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CE 370
Prof. A. Charif

Shear in RC Beams

Shear in Beams

• Transverse loads on
beams cause
bending moment M
and shear force V
• Shear force V is the
first derivative of
the moment M


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 1


Shear in Beams
• Bending moment causes normal stresses with compression
resisted by concrete and tension by longitudinal steel bars
• Bending design delivers required longitudinal steel
• Shear force causes shear stress and shear design is performed

• Shear failure is brittle and

• Shear design must deliver a
shear strength equal to or
greater than flexural strength
• Shear is resisted by concrete
and steel stirrups

Shear stress in an uncracked section

• Flexural stress is horizontal (compression in top, tension in bot.)
• Shear stress has equal vertical and horizontal components
• This leads to inclined principal stresses (normal stress, no shear)
My VQ V  Shear force I  Moment of inertia
f  v
I Ib Q  First moment of area above fiber
b  Width of beam

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 2


principal stresses
f f 
f p      v2
2 2
tan2 

• The two normal principal stresses (one is tension and other is

compression) are inclined and this angle is 450 at the neutral
axis level (f = 0)
• The inclination angle changes in top (compression side) and
bottom (tension side) regions

Shear stress and inclined cracking

• Principal stress
trajectories are flat at
top (compression zone)
and deep at bottom
(tension zone)
• Inclined cracks are due
to combined flexure
and shear
• Diagonal tension in
tension side must be
resisted by adequate
web reinforcement

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 3


Average Shear Stress between Cracks

M M Vx T V
T  T   Average shear stress is v  v
jd jd jd bw x bw jd

bw d

shear stress
must not
certain limit

Modes of Shear Failure

in Normal Beams
• Shear behavior and analysis of RC beams is quite complex.
• Several experimental studies have been conducted to identify
the various modes of failure due to combined shear and
• Shear behavior and failure is closely related to shear span to
depth ratio a /d
• For normal beams, shear failure modes are :
 Diagonal tension failure
 Flexural shear failure
 Diagonal compression failure

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 4


Diagonal tension Failure

(Web-shear cracks)
• Web shear cracks occur around neutral axis under large shear force
and small bending moment. These cracks are normally at 450 with
the horizontal and form near the mid-depth of sections and move
on a diagonal path to the tension surface.
• Occur at ends of beams at simple supports and at inflection points
in continuous beams

Flexural-shear Failure
(Flexure-shear cracks)
• For flexure-shear cracks to occur, the moment must be larger
than the cracking moment and the shear must be rather large.
• The cracks run at angles of about 450 with the beam axis and
often start at the top of the flexural cracks.


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 5


Diagonal compression failure

• Diagonal compression failure occurs under large
shear force. It is characterized by the crushing of
concrete. Normally it occurs in beams which are
reinforced against heavy shear.


Modes of Shear Failure

in Short and Deep Beams


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 6


Forces in a cracked beam

without stirrups
• Shear strength mechanism of RC members includes :
– Concrete compression force in uncracked region
– Aggregate interlocking in cracked zone
– Shear across longitudinal steel bars known as dowel force
– Shear reinforcement, if present, will also resist the shear force


Forces in a beam with vertical stirrups


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 7


Types of Shear Reinforcement (Stirrups)

• Steel stirrups may be inclined along diagonal tension but are
usually vertical
• Part of longitudinal bars may also be bent up from bottom to top
to play role of shear reinforcement and then top steel

• Nowadays,
stirrups are
often vertical


Types of Shear Reinforcement

• Inclined stirrups and bent up bars are not very practical
because of the high labor costs for positioning them.
• Nowadays, stirrups are often vertical

Bent up bars

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 8


Types of Shear Reinforcement (Stirrups)


Behavior of RC beams with web

reinforcement (Truss Analogy)
 Concrete in compression is top chord
 Longitudinal tension steel is bottom chord
 Stirrups form truss verticals
 Concrete between diagonal cracks form the truss diagonals


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 9


Shear Stress Transfer in RC Beams

• Diagonal cracks will occur in beams with shear reinforcement
at almost the same loads that they occur in beams of the same
size without shear reinforcement.
• The shear reinforcement makes its presence known only after
the cracks begin to form. At that time, beams must have
sufficient shear reinforcing to resist the shear force not resisted
by the concrete.
• After a shear crack has developed in a beam, only a little shear
can be transferred across the crack unless web reinforcing is
used to bridge the gap. When such reinforcing is present, it
keeps the pieces of concrete on the two sides of the crack from


Benefits of Stirrups
 Stirrups carry shear across the crack directly
 Promote aggregate interlock
 Confine the core of the concrete in the beam thereby
increasing strength and ductility
 Confine the longitudinal bars and prevent concrete
cover from splitting off the beam
 Hold the pieces of concrete on either side of the
crack together and prevent the crack from
propagating into the compression region


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 10


CE 370
Prof. A. Charif

Shear analysis and design of RC beams

according to SBC / ACI Codes

Shear Analysis and Design

according to SBC / ACI Codes
• SBC, ACI and other codes neglect aggregate interlock and
dowel action
• Shear force is resisted by compression concrete and by steel
stirrups only
• Nominal shear strength is therefore:

Vn  Vc  Vs
Vc : Concrete shear strength
Vs : Stirrups shear strength

Steel stirrups may be inclined along diagonal tension but are

usually vertical

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 11


Shear Analysis and Design

according to SBC / ACI Codes
Nominal shear strength is provided by concrete and stirrups only
Design shear strength must be equal to or greater than ultimate shear
Vn  Vu with Vn  Vc  Vs
Vc : Concrete shear strength
Vs : Stirrups shear strength
With   0.75 in shear

• Concrete may provide enough strength to resist ultimate shear

but SBC / ACI require stirrups if:
Vc V V V
Vn   u  c  Vu  c
2  2 2

Shear Analysis and Design

according to SBC / ACI Codes
Vn  Vu with Vn  Vc  Vs
• SBC / ACI nominal shear f c'
strength of concrete in beams is : Vc  bw d
• For axially loaded members (columns) the nominal shear
strength of concrete is :
 N  f c'
Compression ( N u  0) : Vc  1  u  b d
 14 A  6 w
 g 
 0.3N u  f c'
Tension ( N u  0) : Vc  1   b d
 A  6 w
 g 

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 12


Shear Analysis and Design per SBC / ACI

• Assuming a 450 inclined crack,

the number of vertical stirrups
crossed by the crack is ns = d/s
where s is the stirrup spacing
• Assuming that they have yielded
the stirrups shear strength is :

Av f y d
Vertical stirrups: Vs  ns Av f y 
Inclined stirrups: Vs  Av f y sin   cos  
Av : Stirrup cross - section area


Stirrup Section Area

• A stirrup has at least one leg but usually two legs or more.

