Morphological Processes of Foot Process Effacement.12

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Morphological Processes of Foot Process Effacement

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in Puromycin Aminonucleoside Nephrosis Revealed by

FIB/SEM Tomography
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Koichiro Ichimura,1,2 Takayuki Miyaki,1 Yuto Kawasaki,1 Mui Kinoshita,1 Soichiro Kakuta,2
and Tatsuo Sakai1
Department of Anatomy and Life Structure and 2Laboratory of Morphology and Image Analysis, Research Support
Center, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Background Foot process effacement is one of the pathologic indicators of podocyte injury. However, the
morphologic changes associated with it remain unclear.
Methods To clarify the developmental process, we analyzed puromycin nephrotic podocytes reconstructed
from serial focused-ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) images.
Results Intact podocytes consisted of four subcellular compartments: cell body, primary process, ridge-
like prominence (RLP), and foot process. The RLP, a longitudinal protrusion from the basal surface of the
cell body and primary process, served as an adhesive apparatus for the cell body and primary process to
attach to the glomerular basement membrane. Foot processes protruded from both sides of the RLP. In
puromycin nephrotic podocytes, foot process effacement occurred in two ways: by type-1 retraction,
where the foot processes retracted while maintaining their rounded tips; or type-2 retraction, where they
narrowed across their entire lengths, tapering toward the tips. Puromycin nephrotic podocytes also
exhibited several alterations associated with foot process effacement, such as deformation of the cell
body, retraction of RLPs, and cytoplasmic fragmentation. Finally, podocytes were reorganized into a
broad, flattened shape.
Conclusions The three-dimensional reconstruction of podocytes by serial FIB/SEM images revealed the
morphologic changes involved in foot process effacement in greater detail than previously described.

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019. doi:

Podocytes, which are complicated epithelial cells not allow observation of the basal surface of the
specialized for glomerular ultrafiltration, contain cells.
at least three different subcellular compartments: To reveal the precise architecture of podocytes, we
the cell body, primary process, and foot process.1 previously examined intact podocytes reconstructed
The foot processes are the adhesive apparatus of from serial sectional images of the glomerulus acquired
podocytes that allow attachment to the glomerular
basement membrane (GBM). Foot processes inter-
digitate with those of the neighboring podocytes. Received February 8, 2018. Accepted November 7, 2018.
The primary processes are the connecting structure Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at
between the cell body and the foot processes. Con-
ventional scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a
Correspondence: Dr. Koichiro Ichimura, Department of Anat-
useful method for exploring the compartmental omy and Life Structure, Juntendo University Graduate School of
structures of podocytes.2–4 However, conventional Medicine, 2-1-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8421, Japan.
SEM does not sufficiently reveal the complete ar-
chitecture of individual podocytes because it does Copyright © 2019 by the American Society of Nephrology

96 ISSN : 1046-6673/3001-96 J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

using focused-ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM)

Significance Statement
tomography (see the details of this technique in Supplemental Figure
1).5–7 The reconstructed podocytes revealed that a more accurate Although foot process effacement is a known pathological marker of
structural hierarchy of subcellular compartments includes the podocyte injury, its morphological development has not been
elucidated. To clarify the three-dimensional (3D) morphology during
“ridge-like prominence” (RLP), which protrudes directly from the
foot process effacement, we analyzed reconstructed puromycin
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basal surface of the cell body and primary process (Supplemental nephrotic podocytes made from serial, sectional focused-ion beam/
Figure 2). This subcellular compartment has been already recognized scanning electron microscopy images. The high-quality 3D re-
using conventional SEM and transmission electron microscopy and constructed images enabled the successful description of the 3D
is referred to as the “central foot process” or “anchoring (foot) pro- morphological changes during foot process effacement and its
associated alterations such as fragmentation, autocellular tight
cess.” 8–10 Our three-dimensional (3D) structural analysis using FIB/
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junctions, and ridge-like prominence retraction, in greater detail

