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MAGBANUA 2nd Semester SY 2020-2021

Program/Year/Block:BSED-2E Date Accomplished:_________
Address:PALNAB DEL SUR,VIRAC,CATANDUANES Contact Number:09090609848

Name of Activity

1. Enumerate and define the different learners with additional needs.

Gifted learners – refers to students with extraordinary abilities in various academic

Talented learners - focuses on students with extraordinary abilities in a specific are .

2. Compare and contrast the learners with additional needs based on the identification and
learning characteristics.
Gifted is generally used to describe people with extraordinary talents or abilities.
But in the context of education, gifted refer to students with outstanding talent who have
achieved high levels of accomplishment when compared with other students of their age
or environment. The main difference between gifted and talented actually depends on
the area the child shows a talent in. On the other hand, The term talented is used to
refer to students with exceptional abilities in practical subjects such as dance, music,
design, art, and physical education. The talents and abilities of these students will be far
superior to the others of the same age. Talented students can be identified by both
quantitative and qualitative methods.
Gifted learners have outstanding abilities in one or more academic subjects while
Talented learners have exceptional abilities in one or more practical
subjects.Gifted learners show aptitude for subjects like maths, science, history,
geography while Talented learners show skills in areas like dance, music, arts, etc.

3. What challenges do learners with speech and language difficulties encounter in the areas of
communication and socialization?

These learners are observed to have difficulty communicating, either verbally

expressing their ideas and needs and/or in understanding what others are saying. Some
may have had a clinical diagnosis of a disability while others display developmental
delays and difficulty in the speech and language domain. Children with communication
disorders may also experience behavioral difficulties. Because they struggle in
expressing their needs and ideas, some children resort to inappropriate behaviors out of
frustration or to get the attention of significant others
4. What accommodations can be given to learners with communication difficulties?

In addition with the use of UDL, the teacher can use strategies such as :
 Allowing the child to sit near the teacher and the blackboard, away from auditory and
visual distractions such as the window and the door.
 Get the child’s attention before giving directions.
 Call the child’s name or use a pre-arranged signal (e.g., tap on the table or hand on
the shoulder) to help the child focus and listen to the directions.
 Use pictures, chart, and other visual aids when explaining content to supplement
auditory information.
 Speaks slowly and clearly without exaggerating speech.
 Simplify directions into shot steps. Break down multi-step directions and give each
one at a time instead of just repeating each one.
 Provide a written copy of directions for a task so the child can refer back to it at
his/her own pace.
 Use gestures to clarify information.
 Use peer-mediated instruction so that peers without difficulties can serve as
language models and learning buddies.

5. What are the similarities and differences between learners with Developmental Coordination
Disorder and Stereotypic Movement Disorder?

Developmental coordination refers to significant and persistent deficits in coordinated

motor skills that are significantly below expected typical development. Difficulties are
manifested as clumsiness (e.g., dropping or bumping into objects), slowness, and
inaccuracy of motor skills (e.g., catching an object, using scissors or cutlery, handwriting,
riding a bike, or participating in sports). These observed deficits impact academic
performance and other activities of daily living, which do not result from intellectual
disability, visual impairment, or any neurological condition affected movement (e.g.,
cerebral palsy).

On the other hand, Stereotypic movement disorder, is characterized by repetitive,

seemingly driven, and nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g., hand shaking or waving, body
rocking, head banging, self-biting, hitting own body). These behaviors interfere with
social, academic, or other activities and may result in self-harm or injury . Such motor
behaviors do not result from any other neurodevelopmental or mental disorder.

6. How can a classroom be arranged to help learners with difficulty in moving/walking?

Learners with difficulty in moving/walking could be accommodated through classroom

arrangement. Few samples are :
 Allow for preferential seating near the teacher
 Adjust chair and/or desk height to maximize posture and stability
 Place anon-skid mat on the chair
 Provide opportunities for movement breaks

7. How is Learning Disability (LD) different from Specific Learning Disability (SLD)? What are
the different types of SLD?
The term Learning Disability is differentiated from Specific Learning Disability which
focuses on difficulties in “one or more basic psychological processes involved in
understanding or in using language, spoken, or written, which may manifest as
difficulties in the ability to listen, think, spark, read, write, spell, or do mathematical
calculations” Thus, the term Learning Disability is a general term under which other
difficulties are subsumed.

