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Feel free to direct questions and comments to me: sweetremiks@tumblr.

Special thanks to Jordon (pseudosuicide@tumblr) for spending her precious time editing and
reorganizing and to Erika for providing excellent Japanese support.♪

(Sorry for repeating the infirmary scene so much. There’s a bit of replaced/rearranged dialogue that
varies with your choices and I wanted to preserve the flow! I’ll try to highlight the bits that are different.)



Thread of fate choices: Hades, Takeru (Susanoo), Loki

TITLE: Extracurricular Activities

YUI: I choose club activities.

ZEUS: I will leave it to you, Kusanagi Yui. You will teach them about humans and love.

YUI: Yes.

I left the room, my path decided.


???: What’s first period?!

YUI: Huh?

I heard a voice from an empty classroom and turned to look. Inside, there was a student I’d never seen
before. But there wasn’t just one student. There were various students of all different kinds, standing in
groups and exchanging words with each other. After a little while, I realized that these were the
students Zeus created. They had immediately gone to school and started their lives here.

JAPANESE STUDENT: Does anyone here know the details on class?!

GREEK STUDENT: Hmm…What was it again?


JAPANESE STUDENT: Hungh? I’m very sorry, could you say that one more time please?!

NORDIC STUDENT: …it’s on the human body.

JAPANESE STUDENT: Right! That’s it! Thank you very much thank you!

NORSE STUDENT: …welcome.

They somehow had some individuality, and seemed to be able to answer like us. Keeping them in the
back of my mind, I went over to my own classroom.


YUI: …So, we’re going to start doing club activities soon.

Having arrived at my classroom, I explained the situation to the gods. However, the only ones there
were the ones who attended the entrance ceremony: Apollon, Balder, and Tsukito. None of them
understood the meaning of “club activities”, and they looked at me as if dazed.

YUI: Please calm down, everyone. I’ll explain it from the beginning.

Saying this, I stood at the teacher’s podium. Then, the door to the classroom opened, and our instructor,
Thoth, appeared.

THOTH: Oh, so you’re going to stand there today. Then you don’t need me here.

YUI: Huh? I was just going to explain club…

THOTH: Explain whatever you want. Goodbye.

YUI: W-Wait!

Thoth got up and left, and the door closed behind him.

…He could be so unreasonable.

YUI: …Well, since we have the perfect opportunity, let’s learn about the basics of club activities.

I faced the front and immediately started my explanation.

YUI: …and the woodwinds club, literature club, and gardening club. These are a few of the most
common activities.

I wrote various kinds of activities on the board under athletics and culture categories.

YUI: I want everyone to choose the one you want to do out of these.

YUI: Except, I don’t think the details will be clear if I just explain it here, so we’re going to go to the

YUI: There should be related materials in there. Let’s find some information on clubs you all might be
interested in.

APOLLON: I feel kind of excited! I’m really excited! Something new is going to happen.

TSUKITO: But, Kusanagi Yui. From your explanation, it seems like club activities are done with many
people. With just us, I am unsure.
YUI: That’s true…

I want everyone to participate.

YUI: Let’s try to invite everyone. We’ll never know if we don’t try. We have some time today too.

Deciding on clubs was different from the entrance ceremony, which had a set time.

BALDER: There are a lot of gods to find, so let’s split up. We’ll go convince the ones we know better, but
what will you do?

YUI: I will…


>Go with the Greek gods

>Go with the Japanese gods
>Go with the Norse gods

(ctrl+f “CHOOSE: [your choice]”)

CHOOSE: Go with the Greek gods

YUI: I’ll go with the Greek gods.

APOLLON: Then you’ll be working with me. Let’s work together. Can I leave Uncle Hades to you? I’m
going to get Dionysus.

APOLLON: My uncle is really nice, he’s a really nice person. He’ll definitely listen to you, Fairy-san.

YUI: Thank you for your consideration. …I’ll see you later.

I parted with Apollon and left the classroom.


While walking down the hallway, I thought about where Hades could be.

Since he seemed to be avoiding school, I feared he wouldn’t be in a place overflowing with students.
There was a high possibility that he would be outside of the school building, so I looked out through the

YUI: …Ah.

I immediately found him in the distance. Hades was nearing the gate and seemed to be heading outside
the grounds. Where does he plan to go?

YUI: W-Wait…
I didn’t want to lose him, so I hurriedly ran down the stairs. I flew out of the entrance hall
and chased after his back.


YUI: …Where could he have gone?

As I was chasing Hades, I came to this place. I could see that it was a deep forest, on the other side of
the grasses that surrounded the school.

YUI: …?

I heard a crack, like someone stepping on a branch. I looked in the direction of the sound.

Hades was there. He had a listless expression on his face and was looking up at the sky, which was
nearly covered by trees.

YUI: …Hades-san.

When I spoke to him, he slowly turned to me.


His gaze pierced through me, glittering with rejection. The god of death and the underworld… He had a
fearsome intensity that gave me goosebumps just from looking.

YUI: U-Um… I’m Kusanagi Yui. I was called here to be the human representative.

HADES: I heard you. …What do you want?

YUI: Could you come to school?

YUI: We’re starting something called club activities today, so I’d like everyone to join.

YUI: If everyone participates, then it’ll be really fun!

I tried to communicate the true charm of club activities to make them seem more appealing.

HADES: …Everyone? That’s impossible.

I was immediately rejected. His expression was even sharper than before. I thought maybe I’d said
something that made him a little upset… Even so, I had the duty of bringing everyone to graduation.
Gathering courage, I tried again.

YUI: …Could I ask you the reason?

HADES: You don’t need a reason. I do not wish to go along with that man’s trickery. That is all.

YUI: That man…?

HADES: The one we call Zeus. I don’t want to have anything to do with him.

As he said this, a look of disgust washed over Hades’s face.

YUI: …Do you… hate him?


There wasn’t any need for him to answer; that was what his expression was telling me. He appeared to
have considerably negative feelings toward Zeus.

YUI: He might be a little arbitrary, and his personality might not be so agreeable…

I was also very surprised at his actions the first time I came here. I just assumed that was what gods do.

YUI: Anyway, please consider participating.

I pleaded with him. Hades was firmly rejecting any contact, turning his eyes away from me. It was then.

YUI: …Thunder?

I heard the sound of cracking thunder somewhere.

HADES: So, using force when words don’t work? Such vulgar methods.

YUI: Huh…?

Hades words weren’t directed at me, but at someone else.

ZEUS: You gods who have rejected this school.

YUI: I hear Zeus’s voice…

He was nowhere to be seen, but for some reason, his voice was coming down from above.

ZEUS: I will give you a warning. Participate in our plans. If you do not, you will receive punishment.

YUI: Punishment? What does he mean?

The sound of thunder reverberated loudly. I noticed that today was sunny. Hearing thunder seemed
really strange.

YUI: …No way.

YUI: Is he planning to drop lightning?!

Even though they were gods like him, isn’t this going too far? I yelled toward the sky, hoping to stop

YUI: Please stop! I’ll find them and persuade them!

But my voice didn’t reach him, and the lightning only got harsher.

YUI: Even if you have to lie, please agree to this! It’s dangerous if you don’t…!

HADES: I don’t care if I have to be punished. Listening to him is like deferring to him.

YUI: That’s…

The sky filled with light. Immediately afterward was thunder so loud it made the earth shake.

YUI: Watch out!

In that instant, I pushed Hades to save him from the lightning.

…And, I immediately lost consciousness.



My body felt numb. I opened my eyes.


As I lifted my eyelids, I saw that I was in the infirmary. I was lying on a bed and looking up at the ceiling.

YUI: …I’m alive.

HADES: If you die, it is judgment. If you live, it is divine punishment. His intentions are the latter… He
wants us to attend school.

HADES: He isn’t so foolish that he’d kill us.

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Hades sitting in a chair nearby.

YUI: …So you’re… safe.

HADES: No. I got caught in the lightning as well.

YUI: Huh…

LOKI: We-ll that was an exciting experience! IS this what they call… pleasure?

TAKERU: Why did I have to…?

I turned my head toward the voices and saw that there were other gods resting in here. All of them
probably got struck by Zeus’s lightning.

There was a person I didn’t know.

???: So I heard you protected Hades-san?

YUI: You are…?

Is this person also a god?

DIONYSUS: I am Dionysus1. A Greek god.

YUI: Nice to meet you…

He also seemed to have been boycotting school, and had received the full force of the lightning.

DIONYSUS: However, disobeying my old man with such a cute face… you got guts.

Old man… Right, Dionysus was also Zeus’s child.

DIONYSUS: I might have changed my mind about you. You’re amazing. I’m kind of interested…

At some point, he’d gotten closer to me to place an arm around my shoulders, and he patted them
firmly. He was very good-natured …Almost overly-friendly.

YUI: Is that… true?

DIONYSUS: Yup, it’s true. Good job. I don’t dislike girls like that.

He gave me a knowing wink and rubbed my head. There are a lot of friendly ones among the Greek
gods… I couldn’t even hide my surprise at Apollon’s positive skinship.

YUI: Th-Thank you very much.

???: …I agree.

A god standing next to Dionysus was nodding, but I didn’t know who he was.

???: …You seem reliable.

DIONYSUS: Even Thor2-san’s praising you. You should feel proud.

Thor was definitely a Norse god. …And he was also supposed to be the god of thunder. I wonder if he
was also struck by Zeus’s lightning… Perhaps because it was because of his similarity to Zeus
that he seemed so much more composed than the other gods.

Dictionary entry: DIONYSUS (in mythological tradition) The Greek god of wine. He is also known as Bacchus, and
he has been worshipped as a god of theater and good harvests. In Greek myth, there are many stories relating him
to grapes, and he is often depicted holding a Thyrsus, a staff with grape vines wound around it.
Dictionary entry: THOR (in mythological tradition) The Norse god of thunder. In myth, he is widely depicted as a
strong and muscular man. While he is a god, he sometimes shows his kindness to humans as an ally. Megingjord is
the name of Thor’s magic belt, which can double his power. Thor and his magic belt have played an active role
throughout Norse mythology.
YUI: When you say that, I feel a little embarrassed.

At the unexpected words of praise, my numb body felt warmer. I couldn’t remember being spoken to
like this even back in the human world.

TAKERU: It’s dumb to just sit here forever. I’m going already.

Maybe he doesn’t work well in groups. Takeru put his hand on the door to the infirmary.

LOKI: What’s this? Getting all excited about enjoying the school life?

TAKERU: Shut up! Like hell I’d do that. I’m just leaving ‘cause I feel fine already.

LOKI: Aren’t you just boiling with energy? Even though we were juuust told we couldn’t leave
without graduating…

YUI: What? That’s…

LOKI: It was while you were going night-night. It’s because we’re bad kids who just can’t listen.

It was true that everyone who was in here was a god who hadn’t attended school yet.

LOKI: Mr. Death has it all figured out, right? You’re an adult and all…

HADES: I hate to go along with his plans, but this way is less trouble.

LOKI: Mr. Death just said he’ll go along, but? What’s Ta-tan gonna do?

TAKERU: Don’t just call people whatever you want, you careless prick! It pisses me off when I look at
guys like you.

LOKI: Oh nooo, calm down… It was name I’d spent so much time thinking of, you know…?

LOKI: Mr. Death, because he’s Lord of the Underworld. And, Ta-tan is…

TAKERU: The Underworld… that’s the land of the dead 3, right? Just from the name, it sounds like that

Hearing Loki’s words, Takeru seemed to be interested.

TAKERU: By Lord, does that mean you rule the land of the dead? Doesn’t that make you some kind of

HADES: I don’t know if it’s that impressive. I’m not the one to decide that. I’m simply ruling over the
domain I was given.
Dictionary entry: LAND OF THE DEAD (in mythological tradition) The place where the deceased reside after death.
It exists in every tradition, though the name may be different. It has been called the Underworld (in Greek myth) or
Yomi-no-Kuni (in Shintoism). The land of the dead is underground, and it is said that living humans who eat the
food of the Underworld cannot return to the surface.
TAKERU: The land of the dead, huh? You’ve got me interested. Tell me all about it.

Takeru’s attitude had completely changed from the one he showed Loki. He was curious about Hades. It
seemed the fact that Hades was Lord of the Underworld had captured his interest somehow.

HADES: You’re a curious one. Do whatever you want. I don’t think I will live up to your expectations,

He didn’t appear to have any interest in Takeru, and even resisting Takeru seemed troublesome.

TAKERU: Okay, I’ll do whatever I want! Alright, it’s decided! I’m going to school!

YUI: Huh...?!

YUI: Oh, yes. That’s good.

What kind of circumstances are these? I didn’t understand why Takeru respected Hades so much.

THOR: …It’s been decided.

THOR: …Loki. …You come too.

LOKI: Hm… Well, I don’t really want to, but I guess I could come with you? I could never get tired of Ta-
tan, hehehe…

I got a bad feeling from that last little laugh, but at least he was coming. I felt like I’d taken a step

THOR: …That’s that. …Before he changes his mind, let’s begin.

YUI: Okay, I’ll explain everything, so let’s go to the classroom.

I took the gods who didn’t really want to cooperate and led them to Class A.

(ctrl+f “Greek/Japanese/Norse choices converge” for next part)

CHOOSE: Go with the Japanese gods

YUI: I want to go with the Japanese gods.

The one Japanese god who isn’t here is Takeru. Honestly, I felt really uneasy about trying to persuade
Takeru, who didn’t seem to like the idea of humans, but I had no choice but to try.


When I looked at Tsukito, he was silent and expressionless. In other words, he didn’t understand.

YUI: I’m going to go look for him. Please go get the other gods, everyone. Thank you!

