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1. I love my brother.

I don’t love my brother.

Do I love my brother?

2. She talks too much.

She doesn’t talk too much.
Does she talk too much?

3. I understand you.
I don’t understand you.
Do i understand you?

4. You play the piano very well.

You don’t play the piano very well.
Do you play the piano very well?

5. I always believe you.

I don’t always believe you.
Do i always believe you?

6. He remembers my phone number.

He doesn’t remember my phone number.
Does he remember my phone number?

7. They live in Bucharest.

They don’t live in Bucharest.
Do they live in Bucharest?

8. He has a hot bath every day.

He doesn’t have a hot bath every day.
Does he have a hot bath every day?

9. I trust my friend.
I don’t trust my friend.
Do i trust my friend?

10. I have lunch at one o’clock.

I dont’t have lunch at one o’clock.
Do i have lunch at one o’clock?

Notite engleza 10.02.2023

Tidying = a face ordine

Washing-up = spalarea vaselor
Push = a impinge
Pull = a trage
They are tying still = ei inca leaga strans
Un vant lejer de vara
Butler = majordon
Show him in = pofteste l inauntru
Marble = marmura
Trust = incredere
Suddenly = brusc


Every week, seldom, rarely, often, always (cuvinte semnal perfect simplu)
Now, at the moment, right moment, this week (prezent continuu)
Next week, next Monday

I am at the beach now

Cost = they cost 100 dollars
Fit = they fit me;
Mean = i mean that;
Suit = it suit to you very well;
What time it suit you well; (e folosit foarte des)

Sam has a cat;

Feel hear see smell taste touch = perfect simplu

Feelings: hate hope like love prefer regret want wish;

I think that = i’m thinking

Wellies = cizme de cauciuc

Term = semestru

Around to square = piata

Cruel – cruda

Tray = tava


Careles way = neglijent

Bake – cand coci la cuptor

Wellies – cizmulite de cauciuc

Sightseeing – atractii turistice

Cloth – carpa

Bonfire – foc de tabara

Tapes – casetofon
Shattered = zdruncinat

Stew – tocana

Sailing – a merge cu vaporul

Porridge = terci de ovaz

Lie = cu snesul de a te aseza = lay

Fall – fell

Spooky stillness – liniste infricosatoare

Stain – pata

Spilt – a varsa

Growled – a marait

Hastily – in graba

Peas – mazare

Mist- ceata

Still – liniste

Flung = a tranti usa

Jug = ulcior

Fled = a fugi

Shrieks = hohote

Rude = nepoliticos

Crept = umbla, cutreiera

Wounded = ranite

To behave yourself- sa iti vezi de treaba ta

Rattle – a tarai

Groan = a suspina

Starve = infometa

Dishonest = necinstit

Weep = a plange

Sins = pacate

Led = a conduce

Struck = a batut

Folding her liitle hand = impreunand mainutele ei

Batranul migdal a inflorid

Buried – ingropat

Bite = bit

Fly = flew

Sleep = slept = slept

Come = came = come

Speeak = spoke = spoken

Cut = cut = cut

Have = had = had

Steal = stole = stolen

Cost = cost = cost

Build = built = built

Bring = brought = brought

Fly = flew = flown

Sell = sold = sold\

Read = read = read

Blow = blew = blown

Drink = drank = drunk

Throw threw thrown

Thick = gros

Bragged = a lauda

Gathered a te aduna

Shattered – a distruge


Headlines – titluri

Fewer – mai putini

In his will – in testament

Baffled – uluiti

Inheritance = mostenire

Blue chip stocks – actiuni

Savvy = inteligent – intelept

Greedy = lacom

Compelling = convingator

Poverty = saracie

Basking = gloria

Forecasts = viziuni

Persuasive = convingator

Inwardly = pe interios

Fortunes = averi

Sliver = farama

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