Effects of Steel Braces On Robustness of Steel Frames Against Progressive Collapse

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Effects of Steel Braces on Robustness of Steel Frames

against Progressive Collapse

Kai Qian, M.ASCE 1; Xi Lan 2; Zhi Li 3; and Feng Fu, CEng., F.ASCE 4

Abstract: External installation of steel braces is an effective approach to increase the lateral load resistance of steel moment-resisting frames.
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However, the effects of existence of steel braces on the robustness of steel moment-resisting frames to resist progressive collapse is still not
clear because little study has been carried out. To fill this gap, in this paper, six multistory steel moment-resisting subframes (three bare frames
and three braced frames) were fabricated and tested. Test results indicated that the specimen with reduced beam section in the connection zone
performed best among three types of connections due to the guaranteed formation of plastic hinges at the location of reduced section and
avoiding brittle fracture of weld at the connection. Experimental results proved that steel braces could increase the load-resisting capacity by
45.1% and 83.9% of the frame with weld connection and end plate connection, respectively. The gusset plate restricted the rotation of the
plastic hinges in the second story of the braced frames with V-shaped bracing, which decreased its deformation capacity and degraded its
catenary action capacity. Actually, the ultimate load of the braced frames with V-shaped bracing is only 87.5% of that of the counterpart
without any braces. Because the compressive braces were severely buckled before the displacement reached 0.4% of the beam span, it had
little effect on yield load but increased the initial stiffness of the bare frames. Thus, a majority of the benefits of the bracing system were
attributed to the tensile braces. Moreover, the analytical results evaluated the differences in load resistance and development of load-resisting
mechanisms in different stories. Furthermore, the contribution of compressive and tensile braces was decomposed individually by analytical
analysis. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0003161. © 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Progressive collapse; Steel moment-resisting frame; Braces; Experimental; Robustness.

Introduction Dimopoulos et al. 2020; Qian et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020). Because
the damage was concentrated in the beams or beam-column connec-
Progressive collapse of steel frame structures may be triggered by the tions, rather than at the columns, it was recognized that the connec-
failure of one or a couple of vertical load-bearing members in un- tions play a critical role in mitigating progressive collapse potential
intentional or intentional events. The majority of building codes only of the steel frames (Lew et al. 2013; Yang and Tan 2013a, b). Lee
provide general recommendations, rather than detailed design pro- et al. (2010) investigated the moment–axial force interaction of the
visions for progressive collapse. Step-by-step design provisions were double-span beams in steel frames under a column-missing scenario.
addressed by the US Department of Defense (DoD 2010) and Gen- It was found that the flexural action was the dominant mechanism at
eral Services Administration (GSA 2013). Two major design meth- the beginning. Due to buckling of the compressive flange and yield-
ods are recommended: direct or indirect. Among them, the alternate ing of the tensile one, flexural action slowly vanished with further
load path (ALP) method is commonly recommended because it is increase of the displacement. When the displacement exceeded 10%
independent on the initial damage. The ALP method focused on of the beam span, the catenary action kicked in and became the dom-
the ability of structures to bridge the lost column. Based on the inant mechanism in the large-displacement stage. To investigate the
ALP method, extensive tests on steel beam-column connections key design variables that influence the formation of catenary action,
or subassemblages were carried out by using the column removal Khandelwal and El-Tawil (2007) carried out the numerical study
assessment method (Li et al. 2017; Sadek et al. 2011; Alashker of two steel joints subjected to the loss of a center column. Similar
et al. 2011; Dinu et al. 2016, 2017; Liu et al. 2015; Tang et al. 2019; to the ones investigated by Khandelwal and El-Tawil (2007), and
Sadek et al. (2011, 2013) conducted an experimental study to pro-
Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guilin Univ. vide insight into the behavior and failure modes of steel beam-
of Technology, Guilin 541004, China. Email: qiankai@glut.edu.cn; column connections, including the development of catenary action.
qian0024@ntu.edu.sg; qiankai@ntu.edu.sg
2 Yang and Tan (2013a) tested seven beam-column subassemblages
Research Student, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
Guangxi Univ., Nanning 530004, China. Email: lanx@st.gxu.edu.cn
with different semirigid connections. It was concluded that the
Research Fellow, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, rotational capacity of the beam-to-column connections controlled
Guilin Univ. of Technology, Guilin 531004, China (corresponding author). the catenary action capacity. In summary, the connections in steel
Email: lizhi@st.gxu.edu.cn moment frames can be either rigid or semirigid connections. The
Senior Lecturer, Structural Engineering, School of Mathematics, use of rigid connections is the primary option for frames with
Computer Science and Engineering, Univ. of London, London EC1V 0HB, medium or high ductility demands in earthquake design. However,
UK. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9176-8159. Email: Feng.Fu.1@ semirigid connections are also allowed (AISC 2005a). Therefore,
it is of interest to evaluate whether rigid or semirigid connections
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 20, 2021; approved on
June 22, 2021; published online on August 28, 2021. Discussion period can provide sufficient strength and ductility to resist progressive
open until January 28, 2022; separate discussions must be submitted for collapse.
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engi- Catenary action, as the second defense line, is possible to
neering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445. increase the load-resisting capacity of moment-resisting frames