I left the classroom and began to walk, searching for any sign of Takeru. A place he might be…Where
would that be? Trying to picture it, I thought that the standard place for a lazy student skipping class
would be the rooftop.


I went to the rooftop. Above my head stretched a perfectly clear blue sky.

A nice breeze was blowing, and I thought how nice my dreams would be if I took a nap up here. Takeru
might also take naps here.

???: Ha… hah… Guh… ha….

I heard the sound of heavy breathing coming from somewhere. I stiffened.

Wh-What is this voice…

???: …Hah… Ha…

Fearfully, I tiptoed over to the voice. When I did that, I found Takeru doing push-ups.

YUI: Wh-What are you doing?!

I yelled in surprise, and at the same time, Takeru’s movement stopped.

TAKERU: …What?

Still in position, Takeru glared up at me with a scary face.

TAKERU: Can’t you tell I’m training?

I faltered in his sharp gaze, feeling something close to fear. His expression was cold and fierce.
It could drive anyone away. I could see that in his eyes. Gripping my shaking hands tightly,
I took a step forward.

YUI: Um… I was looking for you.


As if deliberately ignoring me, Takeru continued doing push-ups.

YUI: Will you go with me to the classroom?

TAKERU: …Ha… Ha…

He was concentrating on his exercise and didn’t even glance at me. Being blatantly ignored like this
made me kind of sad.
YUI: We’re starting club activities today. I want you to join us.

TAKERU: …I don’t know what you’re talking about. And it doesn’t seem like a mandatory thing.

He didn’t even break the rhythm of his exercise as he spat out those words. His voice was icy.
I could tell he didn’t want to do it at all, but there was even a layer of animosity in his words.

Normally, I would probably give up at this point, but if I did that here, nothing would be solved. I needed
to do this if I wanted to leave the Garden to go back home to my world… I gathered all of my courage
and spoke to him once more.

YUI: If you like exercise, then why not join a sports club?

TAKERU: I don’t train because I have a goal or anything. I’m just bored.

YUI: In any case, if you have a goal, you’ll definitely enjoy it more! That’s why…

I wanted to persuade him with something that would get even a little bit of his interest, but…

TAKERU: Yeah? Why do I have to be told that by the likes of you?

TAKERU: Don’t order me around. Aren’t those just your own circumstances?

TAKERU: Or is this Zeus’s orders?

YUI: That’s…

I felt trapped, as if he’d seen right through me.

TAKERU: From the very beginning, I didn’t want to go along with this farce. What the hell is a school life?

Looking at Takeru’s situation, he probably couldn’t help but feel that way. He was already unwilling, and
then he’d been forced to go along with things that seemed pointless. But even if he didn’t like it, there
was no getting out.

Takeru didn’t hide his irritation and scowled at me. He was definitely a problematic person. I realized I
would have to persuade him by turning his way of thinking around.

But, how? I definitely didn’t think the aggressive Takeru would listen to me so easily. …Either way, I had
no choice but to persuade him.

YUI: Please. I’m also supporting you all toward graduation, so let’s work together.

TAKERU: You’re persistent. If you don’t shut up, I won’t hold back just because you’re a girl.

YUI: But…
I felt the tension crackle through my skin. I felt like I was going to suffocate under that pressure, but I
tried again to convince him, and… As if to drown out my voice, there was a crack of thunder. However,
the sky remained as blue as ever. It was strange to hear thunder.

ZEUS: You gods who have rejected this school.

YUI: Is this voice… Zeus’s?

TAKERU: Tch… Crap.

Even Takeru had stopped at the voice coming down from above.

ZEUS: I will give you a warning. Participate in our plans. If you do not, you will receive punishment.

Immediately, thunder sounded once more. It was closer than before.

YUI: By punishment, is he… Is he planning to drop lightning?!

There was no answer from Zeus, but the sound of thunder grew greater, as if in affirmative.

YUI: I beg you. Please say you’ll participate! At this rate…

TAKERU: No thanks.

The thunder only became louder, and Takeru glared up at the sky with a sour look. It seemed he still
wouldn’t bend. But, no matter how many gods were struck by lightning…

A flash of lightning crackled across the sky, and the sound of thunder split the air.

YUI: Watch out!!

At the moment the lightning fell on Takeru, I jumped forward as if to move him. I tried to shield him
from the lightning.

TAKERU: Idiot! You…

Right when I covered Takeru, a paralyzing shock coursed throughout my entire body.

…And, I immediately lost consciousness.



My body felt numb. I opened my eyes.


As I lifted my eyelids, I saw that I was in the infirmary.

I was lying on a bed and looking up at the ceiling.

YUI: …I’m alive.

HADES: You wouldn’t have died in that lightning.

HADES: If you die, it is judgment. If you live, it is divine punishment. His intentions are the latter… He
wants us to attend school.

HADES: He isn’t so foolish that he’d kill us.

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Hades sitting in a chair nearby.

YUI: …So you’re… safe.

HADES: No. I got caught in the lightning as well.

YUI: Huh…

LOKI: We-ll that was an exciting experience! Is this what they call… pleasure?

TAKERU: Why did I have to…?

I turned my head toward the voices and saw that there were other gods resting in here. All of them
probably got struck by Zeus’s lightning.

There was a person I didn’t know.

???: So I heard you protected Takeru?

YUI: You are…?

Is this person also a god?

DIONYSUS: I am Dionysus4. A Greek god.

YUI: Nice to meet you…

He seemed to have also been boycotting school, and had received the full force of the lightning.

DIONYSUS: However, disobeying my old man with such a cute face… you got guts.

Old man… Right, Dionysus was also Zeus’s child.

DIONYSUS: I might have changed my mind about you. You’re amazing. I’m kind of interested…

Dictionary entry: DIONYSUS (in mythological tradition) The Greek god of wine. He is also known as Bacchus, and
he has also been worshipped as a god of theater and good harvests. In Greek myth, there are many stories relating
him to grapes, and he is often depicted holding a Thyrsus, a staff with grape vines wound around it.
At some point, he’d gotten closer to me to place an arm around my shoulders, and he patted them
firmly. He was very good-natured …Almost overly-friendly.

YUI: Is that… true?

DIONYSUS: Yup, it’s true. Good job. I don’t dislike girls like that.

He gave me a knowing wink and rubbed my head. There are a lot of friendly ones among the Greek
gods… I couldn’t even hide my surprise at Apollon’s positive skinship.

YUI: Th-Thank you very much.

???: …I agree.

A god standing next to Dionysus was nodding, but I didn’t know who he was.

???: …You seem reliable.

DIONYSUS: Even Thor5-san’s praising you. You should feel proud.

Thor was definitely a Norse god. …And he was also supposed to be the god of thunder. I wonder if he
was also struck by Zeus’s lightning… Perhaps because it was because of his similarity to Zeus that he
seemed so much more composed than the other gods.

YUI: When you say that, I feel a little embarrassed.

At the unexpected words of praise, my numb body felt warmer. I couldn’t remember being spoken to
like this even back in the human world.

TAKERU: It’s dumb to just sit here forever in a place like this. I’m going already.

Maybe he didn’t work well in groups. Takeru put his hand on the door to the infirmary.

LOKI: What’s this? Getting all excited about enjoying the school life?

TAKERU: Shut up! Like hell I’d do that. I’m just leaving ‘cause I feel fine already.

LOKI: Aren’t you just boiling with energy? Even though we were juuust told we couldn’t leave
without graduating…

YUI: What? That’s…

LOKI: It was while you were going night-night. It’s because we’re bad kids who just can’t listen.

It was true that everyone who was in here was a god who hadn’t attended school yet.
Dictionary entry: THOR (in mythological tradition) The Norse god of thunder. In myth, he is widely depicted as a
strong and muscular man. While he is a god, he sometimes shows his kindness to humans as an ally. Megingjord is
the name of Thor’s magic belt, which can double his power. Thor and his magic belt have played an active role
throughout Norse mythology.
LOKI: Mr. Death has it all figured out, right? You’re an adult and all…

HADES: I hate to go along with his plans, but this way is less trouble.

LOKI: Mr. Death just said he’ll go along, but? What’s Ta-tan gonna do?

TAKERU: Don’t just call people whatever you want, you careless prick! It pisses me off when I look at
guys like you.

LOKI: Oh nooo, calm down… It was name I’d spent so much time thinking of, you know…?

LOKI: Mr. Death is because he’s Lord of the Underworld. And, Ta-tan is…

TAKERU: The Underworld… that’s the land of the dead 6, right? Just from the name, it sounds like that

Hearing Loki’s words, Takeru seemed to be interested.

TAKERU: By Lord, does that mean you rule the land of the dead? Doesn’t that make you some kind of

HADES: I don’t know if it’s that impressive. I’m not the one to decide that. I’m simply ruling over the
domain I was given.

TAKERU: The land of the dead, huh? You’ve got me interested. Tell me all about it.

Takeru’s attitude had completely changed from the one he showed Loki. He was curious about Hades.

It seemed the fact that Hades was Lord of the Underworld had captured his interest somehow.

HADES: You’re a curious one. Do whatever you want. I don’t think I will live up to your expectations,

He didn’t appear to have any interest in Takeru, and even resisting Takeru seemed troublesome.

TAKERU: Okay, I’ll do whatever I want!

YUI: So, does that mean you’ll go to school?

I could guess from the way the conversation was going, but I thought it’d be better to make it
completely clear, so I confirmed with him.


Oh no. Did I ruin his mood again? Looking at the wordless Takeru, I suddenly felt uneasy.
Dictionary entry: LAND OF THE DEAD (in mythological tradition) The place where the deceased reside after death.
It exists in every tradition, though the name may be different. It has been called the Underworld (in Greek myth) or
Yomi-no-Kuni (in Shintoism). The land of the dead is underground, and it is said that living humans who eat the
food of the Underworld cannot return to the surface.
TAKERU: It’d be annoying to get hit by lightning every single time.

TAKERU: …I’m fine with it, but you weeds are weak to it. If that turns into something huge, it’ll cause
problems for me too.

YUI: That’s…

TAKERU: Tch… I’m saying I’ll play along with this farce.

TAKERU: Don’t make me spell it out for you.

YUI: Ah, yes! Thank you very much!

His attitude toward me may not have changed at all, but at least he seems to have some interest in the
other students.

THOR: … It’s been decided.

THOR: …Loki. …You come too.

LOKI: Hm… Well, I don’t really want to, but I guess I could come with you? I could never get tired of Ta-
tan, hehehe…

I got a bad feeling from that last little laugh, but at least he was coming. From just that, I felt like I’d
taken a step forward.

THOR: …That’s that. …Before he changes his mind, let’s begin.

YUI: Okay, I’ll explain everything, so let’s go to the classroom.

I took the gods who didn’t really want to cooperate and led them to Class A.

(ctrl+f “Greek/Japanese/Norse choices converge”)

CHOOSE: Go with the Norse gods

YUI: I want to go with the Norse gods.

I discussed things with Balder and decided to go look for Loki. According to Balder, Loki is pretty elusive,
so if we split up and looked, we would have a better chance of finding him. Apollon looked for Hades,
Tsukito left to find Takeru, and we went our separate ways.


As I walked down the hallway, I thought about where Loki could be. Since he seemed to be avoiding
school, I feared he wouldn’t be in a place overflowing with students. There was a high possibility that
he would be outside of the school building. I looked out through the window.

YUI: …Ah.
I immediately found him in the distance. I saw him at the edge of the courtyard, his deep red hair
fluttering as if on fire. If he was leaving the courtyard, where was he planning to go?

YUI: W-wait…

I didn’t want to lose him, so I hurried down the stairs. I flew out the entrance hall and ran after his back.


Loki seemed to be walking considerably farther ahead, and although I was chasing him desperately, the
distance between us didn’t seem to lessen.

YUI: …Haa… Haa…

YUI: Loki-san!!

Even though I called out to him, he only looked behind him on a whim a few times. He didn’t stop for me
at all.

YUI: …Where did he go?

While chasing Loki, I ended up in this place. I could see that it was a deep forest, a place beyond the
grassy plains surrounding the school. I’d definitely seen Loki go into this forest. But the trees were so
thick, I’d lost him already.

YUI: Loki-san--! Please come out!!

I looked around, but I didn’t sense anyone there. The only thing I could hear was the noise in the trees.

YUI: I thought he went in here, though…

I called his name over and over, but there was no answer.

YUI: Maybe he’s not here anymore. Maybe I should just leave…

I felt like giving up, but I steeled my nerves and called out to Loki in a loud voice.

YUI: U-Um… I’m Kusanagi Yui. I’ve come to look for you.

YUI: If I don’t help you graduate, then I can’t leave this place.

Wouldn’t gods also understand the desire to go back to one’s own world? Thinking that, I looked for
ways to catch his interest.

YUI: Everyone is… Balder-san is worried. Could you come to school?

As if answering to me, a branch a little way away from me shook.

YUI: !!
When I paid more attention to the place that had made the noise, I could sense someone there, even
though I couldn’t see them.

YUI: We’re starting something called club activities today, and I’d really like you to join.

YUI: If everyone works together, then it’ll be very fun!

I tried to make club activities seem more attractive by outlining the good parts as best I could.

It was then.

YUI: …Lightning?

I suddenly heard the cracking of thunder coming from somewhere.

ZEUS: You gods who have rejected this school.

YUI: I hear Zeus’s voice…

He was nowhere to be seen, but for some reason, his voice was coming down from above.

ZEUS: I will give you a warning. Participate in our plans. If you do not, you will receive punishment.

YUI: Punishment? What does he mean?

The sound of thunder reverberated loudly.