Av f y d
Vs 

Stirrup with n legs :

Av  n
d s : Stirrup diameter


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 13


Section Adequacy for Shear

• Before performing design, the section must first be checked
whether it is sufficient to resist shear according to SBC / ACI.
• The section is insufficient to resist shear and must be increased if :
2 Vu 2
Vs  f c' bw d   Vc  f c' bw d
3  3
f c'
but Vc  bw d
 Insufficient section for shear if : Vu  5Vc
In terms of average shear stress, the condition is :
Vu f c'
Insufficient section for shear if : vu   5
bw d 6

Beam Shear Design

Required Vertical Stirrup Spacing
• SBC / ACI specify that stirrups are required in beams if :
Vc V
Vn   Vu  c
2 2
Vn  Vu with Vn  Vc  Vs Optimal design  Vn  Vu
Av f y d
  Vc  Vs   Vu  Vs 
Vu Vu
 Vc    Vc
 s 
Av f y d
 Required stirrup spacing : s 
 Vc

 V 
Note: if Vs  u  Vc   0  Use minimum steel requiremen t
  

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 14


Minimum Web Reinforcement

and Maximum Stirrup Spacing
 f ' 1b s
SBC / ACI minimum web steel area : Av ,min  Max  c ,  w
 16 3  f y
 
SBC / ACI maximum stirrup spacing (geometry considerations) :

If Vs  2Vc smax  M in 0.5d , 600 mm Case (a)

If Vs  2Vc smax  M in 0.25d , 300 mm Case (b)
If Vu  3Vc smax  M in 0.5d , 600 mm Case (a)
If Vu  3Vc smax  M in 0.25d , 300 mm Case (b)


Critical Shear Sections

• Load transfer between beams and supports is performed through
conic shaped zones with 450 angles.
• Shear failures occur at critical sections located at a distance d from
the face of the support, where d is the depth of tension steel
• Ultimate shear force considered for design is computed at the
critical section


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 15


Critical Shear Sections


Critical Shear Section for Design

• Ultimate shear used for design is computed at the critical section
at a distance d from the support face (d = Tension steel depth)
• It is obtained from support and mid-span values using shear force
envelope diagram.
• Most modern structural analysis methods use clear length Ln (clear
distance between support faces)


Stirrup reinforcement in beams

Vu0 Vud
VuL/2 is usually symmetric about
mid-point except in special
d Ln/2 cases such as cantilevers

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 16


Critical Shear Section for Design

Vu0 Vud

d Ln/2

• For a simply supported beam, the ultimate shear force values at

the support and mid-span are : wu Ln wLu Ln
Vu 0  VuL/ 2 
2 8
wu : Total factored (ultimate) uniform load (= 1.4wD + 1.7wL)
wLu : Factored live load (= 1.7wL)
Shear force at support is obtained with ultimate uniform load
applied on all the span
The mid-span value is obtained by applying factored live load on
half the span only (along with factored dead load on all span).

Critical Shear Section for Design

Mid-span shear value w1  w2 SFD
2 8
w2 L
w1 8  L 3L 
  w1  w2 
 2 8 

From similar triangles we obtain the V

u0 Vud VuL/2
critical shear value at distance d :
d Ln/2
Vud  Vu 0 
Vu 0  VuL/ 2 
wu Ln wLu Ln
with Vu 0  , VuL / 2 
2 8 34

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 17


Shear Design - Summary

1. Determine ultimate shear force at distance d from support face,
to be used for design
2. Compute concrete shear strength Vc
3. Check for section adequacy (whether it is sufficient for shear).
If insufficient, the section must be increased.
4. Check whether stirrups are required
5. Compute maximum stirrup spacing
6. Compute minimum shear steel area
7. Compute required stirrup spacing
8. Select appropriate stirrup diameter and spacing to satisfy all
conditions (maximum spacing, minimum shear steel, required


Shear Design - Summary

1 / Vu  Vud  Vu 0 
Vu 0  VuL/ 2  with Vu 0  wu Ln , VuL/ 2  wLu Ln
Ln 2 8
f c'
2 / Vc  bw d
3 / Insufficient section for shear if Vu  5Vc
4 / Stirrups are required if Vu 
5 / M aximum stirrup spacing :
If Vu  3Vc smax  M in 0.5d , 600 mm (a)

If Vu  3Vc smax  M in 0.25d , 300 mm (b)
 f ' 1b s
6 / M inimum shear steel area Av ,min  M ax  c ,  w
 16 3  f y
 

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 18


Shear Design – Summary Cont.

Av f y d
7 / Required stirrup spacing s 
 Vc

Note: if Vs   Vc  0 , then required spacing is discarded

8 / Select appropriate stirrup diameter, number of legs and
stirrup spacing in order to satisfy the three conditions :
a/ M aximum geometry spacing - step 5
b/ M inimum shear steel area - step 6
c/ Required stirrup spacing - step 7
• In practice the stirrup diameter ds is usually fixed and the
designer must determine the required number of legs and spacing.
• ds depends on the diameter of the main bars
• In buildings, ds is 10 mm for columns, 8 to10 mm for beams
• In bridges ds is higher (12 to 16 mm) 37

Shear Design – Summary Cont.

The three SBC / ACI requirements (steps 5 to 7) can be reformulated
using the stirrup spacing as the main design variable.
The designer usually selects first the stirrup diameter ds, the number of
legs n, and then determines the required stirrup spacing s, while
satisfying all code requirements. Given its diameter ds and the number
of legs n, the stirrup area is: A  n d s

The minimum shear steel area requirement, expressed in terms of
spacing s, can thus be transformed to another spacing requirement:
 f ' 1b s
M inimum shear steel area Av ,min  M ax  c ,  w
 16 3  f y
 
 16.0  Av f y
 M aximum steel spacing smax2
 M in  , 3.0 
 f'  bw
 c 

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 19


Shear Design - Stirrup Spacing Summary

M in 0.5d , 600 mm If Vu  3Vc (a)
Geometry spacing : s 1max  
M in 0.25d , 300 mm If Vu  3Vc (b)
 16.0  Av f y
M inimum steel spacing : s max  M in  , 3. 0 
 f'  bw
 c 
Av f y d
Required stirrup spacing : s max 
 Vc

