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sтUDENт's тExтBooк

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a ЕiA
L ЕngIlзh for Eleсtriсal Engineerc

L GoNтENтs
L /. l/ hерrzl -., с

,1,7 | ..5i"lьa'cс
L GV - a.f lv,*гr
Eng|ish for E|eсtriсa| Engineers PARт 1. sЕAlvlANsнlP UNlт ,l. сREw

UNlт {
экипшl( / GREW
рoweгed ships deve|oрed in the 19th century' their сrews
evo|ved into thгer distinсt gгoUps:

the deсk department Whiсh steeгed' kept |ookout, hand|ed

Iines in doсking and undoсking' and performed аt-sea
mаintenаnсe on the hu|| and non-maсhinery сompоnents,
the engine depaгtment whiсh operаted mасhinery and
peгfoгmed at-sea maintenanсe, and
the саtering department Whiсh сontro||ed genera]
hoUsekeeping' prepaгed and seгVed foods,

пpoслyшaЙтe и вЬtyчитe слoвa

]экипaж Ikгu:]

offiсeгs кoMaHднЬlй сoстав ['Эfisаz]

masteг ] кaпитaн [,ma:stа]


4,n engineer : 2-oЙ,3-иЙ' 4-Ь|й MeХаFlИк |sekаnd] [eа:d] [fэ:6] [end3i.n а]

.ь 9l
Е| .Y .e'!9q!.с1L''9l.s]l.99|'.-э{l9ЦlP'9!Ч'eIa!:]'l'(
Щo гAf An.,]lnёeг DeфnЛeХаHик ....... .Irеf endз

gas engineer ] гaзoвьtй MeхaHИк [g@s eпdзi,niа]

ratings pядoвoи сoстaв lle tinz]

bosun (boatswаin) бoцМ?l . .... .. l'bausan]

.х AB(ab|ebodied)seamanN,laтрoс1-гoкЛaсоalelb]:][.ebа|'b]di:d's]lmаn]
oф os sеamаn .... .'щ"Тp'9'9.2.'i9'. Ч ?,cc1,.,..'...,,. -Iau es]'I,]:'danэгi 'si.T"n]
(oгdinаry) '..' ..

deсk ca.det .. .. кaдeт..пoмoщHИк . .. [dek kа'det]

motorman (oi|eг) Moт9pИст ] -гo клacсa . .['mаutaman] l'эi|a]

or 9-
llJ й

welder свapщи к . [.Wе]dа] .

i.= pumpman ' дoн кеpМaн ['D^momаnl

a) (!
-t .9зIP.9'nteJ
плoтник lka pintа]

tUrneг ]тoкapЬ . i'tа:'nа]

сoo k lkukl
Ф steward 9тРaP4.. ['stjuаd]
messmаn стюapд [пresmаn]

а 96' сhаstn kа stl', sevastoроl' Ukй nе . Рhoie (0692) 546 146 . Еах] (0692) 546 984
rng sh@]lаnsсoпlraсl соfir . r.^!W.i.аnsсontг€сt фm
. .!.Tir
English for EleсtriсaI Engineers PARт 1' sEAг'lIANsнlP UNlт 2. vEssEL

UN.т 2
cyднo / vEssEL

l Маst I


Urane - -.---l
Г Foreсast|e
] l I I

Пpoслyшaйтe и вь|yчитe слoва

а!.9r]oI ] якoрЬ - ['@0ka]

bow Hoс Ibа!]
мoстик ' tbridз]

'.' ,пaлубa ldekl
foгeсastle lбaк ['fаuksa|]
fU n лeI : I,f^паI]

nulJ кopпyс th^|]

lifeboat ] спaсaтeЛЬнaя шлюпкa l'Iaifbаut]

mast . Maчтa [mа:sl]
poop пoлyют, кopMa
' -'''' ' .'.' '- ' гpeбHoЙ виHт [prе'pе|а]

rL] 0 0er ] pyлЬ ['г^dа]

96 с hвsti ika str' sevаsloро] U kа]iе . Phoлe: (0692) 546 146 . Fах] (О692) 546 9в4
Е-rnаi|: eng ish@tra nsсоn!raс1,сom . Www 'tгaЛsсonlrа ct сom 7
English for EIectriсaI Eng.neers PARт ,l. sЕAnllANsнlP UNlт 2. vEssEL

т he for€<ss*b' Yr hkh ь alsa kпowп as tha fЕъlЁt ls the deсk

area that E at thв VsrI fr0nt ofthe 5h|р. Hsrв уoЦ flnd a|| thв
eqU|pme пt fior aП(hOr|n8 alld mфrlng.

,22 Г/2,,/q ! l,?rs


. l:.*.l"
. ..
u.*".', ж':Тi^ъ":l]ъ "
the deсk are: th"l
* .n" *:n

Тhe сaostan o|aсe is on the foгeсast|e and it is used '

], саpstan шпиль [,kфosl-'l] foг heaving гopes and сhain саb|es foг anсhoгs,
. /
2' bitts Ibits] : Bitts and bollards are used for seсuring гopes or
bo||aгds ['b)|аdz] сab|es When mooring a ship'
] э '',l..tto.. ' 6^aIl|nl,пL ] l''-;^.tt.ol ] A \i/in.]lяcc ia ||aA.] frrr \^/^rkinn .2Ь|Aq

: 5, Panama пaHa[лскИй ] .' Тhe Panama lead is neсessarУ when the ship is
] ] i The jaоkstaff is at the fгont of the ship.
i 6. jaсkstaff ] гюЙc-штoк ] loз-к't".q i When in a haгbor a f|ag with the сomрanу ensign is
] i sholлn on the jаckstaff

] no1ma]ly :

boat . шлюnкa' лoдкa ] Ibаut]

boiler-room кoтeI]ЬHaя ['bэilагum]

кoЙ кa lb^0kl


96 сhаstnikа slг sevasiopo|' UklаiЛe . Phoie (0692) 546 146 . Еax: (0692) 546 984
Е'mаi|: eogIish@iЙnsсопtгас . !|a,w.transсonlга.t сom

L EngIish for Е|eсtriсa| Engineers PARт l. sEAшrANsнlP UNlт 2. vEssEL

derrick ['derik]
пpиспoсoбЛeнИe, стpeлa
e.!'e'-J9om gJдelejиe .

[лaшиF{Hoe ' ..Iеldзin,uTl' ... ..

equipment . oбopyдoвaHиe [i'kwipmant]

ga!|ey кaMбуз ['saiЦ

gangway пapaднЬlи тpaп ['gaЦWei]

hatсh люк Ihаеtj]

hatсh оover кpЬlL,lJкa люкa lhau'k^val

hold тpюМ [hаu|d]

laundry пpaчeчнaя [.|]]ndгi]

L po4]r9l-9
pump.Jooln ] |aоocнoe oтдeлeHl]e

гoP9 |iа!а]' тpoс [l9uр]

L signalflags
staгboard side
[.s]gna| f|@gz]

lslа oаd sa d]

steerIng geaг room ] Pyцle-tlg-e, 9тц9l9Hи.9 .'.'''.'.'t]'"']! si"..lч.1]''..''.'

L upper deсk вepхняя палyбa ['^pЭ dеk]

L sHIP's DЕsсR|Pт|oN

areа of sai|ing paЙoH плaвaния ['eаriа ёv

beam / width шиpиHa (сyднa) Ibi:m] [widв]


deadweight (DWT) дeдвeЙт {'dedweitl

dгaught / draft oсaдкa [d гa:fl]

shiрmanageг сyдoвoЙ MeHeджep ll]p'm@пidзa]

s!iP9y'l.9| '9'yqo9!?д9l9'Ч .tripl,9yLl.

speеd :скopoстЬ lspi:dl

type of vessel тип cyднa ['lаiр аv 'vesа|]

96 сhаstп kа str ' sevаstoро Ukа]nе . Phoпe: (0692) 546 ]46 . Fах. (0692) 546 984
Е.mai] engIish@trаnsсonlrасt,сom. WlrW,lrаnsconlrасt'согn
English for ElectriсaI Engineers PARт l. sEAмANsнlP UNIт з. тYPES oF vEssELs

j):on rn ,ih'" - .\ t-4'..|.ёj/.7 *lз€f+44 l.

UNlт 3
/i/ { ",,' ё,?" ,. / t Z/
типЬl Gyдoв / тYPЕs oF vEssELs
bu|k сaIrieг, bulker бqllJ'ep . [b^|k
''k@iа] ['b^]kа]

l !ЧlЦ9lЦ9tqЦlej
сhemiсa| ..] '.Т?Hк9P:lЦ|\,4oP9з.. -''.. . . [.keJnjkаl 't@0'!а].
] сoаster кoстep ] I:k9Lli!а]
сontainer (сarrieг) |tjy|пgPUБUJ
кoнтeйнёnсlвоз [kJn'teinё] lkаeriа]
сгuisе |iner кpyИзHЬ|Й лaЙнeр lkru z '|ainJ]

doub|e-deсker' tweendeсker двyxпaлyбHoе сyднo / l ['d^bаl'deka] ['twi:n'deka]

l dгedge дpaгa |ip- сес bес! [dred3]

i\с. iсe.breaker .л.9Д9кol '.lais'breikа]
||ner лaЙHeр I'|ainа]

ъ ferry лаpoпJ ['feг]
fishing vessel
N gеneгa|сargoVesse| :Jf;;#iffТffi:, .vesа|]
Navy ship вoeн]J.9.Moрокo€ сyдн.o l'neivi Jip]


produсt tanker тaH кeр-пpoдyКтoBоз ['рr]d^kt

.t@0kа]] vesаl]
ro-ro .. .
po-po ['rаurаu]
. sa|Vage tug ' слaсатеЛЬнЬ|й бУксиp : l,salvid3 t^g]

{0 . тRANSGoNтRAGт
96, сhаstiikа stf', Sevаstopо], Uk€iпe. Phoпe:(0692) 546 146. Fах] (0692) 546
E-mаji: engi]sh@lrаnsсoIkа.l.соm. Mvlrl tгаnsсoпlгасt'сom

тhis is а Bulk

тhis tуpe of carгieг, тhis type
ship is designed of ship саrгies
to сarry standагd- саrgo suсn аs Iron
sized сontaineгs oге' grаiп, etс, that

L is loaded in bulk
in саrgo ho|ds аnd
аs oeсK сargo' not in сontainегs.



тhis ship is i

а Mu|ti-Purpose ]

тhis is a Ro. Vesse|. тhis type

of ship сarгies

Ro. тhis type of

different generа|

ship оarгies сars,
buses' and tгUсks, сaгgoes' ,|
сontаineгs, etс.;'\

сARGo sн|P
тhis is а тhis is a

Reefeг. тhis tуре
Geпeral сагgo of ship саrries
ship, she сaгries different сoo|ed
diffеrent pасkеd fгuit' vegetablеs'
сargoеs on the

frozen meat, flsh,
deсk and diffeгent etс
сaгgoes in holds. ]

(сRUDЕ olL

сhemiсal тankeг' тhis is a
тhis tyрe of ship тanker. тhis type
сагries ditfeгent of ship сarгies
сrude oiI in huge

сhemiсa|s iп liquid
form in tаnks' tanks.

(PRoDUст sнlP

тhis is a тhis is a
Pгoduсt таnker. Pаssenger ship,
тhis type of ship sUсh ships usually

сaгries different oiI сaгry passengеrs.


(тUG вoAт)
This is a
Fishing Vessе|'

тhis smal|
ship is a тug. тug тhis ship саtсhes
boаts рUl| ships or different types of
рush them aheаd Ilsh in seаs аnd

In pons. oсeans,

L тRANsсoNтRAст
96 сhаs'лil'J sIl ' sevdslopo| JklJ
Е-ma |:
ne . р^oгё {0692' 5{6 146 . Fая,
,0692l5а6 98a
. WwW,lгаnsсonlrасlсom
,11 :
English for Eleсtriсa| Engineers PARт 1. sEAП,tANsнlP UNlт 4' WoRкiNG DAY

UNlт 4
PAБoЧиЙ дEьlЬ / woRкlNG DAY

пoкPAскA / PAlNтlNG

] to preрare suгfaсe

to сhio off

rust pжaвчиHa l !lnы]

sсгapеI скpeбoк l,sсreiра]

|oose paint oбЛyпИвшaяся кpaскa [|u,s ре'.l]

рrimer гpyнтoвкa LP d||

"..^'_.1 |d]

to degгеase oбeзжИpивaтЬ ] [di:.gгi:s]

to miх смeшивaть 1 lrnksl
painting oкpaскa [ре;nliгl]


brush кИстЬ 1ьr,ljJ

. roller
f.lllAr ] катoк
катoк ii [.fаu:|а]

pa]nt j lqaскa l I^alnt1


lwaterproof ] вoдoстoйкИй ] !.y,.1?lPlu:f]

ЦвЕTA / сoLoRs

ye||ow ] жeлтьtЙ I'jelаu]

42 Е'mai|:enq|ish@lransсontlасt.сom .
96 сhаstn]ka slг.' sеvаstорo|, UkГаiЛe . Phone: (0692) 546 146 , Faх (0692) 546
English for Eleсtriсa| Enginёers PARт l. sEAмANsнlP UNlт 4. WoRкlNG DAY

инстPУtvlЕHтЬl / тooLs

L пpoслyшaЙтe и вЬlyчитe слoва

b|ade плaстинa

лeзвИ9' peжyщaя [b]eid]

вeдoo ['b^kit]

сhisel зyбилo' дoлoтo' стaMeскa [t]izа|]

сrow-bar лoМ ['kгаuba]]

l_ сutting pIiers кycaЧки. l,k^tiЦ'p|аiаz]

d гi||

driller стaнoк
свeoлил ьньtй ['dri|э]

file . нaпиЛЬHИк [fai|]

L oau0e
olasses / oooo les
] изljePИтeлЬнЬlй пpибop


[,gla:siz] t,g]gа|z] ]

нo)кoвкa i,h@ndsэl

L plane


L rа.]s
sand papeг
paзвepткa, paЙбep
Haя(дaчHaя бyMaгa


[sФnd 'peiра]

saw пИлa
sсlssors Hoж}| и цЬ]

L oтвepткa ,drаivJ]
sсгewdгlver ['sklu

snove| l лoпaтa

spanner wгench
. ключ ['sp€nа] |гentЛ

. . adjustable spanner paзвoдHoЙ кЛюч [э озlstёb, 'sр@nа]

L tnndq
пaяЛ ЬHaя лaMпa

[tJ tЛ

L ,!3
96 сhаstn kа str ' sevвstoро Ukrаlпе . Phone: (0692) 546 ]46 . Fаx: (0692) 546 984
t .nаi e:q s. g '.JasLorlrёсr сот . lWvW tlаnsсO1tjJсt сог1
English for Eleсtricаl Engineёrs PARт 1. sEAшIANsнlP UNlт 5. SAFEтY

UNIт 5
БE3oпAGнocтЬ / SAFEтY


trЖtrEilЖffitr жei.8Й*8*'

' EХit

, Еm6.^An.v ЕYit

i 3' Direction Indiсator

] 4. Еmergenсy ЕXit lndiсatoг

] 5. Еmbarkаtion station

6. lvluster Station

7. Child's LifeJасket l '-'''''.'..,

8. Davit-launched Life Raft l

ov, Iч||vi{6 R,,^v

gqv, \^i;th I i.!hf

10. Radar тransponder

]1' Еvaсuation SIide

12. Life Jacket

13. Roсket Pаraсhute F|ares

14. Survival Craft Portable Radio

] 5, Immeгsion suit
16. Line-throwing AppIianоe


18' surviva| сгaft Pyгoteсhniс Distress Signa|s

19. Life Buoy with Line

24. Lif e Raft

96' сhastпika st Sevastoрo|, lJkrа]ne . Pnoie (0692) 546 146 . Еаx; (0692)546 984
ЁT"]l].:l9l.:l@]:l'":т:::l'::* .
..'......'''.... ....
EngIish for E|eсtriса| Engineers PARт l. sEAItlIANsн|P uNlт 5. SAFEтY

L How to survive in a life raft:
. Identify a person in сharge of the Iife raft'
. Post a lookout.

L . lssUe a nti.seas iсkness mediсine and

ea.ei.lz naae hi^e
Dry the |ife raft flooг.

Provide the fiгst aid if neсessаry,
. |\4anoeuvre towards other Iife rafts, securе |ife rafts
. Arгange Watches and duties,

L Duties _ outside: |ookout for searсhing ships and

aiгсraft' survivors in water'

Dutiеs _ |nside: gаthеr useful f|oаting objeсts'
maintain the Iife raft' сheсk the sea
anсhor, and look after the eqUipment,
. Cheсk the |ife raft for сorгeсt operation аnd if
remove any problems possible
(VentiIate if сo2 |eaking into the life raft)'
. Prepare to use radio and other deteсtion еquipmеnt,
. Proteсt against co|d and Wet сonditions'
. Deсide on food and Water rations,
l_ . Take measures to maintain moгa|e, High moгa|е and WilI to Iive are Very important if a pеrson
must sUrViVe after abandoning a ship' Disсiр|ine is also impoгtant inside the |ife raft, Fear

сomes on|y if you don,t have enough knowledge about the life гaft and its equipment and your
сhanсes of resсUe,
. Mаkе рropeг use of avai|able survivaI equipment,
. Prepare aсtions foг:

L .
arrival of гesсue units'
resсue by a he|iсoptеr;

. landing.
The ordeг in Whiсh you fo|low these instruсtions depends on paгtiсu|ar сirсumstanсes'


WlтH PAlNт

L lf paint is spilled:
To prevent рaint сoming into сontaсt
with skin and eyes

L .
Ventilate the area to remove the
fum es.

lvlop up all paint With absoгbent

Wear Working с|othes that сover as muсh
body as possible.
A|Ways Wear gloves and eye pгoteсtion, аlso

when you chip before painting.
material, and then dispose it in . Do not touсh your mouth oг eyes With g|oves.
с|osed meta| сontaineгs.
. Rеad and fo||ow preсautionary measurеs on
pаint сontaineгs,

L Eyes аre very sensitive' so if paint or thinneг splashes into your eyes Wash youг eyes immediate|y
With fresh water for at |east 10 minUtes, |t maybe aIso neоessary to see the doсtor, |f paint gets on your

skin' remove it With soap and Water or an industriа| с|eaner' NEVER UsЕ soLVЕNT.
Remember it is most important to avoid skin сontact, |f your с|othes beсome soaked in paint,
сhange them immediate|y and сareful|y Wash with soap and Water'

96' сhаshikа Slr ' sevзstоpol, Ukга ne . Phonе] (0692) 546 146. Еах: (0692) 546 984
Е'mа] engl sh@iransсoпtlaсt,соm t w!4w 1ransсontгасt'сorn
EngIish fo] Е|eсtriсal Еngineers PARт 1. sEAlvlANsнlP uNlт 5. SAFEтY


This сan happen any time- |f someone fa||s oveгboaгd it's

necessaгy to take an immediate aсtion. First, shout.,Man overboaгd',
and throw him a |ife buoy, А |ife buoy or а life jaсket Wi|l he|p the man
overboard to sUrvive untiI he is resсued. Тo make the resсUe
operation possib|e and fast' it's neсessaгy to inform the bгidge and
the Watсhkeepjng offiсer as soon as possjble. |\Лake sUre that the
watоhkeeping offiсeг gets your message about the man oveгboard'
Тhe Watсhkeeping officer wi|| inform the Captain and WiII take an
immediate action, He Wi|| turn or stop the ship to resсUe the person
as soon as possib|e' lf neсessarу he Wi|I send a distгess message to
otheг ships in the area аnd Resсue Center, so that they сan he|p in
the rescue operation, тhen the offiсer Wi|l give the command to
prepaгe a resсUe boat to bring the peгson onboard baсk again' Аfter
this the resсUed man shoU|d be taken to the siсk-bay immediate|y,
lf you get overboагd get с|eаг of thе ship аnd сontinUe
shouting and sp|ashing Wateг as |ong as there is а сhanоe that you
Wi|| be heard or seen. Then swim on your baсk to keep youг body
Warm, Do noi paniсl


|f foг some reason a ship is going to sink the сrew

must аbandon it, on|y the Master сan deсide When and if the
give ,.Prepare
shiр Wi|| be abandoned, He Wil| the сommand:
to abandon the ship on the starboard (oг port) sidе'', Put on
your |ife jaсket and run to the muster station foг staгboard
(port) side Where Iifeboats and Iife rafts aгe,
When the ship is abаndoned eveгything possib|e Wi||
be done to гesсUe the сrew as soon as possib|e.

yveбнaя тpeвoга [dп|]

пopoшoк [dгai 'pauda]

си!-!]qJ| тp.eв9].Ц Ii'mа:dзansi а'|а:m]
fire exting uisher oгнeтyшитeлЬ ['fаiэ iks'ti0gW]Jа]
foam пeHa [fаum]

to extingu.|р.f|re . .
гaсИтЬ' тytl.JитЬ пo)кap Iike'l'n.'^''I] lсta^] t fl'f]

to evaсUate эвaкyиpoвaтЬ ] [i'vaekjue't]

..!t9.?l3.Tn Лo)€pнaя cИpенa I.faiа а'|а:m]

first aid box [fа:st eid b]ks]
to |aUnсh спyскaтЬ [l]:nt]]

life buoy cпacaтeлЬHЬlЙ кpyг l,lаifb]i]

Iife jасket cпaсaтeлЬнЬ|Й жилeт
life raft cпaоaтeлЬHЬ|Й плoт ['|аifrа:ft]
IifA сэvind A^l спaсaтeлЬH.oe oбoPyд9-P.qн
'i^йAnt и'9...-...'..
' I]lз.l|тI"]l ]'k*iРrnalt].... . .'.
muster list pacпИcaниe пo тpeP9|aц [.m^stа |is1]

muster station Meстo cбopa

{6 96 сhаsti ka sгsevasloрo|, Uk|а]ne . Phоnё (0692)546 146 . Еах: i0692)546 984
Е.mаi|: еЛq|ish@iгаnsсontlaсl сom. шuw lгаnsсoпka.tсoп1

L Eng|ish for Eleсtriсa| Engineers PARт 1. sEAlvIANsнlP UNlт 5. SAFEтY


Fire is a сhemiсal reaсtion _ сombustion

L Whiсh happens When fue| and oхygen arе broUght

together With sufficient heat to сause ignition,
A fire cannot start or сontinue if fuel'

oxygen, or heat is absent. lf one of these elements
is гemoved' the fire wi|| stop burning'
oхygen is norma||y present in the air in

suffiсient quantity to sustain a fire.
lgnition happens on|y When there is сritiсal
temperature but afteг a fire staгts it wil| norma||y
keep its own heat supply.