SEM tomography further cleared that the RLPs serve as an adhesive than has been described by conventional electron microscopy.
apparatus for the cell body and primary process to attach to the GBM
and as a connecting structure for attaching the foot processes to the
cell body or primary processes.6,11 Furthermore, reconstructed po- experimental group, serial FIB/SEM images were obtained at
docytes also clearly showed cytoplasmic arcades—the anastomosis 50-nm increments, using a backscattered electron detector at a
between two primary processes from the same podocyte.5,12 Similar 2.0-kV acceleration voltage using a Helios Nanolab 660 FIB/SEM
to primary processes, the cytoplasmic arcades also contained RLPs (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). The pixel size of each
and foot processes (Supplemental Figures 3 and 4). FIB/SEM image was 13.5317.1350 nm/pixel (width3height3
In glomerular diseases, podocytes lose the usual interdigitat- depth). The pixel dimensions for a recorded image were
ing pattern of foot processes between neighboring podocytes, and 307232048 pixels. Thus, the dimension of the serial image ac-
this alteration, known as “foot process effacement,” is regarded quired using FIB/SEM was 41.5335.0320–35 mm (width3
as a pathologic indicator of podocyte injury.12–14 The morpho- height3depth). The new surface for serial FIB/SEM imaging
logic processes of foot process effacement have been elucidated was generated using focused-ion beam (FIB)-milling with a 0.77-
to a limited extent using conventional SEM12,13,15; some mor- nA beam current, where gallium ions were accelerated at a voltage
phologic aspects remain unclear owing to the technical limita- of 30 kV. The 3D reconstruction of podocytes was performed using
tions of conventional SEM. an AMIRA 6.1 software (Thermo Fisher Scientific).
In this study, to clarify the morphologic processes of foot
process effacement, we used FIB/SEM tomography to examine Statistical Analyses
diseased podocytes in puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN) ne- All measurements are shown as means6SEM. Differences
phrosis rats, an animal model of minimal change nephrotic syn- were tested using ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni test as
drome in humans. We successfully described the morphologic post hoc test; P,0.05 was considered statistically significant.
processes involved in foot process effacement in greater detail
than has been previously described using conventional SEM.

METHODS Structural Alterations in PAN Nephrotic Podocytes

Observed by Conventional SEM
PAN Nephrosis To observe the outline of the structural alterations in PAN
To induce PAN nephrosis, we intraperitoneally administered nephrotic podocytes, we first observed them using conven-
PAN (15 mg/100 g body wt; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) to tional SEM (Figure 1). In control (normal) podocytes, the
6-week-old male Wistar rats (Charles River Japan, Yokohama, cell body projected primary processes, which protruded nu-
Japan). Animals were perfused with 2.5% glutaraldehyde/ merous fine foot processes that interdigitated with those of the
0.1 M phosphate buffer under anesthesia with pentobarbital neighboring podocytes (Figure 1, A1 and A2). Some primary
on day 1, 2, 4, and 8. As a control, we used 6-week-old male processes bifurcated two or three times—we referred to the
Wistar rats that were not administered PAN. All procedures portions distal to the first bifurcation as primary processes,
performed on the laboratory animals were approved by the and not as secondary and tertiary processes in this study.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Juntendo In the preproteinuria phase (day 2), numerous fine foot
University School of Medicine (approval no. 290213). processes were still found between the primary processes
(Figure 1B1). Numerous microvilli and bleblike protrusions
Conventional SEM appeared on the cell body and primary processes (Figure 1, B1
Conventional SEM was performed as described previously.16 and B2). In the overt proteinuria phase (day 4), the primary
processes became irregular in shape and were significantly
FIB/SEM Tomography and 3D Reconstruction broadened compared with those of the control rats (Figure
Fixed kidney tissues were stained and embedded in epoxy resin 1, C1 and C2, Supplemental Figure 5); thus, the space between
as described previously. 6 From three glomeruli in each the primary processes narrowed considerably.

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 3D Ultrastructure of Podocytes 97


Control PP
Moreover, the periphery of the cell body extended between
the primary processes to form what appeared to be webbing,
PP creating broad and flattened podocytes (arrows in Figure 1, C1
CB PP * and C2). The foot processes were almost hidden under the
PP PP deformed cell bodies and primary processes; thus, it was dif-
CB ficult to clarify the morphologic processes of the foot process
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PP PP *PP effacement only using conventional SEM, although this

method was useful for observing the alterations in the luminal
A1 PP A2 surface structure of cell bodies and primary processes. To over-
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come this problem, we next analyzed the podocytes reconstructed

