Assessment Resource Summary: Student

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RTO No: 21870

CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E

ABN: 39 122 778 563


Assessment Resource Summary

BSBLDR502 – Lead and Manage Effective Workplace
Unit Details Relationships

This is a summative assessment, which requires each

Assessment student to have adequate practice prior to undertaking this
Type assessment

Written Assessment (J) Assessment 1

(Written Knowledge Questions)

Assessment Assessment 2
Case Study (D)
Methods (Scenario based project)

Project (C) Assessment 3

(Plan and manage the use of networks)

Last Modification Date April 2021

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

Unit Summary
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage effective workplace

It applies to individuals in leadership or management who have a prominent role in establishing and
managing processes and procedures to support workplace relationships taking into account the
organisation's values, goals and cultural diversity.

At this level work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures,
which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem
solving and decision making strategies.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Prerequisite Units
There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.

Co-requisite Units
There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.

Resources: Student Learner Guide, PowerPoint presentation, Sample Policies and
Procedures and documents, Office equipment and resources, computer facilities with
internet, including access to student resource folder.

Relevant legislation:
The Fair Work Act 2009:

Best practice guidelines for recruiting:

Workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying:

Workplace bullying: violence, harassment and bullying fact sheet:

Workplace documentation and resources - Sample policies and procedures

Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy - WA Department of Health
Equal Opportunity Policy - Australian Red Cross
Gender Diversity Policy – Wesfarmers

Note: Students, currently employed, are encouraged to bring their current employer’s policies and procedures
and or business documents (with their employer’s permission) to use in their course work. This material must
be reviewed prior to use by the Institute’s Trainer/Assessor. For students who are unable to bring adequate
policies and procedures, the Institute will provide a practice set of documents.

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563


Student Name: ______________________________________________________________

Student ID No: ______________________________________________________________

Student Instructions:
1. Your answers should be on a separate document using word processing software such
as MS Word & or other software (hand written submissions are only acceptable with prior
approval from your Trainer)
2. Your document should be professionally formatted and include
a. Your Name
b. Your Student ID
c. Unit Code
d. Assessment Number (i.e. BSBLDR502 Assessment 1)
3. Please reference to each question number and retype each question with your answers
4. You must answer every question and provide enough information to demonstrate sufficient
understanding of what has been asked to achieve competency. Please ask your
Trainer/Assessor if you are unsure what is sufficient detail for an answer
5. Ask your trainer/assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your
trainer/assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you
or provide further assistance based on the Institute’s “Reasonable Adjustment Policy”
6. Answers should be your own work, in your own words and not plagiarised, nor copied.
However, if an answer is cut & pasted (such as a definition), then the source should be

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

Define the following unit terminology relating to leading and managing effective
workplace relationships.

1. Action Plan

2. Conflict Resolution

3. Codes of Practice

4. Communication

5. Consultation

6. Counselling

7. Colleagues

8. Co-workers

9. Culture

10. Diversity

11. Ethics

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CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

12. Feedback

13. Leadership

14. Legislation

15. Networks

16. Organisation

17. Outcomes

18. Policies

19. Procedures

20. Processes

21. Personnel

22. Regulations

23. Relationship (work


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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

24. Standards

25. Strategy

26. Team

27. Workplace

Describe the methods Leader-Managers can use to source, analyse and share
information with their teams about work responsibilities.
List and provide examples of at least THREE (3) consultation methods Leader-Managers
can use to receive information and feedback from their teams.

4. List and outline the two main methods used to deliver feedback to your team

Describe how Leader-Managers can ensure that issues raised are resolved promptly or
referred to relevant personnel
What strategies can Leader-Managers implement to ensure that an organisations
cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to
When utilising and applying your professional workplace conduct, what methods can
Leader-Managers use to gain the trust and confidence of their work colleagues and
external contacts. List at least THRE (3) examples.

As a Leader-Manager outline the methods you could adopt to adjust your own
8. interpersonal communication style to meet your organisation's cultural diversity and
ethical environment?
Outline how Leader-Managers could support their work colleagues and team members
in adjusting their own interpersonal communication styles
List at least THREE (3) ways Leader-Managers could use networks to build workplace
List and outline the methods Leader-Managers could use to make the most of their
11. networking opportunities to ensure that workplace relationships are developed and
Outline the process (including an action plan) that you would follow to identify and
resolve difficulties in workplace relationships
Explain how Leader-Managers could manage workplace conflict constructively and in
accordance with their organisation’s policies and procedures.
List and outline at least THREE (3) ways Leader-Managers can support work colleagues
in being able to manage difficulties in the workplace.