Heat and fire may sргead in one or more of the fo|lowing four different ways:

Direсt buгn ing When
Direct heat transfer The spread of heat via Radiation' NЛateria|s сombustibIe materjaIs
when heat travels gases, IiqUids, or hot aiг may nite when they сome into сontaсt

throug h сirсulating thгough are kept near eIeсtriс with naked flame.
unproteсted stairwells, lift shafts,

heateгs oг otheг heating For example, a

etс, mattгеss is ignited bу

Woгk. Ventilation,
a Iighted сigarette.



|t is impoгtant to find out the type of fire beсause if you fight With a firе in incorreсt way, it сan on|y
inсrease the dаnqer.

сLAss A

сLAss в сLAss с сLAss D
Fiге of so|id mateгia|s
Usual|y of organiо Fire of liquids suсh as Fire of gases suсh as Fire of burning metals
nature suсh as wood' petгo|' oi|s, paгaffin, propane' aсety|ene' suсh as a|uminium'
papeг, fu гniture'
paint' сooking fats, etс. butane, etс' magnesium, etc.
pIastiсs' rope' etс,

Е|eсtгicity does not burn' Any e|eсtriсa| fire is a сlass A, B, с' or D fire. After the eleсtriоa| сirоuits
are iso|ated, the fiгe is extingUished as norma| aссording to its norma| с|ass.


lf you гemove the fue| from a fire, сombustion Wi|| not сontinue.
. You сan a|so reduсe the oхуgen (air) around the fire With the he|p of сo2, foam' sаnd,
blankets' steam' etс'
RedUсe the temperature of the burning materia|s below their ignition temperature _ usua||y this

is aсhieved by Water'
. YoU can try to bгeak the сhemiсa| chain reaоtion that sustains a fire. Use ha|on and dгy powder
to extinguish a fire in this way.

L тRANsсoNтRAст
96' сhаslпikа slr.' sevвslopol, Ukга пе . Phons:
E.mаii engl]sh@vаnsсontlaсt'сom
(0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692) 546 984
. vWvW,i.ansсonlrасt'о0m 117i
ЕngIish for EleGtrical Engineers PARт 1. sЕAlvIANsнIP UN]т 5. SAFЕтY


А fire extinguisher is
designed to attaсk a fire
onboаrd in the eaг|y stаge,

1, Water fire eХting Uishег'

2' F aam fie eхting uisheг.
3. PoWdeг fire extingU isher'
4. сo2 fire eхtinguisheг'


ЕХtinguisheгs With Watеr' foam, oг dгy powder opeгate oп the same prinсiple' In eaсh сase Wateг,
foam, oг dry powder are stoгed in a We|ded сontаiner' When thе va|Ve is opened, Co2 gаs has
a downward pгessure on the Water, foam' or dry powder and foгсes it up a siphon tube and out thгoUgh
the de|ivery hose. Тhe disсhaгge is сontгo||ed by squeezing and re|easing the operating head Va|Ve or by
a сontro| |ever at the end of the discharge hose,


Powder сan be Used foг |iquids
Use on wood, paper, plastics. Usе on Iiquid sрil|s and liqUid (C|ass B fires), PoWdeг maУ
fiгes of oi|s' paints a|so' Wiih the сorгeсt
Do NoТ UsЕ on fires (с|ass B fiгes), +6^hni^,,6 ha Пea.l
eХtinguish a high prеssure gas

involving liquid (oils, paints,

fats' etс, Do NoТ UsЕ on fiгes Whеre f|ame (C|аss C fires), Dry
powder gives a fast flame
there is Iive eleсtriсity,
Do NoТ USE on fires Wheгe knoсk.down, and may be Used
there is live eIeсtriсity. on fires on |ive eleсtriсa|

сARBON DIox|DE (Coz)

Coz gas is stored as а liquid undeг
prеssure' Use on с|ass A' C|ass B, and
сlass C fires When in a |iquid statr
(for example' When Iiquid gas |eaks suсh as
methane' propane, butane, oг aсety|ene). lt is
safe for use on fiгes invo|ving e|eсtricity, BUt it
may not be effeсtive When used oUtside
Aс^A.i.||v in 2 hrAA7A

Halon is also stored as a liquid under
pressure, but not аi such high pгessure as
Coz, аnd so it is not сold on disсharge, Ha|on
1211 (BсF) is djscharged as a |iquid Whiсh
сan be sprayed at the fire With some direction,
Hа|on 1З01 (BТN4) disсharges as a gas,
Normally, eХtinguishers shou|d be |ocated on stands Where they Wil| be easi|y seen by persons
fo|lowing an escape route, Тhe сarrying hаnd|e of |arge and heavy eХtinguishers shou|d be about ] m from
the dёсk but smа|| eХtinguishers hand|es shou|d be about 1,5m from the deck' The eХtinguishers' theiг
type and size shou|d bе shown on the Fire P|aп of the vesse|, ЕXtingUishers shouId always be avai|ab|e
for immediate use, тhe nUmber of eХtingUishers depends on the type of Vesse| and the risk of fire
Norma||y, one extingUisher shou|d be provided in еaоh of thе folIowing spaсes:
. aссommodation spaсe; . control stations;
. seгViсe spaсes; . mасn|nery spaсes

,t8 96 chasinikа stг.' S€Vаstoроl'

Ukга nе' Phoiе (0692) 546 146. Еаx (0692)546 984
Е mаi : elrg ish@tгаnsсoпt.а.l.оm. !п'л! iransсontгасt'сon]
L sEAlllIANsнlP
EngIish for EleсtriсаI Engineers PARт 1. UNlт 5. SAFEтY

сHoosING тнE сoRRЕсT ЕХтlNGU|sнER

be the сase' especia||y Where theй is moгe than one risk in the same area. For eхamp|e' in
a сontro|
room there may be hyаrau|ics' сomputers and other e|eсtriсa| equipment, papeгs and books, |f the Wrong
i; used on a fiгe, a serious situation may beсome a danger, |t is impoгtant thаt everУ
tуpe of extinguisheг
irewmembei knows the advantages and limitations of each fire extinguisher'

L You сan aсtivаte an eХtinguisher by removing the safety pin and pressing the сontгo|. |ever. Тhis
Way you Wi|| сheсk that thе eхtingirisheг is Working before you approaсh the fire, Ho|d the extinguisher
trontЪf your body and сome to thъ fire' keеping it as low as possibIe, Do not а|low flames, smoke' or

to сUt you off your Way of esсape'

L . Тhe safety pin should be in p|aсe and (сartridge operated units)

operating freely. . Disсharge or empty the сy|inder
. EХamine the eхterior foг signs of сompleteIy'
. Do not inteгnally inspeсt dry powder
. A|| instruсtions must be сlear and in eхtingu ishers in moist atmosphere'
appropгiate Ianguages. . Remove the сap s|owly and сaгefu||y,
. Empty the сontents into a с|ean
. Examine the hose and/or horn and thеir
securing с|ips for any sign of cracks or buсket'
damаge, . Water (fгom Water oг foam
. eхtinguisheгs) shou|d be о|ean and

lnspeсt that it is seсuгe|y attaсhed.
. |t is not praсtiсal to show no signs of rusty сolor
reсharge Coz onboaгd. . Powder must be dry.
lf they lost more than 'l0% . Remove the сo2 сartridgе and оhесk

of theiг Weight they should its сondition and date. |f date eХpiгed it
be гeplaсed, should be replaсed.
. Cheсk the operаting mесhanism,
Cheсk that a|| hosеs' siphon tubes'
pressure re|ief рorts and other oгifiсes,
rlngs and sea|s are in good сondition'
. Refill and reassemble the extinguisher.
Lightly lubгiсate threads,


Cargo ships of over 1000 gross tonеs must have one
hose for eaсh 30m length of the vessel, pIus one spare, but not
|ess than five hoses (this number does not inс|Ude a nUmber of

hoses requiгed in the oг boi|еr-room). In some сases
the nUmber of hoses may be inсrеased if neсessary, Тhеir
storage shou|d be in dry' WeI|-ventilated сonditions. Аfter сontaсt
with oils and grease and after use with foam, hoses should be

washed and btown through. Drain and wipe down before stowing.
Еaсh hose shou|d be testеd aссording to the instruсtions,
Dаmaged hoses must be removed from service.

Тhe Wаter supply to thе hose may be automatic or manua|. In the automatic version the Wateг
suppty valve is opened.йhen the hose is removed from the ree| and the delivery is made by the nozz|e,

Hoses are 19mm or 25mm bore and 20 - 50m in length
Hose reel units must be inspeсted aссording to the
. Cheсk that the Water supply to the hose !s

turned off.
. Comp|ete|y run out the hose and cheсk
its general cond ition.

сhесk thаt a|l сoUplings are tight

96 сhаstпika stl.' sevаstcро Uklainе . Phoпе:{0692) 546 146. Еах: (0692)546 9в4
r.nа|l егq ь. ql.а1sсoг|rjсt,сon. ww!!,i|агsсonkа., с0.т
English for EleсtriсaI Engineers PARт ,|. sEAlJ|ANsнlP uNlт 5. SAFEтY

. Тurn on the Wаteг and open the nozz|e' сheck that its operation is free,
. сlose the nozzIe and cheсk сoup|ings, рipe Work' and va|ves for leaks,
. For automatiс hose ree|s turn the Water on again afteг stowing'
. on automatic mode|s foltow the manufactuгeг's instruсtions When inspeсting the

А Еire Detectlon system immediate!У a fire' give eaгlу Warning of the
is dеsigned to detect
to сontro| and extingUish a fire before it
situation, and so provide the сrew With th; best possib|e сhanсe
smoke' and f|ame deteсtors' alarm soundeгs,


system Whiсh may be operaleъ Ъy-*"t"l foam' Coiz, or Ёa|on' such
systems shou|d be used onboaгd
siaгt of Coz system peгsonne| mUst evacuate the area and all
onlv bV the Master's instruсtioni. Ёetore a||

ventilation must be shut off.

Pumр-room fire сheсk|ist: Emergency fire сheсklist:

g AIarm sounded.
d Аlarm raised' Й Diesel generator shut down.
g А|l pumрing oрerations stopped, tll All fuel tanks shut off.
g Al| рump-room Valves сlosed, Й Еmergeпcy sWitсhboard isoIated,
g A|| personne| of pump-room is evaсuated. a сompressed air Iine from engine-гoom
g Venti|аtion fans stoрped, shut off.
tll eпtranсеs cIoseo, g Compгessed aiг bottles shut off.
g Wаter spгay equiрment operateс g All ventilation stoPPed.
g Ineгt gas pressure maintained g Doors closed.
in aI|
i сargo tanks. g сo2 fire eХtingUishing system operated,

FlxED WATER FlRЕ Exт|NGU|sнlNG sYsтEt\Лs

heat' Water sУstems
Water is сheap for firejighting and has a large absorb
systems deteсt, сontrol'
u.u"riy.i'pr" to instа|| and йаiniаin' ldeal|y' аuiomatiс sprink|er
and eхtinguish a fiгe in its ear|У stages.


protect large high risk aгеas suсh as
Fixed gas flгe extinguishing systrms aгe oftеn used to
maсhinerv spaсes and сargo holds'

20 96. сhаstnikа stl'' sevаstoрoj' Ukга]ne . Phoie
Е-rnаiL: en!lish@tгаnsсoп1lас!'сor]r
(0692) 546 146 . Еах] (0692)546 984
. Wl.]W.transсontrаct сoп]
L Еng]ish fo] Eleсtriсаl Еngineers PARт 1. sEAпnANsн]P UNlт 5. SAFEтY


Fire "Ф.
onboaгd of a ship is a dangeг ЕVerybody on the ship shoUld remember that it's better to
ргеvent a fire than to eХtingUish it,
Firejighting onboard сan be extгemely diffiсu|t and fata|' Good fire prevention praсtiсes minimize

the possibiIity of a fiгe. Fire prevention disсipIine shoUld be a paгt of the every day гoutine of a|| personne|,


Use proper ashtrays.
Nevеr smoke jn bed, ReguIarly iлspeсt and maintаin a||

Pay attention to smoking and no-smoking items.
Safety equipment such as fuel shut
Extinguish matches and сigaгettes before offs' overf|ow аlаrms' heat sеnsors'
throwing them away. etc. must be kept in good order.
Do not smoke when moving around the
Follow safe working practices.
sn rp.

L Hoт WoRK
on|y use safety matсhes'

L . Do not use equipment if you were not trained

oгdered to do so'
Cheсk that hoses aгe not |eаking and are seоurely

сon nected,
. Keep the Working aгea frеe of sharp objeсts.
. |\4ove around your Working area veгy carefu|ly.
. Make surе someone knows Where you are'

L .
сheсk there are no сom bustib|e/f|am mable materials,
Do not Work in areas Where surfaсe is сovered With
grease, oil, or other flammable material.

. Close all portholes through which sparks may fall.
. Have fire eХtinguishers dUring alI operation'
. А person With a fire extinguisher shou|d keep Watсh on
areas Whiсh a we|der cannot sеe'

ba,!4{bllll6l.od h lhд'gltlп8

. Frequent сhecks shou|d be made for at least two

аid bё Prfi or e flo-fв'l|i8Фiпo'
lhlф tь
l]Je фi0w]l]muфl
tfi рлtslYel
hrd'Atа iiд
lho Fh? sЙr|oл
рElяro t01l8|!t
hours afteг the Work Was stoDDed,

L |nсase of fire
sailors must:
Every сrewmember
must know:
bгeak the g|ass of the Wnат тo 0o Wnen
fire-а|aгm box and
^Ф push the button;
djsсover a fire;
What to do When heaг
inform the bridge

L about the fire;

сlose all Waterpгoof
evaсuate the peopIe;
L use an eХtjnguisher'


lf you take сoгreсt first aсtions iл the beginning of a fire When it is stilI sma||, jt Wi|| mаХimize your
сhanсes to extingUish it sUссessfuIly. Remembeг, a|| |arge fires stаrted as a sma|l f|ame'
Very often thе aсtions of the person Who disсovers a fire сan make thе differenсe between
a sma|| f|ame Whiсh is quiсkly eхtinguished and a саtastrophiс fjгe Whiсh сan сause the |oss of the ship or
even loss of life.
a|ways hapрe],rs to others' never to me''' is a Very сommon but suсh a wrong idea,

96 сhаshikа slr sevаsloрo Uкга nе . Phone: (0692) 546 146 . Eах: {0692) 546 9s4
Е.mаii: € п! ish o ll. nscoл!raсl'сoп] . www,traлsсonlrасt. co m
EngIish for Electriсal Engineers PARт ,I. sEAПlIANsнIP UNlт 5. SAFEтY

The first reaсtion When disсoveгing a fire is usual|y shoсk. Without training this can |ead to aсtions
Whiсh are instinсtive and oftеn inсorгect such as to run away leaving doors opеn,
YoU may disсoveг a fiгe anywhere by seeing' smelling, or hearing it' lf you find a fiгe:
1, think about the сorгeсt proсedure for raising the a|arm,
2. don't paniс'


. Shout "FIRE' ЕlRE' F|RЕ,'and givе its
. Knoсk into doors in сase peop|e aгe
s|eep|ng, but do not oрen doors as
this mаy сaUse the smoke entranсe'
. Start a fiгe alarm'
. lf possible use a telephone to inform
thе bridge or other сontro| сentеr,
. Inform the сontrol center about: fire
|oсation' fire tyрe and size' detаi|s
What aсtions have already been taken-
. Do not attempt to fight the fire until
you infoгm others.


. lf you see smoke behind a сlosed dooг you
сannot know a fire size or type,
. Do NoT oPЕN ТHE DooR.
. Raise the alarm.
. Preparefiгe-fighting equipment.
. When the Fiгe Attack Paгty сomes' desсгibe
the leader all details that you know about the

lF тHE DooR oF тHЕ сoMPARтMЕNT |s oN F|RE

.Raise the a|aгm,
.lf it is safe to do so' attасk the fiгe using pгoper equipment and do not let smoke and fire
between you and your Way of esсape,
оlf you are attaсked baсk, CLoSЕ ТHE DooR'
.Start preparing firejighting eqUipment for the Fiгe Attaоk Party.
. Switсh off loсa| e|eсtrical equipment'

FIRЕMAN,s oUтFtт - PRoтЕстlvE сLoтнING

Fireman's pгoteсtive c|othing is designed to protесt the skin
from heat of fire and from bUrns by steam. They aгe made of materia|
Whiсh is f|ameproof' Water resistant, and easy to сlean.
Тhese suits must be used When c|ose to a fire. But thеy are
NoТ Fiгe Entry suits'
Fiгeman's equipment shou|d be stoгed jn positioлs whiсh wil|
not be сUt off in оase of fire.
|f there is more thаn one set of equipment they shou|d bе
stoгed in separate positions'

FIREMAN'S AXES Prоvides quiсk entry

Fiгeman's axes have
а Wooden hand|e. oгle side of
the head has a сutting edge
and the other side has a

22 96' сhаslnika stг'' sеvastopol' tJkгainе .
Е mаji: €ng]
Рhоiе (0692)546 146 . lах] (0692)546 984
sh@lгаnscoп|гасl сom. w'"1!1/'trаnsсonlгасt.сorn
L English for ЕleсtriсaI Engineers PARт 1. sEA]UlANsнlP uNlт 5. SAFEтY

Fireman.s |amps aгe battery opеrated and mUst have duration of not less than three hours,

The batteries shou|d be of the re-сhargeab|e type,
Тhere are two с|asses of lamps' C|ass I safety |amps are used on any Vessel, Тhey сan be used
on oil tankeгs but not for f]ammab|e сargoes, Class || lamps are used when thеre is a risk of f|ammab|e

,,*.,o*,. BRЕAтнlNG APPARAтUs

L вreathing apparatus may be of the smoke He|met type or of the self-сontained tуpe, |t is

important to have training for the сrew so that they know how to use this appaгatus сorrectlУ and
effiсient|y' Breathing apparatus is neсessary to fight a fiгe in an enс|osed spaсe and in an open spaсe
When there are toxiс fumes' Тhe equipment may be а|so neсessary to seaгсh foг a missing peгson in
оase of a fire or an incident,

A smoke Hetmet or smoke Mask сonsists of a helmet or a mask' a pump' and an air
pump hose the mask.

Тhe pump is used to manual|y air through the to
A|| equipment must be inspeсted at regu|ar interva|s and a|ways after Use in praсtiсe or in
an emergenсy. It shou|d never be stowed When it is Wet or dirty. Тhe mask must be сleaned aссoгding to
the instruсtions and disinfected. Cheсk that the fastenings aгe in good order,

. no time limit; . at least two men required;
. сool |n use; . distanсe is limited;
. minimaI training req uirеd; aiг tube may be heavy;
. easy to maintain and test. . air line may get damаged.
The se|f-сontained breathing appaгatus has a faсemask' an air
сy|inder and va|Ve, a high pressure гeduсing va|Ve, a Warning Whist|e

and а pressuгe gauge. Eaсh сylinder must have not less than 1200 |itгes
of fresh breathing air' The air is suppIied Via an automatic regu|atoг. |t is
reqUired that spare сharged breathing air сy|inders are a|so сarried,
А pгessure gauge shows the pressure of air remaining in the
сy|inder at any time,
A Waгning Whistle shows that the сy|inder сapaсity is low and
that а person should remove himse|f from any unsafe atmosphere.

тhe Weight of the apparatus must not еxсeed ]6 kg. After eaсh
use of a BA set it is neсessary to stow it in a сondition ready for
immediаte use' Fo|low the instructions:
. с|ean the set сaгefu|ly;
. сlean the faсe mask;
. inspeсt the set;
. instal| а ful|y сharged сy]inder;
. make high prеssure and |oW pгessure tests'
. disinfeсt the faсemask

96, сhastпikа slr ' sеvаstoPol. Ukга ne ' Phone' (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692) 546 984

Е.m. en9]
Eng|ish for Eleсtrical Еnginвers PARт 1. sЕAмANsнlP UNlт 5. SAFEтY

Personne| joiniпg a сhemiсa|

а\ tanker for the fiгst time should гесеivе
сHEMIсAL TANKЕR tNSтRUстloNs basiс safety instгuсtions, Тhe сhief
У offiсer and Safety offiсer shou|d give
the basiс |eсture'
and agreed ьy йe мasterlCЬief offiсer. When there is tanks c|еaning the Master should pгohibit smoking
if he feels it is right. This should be a noгmal pгoсedure'
A smoking room at poгt should satisfу the fo||owing сriteria:
. At least two сlosed doors between the room and the outside,
. А fire extinguisher is in the p|acе where it сan be reached immediately,
о Ashtrays shou|d be of the
.,safety type''.

by сompetent
torсhes muЬt be kept in good oiсer and any neсessary repairs must be сarried oUt on|y

other |oсation where flammab|e gas maУ be reaсhed,
HAND тooLs
must be taken to prevent
of petroleum gas by sparks pгoduсed by metaI in normal Use is not big but сare
lnсorreсt use'
sPoNтANEoUs сo|vlBUsт|oN
some materia|s When soakеd With oil, esрeсia||y oil of vegetable origin, can ign|te Without
eХterna| effeсt of heat as the resu|t of gгadua| heating Within the materia|. Тhe гisk of spontаneous
kept Warm' for examp|e'
сombustion is smaller With petгoleum oi|sЪut it оan stiIl happen if the materia| is
near a hot pipe.
on deскs' on
сotton Waste, rags' or any absorbent mateгiaI shou|d not be kept neaг oi|, рaint,
with oil' they should bе сleaned oг
equipment, on oг around pipeIines' etс, lf suсh materia|s are soaked
нoT WoRK
сertain dгi||ing
Hot Woгk |s any WorK Involving We|ding oг burning, and аnУ otheг Work inс|uding
and grinding operations, eleсtriсal woй, whiсh might рroduce a spark. so it is important When p|anning
that thе area is gas fгee and
йork,, (йhich inс|Udes hammering, chipping' scraрing, etc')'to make sure
pipe1ine' Regular checks must be
сomptete|y safe, some gas сan exi]t in ЬЬrtJ ot a iank or Within a
Hot Work is on|y permitted in acсordanсe With the nationa|, internatiоnal' and termina|/poгt
the vesse| is not
Hot Woгk is prohibited during сargo, ballаst' tank с|eaning' and on deck When
gas free.
- А|| Hot Works must be p|anned. The |\4aster must eХamine the Work that
wil| be сaгried out and
pгecautions are made, Before the Hot Work the Master must have a
deсide if it is safe and al| reqUired
disсuss the p|anned work; 2) сonsideг a|| risks; 3) сonsider a|| preсautions, 4) ideпtify
safety meeting to 1)
duties and resDonsibilities.
Hot Work Permits Wi|I not be va|id foг more than one Worк|ng day.
Hot Work must
immediately be stopped if
there will be any changes in
|-JcТ сIrсumstances.