PAN day 2
from the serial FIB/SEM images.
Foot Process Effacement in PAN Nephrotic Podocytes
PP Revealed by FIB/SEM Tomography
Reconstructed podocytes could be observed from any per-
PP CB * spective, and the basal view was particularly useful in under-
PP standing the alterations in the foot processes (Figure 2). From
PP the reconstructed podocytes, we found two forms of foot
* process effacement, type-1 and type-2 retractions, during
PP PP the progression of PAN nephrosis (Figure 3). In normal po-
PP docytes, the foot processes exhibited a relatively uniform
width at the base, except at the enlarged terminal portions
B1 B2
(Figure 2A). In type-1 retraction, the foot processes were
PAN day 4 shortened and lost their width uniformity but maintained their
rounded tips (Figure 3, A1–A3 and C). The loss of width uni-
PP formity and shortening were found in most of the foot process-
* es on day 1 (Figures 2, B1, B2, and 3E), indicating that type-1
CB retraction had already initiated from as early as day 1.
In type-2 retraction, the foot processes were shortened,
PP * extremely narrowed across their entire lengths, and tapered
PP PP PP PP toward the tips (Figure 3, B1–B3, C, and F). Type-2 retraction
was also observed on day 1 (Figure 2B2); however, unlike type-1
PP retraction, it was found only in some foot processes. At this point,
CB it was not clear whether the two types of foot process retraction
progressed independently or they represented two different
C1 C2 phases of the same phenomenon of foot process effacement.
According to the foot process effacement in each podocyte, the
Figure 1. Conventional SEM is useful for observing the alter- neighboring podocytes altered their structure to maintain their
ations in the luminal surface structure of podocytes. (A1 and A2) intercellular junctions, including the slit diaphragm and tight junc-
Healthy (control) podocytes. The cell body projected primary
tion (TJ). In both type-1 and type-2 retractions, the neighboring
processes, which protruded numerous fine foot processes that
podocytes exhibited widened RLPs (arrowheads in Figure 3, D1
interdigitated with those of the neighboring podocytes. Some
primary processes bifurcated two or three times—we referred to
and D2). In type-2 retraction, the neighboring podocytes further
the portions distal to the first bifurcation as primary processes, extended their primary processes over the retracting foot process-
and not as secondary and tertiary processes in this study. (B1 es as a roof (arrowheads in Figure 3B3; arrows in Figure 3D2).
and B2) Preproteinuria phase (day 2). Numerous microvilli and
bleblike protrusions appeared on the cell body and primary Structural Alterations Associated with Foot Process
processes. (C1 and C2) Overt proteinuria phase (day 4). The Effacement Revealed by FIB/SEM Tomography
primary processes were flattened. The periphery of the cell body Serial FIB/SEM and 3D reconstructed images further revealed
extended between the flattened primary processes similar to the the structural alterations associated with foot process effacement,
webbing of waterfowl (green arrows). The space between the in addition to the deformation of the cell body and primary
flattened primary processes narrowed considerably. The cy-
processes shown by conventional SEM.
toplasmic arcades and their parental primary processes also
became more recognizable (arrowheads in A2, B2, and C2).
Asterisks indicate regions surrounded by the cytoplasmic arcade
RLP Retraction
and its parental primary processes. Scale bars, 5 mm. CB, cell The RLPs were widened because of the foot process retraction
body; PP, primary process. as described above. However, some of the RLPs lost most of

98 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

Control PAN day 2

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PAN day 1 PAN day 4

B1 D
PAN day 1 PAN day 8

B2 E
Figure 2. Reconstruction of podocytes based on FIB/SEM tomography is useful for observing the alterations in the basal surface
structure of podocytes. Individual podocytes are shown in different colors. The basal view of the reconstructed podocytes is useful to
analyze structural alterations in the foot processes. (A) In healthy (control) podocytes, foot processes exhibited a uniform width. (B1 and
B2) PAN nephrotic podocytes lost this uniformity in the foot processes from day 1. The uniformity in width was further lost on (C) days 2
and (D) 4. (E) The podocytes formed a large adhesive surface on day 8, although short interdigitating processes remained. The yellow
masses represent the CFs of podocyte (E), which are frequently found in the PAN nephrotic glomeruli. Scale bar, 2 mm.