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563


Student Name: ______________________________________________________________

Student ID No: ______________________________________________________________

Student Instructions:
1. Your answers should be on a separate document using word processing
software such as MSWord & or other software (hand written submissions are only
acceptable with prior approval from your Trainer)
2. Your document should be professionally formatted and include
a. Your Name
b. Your Student ID
c. Unit Code
d. Assessment Number (i.e. BSBLDR502 Assessment 2)
3. Your answers referenced to each question number (you do not need to retype the
questions if you properly reference your answers)
4. You must answer each question and provide enough information to demonstrate
sufficient understanding of what has been asked to achieve competency. Please ask
your Trainer/Assessor if you are unsure what is sufficient detail for an answer
5. Ask your trainer/assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your
trainer/assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the
question for you or provide further assistance based on the Institute’s “Reasonable
Adjustment Policy”
6. Answers should be your own work, in your own words and not plagiarised, nor
copied. However, if an answer is cut & pasted, (such as a definition), then the source
should be referenced

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563



Each student will be required to undertake FOUR (4) Assessment tasks in order to
successfully complete this Case Study. You will be required to demonstrate evidence of
your ability to:

Develop and / or implement processes to manage ideas and information including:

• Communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
• Facilitating employees’ contribution to consultation on work issues
• Providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
• Resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel

Establish and / or implement policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity
and ethical values are adhered to.

Provide leadership through own behaviour including:

• Professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts
• Adjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation’s cultural
diversity and ethical environment

Develop and / or implement processes and systems to manage difficulties including:

• Identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational
policies and procedures
• Planning how to address difficulties
• Providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their
work difficulties


Discrimination can be a source of heated conflict, potentially ending in legal trouble for a
company or its owners. Discriminatory conflicts can arise from personal prejudices on the
part of employees or perceptions of mistreatment of employees. You are to review the
information below and prepare a response to the situation based on each of the
Assessment Task instructions.

Brian is employed as a Customer Service Officer at WizCo. He is 66 years old and is

unsure as to what age he will retire.

He has worked at WizCo for more than 10 years and participates in mandatory
workplace training every 12 months.

Brian’s role is to receive and respond to incoming telephone calls and emails from
WizCo customers.

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

Brian has recently made a complaint to the human resources department and has
claimed to have been experiencing age discrimination from his work colleagues.
Brian says that for two years he has been subjected to offensive and inappropriate
comments regarding his age.

He claims, for example, that he was called an ‘old man’ and ‘expired’ and discovered
there is a betting game currently being played about his possible date and age of
retirement. Brian also claims that the persistent comments have caused him much
distress and isolation within his team.

As Brian’s Manager, Tina Morrison from H.R has requested you to follow up on this
complaint and produce a response that:
• Clearly identifies the key issue/s
• Recommends ways to resolve any conflict
• Promotes the company’s cultural diversity and ethical environment within in
your team


You are required to consult with your fellow colleagues and create written responses to the
following questions.

A. Provide a summary of the key issues relating to the situation as described above.
You will need to outline how these issues relate to and may impact Brian’s work

B. Develop a plan that outlines the steps you will take to promptly manage Brian’s
complaint. You should also describe how these steps should comply with WizCo.
policies and procedures.

C. Outline how you plan to ensure that consultation process would need to provide
opportunities for Brian and any other WizCo staff to contribute to the issue in an
appropriate manner.

D. Describe how you will provide feedback to Brian and other staff on the outcomes of
the consultation process.

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563



A. You are required to consult with your fellow colleagues and develop a process
(using the template below) for which issues raised by staff on matters of anti-
discrimination, equal opportunity, or workplace conflict can be resolved promptly or
referred to relevant personnel.

Title / Name of the


Process Scope

Created by:

Date created:

Relevant Personnel:


Statement of facts:


Options for resolution:

Action Plan for


Monitor outcomes:

B. You are now required to consult with your fellow colleagues and develop a flow
diagram that outlines the process for how WizCo. should manage, implement and
follow up on issues raised (as above) by an employee.