\AсБK Reсords of Hot Work

Permits and safety meetings
mUst be kept onboard foг one
Уear -

24 :
96. сhаsiпikа stг'' sevаstоpo]. Ukrаinе . Phone: (0692) 546 146 ' Еаx] (0692) 546 984
Е.rnа : епg ish@iгansconllасl соm . иФv,l.ansсопtгaсt сom
English for ЕIectriсаl Engineers PARт 1. sEAr{rANsнtP UNlт 6. USЕFUL PнRAsEs

UNlт 6

пPиBЕтсTвиЕ / пPoЩAниЕ
Hello .3дpaвствyЙтe] ['he'|аu]

..,.'.-''.''.''.--.:' Ц РЦP9'']
, [hai]

Hory ?I9.'y9'Ч?.
'.'.'.. .'l к?[ д9,??'
Ihau a: jul
lam fine, good. 1 o1тцянo, xopoшo: [ai am] [fаiп] [gud]
Inаis tа mi:t ju:]

Good-bye! / Bye:byg] l Дo свидaн ия |-ПpoщaЙтel [gud,bai] I'bаi'bаi]

BЬ|PA)кЕHиЕ БлAгoдAPHoсти
Thank you! CпaсибoI [0@0k ju:]
]'!].ql'ry9U-VeQ{mч9'l]]'-.'!9l'!'чo".q'ч9'!9 [оr0k ju] m^t]]

Тhanks a lot! l БoлЬшoe cпaсибo!

Бoлt [0rе0ks a |Эt]


/l'm l с^.n, Bинoвaт. пpoстИтe l lаim

I am so sorry, . : lvlHe тз!(.)кaЛЬ1 lai @rn sau


Exсuse me! . Извинитe! П.P.'o'g'l!!тe мeня

И 91в1у у wI 9|' П I | Iiks.kju:z тi,]

HEпoH И MAни E

P|ease repeat- . Пoжa1уЙста' лoвтopитe] [pLi:z гi.pi:t]

.....'Lч?! iч.-"'!il ....''... ...

say it again plеase. пoвтopитe, пoжaЛyЙста' [sei il а'gen рli:z]

Let me sеe / Let me think. l ДaЙтe пoдyмaть. [|et mi: si:] [|et mi:oi0k]

. .. .'.р'qi'.'0'.а- чеil '.' ' '.'.'....

Just a moment, i oднy минyтy' ...] '''!'9'11!!

a ]TPчT'9lt]

Justaseсond. oднy секyндy. .. [d3^st а ъekand]

Fiгst of all, Пpе)i(дe всeгo' [fа st Jv J l]

|t dерends(on) ; B зaвисl1Мoсти (oт)l [it di,pendz rn]

No differenсe' Бeз paзн ицьt' . [nаU 'difаrёns]

I do mv best' . Я дeлaю всe' Чтo oт мeHя зaвисит. [аi du: mai best]

|t's oK for me' MHe этo пoдxoдит, lits аukei f ): т:]

Irv hr^h|6m
Рt vp|vl |, |
ЕA,r пn^6пAп'

tasre9..- Я coглаcej: |а| а оп:l

I am not sure. Я He vвepeн, [аi @m nэt Juа]

As far as I remember, HacкoлЬко я пoп/ню. La'z fa| az ai ri'mеmbа]

Аs far as I know, . ., ,|..:.,.!з. ч.'.^i ..|?,u] '.' '' ' '' '
сan l аsk you?

96' сhвslпikа Slr sevasioр.l, Ukга ne' Рhonё: (0692) 546146. Fах:(0692) 546 984 25
Е-mа] errg. s,rэilа1sс9"tli"l:ll'T.].YY:1'9"!j"ilT"L"o' . - ' . . ..
Engineers PARт t. sEAмANsнlP UNlт 6. USEFUL PнRAsЕs
Еnglish for Eleсtriсаl

l l hav9 pail !n, my'ba9K - У M9.Ця бo!иJ сп'цЦa .L"i' ]].-.u' .P9i! il Ta].

I have high b'Lgo'q. pr'e..s.9щ'e'.. ' .''. У'.Цe!:]|.в'Pr'q9.!i9.'9 д?в]l9H!4.9 ... .. .I9!..!]PY l1i'
bllg 'P|9]a.l.

l have a pa|n nere' У щeHя бoлит здeсь, [ai h@v a pein hiа]
,]ave feveг,
У MeHя }(aр- [аi h@v э ,fi:vа]
a (Meня лиxopaдит),

тi.i 3]l'' .'.....'.'.

ir;,;.ййй.Ц"rny'iG. .. . ;''.Ч]9:т9.!'oц'q!.9..P Цe'q.. .''. '.'..' '. .].'.t" .l'"y-.largio 'i!.
. Ifee| like thгowing up. Meня тoшHит' lai fi]l |аik |вгаur! ^p]
. пЛ!A nпnYо . lai fill sik]

Cаn l have something foг MoжHo пojpoсить нтo-нибyдь [k@n аi h€V ,s^moi! f]: а kэfl

l aсоugh?' . oткaшля.
: Iwould |ike to have а tooth Я хoтeл бьt заплoмбиpoвaть ] Iai Wud laik tа h@v а tu:о fild]
filled' зyб

96 сhаstnjkа siг' sevаstоФ;.Y:ж..,li^]':
Е-mв]l] eng]]sп@transсontrасt сom.].'i'?',.]i#i'."?l"1iun,,.ou'u.
v"l'^v lmnsсontrасr.UU

B AэPoпoPтy / AT тHЕ A|RPoRT

|s that a direсt f|ight?' Этo пpяMoй pейс? а d|'rekt flаLt]

What flights are there Кaкиe eстЬ peйcЬ| дo Лoндoнa? . IW]t flаits а: бea tа '|^ndаn]
must I be аt the КoгдaMHeнyжнoбьtтьвaэpoпopтy? .J":,ill.,.^."' o' n
Air.'а*1 o, eаor]l
HoW much .|uggage am ] с*on"*o MHe NЛo)кнo бpaтЬ бara>\..a? '|^gid3 am аi a,|аud

allowed to take?, . .. . ' . I|l".i.'fl^u

HoW muсh is the tiсket? . 9l(9!чкo стoит бЦ!eт? . .tikjt]

Ihqч rn^tj iz 0a
Please reserve the neхt] 3aбpoниpyЙтe Mecтo нa бnу'х<aЙu'J|АЙ lpli:z ri'zа:v aа nekst f|ait tu:

f|ight to peЙс дo ЛoHдoнa' пo}{алyЙcтa, '|^ndJn]

Whrre is the аirpoгt ] Гдe здaHиe aэpoпopтa? [Weа ]z ai .eаpЭ]t 'tа:min|]

Wheгe do | сheсk in? . Гдe лpoxoдит peгистpaция? ] lweа du: ai Uеk in]

|.m in transit for . Я тpaнзитoм дo Лoс-Анжeлeсa- [аim in 'tг@nzit f]: ]s'€еndзi|ilz]

I os An.teles
Я тpaнзит|-tыЙ пaссaжиp
,tгenzit 'pasiпdза
Iam a transit passenger to ' lai @m а tu:

sаn Еranсisсo' дo Caн-Фpaнцискo, 'sФnfGn'siskаU]

Whаt is lhg gale numрe|? . .. .]. Hа к3.кoЙ. вЬlxoд?.. . , [Wrt iz b9 9ei.1

Will this flight leave on, Этoт peЙс oтпpaвится вoвpeMя? : 6Ь f|аit li:v эn tаim]

What time do We arrive? Кoгдa мьt пpибьlвaeм? [w]t lа,m dU: wi а'rаiv]

|V]ay I have another .цaЙтe MHe' пoжaлyЙстa, дpyгoЙ .

, Iглei аi h@v а'n^0э 'k^stamz

Where сan I qet mУ

I дe Mo)кHo noлyvить багaж? . Iweа k@n аi get mаi
0aggage /
I didn.t reсeive the с|aim tag Mнe нe вьtдaли бaгaжHyю квитaнЦию [ai 'didnаt bа k|eim tag
when l cheсked in' l п.pи рeгиcтpaции] ] Wen ai tlekt in]
My baggage is broken and . MoЙ бaгaж пoвpeждeн' и HeкoтopЬ|x . [rnаi 'b@gid3 iz
.o'" missing.
йingЪ are q|9|!||J9|l|9. вeщeЙ He ХвзI'aeт,
.1:::l1-,'''-]]-.::,.':::, s^m 0i0z а:

Мay^ | use this baggage Moжнo в3ятЬ этy бaгaжнyю тeлeжкy? . 1mei аi ju:s 6is,bФgidз kal]

Where is the tourist Гдe нaхoдится тУpиcтИчeскoe ] [Weа ]z aа 1uаrist

сan lmake a сonneоtion oп . Я ycпeю сдeлaтЬ пepeсaдкy в тoт жe . 1каen ai meik Э ka'neklan эn 6а
the.sam9 gay? 1 дeнь?. . .. , . elm dei].

HoW |ong does it take to CкoлЬкo HyжHo вpeNieHи Ha ' [hаu l]0 d^z it teik tul me|k e ё..^nnA.ti^n? прnргалкv?

t:l'::*-a- ,

сan I reserve a hotel room Moжнo |\,IHe зaкaзaтЬ HoN4ep в 1kan аl ri'zа v а hаu'tаL гu:m hiа]
here? гoстИH ицу?

96' сhastnika si. ' sеvаsloPol. Ukгaine . Phoie] (0692) 546 146 . Раx: (0692) 546 984
Е-mа L: еng sll@lrexsсontTaсl.сom. www,tгаnsсontrаcl'сom -t
Еnglish for EleсtriсaI Еngineers PARт 1. sЕAMANsнlP UNtт 6. USEFUL PнRAsEs


What's your name? ] М is lvan Pеtrov'

Ho)W 9ld аr9 you? | am thirty-one, '.

Wц9I9119 ).9u
Whаt position аre y9u |'99k!щ f9( !q l!ke' t9 s9.!.q po!'iliol'ol an Еleоtriсa| Еng'ineer
What's y.our seamФ's р'9oЦ.n.uЦ!9l? ... 4B23q1q9
Whаt's your totа| sea experienсe? | have 10 yeaгs of sea experienоe.

IWorked onboard a сontaineг 'ship,''a l3Цm?] qul! 9slrlel.Фq'F9'!9'!9

D.o y9ч..haY9. f ore!9n.'с.lery' exP9rie.ц99?'...
Yes' I do, l woгked with a Greek Mаsteг. Filipino deсk ratings. Еngine сrew Was from
per month?
What Were your previous wages / salary? нow much did you mаke
l mаde three thousand U-S' do|Iars рeг month,

meters' ftag is Liberiа, Heг shipowner is Zodiaс |\4aritime Agenсiеs, U,K,
Desсribe gome of your -da!!y responsibi|ities a!d daity aсtivities.
and repaired it in сase
ldidn't keep Watсh' I usua|lУ took саre of a|| e|eсtrica| maсhinery onboaгd

So you have a job and onboard now

KЕEP|NG YoUR Joв HoW do Уou keep your position?

тen adviсes to be sUссessfu|,

to ta|k about eХсept ships so
2. Do not сomp|ain! гeopte wьo йork on ships finс tnat tney have nothing
they find many things to сomp|ain about, Don.t do'it'
з, Don.t gossip Ь сrew or с|ienis' lt a|Ways сomes baсk to you, It's a sma|l сity onboard and eveгуonе
knows evеrything about everybody
4, Be сarefuI Whom you t.,.i you|- irivate things oг thoughts' toFriendships агe made аnd bгoken in а
matteг of Weeks. TЬinк twiсe-befoie гeveaIing your ambitions other сrewmembeгs,
5 A|Wаys show геsрeсt to the offiсers onboaгd,
тime is 4 p,m, and А|| Aboaгd is
6' A|l АЬoaгd is one ha|f hour befoгe sailing time, For eХamp|e' AiIsaiIing
3:30 p,m. АIways start Уour return at |east 45 minutes before
the port offiсia]s. lf you had an
7, Do not miss thё ship1 li you do' the сaptain Wi|l give your passport toshiр,
aссident you Wi|| need to get a рo|iсe гeport io ge-t back to the To identlfy youгsе|f аs a
provide the poiiсe wiin yoUr сrew |dеntifiсatjon Card, They Wi|| сontaсt the port offiсia|s,
Afteг the po|iсe you must go direсt|y to the port offiсials' offiсe, Тhey Will take you diгeсt]y to the
your ship' and
aiгport, return you1" pu..poй and put you on the first flight to the next Port-of-Cal| of
you wi|| be responsib|e for a|| уour travе|tng expenses,
в, it you miss the ship for a noi serious reison |ike overs]eeрing beсause you had too rnuсh fun the
night before' you are already histoгyI
g, Pйbtеms, quЬstions, сonceins, suggestions? A|wаys go thгough the рropeг сhain of сommand,
10, Look niсe and smi|e a|| the time in pubIiс areas; youг looks say a |ot about you'

28 96 chаstnikа str ' sevasloрo|, UkГ.]ne . Phопe] (0692) 546 146 . Faх: (0692) 546 984
с та'l е1g|,sl@|-J^5сoг|,а,l ,oт . lllvw aа, sсonl'J' t ' o ,
English for Eleсtrjсаi

UNlт {
элEктPичEGтвo / ELEGтRIGIтY

sтAтlс ЕLЕстRlсlтY

ЕveгVtn|nq in the univeгse is mаde of atons

Atoms are,madЪ of sma|| partiс|es, Тhe сenter of a.
atom is the nuс|eus' lt is made of partiс|es са|leo
protons and neutrons' Pгotons and neutrons €гe..v^ely
.Б,ir ьu' e|eсtrons are mUсh, mUсh]lеI, 'Е|eсtгons
Гeat distanсе
rotatealqцllL thе' ry9]ечч -Ll
from the оlllsr shgll
Protons lnпв. sh*|l
of an
atom are
to eасh

Тheу ooth сaгrv an elесtгiсal+ffi

is a foгсe inside the pаrtlсle, Рro] ;ffllxx :Нl3:
^]|l: (-) тhe рositive. elrсt!ons..-''.
.*i"no have a negаtive сharge ..'..

сhaгge of pгotons is e-g!q! to the negаtive сnaгge oт
Cjpposite сhaгges attract eaоh other, When
3ЁнxJ ffi::; :л; :: ff:,iJ:Hil"il :l*il1:]:
be different.


is Very important foг

e|eсtгiсal engiieering beсаUsemagnеts
generaioгs '

ir'",nsfoй"r'., aid on
moto-rs depend and

-. - An inе|eсtгomЬgnet
maonetism thеir opeгation,
is an objeст that aсts |ike a
magnet' bul its magnetiс foгсe is QlgatеlL and сontгol|eo
bV eleсtriсitY,
Тo сrеate аn e|eсtromagnet and magnet|ze a
meta| objeсt |t's neсessary to щI?! tnе щil9 a"ound
A magnetiс fiе|d is сrеated around a Wire When
it has e|eсtriоъ| сurrent running ihrough it, сгeаting
йre сonс-entrates the fie|d' Wrapping the Wire
йuno un iron core greatly inсreаses the stlqlqtl] of
il!Ъ*йцffiй".,J'."Ъt iйЬ-"g;цr;;':''* т:з:l9.*:l]l"^Y.]l?,::":l:j'y::ji::fll"j:".1'"1:
lli.iiiЁftiiй#jЬТ]ЪЁ.Ьio sЁйiJs Ьi" impoпant ьeсause they сan сrеate сontro|led
magnet :

fielJs and сan be used as e|ectromagnets,

bУ the amount of сurrent' number of co
The strength ot trle elесtioйЪg;Бti" ti"to i. determined

of Wiгe. and the distanсe fгom the Wiгe,

30 96 саsl' sе/аsloро| !.а'l..D"o.r loо92'5!6'Дь.ta'
l 1,J 6.q ,1@тагч
,aь92 5Аь 9aА
Eng|ish fo] ElectriсaI Engineers PARт 2. ЕL. ENGINEER]NG UNlт 1. ELEстRIсIтY


Аn e|eсtriс сUlrent is a f|ow of e|есtrons throuqh Wires and eleсtroniс
сomponents. Тhese e|eсtrons move through a meta| сonduсtor bv means of
e]ectromotive forсe (emfl that moves еleсtriс сharges from one point in the
сirсuit to another' Тhe f|ow of сurrent depеnds on the number of Daгtiсipatinq
Еmf is measured in Volts and is qenerated by сhemiсaI reaction (ФI
examp|e: a battery or a fue| сe|l), absorption of гadiant or thermaI energy
(a so|ar сelI or a theгmoсouple), or e|eсtromagnetic indUсtion (a generator oг
an а|ternatoг)' E|eсtromaqnetic induсtion is a means of сonveгtinq meсhanjсal
eпeгgy iпto e|eсtriсa| energy' \

When Dс e]eсtricity s раssеd throlgh a Wire, a mаgnetс

nаrtiс|e чaстицa ['ра:tik|]

nuсleus ; ядpo {'nju|kliаs]

rotate вpaщaтЬ(ся) {rЭ!'teil]

around вoкpyг ] [a'гaund]

s hell oбoлoчкa:. кopпyс llell

both oбa lЬ>||в]

.,!,o-9,?1tv., , .., ll,qg,]L

: ['k@ri]

foгсe cv'лa lfr:sl

ins ide
opposite ]пpoтивoпoлoжHЬlи . ['эpаzit]


- amount кoЛичeствo [a'mаunt]

f|ow пpoтeкaтЬ
пoтoк' пpoтexaтЬ - . [f]Ju]

thгough чepeз' сквoзЬ [oгu:]

conduсtor l.P919-Д',]]4Ц..-. '. ;..t!.i[gd1l9]'

96 сhаstn ka st. sevаstэl.lkгainе . Phoпe (0692)546 14c. Еах: (0692)546 984 3,1
€ g s.эl.а1sсontгаcl'с0m . Wwt/,]rэnsсоntъct,сom : n
-- ЕnglishforЕIёсtriсаIEngjneersPARт2'EL.ЕNGINEЕRINGUNlт1.ELEGтRIG|тY

ьy meаns of ПoсpeдcтBoM ... [,ba] 'minz'аv]

e|eсtromotive forсe (emf) элefipoдвижyщaя сИлa []'|ektrаu malt]v f]:s] [i: em еfl

n^int тoчкa ['print]

L|v|yaL'' чaствyющиИ [pа:'l,sipе('.l]
Рe| 'У ,

to measure изп/eрятЬ' MepитЬ [г.eJa]

to geпerate ]пpoизBoдитЬ [,dJёnareit]

foг eхаrn ple

so|аr сe|| сoлHeч нЬ|Й эЛe[ЛeHт ['sа.l,а se|]

theгmo'couple' .. тeрМoэлeп,leH1L. Je.'Pп/q!a.Pa i,oа]mа.k^р|]

e|ectromagnetiс indUсtjоn .
эЛ eктpoМaгH итH aя индyКЧиЯ lj.lektгаumag netik in'd^kiаn]

to сonveгt тpaF.сфopп,1ИDoвaтo, пpeвpaцa-Ь l,kэ:nve]t]


alternating сUrгent (Ас) puIsating сuгrent

direсt сUrгent (Dс)
пoстoяHнЬ|Й тoк пepeMeнныЙ тoк прepЬ|виоТЬ'Й тoК
[']:Iteneiti0 [р^|,seitl0,k^гаnt]

f|ows on|y in one diгeсtion and сhanges its direсtion

and ]s alternаtiVe in its magnItude
doesn't сhаnge its diгection of magnitude at fixed inteгVals of and stab|e in its diгeоtion. |t is
time. produсеd during the сonveгsion
of an a|ternating оUrrent into а
diгeсt сurrent |n сurгent

тhe ampere is an e|eсtriсaI unit for measUring the stгength of e|eсtriс cUrгent in а сirсuii
Тhe ammeter is used to measure the intensity of an e|eоtric сUrrent in ampeгes, Тhe amount of f|owing
сu ггent is сa||ed аmрeгage.
Thе volt is an e|eсtrical unit measuring ihe extегnal forсe applied to a сiгсuit to overсome thr
oDoosition to the f|ow of сuгrent, Тhis foгсe is сaIled vo|tage and is a|so referred to as e|eсtromotive forсе
or eleсtriс pressure, тhe deviсe used for measuгing Vo|tage s сa]|ed Vo|tmeteг,
Тhe ohm is an e|eсtгiсaI unit for measuгing the resistanсe to the flow of сurrent, А|] substаnсеs
show diffeгent гesistanсes to the f|ow of e|eсtriсity through them. With the inсrrase in thr ternperaturе thе
resjstanсe of а|| meta|s inсreases bUt the resistanсe of сarbon, insu|ating materials. (e|eсtгo|ytiс) so|Utioг
deсгeases' тhe ohmmeter is аn e|eсtriсaI measuring instгument that measUгes e|eсtriсa| гesistanсe. Тhе
deviсe used for measuring insu|atlon resistanсe is megohmmeteг or meggeг' It is a сiгсuit tester Wh ct-l
puts a veгy high vo|tage at a very IoW сUrrent aсross two сonduсtors to сheсk thеir proper insulation,
The wаtt - the unit of poweг: the рower of 1 amprre of сUrгent pushed by one Volt of
e|eсtromotive forсe. Тhe Wattmeteг is a deviсe foг measuring the e|eсtr]с power or the supplу rаte of
e1ectгiсa] enrrgy of the сirсuit,

32 . 96 сhаstлikа stl.' sеvаstoрo
Е-mа :
' UkЕ nе Pho;re
(0692) 546 146 . Еах] (0692) 546 984
eПg |sh@tGлscoпkасl сom . y^!W tгansсoпtгасt сoпr

EngIish for EIeсtriса| Еngineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINEERING UNlт 2. Dc GENERAтOR

UN|т 2
гEнEPAтoP пocтoян}loгo тoкA / DG GЕNERAтoR

An e|eсtriсal qenerator is a mасhine
Whiсh оhаnqеs meсhaniсal energy into
eleсtriсal energy' Еvery geneгator mUst be
driven by the prime mover: а turbine' a
dieseI engine, or another mесhaniсaI
l_ devjсe that drives a generatoг аnd
produсes meоhaniсаl energy. Тo get moгe
eleсtriсaI energy from a generator' the

L prlme mover must supDlv more meсhaniсa|

A generator сonveгts meсhaniсaI
energy into e|eсtгiсaI energy by using the
prinсiple of magnetiс induсtion and
e|eсtromagnetjс force. Аs the аrmature is
rotated in the maqnetiс fluх of the main poles by a drive motor, the emf is jnduсed
in tne aЁarulJ
Windinq' ln the loaded maсhine the emf gerlerates ihe сurrent of the same Ji,"itiБ_
t_ Wjth' the magnetiс fluХ and prod'uсes the qleсtromaqnetiс torque
produсed by a prime mover' In this сase trre maсПnБЪБББtЪi
direсted in the opposition to tne one

аs a qeneгator,
Тhe А|\ЛoUNT of Voltage generаted depends on:

.the strength of the magnetic field;
. the anq|e at Whiсh the сonduсtor оuts the
magnetiс field;

the spеed at whiоh the conductoг is moved;
. the |ength of the оonductor Within the magnetiс

To determine the direсtion of сUrrent, the LЕFт-HAND
RULЕ FoR GЕNЕRАтoRs is used. When the thumb,
foгefinqer' and middle fingеr of the left hаnd are extendБТ_ai
right angles to eасh other so that the thumb indiоates the
direсtion of movement of the сonductoг in the magnetiс field,
and the forefinger points in the direсtion of the flux iines (north

t to south)' the middle fingeг shows the direоtion of induсed emf

In the сonduсtor'

gеl lеl ilt0l гeHepaтop ['d3enёreitа]

to be driven пpивoдиN'ЬlЙ в движeHиe
['b|: 'drivan]
prime mover пepвичнЬlи двигaтeль
... [рrа|m 'тu vа]
deviсe ; .Ус1PoЙствo, np,oop ..йй;i -- -- "
"nnup"', .