I noticed that today was sunny. Hearing thunder seemed really strange.

YUI: …No way.

YUI: Is he planning to drop lightning?!

Even though they were gods like him, isn’t this going too far? I yelled toward the sky, hoping to stop

YUI: Please stop! I’ll find them and persuade them!

But my voice didn’t reach him, and the lightning only got harsher.

YUI: Loki-san, please come out!

The sky filled with light. Immediately afterward came thunder so loud it made the earth shake.

YUI: Ah!!

In that moment, a huge shock coursed through my body.

…Then, I lost consciousness.



My body felt numb. I opened my eyes.


As I lifted my eyelids, I saw that I was in the infirmary.

I was lying on a bed and looking up at the ceiling.

YUI: …I’m alive.

LOKI: We-ll that was an exciting experience! Is this what they call… pleasure?

TAKERU: Why did I have to…?

HADES: If you die, it is judgment. If you live, it is divine punishment. His intentions are the latter… He
wants us to attend school.

HADES: He isn’t so foolish that he’d kill us.

YUI: Huh…

I turned my head toward the voices and saw that there were other gods resting in here. All of them
probably got struck by Zeus’s lightning.

Even Loki was there. Was he in that forest too, then…?

There was a person I didn’t know.

YUI: You are…?

Is this person also a god?

DIONYSUS: I am Dionysus7. A Greek god.

At some point, he’d gotten closer to me to place an arm around my shoulders, and he patted them
firmly. He was very good-natured …Almost overly-friendly.

There are a lot of friendly ones among the Greek gods… I couldn’t even hide my surprise at Apollon’s
positive skinship.

YUI: Nice to meet you…

Dictionary entry: DIONYSUS (in mythological tradition) The Greek god of wine. He is also known as Bacchus, and
he has also been worshipped as a god of theater and good harvests. In Greek myth, there are many stories relating
him to grapes, and he is often depicted holding a Thyrsus, a staff with grape vines wound around it.
He also seemed to have been boycotting school, and had received the full force of the lightning.

DIONYSUS: However, disobeying my old man with such a cute face… you got guts.

Old man… Right, Dionysus was also Zeus’s child.

DIONYSUS: I might have changed my mind about you. You’re amazing. I’m kind of interested…

YUI: Is that… true?

DIONYSUS: Yup, it’s true. Good job. I don’t dislike girls like that.

He gave me a knowing wink and rubbed my head.

YUI: Th-Thank you very much.

???: …I agree.

A god standing next to Dionysus was nodding, but I didn’t know who he was.

???: …You seem reliable.

DIONYSUS: Even Thor8-san’s praising you. You should feel proud.

Thor was definitely a Norse god. …And he was also supposed to be the god of thunder. I wonder if he
was also struck by Zeus’s lightning9… Perhaps because it was because of his similarity to Zeus that he
seemed so much more composed than the other gods.

YUI: When you say that, I feel a little embarrassed.

At the unexpected words of praise, my numb body felt warmer. I can’t remember being spoken to like
this even back in the human world.

TAKERU: It’s dumb to just sit here forever. I’m going already.

Maybe he doesn’t work well in groups. Takeru put his hand on the door to the infirmary.

LOKI: What’s this? Getting all excited about enjoying the school life?

TAKERU: Shut up! Like hell I’d do that. I’m just leaving ‘cause I feel fine already.

LOKI: Aren’t you just boiling with energy? Even though we were juuust told we couldn’t leave
without graduating…

Dictionary entry: THOR (in mythological tradition) The Norse god of thunder. In myth, he is widely depicted as a
strong and muscular man. While he is a god, he sometimes shows his kindness to humans as an ally. Megingjord is
the name of Thor’s magic belt, which can double his power. Thor and his magic belt have played an active role
throughout Norse mythology.
T/N: There’s an in-game typo here and it actually says “Hades’s lightning”… I changed it to Zeus because that
made a lot more sense to me in context.
YUI: What? That’s…

LOKI: It was while you were going night-night. It’s because we’re bad kids who just can’t listen.

It was true that everyone who was in here was a god who hadn’t attended school yet.

LOKI: Mr. Death has it all figured out, right? You’re an adult and all…

HADES: I hate to go along with his plans, but this way is less trouble.

LOKI: Mr. Death just said he’ll go along, but? What’s Ta-tan gonna do?

TAKERU: Don’t just call people whatever you want, you careless prick! It pisses me off when I look at
guys like you.

LOKI: Oh nooo, calm down… It was name I’d spent so much time thinking of, you know…?

LOKI: Mr. Death, because he’s Lord of the Underworld. And, Ta-tan is…

TAKERU: The Underworld… that’s the land of the dead 10, right? Just from the name, it sounds like that

Hearing Loki’s words, Takeru seemed to be interested.

TAKERU: By Lord, does that mean you rule the land of the dead? Doesn’t that make you some kind of

HADES: I don’t know if it’s that impressive. I’m not the one to decide that. I’m simply ruling over the
domain I was given.

TAKERU: The land of the dead, huh? You’ve got me interested. Tell me all about it.

Takeru’s attitude had completely changed from the one he showed Loki. He was curious about Hades. It
seemed the fact that Hades was Lord of the Underworld had captured his interest somehow.

HADES: You’re a curious one. Do whatever you want. I don’t think I will live up to your expectations,

He didn’t appear to have any interest in Takeru, and even resisting Takeru seemed troublesome.

TAKERU: Okay, I’ll do whatever I want! Alright, it’s decided! I’m going to school!

YUI: Huh...?!

YUI: Oh, yes. That’s good.

Dictionary entry: LAND OF THE DEAD (in mythological tradition) The place where the deceased reside after
death. It exists in every tradition, though the name may be different. It has been called the Underworld (in Greek
myth) or Yomi-no-Kuni (in Shintoism). The land of the dead is underground, and it is said that living humans who
eat the food of the Underworld cannot return to the surface.
What kind of circumstances are these? I didn’t understand why Takeru respected Hades so much.

THOR: …It’s been decided.

THOR: …Loki. …You come too.

LOKI: Hm… Well, I don’t really want to, but I guess I could come with you? I could never get tired of Ta-
tan, hehehe…

I got a bad feeling from that last little laugh, but at least he was coming. I felt like I’d taken a step

THOR: …That’s that. …Before he changes his mind, let’s begin.

YUI: Okay, I’ll explain everything, so let’s go to the classroom.

I took the gods who didn’t really want to cooperate and led them to Class A.

(Greek/Japanese/Norse choices converge here)


In the classroom, Apollon and the others were researching club activities in some books they’d
borrowed from the library.

BALDER: Yui-san. It seems you’ve already awoken.

YUI: Sorry for the wait. Anyway, thanks to you…

LOKI: Right, right, kept you waiting!☆

BALDER: Oh, Loki... Everyone’s here. I’ve been waiting. You’re so late.

THOR: …There were things to do.

BALDER: If Thor says so, then there must have been a lot. Good work. Anyway, I’m glad you could all

YUI: Do you understand club activities now?

THOR: …Club activities?

YUI: Ah, I’ll explain it to everyone, okay?

I told Thor and the others the same thing I said this morning.

YUI: …It’s kind of like that.

THOR: …I see. …Balder, what do you plan to do?

BALDER: I’m interested in the tennis club. The one played with a soft ball.

APOLLON: I also want to make a tennis club, but hard style!

YUI: Isn’t… that a little excessive?

I think they should do it together and get to know each other.

BALDER: The word itself sounds nice! And it seems so wonderfully kind. I really like the idea of pairing
up. Spending your youth saving and supporting each other!

YUI: The word itself… And “youth”?

He had an excitement and a unique sensibility that I just couldn’t fight with.

APOLLON: Me too, I’m going to live out my youth! I won’t lose to you, Baru-Baru! It’ll be a “mutual

Apollon was cheerfully using words he’d probably just learned. He wasn’t making any sort of deep
reference to a long-standing rivalry or something. I thought that their desire to do this was the most
important thing… And while I was thinking, Apollon and Balder left the classroom.

YUI: What are you going to do, Tsukito-san?

I wonder what conclusions Tsukito had come to after reading those books so silently.

TSUKITO: I’m not sure. I don’t feel interested in anything right now.

YUI: Well that’s not good…

I wonder what he would like.

TAKERU: Hey, you weed!

TAKERU: My brother’s name is different. What are you playing at?

Takeru approached me with an incredible fury.

YUI: N-Nothing! I just thought they would be more convenient…

YUI: Susanoo-san, I also gave you Totsuka Takeru…

I tried to convey everything to him desperately under that immense pressure, but…

TAKERU: You can have them back!

He rejected me, yelling shrilly. I felt my mind going blank from the pressure.

YUI: But…
TSUKITO: Totsuka Takeru. Please follow the rules.

TAKERU: But, bro…

TSUKITO: In order to complete the goal “graduation”, both a first and last name are necessary.

TAKERU: I-Is that so… If you say so, then I guess…

His attitude was completely different… We were explaining the same thing, so why?

TAKERU: But… What’s a last name?

YUI: Uh, well that is…

I explained names to him.

Then I explained how I thought of their new names.

TAKERU: Totsuka Takeru, huh… If it’s the same as my brother, then fine. Yeah, it’s like we’re matching.

Though he grumbled about it, Takeru seemed to have finally accepted his new name, if only because he
matched with his older brother.

As for the other gods…

DIONYSUS: Yo, Aidoneus!

HADES: Don’t call me meaninglessly. Dionysus Thyrsus… It’s hard to pronounce. I don’t have to use that,

DIONYSUS: What’s with that? Isn’t that kinda mean? I mean, I kinda thought that too, but…

LOKI: Megingjord makes you sound sooo strong! What should your nickname be? If it was Apollon,
you’d probably be Gin-Gin or Gjo-Gjo…

THOR: …It’s fine as it is.

Thor had a rare displeased look on his face. It seemed like he wanted to protest.

THOR: The word Laevatein suits you.

THOR: …It conveys fire. …Like fire, you always slip out of one’s grasp.

LOKI: But I’m so super serious I don’t even tell lies! I’m upset--!

He struck a ridiculous pose and looked at Thor daringly.

THOR: …That’s exactly what I was talking about.

Anyway, after checking on all of them, it seemed that, for now, they didn’t think badly of me or school. I
felt relieved.

YUI: …Well, shall we start club activities?

YUI: Reference the materials, and try to think of something for now.

Following my direction, they began reading through the books.


It’s been about one hour since we’ve been thinking of activities.

LOKI: Ah, this strategy’s gonna be good. Let’s use 10kg of gunpowder in the next Balder mission… Oh,
and a fishing net too… He was passionately reading something completely unrelated.

TAKERU: Mnn… Hum num… Bro… Wait for me… Mnn…

Takeru was sleeping on his book like a pillow.


Having given up on looking for ideas, Hades closed his book and was staring out the window. They
looked like they weren’t even thinking about it. …I felt like I needed to do something.

YUI: Excuse me, everyone.

YUI: I know you’re all still in the middle of thinking, but since we’re not making any progress,
I’m going to do a survey.

As I said this, I passed out pens and pieces of paper.

YUI: Please write down the clubs you’re interested in and turn it in to me. Let’s experience those club
activities today. Hands-on experience is important too.

LOKI: Okay, okay! Leave it to us--!

That was a rather energetic response. Is he getting interested, maybe? I gathered the forms together,
and checked them all myself.

Loki… nothing.
Thor… “The same thing as Loki.”

Tsukito… nothing.
Takeru… nothing.

Dionysus… nothing.

YUI: …
Loki thought just verbally answering to my suggestion would be fine. Being let down like this was cruel.

Putting the last of my wishes into Hades’s answer, I opened it…

…And it said “Astronomy Club”.

YUI: …Um, everyone.

YUI: Right now, the astronomy club has the most support, so I was thinking that we could all experience
clubs through it.

YUI: Please enter the club temporarily. It’s a mandatory procedure.

DIONYSUS: Eh? Is that what a survey’s supposed to be?

YUI: …Yes.

Right, I’ve decided. If I hadn’t done something, there would be a lot of gods who would just go home
without doing anything.

HADES: …An astronomy club…?

Seeing his own suggestion used, Hades looked surprised, but also a little happy. Looking at his face, my
impression of Hades changed just a little. He might not be as scary as I thought he was. On top of that, it
was a little surprising that he liked stars, of all things.

LOKI: What do we do specifically?

YUI: We ask Hades to be the president, since he seems most the most responsible in this case, and we
carry out club activities.


LOKI: Because he seems like he’s clearly thought of his goals? Or is this that “power by seniority”? I want
a more active leader, you know…

TAKERU: Bastard, if you wanna complain, then go! Do it yourself! I’m fine with Hades-san.

LOKI: What’s thiiiis, did you get wrapped up in something bad? Oh wait, are you getting something from
Mr. Death? Like a bribe, or something?

TAKERU: At least he’s better than you. Anyway I’m fine with astronomy. I’m not interested, but…

…So he’s not interested. But Takeru seemed to respect Hades’s higher position, and by majority vote, a
club president was decided.

YUI: So, for now, why don’t we try it out?

YUI: Hades-san, do you know a lot about stars?

HADES: I have a minimal amount of knowledge. However, I need some materials to teach others.

HADES: I want to go borrow a reference book from the library. Is that alright?

YUI: Of course.

YUI: So, will everyone please…

LOKI: Can I stay here? I have something I wanna try out…

TAKERU: Even if I go, I won’t understand, so I’ll leave it to you.

YUI: Um…

HADES: I don’t mind. I’ll return soon.

Hades was about to go by himself. I think it’d be best to stay with the god I feel the most uneasy about.