their foot processes and narrowed to retract (arrows in Figure (yellow masses in Figure 6). The CFs, which were of variable
4, A1, A2, and C). Consequently, the two neighboring primary size and shape, frequently appeared both in the pro-proteinuria
processes on both sides of the retracting RLP expanded, and and overt proteinuria phases, although the dropout of an entire
thus the denuded GBM did not appear by the RLP retraction podocyte was not observed in this study.
(arrowheads in Figure 4, A1 and D). These expanded primary The CFs were classified into three types on the basis of their
processes were connected by a newly formed TJ (arrowhead positional relationship to the neighboring podocyte: type-1
in Figure 4, E1–E4). If the expanded primary processes were CFs were covered by the deformed cell body or primary process
derived from the same podocyte cell body, they formed an (Figure 6, A1–A4), type-2 CFs penetrated the deformed
autocellular tight junction (aTJ) to connect to each other (ar- primary process (Figure 6, B1–B4), and type-3 CFs were sur-
rowheads in Figure 5), which has never been observed in normal rounded by two deformed primary processes (Figure 6, C1–
podocytes. RLP retraction was observed below the cell body C4), and their distal ends were connected by the aTJ (arrows in
(Figure 4), the proximal part of the primary processes (Figure Figure 6, C1–C3 and C5).
5), and the cytoplasmic arcades (Supplemental Figure 6). We found several CFs that were shedding into the urinary
space (Supplemental Figure 7). The adhesive area of such
Cytoplasmic Fragment Formation CF to the GBM became very small. However, there was no
The cytoplasmic fragments (CFs) were identified as a podocyte gap between the shedding CF and the neighboring podocytes.
fragment without connection to neighboring podocytes. Un- This finding indicated that the neighboring podocyte
like previously discovered podocyte fragments, the CF was in extended and covered the GBM in response to the shedding
contact with the GBM along with the neighboring podocyte of CF.

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 3D Ultrastructure of Podocytes 99


Type-1 retraction Type-2 retraction PAN day 2

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A1 B1
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A2 B2

A3 B3
Type-1 Type-2
Normal FP retraction retraction
Normal PP


Type-1 Type-2
retraction retraction



C D1 D2
Type-1 * Type-2 PAN day 2
retraction * retraction
* CB
the foot processes

Mean length of



cont day 1 day 2 day 4 day 8
E PAN nephrosis F

100 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

Alterations of Podocyte Intercellular Junctions These pseudocysts presumably contributed to another protein-
As an initial alteration, the slit diaphragm moved toward the leakage pathway, which should be called “transcellular pathway”
luminal side, and the TJ appeared and coexisted beneath the slit (see Discussion).
diaphragm (arrowheads in Figure 7, E and F), as reported
previously.17 This phenomenon occurred on day 1–4. Part
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of the slit diaphragm moved further toward the luminal side DISCUSSION
without any association with the TJ and held its position as an
ectopic slit diaphragm (eSD) between the deformed primary Advantages of FIB/SEM Tomography in Structural
processes. Some eSD were located between a pair of cup-sha- Analysis of Podocytes
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ped protrusions derived from two neighboring primary FIB/SEM tomography, including the reconstruction tech-
processes (Figure 7, A–E), whereas others were between the nique, enabled a more precise analysis of the 3D ultrastructure
smooth surfaces of the deformed primary processes. of healthy, developing, and diseased podocytes, as shown in this
On day 8, the podocytes were predominantly connected to and previous studies.5–7,22
each other by the TJs, except for the eSD (Figure 7, G1 and G2). The high level of visibility of the 3D ultrastructure is the
Moreover, we found some intercellular gaps without any junc- most important advantage of this method. Conventional
tional apparatuses in this stage (arrows in Figure 8, A1 and SEM is useful for revealing the luminal surface structure of
A2, Supplemental Figure 8). These intercellular gaps and podocytes; however, it is too weak to directly observe several
microdenudation of the GBM associated with them presum- portions of the podocytes, such as the basal surface structures.
ably functioned as a protein-leakage pathway, which should be The 3D reconstruction images of single podocytes by FIB/SEM
called the “intercellular pathway.” tomography completely overcame this problem by enabling
the observation of surface structures from any direction and
Pseudocyst Formation without interpretation by neighboring podocytes or GBM.
The PAN nephrotic podocytes exhibited numerous pseudocysts Furthermore, the color-coded reconstruction images of
within their deformed cell bodies and primary processes on day 4 multi-podocytes are also valuable for analyzing the 3D mutual
and 8, when severe proteinuria was recognized (Figure 8, C1, D, relationship of podocytes.
and E1, Supplemental Figures 9 and 10), as described in previous In FIB/SEM tomography, numerous serial FIB/SEM images
electron microscopy studies.18–21 of podocytes, which achieve quality comparable with that of
Serial FIB/SEM images revealed that the pseudocysts were conventional transmission electron microscopy images, can be
topologically divided into the following three types: type-1 easily observed. This feature is another advantage of FIB/SEM
pseudocysts were dome-shaped and outpocketing, developing tomography in the 3D ultrastructural analysis of podocytes. By
in conjunction with focal microdenudation of the GBM observing the serial FIB/SEM images, we could analyze two
(Figure 8, C1 and C2, Supplemental Figure 9); type-2 pseudocysts potential leakage pathways for plasma proteins in the PAN
were completely closed (Figure 8D, Supplemental Figure 9); and nephrotic podocytes.
type-3 pseudocysts were opened to the urinary space through
small channels (Figure 8, E1 and E2, Supplemental Figure 10). Pathologic Significance of aTJ and eSD in Podocytes
The type-1 and type-2 pseudocysts frequently contained The aTJ, a connection between two adjacent parts of the same
amorphous materials, which is reminiscent of plasma pro- cell mediated by the same adhesion complex,16 has not been
tein aggregation due to chemical fixation, whereas type-3 reported in vertebrate podocytes. However, the PAN nephrotic
pseudocysts did not contain any such amorphous materials. podocytes formed aTJs, especially in the overt proteinuria

