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1. Topic

Group 1: WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)

Group 2: WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)
Group 3: ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA)
Group 4: Vietnam-Chile Free Trade Agreement (VCFTA)
Group 5: Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Group 6: Vietnam-Korea Free Trade Agreement (VKFTA)
Group 7: Vietnam Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (VJEPA)
Group 8: EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA)

2. Content requirements
2.1 Group 1 and Group 2

- Definition, classification, overview of SPS/TBT (Present shortly).

- Trends of application of SPS/TBT of countries in the world: which countries apply
the most, how frequently do they apply, which products/product catergories are
usually applied SPS/TBT...(Provide evidence and data if any).
- Some SPS/TBT regulations that Vietnamese exporters face in major export markets
(ASEAN, US, China, Japan, Korea...) for some key export products.
- What have Vietnamese exporters done to overcome these barriers?

2.2 Group 3 - Group 8

- Overview of the Agreement: History, context, timeline of formation (only briefly
- Summary of content, commitments in the agreement, and incentives that Vietnam
receives (only briefly present)
- Analyse impacts of the agreement on trade flows between Vietnam and partner
countries/ group of partner countries (compare data before and after signing the
agreement if any)
- Analyse impacts of the agreement on the capital and labour flow between Vietnam
and partner countries/ group of partner countries (provide evidence if any).
- Assess opportunities and challenges for Vietnam at the time of signing the
- These are required contents that must be included in the report, the groups can add
other information but must ensure it is relevant to the topic.

- Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, if detected, the group will receive a score of 0

3. Submission
- Maximum length of the report: 20 pages (including cover page and references)
- Groups submit the report in the form of WORD file to the monitor, with the file title
named as: 47K01.1_Group Number_Topic
For example: 47K01.1_Group 01_TBT
- Make sure the report formatted when submitting
- The moniter puts all report files into a compressed file and submits via email:
- Deadline for submission: May 05th, 2023

4. Presentation
- Each group has 15 minutes for presentation, 15 minutes for Q&A. Not all team
members need to present. Both presentation and Q&A session must be in English.
- Expected presentation date:
+ May 11th: Group 1 - 4
+ May 18th: Group 5 - 8

5. Marking
- Written report: 60%
- Presentation and answering questions: 20%
- Comments and asking questions for the other groups: 20%

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