Adoptedspacing : s  M in s  1
, s max 3
, s max 
2 3
Notes : s max and s max depend on A v (on n and d s ) but s 1max does not
3 3
Only s max depends on ultimate shear Vu . s max increases when Vu decreases.
s 1max remains unchanged unless it is controlled by case (b)
 Spacing can only be increased if it is controlled by s max
or by s 1max (b)

Vu Shear design
Insufficient section and spacing

Case (a)
s1max  Case (b) 
2  d 
Vu  3Vc : smax  M in  2 , 600 mm  (a)

  
3Vc 
V  3V : s1  M in  d , 300 mm  (b)
 u c max
4 

s1max  Case (a)  16.0  Av f y

smax  M in  , 3.0 
 f'  bw
Vc  c 
smax 
Av f y d
0.5Vc 3
smax 
No stirrups required Vu
 Vc


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 20


Shear design Flowchart

V u known ,   0.75
Yes Insufficient section
f' V u  5Vc ? Increase dimensions
Vc  c bw d
6 No
V u  0.5Vc ? Stirrups not required
d  No Yes d 
s1max  Min  , 600 mm  (a) V u  3Vc ? s1max  Min  , 300 mm  (b)
 2  4 

 16.0  Av f y
smax  Min  , 3.0 
 f'  bw
 c 
Av f y d
smax 
V u  Vc ? Vu
 Vc


s  Min s1max , smax
 
s  Min s1max , smax
2 3
, smax 

Shear Design - Observations

• The designed stirrup spacing may turn out inadequate in many

ways. It could be either too large or too small.
• If the spacing is too large, then the number of legs or (and) stirrup
diameter may be decreased.
• If the spacing is too small, then either the number of legs or
stirrup diameter must be increased.
• A complete and adequate design strategy is to start using the
minimum stirrup diameter and minimum number of legs.
• If the spacing is too small (less than 100 mm), increase the
number of legs, but if the number of legs is excessive then
increase the stirrup diameter.


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 21


Shear Design - Full Automatic Algorithm

Data includes minimum stirrup diameter dsmin as well as minimum
and maximum numbers of legs nmin and nmax
Leg increment = 1 , Stirrup diameter increment = 2 mm
• Compute s1max
• Start with dsmin
• A - Start with nmin
• B - Compute stirrup area
• Compute s2max , s3max and final spacing value
• If spacing value is ok stop
• If spacing too small then :
 If n < nmax : n = n + 1 and goto B
 If n = nmax : ds = ds + 2.0 and goto A

Stirrup Design Algorithm

(Stirrup Diameter, Number of Legs and Spacing)
1. Compute maximum geometry spacing s1max
2. Start with minimum stirrup diameter dsmin
3. Start with minimum leg number nmin
4. Compute stirrup area
5. Compute minimum steel spacing s2max
6. If Vu >  Vc : s = Min (s1max , s2max)
7. If Vu ≤  Vc : Compute required steel spacing s3max and
s = Min (s1max , s2max , s3max)
8. If s ≥ 100 mm then stop
9. If n < nmax then n = n + 1 and goto 4
10. If n = nmax then ds = ds + 2 and goto


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 22


Shear Design Problem 1

• A simply supported beam is subjected to uniform
loading composed of dead load (including self weight)
of 27.0 kN/m and live load of 17.5 kN/m.
• The beam clear span length is 9.6 m and the section
dimensions are 300 x 600 mm.
• Steel depth is d = 540 mm
• Design the beam for shear using 10 mm stirrups and the
following material data :

f c'  25 MPa f y  420 MPa


Solution 1
The ultimate load is :
wu = 1.4 x 27.0 + 1.7 x 17.5 = 37.8 + 29.75 = 67.55 kN/m
Factored live load is : wLu = 1.7 x 17.5 = 29.75 kN/m
Ultimate shear force at support and mid-span as well as value at the
critical section (at a distance d from the support) are:
Ln 9.6
Vu 0  wu  67.55  324.24 kN
2 2
L 9.6
VuL / 2  wLu n  29.75  35.7 kN
8 8
Vud  Vu 0 
Vu 0  VuL/ 2 
2  0.54
Vud  324.24  324.24  35.7   291.78 kN

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 23


Solution 1 – Cont.
Vu0 Vud 0.5Vc  50.62 kN
0.5Vc VuL/2 Vu 0  324.24 kN
VuL / 2  35.7 kN
0.54m Ln/2 = 4.8 m Vud  291.78 kN
Vud is used for design
Concrete nominal shear strength is :
f c' 25
Vc  bw d  300  540  135000 N  135.0 kN
6 6
Section adequacy check :
5Vc  5  0.75 135  506.25 kN  Vu  Vud  291.78 kN  Section OK
Stirrup requiremen t : 0.5Vc  50.625 kN  Vud  Stirrups are required
n d s 3 10 2

Use 3 leg stirrups: n  3  Av    235.6 mm 2

4 4

Solution 1 – Cont.
Maximum geometry spacing : Vud  291.78  3Vc  303.75 kN
 s1max  Min 0.5d , 600 mm  270.0 mm Case (a)

 16.0  Av f y
M inimum steel spacing : smax2
 M in  , 3.0 
 f'  bw
 c 
 16.0  235.6  420
 smax
 M in  , 3.0   989.5 mm
 25  300
Av f y d
Required stirrup spacing : s max 
 Vc

235.6  420  540
 s max
  210.3 mm
 291.78 
  135.0  1000
 0.75  48

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 24


Solution 1 – Cont.
M aximum spacing requiremen t summary :
Geometry maximum spacing : s 1max  270.0 mm
M inimum steel spacing : s max  989.5 mm
Required stirrup spacing : s max  210.3 mm
Adoptedspacing : s  M in s 1max , s max
2 3
, s max   s  210 mm
 We use a 200 mm spacing
• A stirrup is assumed to resist shear over a distance
extending s/2 on each side of the stirrup
• The first stirrup must thus be located at a distance s/2 from
the support face
• First stirrup at 100 mm, then constant 200 mm spacing
Question 1: We used 3 legs. What happens if we use 2 or 4 legs?

Solution 1 – Cont.
Geometry maximum spacing is unchanged : s1max  270.0 mm (a)

Two legs : Four legs :

M inimum steel spacing : M inimum steel spacing :
smax  659.7 mm
smax  1319.4 mm
Required stirrup spacing : Required stirrup spacing :
smax  140.2 mm
smax  280.4 mm

s  M in s1max , smax
2 3
, smax  
s  M in s1max , smax
2 3
, smax 
 s  140 mm ss 1
max  270 mm
• Using more than three legs is wasteful as spacing becomes
controlled by geometry maximum spacing
• Question 2 : Can we change spacing when shear force is reduced?

