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NuvaRing® Diaphragm

The Pill Male Condom®

Depo-Provera Female
Ortho Evra® IUD Family
Natural Calendar
Condom Vaginal Reduces risk of HIV/AIDS and STDs,

when using latex or plastic

with Spermicide Rubber
Condoms Planning
What Is It?
A medicated, plastic device that is placed into
or Rhythm Spermicides
Effectiveness: What Is It? Effectiveness: Effectiveness: Effectiveness:
Effectiveness: Effectiveness: Effectiveness:
What Is It? 80-94% What Is It? 84-97%
What Is It? 79-95% the uterus. It has a string attached that hangs 85%
74-94% 75-91%
99.5% 74-94% 99.8-99.9%
What Is It? 84-97% A long-acting form of the hormone progestin, given by injection
nA sheath that covers the penis down into the vagina.
A flexible, donut-shaped ring containing estrogen, What Is It? latex cup with flexible rim to cover the cervix
Dome-shaped What Is It?
A birth-control patch that contains both estrogen and progestin. What Is It? What Is It? What Is It?
n May be made of latex, plastic, or animal skin
How Does It Work?
which is inserted into the vagina. Pills containing the hormones estrogen and progestin A sheath made of polyurethane with rubber AHow
variety ofDoes
methodsIt Work?
to help detect when to avoid sex during the fertile days n Charting menstrual cycle to determine fertile days Creams, gels/jellies, foams, films or suppositories containing sperm-killing
How Does It Work?
n May be pre-lubricated and/or contain spermicide
n Thickens cervical mucus, preventing sperm penetration How
rings Does
at each end thatItcovers
Work? the vagina of
In amost
prevents fertilization of egg. If egg is fertilized, prevents egg What Is It?
n Abstinence from sex during fertile days
How Does It Work? How Does It Work?
n Cup acts as barrier to sperm n Prevents ovulation. n Thickens cervical mucus from attaching to the uterus. n A sheath that covers the penis
How Does It Work? How Does It (release
Work? How Does It Work? n May be made of latex, plastic, or animal skin How Does It Work?
n Thickens cervical mucus n Thickens cervicalkills
n Spermicide mucussperm n Prevents ovulation of egg)
How Is from
It Used? How Does It Work? n Kills sperm
Users abstain sex on fertile days to prevent egg and sperm from meeting
n Prevents ovulation (release of egg) n Prevents ovulation (release of egg) How Creates
Is It aUsed?
barrier between the penis and the vagina Creates aimplantation
n Prevents
n barrier between penis and
of fertilized eggvagina
A clinician inserts IUD into the uterus. Patient should check
n May
The be pre-lubricated
egg and sperm do notand/or
meet - contain spermicide
Fertilization will not happen
n Some kinds block sperm from entering the cervix
n Collects and holds the semen (sperm)
n Prevents implantation of fertilized egg n Howimplantation
Prevents Is It Used? of fertilized egg The woman is given an injection into the upper arm or buttocks every 3 n Collects and holds the semen
How Is It Used?
correct placement by feeling for the string.
Does It Work? n Prevents fertilization.
Clinician fits woman with proper size and teaches correct use
months How Is It Used? How Is It Used?
How Is It Used? Meet with a qualified family planning clinician for specific details on the
How Is It Used? How Is It Used? How Is Itapplied
Used? Effectiveness: Woman
n Createscharts menstrual
a barrier cyclethe
between onpenis
a calendar
and the vagina
n Spermicide is placed in the cup before inserting no more than 2
n Condom is unrolled over the erect penis before sex
n New patch each week for 3 weeks following: Observing and charting daily signs of fertility or ovulation