Figure 3. Foot process effacement progressed in two ways in PAN nephrosis. (A1–A3 and B1–B3) Basal view. (A1–A3) Type-1 re-
traction. The foot processes of the neighboring green and purple podocytes retracted simultaneously but maintained their rounded
tips. The RLPs of both podocytes also widened (asterisks) and prevented exposure of the GBM. (B1–B3) Type-2 retraction. Some foot
processes narrowed over their total length and tapered toward the tip (green podocyte, arrows in B1 and B2). The neighboring purple
podocyte displayed an overhang on the retracting foot processes of the green podocyte (arrowheads in B3). (C) Schematic drawings
representing the two types of foot process effacement (basal view). (D1 and D2) Schematic drawings representing alterations in the
podocyte next to the retracting podocyte (cross section). The purple podocyte exhibits foot process retraction. In both type-1 and type-
2 retraction, the neighboring (green) podocyte widened its RLP (arrowheads in D1). In type-2 retraction, the green podocyte further
extended its primary process over the retracting foot process as a roof (arrows in D2). The slit diaphragms are replaced by the TJs. (E)
Mean length of foot processes significantly decreases by type-1 retraction from day 1 with progression of PAN nephrosis: control,
1.8660.08 mm; day 1, 1.6760.06 mm; day 2, 1.5760.08 mm; day 4, 1.5660.07 mm; day 8, 1.1260.05 mm (n=60 foot processes from
three podocytes). Values are means 6SEM. Differences were tested using ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni test as post hoc test.
*P,0.05. (F) FIB/SEM image of type-2 retracting foot processes shown in (B1 and B2) (arrowheads). Scale bars, 1 mm. CB, cell body; FP,
foot process; PP, primary process.

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 3D Ultrastructure of Podocytes 101


PAN day 4 Original shape

E3 E4
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A1 B1
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PAN day 4



A2 B2


RLP retraction and iTJ formation



E1 E2 E3 E4
Figure 4. Retraction of RLP progressed in association with foot process effacement. (A1) Basal view. The RLP of the green podocyte
cell body lost their foot processes (arrows). This RLP was partially retracting and, thus, the neighboring purple and blue podocytes were
directly contacted (arrowheads). (A2) Basal view. The blue podocyte was removed from (A1) to show the retracting RLP (arrows). (B1 and
B2) Schematic diagrams showing the predicted original (B1) and observed (B2) shapes of the green podocyte shown in (A1 and A2).
The yellow structures in (B1 and B2) represent the normal or deformed RLP, respectively. The retracting RLP is shown by arrows in (A2
and B2). (C) Luminal view. The retracting RLP of the green podocyte showing (A1 and A2) (arrows). (D) Luminal view. The neighboring
purple and blue podocytes expanded from both sides of the retracting RLP—thus the denuded GBM do not appear by the retraction of
RLP (arrowheads). (E1–E4) Schematic diagrams showing RLP retraction between two different podocytes (blue and purple) and the
associated intercellular tight junction (iTJ) formation by the retraction. (E3 and E4) represent the sections at the sites indicated by the
two double arrows in (A1). Scale bars, 500 nm. CB, cell body; FP, foot process; SD, slit diaphragm.

