Questionnaire For The Study On Making Sandwiches

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questionnaire for the study on making sandwiches:

1. How often do you eat sandwiches?

a. Daily

b. 2-3 times a week

c. Once a week

d. Rarely

e. Never

2. Which type of sandwich do you prefer?

a. Cold sandwich

b. Hot sandwich

c. Open-faced sandwich

d. Other (please specify)

3. What is your favorite sandwich filling?

a. Meat (e.g. ham, turkey, chicken)

b. Cheese

c. Vegetables (e.g. lettuce, tomato, cucumber)

d. Egg

e. Other (please specify)

4. How do you like your bread for sandwiches?

a. White bread

b. Wheat bread
c. Sourdough bread

d. Other (please specify)

5. Have you ever tried making your own sandwich?

a. Yes

b. No

6. What techniques do you use when making sandwiches?

a. Spreading the filling evenly

b. Cutting the sandwich

c. Grilling the sandwich

d. Other (please specify)

7. How important is the appearance of the sandwich to you?

a. Very important

b. Somewhat important

c. Not important

8. How important is the taste of the sandwich to you?

a. Very important

b. Somewhat important

c. Not important

9. Have you ever tried a sandwich from a different culture or region?

a. Yes
b. No

10. What is your overall opinion of sandwiches?

a. Love them

b. Like them

c. Neutral

d. Dislike them

e. Hate them

Thank you for participating in this survey!

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