Important Short Questions of Icc

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1. What areas of IC are found in everyday life?

Ans. The intercultural understanding helps people to develop knowledge, skills,
behaviors and attitudes that enable them to appreciate and respect others from
different communities and cultures. This helps when people from different
cultures interact.

2. Describe your current intercultural contacts (international and/or

Ans. I belong to a village and I am living in a city for studies. So, I get to interact
with people from different cultural backgrounds on daily basis. Few of my
classmates are Christians. Similarly, I also get to interact with my international
friends through internet.

3. To what degree do you interact with people from other cultures? In

what settings?
Ans. I belong to a village and I am living in a city for studies. So, I get to interact
with people from different cultural backgrounds on daily basis in my class. Few
of my classmates are Christians. Similarly, I also get to interact with my
international friends through internet.

4. What makes intercultural communication (IC) special?

Ans. Intercultural communication gets special treatment because unlike normal
communication, it deals with people from different cultural backgrounds. So, it
requires an understanding that different cultures have different customs,
standards, social norms, and even thought patterns.

5. What is the role of culture in communication?

Ans. Culture plays an important role in shaping the style of communication.
Generally, people react to how we speak rather than what we say. Culture
provides its members with an implicit knowledge about how to behave in
different situations and how to interpret others’ behavior in such situations.


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6. What are the problem caused by stereotypes and prejudice?

Ans. Stereotypes and Prejudice can lead towards discrimination. They can not
only be the cause of miscommunication but can also create tension between
groups. This results in groups of people being discriminated against or treated
unequally on the basis of their background, skin colour, or religion.

7. Define power and solidarity under ICC?

Ans. Power plays a crucial role not only in normal communication but also in
intercultural communication. When people with different cultural power
communicate to each other, there is a certain amount of respect and/or fear
involved in it.
Cultural Solidarity is best expressed in the spirit of intercultural trust,
empathy, respect and understanding in multicultural societies where different
cultures learn to live together in peace.

8. Enlist KLUCKHON-STRODBECK value orientations.

Ans. KLUCKHOHN-STRODTBECK’S Value Orientations are given below ;
1. Human nature
2. The relationship between human beings and the natural world
3. Time
4. Human activity
5. Social relations

9. Define cultural relativism.

Ans. Cultural relativism is the theory that beliefs, customs, and morality exist in
relation to the particular culture from which they originate and are not absolute.
It means that not judging a culture to our own standards of what is right or wrong,
strange or normal.

10. Define world view.


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Ans. Worldview is the set of beliefs of an individual or a society about

fundamental aspects of Reality that ground and influence all their perceiving,
thinking, knowing, and doing. It basically means how you view the world and
how the world views you.

11. What is interpersonal communication?

Ans. Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information feelings, and
meanings through verbal and non-verbal messages between two or more people.
It can be between people from same culture or people from different cultures.

12. Define cultural anthropology.

Ans. Cultural anthropologists study how people who share a common cultural
system organize and shape the physical and social world around them, and are in
turn shaped by those ideas, behaviors, and physical environments.

13. What is D.I.E exercise in non- judge mentalism?

Ans. The exercise, which is known by its ominous acronym ‘’DIE,’’ asks people
to observe an unusual object or a photograph of an unfamiliar scene, and then
first ‘’describe’’ what they see, then ‘’interpret’’ possible meanings, and finally
to ‘’evaluate’’ by giving their value judgments.

14. Why ICC is important? Give two reasons.

Ans. Here are the reasons due to which ICC is important.
1) Intercultural communication is incredibly important to breaking down
cultural barriers and building awareness of cultural norms.
2) Another imperative of intercultural communication is the awareness it
raises of our own cultural identity and background. The self-awareness
imperative helps us to gain insights into our own culture along with our
intercultural experiences.

15. What is reverse cultural shock?


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Ans. Reverse Culture Shock is a term used to describe the feelings (of surprise,
disorientation, confusion, etc.) experienced when people return to their home
country and find they do not fit in as they used to.
For example, a Pakistani living in United Kingdom for many years will
find it difficult to fit in when he’ll return to Pakistan.

16. How beliefs can be defined in a culture?

Ans. Beliefs refer to the conviction or acceptance that something exists or is true,
especially without proof. Individuals in a society have specific beliefs, but they
also share collective values. For example, lying is bad, God created the world,
cheating is immoral, etc. are different beliefs.

17. What are the main roots of IC problems? How can they be solved?
Ans. The main roots of intercultural problems are language, stereotype and
prejudice. These barriers can lead to miscommunication which can cause many
intercultural problems. These problems can be solved by trying to understand
other cultures according to their point of view rather than ours.

18. High-context and low-context classification of cultures.

Ans. High-context cultures are those that communicate in ways that are implicit
and rely heavily on context. In contrast, low-context cultures rely on explicit
verbal communication. High-context cultures are collectivist and value
interpersonal relationships while low-context cultures are individualistic.

19. How we can overcome stereotype and prejudice?

Ans. The first step of overcoming stereotype and prejudice is recognizing these
attitudes in one’s own behavior. Diversity is also a powerful antidote to
prejudice. By seeking relationships across difference, people begin to push back
against stereotypes. Empathy is key to overcoming prejudice and stereotype.


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People who can empathize with others’ feelings are better equipped to let go of
their own Prejudice and stereotype.

20. How non-verbal communication is important in ICC?

Ans. Nonverbal communication is the transmission of messages or signals
through a nonverbal platform such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures,
posture, and body language. Different cultures have different meanings of these
nonverbal cues. So, non verbal communication is important in intercultural
settings to avoid misunderstandings and to establish meaningful interactions.

