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Campaign veganism:

Definition: veganism is an activity of eating food that does not contain animal meat and is more dominant
in plants or vegetables. Veganism itself is carried out by a group of people who think that animals
deserve to live freely like normal humans, so when they see people eating animal meat or see people
slaughtering animals some of them will get angry. a veganism campaign is a program carried out by a
group of people to encourage others to do veganism like them.

Background: The thing that underlies them to carry out this campaign is that they believe that these
animals have the right to live freely like humans. so that when they see people eating animal meat or see
people slaughtering animals some of them will get angry.

Urgency: In addition, the thing that started this veganism campaign was a group of people who felt that
they needed to educate the public about veganism about the importance of doing this activity. Because,
according to some people during the ongoing pandemic, this veganism action can have a good effect on
health because it can increase the body's immunity and there are also those who think that veganism is
an effort to make animals live more because, for them, letting animals live freely in the wild is the
same. only by making life in nature better in the sense that animals live freely without any interference
from humans.

Goals: The main purpose of this veganism campaign is to educate the public about the importance of
prohibition on harming animals, because fellow animals also deserve to live like humans. In addition, for
them, veganism is a dietary action taken to maintain health

Parameters: an example of a country with the largest veganism activity is Italy, in 2021, the number of
vegans in that country is around 2.4%. But at that time there was a covid pandemic that caused people in
Italy to do veganism for a health diet and this veganism action was certainly very supported in this
country because most of them agreed with the assumption that veganism can make the body healthier,
and strengthen the immune system because they consume lots of vitamins. .

Thbt tiktok bring more harm than good

If thbt focuses more on parameters, urgency, and evidence

Arguments :
1. Many young children can be exposed to pornography and sexual crimes.

2. The increase in the unemployment rate which in the long term can affect the country's
economy is due to the gift feature that reduces the enthusiasm for earning a living.

3. More and more deviant actions to go viral, such as mud baths.

4. The moral loss of the nation's children is caused by the circulation of bad content.
5. A lot of content that promotes self-harm as if self-harm is the right way to vent problems that
can end up becoming a trend.

1. I do not agree with this statement because the apk can be a knowledge suggestion for
others. Like the latest news that is happening in various parts of the world.

2. In my opinion, the statement that the gift feature reduces the spirit of making a living is not
true, in fact many people are competing to use the apk as a means of doing business, for
example like a clothing entrepreneur who posts videos about the clothes he sells so that buyers
can see the model clearly

3. In my opinion, not everyone does this for the sake of going viral, in fact, there are some
people who show their talent to go viral, for example Paris Pernandes who shows his talent in
boxing, and there is also Jerome Polin who shows his expertise in mathematics.

4. I do not agree with this statement because the apk now has an age limit feature so that
minors cannot access the apk, and if there are also those who are determined to fake the age of
parents, they can educate their children.

5. In my opinion, the self-harm content that is becoming a trend in the apk can be handled by
the users themselves, because over time, people who see this self-harm trend will feel strange
because they see people venting everything by hurting themselves. In addition, if there are
people who feel disturbed by the content, they can report to the account in question, so that
the account will be blocked from the apk.

in certain situations/condition: pada situasi/kondisi tertentu

Statement: pernyataan
Bahwa: that
Bagaimana jika: what if
Kemungkinan: posibility
Contain: mengandung/terdapat
More dominant: lebih banyak/dominan
I disagree with your statement:

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