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Careers in Education CARD NUMBER #35

Lesson Plan: 5-Minute Science

Directions: Using a 5-minute science card, plan a lesson that you and your partner will
teach. Be prepared to present your lesson in class. Have all materials with you to
complete the lesson plan on your due date.

Lesson Planning Student Work

Partner: Jaida Vue

Partner: Reagan Martin
Taylor McCrory

Presentation Date: 3/20/23

Lesson Title: Bottle Bubble

Subject: Science

Grade Level: 2

Objective (what do We want the students to understand how bubble

you want them to solution beneath water bottles affect the different
learn by the end of temperatures of water inside of the bottle.
the lesson):

NGSS Standards (and 2-PS1-2: Analyze data obtained from testing

appropriate, related different materials to determine which materials
Common Core have the properties that are best suited for an
Standards): intended purpose.*

*Write out the entire


What skills do you ● Group cooperation

want them to learn by ● Note-taking
the end of your ● Handling materials safely
lesson? (note-taking, ● Cause & effect
writing, math, main idea,
supporting details, etc)
Resources Needed: 1. Video Link-
Find an appropriate
video that 2. Additional Resources-
demonstrates the ●
science concept AND e-and-temperature-project-609020
list resources needed
to complete science


Build Background Many think that temperature does not affect a

about subject bubble’s life. However, this hypothesis is incorrect.
It has been proven for bubbles to grow larger and
last longer when in cold weather, in which there is
less atmospheric pressure. Students will first
create their own hypothesis, then test the
experiment and compare the result to the original
hypothesis. This will allow students to test
materials to see which ones suit certain
circumstances best. This allows students to gain
experience in analyzing and comparing data.

Hook As a class, students will voluntarily share their

ideas stating whether or not they think
temperature affects a bubble’s life. Students will
observe different characteristics of a bubble with
group members, enhancing their creativity and
interest in the subject. The class will be given the
opportunity to blow their own bubbles and think
deeper among themselves about what may cause
the bubble to pop.

Key Vocabulary ● Hypothesis

● Pressure
● Temperature
● Analyze
● Compare
● Data

I do- as the teacher As the teacher, we are ensuring that the students
what are you doing to are learning different properties of air through
ensure that the hands-on demonstration and practice. Allowing
students are learning students to test themselves and have hands-on
your objective and practice with blowing bubbles is giving the
common core students to observe and create their own opinions
standards? on the science experiment. With the permission of
practice, the students are able to learn the
expected objective and common core standards.

We do- together with Together with the students, I am going to ensure

the students what are that I am clearly defining the curriculum and
you doing to ensure objectives that need to be met as the lesson ends.
they are learning your With this idea, I will provide my students with
objective and guidelines that clearly visualize and reflect the
common core constitutes of “success” in learning for the lesson.
standards? Together as a class, we will go through the
directions together and I will answer any
questions that need to be answered.

You do- what After the students have learned the

independent work are objective/common core standards, I will give my
the students doing to students an assignment on writing about what
show you they have they saw during the science experiment. Students
learned your will need to write 4-5 sentences on what they saw,
objective/common what their hypothesis was, and what they
core standards? observed during the experiment. However, during
the lesson, I will give the students a worksheet
that entails: “What do you think will happen to the
bubble when it is warmed up?” and “What
happened after the bubble cooled down?”

Extension: How will To extend the learning for my lesson, I will provide
you extend the my students with work pages in the science book
learning for your and highly encourage my students to perform the
lesson? science experiment at home. Also, I will perform
more science experiments that contain the same
knowledge, in which students will be challenged
to compare the two experiments. Allowing
students to prepare different perspectives on
lessons and projects gives them the opportunity
to enrich their learning and explore their interests.

