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Module 1: Lesson 2-Seatwork#3

1. In a tabular form make a time on the Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology
Society from ancient period to the present time.

Period Time Technology

ANCIENT PERIOD 3,500 BC-100 BC Potter’ wheel, Papyrus,

Shadoof, Antikythera
Mechanism, Aeolipile.

MIDDLE AGES 5TH CENTURY AD-395 CE Heavy Plough, Gun Powder,

Paper Money, Mechanical
Wheel, Spinning Wheel.

MODERN AGES 1590-1920 Compound Microscope,

Telescope, Jacquard Loom,
Engine Powered Airplane,

2. If you were an inventor, what would you invent? How will this invention make the world a
better place to live in?

If I could to be able to invent something, That would be the paper machine that only used paper
or plastic can be used to create paper so we don't need to cut more trees to create new and
unused paper.

3. How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools or technologies in terms of

I guess I use the used paper and plastics to create a brand new paper.

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