© ASCE 04021180-1 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

significantly (Deng et al. 2020; Qian et al. 2021b). However, for using either rigid or semirigid connections are tested by a push-
steel moment-resisting frames configured under nonseismic design down loading regime in the present study. Based on experimental
principles, irregular layout or a long span may prone to progressive and analytical results, the effects of steel braces with various con-
collapse. Pantidis and Gerasimidis (2017, 2018) identified two pos- figurations are quantified. The contribution of compressive and ten-
sible collapse mechanisms caused by the loss of a column scenario, sile braces is decomposed individually. Furthermore, as mentioned
the yielding type (beam plasticization) or the stability (column previously, the different behavior of the structural members in dif-
buckling) failure mode. Other modes of collapse could be the ferent stories is also quantified.
shear failure of the beam-to-column connections (Khandelwal and
El-Tawil 2011). In recent years, progressive collapse events have
occurred continuously, such as the collapse of the Twin Towers Experimental Program
of the World Trade Center in New York, collapse of the steel frame
at Argyle High School in Texas, or the collapse of the steel frame
Test Specimens
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at Jiaxin Hotel in Quanzhou, China. Thus, it is necessary to look

for additional load resistance to upgrade the ability of steel frames As shown in Fig. 1, a 6-story, 6 × 6 bay prototype steel frame was
to mitigate progressive collapse. Galal and El-Sawy (2010) dis- seismically configurated and fabricated in accordance with ANSI/
cussed the enhancement of three retrofit strategies on mitigating AISC 341-05 (AISC 2005a). This prototype frame was presumed to
progressive collapse risks. The post-tensioned (PT) steel frames be located on a D class site (stiff soil profile), and correspondent
showed robustness under strong earthquakes (Ricles et al. 2001; acceleration parameters SDS and SD1 of the design response spec-
Christopoulos et al. 2002; Garlock et al. 2005; Pirmoz and Liu trums are 0.20 and 0.14, respectively. The story height of the proto-
2016; Moradi and Alam 2017). Although a steel bracing system type frame is 3.0 m and span length of the frame in longitudinal and
was able to provide satisfactory seismic resistance of steel frames transverse direction is 8.4 by 6.0 m, respectively. The designed
(AISC 2005a, b), the effects of steel bracing to resist progressive dead and live loads are 5.1 and 3.0 kN=m2 , respectively. Given
collapse are still unclear. The numerical analyses by Khandelwal the capacity limitation of test facilities, only half-scaled models
et al. (2009) showed that seismically designed steel braced frames were fabricated. To well simulate horizontal restraints from the
could sustain the sudden loss of a column without collapse because surrounding bays, beams were extended with length of 655 mm
steel braces improved the robustness significantly. However, beyond the side column, as shown in Fig. 2(a). As described sub-
few tests have been done in this area. Chen et al. (2012) found that sequently, a horizontal chain-pole would be installed to connect the
horizontal braces could upgrade the load resistance of steel frames overhanging beam and A-frame.
to mitigate progressive collapse. It was indicated that the horizontal As listed in Table 1, the six specimens included three steel
braces formed additional ALPs and transferred part of the vertical moment-resisting frames without any braces (WB, EB, and RB)
loads to adjacent columns directly, which could enhance the ver- and three counterparts with extra bracing system (WX, EX, and
tical load resistance significantly. RV). Different connections were employed; W, E, and R represent
Additionally, previous tests were mainly based on specimens welded connection, end plate connection, and reduced beam
of single-story beam-column subassemblages or connections. It section connection, respectively. Additionally, X and V represent
is simply assumed that each story has identical geometric and X-shaped bracing and V-shaped bracing, respectively. As shown
material properties, thus assuming each story performed identically. in Fig. 3, for welded connection, the flange and web of the beam
However, as pointed out by Qian et al. (2020, 2021a) and Weng were welded to the column flange using complete joint penetration
et al. (2020), the load resistance of the beams in the first story welds. For end plate connection, the beam flanges and web were
is quite different to the second and upper stories. It could be ex- connected to a 10-mm-thick end plate by the same type of welds,
plained that the interaction among different stories leads to different while the end plates were fixed to the column flange by six rows of
mobilization of load-resisting mechanisms (flexural and catenary Grade 8.8 M18 (Guangxi Rundonglianxin Material Company, Nan-
action). Thus, to deeply understand the behavior of steel frames ning, China) bolts. Bolts had a preload of 345 N · m, which was
subjected to column loss scenarios, six 2-story steel subframes applied by a torque wrench. Reduced beam section connection

8400 8400 8400 8400 8400 8400


6000 18000
3 15000
4 Middle column loss 12000

6000 9000
5 Region studied
6 3000

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Location of the extracted frame in the prototype building (unit in millimeters): (a) plan view; and (b) elevation view.

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J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

290 230
A1 B1 C1 B2 A2
375 330×125×12 L36×4

375 E1 E2
1500 D1 E3 E4 D2
375 100 2685

A3 B3 C2 B4 A4
340 280
200 800 500 500 800 200 750 750 750 750
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715 3000 3000 715


A1 B1 C1 B2 A2

E1 E3
D1 E2 E4 D2
100 1713

A3 B3 C2 B4 A4


Strain gauge

Strain rosette

Section A1-4 Section B1-4 Section C1-2 Section D1-2 Section E1-4

Fig. 2. Dimensions of the specimen and locations of strain gauge and displacement transducers (unit in millimeters): (a) arrangements of strain
gauges/rosettes and displacement transducers; and (b) strain gauge positions on sections.

Table 1. Specimen properties The braced frames have identical dimensions and details as the
Test ID Connection type Steel brace corresponding bare frames, except extra bracing systems with dif-
ferent configurations were installed at the second story. The braces
WB Welded connection Bare frame without braces
WX Welded connection Braced frame with X braces and their connections were also designed according to AISC
RB Reduced beam section Bare frame without braces (2005a). The braces are welded and connected to the beam flanges
connection through a gusset plate. The gusset plate was designed to be stronger
RV Reduced beam section Braced frame with V braces than the braces to avoid yielding or fracture occurring at the gusset
connection plate (Khandelwal et al. 2009; AISC 2005a). The force acting on
EB End plate connection Bare frame without braces the weld was determined by the uniform force method (Richard
EX End plate connection Braced frame with X braces 1986). Taking WX and RV as an example, as shown in Fig. 2(a),
the brace was an angle steel with dimensions of 36 × 36 × 4 mm.
The X braces were eccentrically installed at WX and EX, and the
were similar to welded connection, except the beam flanges, at a gusset plate was a steel plate with the size of 330 × 125 × 12 mm.
distance of 70 mm from the column flange, were cut in a circular Moreover, V braces were installed at RV, and the gusset plates
manner, as shown in Fig. 3(c). Section HN 200 × 100 × 5.5 × 8 with the size of 160 × 155 × 12 mm were fixed at the beams in
was used for beams, whereas HW 150 × 150 × 7 × 10 was for col- the second story while the bottom one with size of 510 × 155 ×
umns. Continuity plates in the column joint were designed with 12 mm was installed at the middle span of the beams in the first
thickness of 10 mm. story.