THREAD OF FATE (T/N: This is your route choice! All of your small choices after this can affect your brave
point count.)

>Go with Hades to the library

>Wait next to Takeru
>Show interest in what Loki is doing

(ctrl+f “CHOOSE: [your choice]”)

CHOOSE: Go with Hades to the library

YUI: Hades-san, I’ll go with you.

HADES: I’m fine by myself.

YUI: Preparation for this is really important, and anyway, I want to learn some things from you directly.

Without agreeing or disagreeing with him, I went along. It wasn’t as if I thought he would disappear at a
time like this, but I just wanted to make sure, since he finally came all the way here. With those feelings,
I walked behind him.


We found Thoth in the library.

YUI: Oh, Lord Thoth.

THOTH: …What do you want?

YUI: Nothing you need to do, Lord Thoth. We are just here to gather information for club activities.
THOTH: Don’t call my name for nothing. It’s annoying.

YUI: Excuse me.

He looked at me, displeased, and then returned to his reading. He had piled up many, many books that
looked very dense and complicated, and was reading them through one by one.

Keeping Thoth in the back of our minds, we went over to the bookshelf containing literature on
astronomy. Having discovered so many related materials, Hades was looking over them carefully. I
couldn’t tell if he really liked them or if he just felt some responsibility, but I was curious about his
earnest expression. It would be nice if the whole class could study like this.

YUI: There’s a lot here.

YUI: I’m not really familiar with this kind of thing beyond looking at the stars sometimes and talking
about the zodiac, so researching them is a fresh feeling.

YUI: So where’s my constellation…?

The book I was looking at had all sorts of information about seasonal constellations.

YUI: Huh? It’s not here…

I had opened up to the page on the season I was born, but I couldn’t find it at all.

YUI: That’s weird… Maybe I just overlooked it.

YUI: I should search for it again.

HADES: … Humans connect constellations to birth dates, but in reality, those stars aren’t visible during
their associated time periods.

YUI: Oh, is that so…?

It was the first time I’d heard that.

HADES: The twelve constellations of the zodiac appear in the same direction as the sun. For example, if
someone born under Taurus tried to observe those stars, they wouldn’t be able to see it because of the
sun’s radiance.

YUI: So, the constellations for that month are in the same position as the sun during the day? …Is that
what you mean?

HADES: Yes. If you want to see your own zodiac sign, it’s impossible unless you look for it months in

So, there wasn’t any purpose to me looking up at the night sky on my birthday…
YUI: I had no idea.

After giving me a general explanation, he returned his gaze to the books. He might not be such a bad
person after all. Seeing Hades researching it so passionately, I thought that I’d made a good decision to
start the astronomy club.

As I looked over the bookcases, I suddenly remembered. There are a lot of Greek myths connected to
constellations, aren’t there? Like, the hero Heracles 11 defeating a monster. …I think there was something
like that. Maybe that’s also one of the reasons that Hades is so interested in astronomy. Carrying the
books in our arms, we quickly made our way back to the classroom.


LOKI: Ah! You came back at just the right time--! I have some amaaazing news! You wanna hear it? You
wanna hear it, right?

Loki came up to me right as we entered the classroom. I had kind of a bad feeling… Whenever Loki had
that happy expression on his face, it could cause problems for me. Loki often said one thing and did
another, as capricious and unreliable as he was.

LOKI: I’m quitting the astronomy club, thanks.♪

YUI: …Huh?

I was stunned. I hadn’t even imagined he would say something like that. It wasn’t that it was good or
bad, it just exceeded my expectations.

LOKI: I’ll be making a braaand new club! It will be… the… going-home club! Take care.☆

…Of all things, a going-home club. As for why he arrived at that decision, I could probably guess.

THOR: …I’ll do the same as Loki.

YUI: What?! Even Thor-san?

Well, he did write “the same thing as Loki” for the survey I just did, but…

THOR: …Sorry about this.

YUI: Ah, no, it’s okay…

Being told that by the very serious-looking Thor, I just couldn’t respond. On the other hand,
he seemed like a very reliable person, so I thought maybe leaving Loki with him would be a good idea.

YUI: Um, so what about everyone else?

Dictionary entry: HERACLES (in mythological tradition) A hero of Greek legend. Originally born as a human, he
underwent many difficult trials before he was recognized as a god. It is said that one of the beasts defeated by
Heracles became the constellation Leo.
I confirmed with everyone, just to make sure they hadn’t changed their minds.

TAKERU: I want to train myself, so I’m making a kendo club. It seemed interesting when I saw it in one of
those books.

He picked something even though he was sleeping just a few minutes ago… Perhaps Tsukito scolded

TSUKITO: I was told a literature club would suit me. That is my choice.

YUI: Wh-What are…?

Even as an older brother, he just decided on a club based on someone else’s opinion…

Next to Tsukito was a pile of books stacked up high. It seemed like almost all of the books in the
classroom were gathered there. It wasn’t like he wasn’t giving it any thought, or that he was lazy or
anything. It really seemed like he couldn’t decide.

DIONYSUS: I apologize to Hades-san, but I’m not that interested in stars. I want to grow some grapes,
and maybe start a gardening club…


Hades looked at everyone wordlessly.

DIONYSUS: See you, Kusanagi-san. I’m gonna go loosen some dirt in the courtyard.

Dionysus left the classroom.

As if following his example, the other gods left the classroom for their club activities.

HADES: …Should these go back to the library?

Hades looked down at the books in his arms as he said this, his face expressionless.

YUI: Ah, I’ll go with you.

I hurried after him.

YUI: Um… It’s really a shame. But, please cheer up. I don’t think anyone had bad intentions.

HADES: I’m used to this kind of thing. It always turns out like this.

YUI: Huh?

What is that supposed to mean?

…That’s what I wanted to ask him, but the atmosphere was so heavy, I felt that I shouldn’t, so I just
closed my mouth. By the time we returned our books, extracurricular hours were over. The day ended
without anything happening.


YUI: …I’m back.

Dragging my tired body, I entered by room. I casually threw out those words of greeting. Of course, no
one would respond…

???: Oh, welcome home.

YUI: …Huh?

There was an answer.

YUI: Wh-Who?!

???: You know. It’s me.

YUI: Yeah, right, but who are you?

I could hear their voice, but no one was there. Where could they be hiding?

I immediately took a defensive stance.

???: I’m right here in front of you. Are your eyes going bad or something?

In front of me… When I heard that, I looked around everywhere I could see.

…And, I noticed something near my feet.

YUI: …Ah.

Something very small was tottering around.

???: So you finally noticed, you dumb Kutanagi.

YUI: A doll is… talking…

???: I’m not a doll! I am a splendid human!!

YUI: Oh, sorry. I thought you were a ragdoll or…

???: Do you have no consideration?

It was a situation that I couldn’t even grasp, let alone give consideration. I’d gotten used to life here a
little, but I still couldn’t hide my surprise every time something unexpected happened.
???: Well, whatever. I’m a gentle person.

???: Even then, I can’t completely deny the fact that I’m a doll. I’m not a complete human yet.

YUI: It seems like it.

YUI: …So, who are you?

MELISSA: I am Melissa12. I’m a human Zeus made out of clay. I’ll be taking care of you from now on.

MELISSA: Oh, and don’t call me “clay doll” or something. In a lot of mythologies, humans were originally
made of clay and dirt, you know.

MELISSA: Zeus heard about that and tried using clay…But he didn’t put in enough power, so I couldn’t
completely become a human.

So, to put it simply, he was a clay doll. I barely had the time to realize that, because Melissa continued
explaining things in rapid succession. He seemed like a talkative person with a good disposition.

MELISSA: But if I’d just become human without a problem, you wouldn’t have been called out here,

MELISSA: I’m supposed to be your caretaker… But since I’ve been living here in the Garden longer than
you have, I’ll look after your needs as a mentor.

MELISSA: If you have something you’re worrying about, don’t hold back. Talk to me about it. I’ll even
offer you a shoulder to cry on.

The sight of him thumping his chest with his little cloth hand was so cute, I felt so much better.

YUI: Thank you very much for your concern.

The mismatch between his small, cute appearance and his deep voice was amusing.

MELISSA: Right, right. Also, a message from Zeus: the problem in your room has been fixed.

MELISSA: Go ahead and take a dip in the bath. If anything comes up, let me know, Kutanagi.

YUI: Kutanagi…?

Now that I thought about it, he called me that before.

MELISSA: Okay, I’m going to my room. Farewell!

Dictionary entry: MELISSA (in the world of Kamigami no Asobi) A clay doll that was born when Zeus tried to make
a human. He speaks like someone from Tokyo. He usually lives in a dollhouse in Yui’s room, and he unexpectedly
likes alcohol and talks of romance. (T/N: Regarding Melissa’s gender, it’s never explicitly stated whether the doll is
male or female. I have a sense it doesn’t matter, but given that the average Japanese reader would most likely
assume a gender, I just chose one on my own.)
Saying this, he climbed up the leg of the table…

…opened the door to a dollhouse that had been placed there at some point, and disappeared inside. I
guess he’s staying in my room. I felt confused at having suddenly gained a lively roommate, but I went
straight to my first bath in a day.


Soaking in the warm water, I thought of the bath back home. Trying to stay in the world of my memories
for even a second longer, I submerged myself in the short, Western-style bathtub.

The second day of my school life here. The end goal was nowhere in sight.


The next morning, classes began. Human anatomy, philosophy…We studied things that were a little
more difficult. During the break, the gods ordered items for their clubs from the store. They seemed
motivated. Students from the other classes were also interested in clubs. They started a few themselves,
and notifications of their entrance into clubs came back to me.

YUI: …Soft style, again?

The majority of them were for the soft style tennis club. …Well, it’d be more accurate to say that out of
the clubs the gods started, the soft style tennis club was the only one that got new member

JAPANESE FEMALE STUDENT: Lord Balder--! Please teach me everything, with lots of details!!

GREEK MALE STUDENT: Hey! Don’t think about getting a head start! We all want the same thing, you

NORDIC FEMALE STUDENT: That’s right. We’re going in order, fairly. Lord Hringhorni is everyone’s idol!

BALDER: You mustn’t fight. Everyone, please get along with each other, okay?

JAPANESE FEMALE STUDENT: Eeeee! Lord Balder is sooo dreamy!

The club president, Balder, seemed to have an innate charisma. Even during break, he was surrounded
by students and was enjoying himself talking with everyone.

YUI: He’s so popular… I guess it’s expected from someone who’s well-loved even by other gods.

On the other hand…


Perhaps it was because of yesterday’s incident, but Hades looked very isolated from everyone else. He
seemed to have built up walls around himself, giving off an aura that drove people away from him. I felt
it was partially my fault for trying to make everyone join the astronomy club. I didn’t want him to lose
his will to participate, so I decided I would support him. The bell rang, signaling the end of afternoon

Even though we didn’t have club rooms, everyone prepared to start their activities. Zeus’s lightning had
probably worked. There wasn’t a single person who complained.

YUI: Hades-san.

I called out to Hades, who was sitting alone.

YUI: What is the astronomy club doing today?

HADES: Going to look at the stars. There’s no other purpose for this club.

Without even looking my way, he stood up and made to leave the classroom. I need to get him more
active somehow…

YUI: Can I join you?

I spoke, fully prepared to be refused. Of course, I honestly still felt a little reluctant about being alone
with Hades. It might be awkward. But I felt like I had to do this. My body moved on its own.

YUI: …Is it not okay?

Hades stared at me, a surprised look on his face.

HADES: …Do what you want.

YUI: Thank you very much!

I didn’t think he’d let me go along. I was so happy, my voice rose a little.

YUI: Do we need any tools? Like binoculars or something like that…

YUI: Oh, right. Should we bring some of the materials from the library?

HADES: Don’t worry about unnecessary things. Your eyeballs are enough. …Let’s go.

As if appalled, he made a parting remark, turned around, and began to walk. Leaving behind the other
students, who were clamoring about club activities, we went outside.


The spring plains were colored by the setting sun. It could just be because I wasn’t used to seeing it yet,
but I thought it was a beautiful, painting-like scenery.

YUI: How far are we going?

Hades continued to walk farther and farther. I talked to his back.


Huh, did he not hear me? I’ll try saying it again a little louder…

YUI: Um, how far are we going?

HADES: …I can hear you. When we get there you’ll know.

With that short answer, Hades continued to walk.

YUI: Oh, right, I see. …Excuse me.

Did I ruin his mood, even though I’d finally gotten his permission to come along? Maybe I was trying too
hard to act cheery.

HADES: …Watch your feet. We’re going somewhere even darker. Artificial light washes out starlight.

He’d stopped a little to say that, but then he began silently walking again.

YUI: Right. Thank you.

I was relieved. I thought he’d tell me to go home or something, but he seemed fine with me tagging
along. After a while, the school completely disappeared from view. And before long, Hades stopped
walking and looked up at the sky. He was watching the sun in the west.

HADES: We’ll wait until the sun goes down. We’ll probably see the first star today.

YUI: Uwah, I’m really looking forward to this. I haven’t looked up at the stars like this
since I was little.

I spoke, but there was no response. I suppose the gods called to the Garden really don’t have an interest
in humans. I looked up at the sky too. The sun had almost set, but it would be a while before it
completely sank out of view. What should we do until then? I thought about it and decided to…


>Talk about astronomy

>Talk about Hades
>Wait quietly

CHOOSE: Talk about astronomy

YUI: Um, could we talk about the stars and planets a little?

Hades didn’t agree or refuse, but an ambiguous expression arose on his face.

YUI: I want to learn some things about them.

HADES: …The constellations…

He opened his mouth after a while.

