Indonesia Mulls Introduction of A Probationary' Death Penalty

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“Indonesia mulls introduction of a ‘probationary’ death penalty”

Andre Pranata Marbun


1. What did i actually achieve with this piece I get more information
of reading?
(Apa yang sebenarnya saya capai dengan
bacaan ini?)
2. Which were the most difficult part of the New unfamiliar vocabulary,which I
passage and why were they difficult for can't quite decipher
(Bagian mana yang paling sulit dalam text
dan mengapa itu sulit bagi saya?)
3. How have I developed my knowledge and By understanding the meanings of
skills? the new vocabulary and reading
(Bagaimana saya mengembangkan more
pengetahuan dan keterampilan saya?
4. What was the best thing i did in this I can predict the meaning of
reading activity? Why was this the best unfamiliar text
thing I did
(Apa hal terbaik yang saya lakukan dalam
kegiatan membaca ini?)
5. What worked least well for me? Why did Interpret the true meaning of all
this not work well for me? sentences, because there are still
(Apa yang paling tidak berhasil untuk many words that I don't know
saya? Mengapa ini tidak bekerja dengan
baik untuk saya?)
6. What did I find the greatest challenge in To find the true meaning of the
doing this work? sentence
(Apa tantangan terbesar yang saya
temukan dalam melakukan pekerjaan ini?)
7. What was the most boring or tedious part Long sentences and some
of doing this reading activity? information that I knew beforehand
(Apa bagian yang paling membosankan
dari melakukan kegiatan membaca ini?)
8. How useful do I expect the feedback to be It is very important to evaluate my
that I receive on my efforts for this reading method and with
assignment? What sorts of feedback do I constructive criticism
really want at this point in time?
(Seberapa bergunakah umpan balik yang
saya terima atas upaya saya untuk tugas
ini? Umpan balik seperti apa yang benar-
benar saya inginkan saat ini?)
9. Has this reading strategy given me useful
insights into what will be expected of me This method is very helpful in
in future? getting information in a simple way
(Apakah strategi membaca ini memberi and I hope that this way I can
saya wawasan yang berguna tentang apa develop my knowledge of
yang diharapkan dari saya di masa depan?) information

10. How was Top-down reading strategy I can get information from the topic
helped me to comprehend the Indonesia just by reading the beginning
death penalty topic passage?
(Bagaimana top-down reading strategy ini
membantu saya memahami bahan bacaan
dengan topik Indonesian death penaly?)

6th Paragraph
The concept of the death penalty as an alternative punishment inconsistent, because the
government’s formulation has regressed to where period is dependent on the judge’s
decision, something that is prone to abuse

7th Paragraph
According to Amnesty data, some 579 executions were recorded worldwide in 2021, a 20
percent increase from 2020.
“Murder trial of ex-Indonesia Police General Ferdy Sambo begins”

1. What did i actually achieve with this piece I get more information
of reading?
(Apa yang sebenarnya saya capai dengan
bacaan ini?)
2. Which were the most difficult part of the Long sentences and some
passage and why were they difficult for information that I knew beforehand
(Bagian mana yang paling sulit dalam text
dan mengapa itu sulit bagi saya?)
3. How have I developed my knowledge and By understanding the meanings of
skills? the new vocabulary and reading
(Bagaimana saya mengembangkan more
pengetahuan dan keterampilan saya?
4. What was the best thing i did in this I can predict the meaning of
reading activity? Why was this the best unfamiliar text
thing I did
(Apa hal terbaik yang saya lakukan dalam
kegiatan membaca ini?)
5. What worked least well for me? Why did Interpret the true meaning of all
this not work well for me? sentences, because there are still
(Apa yang paling tidak berhasil untuk many words that I don't know
saya? Mengapa ini tidak bekerja dengan
baik untuk saya?)
6. What did I find the greatest challenge in Find the true meaning of the
doing this work? sentence
(Apa tantangan terbesar yang saya
temukan dalam melakukan pekerjaan ini?)
7. What was the most boring or tedious part Long sentence
of doing this reading activity?
(Apa bagian yang paling membosankan
dari melakukan kegiatan membaca ini?)
8. How useful do I expect the feedback to be It is very important to evaluate my
that I receive on my efforts for this reading method and with
assignment? What sorts of feedback do I constructive criticism
really want at this point in time?
(Seberapa bergunakah umpan balik yang
saya terima atas upaya saya untuk tugas
ini? Umpan balik seperti apa yang benar-
benar saya inginkan saat ini?)
9. Has this reading strategy given me useful This method is very helpful in
insights into what will be expected of me getting information in a simple way
in future? and I hope that this way I can
(Apakah strategi membaca ini memberi develop my knowledge of
saya wawasan yang berguna tentang apa information
yang diharapkan dari saya di masa depan?)

10. How was Bottom-up reading strategy With skimming and scanning
helped me to comprehend the ex- police methods, getting information
general sambo? becomes simpler and gets points
(Bagaimana top-down reading strategy ini from an information
membantu saya memahami bahan bacaan
dengan topik Sambo?)


6th Paragraph

In court on Monday, a prosecutor alleged Sambo had ordered one of his officers to shoot

11th Paragraph

In total, five people including Sambo, his wife, two police, officers and a driver are facing charges
of premeditated murder in relation to Hutabarat’s death.

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