© ASCE 04021180-3 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

CJP (Typical) 9 6

Continulty plate

Beam HN200×100×5.5×8

Column HW150×150×7×10
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CJP (Typical) 9 6

Bolts Grade 8.8 M18

Continulty plate
100 130×71.5×10

Beam HN200×100×5.5×8
End plate 360×150×10
Column HW150×150×7×10


CJP (Typical) 9 6


9 24
CJP Reduced beam section 26
Continulty plate
Beam HN200×100×5.5×8

Column HW150×150×7×10


Fig. 3. Geometric details of connections (unit in millimeters): (a) welded connection; (b) end plate connection; and (c) reduced beam section

Material Properties Test Setup

Grade Q235 steel is used for the column, beam, and angle. The As illustrated in Fig. 4, the bottom of each side column was pin
measured yield strength, ultimate strength, and elongation of the supported. Each overhanging beam beyond the side column was
angle and structural components are listed in Table 2. Because connected to the A-frame via a horizontal chain pole (Item 6 in
no independent coupon test was conducted for bolts (Grade 8.8 Fig. 4). The middle column at the ground story was removed prior
M18), the yield strength and ultimate strength of the bolts are pro- to applying a concentrated load to replicate the scenario of missing
vided by the supplier. a middle column. The load was applied by a hydraulic jack

Table 2. Material properties

Plate thickness Yield strength Yield Ultimate strength Ultimate Elongation
Item (mm) (MPa) strain (MPa) strain (%)
Beam flange 8.0 310 0.0019 420 0.0240 12.0
Beam web 5.5 320 0.0021 430 0.0249 13.5
Column flange 10.0 300 0.0019 410 0.0267 14.0
Column web 7.0 295 0.0023 375 0.0242 13.0
Steel brace 4.0 310 0.0021 420 0.0256 12.5

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J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

1. Hydraulic jack 1

2. Load cell

3. Steel assembly
4. Hydraulic jack 2


6. Horizontal chain-pole
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8. Load pin
7. Tens./comp. load cell


1. Hydraulic jack 1 7. Tens./comp. load cell

2. Load cell

3. Steel assembly 6. Horizontal chain-pole

4. Hydraulic jack 2


8. Load pin


Fig. 4. Test setups of EX: (a) schematic view; and (b) photograph.

(Item 1 in Fig. 4) at the top of middle column by a displacement- Experimental Results

controlled method. To avoid undesired out-of-plane failure, a steel
assembly (Item 3 in Fig. 4) was installed beneath the hydraulic jack Six 2-story subframes were tested to quantify the effects of steel
(Item 1 in Fig. 4). Moreover, hydraulic jack (Item 4 in Fig. 4) braces to enhance robustness of steel frames. The key results
together with a self-balance loading system was used to simulate are listed in Table 3. Because the results of WB and RB were in-
axial force of the side column with the ratio of axial compressive troduced in Qian et al. (2020) in detail, only the main characteristics
force of 0.3. of these two specimens are addressed herein. The different behavior
of bare frames and counterpart braced frames was the main concern
in the present study.
The layout of instrumentations is shown in Fig. 4. A load cell (Item
Global Behavior
2 in Fig. 4) was installed below the hydraulic jack (Item 1 in Fig. 4)
to measure the applied concentrated load. The tension/compression As shown in Fig. 5(a), the yield load of WB of 147.8 kN was mea-
load cell (Item 7 in Fig. 4) was installed at each horizontal chain sured when the middle column displacement (MCD) reached
pole (Item 6 in Fig. 4) to measure its horizontal reaction force. A 45 mm. Therefore, the initial stiffness, which is defined as the
load pin (Item 8 in Fig. 4) was installed at each pin support to mea- ratio of yield load to corresponding yield displacement, was
sure the reaction force of the bottom pin support. In addition, a 3.3 kN=mm. At the MCD of 200 mm, WB reached its ultimate load
series of LVDTs (Item 5 in Fig. 4) were installed along the beam of 197.5 kN, which is defined as the peak load resistance. After-
span or column height to measure the beam deformation shape and ward, the load resistance of WB began to drop slowly due to weld
column lateral drift. fracture occurring at the connections in the first story. However,
As shown in Fig. 2, the strain at critical sections was monitored when MCD reached 281 mm, the load-resisting capacity began
by a series of strain gauges or strain gauge rosettes. Thus, the in- to reascend due to the catenary action developed in the second
ternal force of the beam and brace could be determined by simpli- story. With the increase of the vertical displacement to 377 mm,
fied section analysis. the weld fracture occurred at the beam web near the middle column

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J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

