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Making Different Types of Sandwiches for Grade 9 DepEd Cookery

I. Objectives

A. At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. (Cognitive) Describe the different types of sandwiches and their ingredients.

2. (Psychomotor) Make at least two types of sandwiches using the proper techniques.

3. (Affective) Appreciate the importance of food safety and sanitation in preparing sandwiches.

B. Materials

1. Bread slices (white, wheat, or any preferred bread)

2. Fillings (ham, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, etc.)

3. Spreading knife

4. Cutting board

5. Plate

6. Hand sanitizer

7. Disposable gloves

C. Procedure

1. Introduction (5 minutes)

a. Greetings

b. Review of previous lesson on food safety and sanitation

c. Motivation: Show pictures of different types of sandwiches and ask the students if they have tried making one

2. Presentation of Concepts (20 minutes)

a. Discuss the different types of sandwiches, such as:

i. Club sandwich

ii. BLT sandwich

iii. Grilled cheese sandwich

iv. Chicken salad sandwich

v. Egg salad sandwich

b. Discuss the ingredients for each type of sandwich and their nutritional values.

c. Demonstrate the proper techniques in making sandwiches, such as:

i. Spreading the filling evenly

ii. Cutting the sandwich diagonally or horizontally

iii. Arranging the sandwich on the plate

3. Application (30 minutes)

a. Divide the class into pairs.

b. Instruct the students to make at least two types of sandwiches using the materials provided.

c. Observe the students as they make their sandwiches and provide assistance as needed.

d. Remind the students to practice food safety and sanitation throughout the activity.

4. Generalization (5 minutes)

a. Ask the students to describe their sandwiches and the techniques they used.

b. Emphasize the importance of creativity and balance in making sandwiches.

5. Evaluation (10 minutes)

a. Have the students present their sandwiches to the class.

b. Evaluate their sandwiches based on presentation, taste, and creativity using a rubric.

i. Presentation (25%)

ii. Taste (50%)

iii. Creativity (25%)

c. Provide feedback and commendations.

6. Enrichment Activities (10 minutes)

a. Ask the students to create their own sandwich recipes and present them to the class.
II. Conclusion

A. Recap of the lesson

B. Importance of proper techniques in making sandwiches

C. Importance of food safety and sanitation in preparing food

III. Reflection

A. Teacher's reflection on the lesson

B. Students' feedback or reflection on the lesson

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