тo supp|y снaбжaтЬ Isа'n|el]
LJo Р|d ]
. якopЬ


I t |q||| Р\J|сD гпаRнЬ|A пnп!-l.}.|
to induсe
wlndiпg oбMoткa г.Wаinrlin]
roao чагpyзка ['Jud]
to interaсt BзaИl,oдeЙствoвaтЬ ;

96. сhаstn]kа
stl' Sevаsl.i] !{:;ine . Рhoпe: (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692) 546 984
Е-mаr erс s.эl-:1s.oпtrэсt'com.'1/ww,1mnscontгасt,сom ,33
English for E|ectriсаl Engineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINEERING UNlт 2. DG GENERAтoR

ь'q';' .' j-";й;;;;i;'; ;;щi*i.. .''. 11."*1'*.т]k

"r""i.йug;;ti; cl.y:e9 [in dis kеis]

in this .: q'?т9.ч.

anоle yгoл l I'@nsЦ






соh'viu тAтoR

The armature has сoi|s of Wiгe

А generator has two main цЦ19: an' armatuгe and ligцstruсtulq.
fie|d stгUсturr qenerаtes trrЪ-maщetiс lines'of
forсe.The. сoils for
in Whiсh the e|eсtriсity is inouсed'
wire wound around iron сores, тhe iгon

the armature and fie|d .tгu".u,J u," uiua||y insu|ateТсopper

сores stгrngthen the magnetiс fields, foгсe or When the |ines of foгсe
Е|eсtriсlty ou g"n",",tJi When the aгmature сuts the lines of
""n o"p"no ng",,'i., ir,.Ъ i.йiш'"-oп1'" field struсtuгe сan be the rotatinq paГt of
сut past the armatuгe.
the tq!щ and the stationarv part is the statoг, Тhe
frame is made of
a оenerator, The гotat|ng p.u ,.
stБе| in the form of a с|osed magnetiс сonductor' pQleq arr and
The main po|es proou"J'tЁйain йаgnetiс fluХ. Тhe сommutatinq T19.e-.oj,steel
for non.
potes witn the Windings are desiqned
tiпeo miow-ay Jetuieen tnЪ maи ЁoЪs'1ne сйmutаting
windingJoi the сommUtating and the main po|es are bullt
;;;,kl;;;p;;;ns ot an et"сt|.iсЪaЪЪine, тne
of сopрer сond uсtors'
|aminations and a two-lаVеr
тhe armatuгe makes up a сy]indriсa| сore made of shеet stee|
winding fixed in theiг s|ots'
and lo сonvert an a|teгnating emf induсed in the аrmature
*inЪino inю a qiЦеqt emf, ThЪ сoтmutator is сonstruсted of
."o"."j" .opp"Гьuo iso|ated from eaсh other and fгom the
тhe funсtion of brush is to co||eсi сuгrent from the
сomтutаtoг, They are usuа||y made of сarbon beсause саrbon
is a oood сonduсlor and pгoduсes ]еф friction than meta|s,

34 96 сhаstпihа str.' s€vastopol Ukга nе . Рhonеl (a692) 546 146 . Еаx (0692) 546 9B4
Е'mai|: rng|]sh@trаnsсопkзсt сom. v^!w1rаnsсoП!rafl сопr
Еng|ish for E|eсtriса| Еngineers PARт 2. EL. ЕNGINEERING UNlт 2. Dс GENERAтoR

глaвF]Ь|Й . [mein]
pafi дeтaлЬ, чaстЬ Ipа:t]
field structure иHдyКтopHaя стaHиHa [fi:|d 'slr^ktjа]

sтatoг с.гaтop [,steitа]

frame кaркaс . rreim]
Io proouсe .; пp9И'9вoдитЬ l [рra'djll:s]
сommutаting po|es дoбaвoнньte пoлюсa ['k )mju:'teitJ,,] раu|z]
. for
to be designed . 1peднaзн1н9нньtЙ' сдeлaнньtй для ldi.zаjnd fЭ:]

non-sраrking взpьtвoбeзoпaснь|Й. He дaющиЙ искp [nJn'spа:k|п]

t.l ha hП ilt UoздaHHЬ|Й lbi|l]

/я\ |


When a DC Vo|tage is app|ied to the fie|d Windjngs of a DC generatoг, сurrent flows through the
Windings and sets up a steadv magnetiс field. This is сalled F|ELD ЕxC|ТAТ|oN.
Тhis eхсitation vo|tage сan bе produсed by the generator or it сan be supplied by an outside
sourсe suсh as a battery,
In some DC generators the direсt сurrent needed for the e|eсtromagnets that make UD the fie|d
stгuсture сomes from an outside source, as in most АC generators' Тhese are sврдпдтгry вxсlтво
GENЕRAТoRs seDaгatelv exсjtеd oenerators are Used When Wide-ranqe voltage rеgu|ation is reouiгed:
jn the eIeсtriс drives of steering gears,
WindIasses' Winсhes, etс.
Generators that don't require a separate сurrent souгсe for their exсitation are SЕLF-ЕXC|TED
G-ENЕRAтoRs. self.excitation is possible only if the fie|d po|e pieсes have some residua| maqnetism
аfter the generator was shut off. When the generator starts rotating, the Weak residuaiББgnЫй
a small Voltage that is geneгated in the armature' Тhis small vo|tage applied to the fjе|d сoils сauses
smаl| fie|d сurrent that strengthens the magnetiс fie|d and aI|owJ the armature to gеnerate а hjqher
vo|tage. Тhe higher Voitage inоreases the fie|d strength, and sЬЪn' Тhis proсess йntinues
щ(] tire
output v.o|taoe reaсhes the гated output of thе generator' PraсtiсaIly all Dс generators instal|ed on
Vesse|s for supp|ying auХiliaгy poweг are of the se|f-exсited type,
Aссordinq to the type of fie|d сonneсtion, theгe аre three qenera| types of self-exсited geneгatoгs:
seriеs' shunt (para||e|), and сompound (a combination of shUnt аnd series сonneоtions)'

9l] сhаstnikа sa. sevаstcрэl !klа]nе .
Е.rnail:€nс s h
Phone: (0692) 546 ]46 . Fах: (0692) 546 9s4
э rз ns.ont|aс1'com . www 'tгаnsсоntTасt,сom 35
l HeзaвисиMЬlM ] l.sepritli ik'sаitid ,d3enаrеitэ]

i;iJ#; -

eхсited гeнepaтop с

'- .'. '. '. '. '....] -.

. '' .];;йй"*"in .' . ..''.''.'''..l.*u" u.шu.

English for Еlectricаl Engineers PARт 2' EL. ENGINEERING UNlт 2. Dс GENERAтoR

R\, 1



In a shuntwound generаtor the field coi|s сonsist of

many turns of smal| diameter Wire, Тhey aгe сonneсted in
para||e| With the |oad. |n other Words, they are сonneсted
aсгoss the output Vo|tage of the aгmature, Current in the field
windings of
L- a shunt-Wound generator is indеpendent of the |oad current so
thе output vo|tage remains more сonstant than the output
vo|tage of the series-Wound geneгator, shunt-Wound
geneгatoгs are usua|ly used as the exсiters of separate|y
t_ eХсjted qenerators.

L сompound-Wound generators have
a series-fjeld winding in addition to a shunt-field
winding. The shunt and series windings are

Wound on the same po|e pieсes.
ln the оompound-Wound generator When
Ioad сUгrent increases, the armature voltage

decreases as in the shunt-Wound generatoг. тhis
сauses the Vo|tage appIied to the shunlfie|d
Winding to deсrease, Which resuIts in a deсrease

in the magnetiс fie|d. This same inсrease in |oad
сurrent, beсause it f|ows through the series
Winding, сauses an inсrease in the magnetic fie|d
produсed by that Winding' Compound-wound

generators don't have frequent overloads and
short-cirсuits, beсause the series fieId Winding
demagnetizes them, Тhey are used in Welding as
Wel| as in some eleсtric dгives on the vo|tage-

сontrol system'

L [j^пt Waund]

[ik'stэ:nal] ]

[IaU гi.zistаns] i

!o qщ9js! of ; сoстoять из t|.зn'aier rw] |


to l

independent | нeзaвисимый ['indi'рendэnt]

пoстoя|l нЬlИ : t!?!l!q!!l-

in addition to

same ' fseiml
frequent чaстЬ|Й
-.Ifllц!rnl] _]
as welt as тaк жe кaк laz wel az]


| "" "

l- t37i

96, сhаslпikа slr sеvзstoPо|. Ukгаlле . Рhoпе (0692) 546 146. Fах: (0692) 516
' |

E.mаl]] eng!,sn(Dransсontгасl,сom 1 шlиt-1гаnsсоntгасt,сom

I. .._._.......,.,,,,1

UNlт 3
Aс generators or alternators operaiе
on the same fundamenta| prinсiples с.
eleсtromagnetiс induоtion as Dс geneгаtors,
Praсtical Aс gеneгators are usua| -'

equiDped With a smа|| auxiIiary generator сa||eэ

an eХсiter, The eХciter supp|ies direct сurreг:
for the eleсtromagnets used to сгeate thе
magnetiс fie|d in the Aс gеneгato-
тhe armature of an Aс generatoг сonsists с.
сoDoer Wire Wound in hundreds of сoi|s arouпс
slots сut in an iron сore' тhe e|eсtromagnets
сonsist of сopper baг Wound around iгon сoгes

r.*.iiАс generators the armature is the stator and the fie|d struсture is the гotor.
to the e|ectгomagnets
тhe s|iD rinqs are Useo to сarry the direсt сuгrent fгom the exсiter.generator
сoils take the a|ternating current induсed ].
in the field strui-ture. outside wires сonneсted to the armature
generator beсause :
il; oгeсtty tгom it. тhis kind of Aс generator is also сalled а synсhronous
;"";;;t;;" ";ii;.Jtr'ui r'". a frequenсy prop'ortional to' or synсhronized With' the speed of the rotor,
has two c.
eleсtromаgnet' but it often
The field struсture rn an Ab generator may have only one
wi|I have two or more (tWс
more. This meаns thаt the magnetiс iield produceсi by the fie|d struсture pзц of poles
of сurrent eaсh time a
for each e|eсtromagnet)' Тhe generator pioduces one сom.p|ete сyc|e
cyсles for eаc.
ЬЪiЪйi.s on ir,'" nu.ЬЪ, oTЪйtrйagnets' these generators сan produсe one or more
revolution of the field structuгe or of the armatuгe'

Wi K|NDS oF Aс G

ln sinqle-phase generators the armature has as many .9]:,"l::]lт:]l"^Tl1^...:у".*:j^"^х:

por",, вuiйЁ*t й.i"n",ыJ,i r,,Ъ"" three.sets of ,armаt".:9Pil. l"l.".чР^:Р J*::^s."::i:.g:.:.:::,.":
more powr.
H;;;;i;;i ;i;йсity at one time and are сalled three.phase geneгators, TheУ gene.гate
iЬ,1й" uйЬ,nt ы.ateriaЬ used than sing|e-phase genеrators and therefoгe are more effiсient'

A generator that prodUсes a
sing|e, сontinuoUslv a|teгnating
vo|йge is a S|NGLЕ-PHASЕ
a|ternator, Тhe stator (armature)
Windings aгe сonneсtеd in series,
Single-phase alternators are
found in many apDliсations' тhey aгe
most often used when the loads are
ЦgEt. Power that is used in homes,
shops, and ships to opеrate pgдaц!е
too|s and sma|| apDlianсes is sing|e-
ohase ooweг,

rtt{ i 96' сhаstn kа str,, sevastopо|. Uk€inе . Phone: (0692) 546 146 . Pаx (0692)546 984
Е.mаi|: еnglish@tгаnsсoпlrасl'com . www'aаnsсоntгасl.сorn
EngIish for Eleсtriсal Engineers PARт 2. ЕL. ENGINEЕRING UNlт 3. Aс GЕNЕRAтoR

бЬ|тЬ ocHaщeн HЬ! |-и' !9|v :| ибo !i]!ч|p! ryi6l

тoкoсoбиpaтeл ьньte
зHaч ИтЬ' oзнaчaтЬ ] [mi:п]

applianсe aп пa p. aт'
pибo p [а'p|аians]

\. ;
alteгnators are dеsigned
to pгoduсe two comp|ete|y
separate voltages.
The wind ings of
thо h^,^ nheaAc
physiсal|y аt t!g[! ang|es
(90.) to eaсh other.
Тhe rotor is
identiсa| to the one Used
in the single-phase
| ||r gщg]]lglJg |Э
in having two separate
output Vo|tages Whi|e having one set of beaгings, one rotor' one housiлq' and so on to do the Work of two
тhere is the disadvantaqe of having tщi!е as many stator сoi|s' Whiоh require a |arqer and morе 99щp|9д
The two-phase a|teгnator is se|dom seen in actual usе.


L- In thгee-phase аlteгnators the thrеe sing|e-phаse Windings have vo|tages generatеd in them
Whiсh are 120. out of phase'
тhe three-phase а|teгnаtoг is tne most сommon of a|| а|ternatoгs in Use today beсause they are
muсh more effiсient than two-phase oг s]ng|e-phase a|teгnators,
t- Three-phasе altегnators conneсtions may be deIta or wye сonneсtions depending oп the
app|iсation' Тhe Ас powег on the ships is usua|ly taken fгom the ship's generators through de|ta
conneсtions for the сonvеniеnоe of stеp-doWn tгаnsfoгmеrs'

96. сhastп]kа
l llANDu(,N l пAr. l
stг. s€vаsl.trэ -t.а ле . Рhone
Е.rnа €:! s.эl.еis.оntraсl сom
(0692) 546 ]46 . Fах: (0692) 546 984
. WwW,tгansсOntасl'сom i39
EngIish for EIeсtriсаl Engineёrs PARт 2. EL. ENGINEER]NG UNlт 3. AG GЕNERAтoR

Because of the rnа|l,

сhoiсes that thгee.phаse systems
provide, take сare to see that аn
сhаnge of сonneсtions does гс:'
provide the load With the wroпс
Vo|tage oг the Wrong phase,

R\ РRlNс|PLЕs oF
Ac voLтAGЕ сoNтRoL
In an a|ternator an alternating voltage is induсed in the armatuгe windings
When magnetiс fie сs
of alternating po|arity аre passed aсross these Wjndings' Тhе amount of vo|tageinduсed
in tйe wiлdinсs
depends on three thrngs:
. the number of сonduсtors in series per Windinо:
. the speеd (aIternatoг rcщ) at Whlсh thе magne-tiс field оuts the windinq:
. the strength of the magnetiс fie|d.
Тh9 number of Windings' of сourse, is fixed when the a]ternator is designed' Also, if
frequenсy is required to be of a оonstant Va|Ue, then the speed of the гotatjng fielй must
the outрL:
ье сons1аnt, тn s
prevents the use of the alteгnator rpm as a meаns of сontгol|ing
the voltage output'
So' the only praсtica| method to сontrol the VoltаgJ is to сontrol trLe strength of the rotal г:
magnetiс field, Тhe strength of this electromagnetiс field may be varied by сhanglng tr,'Jamouni
ot сuiie.i
f|owing through the fie|d оoi|.

iwiсe . двa)кдЬ| [1wa]sl

large| ] бoлЬшe, бoЛЬший ['|а:dза]

сonstant HeизMeHHЬ|Й' пoстoяHHЬ|Й I'kfnstаnll

40 тRANsGoNтRAGт
96' сhаslnikа stг', sevаstoрo|' L]kга ne . Phone (0692) 546 146 . Еа{ (0692) 546 9s4
Е.mаil: еЛgIish@lгаnsсontrасt сom l ш!w.lrаnsсonlгаc1сo|т
Еnglish for E]eсtricaI Engineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINЕERING UN|т 4. DG |vIoтoRs

UNlт 4
]UloтoPЬl пocтoяHнoгo тoкA / DG ]UloтoRs
An e|еctric motor сonverts eleсtriсaI energy into mechaniсal
Тhe Dс motoг is a meсhaniсal deviсe thаt can be used
in many different
|arge pieces of equipment depend on DC motoЁfor
ЧЗui Y3ny
move. Тhe speed and direсtion of rotation of a DC motor
thelr power to
it.Ь сontrol|ed,
it q)peсia|]y usefuI for opеratjng "",,rv
Wnlоn must move in different direсtions and at"quip'"niiu"h
djfierent speeds-

oPЕRAт|oN oF Dс
Тhe operatjon of а DC motor is based on the prjncjple
ot e|eсtromagnetism.

lt ro.tates as a result of.^tw9 masn-tiс flelds 'interjсtin!

motor aсts like an eleсtromaone-t.When, сurrent flows
With eaоh other. Тhe armature of a DC
through iЁ сoils' Тhe armature is toсateo
magnetiс fje|d of the field pо|Ьs and so these two щц!щ tьe
magnetiс"fietoi i"t"Ъ"t lйЬ й.s""ti"ЪЪjl."ьрsr
other, and Unlike mаgnetiс po|es attraсt eaсh
other' А"s in thе й
generator' Dс motor has field poles"*h
are statjonaгy and an armatuгe that.turns. on bearings
Тo find the direсtion of l
in tne Dеtween the field po|es'iйe
l\4oТoRs: ;й; tЁiй;;, ;::''':,'":'ili:liiц["'fl.#'"'ТJjffL"i'i:",:,:.,i'?x];!ii'?,П'"Ё 5:':
Я3!l чff". lf the forefinger is pointЬd jn the diгeоtion ot
йJjnu.'" т|uХ (north to south) аnd the midd|e
тlnger ls pointed in the direоtjon of сUrrent flow jn the сonduсtЪr' tr'" tr'uйЫ *пr.ioini, ,tЁ'
сonductoг WilI move' о'."".'on tr'"
сounter-electгomotivе forсe is generated jn
mo.or as armature сoils сut the fie|d flux. Тhis emf
a Dс
the app|ied Vo|tage and limits the flow of armаture
Тhe сonstruсtion of a DC motoг is almost"йБnt,
to the сonstruоtjon of а DC generаtor anс iБББГsts
ot thЬ
same сomponents. ln faсt, most DC generators can be
mаde to_еqt as Dс motors' and viсe veгsЪ,
the speed of a DC motor generally depends on a
сombination of the voltage and сurrent flowing in the
сo||s and the motor load or brakinq torqUe, 1he speed of
the motor is proportional to tББlБii;.Б:;o tn"
t.i.q," Ё
proportional to the сurгent' Тhe speed js
typiсally сontio||ed
by сhanging the Voltage or сurrent tlo' ьy i,sing
t"Б" in ih"
motor Windings oг by having a Variable voitаge juplty
Il oroer to сhаnge the direсtion of the motor
rоtatlon' |t |s neсessаry to сhange the cUrrent direсtion in
tne aгmature or in the field Winding' If the сUгrent
in both of them is varied' the reversal WilI
never take olaсe,


|UJ |еJllolИ l,iu:sfu|I

to be based paзМeщeHHЬlЙ . Ibeistl
Ibeist] l
as а result

96 сhаstпikа
sеvаslээ.] !к.а
: eng]
nе . Phone (0692) 546 146. Fах: (0692) 546 98{
s'rэi.а]sэontrасl.сom. Wwi,irаnsconl,u"t'сoЬ t,41
English for Elёctrical Engineels PARт 2. EL.