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 25


Stirrup Requirement
and Spacing Variation
• When shear force is reduced, we can not only change
(increase) stirrup spacing, but we may be able to stop
stirrups completely when they are no longer required
• Remember : Stirrups are required in beams in all
zones where:
Vu  0.5Vc

• Stirrups may therefore be required near the beam

support and not required in other zones (around the
mid-span) where shear force is smaller :
Vu  0.5Vc

Stirrup Requirement
and Spacing Variation
Stirrups are no longer required when : Vu  0.5Vc
Distance x0 over which stirrups are required is obtained using
similar triangles :

Ln  Vu 0  0.5Vc  Vu0
x0    0.5Vc VuL/2
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  Ln/2

• x0 may be greater or less than half-span

• In half-span of the beam, stirrups are
provided over a distance :  L 
Lst  Min  x0 , n 
 2

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 26


Stirrup Requirement and Spacing Variation

• Geometry maximum spacing s1max is independent of shear steel
area Av and thus on number of legs n and stirrup diameter ds,
• If the final stirrup spacing is controlled by the geometry limit
s1max case (a), it cannot be increased. The number of legs, or
stirrup diameter, may be decreased (if they are not minimal).
• Minimum leg number is usually 2 and minimum stirrup diameter
is 10 mm for columns and 8 to 10 mm for beams
• If the final spacing is controlled by any of the other two limits
s2max or s3max , then the design is adopted unless the spacing is
too small (less than 75 to 100 mm), in which case the number of
legs must be increased
• If the final spacing is controlled by the required steel limit s3max
this means that it can be varied (increased) at a reduced value of
shear force located at a certain distance from the support.

Stirrup Design Algorithm

(Variation of Stirrup Spacing)
• If the final stirrup spacing is controlled by required steel limit s3max
then it can be varied (increased) at a reduced value of shear force
located at a certain distance from the support
• Spacing variation is performed if the required number of stirrups
over distance Lst is important (say greater than 10)
• The new spacing value is usually 50 to 100 mm greater than the
previous one
s2  s1  50 to 100 mm
In general : s j  s j 1  50 to 100 mm
The new spacing must not exceed the two limits s1max and smax


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 27


Stirrup Design Algorithm – Cont.

(Variation of Stirrup Spacing)
• The value of shear force corresponding to the new spacing is
deduced from optimal design condition:
Av f y d Vu  Av f y d 
Vs    Vc  Vu 2   Vc  
s   s2 

• Location x2 of this new shear force value is obtained using

similar triangles:
Ln  Vu 0  Vu 2 
x2    Vu0
2  u0
V  VuL / 2 
Vu2 VuL/2

Spacing Variation

Required number of stirrups over given distance D :

Ds1 Dsj
First spacing : n1   0.5 Next spacings : n j 
s1 sj
Cumulated stirrup length : L
i 1
si   ni si 
i 1 2

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 28


Stirrup Design Algorithm – Cont.

(Variation of Stirrup Spacing)
• The number n1 of stirrups with the first spacing value is such :
s x
Ls1  x2  n1 s1  1  x2  n1  2  0.5
2 s1
• Spacing variation (increase) may be performed more than once
• The distance left for the second spacing is :
R2  Lst  Ls1  Lst  n1s1 
• The approximate number of stirrups with spacing s2 is : n2  2
• If this number exceeds ten to twelve, then a further spacing
variation may be considered provided the limits are not already


Stirrup Design Algorithm – Cont.

(Variation of Stirrup Spacing)
• The next shear force value and its location are given by :
 Av f y d  Ln  Vu 0  Vuj 
Vuj   Vc   xj    j3

 s j

 2  Vu 0  VuL / 2 

• The exact distance used by stirrups with preceding spacing and

their number are: j 2 j 2
 s 
x j 1
x*j 1  x j   Lsi  x j    ni si  1  n j 1 
i 1  i 1 2 s j 1

• Remaining distance and approximate number of stirrups with

new spacing sj are:
j 1 j 1
s1 Rj
R j  Lst   Lsi  Lst   ni si  nj 
i 1 1 2 sj


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 29


Spacing variation algorithm

• Compute spacing s1 at critical section
• If s1 is controlled by s2max or by s1max case (a) then stop
• j=2
A - Choose new spacing sj = sj-1 + 50 to 100 mm
• Deduce Vuj and xj
• Deduce number of stirrups with previous spacing nj-1
• Remaining distance and number of stirrups Rj and nj
• If number nj is large enough and spacing variation is still possible
then : j = j+1 and goto A

Note : If s1 is controlled by by s1max case (b), then the second

spacing s2 must be located inside case (a) zone, i.e. with Vu ≤ 3 Vc


Shear Design Problem 2

(Same as Problem 1)
• A simply supported beam is subjected to uniform
loading composed of dead load (including self weight)
of 27.0 kN/m and live load of 17.5 kN/m.
• The beam clear span length is 9.6 m and the section
dimensions are 300 x 600 mm.
• Steel depth is d = 540 mm
• Design the beam for shear using 10 mm stirrups and the
following material data :

f c'  25 MPa f y  420 MPa


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 30


Solution 2
• The ultimate load, shear force values and concrete shear strength
are the same as before.
0.5Vc  50.62 kN
Vu0 V
ud Vu 0  324.24 kN
0.5Vc VuL/2 VuL / 2  35.7 kN
Vud  291.78 kN
0.54m Ln/2 = 4.8 m
f c'
Vc  bw d  135.0 kN
Section adequacy check :
5Vc  5  0.75 135  506.25 kN  Vu  Vud  291.78 kN  Section OK
Stirrup requiremen t :  50.62 kN  Vud  Stirrups are required

Solution 2 – Cont.
• Distance x0 beyond which stirrups are not required is :
Ln  Vu 0  0.5Vc  9.6  324.24  0.5  0.75 135 
x0       4.552 m  4552 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  324.24  35.7 

• This distance x0 is smaller than half-span. Stirrups are thus

required over a distance : L  Min  x , Ln   x  4552 mm
st 0 0
 2
Maximum geometry spacing :
Vud  291.78  3Vc  303.75 kN
 s1max  Min 0.5d , 600 mm  270.0 mm (a)