phase. This formation of the aTJ contributes to preventing the it is highly likely to interfere with the restoration of the normal
exposure of the GBM caused by the retraction of podocyte architecture of podocytes. In this study, we did not analyze the
protrusions. recovery phase of PAN nephrosis. In a future study, to determine
In PAN nephrosis, proteinuria gradually becomes less severe the effect of aTJs on podocyte restoration, we will examine whether
over a period of several months, but glomeruli are not completely aTJs are retained in the recovery phase and the extent to which
restored to normal morphology.23,24 Several possibilities have deformed podocytes can be restored to the normal architecture.
been considered regarding the fate of the podocyte aTJ after res- The eSD between the primary processes clearly do not con-
toration. For instance, if a long aTJ persists in the recovery phase, tribute to the filtration barrier function. However, they may

102 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

PAN day 8
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A1 A2

B2 A3

B1 C
RLP retraction and aTJ formation




Figure 5. Podocytes formed aTJs in association with foot process effacement. (A1–A3) Basal view. (A1) The aTJs existed between two
deformed primary processes of the green podocyte (PP1 and PP2) (arrowheads in A1)—these aTJs were presumably formed by the RLP
retraction in the purple podocyte. Arrows indicate remaining RLPs. (A2) The green podocyte was removed from (A1), and its position is
indicated by the green lines. Yellow arrows, the remaining RLP; arrowheads, the sites of aTJs between deformed primary processes of
the green podocyte. It was not determined whether the three blue regions belonged to the same podocyte or not. (A3) Magnification
of the remaining RLP shown in (A2) (arrows). (B1 and B2) Luminal view of the same green podocyte shown in (A1). Arrowheads indicate
the aTJs between PP1 and PP2 (B1). The cell body of the purple podocyte (CB) was positioned above the aTJ of the green podocyte
(B2). (C) FIB/SEM image showing an aTJ of the green podocyte (arrows). (D) Schematic diagrams showing aTJ formation associated with
RLP retraction. Scale bars, 1 mm. FP, foot process; iTJ, intercellular tight junction; PP, primary process; SD, slit diaphragm.

play a role in the pool of slit diaphragm proteins used to restore the distal parts under the deformed cell body and primary
normal slit diaphragms at the base of foot processes. processes of neighboring podocyte. Type-1 CFs were highly
likely to necrotize under the neighboring podocyte; however,
Formation and Fate of CFs in PAN Nephrotic it was difficult to clarify the fate of type-1 CFs from the data
Podocytes obtained in this study.
It is reasonable to think that the CFs were derived from the Type-2 CFs were presumably derived from the distal parts of
distal parts of foot processes or primary processes with their the podocytes in the fenestration surrounded by the cytoplas-
foot processes. Type-1 CFs were formed by the separation of mic arcade and its parental primary processes. The cytoplasmic

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 3D Ultrastructure of Podocytes 103


PAN day 8
Type 1

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A1 A2 A4
PAN day 8
Type 2

B1 B2 B3 B4
PAN day 8
Type 3


C1 C2 C3 C5
Figure 6. Podocyte fragmentation progressed in association with foot process effacement. Three kinds of podocyte CFs were rec-
ognized at least. (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2) Basal view. The CFs are represented as yellow masses. (A2, B2, and C2) The CFs were
removed to show their positions in relation to the neighboring purple podocyte. Asterisks indicate the space for CF. (B3 and C3)
Luminal view. (A1 and A2) Type-1 CFs. A large CF (CF in A1) was completely covered by a deformed purple podocyte. Arrowheads
indicate two small type-1 CFs. (B1–B3) Type-2 CFs. A large CF (CF in B1) penetrated the deformed purple podocyte. Arrowheads
indicate two small type-1 CFs. (C1–C3) Type-3 CFs. CF surrounded by two deformed primary processes of purple podocyte, whose
distal ends were connected by an aTJ (arrows). (A3, A4, B4, and C4) FIB/SEM images of CFs shown in (A1, B1, and C1). (C5) FIB/SEM
image of aTJ in purple podocyte (arrow). Scale bars, 1 mm.

