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Mathematics and English Language

Mathematics is the language of sciences but also a language that is used

in our everyday life. English is an international language used in every
country in the world.

Their similarities of mathematics and English languages is that both were

symbolic conceptual systems. How? Here are the examples: arithmetic,
cardinal numbers have arbitrary symbols “1,2,3,...”
And translate it into “ one, two , three,...” the word “addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division,..” then convert to symbols “+, -, *, /,...”
And that is how Mathematics and the English language are similar.
And the are similar because some of the problem is written in a sentence
or by word like the word problem. Example: Question: What number is 10
more than 81? Answer: Convert to Number 81 + 10 = 91
Now the difference between the Mathematics and English Language
English is a living language, originally developed through community
usage over millennia and communication on a very wide range of subjects
from the weather, to mathematics.
Mathematics is an artificially contracted language uniquely dedicated to
the concise expression of mathematics concepts.

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