You are required to consult with your fellow colleagues and create a Leadership Guide for
fellow managers on how to display professional leadership behaviour through their own
conduct in their role as a manager or team leader. Your Leadership Guide should include
reference to the following:

1. Ways you gain, or could gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues
and external contacts;
2. Methods that could be used to adjust your own interpersonal communication style
to meet WizCo. organisational cultural diversity and ethical environment

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

3. Techniques you could use to guide and support team members in their own
personal adjustment process.



You are required to consult with your fellow colleagues and create a PowerPoint
presentation for your team members to be used for an internal training program around
age discrimination and promoting the organisations cultural diversity and ethical
environment. Your presentation should include reference to the following:

1. An understanding of the laws on age discrimination

2. How WizCo. will promote cultural diversity and ethical environments through equal
3. Managing conflict constructively within the work team
4. Building effective workplace relationships
5. Identifying how networking can provide new opportunities.

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563


This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This checklist is to be completed for
each student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this task to the
unit requirements.
Each task on this checklist must be found Satisfactory, to mark the assessment outcome as “Satisfactory”.

Please complete below

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Attempt 1: Attempt 2: Attempt 3:

In undertaking this assessment, ___________ __________ __________
did the student consult with their colleagues (Date) (Date) (Date)
and submit:
Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory
A written report which includes:
• A summary of the key issues relating to
the situation in the scenario.  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

• An outline of how the issues identified in

the scenario relate to and may impact  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
Brian’s work responsibilities.

• A plan that outlines the steps to be taken  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

to promptly manage Brian’s complaint.

• A description of how these steps should

comply with WizCo. policies and  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

• An outline of how to ensure that a

consultation process would need to  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
provide opportunities for Brian and any
other WizCo staff to contribute to the
issue in an appropriate manner.

• Details for how to provide feedback to

Brian and other staff on the outcomes of  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
the consultation process

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

Attempt 1: Attempt 2: Attempt 3:

In undertaking this assessment, ___________ __________ __________
did the student consult with their colleagues (Date) (Date) (Date)
and submit:
Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

An issue management plan that included:  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

• a process (using the template

supplied) for which issues raised by
staff on matters of anti-discrimination,
 Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
equal opportunity, or workplace
conflict can be resolved promptly or
referred to relevant personnel.

• a flow diagram that outlines the

process for how WizCo should  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
manage, implement and follow up on
issues raised by employees

A Leadership Guide for fellow managers  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

which includes reference to:

• Ways you gain, or could gain and

maintain the trust and confidence of  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
colleagues and external contacts

• Methods that could be used to adjust

your own interpersonal communication
style to meet WizCo. organisational  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
cultural diversity and ethical

• Techniques you could use to guide

and support team members in their
 Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
own personal adjustment process.

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

Attempt 1: Attempt 2: Attempt 3:

In undertaking this assessment, ___________ __________ __________
did the student consult with their colleagues (Date) (Date) (Date)
and submit:
Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

An internal training PowerPoint presentation

for fellow team members which includes  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
reference to:

• An understanding of the laws on age  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No


• How WizCo. will promote cultural  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

diversity and ethical environments
through equal opportunity.

• Managing conflict constructively within  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

the work team

• Building effective workplace  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

relationships by Identifying how
networking can provide new

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

Assessor Use Only

Attempt 1: Assessor Comments

 Satisfactory (S)  Not Satisfactory (NS)

Assessor Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Attempt 2: Assessor Comments

 Satisfactory (S)  Not Satisfactory (NS)

Assessor Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Attempt 3: Assessor Comments

 Satisfactory (S)  Not Satisfactory (NS)

Assessor Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563


Student Name: ______________________________________________________________

Student ID No: ______________________________________________________________

Student Instructions:
1. Your answers should be on a separate document using word processing
software such as MSWord & or other software (hand written submissions are
only acceptable with prior approval from your Trainer)
2. Your document should be professionally formatted and include
a. Your Name
b. Your Student ID
c. Unit Code
d. Assessment Number (i.e. BSBLDR502 Assessment 3)
3. Your answers referenced to each question number (you do not need to retype
the questions if you properly reference your answers)
4. You must answer each question and provide enough information to
demonstrate sufficient understanding of what has been asked to achieve
competency. Please ask your Trainer/Assessor if you are unsure what is sufficient
detail for an answer
5. Ask your trainer/assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your
trainer/assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the
question for you or provide further assistance based on the Institute’s “Reasonable
Adjustment Policy”
6. Answers should be your own work, in your own words and not plagiarised, nor
copied. However, if an answer is cut & pasted, (such as a definition), then the
source should be referenced
7. Please provide a minimum of 1 paragraph for each question and use the
template provided

