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The class president is announcing important dates for the upcoming intramurals.

However, his/her
classmates could barely understand the details of the announcement because of the nearby building

1. What is the role of the class president?

A. context

B. noise

C. receiver

D. speaker

2. What is the role of the classmates in the communication process?

A. context

B. noise

C. receiver

D. speaker

3. Which of the following is the barrier?

A. building construction noise

B. intramurals

C. classmates

D. president

4. What is the context of the communication process?

A. building construction site

B. classroom announcement

C. classroom setting

D. intramurals

5. What is the role of the class president?

A. context
B. noise

C. receiver

D. speaker

6. What is the role of the classmates in the communication process?

A. context

B. noise

C. receiver

D. speaker

7. Which of the following is the barrier?

A. building construction noise

B. intramurals

C. classmates

D. president

8. What is the context of the communication process?

A. building construction site

B. classroom announcement

C. classroom setting

D. intramurals

9. How should the barrier be addressed in the situation where a student cannot present their
speech due to a personal problem?

A. The teacher should talk to the student in private and discuss the problem.

B. The teacher has to open the concern to the entire class so that it will not happen again.

C. The student should be sent to the guidance office for their disrespectful behavior during class.

D. The situation should be allowed since these incidents happen and are beyond the student’s control.
10. How could communication breakdown be prevented when a student's message to their father
appears to be uninteresting due to the lack of emotions conveyed through chat messages?

A. Emojis can be used to express emotions.

B. The student should continue with the chatting since she and her father will get used to it.

C. Voice or video calls should be done if the student wants to see her father's emotion toward her

D. The student’s father should return to the Philippines since their relationship is more important than

11. A group of students were interviewing a physicist and inquired about one of her experiments.
Throughout the interview, the expert used technical terms that the students were not familiar
with. The students barely understood the situation. How can the expert help the students
understand her discussion?

A. The physicist should speak loud and clear.

B. The students should have reviewed all possible terms before interviewing.

C. The physicist should use language that is easy for the students to understand.

D. The students should have their applications and smartphones ready for research if they don't
understand anything.

12. In a seminar on climate change, the speaker emphasizes the importance of taking action to
mitigate its effects. What is the main topic of the seminar?

A. climate change

B. taking action

C. environmental problems

D. ecological responsibility

13. Who are more likely the target audience of a seminar on climate change based on the context?

A. policymakers

B. scientists

C. environmentalists

D. students and the general public

14. After a heated debate in class, Student A reflects on his arguments and counterarguments. He
thinks about what he could have done differently to better support his position. What is the
type of communication as he talks to himself through introspection?

A. interpersonal

B. intrapersonal

C. public

D. small-group

15. The supervisor gives a feedback to an employee on his recent work performance. What type of
communication happens between the supervisor and the employee?

A. interpersonal

B. intrapersonal

C. public

D. small-group

16. This type of communication happens when a student whose grade went low from first quarter
to second quarter approaches her teacher during the consultation period.

A. dyad

B. mass

C. public

D. small-group

17. This type of communication occurs when a company CEO announces a new product line in a
press conference.

A. dyad

B. mass

C. public

D. small-group

18. This kind of communication transpires when a candidate for the local government delivers a
speech during a campaign rally.
A. dyad

B. mass

C. public

D. small-group

19. Student B and Student C are classmates who have been working on a group project together.
They share ideas, discuss their plan of action, and provide feedback to each other. What kind of
speech style do they use?

A. casual

B. consultative

C. formal

D. intimate

20. The marketing team is preparing a presentation for potential clients. They make sure to use
professional language, provide clear data, and present a polished image of their company. What
type of speech style is employed?

A. casual

B. consultative

C. formal

D. intimate

21. The speaker is delivering a speech about a serious topic, and is using formal language and a
respectful tone. What type of speech style is being used?

A. casual

B. consultative

C. frozen

D. intimate

22. A politician is giving a speech in front of a crowd, and has prepared notes but is not reading from
them directly. What type of speech should the politician be giving?

A. extemporaneous

B. impromptu
C. manuscript

D. memorized

23. A student is asked to give a presentation on a topic they have been given, with a few minutes to
prepare but no notes allowed. What type of speech should the student give?

A. extemporaneous

B. impromptu

C. manuscript

D. memorized

24. In a conversation with friends, someone is expressing their personal opinion on a controversial
topic. Which illocutionary act are they performing?

A. assertive

B. commissive

C. directive

D. expressive

25. After hearing someone's opinion in a conversation, another person expresses agreement or
disagreement with their opinion. What illocutionary act are they performing?

A. illocution

B. interlocution

C. locution

D. perlocution

26. You start a conversation with someone you don't know by introducing yourself and asking for
their name. What type of communicative strategy are you employing?

A. nomination

B. restriction

C. topic control

D. turn-taking
27. In a conversation with someone you just met, you start talking about a new topic after the
previous one has been exhausted. What type of communicative strategy are you employing?

