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Jhamir Cristopher A. Bello

Enjelene Nazel E. Lustre
John Ren Nodado
Mariecar S. Rivera

A Thesis Presented to the College of Health and Allied Sciences

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

City of Cabuyao

Chapter I



Basic hostility is a psychological concept first described by psychoanalyst

Karen Horney. Horney described it as aggression which a child develops as a result of
"basic evil". Horney generally defines basic evil as "invariably the lack of genuine
warmth and affection". Basic evil includes all range of inappropriate parental behavior
from lack of affection to abuse. This situation of abuse and torment that cannot be
avoided or escaped causes kids to have a higher level of irritability. The same can be
said for anxiety. Specifically, basic hostility pertains to a sense of anger and betrayal
that a child feels towards his parents for their failure to provide a secure environment.
Horney associated this concept with "basic anxiety", citing that the two are inseparably
interwoven and are both offshoots of the "basic evil" of parental mistreatment.

The relationship between basic anxiety and basic evil can be explained in this
manner: The existence of basic evil leads to basic hostility towards the parents and the
world. Once such hostility is repressed it becomes basic anxiety or the feeling of being
helpless. The pattern of basic hostility is that the child wants to leave, but cannot.
Although the child wants to avoid the abuse, their parents are perpetrating it, the child
is dependent on their parents and therefore cannot move or back away, and the child
therefore redirects their feelings and expressions of hostility toward people they do not
depend on for support. In other words, the children feel very aggressive and hostile but
cannot express it or the children unconsciously develops hate and anger to their
parents. According to Karen Horney, some children find Basic Hostility to be an
aggressive coping strategy and continue using it to deal with life's problem.

Chhabra (2017) As hostile youngsters, they caused lot of harm to themselves

and to those around them. There are definite reasons for their hostile behavior which is
quite often due to the environmental reasons. Parents, teacher and other factors are
included in the environment. Studies have shown that environment plays a major role
in acquiring the aggressive traits by the children. Awareness about the causes of
aggression and the way to check as well as control will help in preventing, minimizing
as well as controlling aggression in children.

Inferiority on the other hand, is the state of not being good, or not as good as
someone or something else and also the feeling of lowliness or the state of being
humble and unimportant.

The American Psychological Association (APA, 2019) defines inferiority a basic

feeling of inadequacy and insecurity, deriving from actual or imagined physical or
psychological deficiency.” At its core, it is a feeling used to denote a strong sense of
being less than. Liu et al. (2022) stated that Feelings of inferiority are complex
emotions that usually indicate perceived weakness and helplessness. A lack of timely
and effective interventions may bring serious consequences to individuals with
inferiority feeling.

According to Saul (2016) Feelings of inferiority generally stem from warping and
impairment of the emotional development, which result from various abuses in the
rearing of children. The feeling of inferiority, which may or may not be fully conscious,
is reacted against in a number of ways, of which three are of particular importance;
overcompensatory egotism, power-seeking, and hostility. We live in a world in which
feelings of inferiority are widespread. This betokens a widespread amount of emotional
crippling. Emotional cripples, reacting against their feelings of inferiority with
exaggerated egotism, power-seeking and hostility, should be recognized as such, for
they play an important part in creating the problems of the world, between nations,
within nations, and even in small groups.

Migalski (2020) Children who experience themselves as being less-than often

express the feeling they don’t fit in or belong, which can lead to problematic behavior,
such as withdrawing or acting out. They may also periodically misbehave because
they find that it gets them noticed in situations where they otherwise feel invisible, she
notes. They mistakenly perceive that their “power struggles, attention-seeking, or
hurtful behavior are the main ways for them to connect with others,” Johnson-Migalski
The researchers’ awareness about the possible long term effects of having
basic hostility and inferiority on children-adolescence encourages them to choose this
topic. With these, this study aims to understand investigate, compare and contrast the
specific basic hostility and inferiority among orphans on Ang Bahay Parola Sta. rosa
Laguna. The purpose of this study is to provide correlation between the basic hostility
and inferiority among homeless children.