There areofthree Fertile days are
andcharted based on ovulatory
(sperm) cycle, knowing that:
How Is It Used? FAMIly Pl ANNINg
n Inserted for 3 weeks One pill taken
hours atbefore
the same
sex time each day n
n Must be inserted
Removed before
during the contact
fourth weekbetween penis and vagina (release egg) kinds: n Collects holds the semen n Placed inside the vagina by hand or with an applicator before sex
usually Ovulation happens between days 12 and 16 before your period
n Removed during the fourth week n Diaphragm should be left in place for at least 6 hours after sex
n 100%
Male must hold base of condom to penis when withdrawing Insert
n Can
n goring at closed abdomen,
on buttocks, end deep inside vagina.
or upper arm Opened ring stays n Paragard® (effective up to 10 years)
n May be placed on condom, or inside diaphragm or cervical cap CoNTRACEPTIVE
n New ring inserted after fourth week Effectiveness:
(Additional spermicide is needed for each other act of intercourse)
n Works for 3 months
n Condom is removed and discarded without spilling semen outside the vagina Basal- Typical
Body Use:Temperature
99.2% Method: n Sperm lives for about 5 days
How Is It Used?
95% - 99.9% n Failure rate increases
n Condoms if shot
can only is not
be used repeated every 3 months
once n The condom is removed after sex, and thrown away
- Perfect Use:taken
n Temperature 99.4%and charted each day n Egg lives for 24 hours
n Condom is unrolled over the erect penis before sex Effectiveness:
Failure rate increased with some medications, missed pills, taking pills late without spilling the semen n Progestasert® (effective for 1 year)
Effectiveness: Effectiveness: 98% – 99% n Cervical Mucus Method: Mucus is checked for signs of ovulation n Male must hold base of condom to penis when withdrawing 74% - 94%
98% – 99% 80% - 94% Benefits:
Effectiveness: n Condom is used only once
n Equals Pill effectiveness
- Typical use: 98%
n Sympto-Thermal Method: Combines both methods above, with checking
n Condom is removed and discarded without spilling semen Using a condom with spermicide increases effectiveness up to 99.9%
Failure rate increases if you have sex more than 3 times a week n 84% for
Works - 97%
3 months
- Perfect Use: 98.5%
position of cervix 75% - 91% Important Notes:
n Weekly use, rather than daily n Condoms can only be used once
n Reversible (When
notused with with
sex effectiveness increases up to 99%) Effectiveness: n Mirena® (effective up to 5 years)
Benefits: n Does interfere n Good cycle control - Typical use: 99% Benefits:
n Only effective for about one hour when used alone
n Does not interfere with sex n Can be used while breastfeeding
79% - 95%
n May improve acne Effectiveness: Effectiveness: n Additional application is needed for each act of intercourse
n Equals Pill effectiveness
n Medically
n Can be safeplaced
for most women
in the vagina up to 2 hours before sex Benefits:
n Can be used by women with a history of seizures or sickle cell ane- Benefits:
85% n No health risks or side effects n Follow instructions, some are not effective until 10-15 minutes after
n One ring lasts for three weeks n Does not interfere with sex
Benefits: 84% - 97% inserting
n Regulates periods, lighter periods n Latex condoms reduce risk of HIV/AIDS and STDs
mia n Reversible
n Can be used
(When used withtospermicide,
fertile days ifincreases
up isto wanted
n Good cycle control Women can assure protection
n Decreases menstrualConcerns:
pain and PMS n Easy to get in most stores / available at clinics n
Benefits: Benefits:
n Does not interfere with sex
n Responsibility is shared by couple