Table 3. Test results path of the specimen, which will be further confirmed in the section
Test ID UYL (mm) FYL (kN) KYL (kN=mm) UUL (mm) FUL (kN) of analytical analysis. However, when the MCD reached 11.2 mm
(0.4% of the beam span), the buckling of compressive braces be-
WB 45 147.8 3.3 200 197.5
come severe. Thus, they have little contribution for yield load en-
WX 31 233.9 7.5 382 286.5
EB 42 94.4 2.2 515 255.4 hancement because the yield load of 233.9 kN was measured at an
EX 30 148.5 5.0 526 469.8 MCD of 31 mm. This will be further confirmed by following ana-
RB 37 106.8 2.9 468 407.0 lytical results. The initial stiffness was 7.5 kN=mm, which is
RV 30 165.2 5.5 421 356.3 227.3% of that of WB. At an MCD of 137 mm, the tensile brace
in the left bay fractured. When the displacement increased to
Note: FYL and FUL = yield load and ultimate load, respectively; UYL and
UUL = displacements corresponding the yield load and ultimate load, 221 mm, weld fracture occurred at both the connections near the
respectively; and KYL = initial stiffness corresponding the yield load. side column in the ground story and the middle column in the sec-
ond story. The weld fracture was accompanied by a considerable
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decrease of the load resistance. The load–displacement curve kept

500 increasing until weld fracture occurred at the connection near the
WB side column in the ground story at an MCD of 311 mm. WX
400 reached its ultimate load of 286.5 kN, which was 145.1% of WB,
Vertical force (kN)

at the MCD of 382 mm as complete weld fracture occurred at the

300 connection near left side column in the ground story. However, the
load resistance did not lose completely owing to the catenary action
200 developed in the second story, regardless of the loss of load resis-
tance of the entire first story. Further increasing the MCD, the com-
100 plete fracture occurred at the connection near the middle column
in the second story. The failure mode of WX is shown in Fig. 7.
Fracture occurred in the tensile brace. Severe out-of-plane buckling
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
was observed in compressive braces. No yielding was observed in
(a) MCD (mm)
the gusset plates. However, although the failure mode of the con-
500 nections in WX is generally similar to that of WB, the fracture of
the connections near the side column was more severe than that
400 near the middle column.
Vertical force (kN)

As shown in Fig. 5(b), the yield load of 94.4 kN of EB was

300 measured at an MCD of 42 mm. Thus, the initial stiffness was
2.2 kN=mm, which was only 66.7% of that of WB. However,
200 EB exhibited more flexibility than WB. Thus, the load resistance
kept increasing until weld fracture occurred at the connection in the
100 second story at an MCD of 452 mm. EB reached its ultimate load of
255.4 kN at an MCD of 515 mm. The failure mode of EB is shown
in Fig. 8. Similar to WB, the weld fracture occurred at Joint A.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
The yield load of 148.5 kN for EX was observed at an MCD
(b) MCD (mm)
of 30 mm, which is about 157.3% of that of EB. Thus, the initial
500 stiffness was 5.0 kN=mm. The tensile braces in the right bay frac-
tured at an MCD of 320 mm. Further increasing MCD to 407 mm,
400 the bolts in the connection near the side column fractured. How-
Vertical force (kN)

ever, the load resistance rapidly recovered after a short decrease.

300 The weld fracture occurred near the middle connection in the sec-
ond story at an MCD of 450 mm. Subsequently, bolts in the top row
200 of this connection fractured at the MCD of 467 mm. However, the
load resistance was able to increase sustainably until the test was
100 stopped due to reaching stroke capacity of the jack. The ultimate
load of 469.8 kN was measured at an MCD of 526 mm. The failure
0 mode of EX is shown in Fig. 9. Similar to WX, fracture occurred in
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
the tensile brace and severe buckling was observed in the compres-
(c) MCD (mm)
sive braces. The connections failed either in bolt fracture or weld
Fig. 5. Vertical force–middle column displacement curves: (a) compar- fracture. The 45° full-slant fracture surface of the bolts indicated
ison of WX and WB; (b) comparison of EX and EB; and (c) comparison that the suffered both tension and shear. Different to EB, although
of RV and RB. weld fracture was also observed in EX, it did not propagate into the
web. Thus, the braces increased the deformation capacity of EX
As shown in Fig. 5(c), for RB, the yield load of 106.8 kN was
in the ground story. Further increasing the MCD to 410 mm, the measured at an MCD of 37 mm. Thus, the initial stiffness was
welding at the beam end near the middle column in the second story 2.9 kN=mm, which was only 87.9% of that of WB. For RB, the
fractured completely. Its failure mode is shown in Fig. 6. plastic hinges were formed at the center of reduced beam section,
The compressive braces of the X bracing system in WX began to which prevented early fractures at the welded connection. RB
buckle at the beginning of the test, which means the compressive reached its ultimate load of 407.0 kN, which was 206.1% of WB,
braces may not be effective to provide an additional alternate load at the MCD of 468 mm. Its failure mode is shown in Fig. 10.

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J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

Joint A: weld fracture Joint B: weld fracture Joint C: weld fracture
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Joint C

Joint A

Joint B

Fig. 6. Failure mode of WB.

Joint A: weld fracture Joint B: weld fracture Joint C: weld fracture

Joint B

Joint C
Joint A

TB: Fracture CB: Out-of-plane buckling

Fig. 7. Failure mode of WX.

The yield load of 165.2 kN for RV, which is about 154.7% of to the gusset plates strengthening the reduced section of the beam in
that of RB, was measured at an MCD of 30 mm. Thus, the initial the second story. At the MCD of 253 mm, the tensile brace in the
stiffness was 5.5 kN=mm. Before the tensile braces fractured, the left bay was fractured. At the MCD of 421 mm, RV reached its
weld fracture already occurred at the connection near the middle ultimate load of 356.3 kN before the weld fractured completely.
column in the second story. Different to RB, the fracture occurred The deformation capacity was only 90.0% of RB, because the
near the weld connection rather than the reduced beam section due V braces strengthened the zone of plastic hinges in the beam of

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J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

Joint A: weld fracture

Joint A
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Fig. 8. Failure mode of EB.