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 31


Solution 2 – Cont.
n d s
Start with two legs : n = 2  Av   2  157.08 mm2
4 4
 16.0  Av f y
M inimum steel spacing : smax 2
 M in  , 3.0 
 f'  bw
 c 
 16.0  157.08  420
 smax
 M in  , 3.0   659.7 mm
 25  300

Av f y d 157.08  420  540

Required stirrup spacing : smax    140.2 mm
 Vc   291.78 
 135.0  1000
  0.75 


Solution 2 – Cont.
M aximum spacing requiremen t summary :
Geometry maximum spacing : s1max  270.0 mm
M inimum steel spacing : smax  659.7 mm
Required stirrup spacing : smax  140.2 mm

Adoptedspacing : s  M in s1max , smax
2 3
, smax 
 s  140 mm (controlled by smax
We usually select spacing values as multiples of 50 mm
 We use a 100 mm spacing


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 32


Solution 2 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
Spacing may be increased provided it does not exceed any of the two
limits s 1max , s max

We choose a second spacing s 2  150 mm

Corresponding shear force is :
 Av f y d  157.08  420
  0.75135 
1 
Vu 2   Vc  540    279.38 kN
 s2   150 1000 
The location of this shear force value is :
Ln  Vu 0  Vu 2  9.6  324.24  279.38 
x2        0.746 m  746 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  324.24  35.7 


Solution 2 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
The total number of stirrups with first spacing is :
s1 x 1 746 1
Ls1  x2  n1s1   x2  n1  2     7.96  n1  8
2 s1 2 100 2
The first stirrup is at a distance s1/2 = 50 mm. Seven more
stirrups are needed to cover this distance x2 (= 746 mm)
The remaining distance for spacing s2 is :
s1 100
R2  Lst  Ls1 Ls1  n1s1 
 8 100   750 mm
2 2
R2  Lst  Ls1  4552  750  3802 mm
The approximate number of stirrups with spacing s2 is :
R2 3802
n2    25.3
s2 150 66

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 33


Solution 2 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
R2 3802
n2    25.3
s2 150
This large number allows for further spacing variation (which is
still possible).
We chose a new (third) value of 250 mm (which corresponds in
fact to geometry maximum spacing) : s3 = 250 mm
The corresponding shear force value and its location are :

 Av f y d  157.08  420  540

  0.75135 
1 
Vu 3   Vc     208.13 kN
 s3   250 1000 
L  V  V  9.6  324.24  208.13 
x3  n  u 0 u 3      1.932 m  1932 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  324.24  35.7 

Solution 2 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
Vu 3  208.13 kN x3  1932 mm

The exact distance used by stirrups with spacing s2 and their

number are: x*  x  L  1932  750  1182 mm
2 3 s1

x* 1182
n2  2   7.88  n2  8
s2 150
 Ls 2  n2 s2  8 150  1200 mm

Remaining distance and approximate number of stirrups with

spacing s3 are :
R3  Lst  Ls1  Ls 2  4552  750  1200  2602 mm
R3 2602
n3    10.41  n3  11
s3 250
 Ls 3  n3 s3  11 250  2750 mm

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 34


Solution 2- Summary
Stirrups required over a distance Lst = 4552 mm (less than half-span)
Use of two-leg 10 mm stirrups as follows:
1. Eight stirrups with spacing s1 = 100 mm. First stirrup located at
s1/2 = 50 mm, and then seven stirrups with spacing s1 = 100 mm
(Ls1 = 50 + 7 x 100 = 750 mm)
2. Eight stirrups with spacing s2 = 150 mm (Ls2 = 8 x 150 = 1200 mm
and Ls1 + Ls2 = 1950 mm)
3. Eleven stirrups with spacing s3 = 250 mm (Ls3 = 2750 mm , and
Ls1 + Ls2 + Ls3 = 4700 mm)


Solution 2 - Summary

Figure produced by
RC-TOOL software
implementing all
previous theory
Same results with
shear force diagrams

Shear force diagrams :

Ultimate shear (demand) : Vu
Design capacity (offer) : Vn
Vn   Vc  Vs 
Safety  Offer  Demand

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 35


Shear Design Problem 3

(Same as Problem 2)
• Same beam and same data except that we use 8-mm stirrups.
• For a two-leg 8-mm stirrup, shear steel area is
n d s
Av   2  32  100.53 mm2
4 4
Geometry maximum spacing is unchnaged s1max  270.0 mm (a)
M inimum steel spacing and required spacing are :
 16.0  Av f y  16  100.53
smax  M in  , 3.0   M in  , 3.0  420  422.2 mm
 f'  bw  25  300
 c 
Av f y d 100.53 420  540
smax    89.7 mm
 Vc  
Vud 291.78
 135.0  1000
  0.75 

Solution 3
• The final spacing value controlled by the required spacing limit
(89.7 mm) is small and less than the minimum limit of 100 mm.
• To increase the required spacing, we must increase the number of
legs (or the stirrup diameter)
• We keep using the same 8-mm stirrup diameter and increase the
number of legs to three. The maximum geometry spacing remains
unchanged but the other two will increase:
n d s
s 1max  270.0 mm Av   3  48  150.8 mm 2 
4 4
 16.0  Av f y  16  150.8
s max  M in  , 3.0   M in  , 3.0  420  633.3 mm
 f'  bw  25  300
 c 
A f d 150.8  420  540
   134.6 mm
3 v y
s max
Vud  291 .78 
 Vc   135.0  1000
  0.75 

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 36


Solution 3 – Cont.

M aximum spacing requiremen t summary for three - leg 8 mm stirrups:

Geometry maximum spacing : s1max  270.0 mm
M inimum steel spacing : smax  633.3 mm
Required stirrup spacing : smax  134.6 mm
Adoptedspacing : s  M in s1max , smax
 3
, smax 
 s  134 mm (controlled by smax
We usually select spacing values as multiples of 50 mm
 We use a 100 mm spacing


Solution 3 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
Spacing may be increased provided it does not exceed any of
the two limits s 1max , s max

We choose a second spacing s 2  150 mm

Corresponding shear force is :
 Av f y d  150.8  420
  0.75135 
1 
Vu 2   Vc  540    272.26 kN
 s2   150 1000 
The location of this shear force value is :
Ln  Vu 0  Vu 2  9.6  324.24  272.26 
x2        0.865 m  865 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  324.24  35.7 


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 37


Solution 3 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
The total number of stirrups with first spacing is :
s1 x 1 865 1
Ls1  x2  n1 s1   x2  n1  2     9.15  n1  10
2 s1 2 100 2
 Ls1  50  9  100  950 mm