This study will attempt to determine the basic hostility and inferiority among
homeless orphans of Bahay Parola Sta. rosa Laguna specifically it seeks to answer
the following: (1) What is demographic profile of the selected homeless children In
Bahay Parola in terms of: age, length of stay in the orphanage, and reasons of the
orphans on being homeless which are categorized as: Abandoned, neglected,
surrendered, orphaned. (2)
Theoretical Framework

This section summarizes and provide the theories that explain why the
research problem under study exist. The study was based primarily on Karen
Horney’s Psychoanalytic Social Theory, Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Development
Theory, and Carl Rogers’ Person Centered Theory.

Horney (1950) believed that everyone is born with the capacity for healthy
development, but that individuals, like other living creatures, require suitable
conditions to grow. These circumstances must include a warm, loving, but not
excessively permissive environment. Children require both sincere affection and
appropriate punishment. Such circumstances provide children a sense of security
and satisfaction, allowing them to develop in line with their true selves.

However, a variety of adverse effects may obstruct these advantageous

circumstances. The incapacity or unwillingness of the parents to love their child is
the most significant of them. Parents frequently control, ignore, overprotect, reject,
or overindulge their children due to their own neurotic demands. When parents fail
to meet their children's basic needs for safety and fulfillment, the child develops
feelings of basic hostility toward them. Children, on the other hand, seldom show
their wrath as rage; instead, they internalize their hatred against their parents and
are unaware of it. Repressed resentment then causes deep emotions of
uneasiness and a vague sense of apprehension. Basic anxiety, as defined by
Homey (1950), is a sensation of being alone and helpless in a world perceived as
potentially hostile. She described fundamental anxiety earlier as a sensation of
being little, unimportant, powerless, forsaken, and vulnerable in a world that is out
to exploit, cheat, assault, humiliate, betray, and envy.

Conceptual Framework


(1) The profile of (1) Adapted  Assessed significant
Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the impact of basic hostility on level of inferiority
of homeless children from Bahay Parola.

1. What is the demographic profile of the selected homeless children in Bahay

Parola in terms of:
1.1. Age;
1.2. Length of stay in the orphanage;
1.3. Reasons of being homeless:
 Abandoned
 Neglected
 Surrendered
 Orphaned
2. What is the level of basic hostility of the respondents in terms of:
3. What is the level of inferiority of the respondents in terms of:
4. Is there significant relationship between the basic hostility and inferiority of
homeless children?


Scope and Delimitations

The study will focus on the significant relationship of basic hostility and
inferiority of homeless children. The primary subject of this research study and
respondents will l consist of twenty (21) homeless children, specifically all-girls in
Ang Bahay Parola: Peace Home for Girls since the orphanage are limited to girls
only. The homeless children are categorized as abandoned, neglected,
surrendered and orphan. They are the focus since they are the children who
received lack of love and affection from their parents. The aforementioned
orphanage where the researcher will conduct the study is located in Zavala
Compound Tatlonghari St. at Santa Rosa Municipality in Laguna.
The researcher will be using mixed method as their research method. The
organization’s data of the children including their demographic profile will be
gathered. Moreover, the participants will be interviewed using the adapted
standardized questionnaires that are intended to measure the level of basic
hostility and inferiority. Afterwards, researchers screened the result and selected
the respondents that are obtained extremity in basic hostility and inferiority and
then proceed to another interview session, the interview sought to know ------------
to determine if the children-------------. Both Interviews were both studied to test the
validity of the questionnaire.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this study will not only yield data that will be
helpful to them but more so to the following groups:

Homeless Children. In particular, the homeless children, which is also the main
subject in this study, will benefit and may help them be able to live their life happy
with the intervention provided to their conditions.
Orphanage. The results of this study will help the orphanage to be more careful,
and create more intervening activities regarding to children’s condition. Also,
through the results of the study, they will acquire more awareness and knowledge
about neurosis.