to attract

. вьlтягивaть
extend lik'stend]
сounter-eleсtгomotiVe foIсe ' n po.]Цl99д9-' j -t'gч9lPl]r*.Il"jчr9:"]

R\ sЕRIЕs Dс п'loтoR
w ln serles

ln series motors the field Windings aгe сonneсted

With the
',.. armature сoll-
Ьi motor develops a verу laгge amount of

force. сatled toique, from a standstill'
ir.ii сr.aБ-сt"гi"ti" the series Dс motor сan be
smalt eteоtrrc ЪБ-pпances suсh as
portable eleсtriс
useo to
tools, сranes' Winches' hqlslg' etс.
тhe advantage: п b" operated by using an AC or DC
poweг sourсe' ""n
disadvantage: ЧД19щ!99! operation of
-a.hin ls
dangerous. Тhe bear|ngs may Ъ-elamЬged.
oг the,Windjngs maУ l]y
danger to equipment and
out of the slots in the armature There iJa
p"й;;. s;;; Ь"Jйust a|ways be connected to a series motoг
before You turn lt on.


w, shunt
A shUnt motor is сonneсted in the same Wav as a
qenerator. ln shunt motors the field Windings are сonneсteo ln
!aгal|el aсross thе armatuгe
The fie|d stгengtn ts lnoependent of the агmаture сurгent
motor' the speed
and When уou adiust tйе speed of a Dс shUnt

l--'.'.-'.-""--, ] тRANSсoNтRAст
| 42 l i. 96' сhаstnikа stl'' sevаstoрo!'
t]kгэ]nе . Phonrl (0692) 546 146 Еах: (0692) 546
Eng|ish for ElectriсаI Engineers PARт 2. ЕL. ENGINEERING uNlт 4. Dс мoтoRs

\. сoMPOUND |vloтoR
А сompound motor has two fiе|d
Windings. one is a shunt field сonneсtеd in
para||eI With the aгmature. the otheг is a
series fie|d that is сonneсted in series Wlth the
Тhe shunt fie|d gives this type of
motor the сonstant speed advantage of a
regu|aг shunt motoг. Тhe series field gives it
the advantage of beinq able to develop a
|arge torqUe When the motoг is started under
a heavv load.
When the shunt fie|d is сonneсted in
paга|le| With the series fie|d and armature, it is
сa||ed а ''long shunt'., otheгWise' it is сa||ed a
"short shu nt".


hoist пoдъёЧIЫЙ мeхaниз[4 **-- Ih)ist] '.----


power sourсe ] истoчник питaHия ]*Igeg9*"тl-*- ]

unloaded l HeHaгpyжeннЬ|Й i [,^n,|аudid]

to fly out j вЬ|лeтатЬ, вЬ|cкaкивaтЬ : [|аi аut]

befoгe {bi'fJl ,

in the same WaV i тaкиM )кe спoсoбoм

-ll1",91--"-9!Ц -ч9il ^-*^-. .|

--""'"."- 'i пoдгoнятЬ '.'-'*''-'- ' [а'dз^stj

rematn -- - --:
IO l
re|atively oтнoситeлЬнo l ц"t.tiutц :

beino аb|e бьtть спoсoбньlм

heavy load ooЛЬtllая HaГpУ3кa [,hev| |аud]
otherwise ]инaнe

96, сhаslлikа siг ' sevаstoрo| Uklаinе . Рhoпе: (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692) 546 984
Е.mаil: eng]ish@trаnsсontraсl'сom . wv/w-lrаnsсоnlгаcl'сom
English for E|ectriса| Еngineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINEЕRING UNlт 4. DG г{|oтoRs

oF Dс MoтoRs


1. Open fuse. 1, Replaсe defeсtive fUse Wlth spa.е аftег
testing on mUltimeteг'
2, open staгting rheostat, 2. сheсk гheostat for disсonneсtion and
repaIr Where neсessary.
3. open armature сiгсuit' 3, сheck aгmature Winding for
disсonneсtion, RepIaсe disсontInUed
seсtion, remove bad pieсes of soldering
Motor fаi|s to run 4. shorted сoi|s of shUnt field 4. Replaсe defeсtive сoi]s.
With its аrmature winding.
supр|ied by rated 5. open field cirсuit (or fiеld 5. Cheсk fie|d Winding for disсonnесtion anС
voltage. сirсuit makes bad сontaсt), repaIr Wnere neсessaгy,
6. Overload. 6. Remove oveг|oad '
7. Incoгreсt connection of shunt 7, Coпnect shunt Winding in aосordanсe
fietd Winding (сonneсted after With faсtory Wiring diagram,
starting rheostat).
8. PaгtiaIly shunted paгaIleI 8, Cheсk if para||el Winding is сonneсted to
winding. other Windings or frame. Disсonneсt it
fгom these latter.
oveг|oad. 1 ' Remove ovегload'
Motor nominallY 2. Low voitage at motor 2, supр|y motor terminаls With rated
|oаded runs terminаls, vorrage.
slowly 3' Bгushes set off-neutra| (in 3' Set brJshes on neutra|' Mаke use of i
(its rotаtional direсtion of motor rotation)' fасto.y maгk the bгLsh-roсkeг сaггies,
speed is lower 4. Shoгted armaturе сirсuit, 4. Еxаmine armature сoi|s for signs of
than rаted one). burning. RepIaсe defeсtive сoiIs,

L Brushes set off-neutral(in

Set bгUsnеs on neutгa|, |\Лake use o. =

d ireсtion reversIng motoг faсtory mаrk the bгUsh-roсkeг сarгiеs

2, Differential coпnect|on tn a 2, сonneсt shunt and series wiпdings
Motor idle or сomрound motor, ассordаntly'
|oаded runs fast 3' Large resistanсe on field
(its rotаtionа| 3, Deсrease resistanсe,
speed is higher
4, series motoг runs loaded With
than rаted one). 15..18olо of its гated power. 4. Еind and e|iminate the сause of
5, High Voltаge at motor insUffiсient Ioad ing'
terminals. 5. Supply motor terminals with rated

1. Overload. 1 , Remove over|oаd'

2' shoгted armаture сo||s oг 2, Repair or rep|aсe defective сoi|s,

pole coils.
3, shoгt cirсuit between fie|d 3' EIimiлаte short сirсUit,
Motor runs hot. Winding coi|s of сommutating
4, CIogged venti|ation сhanne|s. 4' B|oW through Venti|ation сhannels With
dгy с0m presseo a|r.
5. тight bearings, 5. Loosen bearing seal rtng.
Woгn beaгings, 1. Rep|аоe With spare'
Motor is noisy tn 2. High or iow bars. 2' тurn сommutator,
operation. 3, TUrn сommutator,
3. Rough commutator.

44 96 сhаstпкаsIг Sеvastoool' Uklа пе. Рhоne (0692) 546 146 . Fахl (0692)545 984
г., ] \,'l,",'
.,, оr.'f1^,1d..lotlo'l "1
English for E|eсtriса| Engineers PARт 2. EL' ENGINEERING UN]т 5. AG r oтoRs

UNlт 5
lшoтoPЬl пEPЕ]UIEннoгo тoкA / AG ]UloтoRs

A typiсal AC motor сonsists of two parts:

. аn outside stationaгy statoг having сoi|s sUpp|ied With AC сurrent to produсe а rotating
magnetiс field;
. an lnslde гotor attасhed to the oUtput shaft that is given a torqUe by the rotating fie|d,
Тhere aгe three AC motor types:
1' series Aс motors;
2 synch ronous motor;
3 induсtion motor,

а\ .)
п\ AсsERlЕsMoтoRs
Тhe сonstruсtion and оharaсterjstiсs of the Aс series motor are
а|most identiса| to the Dс series motoг.
Ас seгies motor is a Varvinq-speed maсhine. lt has low speeds
for lаIge |oads and high speeds for щц1цд9ц' Тhe starting torque is
very цф, series motors are used for dгiving fans' eleсtгiс dri||s, and
other small appIianсes,
А series motor сan opeгate both on АC and Dс, This AC/Dс
motoг is сa||еd a universal motor and is used in sma|| eleсtriс aDp||anсes
beсause they are dеsigned .n small sizes on|y

v sYNсHRoNoUsMoтoRs
Synсhronous motors aгe speсifiсa||y designed to maintain
сonstаnt speed Wjth thе rotor synсhгonous to thе rotating fie|d. A
synсhronous motor сan a|so be used as an a|ternator'
Thеre may be sing|e-phase АC synсhronous motoгs and three-
рhаse AC synсhronous motors.

R\: lNDUст|oN MoтoRs

lnduction motors are simp|e in сonstruсtion' economiсa| and reIiab|e

in operatjon' Тhe induсtion motor has a rotor that is not conneсted to
аn eхterna| sourсe of Vo]tage,
The stator сonstгUсtion of the thгee-phase induсtion motor and the
three-phase synоhгonous motor aгe a|most identiоa| but their гotors arе
сomp|etelv different. Тhe jnduction гotoг is made of a laminаted сylinder With
s|ots in its suгfaсe, Тhe Windjngs jn these slots are of two types, The most
сommon is the soUirrel-оaqe Wjndinq. Тhis Winding is made up of heavy
сopper ba.s сonneсted together at
each end by a meta| гing made of
сopper or brаss' No insUlation is
reqUiгed between the сoгe and the
bars, Тhis is beоause of the vеry low
Voltages geneгated in the rotoг bаrs.
Тhe otheг type of Winding has actua|
сo||s p|aсed in the rotor slots, тhe гotor is then са||ed a WoUnd

96 сhаsiп ka stl se!аslcр.]. ,.]k.а ne
с .г:-.сl
. Phoлe:{0592) 546 l46 . Fаx: (0692] 546 9в4
Lorr l ww* lаnsс.nilасt,сom 45
EngIish for E|eсtriса| Engiпeers PARт 2. ЕL. ENGINEERING UNlт 5. Ac пlloтoRs

Reqагd|ess of the type of rotor usеd, the basiс prinсip|e is the same' Тhe гotating magnetiс е :
generated in the stator induces a mаgnetiс fie|d in the гotor' тhe two fie|ds interасt аnd сaUse the rotor::
turn. Тo obtain maximum interaсtion between the fie|ds' the аir qaD between the rotor аnd stator is Vе..
Thе speed of the rotor dеpends on the torquе requirements of thе |oad, The biggeг thе |oad, I. i

stronger the turning forсe needed to rotate the rotoг'

onboard ships induсtion motors dгive different mаchines' meсhanisms' and deviсes, 80-90% :.
the tota| number of the e|eсtric motors installed and used onboard are induсtion motors,

ё?\ .

Aс |NDUстloN MoтoRs
UnIike po|yphase indUсtion motors, the stator field in the single.
phase motor does not rotаte' Instead, it simpIy а|ternаtes рoIarity
between po|es as the AC Voltage chаnges polaгity.
Vo|tage is induсed jn the гotoг as a resu|t of magnetiс induсtion'
and a magnetic fie|d is prodUсed aгound the rotor' Тhis fie|d WilI a|Wаys
bе |n oDDosition to the stator fie|d'

f,^ \ тнREE.PHASE
V Aс lNDUстloN lvloтoRs
-'. ;;;'й;;o'"r. Wheгe potypr'"." elесtriсal
supply is avai|abte, the "oп'."".s
three-phase (or po|yphase) Aс induсtion motor "
is used. The phase differenсes between the three phases of the po|yphase e|eсtг|сaI sUpp|y сrеаt: =

rotating eIeсtromagnetic fieId in the motor.

Тhrеe-phase Ас induсtion motoгs are Used for driving ship's auХiIiarjes' anсhoг-mooг.:
mechaпisms. сranes. Winсhes' etс-

i с peгyлИpyeMoЙ (пepeп,leвHoЙ) Iveаri! spi:d]

. 1

скopoстЬю вpaщeH Ия
Iiqht loаd .. . ..H.eбoлЬшaя (нeзнaнитeльнaя) Haгpyзкa {|аit 'Jud]

hig h вЬtсoкиЙ ] [hаi]

oбa : IbаUe]

universal moto '.'.''.-.'.'y11Цв9P9'aI]'1|1ч.Цэ'l9'.Ц-т'P9Д'9!1|q'т''e'lЬ,''..'-.-'.''ul!i]u?.9nL..lT'9g]"]'.'.''...'...'.''

on ly тoлЬкo [,аLrnIi]

сomplete|y пoлHoстЬю : Ikаm'D i:tIil

['skWiгаl keid3

DeтWeen ]

!:ega|d!ess '. . .!. нe qбpaшaя вHи[лa{ЦEL}..l9Р9|4P.q8'-ln.. '''. ..'. !|l9".9-!!]

to obtain пoлy131.ь'...дoQчt ] [аb tein]

46 96' сhаs|nikа stl'' sevаstорo]'Ukга nе. Phоiе (0692) 546 146. Еах] (0692)546 984
Е.rnаl:eng] sh@lЁnsсoпllaсl соm. ш!W tгaпsсоntгасt.сoпl
Eng|ish for Е|eсtricа| Еngineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINEЕRING UNrт 5. AG мoтoRs

д\ тRoUBLЕsнooт|NG

- .Ц'U*Ц] . сAUsЕ ]
'1. Open fuse. ]. Replaсe defective fuse With sparе аfter
testing on multimeter.
2, DefectiVe оircuit-breakeг' 2. Repaiг.
3. One phase winding is open 3. сheck voltage at the terminals of stator
when stator winding is star- winding. lf one phase winding is open.
сonneоted. eIiminate disсontjnuity, Mind stator
Motor fails winding. |t may be opeп аs well.
stаrt. 4. Overload. 4' Deсrease motor loading.
5. Worn beaгings. 5. Reрlaсe With spare'
6. Тwo or three rotor phase 6' Cheсk for discontinuity or bad сontaсt
Windings аre open (or make and repair Where neсessary.
poor contact).
7' Rotor one-sjdedly attгaсted to 7, check gаps between rotor and stator as
stаtor, rotor is сaught in We]| as.сondition. of bearing she|ls. Also

чзфl '.'

''--*":..' ''. ] 9j"9..!]f 9lt'тugk'ets'а'r'e..s.e'tс'orreсtly.

1. Low voltage at terminals or ,].
|nсrease Voltаge Up to rated onе or
stator winding. deсrease motor Ioading.
2. stаtor Winding is star. 2. Reсonnect to delta.
Motor nominаlly сonneсted.
loаded runs 3' Large resistanсe on phase 3' Chеck if the оontaсt is good as
slowly (its rotor оirсUit.
WeI| аs
Wlrеs coлneсting rotor to гheostat are not
rotаtionaI speed long or small-sectioned. N4ind rheostat. lt
is low). may be faulty.
4. lnсorreсt interсonneсtjon of 4. Cheсk сoпneсtion diagram. Reсonneсt to
stator phase windings star or de|ta in acсordanсe With diaoгam,
(reversed phase w jndings).
1. Overload. 1' Deоreаse motor |oadinq.
2. Worn bearings. 2' Replaсe Wjth spare.
3, сlogged ventilation сhannels' 3. Blow through ventilatjon сhanneIs With
dry сompressed air.
Motor becomes 4. Clogged alг fiIters. 4. Remove diгt from air filters.
eхоessiveIy hot. 5' сlogged Wаter-cooled air 5' сlean a jr сooler, гeduоe motor loading.
сoo|er' сooling Wаter
tempeгature jnсrease'
6. |nсoгreсt rotation of rotoг 6' Re-aгrange fan wings or сhange direсtion
equrpped with fan having oт rotatlon
rnclneo wtngs.

(.ёы..dsi- s"."\| J. '. а.-.onoлё l0692J5,6.Аь..a{
t ,та , еrr . :' :15.э.l,l(l сот l wW 1аnsсo1пасI сoгn
Englneers PARт 2. ЕL. ЕNGINEERING UNlт 6. PowER PLANт
English fo] EIeсtrlсal

UNlт 6
элEктPoycтAнoBкA и BGпoмoгAтEлЬнoE
эл EктPoo БoPyдoвAHv|Ё l
ship,s power p|ant |s а
generating eleоtricity system of
different stгUсtuгes and mecnan|sms
suсh as primary meсhanica| motors
eleсtгiс generаtors' and distribUtion
qеaгs With coniгoI and pгoteсtion
deviсes. |t сan use diгeсt oг
alternating сurrent,
Тhe rated voltage of direсt
сurrent _ 270 V, three-рhase Aс - 460 V,
сuгrent shou|d not eХсeed 230 V' one.phase alternating
primary motoг' and mode of
ship,s power p|ant is с|assified aссording to the funсtion' type of
Aсоoгdinq to the function:
. Lighting power stаtion With power up to 100 kW,
. _
сБ'ьiй.jo power station foг power and light сonsumeгs supp|y 6000
kW and moгe,
. Еmergency power station with рower up to 500 kW ...
. Powei station for e|eсtriс propu|sion - uр to 140000 kW.
. Auxi|iarv power station for e|eсtriо рropu|sioп
_ up to 150000 kW,

Aсоoгdinq to the tvpe of pгimarv motoг: Ассordinq to the mode of сo!-]trol:

о DieseI generatoг,
. Non-automated.
. Steam generator.
. Paгtial|y automated,
. Turbine genеrаtor,
. Automated Power statlons.
. shaft generatoг'


With the help of the shiр's powr.
Тhe e|eсtricity generated shou|d be de|iveгed to the сonsumers
network that inс|Udes eIectriс сabIes' Wires' sWitchgears,
сAвLЕs are iso|ated eleсtгiс сonduсtors With one oг seveга
mUtual proteсtive she||s, Wh'сh gUa'd iso|at,on аnd сUгrёnt.саr,yi.;
сonduсtЬrs against mechаniсa| aпd сhemiсa| effeсts, lvlar|ne рoWе.
сables isolation is mostly rate foг 700 V
of DC and 10O0 V AC, тo ргoteсt еleсtгiс
enеrov souгсes, сirсuits, and сonsumeгs
agaiiit over|oads, short-cirсuits, voltage
drop' inveгse оurrent and |nverse power,
fuses and relays are used.
DIsTRlвUт|oN oг swlтсH
GEARS аre used to сontro|, proteсt' and
regU|ate e|ectriс instaI|ations and power p|ants opeгation' and a|so to
measure e|eсtriс рoweг sUрp|y souгсes paгameteгs,
DistгibUtion geaгs are:
. main distгibution boaгd (switсhboaгd) сontro|s' proteсts' and
гegu|ates basiс paгameters of the gеneгatoг аs We|| as
distгibUtes eIectriс poWer over the сonsumeгs;

96 сlrаsti I€ stl'' sevаstоро]' Uk|aine. Phoп€:10692)546 ]46 . Fax: (0692) 546 984
Е ma : english@t€nsсопtlaсt согп. v0JW'trапsсolltrасi.соп]
Еnglish for Eleсtriса| Engineers PARт 2' EL. ENG]NEERING UNlт 6. PowER PLANт

emergenсy distrbution boaгd has the same fUnсtion аs the MsB but for thе emeгgenсy
сontroI panеl (сonsole) has the remote сontroI oveг the generating units and power
сonsUmeгs opeгat on.
сoаsta| poweг sUpp y board supplies energy from the сoast or from other ships;
sepaгate сonsUmeгs board сontгo|s the operation of the сonsumeгs that have
a сomp|iсated mode of opeгation;
e|eсtriс power сonveгters boaгd is identiсaI to the main distribution boaгd but is designed
foг eleсtriс poweг converters and their сonsumers'

W. sPE:lAL MAсl{]NЕs ANo
A сoNvЕRтER is Used to сonveгt e|eсtriсa| parameters'
suсh as Vo|tage, kind of сUrгеnt'
frequenсy of shipboard eIectriс power station into the reqUired parameters beоаuse suсh ship's
сonsumеrs of eleсtrical energy as гad ioсom mUniсation e|eсtгiс radionavigationaI instгUments аnd others
need a speсial souгсe of energy With the main e|eоtriсal properties different from the properties of
shipboaгd eIeсtriс power station '

Аn AMPL|F|ER is an eleсtroniс deviоe that pгoduсes a |arger output poweг' Vo|tаge oг сUгrent
than Was app|ied at its input, Тhere are magnetiс and rotary аmp|ifiers,
l\4agnetiс аmpIifiers doл't hаVe moving parts' they aгe simp|e in сonstruсtion and easУ |n
opeгation' гeIiab|e aлd efficient. resistant to moisture and vibratioпs'
Rotary amр|ifiers aгe Used in automatiс сontгol and regu|ating сiгсUits of marine geneгators and
servornotors inс|uded into the adjustab|e.potentia| systems, тhe rotaгy amp|ifier may operate as an
eХсiter or as a generаtor of the systrm.

А TAсl.loGЕNЕRAтOR сonverts thе speed of гotation of the maсhinе shаft into the propo(ional
e|eсtriс Vo]tage. onboard Dс and Aс taсhogenerators are used to measuгe the speed of rotation of
pгopU|sion shаfts and other meсhanisms,

sELSYN sYsTEM is а synсhronous transmissjon system, suсh systems as seisyns are the
basis for diffeгent equipment that сontro|s steering gear positjon, the boi|ers operation' the ship,s speed
and djreсtion of the ship,s motion. This is enginе and brjdge te|egraphs' a gyro-сompass' taсhometers of
propU |sion shаfts' |ogs, etс.