Joint B: weld fracture of beam end

Joint A: 45° full-slant bolt fracture and bolt fracture

Joint B

Joint A

TB: Fracture CB: Out-of-plane buckling

Fig. 9. Failure mode of EX.

second story, which restricted the rotation of the plastic hinge. The Horizontal Reaction Force
failure mode of RV is shown in Fig. 11. Similarly, fracture occurred Fig. 12 decomposes the contribution of horizontal reaction force
in the tensile brace while severe buckling occurred in the compres- at the right side. Negative values represent compressive force,
sive braces. The weld fracture occurred in Joint A. The V braces whereas positive values mean tensile force. As shown in Fig. 12,
were welded on one side of the gusset plate and the brace forces at the small deformation stage, the compressive reaction portion of
were not along the center axis of the beam, which resulted in the total reaction force was mainly provided by the bottom pin
torsional failure of the beams. The buckling occurred at Point D. support. The maximum compressive reaction forces in WB, WX,
The torsion mainly concentrated between beam segment CD, lead- EB, EX, RB, and RV were −24.7, −7.8, −35.8, −23.5, −31.9, and
ing to the tear failure that occurred at Joint B. −22.1 kN, respectively. With further increasing the displacement,

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J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

Joint A: RBS fracture
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Joint A

Fig. 10. Failure mode of RB.

Joint B: Tearing failure from the

Joint A: weld fracture bottom of RBS

Joint A

Joint B

TB: Fracture CB: Out-of-plane buckling

Fig. 11. Failure mode of RV.

the compressive force began to decline and transferred into tension. than that from the ground story. The maximum tensile reaction
However, the tensile force from the bottom pin support remained forces of WB, WX, EB, and EX were 363.5, 406.8, 551.5, and
marginal in the catenary action stage and a majority of tensile re- 835.8 kN, respectively. Thus, contrary to compressive forces, with
action force was provided by the horizontal chain poles connected the help of braces, greater tensile reaction force and catenary action
to the overhanging beams. As shown in Figs. 12(a, c, and e), for was developed in braced frames. However, the maximum tensile
bare frames, the tensile force was equally from the ground story and reaction forces of RB and RV were 875.9 and 462.8 kN, respec-
second story, although the premature failure occurred at the ground tively. This could be explained because the gusset plate restricted
story of WB. Conversely, as shown in Figs. 12(b, d, and f), for the rotation of plastic hinges of the beams in the second story of RV,
braced frames, the tensile force from the second story was larger which prevented the development of catenary action.

© ASCE 04021180-9 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

1000 Total reaction force 1000 Total reaction force

Horizontal reaction force(kN)

Horizontal reaction force(kN)
1st story 1st story
800 2nd story 800 2nd story
Pin support Pin support
600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0

-200 -200
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(a) MCD (mm) (b) MCD (mm)
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1000 Total reaction force 1000 Total reaction force

Horizontal reaction force(kN)

Horizontal reaction force(kN)

1st story 1st story
800 2nd story 800 2nd story
Pin support Pin support
600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0

-200 -200
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(c) MCD (mm) (d) MCD (mm)

1000 Total reaction force 1000 Total reaction force

Horizontal reaction force(kN)

Horizontal reaction force(kN)

1st story 1st story

800 2nd story 800 2nd story
Pin support Pin support
600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0

-200 -200
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(e) MCD (mm) (f) MCD (mm)

Fig. 12. Horizontal reaction force–middle column displacement curves: (a) WB; (b) WX; (c) EB; (d) EX; (e) RB; and (f) RV.

Deformation Measurements Internal Force Measurements

The deformation shape of the edge column is shown in Fig. 13. To further understand the load-resisting mechanism of frames
Positive values and negative values represent inward and outward and decomposite the load contribution of braces, the internal
movement, respectively. As shown in Fig. 13(a), for WB, initially, forces in beams and braces were quantified individually. The
the horizontal inward movement was observed at the beam-column reliability of strain gauge results to determine the load resistance
joints. However, the horizontal inward movement at the joint in of the specimens was evaluated first. The vertical force and hori-
zontal reaction force of braced specimens were determined by
the second story was much larger than that in the ground story.
Eqs. (1) and (2)
The maximum horizontal inward movements of the joint in the
first and second story were only 3.2 and 9.1 mm, respectively. FV ¼ FV−Frame þ FV−Brace ð1Þ
As shown in Fig. 13(b), for WX, outward movement was initially
measured in the ground story. The outward movement began to FH ¼ FH−Frame þ FH−Brace ð2Þ
decrease when the vertical displacement exceeded 60 mm. This
where FV and FH = vertical force and horizontal reaction force of
is because the compressive brace generated additional outward
braced frame; FV−Frame and FH−Frame = vertical force and horizon-
movement in the ground floor. However, the tensile braces are tal reaction force of the bare frame, which has been described in
prone to pull the joint in the second floor inward. The maximum detail in Qian et al. (2020); and FV−Brace and FH−Brace = vertical
inward movements of joint in the first and second stories were force and horizontal reaction force provided by braces.
4.3 and 15.2 mm, respectively. Similar results were observed for For the X bracing configuration, the vertical and horizontal
other specimens. component force from braces could be calculated by Eqs. (3)

© ASCE 04021180-10 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

Horizontal movement (mm) Horizontal movement (mm)
-10 0 10 20 30 -10 0 10 20 30
2800 2800

LVDT positions (mm)

LVDT positions (mm)
2100 Axis of beam 2100 Axis of beam
Inward movement Inward movement
1400 1400
50mm 50mm
100mm 100mm
700 Axis of beam 200mm 700 Axis of beam 200mm
300mm 300mm
400mm 400mm
0 Pin support 0 Pin support
(a) (b)

Fig. 13. Horizontal movement of exterior joints: (a) WB; and (b) WX.
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Plastic hinge

Plastic hinge Plastic hinge
(a) (b)

Fig. 14. Internal force calculation of RV: (a) idealized model; and (b) internal forces transformation.