The different types of SLD are Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia.

Dyslexia is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition

and by poor spelling and word reading abilities that result from a deficit in phonological
processing abilities. The difficulties are often unexpected in relation to other cognitive
abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction (IDA 2002). Limited
vocabulary and background knowledge as well as problems in reading comprehension
may result as secondary consequences.
Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability that affects how students acquire and
develop their arithmetic skills despite average intelligence may manifest as difficulty in
retrieval of math facts and understanding number concepts or using symbols or
Dysgraphia is a specific learning disability that affects the development of writing
abilities which may display as spelling, handwriting, and expressive writing difficulties
resulting from problem in organizing and putting thoughts on paper.
8. How can lessons and concepts be presented to maximize learning among students with
memory and focusing difficulties?

The teacher could do the following:

Multiple means of representation such as Audio books alongside real books, Multimedia
presentations and videos to supplement textbooks, Math-manipulative materials and
illustrations to reinforce lessons ,Hands-on experiences, use of multisensorial activities in
addition to teacher-talk, Use reading materials that include rich visual representation in the
form of photos, graphic organizers, diagrams, etc.
Multiple means of expression that is in addition to traditional measures of assessment,
provide variety of ways to demonstrate understanding of concepts/lessons: debates, build
models, experimentation, digital audio presentations , writing activities ,portfolio assessment
,photographs/pictures ,blogs ,draw pictures/use graphic organizers to illustrate concepts or
Lastly,Multiple means of engagement like providing varied activities to support student
engagement through: hands-on, kinesthetic activities , plays/drama/dance , simulation
games ,role playing ,discussion and debates , give opportunity for student choice (e.g.,
range of reading materials, activities) and use of inquiry-based learning and project-based
Also, there’s an approach that has been proven to be effective for students with memory
and focusing difficulties is the use of explicit instruction of literacy skills, comprehension, and
writing strategies. Such approach uses a step-by-step instruction that include modeling,
providing guided practice, as well as independent practice, while giving immediate corrective
feedback so students will understand what and how to improve. Part of this approach is the
use of think-aloud to model concrete steps in problem-solving, such as how to attack an
unfamiliar word, how to begin a writing task through brainstorming, and how to begin
answering a math word problem.

9. What educational approaches can be used to teach learners how to care for themselves?

Specific approaches have been found to be effective in teaching students with difficulty
with self-care, namely the use of direct/explicit instruction, task analysis, forward and
backward chaining, as well as the use of video modeling. It is essential that the instructions
given are simple and straight forward and that hands-on, experiential activities are used.
10. Choose a self-care skill and apply task analysis to help a child the skill. Identify the steps
and the materials you will use.
I choose forward chaining, the program begins with the first step in the sequence, such
as getting the toothbrush and toothpaste, then providing the needed hand-over-hand
assistance, and then gradually fading vernal and then gestural prompts. The goal is to allow
the student to master the first step first and then followed by the next step in the sequence
until the entire task has been performed.

Name: ANJHELICA P. MAGBANUA 2nd Semester SY 2020-2021

Program/Year/Block:BSED-2E Date Accomplished:_________
Address:PALNAB DEL SUR,VIRAC,CATANDUANES Contact Number:09090609848

Name of Activity

1. How does a strengths-based approach empower learners with additional needs? How can
such an approach be used to promote disability-awareness and a culture that respects
Strength-based approach requires educators to engage in reflective practice. This is
best described as a continuous process that involves educators thinking about their own
values and professional practice and how their values and practice impact on each
child's learning and development and their additional needs. Such approach could help us
embrace and respect diversity with students that has disability.

2. Think of a person you know or a famous person who has difficulty in any of the domains
mentioned in this chapter. On a sheet of paper, use any graphic organizer to create a profile
of this person, his/her strengths, interests, accomplishments, difficulties, needs, and other
information you have. How does seeing the “whole person” affect your view of this person
and not just his/her difficulties? How is such a perspective important in teaching and
learning in an inclusive classroom?