n Can be Concerns: Can be bought at many drugstores Benefits:
Possible Concerns:
n May
n improve
a clinic visit for sizing and prescription for diaphram used for people with latex allergies n
n Does notplaced
interfere with sex
n No healthtorisks
Nothing or side (except
remember effects checking the string) Benefits: n No prescription needed
n Decreases
n Someriskpeoplefor ovarian andtoendometrial
are allergic the latex orcancer
the spermicide n Need to return for shot every 3 months
n Can be in vagina up to 8 hours before use n Can be used (either
Long-acting to determine
1 year,fertile days
5 years, or ifuppregnancy is wanted
to 10 years)
Possible Concerns
n Latex condoms reduce risk of HIV/AIDS and STDs
n Not recommended for heavy smokers. May increase risk n n Available at most drugstores
Must be removed within 24 hours to avoid pelvic pressure, vaginal Possible
May cause irregular Concerns:
bleeding, spotting, missed periods or no periods
n The material is stronger than latex
Responsibility is shared by couple n May
Easybeto hard
get intomost
predict fertile
stores days. Menstrual
/ available at clinicscycles can change due to
of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood presure n n
Possible Concerns: n
Possible Concerns:

(especially for women over 35 who smoke) Possible Concerns:

discharge, irritation, or toxic shock n Condoms
n effects
Side maymay slip off,weight
include break,gain,
or cause irritationbreast
depression, or discomfort
n Can be used for people with latex allergies
Can beorused
for people with latex allergies Possible Concerns:
n Breast tenderness first 3 months
n May not stay in place Abstinence can be hard to stick to
n Vaginal discharge, infection or irritation n n Mayweight
Nausea, increase risk
gain, for vaginaldizziness,
headaches, and urinary tract
breast infections
tenderness headaches,
n Properor useallergic reaction with spontaneity
may interfere
n Irritation to skin (rotating the placement helps)
Possible Concerns: n n May cause irritation or discomfort
n n Cannot bebleeding
Break-through used withoroil-based lubricantsperiods
spotting between or vaginal n These
n May sideaffect
effects may sensations
sexual last for up to 6 months after last injection Possible Concerns: n Some women may have heavy bleeding and cramps
Abstinence is required on fertile days
n Record-keeping is essential
Possible Concerns: n Frequent spermicide use (> 2 times/day) may cause irritation For a complete listing of
n Headache, weight gain, bleeding or nausea n Some bleeding and nausea first 3 months
swings May
n cause delaytoinlatex,
If allergic ability to getcondoms
plastic pregnantshould
after stopping
be used shots n May slip out of place during sex n Should not be used by women with diabetes, HIV infection, anemia or that may increase susceptibility to HIV.
n Breast tenderness first 3 months n n
n May increase risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood
n Fertility may be difficult for some women to identify
impaired immune system conditions
n Condoms may slip off, break, or cause irritation or discomfort
n May increase risk for vaginal and urinary tract infections
Title X- Family Planning and
n May increase risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood n May
n cause bone lossshould
Latex condoms or density
not bechanges withoil-based
used with long term use
lubricants n May be difficult for some women to insert at first
n Records of signs have to be kept n Proper use may interfere with spontaneity

pressure (especially for women over 35 who smoke) n Some people may be allergic to spermicides Reproductive Health services,
pressure (especially for women over 35 who smoke) n May cause irritation or discomfort
n May affect sexual sensations n Proper use may interrupt sexual mood
n New pill clients must also use additional form of birth control for first month n May increase risk for toxic shock syndrome, if left in too long please visit our website at:
Does not reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs n May increase risk of pelvic inflammatory disease in n If allergic to latex, plastic condoms should be used n May leak, or feel messy
Does not reduce the risk of Not proven to reduce the risk of Reduces risk of HIV/AIDS and STDs, Does not reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs n Latex condoms should not be used with oil-based lubricants Division of Public Health
HIV/AIDS or STDs HIV/AIDS or STDs when using latex or plastic May reduce risk of HIV/AIDS and STDs Does not reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs Does not reduce risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs Not proven to reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs
Abstinence Nexplanon® IUD
Abstinence Male
ting between periods).
n Side effects may include irregular bleeding,
Natural Family Depo-Provera
Calendar ® The Pill ®
NuvaRing FemaleEvra®
headache, vaginitis (inflammation