21. What is meant by the phrase “Communication is contextual” ?

Ans. This phrase means that understanding of the contact in which a
communication is taking place is very important to have meaningful and
effective communication. Context becomes particularly important in high
context cultures because they rely heavily on it.

22. What is Face Negotiation Theory?

Ans. Face-Negotiation Theory is a theory conceived by Stella Ting-Toomey in
1985, to understand how people from different cultures manage rapport and
disagreements. The theory placed “face”, or self-image when communicating
with others, as a universal phenomenon that spreads across cultures.

23. What is ethnocentrism? Enlist its levels.

Ans. Ethnocentrism is the attitude that one’s own ethnicity, or culture is superior
to others and to apply one’s own culture or ethnicity as a frame of reference to
judge other cultures, practices, behaviors, beliefs, and people.
A simple way to conceive of the three levels of ethnocentrism is in terms
of attitudes toward cultural differences: those in the denial stage deny the
existence of cultural differences, those in the defense stage demonize them, and
those in the minimization stage trivialize differences.


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24. What are some of the expression in racism?

Ans. There are three main expressions of racism that are enlisted below.
• Cultural racism : When a dominant culture defines and shapes norms,
values and beliefs to benefit specific race and oppress another race.
• Institutional racism : When structures, systems and policies of
institutions benefit a specific races and oppress others.
• Personal racism : When a person believes that his race is superior to other

25. What is virtual transnational team in business setting?

Ans. Increasing globalization coupled with increasing use of communications
and information technology has resulted in a relatively new phenomenon in
organizations: the virtual transnational team. These teams develop strategies,
design and build products, service international clients, sell products and services,
and so on.

26. How does culture affect the perception?

Ans. Culture affects all areas of life (including the arts, thought, religion,
language, food, etc.),. So, the perception (how people see the world) is
significantly impacted by culture. This includes the way an individual learns and
how they view other cultures etc.

27. Define paralanguage and Artifacts.

Ans. Paralanguage is defined as means of communication, such as tone of voice,
laughter, and, sometimes, gestures and facial expressions, that accompany speech
and convey further meaning.
Communication Artifacts are created as expressions of human thought.
They include advertisements, art, ceremonial and documentary artifacts,
exchange media, and personal symbols as well as cultural artifacts like pottery,
weaponry, artwork, tools, and manuscripts/writing.


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28. Explain developmental model of competence.

Ans. Behaving and communicating effectively and. Appropriately (based on
one’s intercultural. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes) to achieve one’s goals to
some degree is known as Intercultural competent. The developmental model of
competence provides guidelines to improve intercultural competence.

29. Define evolutionism theory of culture.

Ans. Cultural evolution is an evolutionary theory of social change. It is the idea
that human cultures go through changes in socially transmitted beliefs,
knowledge, customs, skills, attitudes, languages, and so on. It can be described as
a Darwinian evolutionary process that is similar in key respects (but not identical)
to biological/genetic evolution.

30. Religion is only one kind of world view. Discuss.

Ans. Worldview is how you view the world, as well as how the world views you.
Religion is a big part of your worldview because it is how you believe the world
was created and who created it. The religion that people follow has great
influence their thinking and point of view.

31. What is monochromatic and polychronic time?

Ans. Monochronic time is linear. Events are scheduled one at a time, with one
event following another. Polychronic time on the other hand is non-linear.
Multiple tasks are performed simultaneously.

32. Differentiate between belief and value.

Values Beliefs
Values refer to principles or standards Beliefs refer to the conviction or
of behavior; one’s judgment of what is acceptance that something exists or is
important in life. true, especially without proof.


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Values affect our behavior and Beliefs affect morals and values.
Examples of values include loyalty, Examples of beliefs are lying is bad,
fairness, courage, compassion, respect, God created the world, cheating is
etc. immoral, etc.

33. Define relativism.

Ans. Relativism is the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in
relation to culture, society, or historical context, and are not absolute.

34. Define culture.

Ans. Culture is a word for the ‘way of life’ of groups of people. It is defined as
the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that people of a group accept,
generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by
communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
For example, the term “Western culture” refers to the culture of European
countries as well as those that have been heavily influenced by European
immigration, such as the United States.

35. How can we avoid uncertainty and anxiety?

Ans. Uncertainty and anxiety can be avoided bye not worrying too much about
unknown. It's important that we focus on the aspects of our life that we can control
rather than being worried about the things that can’t be controlled.

36. What is face-work face negotiation theory?

Ans. Face-Negotiation Theory is a theory conceived by Stella Ting-Toomey in
1985, to understand how people from different cultures manage rapport and
disagreements. The theory placed “face”, or self-image when communicating
with others, as a universal phenomenon that spreads across cultures.


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37. What is meant by the terms AUM and CAT ?

Ans. AUM stands for Anxiety/Uncertainty Management theory. The theory
states that people can experience high levels of anxiety one may as they come in
contact with those of another culture.

38. Define Acculturation?

Ans. Acculturation is defined as cultural modification of an individual, group, or
people by adapting to or borrowing traits, such as the values, beliefs, language,
customs and mannerisms from another culture while still retaining their own
distinct culture.
For example, a Pakistani migrates to England. In Pakistan, he used to speak
Urdu only but in England, he learns to speak English.

39. What is kinesics? Give examples.

Ans. Kinesics is defined as the study of the way in which certain body
movements and gestures serve as a form of non-verbal communication.
For example, thumbs up is a gesture that is an indication of satisfaction or
approval. Similarly, gesture of shrugging the shoulders usually indicates “I don’t

40. Define co-culture.

Ans. A co-culture is a group whose values, beliefs or behaviors set it apart from
the larger culture, which it is a part of and with which it shares many similarities.
Cultures may comprise many subsets, and these co-cultures may thrive within
For example, many world cities have a Chinatown.


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