arcade possessed RLPs that continued and joined those of the Type-3 CFs were presumably formed by the separation of
parental primary processes; thus, the fenestration was also the distal parts of podocytes that were located between two
surrounded by a continuous RLP. The continuous RLP primary processes from the same neighboring podocyte. After
possessed one narrow channel to allow the neighboring the separation, the primary processes next to the CF expanded
podocyte to enter the fenestration (yellow lines in Supple- and connected with the aTJ.
mental Figure 3). The neighboring podocyte broke off at Most of the type-2 and type-3 CFs were highly likely to
the narrow channel, converting the part in the fenestration shed into the urinary space. In this study, we found three
to a type-2 CF. Thus, the distal regions of podocytes that shedding type-2 CFs, which were shed into the urinary
entered into the fenestration can be regarded as a “fragile space without forming intercellular gaps. This finding in-
region” in podocytes. dicated that the shedding CFs did not contribute to forming

104 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

Slit diaphragm PAN day 4

Tight junction
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Tight junction PAN day 8

G1 G2
Figure 7. Reconstruction of podocytes based on FIB/SEM tomography is useful for observing the alterations in the junctional
structure. (A–F) Day 4. (A, B, D, and E) Luminal view. The slit diaphragm (pink) and TJ (yellow) were put on the reconstructed
green podocytes. In some parts, the slit diaphragm coexisted on the TJ (arrowheads in E). Part of the slit diaphragm moved
further toward the luminal side without associating with the TJ and held its position as an eSD between a pair of cup-shaped
protrusions (asterisks in A, B, and E) derived from two neighboring primary processes. (C) FIB/SEM image of the cup-shaped
protrusions (asterisk) linked by eSDs (arrows). (D) To clearly show the junctional apparatus, the green podocyte was removed
from (A). (F) FIB/SEM image of the slit diaphragm (pink arrowheads) coexisting with the TJ (yellow arrowheads). (G1 and G2) Day
8. Luminal view. The podocytes were predominantly connected to each other by the TJs (yellow). Scale bars, 200 nm in (C and
F); 500 nm in (A, B, D, E, and F2)

the bare area of the GBM as a leakage pathway for plasma and neighboring podocytes by connexin 43, this would con-
proteins. tribute to the survival of the CFs.
Some of the CFs appeared viable in the FIB/SEM images.
The PAN nephrotic podocytes showed upregulated expres- Protein Leakage Pathways in PAN Nephrosis
sion of connexin 43, a gap junction protein.25 If gap-junction In this FIB/SEM analyses, at least one protein leakage path-
communication was established between such viable CFs way, the intercellular pathway, was determined in the PAN

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 3D Ultrastructure of Podocytes 105


PAN day 8

Intercellular pathway
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AW

Type 1 Type 2 PAN day 8
nYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdgGj2MwlZLeI= on 05/01/2023

Transcellular pathway

C1 D
Type 3 US


1 Fusion? 2

E1 F
Figure 8. Serial FIB/SEM images revealed two kinds of leakage pathways for plasma proteins in PAN nephrosis. (A and B) Intercellular
pathway shown by FIB/SEM images. This pathway was found between purple and green podocytes as the intercellular spaces/gaps
without presence of any junctional apparatus (arrows). (C1, C2, D, E1, and E2) Three types of pseudocyst shown by FIB/SEM images.
Pseudocysts were formed within the purple podocyte. Type-1 pseudocyst opened toward the GBM (arrow in C1); type-2 pseudocysts
were completely closed (D); type-3 pseudocysts opened to the urinary space via small opening (arrow in E1). The type-1 and type-2
pseudocysts frequently contained amorphous materials, whereas type-3 pseudocysts did not contain any amorphous materials. The
openings of type-1 and type-3 pseudocysts are magnified in (C2 and E2), respectively. The serial FIB/SEM images containing (C1, D,
and E1) are shown in Supplemental Figures 8–10, respectively. (F) Transcellular pathway shown by a schematic diagram. This pathway is
presumably formed by the transition between pseudocystic types in the order of type 1, type 2, and type 3. Asterisks indicate lumen of
the pseudocysts; yellow lines indicate the GBM. Scale bars, 500 nm in (A and B); 1 mm in (C1, D, and E1). CL, capillary lumen; US,
urinary space.