HADES: There are 88 constellations recognized by humans.

He murmured his speech in fragments. However, I considered them directed at me.

YUI: 88…?

HADES: There were more before. But since it wasn’t controlled, they eventually decided on 88.

HADES: And, among those 88, the ones that followed the path of the sun… The constellations on the
path known as the ecliptic are called the twelve signs of the zodiac.

HADES: These are the zodiac signs that humans use in divination and the like.

YUI: Oh, so that’s how they were chosen! This is the first time I’ve heard that. You really know a lot.

Learning about these little details of something very commonplace, I felt a little moved. If I thought
about it, I realized I’d only had a superficial understanding of things, and I didn’t know anything of their
true nature. Afterward, I asked Hades a few questions, and listening to his answers, I learned some new
things and felt really happy.

CHOOSE: Talk about Hades

YUI: How are you lately?

HADES: …Lately? That’s vague. What do you want to know? I don’t understand your intentions.

YUI: Um, well… Do you think you could get used to living here?

HADES: We have to live here for one year. I have no choice but to get used to it.

It was a dutiful answer.

YUI: How is your dorm life? Is it okay?

HADES: It’s a fairly comfortable environment. It’s just that my roommates are noisy.

YUI: Ahhh… I see.

…Apollon and Dionysus. The both of them are the cheerful type, and their energy seems different from
Hades. Afterward, I awkwardly asked a few more questions and received simple, short answers from

CHOOSE: Wait quietly

Feeling the nature around me, I decided to wait quietly for the time to pass. Hades was silent too.
He looked up at the changing sky. His beautiful deep red eyes glimmered in the light of the evening sun.
I hadn’t taken a good look at him before, but he was actually really handsome. Soft hair covered one of
his eyes, and when he cast them downward, his profile was beautiful enough to be godly.

The time passed like this…

(choices converge here)


The sun hid behind the horizon, and our surroundings were shrouded in darkness. There were no lights
or anything around us, so it was really dark… it was the first time I’d been in such a deep darkness.

YUI: Uwah… You can see the stars really well.

The stars in the sky were brighter than I had ever imagined. It was several times clearer than looking
through a planetarium, and I could see even the smallest stars.

YUI: They’re shining so much brighter than normal. Why is that…?

HADES: It’s dark adaptation. When your eyes get used to the dark of night, you can see the true light of
the stars.

YUI: What I’ve looked up at before wasn’t their true light…

Without the light of the sun, the stars were so bright, I was mesmerized. So this is their original light… I
had no idea the stars could shine like this.

YUI: This is completely different from the place I lived in the human world.

It was a little removed from the center of town, but there was still some artificial light. It couldn’t be
considered completely dark. As I thought about my own house, I felt a little lonely.

YUI: Now that I think about it, I’ve looked up at the night sky with my two older brothers like this before.

YUI: Since we left the house without telling our parents, it turned into a big fuss.

I still haven’t forgotten the look on Mom and Dad’s faces when they found us outside. They were
incredibly angry, but I could tell they were worried and loved us very much.

YUI: How nostalgic… …I wonder how everyone is doing?

HADES: But, don’t the stars look the same as back then? There might be some differences, but many
things are the same, too.

YUI: Hades-san…
Certainly, the brightness of the starlight was different. But the stars were as brilliant and beautiful
as they were in the human world. As I thought about that, I felt myself cheer up a little.

HADES: Look over there. You can see the spring triangle. Do you know the Big Dipper?

Directing my gaze, Hades pointed up at the sky.

YUI: It should be…

I looked out at the northern sky.

YUI: It’s the one that’s shaped like a ladle, right?

HADES: Yeah. Humans compare it to that, don’t they?

…The Big Dipper… should be that one.

YUI: I found it.

HADES: In the lower part of the Big Dipper, there’s a star that shines orange. That’s Arcturus.

HADES: Also, the blue one below that is Spica. To the right… the bright one that completes the triangle
is Denebola.

HADES: Arcturus, Spica, Denebola. Connecting the three of those makes the spring triangle 13.

YUI: Like that…?

I wasn’t entirely sure that the stars I was looking at and the ones Hades pointed out
were the same.

YUI: Um…

I followed his finger, entranced…

YUI: Ah!

At some point, the distance between us had closed. I collided with his chest and lost my balance.

I’m going to fall!! I quickly protected my head.

YUI: …Hm?

HADES: Be careful. You’ll get hurt.

Dictionary entry: SPRING TRIANGLE (common definition) A constellation consisting of the stars Arcturus, Spica,
and Denebola that can be observed in spring. Arcturus is also part of Bootes (The Herdsman constellation), Spica
part of Virgo, and Denebola part of Leo. In addition to the spring triangle, there are summer and winter triangles as
I heard Hades’s voice near my ear. I raised my head and noticed I was being supported with his arms
around me, like a hug.

YUI: U-um.. I’m sorry!! I’m probably really heavy…

I felt my face grow hot. That was really clumsy of me. I quickly pulled away from him, and bowed and
apologized. What am I doing…?

HADES: Don’t worry about it. Let’s just sit down and try to avoid falling again.

YUI: …Yes. Thank you very much.

The two of us sat down on the grassy field, and quietly looked up at the night sky. Blanketed in the
stillness of the night, I felt very peaceful. It wasn’t awkward at all. It felt very relaxing, almost like
healing. I had some interest in stars, but I felt humbled, unable to even find them in the sky.

But I regretted that no one else came. I had no idea that looking up at the twinkling stars could make my
heart flutter like this.

YUI: …Why do stars come in different colors?

As I watched the stars, I suddenly asked something I’d been wondering.

HADES: It’s the difference in temperature.

YUI: Temperature…?

HADES: You can sort heavenly bodies into three categories: fixed stars, planets, and satellites.

HADES: The stars that complete constellations never move from their positions, so they’re called fixed

YUI: So that’s what that means…

HADES: Stars give off their own light, like the sun. In the same way that fire can change from red to blue
depending on the temperature, stars can change color too.

HADES: It’s called color temperature. As a beginner, you should remember that blue is a higher
temperature than red.

YUI: So does that mean Spica, the one that’s shining blue, has the highest temperature out of those

Hades nodded.

HADES: The surface of Arcturus is about 4000 degrees. In comparison, Spica is about 20,000. …And the
sun is about 600014.
T/N: Celsius is implied here. In Fahrenheit, these would be ~7000, ~36,000, and ~11,000 degrees.
YUI: It’s hotter… than the sun?

I couldn’t believe that that tiny star would be burning with such heat.

YUI: That’s amazing. I’ve learned all kinds of useful things today. It feels refreshing.

YUI: On top of that, the way you explain it is so easy to understand!

HADES: It’s just what I’ve looked up. It’s not that amazing. But if you feel like you’ve learned something,
then that’s good.

I raised my eyes up to the stars again… I suddenly remembered the existence of those stories behind the

YUI: Don’t the constellations have some sort of connection to Greek mythology…?

YUI: Does that one have anything?

I just pointed at a star that caught my interest, just to try and ask for something specific… But when I
said that, Hades’s expression clouded.

YUI: Hades-san…?

HADES: …That is Ursa Major.

HADES: A nymph who carried Zeus’s child was hated by his wife Hera and turned into a bear.

YUI: Eh…

HADES: I hate those stories. Most of them are about that egocentric bastard.

…I didn’t know. I couldn’t believe I touched on something that would upset him. I could have hurt him
with my thoughtless words. Thinking that, I…


>Ask if they can’t make up

>Cover for Zeus
>Change the subject

CHOOSE: Ask if they can’t make up

YUI: Can you not… make up with him?

HADES: I can’t. I have no need to.

With those fierce words of rejection, Hades suddenly seemed unapproachable.

YUI: It’s that bad…?

It seemed like a very deep-rooted problem.

CHOOSE: Cover for Zeus

YUI: Zeus is also human… I mean a god, but… he’s not perfect.

HADES: I don’t think anyone is perfect. That’s common sense.

I agreed with him, and couldn’t think of a way to reply. Is Zeus-san someone who just can’t be helped?

CHOOSE: Change the subject

YUI: …Please tell me more about the stars. What else is visible in tonight’s sky?

HADES: We’ll save that for next time. I don’t feel like talking about it right now.

Ahh, I’ve completely ruined his mood. However…

YUI: By “next time”, do you mean we can do this again sometime?

HADES: …Pft. Don’t think so far ahead. You’re just full of surprises.

Even though he’d let out a short sigh, he seemed a little happier. I was relieved.

(choices converge here)

HADES: …Do you know how the two of us are related?

YUI: Huh?

By “us”, does he mean himself and Zeus?

YUI: If it’s about Hades-san and Zeus-san, then not much. I only know you rule the heavens and the

HADES: He’s my little brother.

YUI: Wh-… Little brother?!

HADES: I was born first, then Poseidon15. Then our little sisters, and finally Zeus.

HADES: But since we rule the heavens and the Underworld, places that seem to have no connection,
there aren’t a lot of people who know we’re brothers.

YUI: Is that so? But, if you’re brothers, how come you avoid each other so much?

I have two older brothers. We do fight sometimes, but I don’t hate them as much as Hades hates Zeus.
Dictionary entry: POSEIDON (in mythological tradition) The Greek god of the ocean. He is Hades’s little brother
and Zeus’s older brother. He possesses a weapon called a trident, and it is said that when he is angry, he stirs up
the seas and causes great storms.
HADES: What would do if you knew? If it has to do with me, it won’t turn out well.

HADES: Stop while you’re ahead. Meaningless curiosity will destroy you.

He knit his eyebrows sternly. I felt his sharp gaze pierce through me. Under his serious expression,
I lost my words.

HADES: …We’re going back.

YUI: Okay.

I nodded my head weakly and stood up with Hades. Under the beautiful starry sky… I thought of the
complicated relationship between Hades and Zeus as we returned to school together.


(T/N: Before the next chapter is a mythology quiz. Scroll to the last page of this document for an

CHOOSE: Wait next to Takeru

If there’s a god who makes me feel uneasy, it’s Takeru. After seeing Hades off, I briefly peeked over at

TAKERU: What are you looking at, weed? Don’t stare at me, it’s annoying.

He noticed me looking at him, and I was met with a frightening glare.

YUI: Ah, n-no. I wasn’t …

Why was he so forceful? He didn’t need to overwhelm me like that.

LOKI: Oh, oh--! Can we go look at other clubs?

Even though Loki said he wanted to stand guard here, it seemed like he couldn’t wait patiently,
and he anxiously looked out the window. If he had some interest in other club activities, then that was
fine with me.

YUI: Yes. As long as you look around and choose something you’re interested in…

LOKI: Mkay, I’m going. There might be a club just perfect for me!

THOR: …Me too.

Springing to his feet, Thor followed after Loki, who had already left the classroom. I was a little worried,
but I thought if I left it to Thor it would be okay.

TAKERU: Other clubs…

I heard bits and pieces of Takeru muttering to himself. Takeru already said he had no interest in the
astronomy club, so he might be trying to decide whether to stay in it or not.

YUI: Are you going to look at other clubs too, Takeru-san?

YUI: It’s something you’ll be doing all year, so if there’s something you really have an interest in
you should prioritize that.

TAKERU: I already told Hades-san I’d join.

Takeru was thinking about Hades with a surprising sense of duty.

YUI: Hades-san only chose the club because he had an interest in astronomy himself. I don’t think he
wants to force anybody to join.

When I gave him some advice, for some reason, Takeru fell silent and frowned. …Did I somehow annoy

YUI: U-Um…

TAKERU: …You’re seriously strange.

YUI: Huh?

I didn’t really catch whatever Takeru was muttering. It might’ve just been me, but I thought his
expression had softened a little.

TAKERU: …Don’t just ogle at people’s faces. Let’s go. Show me around.

Abruptly turning away, Takeru made to leave the classroom.

YUI: I-I understand! Takeru-san, please wait!

I hastily chased after him. It might have just been on a whim, but I was happy he let me go with him.


He had been training even on the rooftop, and I got the impression that he was the more active type, so
I started with the athletics clubs.

YUI: Let’s go see the soft style tennis club next. Balder-san is the president.

TAKERU: It just looks like they’re throwing and rolling a ball around.

Takeru didn’t seem to be interested in anything, a bored expression on his face.

GREEK STUDENT: Eek! Pres Balder is so amazing!

NORDIC STUDENT: Club Pres Balder, please do your best! I’ll follow you wherever you go!
JAPANESE STUDENT: Ahh, I want to wipe that sweat off his brow… It seems so lovely…

As we neared the soft style tennis club, there was a curiously enthusiastic commotion brewing.


As if disgusted at the frenzy in front of him, Takeru wrinkled his brow.

TAKERU: I’m leaving. I’d never join that club in a million years.

YUI: R-right…

I couldn’t really imagine Takeru fitting in with the soft style tennis club either.

TAKERU: Everything looks stupid. It’d be better just to do nothing.

YUI: It’s not stupid! If you participated, you could…


>You could make irreplaceable friends

>You could make good memories of your school life
>You could train and become stronger

CHOOSE: You could make irreplaceable friends

YUI: If you did club activities together, you’ll definitely make some irreplaceable friends.

TAKERU: I don’t need friends. It wouldn’t go well.

YUI: That’s…

CHOOSE: You could make good memories of your school life

YUI: You could make good memories of your school life!

TAKERU: Memories are worthless… Whatever, I don’t need that kind of thing.

CHOOSE: You could train and become stronger

YUI: Depending on your discipline, I think you could train and become stronger.

TAKERU: Stronger…? You can get stronger through something like club activities?

