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Lesson title: Cycle 5, Listening Session

Lesson Objectives: Audio recording, player,
1. To accurately answer comprehension questions after speakers
listening to a dialogue or a speech.
2. To build vocabulary knowledge for expressive language References:

Productivity Tip: YOLO! (You Only Listen Once)

It’s like real life. You only have one chance to listen. When you do practice tests, only listen
once. Get used to it. Try and identify your listening weaknesses and work on improving those
areas. On the question sheet, underline key words. Prepare to listen for those exact words
and their synonyms.

Keep today’s lesson targets in mind as we go through today’s session:
 I can accurately answer comprehension questions after listening to a dialogue or a speech.
 I can review grammar rules and its application to expressive language skills.
 I can build vocabulary knowledge for expressive language skills.


Instruction: Recall five words from the vocabulary list during the last listening cycle and write one
synonym and one antonym for each.


Activity 1: Wordlist #1 (Words #1-50) (30 mins)
✎ Instructions:
Work by yourself and write down a synonym or the meaning of these words. Work fast. Stop at
the end of 30 minutes.

Word Synonym/Meaning Word Synonym/Meaning

1. Abject 26. Illicit
2. Accentuate 27. Imbibe
3. Accrue 28. Imminent
4. Balderdash 29. Impasse
5. Belated 30. Jobbery
6. Bone fide 31. Jocular
7. Cartel 32. Judicious
8. Caustic 33. Laborious
9. Chagrin 34. Lambaste
10. Debilitate 35. Languid
11. Deduce 36. Legacy
12. Docile 37. Macabre
13. Elicit 38. Malady
14. Elusive 39. Malevolent
15. Empathize 40. Milieu
16. Fastidious 41. Narrative
17. Feckless 42. Negligent
18. Foray 43. Nemesis
19. Gastronomy 44. Nuance
20. Gesticulation 45. Odious
21. Goad 46. Old-school
22. Hallow 47. Oligarchy
23. Hamlet 48. Painstaking
24. Heinous 49. Palatable

25. Hiatus 50.

✓ Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found in the last page. Write your score
here: ______. (5 mins)

D. Activity 2: Listening Comprehension

Instructions: Listen to recorded information and answer the questions while listening. There are 4
sections in this activity and each is about 7 minutes.

The recording will have all the instructions you will need as well as an example of how to answer the

While listening, you will be given time to read the questions ahead, as well as time to review your

Ready…play the recording and follow along

Begin on the next page.

Section 1 Questions 1-10

Questions 1-10

Complete the notes.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Accommodation Form –Student Information

Type of accommodation: __hall___ of residence
Name: Anu (1)____________________
Date of birth: (2)________________________
Country of origin: India
Course of study: (3)________________________
Number of years planned in hall: (4)________________________
Preferred catering arrangement: Half board
Special dietary requirements: No (5)____________ (red)
Preferred room type: A single (6)________________
Interests: The (7)________________ badminton
Priorities in choice of hall: To be with other students who are (8)_____________
To live outside the (9)___________________________
To have a (10)________________ area for socializing
Contact phone number: 667549

Section 2 Questions 11-20

Questions 11-13
Complete the notes.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Parks and Open Spaces

Name of place Of particular interest Open
Halland Common Source of Rive Ouse 24 hours
Holt Island Many different (11)______________ Between (12)_______________ and

Longfield Country Park Reconstruction of a 2,000-year- Daylight hours
old (13)________________ with
activities for children

Questions 14 – 16

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

Longfield Park

14 As part of Monday’s activity, visitors will

A prepare food with herbs.

B meet a well-known herbalist.

C dye cloth with herbs.

15 The first person to answer 20 quiz questions correctly will win

A only group bookings are accepted.

B visitors should book in advance.

C attendance is free.

16 For the activity on Saturday, visitors should

A come in suitable clothing.

B make sure they are able to stay for the whole day.

C tell the rangers before the event what they wish to do.

Questions 17 – 20

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-I, next to questions 17-20.

17 bird hide __________________

18 dog-walking area __________________

19 flower garden __________________

20 wooded area __________________

Section 3 Questions 21-30

Questions 21-24
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

Self-Access Centre

21 Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because

A they enjoy the variety of equipment.

B they like being able to work on their own.
C it is an important part of their studies.

22 Some teachers would prefer to

A close the Self-Access Centre.

B move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.
C restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.

23 The students’ main concern about using the library would be

A the size of the library.

B difficulty in getting help.
C the lack of materials.

24 The Director of Studies is concerned about

A the cost of upgrading the centre.

B the lack of space in the centre.

C the difficulty in supervising the centre.

Questions 25-30
Complete the notes.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Section 4 Questions 31-40

Complete the notes.

Write ONE WORD for each number.


Which section was easiest for you in this Listening exercise? Write three short reasons.

Section: ____________


1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________

Key to Corrections

Word Synonym/Meaning Word Synonym/Meaning

1. Abject Allowing no hope of improvement 26. Illicit Not allowed by law
or relief
2. Accentuate to make a feature of something 27. Imbibe To drink something, especially
more noticeable alcohol
3. Accrue To accumulate or grow 28. Imminent About to happen
4. Balderdash Senseless or nonsense talking or 29. Impasse A point or situation with no
writing solution
5. Belated Late or tardy 30. Jobbery The corrupt practice of making
private gains from public office
6. Bone fide Authentic or genuine 31. Jocular Having joking disposition
7. Cartel A group of companies or 32. Judicious Showing wisdom, good sense, or
individuals formed to control discretion
production and prices of a certain
8. Caustic Corrosive or capable of burning 33. Laborious Requiring a great deal of effort
9. Chagrin A feeling of humiliation due to 34. Lambaste To criticize someone or
disappointment something severely
10. Debilitate To weaken or sap strength from 35. Languid Lacking vigor and energy
someone or something
11. Deduce To reach a logical conclusion by 36. Legacy Money or property that is left to
using what is known someone
12. Docile Quiet, easy to control or teach 37. Macabre Horrifying, using death as
13. Elicit To cause, produce, or bring out a 38. Malady A disease or illness of the body
reaction or the mind
14. Elusive Difficult to find, catch, understand 39. Malevolent Demonstrating or having a
desire to harm others
15. Empathize To identify with and understand 40. Milieu The surroundings or
another’s emotions environment that someone lives
16. Fastidious Concerned over the perfection of 41. Narrative Story or account of a sequence
even the smallest detail of events
17. Feckless Unable or unwilling to do anything 42. Negligent Habitually careless or
useful irresponsible
18. Foray An initial attempt at a new activity 43. Nemesis A bitter enemy, especially one
or occupation who seems unbeatable
19. Gastronomy The art or appreciation of 44. Nuance A very slight difference in
preparing and eating good food meaning, tone, color, or feeling
20. Gesticulation A movement of hands/arms that 45. Odious Inspiring hatred, contempt, or
accompanies speech disgust

21. Goad To provoke, invite, stimulate 46. Old-school Adhering to traditional or old-
fashioned values and practices
22. Hallow To make someone or something 47. Oligarchy A small group that governs a
holy nation, or controls and
23. Hamlet A small village or group of 48. Painstaking Involving or showing great care
houses/homesteads/households and attention to detail
24. Heinous Shockingly wicked, evil 49. Palatable Having a good enough taste to
be eaten or drunk
25. Hiatus A break in something where there 50. Pandemonium Wild uproar, chaos, or tumult
should be continuity


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