600 1600 600 1600

Vertical-load cell Vertical-load cell
Horizontal reaction force (kN)

Horizontal reaction force (kN)

Vertical-internal force Vertical-internal force
450 Horizontal-load cell 1200 450 Horizontal-load cell 1200
Vertical force (kN)
Vertical force (kN)

Horizontal-internal force Horizontal-internal force

300 800 300 800

150 400 150 400

0 0 0 0

-150 -400 -150 -400

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
(a) MCD (mm) (b) MCD (mm)

Fig. 15. Comparisons of vertical load resistance and horizontal reaction force from strain gauge and load cells: (a) WB; and (b) WX.

and (4), respectively. However, for the V bracing configuration, the N T0 = adopted axial force of tensile brace for RV; and θ = angle
force of braces could not be equivalent to the load resistance at the between tensile brace and diagonal line.
middle column directly. A schematic diagram is presented to illus- The axial force of braces can be calculated according to Eq. (6)
trate the relationship, as shown in Fig. 14 and Eq. (5) X n ,
FV−Brace ¼ 2ðN T sin α − N C sin βÞ ð3Þ N ¼ EA εi n ð6Þ

FH−Brace ¼ 2ðN T cos α þ N C cos βÞ ð4Þ

P E = elastic modulus; A = section area of the brace; and
ð ni¼1 εi Þ=n = average axial strain of the cross section.
N T0 ¼ N T cos θ ð5Þ Fig. 15 compares the vertical load–displacement curve and hori-
zontal reaction force–displacement curve based on load cell results
where N T and N C = axial force of the tensile and compressive and strain gauge results. From the figures, it can be seen that the
brace, respectively; α = angle between tensile brace and horizontal analytical results based on strain gauge generally agree with the
axis; β = angle between compressive brace and horizontal axis; load cell results well. Thus, the analytical results based on strain

© ASCE 04021180-11 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

500 Total force 500 WB
Load resisted by frame EB
400 Load resisted by steel bracing 400 RB

Vertical force (kN)

V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )
300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(a) MCD (mm) (a) MCD (mm)
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500 300 WB
Total force
Load resisted by frame 250 EB
Load resisted by steel bracing RB

Flexural action (kN)

V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )

300 150
100 0

0 -50
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(b) MCD (mm) (b) MCD (mm)

500 300 WB
Total force
Load resisted by frame 250 EB
Load resisted by steel bracing RB
C a t e n a r y a c t i o n ( kN )
V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )

300 150
100 0

0 -50
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(c) MCD (mm) (c) MCD (mm)

Fig. 16. Decomposition of the load resistance from bare frame and Fig. 17. Comparison of the behavior of different connections:
steel brace: (a) WX; (b) EX; and (c) RV. (a) vertical force; (b) flexural action; and (c) catenary action.

gauge results were used in the following analysis and discussion. properly designed and fabricated, reduced beam section connec-
Fig. 16 illustrates the decomposition of the load resistance from the tions can be a cost-effective solution to enhance the robustness
frame and steel braces. As shown in the figures, the load resistance of steel frames with rigid connections. The second largest capacity
from steel braces was higher than that from the frame initially. was observed in EB. Among these three tests, EB achieved the
However, the load resistance of the frame kept increasing due to greatest deformation capacity. Although the failure modes of EB
the development of flexural action. Conversely, the load resistance are also controlled by weld fracture, EB has a more ductile process.
from braces began to reduce quickly due to compressive braces Before weld failure, the end plate yielded and experienced consid-
buckling. When part of the tensile brace fractured, the contributions erable local plastic deformation, which brought in greater catenary
of steel braces reduced to 37.7%, 38.5%, and 29.5% for WX, EX, action capacity. The load resistances from flexural action and cat-
and RV, respectively. enary action are compared in Figs. 17(b and c), respectively. As
shown in Fig. 17(b), WB has the greatest flexural action capacity.
At the flexural action stage, WB reached the largest initial stiffness
Discussion of Test Results and load resistance. As shown in Fig. 17(c), when catenary action is
included in the load resistance, the load-resisting capacity could
Effects of Connection Types increase significantly especially for RB and EB.

Fig. 17 compares the behavior of different connections. As shown

Effects of Braces
in Fig. 17(a), for bare frames, the greatest load-resisting capacity
was measured in RB because the reduced section prevents the pre- As shown in Fig. 5 and Table 3, the measured yield loads of WB,
mature fracture of the welds. Thus, it can be concluded that, when WX, EB, EX, RB, and RV were 147.8, 233.9, 94.4, 148.5, 106.8,

