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Ql Q2 Q3 ; Q4 Qs Q6 Q7 Qs Q9 Q10 Q2 Q4 eneetan i ASSISTANT pisTRICT en LS PUNJAB PUBLIC SER CE on ORNEY an PAPER: ASSISTANT pISTRICT AT 7 SECTION- 7 RIMIN m ur answer With Write a comprehensive note on "Defamation", Mlustrate ae eS A Explain in detail what you know about actions taken +. Cree. iving illustrations. sian Be ——— * emit offences punishable under S511 of the Pakistan Penal Code? What must be proved in order to support the conviction of an attemp, under this section?” Briefly discuss the provisions of law dealin} disputes as to immovable property likely to cause Define common intention and common object. common intention and common object? Quote the relevant SECTION - B -- CIVIL LAW "Order" and Judgment according to CPC. judicata and Estoppel. Also comment upon the Can there be Res judicata between the, ig, with prevention of offences relating to breach of peace? How does conspiracy differ from provisions of law. Define and distinguish "Decree", an Define and distinguish between Res j basic principle of res subjudice. co-defendants. Fully explain. Who may be joined as plaintiffs and defendants in a civil suit. Can a court give judgment for or against one or more of joint parties. What is the effect of mis-joinder and non-joinder of parties. Given answer with the relévant provision of CPC. What do you understand by Doctrine of Estoppel? On what principle of law is it based and what are its essential elements? Write a brief note on power of Review of High Court. PAPER: ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ~ 2012 SECTION-A -- CRIMINAL LAW Define and explain the following: ; @ Injury (ii) Moveable Property (iii) Fraudulently (iv) Voluntarily (v) Counterfeit Define and SE ee common intention and common object. When right of private defence i, Write a sat nai on someee ee ee death, af any, may it be granted. onB- VIL LAW ge jearsayS evidence is no evidence. Wh 4 ie on vexceptions tothe above ‘ak ht understand by this statement? Are oot ‘5 i Please state the reasons for such Write a brief oe on Accomplice. B What courts havé the power of transfer and withdrawal suits. Ww What courts have the powers of Revision and why? : PAPER: ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY - 2013 SECTION-A -- CRIMINAL LAW Ql Mention the leading rules for determining the place of inquiry or trial. w What is an Investigation Diary?.What are the uses to which such diary can be put? @ State the powers of the Magistrate or a Police Officer in dispersing an unlawful assembly? Qe Are proceedings under §.514, Cr.P.C. punitive in nature or they constitute any offence? Explain by discussing the procedure. 7 QS Isadefective charge necessarily fatal to a conviction? SECTION-B -- CIVIL LAW Q6 Write a comprehensive note on pre-condition for issuing Summons. Q7 © Will you please explain the territorial and pecuniary jurisdiction of Civil Courts within the scheme as contained in the West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962. Q8. What is different between plugged and bailment, 09. Write a brief note on Doctrine of incest or Aul and Retum (Rad). jals. What are the consequences if the 10 Jedgement what are essentials. W aintiffin a suit apparently barred by time? «« proved by the pl EO APER: nti STANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY -2014 PAPER: AS rION-A ~ CRIMINAL LAW 1 Whatis distinguish Denver” Gecharge and acquittal in a warrant case? a jat is dis Q2 Write note on: : @ Confessions | Convict. (i) Auterfois vi between the offence of kidnapping and abduction. Q3 Define and distin! if to be followed in the tral of summons and warrantcases. Q4 > Describe the re petween Summons and Warrant cases. Q5 State the differen? "Ce CTION-B — CIVIL LAW ieading in a civil suit, what are alternative and inconsistent Q6 — What do you ~~ Q7 Qs Qo Q10 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 272 Write a brief note on examination-In chie! Write shot notes on: 7 (i) Abetment” —~ (ii) Payment ov of Coui iii t off (iv) Pauper s al i by competency of a witness? Who may not be compelled to testify, It is commonly said in Civil Law that an executing court cannot go behing a decree, Discuss fully in the light of the power of an executing court bringing abou, exception, if any. 1 Y - 2015 ISTRICT ATTORNE ASSISTANT D! MINAL LAW SECTION - A - CRIMINAL LAN 7 What is Criminal Breach of Trust? How it is distinguished from Criminay Misappropriation. What is meant by Criminal Intimidation in the "Charge". _ , ; Discuss the powers of the High’ Court regarding illegal and improper detention of a person under the Criminal Procedure Code. Under what circumstances can court interfere with the cross examination of a n? What particulars are required to be stated witness? Explain. SECTION - B -- CIVIL LAW Under what circumstances may a temporary injunction be granted? Is there any limit on the duration of such injunction? Which property is exempt from attachment and sale in execution of a decree? What do you understand by the "Doctrine of Estoppel"? On what principle of lawiit is based and what are its essential elements? Write a comprehensive note on the "Doctrine of Acknowledgement" as provided in the Limitation Act. ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY - 2016 SECTION - A - CRIMINAL LAW (a) ‘What is a charge? What charges can be joined together? (b) — What, ifany, is the effect of non-framing of charge on the trial? (@) On what grounds can an accused be acquitted without concliision of tral? Quote the relevant Provisions of law. ) — can an accused be granted exemption from personal appearance in (2) For what reasons bail can be wi (b) What principles govern the Any difference? ithheld by Court? grant of bail before arrest and bail after artes!” (2) Explain, by giving illustrations, the di ference between Qatle and Resse Qatle-Khata. Who can compound an offence of SECTION . BK Civ, LAY Where a suit can be filed? ¥ murder the relevant Sections of When and under what TOVis ‘ ba and discuss: “ae Patten be titted? @ Principle of Res judicata, () Principle of Estopple, (@ — Onwhat grounds can a Muslim ) Distinguish between Khula and Mub; @ Explain and discuss Void and Void: lable Contracts, by giving Illustrations, () What contracts cannot be specifically enforced? ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY - 2017 Time Allowed: 3 HoursMaximum Marks: 100 CP, Woman seek dissolution of her marriage? arat? () Attempt in English Language only. (i) Aniswer FIVE questions in all by selecting at least Two questions from each, (ii) AN questions carry equal marks. SECTION - A. -- CRIMINAL LAW What are distinguishing features between Trials of Cases by Magistrate and Trials | ome comts of oe pose bail before arrest and bail after arrest? | pasha grouns can 8 ne is recognized in Pakistan Penal Code? a Principle of a and how a Court can determine the competence of a Who may testify as @ witness? SECTION - B (CIVIL LAW) wiew and Revision. Quote relevant Provisions of Law. - Distinguish between Re relating to suits by or against the Government or Public of Rules Fe2" zal capacity. : officia Sanitation may be condoned and in what circumstances? par 0! Give synopsis Officers in theiT a For what remedi . Write notes ee 4 Communication - : (a) Prin Evidence (by SOP ocuments © public } wore ©)

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