He seemed doubtful, but he showed a reaction to the word “stronger”. He didn’t really seem like the
type to like clubs, but he might actually some kind of motivation.

YUI: Club activities happen every day, so eventually that accumulates and you’ll definitely get something
out of it.
TAKERU: …Even though it looks like they’re just fooling around. Aren’t they just chasing after balls?

Even though they were still sports, it seemed like he didn’t have interest in ball games.

(choices converge here)

When Takeru tried to leave…

NORDIC STUDENT: He’s too wonderful!! The best… ah!!

YUI: Watch out!

A student who was swept away in Balder’s charm lost his balance and collided with Takeru.

TAKERU: The hell…

He caught a student bigger than himself. If it was someone other than Takeru, the both of them
might’ve fallen and gotten hurt. It was that kind of impact.

TAKERU: What are you looking at?


Without thinking, the student blurted this out.

TAKERU: What did you say about me?! Watch your fucking mouth!

Takeru grabbed the student’s collar and roughly lifted him up.

NORDIC STUDENT: Gh… It… hurts…

YUI: Takeru-san! …You’re frightening him.

He probably hadn’t meant to insult Takeru, but this was the student’s fault. But, I called out to Takeru
because making a commotion out here might invite Zeus’s lightning again.


In response, Takeru loosened his grip.


Without even an apology, the student scrambled away.

TAKERU: …That’s why I can’t.

When he said that, I felt like I understood his feelings a little. For other people, it was a behavior that
didn’t mean much, but it was clear Takeru’s response was abnormal. It’s better if both people apologize
after making a mistake and bumping into each other, but that seemed impossible. There was a silence
between the two of us who remained.


YUI: …

LOKI: What’s thiiis? Could it be, could it be? Is Ta-tan going to join this one?

Loki and Thor happened to be checking out the soft style tennis club at the same time.

TAKERU: No. I am not. I’m going to look at something else. See you.

It looked like Takeru didn’t enjoy Loki’s company. He made a face as if fed up and tried to leave.

LOKI: Ehh, are you going already? Ta-tan, come look around with us. That’d be fun for sure!☆

TAKERU: I decline. Not interested.

LOKI: Well, I’m just inviting you. What’s up with that attitude?

Loki pursed his lips, teasing Takeru.

LOKI: If you’re like that, everyone’s gonna hate you, you know?☆

LOKI: With that snappy attitude of yours, you’d be so hard to hang out with.


Takeru’s eyes flashed with anger.

THOR: …Loki.

Thor called out his name in warning, but Loki didn’t close his mouth.

LOKI: Did you see yourself earlier? Soooo scary. You really snapped. Doesn’t that just make you a thug?

He cackled happily, like it was just a casual joke. Looking at it calmly, it was clear Loki was just trying to
provoke him, but Takeru thought differently.

TAKERU: …No! Who’re you calling a thug?!

Suddenly, the color of Takeru’s face changed. It wasn’t just anger. He was trembling, overflowing with

LOKI: Oh, did I hit the nail on the head? It’s so exciting to have someone like Ta-tan around!☆

LOKI: Whoa, it’s kind of cool how you can hurt people just by touching them! Like a knife! That’s so
Loki didn’t seem to be perturbed. He was simply having fun pushing Takeru’s buttons.

TAKERU: You asshole… Try saying that again… to my face…

Takeru’s body was bathed in a blue light. He transformed in an instant.

YUI: Takeru-san… Please calm down.

I instinctively sensed danger. Even though I’d tried to pacify him, Takeru didn’t look at me. He was
glaring at Loki, eyes aflame.

LOKI: Such intensity--! I’ve never seen you so angry. Okay, okay, calm down now.

Loki’s small jest seemed to add fuel to the fire. The air froze. Takeru’s overwhelming fury didn’t seem
like it would lessen at this point. I thought he was normally a little frightening, but I felt this force now
surpassed everything I imagined.

LOKI: …Ohh, this is bad, isn’t it? Didn’t Zeus tell us we weren’t allowed to use our god powers here?

LOKI: It was just a joke and you took it so seriously. You’re gonna get struck by the headmaster’s
lightning, yeah?

Loki seemed to have noticed the change in Takeru and he tried to cover it up a little, but it didn’t reach
Takeru at all.

TAKERU: …Do you want to die?

His body was slightly trembling. He was looking in Loki’s direction, but his eyes were unfocused, as if he
was staring at something much farther beyond.

LOKI: Uwah, he’s really turned back into a god. No need to get that mad… Not that he’d listen to me if I
said that.

Sensing danger, Loki stepped back just a little.

YUI: What does that…

THOR: …It’s his original form.

Thor muttered this, and I was once again surprised at how unaffected he was.

YUI: His original form… Then, in other words… that’s his god form?

THOR: …Yes.

So that’s what Takeru really looks like.

THOR: …The limiter isn’t fully stopping his power. …He’s on a rampage.
The gods kept the limiters on themselves so they could live here as humans. There was no way it would
work on Takeru, who had already overpowered it.

LOKI: Uh, this is a little… Isn’t this a problem…? Retreat, retreat!

LOKI: Take care of yourself!! Bye-bye!☆

YUI: Ah, wait!

THOR: …Sorry. …You should get away too.

The perpetrator escaped swiftly, and Thor followed soon after.

YUI: How could…?

They left behind me and the rampaging Takeru. But there was no way I could just leave him. Even
though Loki was already gone, Takeru was looking vacantly at a single point and muttering something.
He was clenching his fists hard, and it looked like he was enduring something.

TAKERU: I’m… I’m…

I need to snap him back to his senses. But, how should I do that…?


>Softly touch him

>Call out to him desperately
>Do nothing but wait

CHOOSE: Softly touch him

It was honestly terrifying to get close to him, but I wanted to communicate through my actions, not my
words. When I placed a hand over his trembling fist, Takeru’s body shook with a start.

CHOOSE: Call out to him desperately

YUI: Please calm down! It’s okay now, so please, come back to your original form…

I called out to him, refusing to give up, and he seemed to respond a little. It looked like he heard my
voice. Just a little more.

YUI: Takeru-san!! Please… come back!

TAKERU: …Kgh… Aghhh…

He scowled in pain and grasped his head, groaning.

CHOOSE: Do nothing but wait

I didn’t know what would aggravate him further. There was no way a human like me could oppose
Takeru, who’d already become a god. I silently watched over him instead.

(choices converge here)

TAKERU: What… was…… I…?

Takeru returned to his human form, and the intense air around him subsided. His frightening fury had
lessened, and silence returned to our surroundings.

YUI: Takeru-san! What a relief. You’ve returned to yourself!

TAKERU: …Shit.

I smiled at him, relieved, but he turned away from me.

YUI: Takeru-san?

Takeru bit his lip in frustration. His tightened fists were shaking slightly. It really looked like he was trying
to withstand something.

TAKERU: It’s just like he said…

He hung his head and groaned as if he’d spat blood, and he turned away from me.

TAKERU: …I’m going back.

YUI: You’re going…? Wait, please! Takeru-san!

TAKERU: Shut up. Don’t follow me! You thought that too, didn’t you…?

YUI: Takeru-san…

His back got farther and farther away, and I couldn’t chase after him anymore. I felt like he was rejecting
me. If I chased him now, I might actually hurt him.

I saw something he didn’t want me to see – that was what Takeru’s pained expression told me. Even
when Takeru finally disappeared from view, I remained, motionless.


YUI: …I’m back.

Dragging my tired body, I entered by room. I casually threw out those words of greeting. Of course, no
one would respond…

???: Oh, welcome home.

YUI: …Huh?
There was an answer.

YUI: Wh-Who?!

???: You know. It’s me.

YUI: Yeah, right, but who are you?

I could hear their voice, but no one was there. Where could they be hiding? I immediately took a
defensive stance.

???: I’m right here in front of you. Are your eyes going bad or something?

In front of me… When I heard that, I looked around everywhere I could see. …And, I noticed something
near my feet.

YUI: …Ah.

Something very small was tottering around.

???: So you finally noticed, you dumb Kutanagi.

YUI: A doll is… talking…

???: I’m not a doll! I am a splendid human!!

YUI: Oh, sorry. I thought you were a ragdoll or…

???: Do you have no consideration?

It was a situation that I couldn’t even grasp, let alone give consideration. I’d gotten used to life here a
little, but I still couldn’t hide my surprise every time something unexpected happened.

???: Well, whatever. I’m a gentle person.

???: Even then, I can’t completely deny the fact that I’m a doll. I’m not a complete human yet.

YUI: It seems like it.

YUI: …So, who are you?

MELISSA: I am Melissa16. I’m a human Zeus made out of clay. I’ll be taking care of you from now on.

MELISSA: Oh, and don’t call me “clay doll” or something. In a lot of mythologies, humans were originally
made of clay and dirt, you know.

Dictionary entry: MELISSA (in the world of Kamigami no Asobi) A clay doll that was born when Zeus tried to make
a human. He speaks like someone from Tokyo. He usually lives in a dollhouse in Yui’s room, and he unexpectedly
likes alcohol and talks of romance.
MELISSA: Zeus heard about that and tried using clay…But he didn’t put in enough power, so I couldn’t
completely become a human.

So, to put it simply, he was a clay doll. I barely had the time to realize that, because Melissa continued
explaining things in rapid succession. He seemed like a talkative person with a good disposition.

MELISSA: But if I’d just become human without a problem, you wouldn’t have been called out here,

MELISSA: I’m supposed to be your caretaker… But since I’ve been living here in the Garden longer than
you have, I’ll look after your needs as a mentor.

MELISSA: If you have something you’re worrying about, don’t hold back. Talk to me about it. I’ll even
offer you a shoulder to cry on.

The sight of him thumping his chest with his little cloth hand was so cute, I felt so much better.

YUI: Thank you very much for your concern.

The mismatch between his small, cute appearance and his deep voice was amusing.

MELISSA: Right, right. Also, a message from Zeus: the problem in your room has been fixed.

MELISSA: Go ahead and take a dip in the bath. If anything comes up, let me know, Kutanagi.

YUI: Kutanagi…?

Now that I thought about it, he called me that before.

MELISSA: Okay, I’m going to my room. Farewell!

Saying this, he climbed up the leg of the table…

…opened the door to a dollhouse that had been placed there at some point, and disappeared inside. I
guess he’s staying in my room. I felt confused at having suddenly gained a lively roommate, but I went
straight to my first bath in a day.


Soaking in the warm water, I thought of the bath back home. Trying to stay in the world of my memories
for even a second longer, I submerged myself in the short, Western-style bathtub.

The second day of my school life here. The end goal was nowhere in sight.


(T/N: Before the next chapter is a mythology quiz. Scroll to the last page of this document for an
CHOOSE: Show interest in what Loki is doing

YUI: Then, I’ll wait here.

He should be fine by himself. Hades wordlessly left the classroom alone.

TAKERU: Alright, I’m gonna go take a nap or something until then. Don’t think about waking me up, you

YUI: Takeru-san, it’s still extracurricular hours.

Takeru just waved his hand and proceeded to fall asleep on his desk.

YUI: …So, Loki-san.

Next to Takeru, Loki was resting his chin in his hands and looking out the window.

YUI: At the next astronomy club meeting, while looking at the materials we’re borrowing, I’d like to
determine our club positions.

LOKI: Mnn… I kinda don’t feel like doing that. Why are you picking on me, isn’t that unfair? I’m gonna…
go take a walk!♪

Looking out the window, he stretched his arms, then hopped onto his feet.

YUI: Oh… please wait. Please.

If this goes on, we won’t even have club activities today. When I tried to control Loki, who was
about to slip out from under my nose…

…A large shadow blocked Loki’s way.

LOKI: Whoa, what’s up with that sour look?☆ You’re so scary, Thor-chin.

Loki poked at Thor’s forehead playfully.

THOR: …Loki. …Cooperate.

LOKI: But it’s soooo boring here…

He stretched out both arms and let out a huge yawn.

THOR: …This is a matter to be decided seriously. …Return to your seat.

YUI: I also ask for your cooperation. Club activities are the key to graduating, and if you meet all the
graduation requirements, you’ll have more free time.

As if spurred on by Thor, I tried harder to persuade him. He needs to learn about humans if the both of
us want to go home. I wanted him to understand that.
LOKI: Ohh, Thor is so stubborn. I got it, I’ve understood! So… let’s think about it while checking that out!

YUI: “That”…?

In the direction Loki was pointing, there were some students who were doing their club activities on the
sports field.

LOKI: If we just sit here, it’s not gonna pop into our heads. ♪Let’s go look at the other clubs! Aaaand,

YUI: …ah, wah! L-Loki-san?!

Pulled along by Loki, Thor and I flew out of the classroom.


Outside of the school building was a large field, and a lot of students were sweating, working hard on
their club activities.

LOKI: Oh oh! What are they doing? They’re kicking stuff around with their feet!

YUI: That’s called soccer17. You kick a ball with your feet and score goals. It has its origins in Europe.

LOKI: Oh, is that how it is… But isn’t that a little annoying? Why not just use your hands?

YUI: Well, yeah, but then it becomes something entirely different.

The gods’ way of thinking was so straightforward.

LOKI: Then, what about taking the ball and hitting it right into your opponents’ vital spots to defeat
them? Isn’t that exciting?

YUI: With something that dangerous, no matter how many lives you had, it wouldn’t be enough.

While I was surprised as his radical suggestions, Loki seemed to be interested in club activities, looking
for some kind of contest. I didn’t know what he was thinking, but he ran right into the field where soccer
balls were flying around.

YUI: Loki-san, that’s dangerous!

The students were practicing passing, so there were a lot of balls being kicked everywhere.

THOR: …Don’t worry about him.