What Is It?
Nexplanon is a long-acting form of birth
control for women. It is a single plastic rod the size of Effectiveness: Effec- Effectiveness:
of the vagina) weight gain, acne, breast pain, mood
swings, nervousness
and depression Effectiveness:
Planning Effectiveness:
or Rhythm Effectiveness:
Effectiveness: Effectiveness: Sterilization Effectiveness:
Effectiveness: Effectiveness:
100% greater than 99% tive- 99-99.2%
75-91% Vasectomy 99.8-99.9%
95-99.9% Tubal ligation 99.5%
Almost 100% Almost
98-99%100% 95-99.9%
98-99% Tubal Is
98-99% 85-91%
a matchstick that is put under the skin of the arm. What Is It? n Need to return for removal and replacement after What Is It? What It?
Nexplanon contains a hormone called etonogestrel (progestin). A medicated, plastic device that is placed into 3 years. What Is It? What Is It? What Is It?
A flexible, donut-shaped ring containing estrogen, A birth-control patch that contains both estrogen and progestin.
What Is It? What
uterus. ItIshasIt? What Ismenstrual
It? cycle to determine fertile days
the a string attached that hangs What
n Both Is It? and removal require a minor surgi-
insertion AWhat
variety ofIs It? to help detect when to avoid sex during the fertile days
methods n Charting Pills
is insertedtheinto
hormones estrogen and progestin
the vagina.
What Is It?
Decision not to have sexual intercourse How Does It Work? Decision
the to have sexual intercourse A long-acting form of the hormone progestin, given by injection
n Stops the release of egg from ovary
down vagina. cal procedure.
Surgical procedure to cut and block male sperm tube Surgical
of procedure
a woman’s cycle to separate and seal the fallopian tube n Abstinence from sex during fertile days How Does It
Surgical procedure Work?
to separate and seal the fallopian tube
How Does It
It Work?
How Does It n Unknown if less effective in very overweight Thickens cervical mucus
How Does It Work? n Changes mucus in cervix and change may keep sperm from It Work?
Work? How How Does It Work? How Does It Work? Thickens
Thickens cervical mucus

reaching egg In womenDoes It Work?