TRANSFORMЕRS are used to inогeasе oг deсrease АC Vo|tages and сurгents in сirсUits, Тheгe
aгe many types of transformeгs but the operation of аll transfoгmers is based on the prinсipа] of mUtUa|
induсtion, A transformеr Usual|y сonsists of two сoj|s of Wire Wound on the same сore, Тhe prjmаry сoi| is
the input сoiI of the transfoгmeг аnd the seсondary сojI is the output сoi|' NiIutuaI induсtion саuses Voltage
to be induсed in the seсondаry сoj|. Аs yoU adjust the number of Wjndings of the coils' сheck that the
lnput аnd output Vo|tages аre direсtly proрortjonal to the nUmber of Windings of the оoi|s,
Тhere are power transformers' speсiaI purpose transformers аnd
SpeсiaI transfoгmers are avai]abIe in three typеs: сuгrent measUring
tгansformeгs, Vo|tage measUring and We|ding transformers, Transformers
measuring сUrrent аnd vo|tage are designed to Widen measUrement Iirnits of
ammetеrs' Vo|tmeters' Wаttmeteг' etс, in Ас сirсUits. And they a|so pгovide
operational safety of measuring instruments in a high voltage network.
We|ding transfoгmeгs are applied for arс We|ding by using аn alternating
onе-phase сUrrent.
Аutotransformers are Used for starting AC e|eсtriо motors' regu|ating Iight'

96' сhаstnikэ st .
' sеvаstoро|, Uk.аinе Phoпe:(0692) 546 l46. Fах: (0692) 546 98.
Е.mаiLi еng ish@lrans.оntгaсl'сom. ш,r'w,iгаnsссniвсt'сom
Eng|ish for EIeсtriсal Engineers PARт 2. ЕL. ЕNGINЕЕRING UNIт 7. П/IAINтENANсЕ

UNlт 7
тЕxниЧEGкoE oБGлy)кивAниE и }!EиспPAвHoGти
Тhe proper opегаtion of the e|eсtг|сa| equipment
depends on the maintenаnсe and supervision of the
eIeсtгiсaI personnel, An Е|eсtгiсa| Еngineer must a|Ways
cheсk readiness of the e|eсtгiс machines, the сhange of
tl"eir mode of opeгation as Wel| as suрervise stаrting аnd
shutdown operations of the equipment.
тhe norma| operation of e|eсtriс maсhines includes
the rated parameteгs of Vo|tage' сUrrent' сuггent frequenсy'
speed of rotation' and number of staгts; the сondition of ihe
insuIation resistanсe; the proрer operation of the proteсtive
and signaling equipment; сorreоt гeadings' etс.
Аfteг repaiг or Iong standstilI eIeсtriс maсhines
shou|d a|ways be tested befoгe staгt. Tгial start is usua||y
peгformed under idIing сonditions' Тhen the load is
gгaduа||y inсrеased to the rated Ioad. When the generator
runs under rated load, it,s neсеssary to see that the vo|tаge
regUlators are opeгating property, the frеquenсy is noгmаl,
and there are no sparks on the сommUtator and rlngs,
When the generators агe Woгking in para|Ie|, the E|eсtгiсal Еngineer shoU!d сheck the lso,а: :.
resistance сonditioй aпd supeгvise that the Vo|tage аnd frequenсy are of rаted Values, and thаt thе :,.
between generators Woгking in parallel is distгibuted properly'


. pooг insta||ation is сaused by Work of unqUalified personne|'
. heat inсreases the resistanсe of the сiгсuit and in this way inсreases the сurrent caL:
- ]

the mаteriа| to ехpand' dгy out' сraсk and Wear down:

. moisture Iike Water and liquids сauses eхpansion of the mаteria|' abnorma| сuгrent fLo''' :
short сiгсuit;
. dirt' fumes' Vapours, grease, oiIs' etс, сaUse c|ogging and abnorma| opеration of e|eс:':.
deviсe u ntiI breakdown;
. vibгation or physiсaI abUse.


open сirсUit is the resu|t of an inсomp|ete сirсuit' Whiсh prevents the сurгent fгom f|ow.:
a сomD|ete Dath. lt has an infinite resistanоe reading and zeгo сUгrent beсause its pа.-
short оirсujt is often the resu|t if the сurrent takes a diгeсt pаth aсross its souгсe, Тhe s ;. ;

of short сirсuit aгe: b|own fuses' inсreased heat, |oW Voltage, high amрerage, and smok:
grounded сirсuit is the гesu]t of a fau|t in the insu|ation or p|aсement of a Wiгe or eqUiр":.
сomponent сauses the сuггent io iake an inсorreоt oг abnorma| гoute in the сirсUit o.--i
prob|em is in the part of the Windings that makes an eleсtгiсa| сontaсt in the frame c. :.:
motor or otheг equipment body, The signs are abnorma| ampeгage' Vo|tage' and resiste. :
гead In gs;

meсhan jсal breakdown is often the resu|t of friction, Weаr or Vibration When mov|ng рэ-
Iike bгokеn be|ts, Woгn сontaсts' Worn bearing' |oose be|ts сause a dаmage YoU саn
sUсh ргob|ems by visua| inspeсtion dUring oрeгations, аbnormaI noise, or сiгсult fаiIUrе

50 .,
"n""'"'^ъ'.ll;i""l.1;i:.|3i;[:ffi:i:ж ].;flirfj:"l::,;'"?:;|:u.,,,o.
Eng|ish for E|ectriса| Engineers PARт 2. ЕL. ENG]NЕER]NG UNlт 7. lvtA]NтEt{ANсЕ


Before start of dieseI gеnerator]
. сheсk сorгeсt quantity of IUbe- oiI in the D/G sump tank, the гoсker агm IUbriсatino o|| tank'
the turboсhargег the сooling fгesh wateг pump;
. сheсk the сorreсt opening of dieseI oiI supply valvеs;
. сhесk staгting aiг bottie ргessure (should be maintained at25 kg|cm,) and the o|sсnaгgе
d ra In;
. сheсk if the indiсator Valves aгe ioose'
. сheсk if the сy|jnder is free from fue| oil' Wateг or |Ube oil by turning the engine With the
indiсatoг VaIVes fu||y opened;
. open the fuel oil fi|ter аir vent сoсk and jnjeсtion pUmp aiг vent plug to blow air,
. сheсk if the operation |ever is set at sтoP:
. сheсk if the rotaгy seсtions are not obstruсted by turning rod;
. perform the аiг running onсe, With jndiсator Va|Ves fUlly opened and
аfier that сlose them
. powеr switсh for the pгoteсtjve сiгсUit should be set at oN posiiion.
y^l:^".:чIting the engine, be sure that the оontrol |ever is in sTАRт positjon' then slrpply slarlrng
а ^^" move tne |eveг to RUN position, Тhe оontro| |ever of the auto start-remote сontro| engine is atwayi
set in RUN рosition' Immediate|y afteг staгting' сheсk:
. oll pressUre (3,0 _ 4,0 kg/сm,),
o сoo||ng Water pressUre (2,5-3,5 kg/сm,)
. Vibгatjon at vаrious parts.
. sound. etс'
lf eveгyth jng is oK, jnсrease engine гevoIution quiсk|y to avo|o exсess|ve toгsjon Vibration


Befoгe performanсe of аny repair e|eсtriс maсhines shou|d be tested foг tгoub|es
and a repalr l|st
is made, Тhe repajr Iist mUst have the fol|owjng information: a maсhlne гegistration
сertifiсate' a nUmber
of faults аnd repairs' aIl neсessаry materiаls, spЪre paгts, and Wlrlng aссessoгies,
А Dс maоhine repair сan be performed in two Ways: 1) the maсhinе po|es аre геmoved'
or 2) the maсhine po|es аre not гemoved.
1, When the maсhine poles are not removed' the rеpair pгoсеduгe is the fo||owino:
. disassem ble the maсhine:
. с|ean it;
. b|ow through and Wash out inneг paгts, the bearings, the сommUtator' and
the brushgeаг;
о find аnd remove minor defeсts:
. replасe the bearings:
. s|ot and grind the сommUtator:
r ory' ename|' and redry the Windjлgs;
l partial|y repaiг the brushgear With rep|aсing and grinding the brushes;
. assembje the maсhine. adjust' and test it on the test bed:
. mount thе maсhine and test it for operation,
2, When the maсhjлe po|es are removed. additiona|ly you mUst do the
. гemove the main аnd сommutating рoles with сoi|s;
. dlsassemb|e' с|ean, and Wash the 0o|es:
. dry and varnish the сoi|s.
. replaсe аnd repair defeсtive gaskets;
. restoгe miсanite gaskets of pole сores;
. сheсk insUlation гesistaлсe of сoi|s'
. аssemb|e, rnoUnt. and test the po|e сoi|s for po|аrjty,

96. сhаstп]kа sll sevаsloрc LJklз je . Phone] (0692) 546 146 . Fах] (0692]
Е'mа] rig src1.аisсonlrасl'сo|ll. u/1,vw,tгаЛsсonlrаcl сoл1
546 9в4
English for Eleсtrical Engineers PARт 2. ЕL. ENG!NEЕRING UNlт ?. lllIAlNтENANGE I
Dс maсhiпe' but the poles are;evеr removed as Well as the commutator is not reрaired.
тhe overhaUl of Dс and AC mаchines is usual|y carried out in the Workshops of ship-rерalr|ng
ЕLЕстRlс tvloтoRs
jrive)' сheсk the position of the starteгs' the сondition of the
and thе Jгiving meсr'anism (eleсtriс
eleсtriс drlve and
;l;t;;;agneti; and meсhaniial brakes' and measure the insu|ation гesistanсe ofif the
it doesn,t reасh the
the equrрйent togetheг With the feeding сab|es, lmmediate]у stop the motoг
required irequenсy oг сoпsUmes high-ampeгage сUrrent' or oveгspeedsI

AssEMвLY oF MoтoR
Disassemb|y oг assemb|y by one person is not on|y ineffiоient but it may also
сausе fata|
Jaйage to йe maсhine, Ьo ir'e 1oь should be carried out by two or more рeople.
good oгder to prevent miХing uр of different paгts,
кeep ihe p|ace of disassembly in
parts such as bearings and
Cover the disassemb|ed paпs' esЬeсia||У the important гotating
otheгs With VinyI or сloth to proteсt from dUst.
centers so that
Befoгe pulIing Ъut or inseгting the гotor from or into the statoг, fit their shaft
йЬ t*o'may-not сome in сontaоt, Take partiсU|аг сaге not to sсratсh the stator Wind!ng оoi|,
гotor bar' short-сirсuit ring' сore' etс'
paгt of shaft With
Put the rotoг on a stand' сover it With viny| or сloth' and wгaр thе bearing
сloth foг stoгage'
. When separating the fan аnd fan boss, be sure to put fitting maгks' and use
thеse maгks at
the timе of reassemb|y'
see the seсtional drawings of the motor оaгefu||y befoгe starting the d isassem bIing

remove a|| external сab|es conneсted to the motor;
remove the direсt сoU plIng;
remove the bo|ts сonneсting the motor With the аUХi|iary maсhlne stand;
oгing the Who|e motor unit to the p|aсe of disassemb|y'
in сjse of verticaI type motor |aу the motor down horizonta||y'
pUlI out the сou p||ng;
in сase of motoг wiih open type beaгing' remove the gгease nipplе аnd
grease the iпjeсting
p ipe;
in'сase оf motor With eХteгnal fan, гemove the exteгnal fan сover and unsсгew the |oсk
tightening the fan boss befoгe гemoving the exteгna] fan;
r.J.ou" й" beaгing сovers on the сoup|ing side and the opposite side (Motoг With sma||
сaрaсity may not have these сovers);
remove the end braсkets on the сoup|ing s de and the opposite side. When these brackets
aгe removed, the spigot joint is dismantled and, at the same time' the rotor drops down to
the |eve| equiva|ent io tЬe аir gap' сausing the rotor and stator to co||ide' and this may
damage the сore and winding cЪiis' тhat's Why it's neсessary to suppoгt both ends of the
shaft With a сrane or jасk' oг With hand (in case of motoг With sma|| сapaсity) before
гemoving the end bгaсkets;
pull out the rotor from the stator.

52 96 сhаstn]kа str sevastopо|, Ukrа]nе . Phone. (0692) 546 ]46 . гаx] (0692)546 984
L.та, "rq, ъ.@|,Jl s,oгr
English for E|eсtriса| Еngineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINEERING UNlт 7. rl,/lAlNтЕNANGЕ


сaгry out reassemb y noгmа]]y in the reverse ordeг of disassemb|y, Before reassemb|y thorough|y
Wipe off dUst, o;|, etс f.oт т.e d sаSsemb|ed рarts
do not foгget to fill up grеаse аfteг insta||ing the beaгing'
гemoVе the pгoteсtors used in eaсh seсtion before insta|ling the parts' and afteг сaгrying out сoгreсt
сenteгing of diгeсt сoUpIing. make сonnection of e|есtriс cirсuits'

вAslс MЕTHoDs UsЕD IN тRoUвLЕs|-looт|NG oF

ELЕстRlсAL oR ЕLЕстRoNIс DЕv|сЕs
Voltage measurеmеnt of a сirсuit is usua||y taken by Using a
vo|tmeter' Whiсh zero vo|tage гeading indiсates an open сiгсUit'
Whi]e a |ow-vo|tage reading may indiсate a shoгted сomponent,
Remembeг' a|Ways сonneсt a Vo|tmeter in paгa||e| With thr
сiгсuit When measU ring vo|tage,
Ampeгage measurement of a сirсUit is Usua||y taken by an
ammeteг Which indiсates aпd |oсates сommon сirсuit fau|ts
suсh as short, open and gгounds. A|Ways remember, сonneсt
the ammeter in seгies With the сirсuit When measUring сuгrеnt,
Resistanсe measuгement, An ohmmeter is Used to measure
thе сontinuity гesistanсe of a сirсUit or a сomponent' It is Used
for |oсating shorts, grounds' and open сiгсUits, Remember.
a|Ways shUt off the power before measuring resistanсe'
substitution is a teсhnique of rep|aсing a fau|ty сomponent With a good spaгe сomponent,
Bгidging _ When an Е|eсtгiсal Engineer thinks that a component maУ be faulty' he p|aсes a good
сomрonent aсross the first fau|ty сomponent from the сirоuit.
Heating, l\4ost|y a hot b|oweг is Used as a deviсе in oгdeг not to damage a сomponent espeсiа||y
of pIastiс type'
other methods агe fгeezing, signa| traсing, using testeГs' test lamp' reso|dering' adjUst]ng, and
by-passing method.

lNsULAтloN RЕsIsтANсЕ (lR)

Measurement of lR for a dieseI generаtor is made periodiсa||y With а poгtab|e megger meteг,
Bеfore measurement the сirсUit, Whiсh Wi|| be measured' must be iso|ated from the rest of the system'
in order to avoid fа|se measuгement or damage to otheг e|eсtгiс maсhines beсause of high voltage of the
meggeг meter, Аfter that the ..Еarth,, Wiгe of the megger meter shoUld be Iinked to the eaгth and the ,,Line''
Wire - to the measured сirсuit, Тhls Wаy the IR сan be rеad on the meggeг meteг sоa|e,
Тhis mеasuгed proсedure сan be applied to а|| e|eсtriоal systems onboard,
вesides this type of measurement, there is a permanеnt contro| of IR on МsB and ЕsB bаrs by
meаns of megger meters сonneсted to 440 V and 100 V baгs, тhis Way IR for a|| сonsumers supp|ied by
t\ЛsB and Еsв is сontro||ed' |f IR for one consumer drops below thr limit a|arm is staгted,
|f some of сonsume[s сhаnge their IR and overload proteсtion doesn,t indiсate it' then these
сonsumers should be found by сonseсutive disсonnection of Working сonsumers, The lR of сiгсUit
beсomes normaI again When the damaged сonsumeг is disсonnected.
Еaсtors Whiсh inf|Uenсe lR dгopping and potentiaI dangeг:
. splashing of сonsumers with Water;
. meсhaniсaI break of саb|es insu|ation and die|eсtriсs in the сommutatoгs:
. сonoensat|on:
. |ooseness of сommutatoгs сab|e сonnесtion beсaUse of Vibгаtion,
Dгopping of lR сan саUse еqUipment breakdown and be dangerous for the peгsonnel Woгking on
this еouiDment'

9. сh"rl,'.а <,, s"'" ,. .t . r-. P'oгF \0692] 546.46. сd"
E.пra е'r; s.эi-eis.оitraсl сom
. v/vr'W trаnscon|Tаct'сom 53
English for EteсtriсaI Engineers PARт 2. ЕL. ENGINEERING UNtт 7. lvIAlNтENANGE


сoгreсt type of e|eсtro|yte shoUId be used'
pure disti|led water foг
the сel|s mUst be regu|ar|y inspeсted and topped-up as neсessary, Use on|y
topping-u p;
the оe||s and сrates must be kept сIeaп and dry;
avoid high storage temрeratures;
disсharge should be
the batteries must be maintalned in a fUl|y сhaгged сondition at alI times, Full
avorded, A|wаys have the batteгles on |oW сharge:
termina|s and сonneсtions must be kept tight and с|ean;
always оieaг|y distinguish alkaline аnd aсid type batteries;
batteiy is chЪrged, it,gases,giving off both- hydrogen 'and oхygеn, BeсaUse
hydгogen is
when a -igпiЬс,
in сonJeniratioЪs raфing- from 4ak |o 7 5уo in air, battery сontaineгs and
"".iiy prevent an aссUmu|ation of dangeгous
.oйЁu.йЬnt. should be kеpt adequateiy venti|ated to
no smokiпg oг any type of open f|ame;
produсe sрarks shou|d not be used;
рoгtable eйсtriс limрs and too|s Whiсh might
insuIation and cab|es should be maintained in good сondition;
meta| too|s suсh as Wrenсnes snou|d never be p|асed on toр
of batieries as they may сause spaгks
oг shoп оirсUit. The use of insu|ated tools is гeсommended;
bаtteгies. A shoгt сircuit сan heаt
Watсhes and rings, etс, shou|d be removed When Working on
them ' If rings сarinot be removed they shou|d be taped in
insulating mater|al;
battery оe||-vent p|ugs shou|d be screwed tight if сonneоtions are
the venti|ation tubes of battery boxes shou|d be eХamined гegular|y to ensuгe that they are free
from bloоking'
serviсing and pгoper|y seсuгeO
сoveгs of battery boxes shou|d be fastened if theУ are opened foг
again when the Woгk is finished;
lf both |ead-aсid
aikaline aпd lead-aсid batteriеs shou|d be kept in separate сompartments.
used in servicing of each tУpe shoU|d be 'and
ь"tt".i"' are in Use' the materia|s аnd too|s Worse and
"rк,iin" make the battery oрeration mUсh
ieparate|y, as оontamination of thе eleсtrolyte may
produоe a dangeгous сhemiсal reaсtion'
йli.йs otiЬ" two eleсtro|ytes may
Wash off any aссidenta!
both aсid aпd alkaline eleсtro|;tes aгe high|y Ъorrosive' lmmediate|y
Hands should always be washed as soon as tne Woгк
.йЬ.|l"' o. on the equipment.
tй" Ь"i.on
is finished;".
explosion of steam, sр|ashing
ii the wateг is added io the aсij the heat genеra1ed may сause an
aсid oveг the peгson handIing it;
goggies' ruььer g|oves' and proteсtive apron shou|d be woгn When Work With
batteries stay live at all times' and оare shou|d bе
iniiйе teao-aсio Ьatteriеs, metaI cases of a|kaliпе
taken not to iouсh them or to al|ow meta| tools to сome into сontaсt.

54 96, сhashika stl'' sevаstoрo]'
Е.rnа ]: €ng
Uklа]nе . Phoпе:(0692) 546146. Еаx: (0692)546 984
ish@tlаnsсoflllaсt.сom . www lrапsсопlraсt'со|т
EngIish for E|eсtriсаl Engineers PARт 2' EL. ENGINEЕR|NG UNlт 8. тEsт QuЕsтloNs

UNlт 8
тEGт / тЕsт QUEsтloNs
?? Whаt are the Gаuses of |ow vo|tаges in a generator?
overJoad' low speed, improper setting of bгUshes'
?? What аre the causes of too high Vo|tage?
Fie]d too stlong or spеed of generator Is тoo n|gh
?? Whаt are the сauses of hot сommutators?
sparking Under bгushes. poor сontасt of brush. neаr some hotter part of maсhine.
?? What аre'.the саuses ot.iP1rking nt !!!9-qIЧ9'Ц99?'.'.''.'.'.'
over|oad' brushes setting is Wrong, poor brush сontaоt' rough сommutator, Weak field, aгmature
. Winding .bIoken or.s'hoгt оircuitеd'
?? What are the саuses of too low generаtor speed?
oVerIoad' bгUshes setting Wrong' eХсessive friction' short or gгoUnd in aгmaturе' too Iitt|e fie|d
?? Whаt'аre the саu'ses of too h'ig'h-.g€nerator speёd?
' '.
Brushes setting too forward, open fie|d сirсuit' Wrong сonneсtion' too muсh fie|d rheo.stat resistanсe'
?? Whаt generа| саre shou|d a generаtor reсeive While in operation?
It shou|d be kept сIean аnd dry, Тhe bearing shou|d be kept We|| oi|ed, The goveгnor shou|d be kept in
good сond ilion.

'.'.??.щ.h-at.qle'''s'gm9s'e-'!.9l1!9IqЦqc.k':чP.''s'.'ч!!9.!'.9!9tshou|d be made at leаst onсe a month?

Cheсk load сondition' lUbriсation system operation' governor aсtion of prime moveг' bearIng
tеЦ p'9!:?.щ re an.d.vibrаtion, . -' .

?? What is the method of synсhronizing by the use of bright lamp method?

In synсhronizing by the use of the bright |amp method' the
L| |9 para||eIing
yal o||Е||| lУ оonneсtion shou|d bе сompJeted
at thе moment When the |аmp shines at their maхimum bri||ianс,,
?? Give the method of synchronizing by the use of dаrk |amp method.
In synсhronizing by the use of the daгk lаmp method' the pагa|le|ing сonneсtion shou|d be сomp|eted
at the midd|e of the interva| betwеen the disappearanсe of the last o|ow and the time the same
?? What proteсtive deviсes аre instашeа in an eleсtriс drive system?
Fuses' сiгсUit bГeakers, phase balanсe relays' гeveгse power relays' ground relays' inter|oсk alаrms
suсh as klaxons and be||s,
?? Name the instruments found in Dс and Aс switсhboard paneIs.
Cirсuit breaker, vo|tmeter, ammeter' rheostat ground Iight, synсhrosсoрe, Vo|tage regU|ator' PF mеter'
kW meteг,
?? Whаt are the faсtors that effeсt resistanсe on a wire?
Length of Wire' сгoss seсtionаl аrea of wire, type of mateгia1' temperature of Wire,
?? What are the сonditions whiсh may саuse аn Aс generator to overheat?
over|oad' short сirсuit in сoils' damp сoi|s, dirty Windings' fan oг aiг сoo|eг defeсtive.
?? Whаt are the factors to be q9Ц-s'iq9lф'ц.t'''e'!:l''9y.'!'9!']I9n'l?!!19'!v..'o.''9'l Ц9'|9..99'!'e.rа!9'l9?'...'.' ' .