© ASCE 04021180-12 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

and 165.2 kN, respectively. Thus, the X bracing system increased action capacity and deformation capacity of RV were even less than
the yield load of WB and EB by 58.3% and 57.3%, respectively. RB. Moreover, for a steel frame, only part of the peripheral struc-
Similarly, the V bracing system increased the yield load of RB by tural bays have bracings. Thus, the effects of bracings mentioned
54.7%. Regarding the initial stiffness, WB, WX, EB, EX, RB, and previously are only suited for these braced bays.
RV were 3.3, 7.5, 2.2, 5.0, 2.9, and 5.5 kN=mm, respectively. Thus,
the X bracing system increased the initial stiffness of WB and EB
Contribution of Load-Resisting Mechanisms
by 127.3% and 120.2%, because the X bracing system in WB and
EB could transfer part of the vertical load to the side column di- Fig. 18 gives the decomposition of load resistance of frame from
rectly. Similarly, the V bracing system increased the initial stiffness catenary action and flexural action. As shown in Fig. 18(a), before
of RB by 89.7%. The ultimate load capacities of WB, WX, EB, EX, MCD reached 128 mm, significant bending moment was developed
RB, and RV in the large deformation stage were 197.5, 286.5, and thus flexural action dominated the load resistance of WB at the
255.4, 469.8, 407.0, and 356.3 kN, respectively. WX and EX could beginning of the test. In the large-deflection stage, axial tensile
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increase the ultimate load capacity of the counterpart bare frames force and catenary action mobilized. Flexural action and catenary
by 45.1% and 83.9%. This could be explained as one of the tensile action worked together to redistribute the applied load. The maxi-
braces in WX and EX not fracturing until the test stopped, which mum flexural action and catenary action were 175.5 and 78.7 kN,
increased the load resistance in the catenary action stage. Con- respectively. For WX, flexural action was higher than that of WB
versely, RV only achieved 87.5% of the ultimate load capacity before weld fracture occurred. Different to WB, the vertical load of
of RB. This is because the gusset plate of the RV bracing system the frame could keep increasing until it reached its maximum load
in the second story restricted the rotation of plastic hinges, which resistance due to the significant catenary action. Due to X braces,
was designated to form at the reduced section. Thus, the catenary the flexural action and catenary action were increased by 17.8%

500 Total force 500 Force of frame

Load resisted by FA Load resisted by FA
400 Load resisted by CA 400 Load resisted by CA
Vertical force (kN)

300 Vertical force (kN) 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
FA mixed FA and CA FA mixed FA and CA
-100 -100
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(a) MCD (mm) (b) MCD (mm)

500 Total force 500 Force of frame

Load resisted by FA Load resisted by FA
400 Load resisted by CA 400 Load resisted by CA
Vertical force (kN)

Vertical force (kN)

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
FA mixed FA and CA FA mixed FA and CA
-100 -100
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(c) MCD (mm) (d) MCD (mm)

500 Total force 500 Force of frame

Load resisted by FA Load resisted by FA
400 Load resisted by CA 400 Load resisted by CA
Vertical force (kN)

Vertical force (kN)

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
FA mixed FA and CA FA mixed FA and CA
-100 -100
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(e) MCD (mm) (f) MCD (mm)

Fig. 18. Decomposition of the load resistance of bare frame from different actions (FA and CA represent flexural action and catenary action,
respectively): (a) WB; (b) WX; (c) EB; (d) EX; (e) RB; and (f) RV.

© ASCE 04021180-13 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

and 61.3%, respectively. As shown in Fig. 18(c), although the Fig. 19 decomposes the load resistance from the first and second
maximum flexural action was only 74.1% of that of WB, the cat- stories. It can be seen that the trend of load resistance from the
enary action was 207.1% of that of WB. Thus, the ultimate load of first and second story is similar before failure first occurred at
EB is 129.3% of that of WB. For EX, significant tensile force the connection. However, the load resistance from the ground story
developed in the beams. Due to X braces, the flexural action was slightly larger than that from the second story due to different
and catenary action increased by 25.7% and 137.9%, respectively. horizontal constraints. To further study the difference, as labeled in
As shown in Fig. 18(e), although both WB and RB were welded Fig. 20, the flexural and catenary action of each story were ex-
connections, greater catenary action was developed in RB. This is tracted. Due to higher rotational restraints from the side column,
because the failure of WB was controlled by weld fracture, which the flexural action from the first story may be larger than that of
was brittle and premature. The reduced beam section would avoid the second story. In the first story, the catenary action developing
this brittle failure and increase the ductility and deformation capac- in the beams is always in tension. However, the catenary action of
ity. Although the maximum flexural action was only 82.1% of that the second story is in compression (negative) first, and then trans-
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of WB, the catenary action of RB was 380.8% of that of WB and fers into tension at the large-deformation stage. Therefore, both
thus the ultimate load of RB is 203.9% of that of WB. As shown in flexural and catenary action could develop in the first story effec-
Fig. 18(f), RV sustained substantial bending moment before the tively, leading to larger resistance.
connection fractured. However, with further increasing the dis-
placement, the increase of catenary action was limited, which was
Decomposition of the Load Resistance from Braces
unlike RB. This is mainly due to gusset plates at the second story
preventing the development of catenary action. Compared with RB, Fig. 21 gives the decomposition of contribution of braces from ten-
the flexural action and catenary action were 115.6% and 55.8% of sile and compressive braces. For WX, EX, and RV, the maximum
its counterpart. load resistances of steel bracing were 111.9, 120.3, and 87.1 kN,

400 Force of frame 400 Force of frame

Load resisted by 1st story Load resisted by 1st story
Load resisted by 2nd story Load resisted by 2nd story
300 300
V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )

V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(a) MCD (mm) (b) MCD (mm)

400 Force of frame 400 Force of frame

Load resisted by 1st story Load resisted by 1st story
Load resisted by 2nd story Load resisted by 2nd story
300 300
V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )

V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(c) MCD (mm) (d) MCD (mm)

400 Force of frame 400 Force of frame

Load resisted by 1st story Load resisted by 1st story
Load resisted by 2nd story Load resisted by 2nd story
300 300
V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )

V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(e) MCD (mm) (f) MCD (mm)

Fig. 19. Decomposition of load resistance from first and second stories: (a) WB; (b) WX; (c) EB; (d) EX; (e) RB; and (f) RV.

