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Participant ID: Red Jaztine N.

Gutierrez (RJ) D02

Participant Demographic: 19, Female, Filipino, Grade 12 student
Interview category/subgroup:
Site/location: Site D / Participant’s home/ Interviewer’s home/ Zoom
Date of Interview: 04/13/23
Interviewer ID: Stephen Leigh Najas (SLN)
Transcriber ID: Jholean Apple Cabug-os
So, are you ready for your interview?
Ms. D02, have you read the informed consent?
Is it clear or do you have any questions about it?
None, no question…
Before we start, I would like to introduce myself I am Stephen Leigh Najas from Far Eastern
University. Also, I want to inform you that the purpose of this study or interview was to assist
students in recognizing their innate learning dispositions and their attitude toward their studies,
which could also serve as a basis for schools to develop and implement more effective
educational interventions aimed at enhancing their students' academic performance and the
quality of their learning experience. this interview doesn’t have right or wrong answer also it will
take several minutes “uhm” 30 minute or less to be specific. So, let’s start.
Can you describe your experience with traditional learning tools such as textbooks, lectures,
and paper assignments?
Pag ano sa traditional learning tools mas nabobored kasi ako like inaantok ako kasi hindi
naman ako fan ng pagbabasa talaga kaya ganon, and also, kapag ang gamit ko ay traditional
ginagamitan ko lang ng scanning technique sa pag hahanap ng information ganon.
Uhm ok, How does your experience with traditional learning differs from digital learning tools
such as online lectures, e-books, and virtual assignments?
Para sa akin mas fan ako sa digital kasi mas madali siya for me, when using digital web tool like
google ittype ko na lang yung specific question na need ko then ayan na lalabas na (--) mga
possible answers and may mga suggestion pa na malapit don sa actual tanong mo kaya kung
interesado ko icclick ko na lang yung mga andon. Hindi rin siya yung time consuming para sakin
mas napapadali and napapabilis pag digital.
In what ways do your preferred learning medium contribute to your study habits? 
Mas prefer ko digital kasi sabi ko nga sa second question hindi siya time consuming mas
pinapadali kasi neto yung… kumbaga yung technology mas pinapadali nila yung buhay natin
kaya sa digital mas madali ako nakakakuha ng mga information na kailangan ko talaga.
How do you feel about your learning process when using your learnings tools?
Pag ginagamit ko digital mas madali ko naiintindihan yung topic kasi once na sinearch ko yung
need ko marami nang articles na lumalabas agad, kung may hindi man ako naiintindihan na
words search ko lang din lalabas na agad, hindi yung need ko pa kumuha ng maraming libro
para lang maintindihan yung kailan ko na topic.
How do you feel about the integration of technology in the classroom? 
Para sa akin maybe mas better yon kasi nowadays people are becoming “techy” (into the use of
technology) na diba na big help for us kasi mapapadali and mapapabilis nito lahat. Through
environment makakatulong pa tayo kasi hindi na kailangan mag putol ng napakaraming puno
para lang mag produce ng papers for books and exams pero pwede na digital kasi ang mga
bata ngayon madali na naiintindihan ang nasa digital and they find it interesting pag nasa
technology kasi diba? minsan namnan ang mga nasa libro black and white lang eh minsan
malabo pa unlike sa digital na maayos yung mga picture na makikita nila ganon.
What do you think are the potential benefits and drawbacks of a shift towards more digital
learning tools in education?
I think the benefits of technology to the education is it will be very convenient to everyone kasi
hindi siya time consuming para mag pumunta sa library or mag borrow ng mga libro like need
mo na lang (--) siya itype sa browser then lalabas na siya, like (--) technology will make our lives
Have you noticed any differences in the way that generations X and Z approach learning? If so,
what are they and how do you think they relate to the use of traditional and digital learning
Yung difference na nakita ko sa gen x and z in terms sa learning mas prefer ng gen z ang
technology dahil sila yung mas na expose sa technology habang lumalaki kaya yung mga gen x
nahihirapan sila mag cope up sa technology dahil hindi sila gaano kagaling mag explore when it
comes to “techy things” (technological things). Mas nahihirapan sila magintindi ng mga
instruction through online kaysa sa traditional, kaya mas pipiliin parin talaga nila kung saan sila
In your opinion, what role do you think technology will play in the future of education? Will
traditional learning tools still have a place, or will they be replaced entirely by digital tools?
Sa opinyon ko yung traditional learning tools may lugar pa din naman dahil part siya ng history
diba (?) hindi dapat basta basta pinapalitan lang kasi katulad ng national library bawal naman
na ipatanggal nalang yan bigla kahit ako na fan ako ng technology hindi ko rin nman like
hahayaan na mawala yung traditional. In the future nakikita ko na mas angat talaga ang
technology kasi ang mga bata ngayon literal na exposed na sila sa technological things like
kunyare imbis na naglalaro sila sa labas, yung mga bata nanonood sa tablet nila ganon.

