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Mallapur, Hyderabad-76.




1. Skeleton consists of a hard frame work of bones, soft Cartilage and ligaments which
binds two bones.
2. The skeleton in our body serves different purposes like i. Support and shape ii. Protection
iii. Movement iv. Leverage v. Formation of blood cells vi. Store house for calcium and
3. The bone consists of two- thirds of inorganic components and one third of organic
4. Decalcified bone is the bone from which the calcium part is removed due to placing of a
bone in dil. HCl
5. A typical long bone is highly calcified hard connective tissue made up of Osteocytes.
6. A bone is covered by periosteum with richly supplied blood vessels and consists of red
bone marrow and yellow bone marrow.
7. The skeleton is formed by two divisions : The axial skeleton and the appendicular
8. The axial skeleton consists of skull , Vertebral column and ribs, whereas the
appendicular skeleton Includes bones of the limbs and girdles
9. Skull protects the brain and It contains two parts : i.Upper cranium made of eight
bones and Face bones made of fourteen bones
10. . Foramen magnum is the large hole located in the back part of cranium from which the
spinal cord emerges
11. Vertebral column consists of 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 Thoracic vertebrae, 5 Lumbar
vertebrae ,5 sacral vertebrae and 4 coccygeal vertebrae.
12. . Gristle or Inter vertebral disc is a kind of cushion between the two vertebrae.
13. Rib cage consists of 12 pairs of ribs along with thoracic vertebrae and the breast bone or
sternum .
14. True ribs are (1 to 7 pairs) , False ribs are -8th,9thand 10th pairs and Floating ribs are :
11th and 12th pair
15. Forelimb consists of 1 Humerus in the upper arm, Radius and Ulna (1+1) in the lower
arm , 8 Carpals in wrist, 5 Metacarpals in palm and 14 Phallanges in the fingers.
16. Hind limbs consists of 1 Femur or thigh bone,Tibia and Fibula in the shaft (1+1=2), 7
Tarsals in the ankle 5 Metatarsals middle of the foot, 14 Phallanges in the toes and an
additional bone called Patella or knee cap joined to the lower end of the femur.
17. The point at which two separate bones meet is called a joint
18. Freely movable joints are synovial joints as they contain synovial fluid which acts as a
lubricant and removes friction.
19. Muscles causing opposite movements are called Antagonistic muscles eg: Biceps and
1) The skin is the outermost covering of the body. It serves many functions like
protection, sensation, temperature regulation storage of food, excretion and synthesis of
vitamin D.
2) Miscroscopically the skin consists of two layers. The outer epidermis and the inner
3) The epidermis shows these regions.
(a) Outermost cornified layer (b) middle granular layer (c) inner malpighian
Abnormal conditions of skin pigmentation
4)The skin pigment acts like an umbrella to protect inner parts of the body from
harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays of sunlight.
5) The abnormal conditions of skin pigmentation
1. Leucoderma – Incomplete loss of skin pigmentation
2. Albinism – Complete loss of skin pigmentation
6)Derivatives of skin - Hair, nail, sebaceous, sweat,Meibomian,ceruminous and
mammary glands.
7)Sebaceous glands secrete sebum to keep the skin oily.
8) Sweat glands secrete sweat to regulate body temperature.
9)Heat regulation of the body.
i)When outside temperature is low the blood vessels get narrowed to reduce the
blood supply to the skin to prevent loss of heat from the body is called vasoconstriction.
ii)When the outside temperature is high, the blood vessels get dilated to increase the
blood supply tothe skin to facilitate the loss of heat is called vasodilation.
iii) Heat stroke is the condition in which sweat production is unable to keep pace with
sweat evaporation in hot and humid climate.
10) The principal heat regulating centre is located in the Hypothalamus.
1) Respiration is the chemical process of releasing energy by breaking down glucose for
carrying out life process.
2) Shivering and clattering of teeth is an emergency activity of the muscle cells to
produce extra heat.
3) In animals there is normally aerobic respiration using oxygen. Anaerobic respiration in
the absence of oxygen.
1)Aerobic respiration can be represented by
C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 6CO 2 +6H 2 O + 686 K cal/mole
4)There are four major parts of respiration.1)Breathing 2)Gaseous transport3)Tissue
respiration 4)Cellular respiration.
5)In man includes all those organs which the air passes for gaseous exchange.these
include-Nasal cavity,pharynx,Larynx,Trachea,bronchi and lungs.
6)The walls of the trachea is strengthened by C – shaped rings of cartilage, the
incomplete parts of therings provide flexibility and keep the trachea distended
7) Hypoxia is the deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues.
8) Asphyxiation is a condition in which the blood becomes more venous by accumulation
of more CO2 and the Oxygen supply is diminished.
9) The breathing movements are largely controlled by a respiratory centre located in the
Medulla oblongata of the brain.
10)Tidal volume-It is the volume of air inspired or expired in a quiet normal breathing. It
is about 500ml.
11)Residual volume –volume of the air left in the lungs after a forcible expiration. It is
about 1500ml.
12)Vital capacity-Maximum amount of air that can be taken in and expelled out by
maximum forcible inspiration and expiration. It is about4500ml.


