RFL Application

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Relay For Life Leadership Application

First Last

Preferred Name: Year in School: ____ GPA: E-Mail: Birthday: _

Major: Student ID: Phone Number:___ Relationship to Cancer (if applicable): Cancer Survivor Relative of Survivor

Relative of Deceased (Cancer-related death)

Please tell us a little about yourself by answering the following question on an additional page. 1. Why do you want a position on the Relay for Life Board? 2. List the top 4 positions (see attachment) you are most interested in and briefly explain why? 3. What makes you passionate about the efforts of the American Cancer Society? 4. What would you bring to your first choice position? 5. Please attach a copy of your resume including all campus and community service activities. Applications are due on Sunday, SEPTEMBER 18, 2010 @ 2PM. You may submit your application and any questions by email to relay@smu.edu or turn in a hardcopy to the box outside Lauren Chapmans office located in the SAMSA (second-floor of Hughes Trigg) room 326A. Please indicate when you are available for an interview on all of the following days. Please keep in mind that given the limited amount of time for interviews, we ask that you let us know any and all times that you are available. Wednesday 9/21: 1-4pm Friday 9/23: 12-4pm Monday 9/26: 1-4pm Wednesday 9/28: 1-4pm

Relay For Life Committee Positions

There are five Chair positions, each of which are responsible for 2-3 subcommittees. Below is a list of the five chairs and which subcommittees they reside over. There is also an expanded description of the coordinator positions for each subcommittee. You can apply for either a chair or coordinator position. Event Planning Chair: Logistics, Activities & Entertainment, and Registration Coordinators Finance Chair: Accounting and Sponsorship & Underwriting Coordinators Missions Chair: Advocacy, Luminaria, and Survivorship Coordinators Teams Chair: Team Recruitment and Team Development Coordinators Communications Chair: Online and Publicity & Marketing Coordinators


EventPlanning Chair




Communications Chair





Publicityand Marketing

Activitiesand Entertainment







Relay For Life Coordinator Positions

Team Recruitment Coordinator Recruitment is the most important job on your committee for without teams you have no Relay. The entire committee will recruit teams, though oncampus organizations will be this persons focus. Team Development Coordinator This person will make a good team BETTER. Successful Relays are in constant communication with their team captains. Keeping them informed, motivated & focused on the mission. TD Coordinators will host team captain meetings and relay all important information to the captains through email. Sponsorship & Underwriting Coordinator This person can put the icing on the cake when it comes to involving the business community and bringing in extra dollars. Responsible for contacting corporations, banks, and health professionals to secure underwriting or donations, which will cover these expenses of the event. Online Coordinator This person will be responsible for assembling and maintaining the website, as well as answering all questions regarding online donations and usage. Must be computer literate and have easy access to Microsoft Word and Excel. Accounting Coordinator Responsible for keeping income and expense records for the event. Will track all totals in an organized fashion and stay in close contact with the Relay Advisor Registration Coordinator Responsible for planning the Kick Off event and maintaining organizational information about the teams. Additionally, this position is responsible for participant registration the night of the event.

Survivorship Coordinator We Relay in honor of those survivors that are with us today. This committee will help recruit survivors in the Dallas area to attend our event. They will also plan and coordinate the survivor reception at the event. Luminaria Coordinator Coordinates the sale and collection of luminaria before and during the event. Plans and implements the luminaria ceremony at the event. Entertainment & Activities Coordinator Recruits local groups to perform at the Relay, bringing fun to the event to keep everyone going for 12 hours. Keeps the participants involved and active for the entire event with games and competitions. Advocacy Coordinator Explains why we Relay and provides the educational and motivational element. Informs the greater community about the ACS Can program and current events related to cancer that are occurring legislatively. Logistics Coordinator Provides the comfort and necessities at the event. Work with the facility that is hosting the event to make sure all vendors are secured. Deals with the event specifics, booking all necessary equipment for the night of the event. Publicity and Marketing Coordinator Uses all campus resources to get the word out about RFL. Distributes posters and brochures throughout the year. High involvement during spring semester, on and off campus publicizing the event.

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