UHM ok that’s it, that’s all Ms. Gutierrez I would like to say thank you for joining our research or
this interview have a nice day.
Thank you!

END OF INTERVIEW (9:9 minutes)

Participant ID: Lenard Ainsley Diaz (A) D03
Participant Demographic: 24, male, Filipino, College graduate
Interview category/subgroup:
Site/location: Site D /Participant’s home/ Interviewer’s home/ Zoom
Date of Interview: 04/26/23
Interviewer ID: Stephen Leigh Najas
Transcriber ID: Jholean Apple Cabug-os

Good Day Mr. A
Good afternoon sir
Are you ready for your interview?
Before we start can you give me a short background about yourself?
I’m from = Main Street= to be specific, I’m 24 years old pure Filipino, I already graduated with
the course of civil Eng. and my previous school is =University=
Have you read the informed consent?
Yes, I already read it
Do you have any question about it?
None. Its already clear and understandable
Before we start, I would like to introduce myself I am Stephen Leigh Najas from Far Eastern
University. Also, I want to inform you that the purpose of this study or interview was to assist
students in recognizing their innate learning dispositions and their attitude toward their studies,
which could also serve as a basis for schools to develop and implement more effective
educational interventions aimed at enhancing their students' academic performance and the
quality of their learning experience. this interview doesn’t have right or wrong answer also it will
take several minutes, 30 minute or less to be specific. Let’s start.
Mr. A can you describe your experience with traditional learning tools such as textbooks,
lectures, and paper assignments?
Traditional learning tools are much better because it allows you to learn directly and develop. It
also enhances intrapersonal and communication skills.
How does your experience with traditional learning differs from digital learning tools such as
online lectures, e-books, and virtual assignments?
Traditional education is a classroom experience where students have access to only the
resources the school provides. Digital education is much easier because using online resources
in addition to traditional materials, you can learn a lot because everything you want or need to
learn is on the internet.
In what ways do your preferred learning medium contribute to your study habits?
Hmm…I still preferred studying by using books despite internet makes it way easier because
you can just search everything up.
How do you feel about your learning process when using your learning tools?
It's good because it can improve skills, learn new knowledge and values. This is by something
people can do by themselves.
How do you feel about the integration of technology in the classroom?
It is a good way to develop creative and interactive class. gives them to access on innovative
resources. A new way of having a meaningful class.
What do you think are the potential benefits and drawbacks of a shift towards more digital
learning tools in education?
The potential benefit of digital learning is having access to a lot of resources, however not
everything about in digital may help some specific kind of task can do.
Have you noticed any differences in the way that generations X and Z approach learning? If so,
what are they and how do you think they relate to the use of traditional and digital learning
There's a lot of differences between the two generation. The Generation X learns everything by
the traditional learning tools. And the Generation Z have mixed learning tools because they
have experienced using the traditional learning tools and digital learning tools.
In your opinion, what role do you think technology will play in the future of education? Will
traditional learning tools still have a place, or will they be replaced entirely by digital tools?
Uhm...I think technology makes everything useful especially for the future education because it
makes everything much easier and high-tech. It helps a lot when during pandemic because all
we can do to continue education is by using technology. Traditional learning will still have place
in the future, but I think it will be more flexible because we are openly using both learning
materials and ways to enhances are knowledges.
Ok that’s it we’re done Mr. A Thank you for joining our research or this interview have a nice day.
Thank you, have a nice day.

END OF INTERVIEW (5:57 minutes)

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