I never met one, but I’ve seen a movie entitled “ Every Child is special” . In this movie,
there’s a boy named Ishaan, a student who has dyslexia, cannot seem to get anything right
at his boarding school. Soon, a new unconventional art teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh,
helps him discover his hidden potential. The new art teacher came to the scene that defies
traditionally practiced teaching. He set his students on hype fire encouraging them to use
their imagination.He noticed Ishaan and his difficulties. He discovered that Ishaan’s
mistakes are because that he has dyslexia, a disorder that involves difficulty in learning to
read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general
intelligence. -google Nikumbh reminisced his past as he also has the same problem as
Ishaan before. He decided to help the kid. While observing Ishaan, Nikumbh noticed the
kid’s talent in art. He realized the kid’s potential. Nikumbh came to visit Ishaan’s family and
explained to them the kid’s problem why he is different. His parents were ashamed of
themselves not knowing their sons potential. Nikumbh Helped the kid read and write
properly. they made a great bond together

Nikumbh approached the school’s principal to have an event of painting to show the school
that Ishaan is not what they seem to think he is. On the event, Ishaan is faced off with
different artist in school icluding his very own mentor, Nikmubh. When the decision came to
who won the eyes and hearts of the judges. He is tied with his teacher Nikumbh, but only
one should be the winner. And that someone is no other than Ishaan himslef. He won over
his very own mentor which made him, Nikumbh, and his family very happy and proud.
Ishaan’s victory helps him find himself which made him a better person in school, family
and community. His grades became higher and personality improved and made him a very
smart and happy child.

This movie made me realized the importance role of a teacher in their students’
lives, The significant of choosing the right teaching strategy and tool for a more effective
learning for students who has special needs.
Name: ANJHELICA P. MAGBANUA 2nd Semester SY 2020-2021
Program/Year/Block:BSED-2E Date Accomplished:_________
Address:PALNAB DEL SUR,VIRAC,CATANDUANES Contact Number:09090609848

Name of Activity

1. What problem refers to vocabulary and comprehension difficulty?

a. Fluency disorder
b. Language disorder
c. Articulation disorder
d. Phonological disorder

2. Which technique will work best for learners with communication difficulty?
a. Use sign language to supplement their speech.
b. Use visuals and hands-one experiences in teaching.
c. Exaggerates speech for learners to understand.
d. Allow the child to sit near the window to help him/her calm down.

3. What disorder is characterized by clumsiness and slow motor skills?

a. Dysgraphia
b. Cerebral palsy
c. Stereotypic Movement Disorder
d. Developmental Coordination Disorder

4. What support should be prioritized for leaners with motor difficulties?

a. Extended time in school
b. Opportunity to lead in class
c. Safe access to classrooms and school facilities
d. Access to join extra-curricular activities

5. What specific learning disability refers to math difficulties?

a. Dyslexia
b. Dyspraxia
c. Dysgraphia
d. Dyscalculia
6. Which of the following is not needed in the diagnosis of ADHD?
a. The behaviors are due to learning and/or personality disorders.
b. Behaviors must be displayed in at least two different settings.
c. The behaviors have been observed before the child reaches age 12.
d. The behavior have been persisting for the past 6 months.

7. Which of the following accommodations will help learners with memory and attention
a. Have regular graded oral recitations so learners will develop their memory.
b. Use advance organizers and interactive learning activities to sustain their interest.
c. Provide challenging activities, such as longer texts to read, to keep them engaged.
d. Give daily timed worksheets to train them to focus on tasks.

8. What approach breaks down a task into a sequence of steps to develop gradual mastery
of a skill?
a. Task analysis
b. Direct instruction
c. Universal Design for Learning
d. Strengths-based approach

9. Mr. Sanchez ensures that when he speaks to his class, he is facing all of them. What type
of learner with additional needs does he have in his class?
a. difficulty in hearing
b. gifted and talented
c. difficulty seeing
d. communication difficulty

10. Mrs. Jimenez give enrichment activities to her students to ensure that meaningful
learning takes place in her class. What type of additional needs does her students have?
a. gifted and talented
b. difficulty in seeing
c. difficulty in hearing
d. difficulty with self-care

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