Understanding The Intentionality of Teenage Mothers

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Lourelie C.


This article seeks to capture the essence of the struggles of those young girls who became
mothers at a young age. There has been numerous studies regarding teenage pregnancy especially now
that it is almost unheard of for a teenager to fell pregnant at such a young age. Peer pressure and
curiosity are two of the most common reasons for teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is slowly
killing the fate of our youth, but this article aims to bring together the government, private institutions
and even religious organizations to assist these young teens to pursuing their desires to complete their
studies in order to provide better knowledge and life to their son or daughter in the future. According
to Ime Morales, 2013, teenage pregnancy is a global issue and a major contributor to school drop-out
am ong g irls . Expulsion is one of some schools' main solutions for teen pregnancy, however it has been
shown to be unsuccessful and unfair to them. They should also be given consideration and be given
seminars, career workshops or continuous education just like what Understanding the Intentionality of
Teenage Mothers also aims to point out for them to have better knowledge about teenage pregnancy
and being a young mom.

Thesis Statement 1 – Change of Adolescent

The study results are beneficial to both educators and students. According to this article
adolescence is one of the most difficult stages in life. It is the time when children transition from the
immaturity of childhood and gradually mature to adulthood. It is also a time for them to have a
relationship with others outside the family, learn through opportunities that prepare them for life
ahead, explore and develop their personality, and discover oneself-behavior, attitude, and intimacy
(Abdou, n.d.), With the following phrase, I couldn't agree more; it is true that so many changes occur
throughout this stage, both physically and emotionally. During this time, young girls should begin
receiving adequate seminars on teenage pregnancy and extramarital sex, as some claim that they fell
pregnant owing to a lack of awareness about what sex can do, as well as a lack of supervision, advice, or
contact from their parents. Teenage pregnancy has a long-term impact on both the mother and the
child, especially if the mother attempted but failed to have an abortion and went through several
serious challenges after the baby was born, so these young moms still require guidance from their
parents and educators to navigate the challenges of being a young mother. This study will benefit both
educators and students since educators will have ample resources to educate these young teens about
teen pregnancy, and young teens will be aware that having a kid at such a young age is not easy.
Thesis Statement 2 – Challenges of Pregnancy and Motherhood
Teenage mothers face a lot of challenges after pregnancy like providing proper care and needs
of their child (Pogoy, Versoza, Coming, & Agustino, 2014). Teenage mothers have less possibility to finish
their studies after engaging in early pregnancy. These statements from the article are completely true,
some teenage mothers face significant difficulties, particularly because they have no idea how to raise a
child at their age, others have experienced depression and loss of interest, particularly those teenage
mothers who have no one to lean on or a partner who can assist them in raising their child, even those
individuals who have never become a mother understand that a teen pregnancy is a difficult experience.
Also, many people say that being a teenager is difficult enough on its own and to add pregnancy and all
of the planning and preparing that comes with it, it becomes even more difficult especially if the
pregnancy wasn’t planned. Young mothers are likely to have a lot of concerns about how their lives will
change now and after the baby arrives. There will be many problems, but that doesn't mean they won't
be able to overcome them. Teenage mothers should remember that they will always have resources; all
they have to do is be positive and open to growth for the sake of their children, and just like the two of
the six themes that emerged in this article, "Experience is the best teacher" and "With great power
comes great responsibility," these young moms learned how to be responsible as a result of their
experiences, struggles they face during and after pregnancy.

Thesis statement 3 – The Value of Education and Support

The study of DeVito (2010) claimed that many of the adolescent mothers claimed they were
aware of the benefit of completing their education or finding employment. Teen mothers also need
support from peers who understand and can identify with their new role as a parent; this provides them
with a sense of acceptance, socialization, and stability (DeVito, 2010). These two statements from the
article explain the importance of education and support. One of the major helps for the teenage moms
to finish schooling is the struggles and triumphs they faced as they navigated their life as a high school
mother. Pillow (2004) found that many teen mothers return to school because of their babies — they
are determined to complete schooling for the sake of their babies. It is critical for these young mothers
to receive support emotionally in order to regain confidence in themselves that they will be unstoppable
in achieving their goals for the sake of their children.
It is evident in this article that becoming a mother at such a young age is fraught with difficulties
and challenges, but with the support of their family and peers, as well as the determination to complete
their education and achieve their goals, anything is possible. Furthermore, young teens should be
reminded and encouraged not to have children until they are financially capable of supporting
themselves and their future children, because adolescent parenthood is one of the issues we are facing,
and some of the children born to young mothers have very few opportunities in life due to the poverty
they are born into, so it is important for the family now to discuss sexual health openly to their

Reproductive Health: Teen Pregnancy
Preventing Pregnancies in Younger Teens
Adolescent-pregnancy (2020 Jan. 31)
Adolescent pregnancy (2013) A review of the evidence
Teen Pregnancy (2012 Feb. 27)
Teenage_Pregnancy_Among_Senior_High_School_Children (2018, April)
(2006 Apr-June) Teenage Pregnancy: complexities and challenges
Agnes Chigona and Rajendra Chetty (2008) Teen Mothers and schooling: lacunae and challenges

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