The first stirrup is at a distance s1/2 = 50 mm. Nine more

stirrups are needed to cover this distance x2 (= 865 mm)
The remaining distance for spacing s2 is :
R2  Lst  Ls1  4552  950  3602 mm

The approximate number of stirrups with spacing s2 is :

R2 3602
n2    24.01
s2 150

Solution 3 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
R2 3602
n2    24.01
s2 150
This large number allows for further spacing variation.
We chose a new (third) value of 250 mm (which corresponds in
fact to geometry maximum spacing) : s3 = 250 mm
The corresponding shear force value and its location are :
 Av f y d  150.8  420  540
  0.75135 
1 
Vu 3   Vc     203.85 kN
 s3   250 1000 
L  V  V  9.6  324.24  203.85 
x3  n  u 0 u 3      2.003 m  2003 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  324.24  35.7 


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 38


Solution 3 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
Vu 3  203.85 kN x3  2003 mm

The exact distance used by stirrups with spacing s2 and their

number are: x2*  x3  Ls1  2003  950  1053 mm
x2* 1053
n2    7.02  n2  8
s2 150
 Ls 2  n2 s2  8 150  1200 mm

Remaining distance and number of stirrups with spacing s3 are :

R3  Lst  Ls1  Ls 2  4552  950  1200  2402 mm
R3 2402
n3    9.7  n3  10
s3 250
 Ls 3  n3 s3  10  250  2500 mm

Solution 3 - Summary
Stirrups required over a distance Lst = 4552 mm (less than half-span)
Use of three-leg 8 mm stirrups as follows:
1. Ten stirrups with spacing s1 = 100 mm and the first stirrup is at
s1/2 = 50 mm, (Ls1 = 50 + 9 x 100 = 950 mm)
2. Eight stirrups with s2 = 150 mm (Ls2 = 8 x 150 = 1200 mm and
Ls1 + Ls2 = 2150 mm)
3. Ten stirrups with s3 = 250 mm (Ls3 = 10 x 250 = 2500 mm and
Ls1 + Ls2 + Ls3 = 4650 mm)

• Total : 28 three-leg stirrups

• The same results are delivered by RC-TOOL software as shown
in the figure


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 39


RC-TOOL Solution of Problem 3


Comments about Problem 3

• It may happen that the required number of legs at the critical
section is greater than the minimum limit. This value can be used
throughout the beam but it can also be reduced for lower shear
force values.
• When the number of legs necessary at the critical section is greater
than the minimum limit (as in example 3), it can be reduced at a
certain distance when the spacing is controlled by the maximum
geometry spacing s1max
• The last ten stirrups with 250 mm spacing can thus be replaced
with two legged stirrups with an adequate spacing to be calculated.
• Using two legs for the third spacing will also affect the number of
stirrups using the second spacing (this number n2 will increase as
the stopping of spacing 2 will be delayed).


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 40


Reducing number of legs

• Reducing the number of legs to two, we have for
8-mm stirrups:
n d s
Av   2  32  100.53 mm2
4 4
Geometry maximum spacing is unchnaged s1max  270.0 mm
M inimum steel spacing is :
 16.0  Av f y  16  100.53
smax  M in  , 3.0   M in  , 3.0  420  422.2 mm
 f'  bw  25  300
 c 
Required stirrup spacing limit will be estimated later
It should be equal to the chosen spacing s3  250 mm


Reducing number of legs

Using two legs and a value of 250 mm (which corresponds in
fact to geometry maximum spacing) : s3 = 250 mm
The corresponding shear force value and its location are :
 Av f y d  100.53 420  540
  0.75135 
1 
Vu 3   Vc     169.65 kN
 s3   250 1000 
L  V  Vu 3  9.6  324.24  169.65 
x3  n  u 0     2.572 m  2572 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  324.24  35.7 
Check corresponding required spacing limit :
Av f y d 100.53  420  540
smax    250.0 mm
 Vc   169.65 
 135.0  1000
  0.75 
This confirms our choice of spacing s3  250 mm

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 41


Reducing number of legs

Vu 3  169.65 kN x3  2572 mm

The exact distance used by stirrups with spacing s2 (with three

legs) and their number are:
x2*  x3  Ls1  2572  950  1622 mm
x2* 1622
n2    10.81  n2  11
s2 150
 Ls 2  n2 s2  11150  1650 mm

Remaining distance and number of stirrups with spacing s3 are :

R3  Lst  Ls1  Ls 2  4552  950  1650  1952 mm

R3 1952
n3    7.8  n3  8
s3 250
 Ls 3  n3 s 3  8  250  2000 mm

Reducing number of legs


Stirrups required over a distance Lst = 4552 mm (less than half-span)

First, use of three-leg 8 mm stirrups as follows:
1. Ten stirrups with spacing s1 = 100 mm. First stirrup located at
s1/2 = 50 mm, (Ls1 = 50 + 9 x 100 = 950 mm)
2. Eleven stirrups with s2 = 150 mm (Ls2 = 11 x 150 = 1650 mm and
Ls1 + Ls2 = 2600 mm)
3. Use two leg stirrups : Eight stirrups with spacing s3 = 250 mm
(Ls3 = 8 x 250 = 2000 mm and Ls1 + Ls2 + Ls3 = 4600 mm)

• Total : 29 stirrups of 8-mm diameter composed of :

 21 three-leg stirrups and 8 two-leg stirrups

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 42


Reducing number of legs


Shear Design Problem 4

(High shear force value)
• We study the same previous beam but with higher
• Dead load (including self weight) = 40.0 kN/m
• Live load = 20.0 kN/m.
• The beam clear span length is 9.6 m and the section
dimensions are 300 x 600 mm.
• Tension steel depth is d = 540 mm
• Design the beam for shear using 10 mm stirrups and the
following material data :
f c'  25 MPa f y  420 MPa


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 43


Solution 4
The ultimate load is :
wu = 1.4 x 40.0 + 1.7 x 20.0 = 56.0 + 34.0 = 90.0 kN/m
Factored live load is : wLu = 1.7 x 20.0 = 34.0 kN/m
Ultimate shear force at support and mid-span as well as value at
distance d are:
Ln 9.6
Vu 0  wu  90.0  432.0 kN
2 2
L 9.6
VuL / 2  wLu n  34.0  40.8 kN
8 8
Vud  Vu 0 
Vu 0  VuL/ 2 
2  0.54
Vud  432.0  432.0  40.8  387.99 kN