YUI: Huh?

T/N: Yes, in Japanese, it’s サッカー (sakkaa).
I tried to go after Loki to stop him, but Thor grabbed my shoulder.

THOR: …Rather, I’m worried about the other students.

At Thor’s words, I looked over at Loki again… With a calm expression, Loki was whistling, skillfully
avoiding the flying soccer balls.

GREEK STUDENT: U-Uwah!! Wha—What’s happening?!

Loki snapped his fingers, and one of the balls suddenly grew legs and started running around like an
animal. The students were chasing it around, but it was jumping and hopping around so much
they couldn’t catch it.

JAPANESE STUDENT: Ahh! It’s a fireball!!

The ball the student had just kicked was covered in flames. This must have been another of Loki’s tricks.
In the midst of all this chaos, Loki, in high spirits, looked over at another club. In my heart, I felt really
sorry for them, but I followed after Loki.

LOKI: Ohh?! They’re hitting that ball like… ping! Looks like this deserves a good prank. So what are they

This time, he’d turned his interests to the baseball club’s batter.

YUI: That’s the baseball club. The pitcher throws the ball, and the batter swings the bat at just the right
time and hits it back.

LOKI: Oh, yes, yes… I think I’m getting it. So they use the bat as a weapon and hit the ball at each other?

It was an extreme interpretation again, but I was glad that he was a little interested in club activities.

YUI: It’s not a weapon, but it feels great when the ball hits the bat. Do you want to try?

LOKI: Hm… If it’s not exciting enough, it’ll be tiring. Though it might be good arm exercise. Doesn’t look
like I need that, though.☆

Saying this, he turned to another group as if he’d found his next interesting thing.

YUI: He’s so fickle…

I couldn’t capture his interest at all. I was simply amazed at how quickly his mood changed. The moment
I thought I had him, he would deftly slip out of my grasp.

THOR: …That’s normal. …He doesn’t pay much attention to things he’s not interested in.

YUI: …I can see that.

I felt just a little despair at Thor’s words, but I decided to follow Loki. After that, we followed Loki around
the outside campus, the auditorium, and the school building.


After being rattled around by Loki’s energetic curiosity and erratic pranks, I felt like there wasn’t any
activity that would interest him.

YUI: From the table tennis club, to the art club, the photography club, the literature club…

THOR: …cooking club, crafting club, woodwinds club. …We saw all of them.

YUI: When he made the fire in the cooking club’s stove go crazy… I was so worried something was going
to happen.

THOR: …The pitfall traps at the gardening club… …We almost couldn’t find all of them.

I crouched down lifelessly, and I saw Loki looking down at me.

LOKI: There’s still moooore. It’s the main act!☆ I’ve been saving up for that last bit of fun.

Loki happily pointed out the window. Outside, Balder’s soft style tennis club was having fun practicing.

THOR: …Even after leading us everywhere. …We should’ve just gone there first.

Perhaps it was because they’d known each other for a while, but Thor seemed to know that Loki wasn’t
interested in clubs from the beginning. He brought a hand to his forehead in exasperation.


The sun was starting to sink, and right as club activities were supposed to end, we arrived at the tennis
court on the edge of campus.

LOKI: What’s up?☆ This place sure is busy, eh Balder?♪

BALDER: Oh, it’s rare to see you around during this time. Is Thor not with you?

Balder slowly came over to us.

LOKI: Thor-chin’s tired… Or so he said and ran off to his room. But in his place, I brought this little honors
student with me!♪

Saying this, Loki stood behind me and put his hands on both of my shoulders.

YUI: Hello. We just wanted to observe today.

BALDER: I see. So you’re both trying to choose an activity. In that case, you should enter my club!

BALDER: I’ll teach you everything from the beginning and make you both into splendid players.
It seemed like a very promising prospect, but I just couldn’t imagine Balder being so active and lively.
Since he trips over nothing all the time, I wondered if he was okay.

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: …Balder-san. Actually, uh… It’s already… you know.

BALDER: Oh, is that so? Hmm… That’s a shame…

Balder looked a little disappointed after hearing what the club member said.

YUI: What happened?

BALDER: Um… Well… Actually, the number of members has gone up so much we can’t accept any new
ones right now.

YUI: That’s… impressive.

Looking around the court, it was easy to see that only this club was strangely full of students. Balder was
the god of light, but maybe his personality also attracted many people. He was always surrounded by
people even outside club activities, as if they were admiring and gathering around the light.

YUI: It’s a shame, but if that’s the case, then there’s nothing we can do.

It looked like Loki was also interested, but if we can’t physically enter the club, then we have to give up.

YUI: Sorry to intrude.

I bowed to Balder and was about to leave the tennis club, but then…

LOKI: Hey, Balder. I’ve never played this before, but let’s have a match! ♪Oh, and let’s bet our entrance
into the club.

Loki pointed to the racket Balder was holding.

BALDER: Hmm… No. But it’s not like you’ll take that as an answer, so I’ll accept your challenge.

YUI: Is that alright? Even though you said we couldn’t join?

The club members around us also looked a little uneasy.

BALDER: You just have to win. It’s okay, I’ve thought this through already. Plus, I think it’d be fun to
compete with Loki.

LOKI: That’s the spirit.♪ I’m getting a little excited too!☆ Okaaay, I’ll serve up all my love!

When Balder handed him a racket, he stuck his fingers through the net and turned it over several times,
as if it was a mysterious object.

BALDER: You’re a beginner, so I’ll show you how it’s done first. Watch me on the side over there, okay?
Balder called over one student from the members following him around.

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: T-To be playing a match with Lord Balder… It is my honor!!

BALDER: Ahaha, no need to tense up like that. Let’s have fun! It’s an example, so we just need to get it

Loki and I stood at the corner of the court and observed the match.

LOKI: Alright, alright… Show me what you got! As long as your opponent stays safe, ehehehe…

YUI: Eh…?

What’s that supposed to mean?

I began to worry at Loki’s chuckling, but I turned to watch the match begin.

BALDER: Okay, to warm up…How about we start with a slice serve?

He bounced the ball lightly in his hand, and then it flew up into the air in a flowing arc. The moment I
thought Balder hit the serve, there was a horrible thunderous noise, and the ball entered his opponent’s

YUI: It was completely… invisible…

When it looked like the ball was going to bounce, the ground caved in a little.

LOKI: Ahahahaha! You look super serious! The moment it’s a competition, you get like that. And that
beastly strength is still going strong, I see.

YUI: It’s incredible…

His powers should be limited by Zeus’s limiters, but this level of ability… It’s superhuman.

FEMALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: Ahh! Wonderful!! Lord Balder, look this way and smile!!

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: Lord Balder, amazing as usual! We don’t even reach up to your feet!!

Like a storm of admiration, many shrill voices encouraged him. It looked like no one suspected anything
of his abnormal power and skill. Balder picked up the ball and took stance to serve.

BALDER: Uh, this is… The grip is like this, and you hold it under like this… so it’s an undercut serve, I

As if confirming something, Balder went through each motion carefully. The ball that Balder hit
flew so fast I couldn’t believe it was made of rubber. It traced a huge arc and sunk into the ground on
the opponent’s court. Even as it touched the ground, the ball continued to spin.
LOKI: Whoa, can’t you go easy on him? Don’t put so much muscle into it. If you hit him, that doll’s gonna
break, you know?!

Cackling happily, he poked fun at Balder.

BALDER: Ahh, that’s not good! This is my first time using that serve, so I didn’t know how much power to
use. You’re not hurt, are you?

Balder bowed politely and offered a handshake to his opponent at the edge of the net.

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: Ah, no! I’m honored to simply lay eyes upon our club president’s
magnificent technique!!

The audience applauded as the club member took Balder’s hand in both of his and shed tears.

YUI: …Even though he was in such a dangerous position, he’s not scared, but actually respects Balder-
san even more?

Everyone’s reaction around me was so surprising I started to think I was the crazy one. Normally,
wouldn’t he be shaking in fear? It was like he admired Balder so much, he completely forgot his own

BALDER: Okay, now it’s your turn, Loki.

LOKI: Alllllright, I’ve been waiting!♪

Loki jumped to his feet excitedly and, spinning the racket in one of his hands, entered the court.

LOKI: Hmm? This ball is so squishy and soft.

He bounced the ball he got from Balder on the ground many times to confirm this.

LOKI: You can’t enchant something like this. Boriiing.☆ Okaaay, crash bang boom!!

As he threw the ball up in the air, he was muttering something. …And, at the same time, Loki swung his
racket down sharply.

YUI: Huh?!

…For a moment, I thought I saw sparks fly everywhere. The ball Loki hit, just like the serve Balder
had thrown earlier…

…Flew at an impossibly fast speed and appeared right next to Balder.

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: Lord Balder’s friend is also very skilled!

FEMALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: As expected of a friend of Lord Balder!

The audience around me grew more excited.

YUI: I didn’t think Loki-san would be so good at tennis…

Because he didn’t look like he exercised a lot, I underestimated him.

BALDER: Amazing. Even I couldn’t have returned that one. But sorry. If it goes over this line, then it’s my

Balder pointed to the line behind him. A refereeing club member in the middle of the court
raised a white flag.

LOKI: What’s up with that? Explain that first! I just thought it was fine if you couldn’t return it.

He pouted, unsatisfied.

BALDER: Sorry, sorry. This way, you can’t win with just force. Okay, it’s my serve next.

Balder picked up the ball Loki served, and took a low stance.

BALDER: Undercut serve! …Or that’s what it looks like, it’s actually a reverse serve!!

The ball Balder hit… Again, it flew at an invisible speed and sunk into Loki’s court.

YUI: Is this really tennis?

I spoke to myself.

YUI: Plus, it doesn’t look like this will be much of a match…

Loki was putting up a good fight for his first time, but considering his skill level and understanding of the
rules, I didn’t think there was a way he could win against Balder.

LOKI: Maybe soon… I should get serious.♪

Loki rested his racket on his shoulder and looked up at the sky.

LOKI: Balder! Some tasty-looking meat is falling out of the sky!☆

BALDER: …Huh?! Really?! Where, where?!

Balder looked to where Loki was pointing.

LOKI: An opening!!

Loki served the ball when Balder was looking away.

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: Oh!! Look at the ball!!

The ball Loki had hit burst into flames, spouting smoke. It bounced, changed its trajectory,
and aimed itself right at Balder.
BALDER: Oh, there’s no meat anywhere. Loki, you liar.

With perfect timing, Balder turned back to find the flaming ball hurtling toward his face.

YUI: B-Balder-san! Look out!!

It’s going to hit him………!! Or so I thought as I tried to turn away, but the fireball unnaturally changed its
direction before it hit.

YUI: …What?!

As if it was alive, the ball seemed to intentionally slip past Balder. It was now rolling around next to
Balder, smoke curling up from it.

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: L-Lord Balder! Are you hurt?!

BALDER: No, I’m fine. Anyway, you shouldn’t tell lies, Loki. Maybe you’re just hungry?

Balder looked up at the sky a little resentfully.

LOKI: Whoa, that’s weird! The meat was flying so fast, maybe you didn’t catch it? I’ll let you know if I see
it again.♪

BALDER: Really? If you say so, then that might be it. Sorry for doubting you.

I was dumbfounded at Balder’s reaction. He only seemed to be slightly puzzled.

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: As expected of Lord Balder! He doesn’t know danger!

FEMALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: He’s so calm and collected in any situation!

Even so, the movement of that ball just now wasn’t anything ordinary. What was that, exactly…?


>A hallucination
>Loki’s doing
>Balder’s skill

CHOOSE: A hallucination

YUI: Maybe it was just a hallucination…

I rubbed my eyes over and over, but the ball continued to smoke. When I did that, Loki came over to me.

LOKI: What’s wrong? Are your eyes dry? If you need eye drops, I have some.♪

He took out a small bottle from his pocket.

YUI: …Loki-san, those aren’t eye drops. In my world, we call that tabasco.

The color of the liquid and shape of the bottle were familiar. What confirmed it was that “Tabasco” was
clearly written on the label. I couldn’t tell if it was a joke, if he was serious, or if he was planning

CHOOSE: Loki’s doing

Could it be… Loki’s doing? Thinking that, I glanced over in Loki’s direction. I caught his eye. The corners
of his mouth turned up, and he staggered over to me.

LOKI: Mm…? What is it? You’ve been staring at me. You’re so greedy… Are you hungry?

YUI: No, I’m not really…

LOKI: Oh, this little glutton can’t be helped, can she? I’ll give you a special little candy, okay? Here you

He pulled out two or three suspiciously-colored candies and gave them to me. There was a weird purple
smoke coming out of them.

YUI: …Um… Are these okay to eat?

They seemed unsafe. Thinking back on Loki’s earlier tricks, I didn’t believe they were normal candies.

LOKI: It’s okay, just try one!♪ It’s super exciting. Trust me! ☆ They just look kind of deceiving.

YUI: I don’t really feel like eating sweets right now, so I’ll pass.

I politely refused, thinking they were more suspicious than Loki claimed.

CHOOSE: Balder’s skill

I looked over at the ball in the middle of the court. It was still spewing smoke.

YUI: Is this part of Balder-san’s skill too? I thought it was going to hit him, but it seemed to suddenly
changed direction.

LOKI: Ohh, someone’s alert today! I tip my hat to you, great detective. I was actually planning to hit him
with it.

From behind me, Loki also peered at the ball.

YUI: But that’s…! If you hit him, that would be really bad!

LOKI: Aha, of course! You’re definitely right. But… do you think I’d do something like that to my beloved

Loki put a hand over his mouth and cackled, his shoulders shaking with laughter.
YUI: What do you mean?