as studies did not How Does It Work? n
n cervical mucus How
n Does
Prevents It(release
ovulation Work? of egg)
Egg and Sperm do not meet (prevents fertilization) Eggmost
and cases,
Spermprevents fertilization
do not meet of egg.
(prevents If egg is fertilized, prevents egg
fertilization) Users n Thickens cervical mucus, preventing sperm penetration
n Changes lining of uterus
the semen. women. n Eggabstain from cannot
and sperm sex on fertile
meet days to prevent egg and sperm from meeting The egg and sperm do not meet - Fertilization will not happen n
n Prevents
Prevents ovulation
ovulation (release
(release of
of egg)
egg) Prevents implantation of fertilized
from attaching to the uterus. n Prevents ovulation.
n Egg and sperm cannot meet egg
Does not reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs n Prevents fertilization n
n Prevents
Prevents implantation
implantation of
of fertilized
fertilized egg
How Is It Used? How Is
Is It
It Used?
Used? How Is It Used? How Is It Used? n Prevents fertilization
How Is It Used? How How Is It Used? How Is It Used?
A person or couple decides not to have sexual intercourse A person or couple decides not to have sexual intercourse How Is Itmenstrual
A health care provider inserts Nexplanon, a single plastic rod containing the A clinician inserts IUD into the uterus. Patient should check n Local anesthesia is used Meet
How withIs
a qualified
It Used?family planning clinician for specific details on the fol- Woman charts cycle on a calendar How Is
Is It
It Used?
hormone etonogestrel (progestin) under the skin of the arm. You can use a correct placement by feeling for the string. n A surgical procedure is done to cut or block the tubes lowing: Observing and charting daily signs of fertility or ovulation (release of The woman
Fertile daysisare
given an injection
charted intoovulatory
based on the uppercycle,
arm or buttocksthat:
knowing everyusually
3 months
Ovu- One pill takenforat3the same time each day
n Is It
New patch Used?
applied each week for 3 weeks
Effectiveness: single Nexplanon for up to three years. Effectiveness: n Local
egg) or general anesthesia is used n Inserted weeks n
n Removed
Local orduring theanesthesia
general fourth week
is used
n This method is permanent lation happens between days 12 and 16 before your period
100% Effectiveness:
100% n A surgical procedure is done to cut, clip or block the tubes
n Sperm lives for about 5 days
n Removed during the fourth week
Effectiveness: n
n CanA go on buttocks,
surgical abdomen,
procedure is doneortoupper armor block the tubes
cut, clip
Effectiveness: There are two kinds: Basal
n Body isTemperature
This method permanent Method: n New ring inserted after fourth week
Effectiveness: Almost 100%
n Egg lives for 24 hours 95% - 99.9% n This method is permanent
Benefits: Greater than 99% Benefits:
n Paragard® (effective up to 10 years) 99.8% - 99.9%
n Temperature taken and charted each day n Works for 3 months Failure rate increased with some medications, missed pills, taking pills late Effectiveness:
n Eliminates the risk for HIV/AIDS and STDs n Effectiveness:
Eliminates the99.2%
risk for HIV/AIDS and STDs Vasectomy is not effective until sperm is cleared from the Effectiveness:
n Cervical Mucus Method: Mucus is checked for signs of ovulation n Failure rate increases if shot is not repeated every 3 months
Effectiveness: Effectiveness:
98% – 99%
Benefits: 99.5% Effectiveness:
n Has no health risks or side effects
n Works for 3 years. n Mirena®
n (effective
Has no health risks up
or to 5 years)
side effects male system, usually about 15 ejaculations, or 6 weeks n Sympto-Thermal Method: Combines both methods above, with checking
75% - 91% Benefits:
98% – 99% n Equals Pill effectiveness
Effectiveness: 99% Some methods
position are more effective than others
of cervix
n Can be used at any time, regardless of prior sexual experience n Does not interfere with sex. n Can be used at any time, regardless of prior sexual experience Benefits: n Reversible n Weekly
Some use, rather
methods thaneffective
are more daily than others
Allows users to focus on non-sexual aspects of their relationship n Allows users to focus on non-sexual aspects of their relationship Benefits: nBenefits:
Benefits: Good cycle control
n n If breast feeding, may be possible to use four weeks after delivery, Benefits: Benefits:
Works for 3 months n Does not interfere with sex n

