate.
4. Global Marshall Plan. It envisions the attainment of sustainable development by making wealthy
nations with advanced economies help Third World nations by bringing and sharing their
advanced green technologies.
5. Prima facie. Wenz recognized this kind of obligation translated as ‘at first glance’ to our
6. Negative. ” the duty to protect the environment from oneself, on the other hand, rests on a
principle concerning the duty t do not harm, which is this kind of duty”.
7. Prudence and frugality. We have to recognize our responsibility to the environment by
exercising these characteristics or virtues in the use of the earth’s resources.
8. Sustainable Development. This development is defined as “Development that meets the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
9. Endangered species. These are any kind of species that are at risk of becoming extinct.
10. Climate change. This is regarded as one of the major environmental challenges that the world is
facing today and is observed all around the globe through the melting polar icecaps, drastic
rainfalls and thunderstorm, sea-level rise, and the increase of the Earth’s atmosphere.

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