Solution 4
Vud 0.5Vc  50.62 kN
3Vc  303.75 kN
Vu 0  432.0 kN
0.5Vc VuL/2 VuL / 2  40.8 kN
0.54m Vud  387.99 kN
Ln/2 = 4.8 m
Vud is used for design

f c' 25
Concrete shear : Vc  bw d  300  540  135000 N  135.0 kN
6 6
Section adequacy check :
5Vc  5  0.75 135  506.25 kN  Vu  Vud  387.99 kN  Section OK
Stirrup requiremen t :  50.62 kN  Vud  Stirrups are required

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 44


Solution 4 – Cont.
Distance x0 over which stirrups are required is :

Ln  Vu 0  0.5Vc  9.6  432.0  0.5  0.75 135 

x0       4.679 m  4679 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  432.0  40.8 
Ln  L 
x0 just smaller than . Required stirrup distance : Lst  Min  x0 , n   x0  4679 mm
2  2
M aximum geometry spacing : Vud  387.99  3Vc  303.75 kN
 s1max  M in 0.25d , 300 mm  135.0 mm (b) controlled by case (b)

n d s
Start with two legs : n = 2  Av   2  157.08 mm2
4 4
 16.0  Av f y
M inimum steel spacing : smax 2
 M in  , 3.0 
 f'  bw
 c 
 16.0  157.08  420
 smax
 M in  , 3.0   659.7 mm
 25  300

Solution 4 – Cont.

Av f y d 157.08  420  540

Required stirrup spacing : smax    93.18 mm
 Vc  
Vud 387.99
 135.0  1000
  0.75 
This spacing value is small (less than 100 mm). We therefore increase the
n d s
number of legs to three : n  3  Av   3  235.62 mm2
4 4
 16.0  Av f y  16.0  235.62  420
 smax
 M in  , 3.0   M in  , 3.0   989.6 mm
 f'  bw  25  300
 c 
Av f y d 235.62  420  540
and smax    139.77 mm
 Vc  
Vud 387.99
 135.0  1000
  0.75 
s1max  135.0 mm (unchanged )

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 45


Solution 4 – Cont.

M aximum spacing requiremen t summary :

Geometry maximum spacing : s1max  135.0 mm
M inimum steel spacing : smax  989.6 mm
Required stirrup spacing : smax  139.77 mm

Adoptedspacing : s  M in s1max , smax
2 3
, smax 
 s  135 mm (controlled by s1max )
We usually select spacing values as multiples of 50 mm
 We use a 100 mm spacing


Solution 4 – Cont.
Final spacing is controlled by themaximum geometry limit s1max
It cannot therefore be changed. However s1max in this problem,
is controlled by case (b) because of a high shear force.
For reduced shear values (less than 3Vc  303.75 k N ),
s1max will become controlled by case (a) and its value doubled.
Distance beyond which s1max will be doubled :
Ln  Vu 0  3Vc  9.6  432.0  3  0.75 135 
xh       1.574 m  1574 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  432.0  40.8 
Number of stirrups required to cover this distance with 100 mm spacing :
s1 x 1 1574 1
n1s1   xh  n1  h     16.24  n1  17
2 s1 2 100 2
 Ls1   (n1  1) s1  50  16 100  1650 mm
2 92

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 46


Solution 4 – Cont.
Ls1  50  16 100  1650 mm
Beyond this distance (second part of the half - span),
the geometry maximum spacing is doubled :
s1max  M in 0.5d , 600 mm  270.0 mm
The shear force at this location is :
2 1650
Vs1  Vu 0  s1 Vu 0  VuL / 2   432.0  432.0  40.8  297.525 kN
Ln 9600
We can now design new stirrup spacing for this shear force value.
The spacings are : s1max  270.0 mm smax
 989.6 mm (unchanged )
Av f y d 235.62  420  540
smax    204.20 mm
 Vc   297.525 
 135.0  1000
  0.75 
 We adopt a 200 mm spacing in the second part.

Solution 4 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
Remaining stirrup distance R2  Lst  Ls1  4679  1650  3029 mm
Required number of stirrups with second spacing :
R 3029
n2  2   15.15  Further spacing increase is possible
s2 200
We choose a third spacing s3  250 mm
Corresponding shear force is :
 A f d  235.62  420 1 
Vu 3   Vc  v y   0.75135  540    261.57 kN
 s3   250 1000 
The location of this shear force value is :
Ln  Vu 0  Vu 3  9.6  432.0  261.57 
x3       2.091 m  2091mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  432.0  40.8 


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 47


Solution 4 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
Vu 3  261.57 kN x3  2091mm

The exact distance used by stirrups with spacing s2 and their

number are: x*  x  L  2091  1650  441mm
2 3 s1
x 441
n2  2
  2.205  n2  3
s2 200
 Ls 2  n2 s2  3  200  600 mm

Remaining distance and approximate number of stirrups with

spacing s3 are :
R3  Lst  Ls1  Ls 2  4679  1650  600  2429 mm
R3 2429
n3    9.716  n3  10
s3 250
 Ls 3  n3s3  10  250  2500 mm

Solution 4 - Summary

Stirrups required over a distance Lst = 4679 mm (less than half-span)

Use of three-leg 10 mm stirrups as follows:
1. Seventeen stirrups with spacing s1 = 100 mm. First stirrup located
at s1/2 = 50 mm (Ls1 = 50 + 16 x 100 =1650 mm)
2. Three stirrups with s2 = 200 mm (Ls2 = 3 x 200 = 600 mm and
Ls1 + Ls2 = 2250 mm)
3. Ten stirrups with s3 = 250 mm (Ls3 = 10 x 250 = 2500 mm and
Ls1 + Ls2 + Ls3 = 4750 mm)


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 48


RC-TOOL output


RC-TOOL output – Reduction of leg number


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 49


Problem 5
• A simply supported beam is subjected to
uniform loading composed of dead load
(including self weight) of 60.0 kN/m and
live load of 90.0 kN/m.
d  550
• Span length and section data are shown 625

• Design the beam for shear using 10 mm 430

375 75

4200 f c'  30 MPa f y  420 MPa

300 300

L  4500 mm Ln  L  300  4200 mm


Solution 5
The ultimate load is :
wu = 1.4 x 60.0 + 1.7 x 90.0 = 237.0 kN/m
Factored live load is : wLu = 1.7 x 90.0 = 153.0 kN/m
Ultimate shear force at support and mid-span as well as value at
distance d are:
Ln 4.2
Vu 0  wu  237.0  497.7 kN
2 2
L 4.2
VuL / 2  wLu n  153.0  80.325 kN
8 8
Vud  Vu 0 
Vu 0  VuL/ 2 
2  0.55
Vud  497.7  497.7  80.325  388.4 kN

