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Unit 8 – Lesson 2
I. Check (✓) the correct sentence.

II. Read and complete.

III. Look and color the adjectives. Then write comparatives below.

one syllable = blue two or more syllables = yellow

strong difficult popular old exciting happy patient

One syllable Two or More Syllables

_______________________________ more difficult
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

IV. Read and complete with comparatives.

Bob: more exciting (exciting) than swimming, so I

I think windsurfing is (1)_________________
want to try it today.

Jenny: Really? I think it’s (2)_________________ (difficult) than swimming. You

need to be strong to do it. I don’t like water sports. They are
(3)_________________ (dangerous) than other activities.

Bob: That’s true. Beach volleyball is (4)_________________ (popular) than

windsurfing. How about we try that?

Jenny: Great idea!

V. Use the words in the boxes to complete true comparative sentences for you.

1 I think _____________________________________________________________.
2 I think _____________________________________________________________.
3 I think _____________________________________________________________.
4 I think _____________________________________________________________.

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