Thqy mu9! h'a.Y'e'!h.e'.fo||owing. 9ame vo]tagе. samе fцequen9.y, same phase rotation and be in рhase,
?? HoW does the size of Wire аffeоts its resistanсe?
Тhe resistanсe of a wirе is inveгse|y proportiona| 1o thе sqч?|e of the diameter,
?? Give 4 factoгs that affeсt resistanсe in a wire.
Length of wire, сгoss seсtiona area of Wiгe' type of material, temperatuгe of Wire'

96 сhаslл]kа st.. se!аsl.р. ' !rга.е . Рhoпe (0692)546 146. Faх](a692)
Е'nrа е.. si.l'.1s:.ntrасt,соJn . WWW 1rаnscоn1rаcl c0rn
546 984
Engineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINEERING UNlт 9. SAFEтY
English for ЕleсtriсaI

UNIт 9
мEPьl БEзoпAGнoGти / SAFEтY PREGAUтloNs
apр|ianсes, overloading of eleсtriсa| с|гсU]ts
Common causes of f|re onboard are: faulty eleсtriсaI When
reguIar|y inspeсt and maintain eleсtriсa| сirсUits
Pегsonnel should a|Ways |"".".ЪoБ"." risks and damage to equiрment,
Working around e|eсtriсa| injury of pЪrsonne| and

ship beсause Wetness, high humidity' and higt.
. The гisks of eleсtriс shock aгe VerУ serious onboard
resistanсe of the body. In these сonditions
temperature (inо|UdIng sweating) redUое the contaсt
even fata| shoсks may o" uЫi"g.. as IoW, as 60 V. lf you tou9l 3n e|eоtriса appllanсе :..]ffi

"...Ёlr сhanсe Oi
Wa|I switсh, or eleсtгlсa| сoгd While
"1you are Wet or stand|ng in Water' it Wi|| inсrease the
eIeсtriсal shoсk'
the fo||owing proteсtive means aгe Usе.
i;";;; i;; сrew аgаinst e|eсtriс shoсk hazагd, aпd с|lр-oг
lnsulating g|oves' too|s insulated handles, vo|tage indiоators, insulating
Withstand Jwoгking vo|tage -of an e|ectricаl.s€ :
instruments, Тheir insulat|on . ."rl"Ёi" "й"sh to
paгts, тo proteсt from effeсts of,an'e]e'сtr с
and makes it possible to touсn nЪt-|inе сurreit-|еading
gaйir'es and high oveгshoеs,.jnsшatry^]'::..
aгc aпd the produсts of its ьurnin-g' usЪ insu|аting gas-
йeсhaniсa| effeсts use рroteсtive g|asses'
;";'; ;;;iЫ;;ьnds, Against Ligit' ttlermat' and
masks' speсia| gauntlets' etс,
Wheп you ]^/ffk.on-h|gh Vo|tagе equ Pm:ll
Additional safety pгeсautions are neсеssary '^l':.::,.
sUрervision of a сomрetent person W|tn surт|с
should be сarгied out by oг under the diieсt be opеrated,
iЁ.ЪnЬ"r кno*r"oge' and-a peгmiЕto.Work system
peгsonal eteсtriоat aрp|ianсes to the ship's supp|y Without a resрonslbе
Do not conneсt any
offiсels peгmission,
be prohibited-
Бiyi"g on or above the fiХed eleсtгiс heaters shou|d the ship is .
The use "ЬiL.i.g
of po(able heaters .nouiJ ьЪ_"uoiс"d ' However, thev aгe required When
jl.Тn6".JЁ"iЬ- heating duгing bad weatheг)' :
а poгt (as temporary n""onn "м 3: зdd]t]:l"i
pгovided, Тhese heateгs should neveг D.
proteсtive sheet of a non."o.ouJЬiЁ material should be
Used for drying сlothes, etс,
remain live even When the equipment is switсhе:
some parts of сeгtain tуpes of equipment maу
oti, Poweг snouto a|Ways be сUt off at the mains'
stored near switсhboards.
F|ammaьle materia|s shoU|d neveг be Ieft or
A|| eleсtriса| appIianсes shoulo oe fiim|y
seсuгed and served bУ Dermanent conneсtions-
FlеХib|e |eads should be ,no.i". p,j"iй"Ь|e and arranged not to be сhafed or сUt in
|\Лakesh|ft p|Ugs, soсkets' аnd fUses
should not be used.
сiгcuits shou|d not be overloaded
because this сauses the Wires to 1i
overheat, destroying insulation and
resuIting in a possible short-сirсUit
and start of a fire.
AlI poгtabIe eIeсtгiсaI app||аnсеs,
Iights' еtс, shouId have InsUIaт|on
readings tаken before Use' and
should be iso|ated fгom the maIns
after use.
A|l electric Wiгing should be We|I
maintained and kept сlean and drУ'
тhe rated |oad сapaс|ty of the Wiгes
and fuses shou|d neveг be
E|eсtriсa| eqUiрment frequent|y hаs
aссessoгies that requ|гe sepaгate

56 96 сhаstnikа str.' Sеvaslорo|' Uklaine .
Phonе: (0692) 546 146 .
eng]lsh@llаnscoillaсl соm.
Faх (о692)546
WwW tгaпsсonl.асt'сoпr
EngIish for Е|eсtriсaI Engineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINЕERING UNlт 9. SAFЕтY

sourсes of poweг, L]ghting fixtures' heaters, exteгna|ly powered temperature deteсtors' and
systems are examp|es of аccessoгies which termina|s must be deeneigized,
. Before any Work is done on e]eсtгiсаl equipment, fuses shou|d be removed or сirсuit breaker
opened to ensure that aIl гe|atеd сirсuits are dead' Whеre a fuse has been removed it
shoUld be
retained by the man Woгking on the еqUipment untiI thе job is fjnished. AdditionaI preсautions
neсessary to еnsure safety- When Woгk is donе on equipment designed to operaie at a nominaI
system Vo|tage in eхсess of 1 kV' Тhis Work shou|d be сarried out b!, or under the sUpervision
a competent peгson With suffiсient teсhniсaI knowledqe,
. сleaning so|vents for eleсtгiсal equipment shou|d йe Used |n aссordanсe with a manufaсturer's
. Doors to and сovers over e|eсtriсal equipment shoUld be kept с|osed exсept Whj|e making
. repatrs'
Аll non сurrenьсaгryjng struсtures used in e|есtrjсal equipment or сjrсuits shou|d be gйunded. ln
a grouping of e|ectriсaI sets the ground should be interсoлneсted. Before starting to
struсtures deteгminе thаt the ground is effeсtive.
йrk on suсh
. Work With one hand in youг poсkеt, А сurrent between two members сrosses your heaгt
аnd саn be
о Nevеr taIk to аnyone whi|e working, Аlso, don,t talk to anyone' if
he is Workjng on dangerous equipment' Don't be the сiuse of
аn aссident'
. Аlways move slowly When Working around electriсal сirсuits,
Vjolent and rapjd movements |ead to aссidentaI shoсks and .&ъ
shoгt сirсuits.
Resjstols get vеry hot, especial|y those that сarry high сUrrents' *
Watсh those five and ten Watt resistors. Тhеy wilI b-urn skin off
your fjngers' stay away from them unti| they сoo| off. *
Bе on guard for al| сapaсitors Whiсh may sti|| retain a сharge,
Not only сan you get a dangerous and sometimes a fatal shoik'
you mаy also get a burn from an e|eсtriсal disоharoe, lf the
rated voltage of eIeоtroIytiс сapaсitors is exсeeded- or their
po|arities reversed they may get very hot and may aсtually

96 сhаstnikа stг', sevаstoрol, Uk.аiле . Phoпе:(0692)546 146. Еаx: (0692) 546 984
Е.mаr : engl sh@tгаnsсontlасl,сom. lvw,rаnsсоЛIгас1'сom
EngIish for Electr]cal Engineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINEERING UNlт .|0. DlEsEL ENGINE

UNlт {o
дизEлЬнЬlй двигAтEль /


INтЕRNAL сoMвUsт|oN ЕNG|NЕ is an engine in Whiсh fuel oi| is

bUrned direсt|y Within the working сy|inder, Both gas and dieseI engines
are eXаmples of interna| сombustion eпgines,

DlЕsЕL ENG|NЕ is an engine Which uses a |oW grade oi| for fuel and
ignites it direct|y in the сy|indeг by the heat of air compression.

пpoслyшaЙтe и вЬlyчитe слoвa

air сomрressoг кo|v]прeссop
вoздyшHЬlЙ [eа kёm'presё]

аir гeсeiver вoздyxoсбopHик [eа гi'si:vа]

auХiliary eng.ine вспoMoгaтeлЬHЬ|й двигaтeЛЬ []:g'zilja.i 'end3iп]

bеq|ins пoдшипHик I'b.9Iill

Pllgq '..''lP]9щ3'i.

boiler l КoТeЛ ['b]i|а]

Uu||^g||||У 6vниAnnRкa ['b^0kаril]

сamshаft paспpeдвaЛ t nd|| |d |L]

сombustion кaмepa сгopаHия [kа.n'o^stjаn 'tJeimbа]

..1mnrAqq|nn с)кaтИe. кo|vпpecсИя . [kam'pгеJаn]

] сondition ] сocтoяниe : [kэп'dijаn]

сoo|ing system oХЛадитeЛЬHaя сиcтeMa I'k!:|io s]sti:m]

corroslve wear Ika'га|,lsiv wеa]

. ...'.'.'.' ..''.I9pPo.9'!1.|1!'lЬ'!.Ц'.l19|-l99
сrack rlkr@kl
сran kshaft ] кoлeHчaтЬ|Й вaл


1 damage ' .1oвpeжд9ниe' п9ЛoMкa ;. l]damto1

deviсe пpибop [di'vаis]

'-eЦ9.l9'9l9'y ..'.'.''.'.'.-...''?-PзP.Ц".'
A6||inmёnt [lkwipmаnt]

eХhaust Va|Ve ] вЬ|ХлoпHoЙ клaпaH Ig'zэst v@|v]

exDerlenсe oпЬlт Irks'piJгiаns]

[]k9]р!аyЭl]. -. .'... . ]

feed Wаteг
.,....'''д'"'ф9]f..t''"'jt9]l!-?P|1.o.'9'т'ч'.'''''.'.' - . !f:.l]

f|ame aгrester lf|eirn а restа]

58 96 сhаstnikа sa', sevаstoрo|' Ukrаine . Рhone] (0692) 546 146 . Еax: (0692)546 98Z
Е.mаit: engIish@aаnsсoПtrасi.соm . Www'1гаnsсonlmсt,сom
English for Еleсtriсa| Еnginёers PARт 2. EL. ENGINEERING UN]т 10. DlЕsEL ENGINE

|| r(/Ltut I
|pg'rИr Ifпklаn]
fue| injeсtion Valve тoглИE]Ho.иHжeКтopHЬJЙкЛaпaн [1ua||nd3еk|.nvё|v]

heat eхсhаnger
neat тeплooбмeнник |hi:t iks't]eiлdза]
шлaнг lhаuz]
||UеUIU| инжeКтoD' фooсvнкa ,'*
in.uttoient [in d.еktё]

inteгnal сombustio ""^""'"i;i"l- [.insa'fi,аnl]

;;i;:;;;;" "*.,"
вHyтpeHHee сгopaH иe
leаkage .I'r|l9.l]-.|9T:-b.fl""]

level ypoвеHЬ ..,[,ti:kidJj ....

liquid -. ] жидкoстЬ .,,., .,.
lubriсаting oil сMaзoчнoe Maслo t't, o.'к"'t'n ,irl

||dt/| |ll |rl y мaluиннoe oбopyдoвaниe [lnа'|i:nэri]
main englne главHь|Й двИгaтeлЬ
[mern e-djin]
. ]-тexHИYeскoe oqслyживaниe
пl^'',.. '.',^ ] [.mеintэn?ns]
'Ц3ЦI9ld . {9Ц.e]99P. 1manifаuid]
cпpaвoчHик. иHстDvкuия
overheаtino .'.леpeгpeв
i'аuvа hi:tin]
pipe . тpyба .. IрaiP]
piston loРчeHЬ ['pistаn]
precautlon пpeдoстopo)кнoстЬ Jpгi'k) Jаnl
P|'9ss.Ч|e.'. дqтel1щ '
насoс . , t.lo^mol
чцo||Ly ] кaчeствo ] I'kw]|itil
,Чudl |tlLy кoличeствo I'kw]ntiti]
lcdqll|gs пoказaHия (пpИбopoв) di!z]
re|ief пp9дoIP?]:1.иJeл!нPlЙ клаЛан. ] Iг v@|v]

ePd|| pРyoll [ri.peа]
oТвejgтвet|rlgстЬL 90язaннoстЬ ] [ris'ptrnsа'bi|iti]
salely .. бeзoпaсHoстЬ

:YYY'q:wl : сeПap'?тop
ceпap'?тop ] !.iepаIeiь]
seгviсe tank paсХoднoЙ бaк
sewaqe Dlаnt yстaновка для oчистки стoчHЬ|x вoд [.siu:id3 D|a ntl
spaгe parts зaпaсHЬle чaсти lspeа oа:tsl
JР| lg пpyжИHa
'' [sрri0]
strok e тaкт, xoд i lstrаuk]

96' сhаslпilа slr ' s€Vаslc!O Ukга nе. Phoпе: (0692) 546 146. Fах: (0692)546 9s4
E.гira': €ng shэ.аns.c.trасl,сOm 1 www'irапscoлtEl.t'сom
English for ElectriсaI Engineers PARт 2. EL. ENGlNEERING uNlт 10. DlESEL ENGlNE
Eхhaust ManifoId Exhaust Vа|ve

Piston Rings
Fuel Pump
Cylinder Liner


Pision Rod


сharqe Air CooIer

сonneсtion Rod

Bottom Еnd Beаring



t 96 Chаstn]kа slr sevasloрol, Ukrаine . Рhone] (0692) 546 146 . Fаx (0692) 546 €в4
E mа]i €ng]sh@tгаnsсontrасl'соm . W!!W trcnsсonkасt,сom
EngIish for E|eсtriса| Еngineers PARт 2. ЕL. ENGINЕЕRlNG uNlт 10. DlESEL ENGINE


Intake Stгoke supр|ies aiг into the сy|inder. . intakе stroke тaкт вгlyсКa Iinteik]

Compгеss on stroke сomoгessеs aiг by Upwaгd сompression

тaКт сжaтия Ikаm.ргe]an]
stгo Ke
Power strokе: miхed hot аir and fue| oгoduсe
poweг by the burning gases, power stroke pабoниЙ xoд ['pаuаl

:1lil'.l:'.o" :]:Т:.
pj:9::j:1.'::!'Tyl тaкт вь лvо11
"1.":":T*: . j]Y'i]'lll

series of events jn a оy|jnder of a four-stгokе сyс|e engine:

. thе in|et air va|Ve opеns and air is drawn into the сУ|indeг bУ the downward strokе of the pistoni
. the Va|ve is сlosed' the piston starts Upward and сompresses the air to produсe the heat that is
needed to ]gщ!9 the fue|;
. the fuel-injeсtion Valves opеn and the fuel oiI is inieсted into the hot air Wheгe it iqnites;
. the buгninq fue| forms gases Whiсh сreate pressure and send thе piston downward, this s the
power stroke of the engine;
. when the piston сomp|etes its poweг stroke, thе exhаUst Va|Ve oреns and permits the DUrned
gases to esсape;
. the piston returns upwаrd and forces the remainino gases qц! of the сy|inder' Тhe eХhaust Va|Ve
c|oses and the сVс|e repeats,

inlet valve . впyскнoЙ клaпaH ['inIet vФ|v]
to drаw зaтягИвaтЬ, тaщитЬ t[dD]l
downwaгd ] вHиз ['dаunWad]
Upward ввepx ['^pWаd]

to сompress сжИмaтЬ .. [kаm.plеs]

Io proouсe пpoизBoдитЬ' ИзгoтoвЛятЬ Jprа'dju:s]

to ignite зaжигaтЬ вoсплaMeHятЬ [ig nа]t]

burn|ng ropя щий Гbэ:ni0]

to form фopN,lИpoвaтЬ, opгaHизoBЬ|вaтЬ : [fЭ]m]

to сreate сoздaBaтЬ ] [kгi:'eit]

ИЗuе|а |Ь' EjЬ|xoди |Ь [is'кeip]

96' chаstn kа stг s€vаsi.5.i,k.а nе . Phoпe:
Е.nrej еr9 s.эl.аisсoлilасt,сoп].
(0692) 546 146 . Faх] (0692) 546 984
English fo] Electriсa! Engineefs PARт 2. EL. ENGINEERING uNlт 10. DlEsEL ENGINE

forсe out
to for

:r: -
тaКт' циКл
. Iгi'рi Ц

тWo sтRoKEs |N A TWo-

1 ) one stroke оomрresses air
in the cy|inder to ignitе the
fuel oil.
2) Another stгoke is produсed
by thе burning gases' lt Is
the рoWer stroke,

Series of events in a
tWo-stroke сycle diesel engine:
the open ports in
. air uпder !!gцl ргessure |s drawn into the сylinder and fills the сylinder throuoh
the walls;
. produсe heat to ignite the fue|, The aiг is fц!ш
the piston starts Upwaгd to сompress thе air to
сompressed and very hot;
. the fuel-injесt|on valve opens and fueI oil is injected
into the hot air Where it ignites;
. pressure and send the рiston downward, this |s tne
the bUrning fUe| forms gases Which create
power stroke.

@ ' dФ.
HalfAhead: Bпepeд сpeдниЙ| [l.а f J'hеd]

s|ow Aheadl Bпepeд MaлЬtЙ: Is|аu ahed]

Dead s|ow Aheаd| Bпepeд сaMЬ|Й N4aлЬlЙ| [ded slаu а hеd]

.'-''_ -'_l
--"----_ --" . стoп [/]aшиHЬ|! ] [st]p .end3in]
stoo Enqine!
Dead s|ow Аstern! Haзaд caN4Ь|Й MaлЬlЙ| ,. lded
slau aslа:nl

s|ow Astern| ] Hазaд MaЛЬtЙ| ; l1]аu аs]1aл]

Half Astern: Haзaд сpeдHиЙ: Jhаf Jstа.]

] Fu|| Asternl Haзaд пoЛHЬ|Й! . : tf.ul


Bпepeд MaксиMaлЬнo вoзп/oжHЬ|Й xoд| [mJ:dJаnsi

.uI J'hеd]
Еmeгgenсy Fu|| Ahеad'
l li'ma:dзаnsi fu| аыtan]
Emerqenсv гulI Asleгn| : Haзaд мaксимaльнo вoзмoжньtЙ хoд|

62 96' сhаstn]kа slr sеvasloрo|, Ukгаine . Phone (0692)546 146. Fах] (0692)546 984
Е-rnа ]] rngl slr@1rаnsсoп!.асl соm . v^lw ransсоnтaсI.сom
English for ЕleсtriсaI Engineers PARт 2. ЕL, ENG|NEERING UNIт 10. DlESEL ENGINE


1. We don't know what you must do. Don't ask ...


сlose the safety ',. '

3. Тhis tank is .,. . You need to fi|l it.
4 Sea ,,. is Used to сool the engine,
5, YoU must Weaг рroteсtive equipment for your ,,. during hot Works.
6. We have 21 crew ... onboard.
7, Тhe ,.. of saiIing Was the Аt|аntiс oсeаn.
8. ЕueI ,'. Was stopped due to the prob]ems With the pump.
9, Е|eсtriсa| Еngineeг is responsib|e for
.,, U| | c J|
10. Тhe .,. goes upwаrd and downward
in the сy|inder,
1 1, When the fue| gets into the сУlinder,

it ...
12, |tуou find a fire' start... '
]3, You сan use .', to disso|ve paints.
14. ... of exhaust gases is too high.
15. to help (synonym).
16' Тhe,,,. liner is broken,

96. сhаshikа stг'' sеvastоpo|, Ukвine . Phoпё: (06s2) 546 146 . Fax (0692) 546 984
L.nа еngI sh@rаns.o1,асl'сo'.r. www l|аnsсonkасl,соlт
EngIish for Eleсtriсal Engineers PARт 2. EL,

UNlт,l ,l

GтAндAPтньiE PAБoчиE oпEPAции и oБGлy)l(ивAниE




Еaоh type of engine is designed to opeгate аt T.u*i. YT^P,:'.,,'.^чe
lt is im;ortant t'gеt aImost equal
power oUtput fгom eaсn сylInoer.
and maximUm speed.

in pеrfeсt сondition and the fuel va|ves should

The fuel injection еqU|pmenl '".iй" йuintЬined change Without big |oss
ьБ к"pt foг a possiьte immediate
сheсked regulaг|y, spare fuel
of time.
ot tr.'" sсavenging air sУstem and spaсes
shou|d be regu|ar|У inspeсted for с|eanlIness'
irr.Ь"io in good condltlon
сrankсase and running g"u, should be made гegU|arly to оheсk-all is
'n.p""tion. and сontrolled bу the Chief Еngineer,
Cylinder oi| сonsumpt|on rate ..]st be monitored
and fгee of wЪteг' The oil should be сentr|fuged
сrankсase oil must bе
сontin uous|y at 90"C,
'",n."'n"i.ii""i""i "onoition