Social Workers. As social workers, this study will help them how to deal with kids,
specifically girls who are possessing neurotic symptoms. This study will help them
and give them some ways how they will handle the condition of the children.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study will help them in making their RRL
section in research. In addition, it will pave the way for more expanded studies on
similar fields.

Department of Psychology. In a topic that promotes community wellness

specifically children’s welfare, many psychology-student researcher will be inspired
in making this kind of research agenda. After all, our program is a helping course.

Definition of Terms

The terminologies below are conceptually defined for the common purpose
of easier facilitation and a better understanding:

Abandoned - when a parent, guardian, or person in charge of a child either

deserts a child without any regard for the child's physical health, safety or welfare
and with the intention of wholly abandoning the child, or in some instances, fails to
provide necessary care for a child living under their roof.

Abandonment - the action or fact of abandoning or being abandoned. A type of


Basic Anxiety- feeling of being helpless, abandoned, and endangered in a hostile


Homeless Children - children who are categorized as abandoned, neglected,

surrendered, orphan in the orphanage.
Hostility- hostile behavior; unfriendliness or opposition. Result of deprivation of
love and affection during childhood.

Inferiority – the feeling of less importance, value or merit.

Neglected - it is the failure of a parent or another responsible adult to provide

necessary food, shelter, clothing, supervision, or medical care to a child.

Orphan- children in the orphanage that are abandoned by their parents or have
parents that died.

Self-Hatred- Self-loathing, or self-hatred, is extreme criticism of oneself. It may feel

as though nothing you do is good enough or that you are unworthy or undeserving
of good things in life.

Surrendered- the child that their parents or guardian choose to surrender or leave
in an orphanage without the idea of getting them back.

Chapter II


This chapter addresses the research-related literature used in the study,

which was obtained from journals as well as local and international studies. These
findings provided the researcher a greater understanding and insight on how to
accomplish this research paper.


Research Gap
Chapter III


This chapter discusses the research method used in this study. It covers the
discussion of the Research Design, Respondents of the Study, Population and
Sampling, Instrumentation, Data Gathering Procedure, and Ethical Considerations.

Research Design
This study will utilize mixed method research design to further explain and
measure basic hostility and inferiority among homeless. The overall purpose and
central premise of mixed methods studies is that the use of quantitative and
qualitative approaches in combination provides a better understanding of research
problems and complex phenomena than either approach alone (Creswell & Plano
Clark, 2007). The quantitative strand was the result from survey questionnaires while
the qualitative strand was the findings from the interview questions. Convergent
parallel design was used to analyze both quantitative and qualitative data that are
collected. According to Creswell & Pablo- Clark (2011) A convergent parallel design
entails that the researcher concurrently conducts the quantitative and qualitative
elements in the same phase of the research process, weighs the methods equally,
analyzes the two components independently, and interprets the results. The
researchers proposed to use Convergent parallel design, in order to compare and
contrast the quantitative results with qualitative findings of the study. Since, the
researchers aim to determine the basic hostility and inferiority among homeless
children on Ang Bahay Parola Sta. Rosa Laguna by collecting the data at the same
time and merge the results and try to look for the divergence and contradictions from
the source of data.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were drawn from the population of homeless
female children in Ang Bahay Parola: Peace Home for Girls in Sta. Rosa City, Laguna
age ranging from five to seventeen (5-17) years old. These respondents are suited in
this study because according to the journal of Aggressive behavior, (2016). It has
been found that girls are more likely than boys to use reactive aggression and then
retract. In addition, girls are more prone to irritability.
Pamantasan ng
Banaybanay, Cabuyao City, Laguna 4025, Philippines

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Population and Sampling

Data Gathering Procedure

Ethical Considerations

Pamantasan ng
Banaybanay, Cabuyao City, Laguna 4025, Philippines

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Pamantasan ng
Banaybanay, Cabuyao City, Laguna 4025, Philippines

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

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