(choices converge here)

LOKI: Balder is immortal. Even if something dangerous is about to happen, he can evade it just fine.

YUI: Immortal?!

For a moment, I just didn’t understand what he said and I completely stopped thinking. But if they’re
gods, that wasn’t strange for them.

LOKI: Is it that surprising? Well, Norse gods’ lives don’t last forever, actually. But Balder is special.

YUI: Is that so…

I was surprised again to know that not all gods lived forever, despite being deities.

BALDER: Could we continue the game? I’m hungry after thinking about that meat, so I want to finish this
and go eat something.

Balder picked up the ball, which was still smoking, and got ready to serve.

LOKI: Oh, I like that look in your eyes! That’s how it should be.♪

Smiling widely, Loki swung around happily.

YUI: Loki-san… looks like he’s having fun.

As I looked at Loki, who was frolicking innocently in a way I’d never seen him before, I thought he might
actually really like Balder. Loki and Balder’s battle went on until the sun had completely sunk. A few
hours after the match started, Loki had a slight lead. …But, the points consisted of… the ball Balder hit
suddenly slowing down in front of Loki, Loki’s serve disappearing…

His strength was a profound mystery, but it became a match in Loki’s favor. Refusing to give in to that
clearly strange power, Balder relied on his own skill.

FEMALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: Loki-san! Match point!

BALDER: That’s amazing, Loki. I had no idea you were such a genius at tennis.

LOKI: Hehe!☆ That makes me happy. Balder called me a genius! ♪

Smiling widely, Loki spun the racket around in his hands. Balder didn’t seem like he thought
Loki was scheming anything. It looked like he truly thought this was Loki’s actual skill.

BALDER: If Loki wins this, then I’ll quit the tennis club. Could you take my place as club president?

At those words, Loki’s racket suddenly stopped.

LOKI: …What? What are you talking about?

BALDER: The number of club members is limited. The better players should stay, right? It wouldn’t be
right to make the other members quit.

If he quits, isn’t he just getting his priorities wrong? At his suggestion, the tennis club fell into chaos.

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: …It can’t be!! Why would you…!!

FEMALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: No! If Lord Balder quits, I’m quitting too!

MALE TENNIS CLUB MEMBER: I’ve got it… I’ll quit! There’s no way I’m letting a better player like Lord
Balder quit!



All around me I heard “let me!”, “no, let me!” It was a riot. Loki suddenly threw his racket to the ground.

BALDER: Loki, what’s wrong? The game isn’t over.

LOKI: This is annoyiiiiing. I’m quitting! I’m sick of tennis already.♪

YUI: You’re sick of it…? But you were having so much fun…

Loki took a candy out of his pocket and popped it in his mouth.

LOKI: I didn’t really want to do tennis anyway. I just wanted to play with Balder. Anyway, I should go!
♪See you at the dorm!

Loki winked once in Balder’s direction, then briskly left the tennis court.

YUI: Ah, please wait! Everyone, sorry for the disturbance.

I bowed to Balder and the tennis club, and followed after Loki.


YUI: Loki-san, why did you quit like that? It was a chance to join…

LOKI: It’s meaningless if it’s a tennis club without Balder. I was interested just because Balder was there.

YUI: In other words, it wasn’t that you were having fun playing tennis in particular…

YUI: It was because you were playing with Balder-san that you looked so happy.

With a smile, Loki nodded vigorously. I realized I’d misunderstood that he was interested in club
activities, and my shoulders slumped. But, refusing to give up, I checked with Loki again.
YUI: So, was there any other club activity that piqued your interest?

LOKI: Um….

Loki folded his arms and looked like he was seriously thinking.

YUI: What about the baseball club? You seem like you’d be really good with a bat, Loki-san.

I tried recommending something to try to grab his attention.

LOKI: No way! It looks boring.

He replied immediately. In an individual competition like that, one’s turn doesn’t come often, so Loki
would probably get tired of it quickly.

YUI: Then, what about a club where you make things? Loki-san is really skillful, so it should go really well.
Like the art club, or the cooking club… crafting club…

LOKI: Nooo, culture clubs are so lame! I still wouldn’t do it even if you forced me.

I listed off all the clubs we’d visited, and each one was shot down. The only thing I knew
was that Loki wasn’t interested in any club activity.

YUI: …What should we do? At this rate, you’ll end up joining the going-home club 18.

LOKI: Going-home club? What’s that? Is that a club activity too?

…Crap! I slapped my hand over my mouth, but it was too late. Loki was already curious.

LOKI: Hehehe☆ If you’re hiding it like that… Then it must be super interesting!

Loki looked at my face and smiled sinisterly.

YUI: Ah, right now, uh… I, uh…

I desperately looked for words to try to smooth it over.


>Say the going-home club is tough

>Pretend you didn’t say it
>Dodge the question with another one

CHOOSE: Say the going-home club is tough

YUI: Th-The going-home club is… It’s really tough!

Dictionary entry: GOING-HOME CLUB (in the world of Kamigami no Asobi) A word that doesn’t mean a specific
club activity so much as a group of people who go home immediately after class. …Or that was the original
meaning, before it was established as a full-fledged club in the Garden simply for having “club” in its name.
I said the exact opposite of what it actually is.

LOKI: Eh? Like how?

YUI: You have to be really proactive with the activities… And you have to independently choose a topic
and take it in…

YUI: There’s an element of freedom, but you have to be a really rigid thinker to do it, so it’s really tough.

I felt so flustered, it didn’t really sound convincing.

LOKI: Ohh. Is that so? Okay, I’m gonna go check with Thoth-sensei real quick.☆ I wanna know more.

Loki turned on his heel and started to go toward the library.

YUI: What?! P-Please wait!

When I hurriedly tried to stop him, Loki grinned mischievously.

CHOOSE: Pretend you didn’t say it

YUI: That… um…I… never said anything?

As soon as I said that, I regretted it. It wasn’t going to do any good.

LOKI: You can’t hide it from me. I have sharp ears, you know. I know exaaactly when you’re telling lies.
You get punishment when you do bad things, yeah?

He drew closer to me.

YUI: …Ahh. I’m really sorry.

I felt the pangs of conscience and genuinely apologized.

CHOOSE: Dodge the question with another one

YUI: By the way, I wonder if Balder-san is done with activities now.

I directed Loki’s attention away by mentioning Balder, whom he seemed to have the most interest in.

LOKI: He was literally with us just now. There’s no way he’s done already.

LOKI: Aha! I just thought of something good. I should invite Balder to join the going-home club too!☆

YUI: Th-That would be bad…

Maybe my confusion was fun to him, because he was giggling at me. I felt like I just dug my own grave,
and I sighed deeply.

(choices converge here)

YUI: Loki-san. Please, please just… don’t think about joining the going-home club, okay?

LOKI: You don’t have to beg like that… It’s not like I want to join that badly!☆

YUI: Well, that’s… because the main point of it is going home.

Of course, the going-home club was included in independent study and off-campus activities, but I didn’t
think Loki would actually do that.

YUI: Thinking about graduation, I want you to join something that’ll be at least a little beneficial.

LOKI: Hey, how do you write “going-home club”?

YUI: Like this, but…

I wrote the characters for “kitaku”19, “going-home”, on the ground.

LOKI: Hmm. I’ve decided! I’m joining the “going-home club”! The name sounds good. Plus the characters
are cool-looking!

YUI: That’s a ridiculous way to decide things.

Why did we go look at all of those clubs? If he just chooses by the sound and writing, then there’s no
way I’ll understand what he likes.

LOKI: Wow, even though I just said I’ll do club activities? It’s fine if I just go home with all my strength,
right? You should join the going-home club with me!

YUI: Go home with… all your strength…

I felt myself growing faint at the absurd string of words I just heard. There’s no way I can explain
anything to him.

LOKI: Okay! Let’s celebrate the establishment of the going-home club, and stop off at a few places
before going home!☆ Hehehe--!♪

He grabbed my hand and left the school building, his footsteps light. I followed after as if pulled by him. I
didn’t feel like arguing with Loki anymore. At least he seemed to be enjoying himself.

YUI: I wonder if he’ll be able to graduate…

LOKI: Ah, stop! Club president, I’ve discovered something fun!

YUI: Ah!

Going-home club is 帰宅部 (kitakubu) in Japanese. The first two characters 帰宅, pronounced together as
“kitaku”, literally mean “to return” and “home” respectively. Here, Yui might have been trying to hide the fact that
“kitaku” (a word maybe unfamiliar to Loki) meant “going home” by not showing him what characters were being
We stopped suddenly, and I bumped face-first into Loki.

YUI: What is it all of a sudden? And anyway, “club president”? Why am I the president?

I was taken aback at the collision, but I wanted to confirm what he meant by that.

LOKI: Shhh! Quiet…

YUI: Mmph!!

Loki’s hand clamped over my mouth. In the direction he was pointing, Balder was standing there, facing
away. With a wide smile on his face, Loki took cover.

YUI: Loki-san… what are we doing?

At some point, Loki removed his hand, and I whispered to him, even though I didn’t need to be quiet. I
was beginning to notice I was getting caught up in his pace.

LOKI: Commencing going-home club activities! Calibrating 45 degree angle for a surprise attack!

LOKI: The target: Balder! Going-home club, attacking at full power! ♪Locate Balder aaaand daaaaaash!!

YUI: N-No, stop!

Even as I said that, I found myself following Loki and running toward Balder. I wondered if I was really
looking after Loki, who was just so unreasonable… As I reached out my hand, I thought of the many,
many problems in my future and let out a long, deep sigh.


YUI: …I’m back.

Dragging my tired body, I entered by room. I casually threw out those words of greeting. Of course, no
one would respond…

???: Oh, welcome home.

YUI: …Huh?

There was an answer.

YUI: Wh-Who?!

???: You know. It’s me.

YUI: Yeah, right, but who are you?

I could hear their voice, but no one was there. Where could they be hiding? I immediately took a
defensive stance.
???: I’m right here in front of you. Are your eyes going bad or something?

In front of me… When I heard that, I looked around everywhere I could see… And, I noticed something
near my feet.

YUI: …Ah.

Something very small was tottering around.

???: So you finally noticed, you dumb Kutanagi.

YUI: A doll is… talking…

???: I’m not a doll! I am a splendid human!!

YUI: Oh, sorry. I thought you were a ragdoll or…

???: Do you have no consideration?

It was a situation that I couldn’t even grasp, let alone give consideration. I’d gotten used to life here a
little, but I still couldn’t hide my surprise every time something unexpected happened.

???: Well, whatever. I’m a gentle person.

???: Even then, I can’t completely deny the fact that I’m a doll. I’m not a complete human yet.

YUI: It seems like it.

YUI: …So, who are you?

MELISSA: I am Melissa20. I’m a human Zeus made out of clay. I’ll be taking care of you from now on.

MELISSA: Oh, and don’t call me “clay doll” or something. In a lot of mythologies, humans were originally
made of clay and dirt, you know.

MELISSA: Zeus heard about that and tried using clay… But he didn’t put in enough power, so I couldn’t
completely become a human.

So, to put it simply, he was a clay doll. I barely had the time to realize that, because Melissa continued
explaining things in rapid succession. He seemed like a talkative person with a good disposition.

MELISSA: But if I’d just become human without a problem, you wouldn’t have been called out here,

MELISSA: I’m supposed to be your caretaker… But since I’ve been living here in the Garden longer than
you have, I’ll look after your needs as a mentor.
Dictionary entry: MELISSA (in the world of Kamigami no Asobi) A clay doll that was born when Zeus tried to make
a human. He speaks like someone from Tokyo. He usually lives in a dollhouse in Yui’s room, and he unexpectedly
likes alcohol and talks of romance.
MELISSA: If you have something you’re worrying about, don’t hold back. Talk to me about it. I’ll even
offer you a shoulder to cry on.

The sight of him thumping his chest with his little cloth hand was so cute, I felt so much better.

YUI: Thank you very much for your concern.

The mismatch between his small, cute appearance and his deep voice was amusing.

MELISSA: Right, right. Also, a message from Zeus: the problem in your room has been fixed.

MELISSA: Go ahead and take a dip in the bath. If anything comes up, let me know, Kutanagi.

YUI: Kutanagi…?

Now that I thought about it, he called me that before.

MELISSA: Okay, I’m going to my room. Farewell!

Saying this, he climbed up the leg of the table…

…opened the door to a dollhouse that had been placed there at some point, and disappeared inside. I
guess he’s staying in my room. I felt confused at having suddenly gained a lively roommate, but I went
straight to my first bath in a day.


Soaking in the warm water, I thought of the bath back home. Trying to stay in the world of my memories
for even a second longer, I submerged myself in the short, Western-style bathtub.

The second day of my school life here. The end goal was nowhere in sight.


(T/N: Before the next chapter is a mythology quiz. Scroll to the last page of this document for an

These little quizzes pop up between chapters in every character’s route. The questions depend on who
you’ve chosen for the route, so if you choose Loki, then all the questions will be about Norse mythology,
and Balder’s route draws from the same pool of questions.

You can play them on easy or hard, and later chapters give you more stuff if you complete the quiz on
hard level. The stuff you get lets you decorate your own little miniature garden, including chibi versions
of all the gods and extra items like ponds or houses. If you get the right combinations of things together
in your own garden, then it unlocks short, cute little extra scenes you can read.

I might eventually translate the mythology quiz questions (though answering them in-game may be
difficult of you can’t read Japanese at all), and I’m definitely going to translate the extra miniature
garden scenes, since all of those are included in the official fanbook! It will be far-off in the future, but
please look forward to it.♪

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