talk with doctor. n Reversible

n Permanent
nn Does not interfere
No health risks orwith
n Equals Pill effectiveness
n Medically safe for most women Benefits:
n May improve acne
Possible Concerns: n Ability to get pregnant may return quickly after Nexplanon removal. Possible Concerns: n Safe 85%Permanent
n n One ring lasts for three weeks n Does
n not interfere with sex
n Does not interfere with sex nn Can
usedwhile breastfeeding
to determine fertile days if pregnancy is wanted n Regulates periods, lighter periods
n Easier than female sterilization n Does not interfere with sex n Good cycle control
n May be hard to stay with n May be hard to stay with nn Can be used byiswomen
Responsibility sharedwith a history of seizures or sickle cell anemia
by couple n Decreases menstrual pain and PMS n Does not interfere with sex
Possible Concerns: n Nothing to remember (except checking the string)
n Does not interfere with sex Benefits: Benefits:
n Requires determination n Requires determination n May improve acne
n Does not protect against infection from HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) n Long-acting (either 5 years, or up to 10 years) Possible Concerns:
n No health risks or side effects Possible Concerns: Possible Concerns:
Possible Concerns:
Concerns n Decreases risk for ovarian and endometrial cancer n Does not interfere with sex
or other sexually transmitted diseases.
Possible Concerns:
Reduces risk of HIV/AIDS and STDs by 100% Possible Concerns: n May require
Can be used atowaiting period
determine fertile days if pregnancy is wanted n Not recommended for heavy smokers. May increase risk n May require a waiting period
Expect menstrual periods to be irregular and unpredictable throughout (Some restrictions related nn Need
May beto return
hard tofor shot every
predict fertile3days.
Menstrual cycles can change due to
safter Implanon
May not stay in placeremoval.
n Surgery may cause adverse reaction to anesthetic, n Responsibility is shared by tocouple
age and number of previous pregnancies of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood presure Possible Concerns:
(Some restrictions related to age and number of previous pregnancies Delaware Health & Social Services
the time using Nexplanon (including more bleeding, less bleeding or no
or infection or bleeding may apply depending on provider) n stress
May or illness
cause irregular bleeding, spotting, missed periods or no periods Possible Concerns:
(especially for women over 35 who smoke) may apply depending Division of Public Health
bleeding, varying time between periods and spotting between periods). Possible
n Concerns:
Some women may have heavy bleeding and cramps n Temporary bruising, swelling, or tenderness of the scrotum n Surgery may cause adverse reaction to anesthetic, or infection and nn Abstinence
Side can be
effects may hard to
include stickgain,
weight to depression, breast tenderness, n Nausea, weight gain, headaches, dizziness, breast tenderness n Breast tenderness firston provider)
3 months
Side effects may include irregular bleeding, headache, vaginitis n Does
n notbeprotect
Should not against
used by women infection
with HIV infection, orfrom HIVimmune
impaired (the Possible Concerns: n Vaginal discharge, infection or irritation n Surgery may cause adverse reaction tohelps)
Irritation to skin (rotating the placement anesthetic, or infection and 417 Federal Street
bleeding n headaches,
Record-keepingor allergic reaction
is essential n Break-through bleeding or spotting between periods n
Dover, DE 19903
(inflammation of the vagina) weight gain, acne, breast pain, mood swings, virus that
system causes AIDS)
conditions n Abstinence is required on fertile days n Headache, weight gain, bleeding or nausea bleeding
n Temporary pain
n These side effects may last for up to 6 months after last injection n Mood swings n Some bleeding and nausea first 3 months Toll Free DElawarE HElP linE:
nervousness and depression orMay
n other sexually
increase transmitted
the risk of diseases.
pelvic inflammatory disease in women with n Fertility may be difficult for some women to identify n Breast tenderness first 3 months n Temporary pain
n If pregnancy does happen, risk of tubal pregnancy is high. Any symptoms
n May cause delay in ability to get pregnant after stopping shots n May increase risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood n May increase risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood (800) 464-4357
n Need to return for removal and replacement after 3 years. n Expect menstrual periods to be irregular and
multiple partners n Records of signs have to be kept n If pregnancy does happen, risk of tubal pregnancy is high. Any symp-
of pregnancy should be reported to clinician immediately for evaluation n May cause bone loss or density changes with long term use pressure (especially for women over 35 who smoke) pressure (especially for women over 35 who smoke)
n Both insertion and removal require a minor surgical procedure. unpredictable throughout toms of pregnancy should be reported to clinician immediately for evalu- This publication was made possible by grant
Unknown if less effective in very overweight women as studies did not n New pill clients must also use additional form of birth control for first month ation
the time using Implanon (including more bleeding, number 93.217 from the Office of Population
include many overweight women. less bleeding or no Does not reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs affairs. its contents are solely the responsibility of
Does not reduce risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs Does not reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs the authors and do not necessarily represent the
Reduces risk of HIV/AIDS and STDs by 100% Does not reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs bleeding,
Does varying
not reduce time
the riskbetween periods
of HIV/AIDS and spot-
or STDs Does not reduce risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs Does not reduce risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs Does not reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs Does not reduce risk for HIV/AIDS or STDs Does not reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs official views of the Office of Population affairs.
Does not reduce risk of HIV/AIDS or STDs

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