A. repair

B. topic control

C. topic shifting

D. turn-taking

28. At the end of a conversation, you say goodbye and indicate that you will talk to the other person
again later. What type of communicative strategy are you employing?

A. termination

B. topic control

C. topic shifting

D. turn-taking

29. In a group conversation, someone adds to what has just been said by another person,
contributing a new idea. What type of communicative strategy are they employing?

A. repair

B. restriction

C. topic control

D. topic shifting

30. During a conversation, you interrupt someone to apologize and encourage them to continue
speaking. What type of communicative strategy are you employing?

A. repair

B. restriction

C. termination

D. turn-taking

31. Which topic did the speaker choose for their impromptu speech and how long do they have to
speak about it?
A. topic selection

B. time allocation

C. audience engagement

D. speech delivery

32. In a conversation, who is allowed to share their ideas first and how will the speaker respond?

A. turn-taking

B. topic control

C. idea sharing

D. active listening

33. In a student-teacher conversation, which factor influences the use of formal and courteous

A. speaker-listener relationship

B. language proficiency

C. cultural background

D. topic of conversation

34. When communicating serious matters, what is more effective in preventing misunderstandings -
expressing them through chat or face-to-face conversation?
A. mode of delivery

B. message content

C. speaker tone

D. audience feedback

35. As a candidate persuades voters, what factors does she consider in presenting her speech and
maintaining eye contact?

A. speech delivery

B. audience size

C. speech content
D. speech length

While walking, Student A saw a wallet within the space of Student B. Student A: Hi, is that wallet yours?
*points down* Student B: What wallet? Oh. Yes! Thank you for telling me. I could have lost my
allowance. Student A: No problem. See you around. Be careful next time.

36. After finding a wallet, what communicative strategy did Student A use when he said "No
problem. See you around. Be careful next time" to Student B?

A. conversational repair

B. topic shifting

C. termination

D. topic nomination

37. In the dialogue between Student A and Student B, what speech style is used?

A. casual

B. formal

C. intimate

D. frozen

38. What type of speech occurred between Student A and Student B when they talked about the
lost wallet?

A. interpersonal

B. intrapersonal

C. public

D. mass

39. What type of speech act is demonstrated in the opening statement of Student A when he said
"Hi, is that wallet yours?"

A. illocutionary

B. perlocutionary
C. locutionary

D. interlocutionary

40. What was the impact of the dialogue on Student B when Student A informed them about the
lost wallet?

A. gratitude

B. wallet retrieval

C. cautionary reminder

D. information exchange

41. What did the renowned female speaker fail to do that caused her to struggle with connecting
with the audience?

A. audience analysis

B. context analysis

C. speech analysis

D. topic analysis

42. Where should a speaker check to ensure that all the main points are summarized and the
audience is given matters to reflect on before delivering the speech?

A. body

B. conclusion

C. introduction

D. thesis statement

43. Where should a speaker add more details if they notice that they lack information and want to
elaborate more on some points in their speech?

A. body

B. conclusion

C. introduction

D. thesis statement
44. Where should a speaker put striking statements, statistics, or rhetorical questions to capture the
interest of the learners in their speech about honesty?

A. body

B. conclusion

C. introduction

D. thesis statement

45. What kind of speech should a speaker give if they want to amuse the audience through a
humorous personal story?

A. argumentative

B. entertainment

C. informative

D. persuasive

46. What are the vocal aspects of delivery that a student who was reciting kept saying, “uhm, uhm,
ahhh.. uhm”?

A. pauses

B. verbal fillers

C. vocal variety

D. volume

47. What was the host varying when he was changing the highness and lowness of his voice during
his presentation?

A. articulation

B. fluency

C. pace

D. pitch

48. What is being described when numerous speakers recommend that to be a good public speaker,
one should consider the effective use of stance, hand gestures, and the manner of projecting
oneself on stage?
A. appearance

B. body posture

C. speech tone

D. stage space

49. Which of the following is NOT a way to improve one’s posture as a speaker?

A. Straighten one’s back with chin up.

B. Wear attire that is suitable to your body type.

C. Stand with your back arched at times for comfort.

D. Use the rostrum effectively when delivering the speech.

50. Which of the following is NOT a tip for effective speech delivery?

A. Use pauses when necessary.

B. Avoid fillers like “uhm”, “like”, “ah”, “uhm”.

C. Use understandable language to establish expertise.

D. Stick with a fixed speed during the speech delivery.

1. D 26. A
2. C 27. C
3. A 28. A
4. B 29. D
5. D 30. D
6. C 31. B
7. A 32. A
8. B 33. A
9. A 34. B
10. C 35. A
11. C 36. C
12. B 37. A
13. D 38. A
14. B 39. A
15. A 40. A
16. A 41. A
17. B 42. B
18. C 43. A
19. B 44. C
20. C 45. B
21. C 46. B
22. A 47. D
23. A 48. B
24. C 49. D
25. B 50. D

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