nephrotic podocytes. The intercellular pathway consisted of in Figure 8F, they were regarded as another pathway of protein
the intercellular gaps without any junctional structures (slit leakage, which may be called “transcellular pathway,” as de-
diaphragm and TJ) between deformed podocytes and the scribed by Venkatachalam et al.21
microdenudation of GBM at the intercellular gaps. More specifically, the transcellular pathway is a consequence
Kriz and colleagues13,26,27 proposed that the pseudocysts of the following phenomena: (1) the deformed cell body and
provide a communicating system of extracellular spaces primary processes partially detach from the GBM as the initial
through which the filtrate pass to directly reach the urinary step of this pathway; (2) type-1 pseudocysts are subsequently
space. However, we scarcely found any pseudocysts that di- formed and developed by the filtration pressure on the detached
rectly communicated the microdenudation of GBM and uri- basal surface of podocyte; (3) developed type-1 pseudocysts lose
nary space in the PAN nephrotic podocytes. The pseudocysts the orifice from which the filtrate entered and become type-2
exhibited three kinds of state; if the pseudocysts shifted be- pseudocysts, and type-1 and type-2 pseudocysts contained
tween the types in order of type 1, type 2, and type 3, as shown amorphous materials, which were highly likely to represent

106 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

FIB/SEM tomography Array tomography

FIB Transfer Sample

to base
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AW

Make serial sections
lmpossible Easy to
with diamond knife
to re-image re-image
nYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdgGj2MwlZLeI= on 05/01/2023

Sample remains
as serial sections
Sample loss Serial images Serial images

3D reconstruction Serial section library 3D reconstruction

Figure 9. Future evolution of three-dimensional ultrastructural analysis of human biopsy samples. In FIB/SEM tomography, the imaged
region of sample is completely lost because of FIB-milling (left panel). Array tomography is a potential solution to this problem (right
panel). In this method, serial sectional SEM images are obtained from ultrathin serial sections mounted on a base. These ultrathin serial
sections are physically stable and repeatedly observable.

the plasma proteins leaking from the denuded area of GBM; (4) processes involved in foot process effacement more clearly and
type-2 pseudocysts coalesce with each other into large pseudocysts; precisely than that reported previously. The morphologic informa-
(5) enlarged type-2 pseudocysts open to the urinary space via tion revealed in this study will be valuable for the 3D structural anal-
newly formed small channels and become type-3 pseudocysts; yses of podocytes in other animal and human glomerular diseases.
and (6) the leaked plasma proteins within the pseudocysts are
released from the small channels into the urinary space.
Limitations of 3D Ultrastructural Analysis Using FIB/
SEM Tomography
The authors wish to thank Mr. Takanobu Ishimura (Maxnet Co., Ltd.,
FIB/SEM tomography is a powerful tool for precisely analyzing
Tokyo, Japan) for giving a technical lecture on the reconstruction software
the 3D ultrastructure of podocytes; however, there are several
and Mr. Kota Kato (Juntendo University) for three-dimensional (3D)
technical disadvantages to this method. Firstly, the imaged
printing. This study was supported, in part, by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
region is completely lost because of FIB-milling. Moreover,
Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and
the nonimaged region adjacent to the imaged region is severely
Technology of Japan (MEXT; nos. 15K18960 and 17K08521, to K.I.) and
damaged during scanning for the positional correction of FIB-
Grants-in-Aid from the Foundation of Strategic Research Projects in
milling. This damage makes it impossible to obtain FIB/SEM
Private Universities from the MEXT (nos. S1311011 and S1101009, to
images with sufficient quality for the 3D reconstruction of foot
Juntendo University).
processes. Therefore, we hesitated to adapt FIB/SEM tomog-
K.I. designed the experiments. K.I. and S.K. obtained the serial
raphy for irreplaceable specimens such as renal biopsy speci-
focused-ion beam/scanning electron microscopy images. K.I., T.M.,
mens from patients. Array tomography is a potential solution
Y.K., and M.K. performed 3D reconstruction. K.I. and T.S. ana-
to this problem, and it was used to obtain serial images from
lyzed the experimental data. K.I. prepared the figures and wrote the
serial ultrathin sections mounted on bases, such as silicon wafer
manuscript text.
and glass plate (Figure 9).28–31 These serial ultrathin sections
are physically stable and repeatedly observable. For long-term
future studies, we aim to establish a “serial ultrathin section
library” of renal biopsy specimens and to analyze them using DISCLOSURES
array tomography.
In conclusion, FIB/SEM tomography was shown to be a This article contains the following supplemental material online at http://
powerful tool for elucidating the 3D architecture of podocytes.
Using this method, we analyzed and described the morphologic DCSupplemental.

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 96–108, 2019 3D Ultrastructure of Podocytes 107


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