© ASCE 04021180-14 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

250 FA-1st story 250 FA-1st story
FA-2nd story FA-2nd story
200 CA-1st story 200 CA-1st story

Vertical force (kN)

Vertical force (kN)
CA-2nd story CA-2nd story
150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0

-50 -50
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(a) MCD (mm) (b) MCD (mm)
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Guilin University of Technology on 08/28/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

250 FA-1st story 250 FA-1st story

FA-2nd story FA-2nd story
200 CA-1st story 200 CA-1st story

Vertical force (kN)

Vertical force (kN)

CA-2nd story CA-2nd story

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0

-50 -50
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(c) MCD (mm) (d) MCD (mm)

250 FA-1st story 250 FA-1st story

FA-2nd story FA-2nd story
200 CA-1st story 200 CA-1st story
Vertical force (kN)

Vertical force (kN)

CA-2nd story CA-2nd story

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0

-50 -50
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(e) MCD (mm) (f) MCD (mm)

Fig. 20. Comparisons of the flexural and catenary action variation in first and second stories (FA and CA represent flexural action and catenary action,
respectively): (a) WB; (b) WX; (c) EB; (d) EX; (e) RB; and (f) RV.

respectively. As shown in the figures, WX and EX could keep in- configuration only achieved their yield load. From basic analysis,
creasing after buckling of compressive brace. These two specimens the buckling loads of compressive brace were 23.0 and 57.6 kN for
reached their maximum value when one of the tensile braces frac- X and V configurations, respectively. As shown in the figures, the
tured. Before buckling of the compressive brace, the maximum compressive braces in X configurations could achieve their buck-
load resistances from the compressive brace of WX and EX were ling load. Different to X configuration, the compressive braces in V
19.2 and 19.1 kN, respectively. Different to WX and EX, after configuration could not achieve their buckling load.
buckling of the compressive braces, RV reached its maximum value
as a large part of the load resistance provided by the compressive
braces. For RV, the maximum load resistance from compressive Conclusions
brace was 51.7 kN, which was 269.2% and 270.7% of that of
WX and EX, respectively. However, as shown in Fig. 21, due to To evaluate the effects of steel braces on the behavior of steel
the buckling of the compressive braces at very early stage, they frames to mitigate progressive collapse, six 2-story steel subframes
only affect the initial stiffness significantly. To further understand (three bare frames and three braced frames) with different connec-
the contribution of steel braces, the axial force of tensile and com- tions were tested under a middle column missing scenario. Based
pressive braces was determined and is presented in Fig. 22. From on experimental results, the following conclusions are drawn:
basic analysis, the yield load and ultimate load of the tensile braces • The results from bare frames revealed that various failure
were determined as 85.6 and 115.9 kN, respectively. Tensile braces modes, ductilities, and load-resisting mechanisms were devel-
in X configuration could achieve their yield load and even achieved oped in the steel frames with different types of connections. Dif-
their ultimate load before fracture. However, the tensile braces in V ferent to weld fractures in WB and EB, RB failed by fracture at

© ASCE 04021180-15 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

200 Force of steel bracing 200 TB

Axial force of brace (kN)

Load resisted by TB CB
Load resisted by CB 150

V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )
50 0

0 -50

-50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(a) MCD (mm)
(a) MCD (mm)
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200 TB

Axial force of brace (kN)

200 Force of steel bracing CB
Load resisted by TB
150 Load resisted by CB 100
V e r t i c a l f o r c e ( kN )

100 50

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(b) MCD (mm)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(b) MCD (mm) 200 TB

Axial force of brace (kN)

150 CB
200 Force of steel bracing
Load resisted by TB
150 Load resisted by CB
Vertical force (kN)

50 -50

0 -100
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
-50 (c) MCD (mm)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Fig. 22. Axial force of braces (TB and CB represent tensile brace and
(c) MCD (mm)
compressive brace, respectively): (a) WX; (b) EX; and (c) RV.
Fig. 21. Decomposition of the load resistance of brace from different
braces (TB and CB represent tensile brace and compressive brace,
and EX increased the ultimate load capacities of the bare frames
respectively): (a) WX; (b) EX; and (c) RV.
by 45.1% and 83.9%. However, the V braces in RV even de-
creased the ultimate load capacity of RB by 12.5% because
the gusset plates restricted the formation of plastic hinges in
the reduced beam section. Thus, the greatest deformation capac- reduced beam section. Thus, the gusset plate should not be
ity and catenary action capacity were achieved in RB. The ulti- installed in the reduced beam section to avoid negative effects
mate load capacity of RB was 206.1% and 159.4% of that of on braced specimens, because the gusset plate may restrict the
WB and EB, respectively. rotation capacity of the reduced beam section.
• The test results demonstrated that for WB, the main load resis- • The out-of-plane buckling of compressive braces occurred from
tance was from the flexural action, rather than catenary action, the beginning of the test, which could not provide sufficient load
which is mainly due to premature weld fracture at the connec- resistance after buckling, especially for the X bracing system.
tions. Conversely, for EB and RB, relatively less flexural action However, due to the difficulties in predicting the location of the
was developed, and catenary action increased the load-resisting missing column accurately, a symmetric bracing configuration is
capacities of EB and RB by 81.6% and 125.8%, respectively. still recommended. As the additional load resistance of braced
Thus, the load resistance of these two connections were domi- frames mainly attributed to the tensile braces, the fracture of ten-
nated by catenary action, rather than flexural action. sile braces was normally accompanied by the significant drop of
• The test results indicated that steel braces could provide consid- load resistance. From the failure modes, it was found that the bra-
erable additional load resistance for steel frames to resist ces may change the failure mode of the beams because the beam
progressive collapse effectively. The steel braces in WX, EX, ends may suffer greater shear force, which may lead to premature
and RV increased their initial stiffness by 127.3%, 120.2%, weld fracture or bolt fracture. The conclusions regarding steel
and 89.7%, respectively. For RV, the effectiveness of the steel braces are only suitable for the structural bays with steel bracings.
braces is relatively milder because its braces could not transfer For the structural bays without any bracings, the benefits of
the vertical load to side columns directly. The X brace in WX bracings could not be incorporated in design or analysis.

© ASCE 04021180-16 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(11): 04021180

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