1. Hygiene is defined as the science and practice of maintaining good health.

2. The major aspects of personal hygiene are – cleanliness, physical exercise, rest and
sleep and healthy
3. The living rooms should well ventilated for fresh air and sunlight.
4. Control of mosquitoes
i. Spraying on stagnant water by using kerosene or greasy oil.
ii. Gambusia fishes help in reducing the number of mosquitoes when introduced in the
lakes as they devour the larvae of mosquitoes.
iii. Elimination of breeding places iv. Spraying of DDT and insecticides.
Control of Houseflies
i.Elimination of breeding places ii. Spraying insecticides iii. Avoidance by covering the
5. Contamination means unwanted entry of disease germs into drinking water or edible
6. Rat flea is a parasite which lives on rat’s skin.
7. Tannery wastes contain the pathogen Anthrax bacilli and are the most serious water
8. The three common water borne diseases are Cholera, Typhoid and Dysentery.
9. Dysentery is of two types:1.Amoebic dysentery 2.Bacillary dysentery.
10. Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery and Bacteria Shigella causes
bacillary dysentery.
11.Hepatitis refers to inflammation of liver.
Symptoms are – Body aches, Eyes yellowish and Enlarged liver.
Prevention – Proper hygiene, Avoid taking fat –rich substances, Hepatitis vaccine

1.Disease is a departure from normal health through structural or functional disorder of the
2. When a disease is found in a certain area only attacking a fewer number of people is called
Endemic disease. Ex -Goitre
3.When a disease breaks out and spreads from place to place affecting number of people is
called Epidemic disease. Ex –Plague
4.When a disease is widely distributed worldwide is called Pandemic disease. Ex –COVID19
5. When a disease is a scattered individual cases of a disease.Ex – Malaria
6. Disease causing germs is called as pathogens.
7. Incubation period is the period nbetween the entry of germs and the appearance of the first
symptoms of the disease.
8. Bacterial diseases – i. Cholera
Incubation period – 2-10 weeks
Symptom – Persistent cough and afternoon fever
Prevention – BCG vaccine, Streptomycin antibiotic
ii. Typhoid
Incubation period – 7-14days
Symptom – High fever rise in afternoon,acute head ache
Prevention – Anti typhoid vaccine, Chloromycetin antibiotic
iii. Cholera
Incubation period – few hours to 6 days
Symptom – Acute diarrhoea, vomitings
Prevention – Proper sanitation, control of flies
i. Malaria – caused by Plasmodium vector – Female Anopheles mosquito
Incubation period – 3 weeks
Symptoms –Chill and high fever are repeated on third and fourth day
ii. Amoebic dysentery – caused by Entamoeba histolytica
Incubation period – one week
Symptoms –destruction of the lining of large intestine and diarrhoea
iii. Sleeping sickness – caused by Trypanosoma
vector – Tsetse fly symptoms – fever, headache, joint pains
i.Ascariasis – caused by Ascaris / common round worm
ii. Taeniasis – Caused by Taenia solium / tapeworm
iii. Filariasis – caused by Wuchereria
i.AIDS – caused by HIV
AIDS – Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Incubation period – 10 -12 years
Symptoms – contaminated blood transfusion, mother to child transmission, injection needles
ii. Chicken pox – caused by Varicella zoster
symptoms – highly irritating rashes first appear as pink spots and then gradually changes to a
watery blister.
1.Immunity is the resistance to the onset of a disease after infection by harmful germs.
2. Merits of Local Defence System
i. works instantaneously
ii.not dependent on previous exposure to infections
iii. effective on wide range of potentially infectious agents.
3. Imunity by virtue of genetic constitution is called by Innate immunity.
4.Resistance to a disease which an individual acquires during life time is called acquired
5. Antibodies are proteins which belong to class Immunoglobulins.
6. Antibodies are produced by a type of specialized lymphocytes on exposure to antigens.
7.Vaccination is the introduction of any kind of dead weakened germs into the body of a living
being to develop immunity against the respective disease.
8. Immunisation is developing resistance to disease producing germs by introducing killed germs
or germ substances to induce the production of specific antibodies.
9.Four categories of vaccines are
i. Killed germs – Ex Salk’s vaccine for Polio
ii.Living weakened germs – Ex – BCG vaccine for Tuberculosis
iii. Living Fully poisonous germs – Ex- Cowpox vaccine for Small pox
iv. Toxoids – Ex- DPT
10.BCG – Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin
DPT – Diptheria,Pertussis, Tetanus
11.Antiseptics are the mild chemical substances applied on the skin to kill the germs.
12. Disinfectants are the strong chemical substances applied on the places where germs will
13. Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by some microorganisms that can kill or inhibit
the other microorganisms.
14. Uses of antibiotics – used as food preservatives, to fight against infections, controlling plant
pathogens and treating animal feed.
15.Sulphonamides are Sulphur compounds used for treating bacterial infections in 1930’s.
Ex – Suphadiazine.


1. There are three kinds of health organizations – local, national and international.
2. The two important International bodies concerned with people’s health are Red cross
and WHO
3.Red cross society was founded in 1864 to perform activities which prevent human
sufferings even during the times of war.
4.The emblem of the Red cross society is a red colored cross painted on a white
4. Major activities of Red cross are –
i.provides relief to people in natural calamities
ii.procures and supplies blood to needy victims of war or other calamities. educate people in accident prevention. educate people in accident prevention. arrange ambulance service in all emergencies.
vi. to look after maternal and child welfare centres.
vii. to train midwives.
5.WHO -World Health Organisation
6.WHO was established in 1948 to look after the health problems of the people of the
7.Major activities of WHO are promote and support projects for research on diseases collect and supply information about the occurrence of epidemic nature. supply information on latest developments of the use of vaccines. lay pharmaceutical standards for important drugs suggest quarantine measures to prevent spread of diseases.

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