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NSW Pet Registry

Certificate of Registration
Issued in accordance with section 72 of the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998

Microchip Information
Authorised Identifier number: V0010468 Microchip No: 991003001923606
Date of Implantation: 02/07/2022 Animal Status: Home

Registration Details
Cat - Desexed
Registration Type: Receipt No: 3327933918
Date of Registration: 21/10/2022 Amount Paid: $ 29.00

Date Receipt Issued: 21/10/2022

Receipt Issued By: NSW Pet Registry

Owner Details
Name: Ms Johanna Comino

Address (no PO Box): Dural Village Caravan Pk U 16a 269 New Line Rd
Postal Address (optional):
Preferred phone: 0449633221


Animal Information
Name: Bear

Species: Cat

Breed: Domestic

Date of birth: 02/05/2022

Gender: Male

Desexed: Yes (desexed on 08/09/2022)

Colour: Tabby + white

Identifying marks:

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Print On: 21-Oct-2022 11:34:35

Address pet usually kept: Dural Village Caravan Pk U 16a 269 New Line Rd

Secondary Contact Person Details      

Title: Mr

Given Name: Robert

Surname: Comino

Preferred Contact Type: Mobile Number

Home Number:

Mobile Number: 0407212657

Work Number:


The owner must be a person 18 years or over, or an organisation. The information on this certificate (except
for the animal’s name, secondary address and secondary contact person) is required under the Companion
Animals Act 1998 and Companion Animals Regulation 2018.

The information on the Register may be corrected or updated by you online or by contacting your local
council. Failure to update relevant information, may lead to penalties of up to $5,500.

If you are concerned that disclosure of your information could jeopardise the safety of you or your family,
you may request that the details be suppressed.

Information on the Register can only be accessed by authorised persons, for the purpose of enforcing the
Companion Animals Act 1998. This may include the Minister for Local Government, the Department, certain
employees of council, veterinary practitioners, council pounds and police. The information on the Register is
collected and used in accordance with the NSW Pet Registry Privacy Statement.

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Print On: 21-Oct-2022 11:34:35

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