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563


Each student will be required to undertake THREE (3) Assessment tasks in order to
successfully complete this project. This Project will require you to demonstrate evidence of
your ability to:

• plan for and manage the use of networks to support identifiable outcomes for the
team and the organisation
• explain how systems, policies and procedures can support the development of
effective work relationships, focusing on interpersonal styles, cultural and social
sensitivity and networking
• explain the relevance of legislation for managing effective workplace relationships
• interact with others through adapting your personal communication style to build
trust and positive working relationships, and to support others’ adjustments in
practice and culture
• get the work done through:
o taking personal responsibility for planning networking activities for yourself
and others, considering capabilities, efficiencies and effectiveness
o developing plans for networking activities with strategic importance


As a manager new to the Melbourne area, you feel that you need to develop contacts with
people internal to the organisation, such as managers, and external people, such as
suppliers, business networks and mentors.

a. Explain how networking with internal and external people could help you build
positive relationships to achieve organisational and professional goals.

b. Describe a situation in which you joined a network to achieve an organisational or

professional development goal. Respond using the following guide:
• Describe the network.
• Outline how you build stronger relationships within the network
• Outline the result of the networking for you and your organisation

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563


Your sales team is relatively new and inexperienced. You feel that they would benefit from
undertaking networking opportunities. Mike and Simone need to build relationships with
customers, suppliers and fellow salespeople to achieve personal development and
organisational goals.
Mike: Has issues with internal and external suppliers who consistently miss delivery
dates and won’t cooperate in keeping costs down for customers. Consequently, he has
issues with his own customers; he feels suppliers don’t understand his needs as a
client. Mike finds conflict really hard and avoids getting angry, hoping the problem will
resolve itself. Mike feels he would benefit from hearing how others negotiate terms with
Simone: Has issues with customers who obviously don’t understand a good deal when
they see it. She’s also tired of chasing clients for settling accounts on credit. Simone
would like to know how others deal with clients to pay on time.
How would you lead Mike and Simone to realise their professional goals and related
organisational goals over the next three months?


Using the template provided in Appendix 1:
a. Prepare a plan to develop and maintain 2 internal and 2 external network
relationships, including a schedule for the next three months.
b. Include at least two activities for each salesperson.
c. Provide a rationale for each activity.

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RTO No: 21870
CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563


This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This checklist is to be completed for
each student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this task to the
unit requirements.
Each task on this checklist must be found Satisfactory, to mark the assessment outcome as “Satisfactory”.

Please complete below

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Attempt 1: Attempt 2: Attempt 3:

___________ __________ __________
In undertaking this assessment project, did the (Date) (Date) (Date)

Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

• Explain how networking internally and externally  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

could help build positive relationships (through
use of interpersonal styles, cultural and social
sensitivity) and to achieve organisational and
professional goals.

• Describe a situation in which they joined a

 Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
network to achieve an organisational or
professional development goal.
• Their response included:
• A description of the network.  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

• An outline as to how to build stronger  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

relationships within the network
• An outline of the result of the networking  Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
for you and your organisation

• Prepare a plan to develop and maintain 2

 Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
internal and 2 external network relationships,
including a schedule for the next three months.
• The plan included at least two activities for each
 Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No
• The plan included a rationale for each activity.
 Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

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CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

Assessor Use Only

Attempt 1: Assessor Comments

 Satisfactory (S)  Not Satisfactory (NS)

Assessor Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Attempt 2: Assessor Comments

 Satisfactory (S)  Not Satisfactory (NS)

Assessor Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Attempt 3: Assessor Comments

 Satisfactory (S)  Not Satisfactory (NS)

Assessor Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________

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CRICOS Provider Code: 02992E
ABN: 39 122 778 563

Appendix 1: Networking plan

Networking activity Person Schedule Description/rationale for networking activity

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