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 50


Solution 5 – Cont.
Vu0 Vud
0.5Vc  70.6 kN VuL/2
Vu 0  497.7 kN VuL / 2  80.325 kN 0.5Vc

Vud  388.4 kN used for design 0.55m Ln/2 = 2.1 m

f c' 30
Concrete shear : Vc  bw d  375  550  188279 N  188.3 kN
6 6
Section adequacy check :
5Vc  5  0.75 188.3  706.125 kN  Vu  Vud  388.4 kN  Section OK
Stirrup requiremen t : 0.5Vc  70.6 kN  Vud  Stirrups are required
VuL / 2  80.325   Stirrups required over full half - span

Solution 5 – Cont.
Ln  Vu 0  0.5Vc  4.2  497.7  0.5  0.75 188.3 
x0       2.149 m  2149 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  497.7  80.325 
 L  L
Lst  Min  x0 , n   n  2100 mm
 2 2
Maximum geometry spacing : Vud  388.4  3Vc  564.9 kN
 s1max  Min 0.5d , 600 mm  275.0 mm Case (a)
n d s
Start with two legs : n = 2  Av   2  157.08 mm2
4 4
 16.0  Av f y
M inimum steel spacing : smax 2
 M in  , 3.0 
 f'  bw
 c 
 16.0  157.08  420
 smax
 M in  , 3.0   513.9 mm
 30  375 102

CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 51


Solution 5 – Cont.
Av f y d 157.08  420  550
Required stirrup spacing : smax    110.1 mm
 Vc   388.4 
 188.3  1000
  0.75 

M aximum spacing requiremen t summary :

Geometry maximum spacing : s1max  275.0 mm
M inimum steel spacing : smax  513.9 mm
Required stirrup spacing : smax  110.1 mm

Adoptedspacing : s  M in s1max , smax
2 3
, smax 
 s  110 mm (controlled by smax
 We use a 100 mm spacing


Solution 5 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
Spacing may be increased provided it does not exceed any of
the two limits s 1max and s max

We choose a second spacing s 2  150 mm

Corresponding shear force is :
 Av f y d  157.08  420  550
  0.75188.3 
1 
Vu 2   Vc     322.65 kN
 s2   150 1000 
The location of this shear force value is :
Ln  Vu 0  Vu 2  4.2  497.7  322.65 
x2        0.881 m  881 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  497.7  80.325 


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 52


Solution 5 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
The total number of stirrups with first spacing is :
x2 1 881 1
n1      9.31  n1  10
s1 2 100 2
s1 100
 Ls1  n1s1   10 150   950 mm
2 2

The remaining distance for spacing s2 is :

R2  Lst  Ls1  2100  950  1150 mm

The approximate number of stirrups with spacing s2 is :

R2 1150
n2    7.67
s2 150

Solution 5 – Cont.
Spacing Variation
R2 1150
n2    7.67
s2 150

• We can thus use 8 stirrups with spacing 150 mm or perform a

new spacing variation
• The number of stirrups with spacing s2 is not very large
• We may decide that there is no need for a new spacing
• RC-TOOL software performs spacing variation if the stirrup
number exceeds five


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 53


Solution 5a - Summary
Stirrups required over a distance Lst = 2100 mm (Half-span)
Use of two-leg 10 mm stirrups as follows:
1. Ten stirrups with spacing s1 = 100 mm. First stirrup located at
s1/2 = 50 mm (Ls1 = 950 mm)
2. Eight stirrups with spacing s2 = 150 mm (Ls2 = 1200 mm and
Ls1 + Ls2 = 2150 mm)
3. The extra 50 mm can be easily corrected by many ways, such as
adding one more stirrup at a spacing s1 :
4. Eleven stirrups with spacing s1 = 100 mm. First stirrup located
at s1/2 = 50 mm (Ls1 = 1050 mm)
5. Seven stirrups with spacing s2 = 150 mm (Ls2 = 1050 mm and
Ls1 + Ls2 = 2100 mm)
 Total of 18 stirrups in half-span and 35 in the beam.

RC-TOOL Solution 5b
More Spacing Variation
R2 1150
n2    7.67
s2 150

We chose a new (third) value of 250 mm (which corresponds in

fact to geometry maximum spacing) : s3 = 250 mm
The corresponding shear force value and its location are :

 Av f y d  157.08  420  550

  0.75188.3 
1 
Vu 3   Vc     250.08 kN
 s3   250 1000 
L  V  V  4.2  497.7  250.08 
x3  n  u 0 u 3      1.246 m  1246 mm
2  Vu 0  VuL / 2  2  497.7  80.325 


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 54


RC-TOOL Solution 5b
Spacing Variation
Vu 3  250.08 kN x3  1246 mm
The exact distance used by stirrups with spacing s2 and their
number are:
s1 100
x2*  x3  n1s1   1246  10 100   296 mm
2 2
x2* 296
n2    1.97  n2  2  Ls 2  2 150  300 mm
s2 150

Remaining distance and approximate number of stirrups with

spacing s3 are :
R3  Lst  Ls1  Ls 2  2100  950  300  850 mm
R3 850
n3    3.4  n3  3
s3 250

RC-TOOL Solution 5b
Spacing Variation

R3  Lst  Ls1  Ls 2  2100  950  300  850 mm

R3 850
n3    3.4  n3  3
s3 250
We take (n3  3), because (n3  3.4) means that the remaining distance
to mid - span is less than half spacing and will be covered by symmetry
of the second half - span


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 55


RC-TOOL Solution 5b - Summary

Stirrups required over a distance Lst = 2100 mm (Half-span)

Use of two-leg 10 mm stirrups as follows:
1. Ten stirrups with spacing s1 = 100 mm. First stirrup located at
s1/2 = 50 mm (Ls1 = 950 mm)
2. Two stirrups with spacing s2 = 150 mm (Ls2 = 300 mm and
Ls1 + Ls2 = 1250 mm)
3. Three stirrups with spacing s3 = 250 mm (Ls23 = 750 mm and
Ls1 + Ls2 + Ls23 = 2000 mm)
4. Remaining distance to mid-span is 100 mm and is less than
half of spacing s3


RC-TOOL Solution

Total of 15 stirrups
in half-span and
30 in beam
(five less than in
solution 1)


CE 370: Prof. A. Charif 56

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