How will your lesson My lesson will benefit my students because it will
benefit the students? give them the opportunity to learn about science.
(paragraph format to In this case, students are learning about the
answer this question) importance of the science properties of gas.
During the experiment, students are observing the
cause and effect of pressure and heat on a
bubble. With this, students are able to build better
personal skills with hands-on performances and
develop the ability to ask questions while
collecting important information. Because the
students are able to determine the cause and
effect of the science experiment, it ensures that
the students are testing their ideas, organizing
their thoughts, and solving their problems while
applying what they have learned throughout the
lesson. As students are able to create and gain
new knowledge, they are given the increasing
opportunity to improve their education and
respond to societal and global challenges.

Supplemental *We know that supplemental activities help to

Activities deepen the level of learning.

Book: What online Link Here:

children’s book are
you going to use to Scientist-Allegra/dp/1584696435/ref=as_li_ss_tl?
reinforce your keywords=Scampers+Thinks+Like+a+Scientist&qi
teaching? d=1551804860&s=gateway&sr=8-1-fkmrnull&link

How will this book This book that I have linked, Scampers Thinks
help to reinforce your Like a Scientist, is a good book to introduce
teaching? science experiments. For young elementary
students, most of them have most likely not
completed a lot of science experiments. So this
picture book helps young students obtain a firm
grasp of basic scientific thinking and will inspire
them to also see the value in creativity. This story
also inspires perseverance, which will encourage
the students to keep working hard when they get
to do their own scientific experiment later on.

Visual: What online Link Here:

visual will you use to
reinforce your

How will this Visual I found a youtube link that has the exact science
help to reinforce your experiment that we would be teaching. Showing a
teaching? video of the experiment would be a great visual
for students who are visual learners to better help
them understand what they will be doing and what
they will be learning.

Art: What art activity Link Here:

will you use to
reinforce your -activities/

How will this art I have attached a link with a few different
activity reinforce activities to reinforce the concept of properties of
your teaching? matter, which is one of the concepts taught in this
science experiment. The art activity that I
specifically would like to do if I was teaching this
in my class is #6 in the link. That project has
students using cheerios and gluing them to the
paper either over the image of a solid apple, a
liquid glass of water, or gas in a balloon. On the
apple, you place the cheerios very close together,
in the cup of water you place them a little further
apart, and in the balloon you place the cheerios
very far away. This little art project would help
students get a visual of what the properties of
matter look like. In this specific experiment, the
concept of gas is mostly used, and students
should understand that the warm water makes
the molecules in the gas inside of the water bottle
expand causing the bubble to form.

Physical Activity: Link Here:

What physical activity
will you use to erties-of-matter-games-activities.html
reinforce your

How will this physical I have attached a link of a description of an

activity reinforce activity named “physical property stand/sit
your teaching? activity.” To summarize it, students bring an object
to class, and describe it. The teacher then asks
people to stay standing if their object matches the
description the teacher gives (ex: object weighs
more than 5 grams). This activity would help
second graders be able to relate some basic
properties of matter to real life objects that they
know well, while also getting them standing and
moving around in a fun way.


In a well- written To teach students the concept of how

paragraph, tell me temperature affects a bubble, we will begin by
why YOU think that instructing students to proceed to a hands-on
activity, blowing their own bubbles. It is proven
your lesson plan and
that students learn efficiently when actively being
activities will help involved in a lesson. Continuing the experiment, a
your students learn plastic water bottle containing bubble solution will
your objectives and be placed on top of two different temperatures of
have fun while water, warm and cold. Watching how the bubbles
react to the different temperature of water will
learning about your have students in awe. Students stay active in the
science topic. lesson by noting what they analyzed from the
experiment on a piece of paper. An article written
by Kristen Dalli, an expert in education, explains,
Please respond in
“active learning was associated with a better
RACE Format: understanding of the material” (Dalli). Concluding
R - Restate the lesson, students will reflect on what they
A - Answer observed and write in their own words of how
C - Cite Evidence different temperatures affect bubble solution.
E - Explain Time will be given to compare and contrast what
they wrote down compared to what other
classmates wrote down. Throughout the duration
of this lesson, students stayed actively engaged
and independently took notes based on what they

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