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Essay - Svajcik

Hello, my name is Samuel Švajčík. I would like to report an issue that I

experienced with your public book vending machine, located at Trnava

train station. I chose the book Information about Prague because the

train I was planning to catch was going there.

I followed the procedure exactly as described on your vending machine.

I inserted the 50 Euro note into the correct place. Subsequently, I typed

in the code number which was 55A. The vending machine started to

make a strange sound afterwards. The text began to circulate on the

monitor: “An unexpected error has occurred. We apologize, please

contact our headquarters for further instructions.”

Due to this problem, I missed the train that I had reserved long time ago.

As your company is responsible for the operation of the mentioned

vending machine, I would like to ask for fast error correction.

My proposal would be the refund of the train ticket + some extra bonus,

maximum of 80 Euro.

I look forward to your reply and resolution of this unfortunate situation. I

wish you good luck in the future business.

Thank you

Best Regards


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