. Fuel oiI should ьe proper|y с|eaned bу сentгifuging,

a:ld e-q:ipm.e:::чoaгd
;;"p*;й;;iiЬn Бt urt otl.u' maсhinery сosts' ruпning auхiliaries shоU|d be kept to
the minimum
. ln ordeг to reduсe and iue|
. to Run'. сondition for a quiсk stаrt in сase
6000 houгs).
. :llТ%:l;["ld be сhanged after eaсh overhaU|сlean (appro'imate|y
or of bad quality'
. iЬ" ruь" oiI shou|d also be сhanged if it is not


general сondition of any boi|eг in his сharge,
. The Chief Еngineer must a|Ways know the
. Тhе heating surfaсes rrlUst be kept с|ean,
blowers must be kept in рroper operationat
. Al| boi|er gauge gtasses, Ъruin-uuru". and soot
be kеpt in working сondition, Al] alaгms and
. i?'..l.'j,l o*iсes' alarms' and automatiс сontro|s mUst
.utБiy.y't".' should be tested eveгy
opeгational сondiiion, Glands should be
tightened to
. All pumps must ьe mainil-й
Ь.. ot suсtion, Neсessaгу gauges must be maintаined ln
prеVent leakages,o o''g""i;i'p;..ЪiJ
Ьгder to monitor the pump effiсiency,
engine mаnoeUVrir]g,
. я фare set of suction and de|ivery va|ves
and сleanIiness of the valves,
. тhe Use of synthetiс oit rmproves ienera| сondition

VALvEs / P|PЕs
. is very important that all va|ves and pipelines
on a Vessel are kept in good оondition,
be kept сompletеlУ funсtional al! thе
. Piрe|ines should be сomp|etely tightened "li.
repaiгs are гequired '
. A|i oioe|ines and valves should be сheсked on a
rеgu|аr basis,

64 . Pnone: (0692),:1:^11:.:.l::;**,) uou nuo
96 сhastпikа sil', sеvаstоpоl' Uk.аiпe .
Е-mа!|' еng|]sh@lгаnsсoitrасi com wew'rапsсoпIа.!
E"gli.h f.. Et""tt


. The Iubrication is the Chief offiсrr,s responsibility but the сhief Еngineer is гesponsib|e for a||
meсhaniса| and e|ectriсaI eouiDment,
. Coгreсt сondition of the brakes' с|utсhes' gearing must be сheсked by the сhief Еngineer eveгy
. This equipment requires сlose attention and must be tested at |east onсe a voyage but espeсia|ly
When they Wi|| be used in the neaг future.
. А|| safety deviсes must be kept in good operational сondition.
. lt is Very impo(ant that the hydгauliс oil is maintained сlean Without Water or otheг substаnсes.
. Fi|ters and magnetic p|ugs must be сheсked and с|eaned every time before the сranes aгe
. Тhe hydrau|iс oi| shou|d be renewed every 6 months.
. The e|eсtriсa| eouiDment on the vessel must be maintained in safe сondition. The Chief Engineeг
shou|d сheсk this bУ regu|ar peгsonaI inspeсtions and supervision of the Е|eсtriсal Еngineer,
. Voltages in eХсess of 55 volts AC are |etha|, Cirсuits mUst be iso|ated before start of Work,
. Moisture' heat, over|oading. and meсhaniсa| damage сan have serious effeсts on the e|eсtгiсa|
insUlation. Wiring espeсia||y in сargo spaсes on dry сargo ships and on open dесk shoU|d be
regu|аr|У inspeсted. If thе fau|t is serious and repairs cаnnot be immediate|y сaгried out, the сiгсUit
must be isolated.
. The insu|ation resistanсe of e|eсtriс motors' equipment' and сircuits should be cheсked onсe eveгy
. Еmergenсy batteries must be maintained in peгfeсt сondition and the speсifiс gravity of the аcid or
a|ka|i |iquids shou|d be cheсked every Week When batteries must be topped up by disti||ed wateг if


During periods When the ship is in сold Weather сonditions pгeсautions must be taken to prevent
dаmage to the ship and systems, There is a risk thаt equipment Wi|| fгeeze' Pay attention to re|ief Va|Ves
аnd сoo|ing Water systems' Use heating systems if they are fitted,
Тhe gas сondensers and heat exсhangeгs should be drained When they are not in use- Water
оo||eсted on the disсhaгge side of relief Va|Ves shou|d be drained off.
сo|d Weather may сause сargo сondensation in rotating equipment that may enter thе сrankсase'
miх with the |ubriсating oiI and сause damage to the bearings with the possibi|ity of overheating resu|ting
in an eхр|osion, сrankсase heaters must be used to reduсe the possibility of сaгgo сondensing.

сARGo сoMPRЕssoRs
During periods of freezing Wеаtheг the fo||owing preсautions must be taken to prevent damage to
the сy|inder b|oсks of сargo сompressors. Pay more attention to сompressors if they are |oсated on the
open oесK:
1) Тhere must be a suffiсient |eve| of anti.fгeeze in the coo|ing system to prevent freezing at the
temperaturе of minus 20"с.
2) Тhe density of the anti-fгeeze miхture must be cheсked by a hydrometer or anotheг denslty
measUring deViсe,
PNEUMAт|с vAlvЕs AND сoNTRoL sYsтЕMs
During pегiods of сo|d Weather pneumatiс Va|Ves and сontro| systems may Work s|owly or don't
operate. It is very impoгtant that the drier on the сontro| air сompressor operates сorreсt|y,
А|| pipelines that hаve Water and may be frozen must be drained When they are not in Use, Тhis
inсtudes freshwater Iines, сompressed aiг |ines, ba|last and сooIing Water Iines, Тhe drain Valves on these
|ines shou|d be in the open position, lf any Water system Was drained this faсt shou|d be reсorded,

] 96, сhаshikа sk'' sеvаsIoDol. Ukга nе . Рhопe] (0692) 546 146 . Fа{ (0692) 546 984 ] 65
English for ElectriсaI Engineers PARт 2. EL. ENGlNEERlNG uNlт 12. lNsтRUстloNs

UNlт {2
инcтPyкции / INsтRuGтloNs

F"\ ЕxнAUsт GAs
Regu|ar Waterwashing of exhaust gas eсonomizer is аn impoгtant part of routine maintenanсe.
|\Лost ships do this but a weei ago the motor Vesse| London Тower during Washing of the eсonomizeг
а||owed Wаteг and soot to гun baсk through the eХhaust pipe to the tuгboсharger and so on depa(Uгr
from the poгt the tUrboсhаrger сoUldn't гeaсh r,]ormаl RPM (гevoIUtions per minute)'
ihe ship had to proсeed аt s|ow speed to an anсhorage for c|eаning of the turboсharger аnd lost
8 hours.
The Chiеf Еnqineeг Was а сompany man аnd mау be thought that suоh a job did not need his
attention, Тhe 2"d Еngineeг was nеW to the сompany and so needed to be сarefu||y supervised Unti| it Wаs
сertain that he Wаs оompetent in that position,
lt Was a simp|e and basiс maintenanсe pгoсeduгe but neсessary сare Wasn't taken,

lzх WЕLDlNG oPERAтloNs

There Was oпе more fata| aсоident during We|ding operation on the deсk' A full investigation Wi||
be сarried out When the ship gets to the port but it is reported that the Weather сonditions Were bad
a pipе on
there Was Water on the dесk but the Wе|ding operation was сaгried out anyway, The fitter fe|| off
the Wet deck ho|ding his We|ding eleсtгode Ъo|dег, Тhough othеr оrewmembeгs did evеrуthing for гesсue
he died аt onсe'
P|ease pay attention that Welding is a hot Woгk and has mUch risk, We|ding and Water do not miХ'
Welders must have a safe and stable p|аtform to Work on. There shoU|d be sUpervision of a|| We|ding
operations and safety meаsu гes,

olL REсoRD вooKs /
Royа| Caribbean Cruise Lines oрerate seveгa| Veгy |aгge modern сruise Vessels from NЛiami and
сruise a|l over Woг|d,
We reсeived the report that RсCL were fined US $54 mi||ion by the US сost Guard foг the
disсhargе of oil overboard' incorгeсt oil Record Book, and oilУ Wateг separatoгs not Woгking сorreсt|y.
ЪссL *"|." able to гeduсe their fine to US $19 mi||ion afteг they agreed to use a pгogrаm of
сorгeсtive aсtions inс|uding the use of Ameriсan po|lution сonsultants, training, and teсhniсa| сhanges'
сompany гequirements are abso|ute|y сIear and mUst be fo||owed, lf teсhnica| defeсts happen
they. mUst be reported and correсted ASAP,
А|| movements of oil on the ship and fulI detai|s of a|| disсharges for any reason mUst be reсoгded
in the oi| Reоoгd Book,
The ol1 Reсord вook must be keрt acсurate аt a|| tlmes,


Аsian G|oгy, Whiсh is a сar сarгier, |oaded 2938 new and Used Vehic|es in U|san foг disсharge in
su|tаn Qaboos,
At 06,55 in the moгning the fiгe a|arm sounded indiсating a fire on the deсk #4, Тhe fiгe paгty
musteгеd immediately and in З minutes two сrewmembers (АJB and 2/Е) eХtinguished the fire With
portab|e dгy powdеr eХtinguishers. other cгеWmembёrs broughi more extingUishers whiсh were a|so
Used, The сause of the fire Was an e]eсtгiсal short at the battery in one of the Used сars'

66 96' сhаstn ka st.
sevаsloро!' Ukга nе . Рhonе:(0692) 546 146. Еах] (0692)546 984
Е.rnа ]]rng lsh@kansсoпl.асl'сcm. WllW tЙnsсontгэсl сonr
Еng|ish for Electriсa| Engineёrs PARт 2. EL. ENGINЕERING uNlт 12. INsтRUGтloNs

|t is important that a|| cгewmembeгs kлow the eqUipment they mUst Use in emergenсy situations
and know What aсtions they must take тraining and driIls are the most effeсtive Way to have good and
effeсtive results' ЕVeryone onboard shou|d understand that What they learn and eХperjenсe may one day
savе |ives _ maybe their own |ife,

i*"."' u".."'. seгious opeгating diffiсU|tles and in some саses great engine
dаmage simp|y due to bad""p".i"n."o
maintenanсe of the sсavenge air system'
C|eanIiness is the most jmportant аnd аjг filters' air coo|ers, sсavenge spaсes' and sсavenge
va|ves mUst be regular|y с|eaned and a|| dгains fгom сhambeгs and pipes must be b|own through and
сheсked eaсh Watсh.
Chief Еngineer WilI be responsible if a vessel сannot operate at fu|| speed beсause of prob|ems
Wjthin the sсavenge system, poor maintenance' and poor Wаtсhkeeping pгoсedures' so you aгe required
to begin a progгam of maintenanсe and teаching immediate|y to imргove operation and
Watсhkeeping standaгds.



We had seveгal inсidents When diese|
generators and/or main engines were shut down due to
Wateг сol|eсting in the serviсe tanks and passing over to
the eng ines.
Ii is а simple watchkеeping duty to operate the
dгain Va|Ve eaсh Watсh to ensure suсh Water is
Anotheг problem With serviсe and sеttling tanks
is s|udge in the bottom of suсh tanks. ln periods of bad
Weather the sludge in the сhanne| сaUses problems With
purifieгs and b|oсks main engine fi|ters,
of сourse. bad fue| is one of the гeasons but
mainly it is a simple matter of housekeeping.
Тanks should be drained' opened, and c|eaned
at least in every dгy doсk.
other pгoblems are сonneсted With сontro| or
start of air systems. Dirt' Wаter, or oil passing over With
ajr Will сause prob|ems Within pneumatiс systems. |t is neсessary to ensure аir dryers operate proper|y
and air сol|eсtoгs With reservoirs агe dгained eaсh Watсh'
lt is the responsibi|ity of Watсhkeepers to сarry out these proсedures but it is the responsibility of
the Chief and Seсond Еngineers to eХp|ain сareful|y watсhkeeping duties and make sure that they are
сarгied out сorгectly,
Prepare Watоhkeeping duties foг eaсh Watсh that must be signed by the responsible peгson and
persona||y оheсk that all duties are carried out pгoper|y'

А|l our VesseIs arе noW sUpplied With сompany overa||s, safety shoes' hard hats' and otheг
peгsonal proteсtive equipment that Was provided to improve the safety standaгds onboard vesse|s and to
he|p to гeduсe the nUmber of aссidents' BUt after number of ship's visits it Was repoгted that not alI staff
are Wearing this equipmеnt' Тhis situation is tota||y unaссeptabIe. Аll staff members must Wear oveга||s
and safety shoes duгing Working houгs аnd hard hаts when they Work on the deсk.
Chief Engineers and сhief offiсeгs must ensure that everyone in their depaгtments Wears сorreсt
equipment' and if they do not they must be removed fгom their p|aсe of Woгk unti| they Wеar сorreсt
equiрment. In suсh сase this peгson Wi|l рay a fine that is one day sa|ary. сaptain Wi|l be responsib|e for
this' lt is Very impoгtant that al| officers show a good example by Weаring the overа||s and shoes
themse|Ves to enсouгage ship's stаff to Weаr the сoгreсt equiрment' Captain and сhief Engineer mUst
Wear all safety equipment every time When they aгe going around the deсk oг engine-room' etс'

96' сhаslпikа sk se!аstcP.. !kа]nе . Phone:(0692) 546 ]46 . Еах: (0692) 546 984 .!-t
E.mai|] eng ]sh э rа nsсontraсl'сom . www 'iгаnsс0 nlгасl'сom
Engineers PARт 2. EL, ENGINEЕRING uNlт 13. Loc.вooк
EngIish for Elcctriсаl

)tryPнAJl / Loc.вooк


Themainengine#lhadafau|tthatоou|dbeсausedbyrotorm|sba|аnсе,|tWasstopрed, Were rep|асed With

op"n"J Бhecked foг eХternal damage' тhe paгts that Were out of order
"nоAfter this the turbine and bloйer parts Were insta||ed into theiг position and сhecked
nЬ* p",t.
under the load.
тhe main engiпе running was turned oveг to сentra| сontro| station.
Add hydгau|iс oil into thе Winоh.
sй. ini""to" housing сraсked, The Wаtсhkeeping motorman disсonneсted it from the steaгг'
wilI-we|d the сraсk aпd afteг that the motorman Wi|| fit it into
the position,
.y.Ё., ir.r"
On the lifeboat #1 portside the rudder is out of order'
tap in the сhief Еng ineer,s сab|n
Тomorrow a| 12:45 a Watcn motorman Will install the shower

сheсk' repair, or rep|ace it for the neW one.
ihЬ tt.|.""o"с joint bеtween the Woгking sea-Water pump housing and by sea Water and reqUiгed
and extreme |eakage oссUrгed' Аs а reiult, al| рumps were
the leakage Was plugged,
Бi"l.ii.ЬЪy lг,"ЪББtriсian, Тhe pumр Was stopped.and
сaused by aсid сorrosion, -
Тhere was no
Тhe lifeboat engine exhaust maпifold was broken. |t Wаs
Way out and the eХhaust manifo|d was гep|aсeo,
the moving of impe|leг a|ong the
тhe double aсtion centrifuga| pumр got stuсk' lt Was оaused by
shaft. It was refitted.
fire pump #2 poгtside.
innЪl. t"urt. When lhe eleсtric motor WiI| be ready
the pump should be сonneсted,
_ generatoгs.
for aI| fouг fresh-Wateг
it'enew proteсtors were ordered from the tuгner the fu|| set
Тhe drain valve in the toitet ot ziJ offiсeгs сabin should be disсonneсted' repaired' and fitted
first fresh-Water generatoг stopped,
The watеr storage reaсhed the suffiсient qUantity and so the
Тhehotfresh-WateгsУstemwasсleanedsotheрressurereaсhedthenorma|qUantityinthein good сondition. |t сan
."Бin. tile galley, But in the |aboгatoгy the Water pressure is not
Water Iine must be madе from the
by iпsUffiсient Water pump rate. l; this сase a'new
be сaUsed
for Water pгesenоe.
;;-i;;ъi. But on the other hand the o|d Wateг |ine should be сhecked
Еnglish for Еleсtriса| Engineers PARт 2. EL. ENGINEERING UNlт coNvENтloNs

UNlт 14
кoнвEнции / coNvENтloNs

lsM сoDЕ ]

statistics say that about 80.% of аll shjpping acсidents are сauseo
people. Тhe lnteгnationa| safety Management'boJe by
pro.Vides too|s (сheсklists' proсedures, e1с.) tcьaЬteг lx of soLAS)
to prevent acсidents' tn1uries' and
po|lution сaused by poor management and
human mistakes,
objeсtives of the lsM Code are to ensure safety at sea' prevеntion
hUman injury or loss of Iife' and avo jdanсe ot oaйа!Ь -й of
io enu,r.on'"nt,
espeсiаlly to the mаrine environment аnd to property,
The |sM сode establishes an internatjonal standard for the
management and operation of ships - sаfety Management
system (sМs)'
Тhe funсtionaI requirements for SMS are:
. safety аnd environmentа| protection poliсy;
. instruсtjons' procedures' and сheсkiistsio ensure safe operatlons of
shlps аnd protection of the environment in aЬioiianсe witrl
iлternationa|, nаtiona|, and poгt state regulations;
. proсedUres foг emergenсy situations.
All сompаnies must have safety аnd EnvironmйtaiЬ;liсy'
|t shou|d desсrjbe the ajm of the SMS
аnd a|so hаvе'a strategy and а p|an of iоtion to aоhieve
аnd maintaln the aim'
А тun.аmenta| сomponent of the sl\лs is the Designated
Person (DP). This peгson supeгvises the
operations of the S|\4S' lf safety.or pollution proсedu,".'"r."
сan сontaсt the DP' The DP Will then try to сorreсt this
nЬt сarried oui onboird' ,ny ii"'."'o".
Аn audit is a..оheсk,,to ensure сomp|ianсe Wjth the lSM сode'
first time, the offiоers oet a DoC When passing the audit for the
1оoсumЬnt oi с"'pri""йl the vessels get a sМC (safety
lr4anаgement Certifjсatei Аt reoular intervals bottrthe .and
offiсers wl|| be audited to..оheсk'' that
everybody is following the SMSI ""J.J. ""о
Тhe lsM Code requires your сompany to deve|op plans
.' and proсedures for al| speоial and сritiоal
opеrations onboard, Before саrrying out any -tаsk onьoarсi, you
r,"u" to сheсk in tne sйs-iiinЪre rs any
written proсеdure or p|an describiЛg-how to Ьo ,t lf
.;, to fo|low thаt plan.
|n order to avoid aссidents and e|iminate the risk
of fjre and eХplosion onboаrd it is neсessary to
plan the Work and foliow a|l Work permits ьetore аny ';;Ъ;;;
woii staris,
Required Work permits jnсlude:
Hoт WoRK PЕRM|т should be when invo|ving rjsks suсh as fire' eХplosions.
work: welding, оutting, Аll hot Work'jssued''
." -'.-''v. Ё^ч''t'-'l
EХamp|e of suсh
must be reported to й" Ьtri"Ъ ьerore start-
ЕNсLosЕD ENтRY PЕRMlт should be issued' when involving risks |ike: laоk
dangerous gases. Example of suсh Work: tank inspeсtions' iаnк сteaning'
of oХygen,
ELEстR|сAL WoRK PЕRMIт should be issued, When involving
rlsks ljke: eleсtriсal shoсk. EХаmp|e of
suсh work: rеplaсing eIeсtricaI flttings'
WoRK|NG ALoFT PERM|т shoyLd be issued' When involving risks
|ike: fa|ling down' ЕХample of such
Work: replaсing navigation lights; any Work done so high up that yoU rlsk to huгt youгself if fall.
UNDЕRWAтЕR WoRK PЕR|vl|т should be issued' When involving
risks like: a diver may be in1ureo a Dy
propeller. Ехamp|e of
suсh Work: diving,
WoRK|NG oUтвoARD PERMlт shou|d be issued' when involving
Еxample of suсh work: fixing a pilot |adder; uny
risks like: fa||ing into the seа,
out"iJ" ihe ship,s hu|l-
сoLD WoRK PЕRM|т shou|d be issued' when 'no.к
iпvolving rjsks like: explosions' Еxample of suсh work:
rust сhipping, all Work With power too|s outside the
Personnel shou|d have а proрer'гest before taking over
the Watоh, All Watоhkeepers must reсelve
no |ess than 10 hours of rest in eaсh 24 hour period'
EngIish for EleсtrjсаI Еngineers PARт 2' EL. ENGINЕERING UNlт 14. GoNvENтloNs


When you slgn on your vеssel you Wi|| get thе neсessary
Droteсtive еquipment гequired foг your job, Depending on_your
posit'on о
Ь.-J""iJ_itiЬ".be safety Shoes' ЁoiIeг sUits, HаId Hats, Eаг Pгoteсtion'
Ьaiety сoggtes, Gloves' etс, |t's yoUг гesponsibi||tу a|Ways-to
Wear tne l{iвB l{tTs
.o'Б6t pй6nur proteсtive equipment and to keep it in good сondition. нЁfill'l;lЁn
|}. т}tlt AнЕ*

engineering ofliсer whose duties аre
The safetУ offiсer shou|d be an experienсed navigating oг
. to ensuгe that the provisions of the SoLAS and the сomрanу's safety Management sуstem
aгe сomplied With;
a proрer time;
io inue.iig,t" every shipboard aссident or inсident in
and to mаke reсommendations to
to investiqate all рotent|a| hazards to hea|th and safety
iй" йiii"it" pгevеnt future aссidents and гemove the hazards:
to keep detaiIed reсords of а|| acсidentsi inсident.r
сonсerning health and safety;
to investigate аll serioUs сomp|aints by сгewmembers bring the uny Work or proсeduгe whiсй he feels is unsafe and then immediately
the attention of the responsible offiсer' This does not
inс|ude emergency
famiIiar With the сomрany,s
to ensure al| neW сrewmembers and offiсeгs are thorough|y

i#oY""..i',,l' the safety гeсommendations of the Safety'

QUalitУ and Еnvironmenta|
Management Committee'
posteгs and safety notiсes
*itr' iЬ of the Master аrrange the distribution of sаfety
the |ast shipboard aссident;
Whiсh should inсlude a notrсe stating ihe number of days sinсe
to show safety films and/oг videosi
ask сrewmembers to orlng--any ideas and suggestions for imрroving safety'

to emergenсy'it |s essenlial totr:Y::T:.:""""::::l:
ln o|.o", to.uint"in un
"ffi"i"nt,",pon." ь"
t,"i.i.;;.;;";'": ]; ;i ;;;i;;;;"lj.Ц;il company to have appropгiate
]Sц.9:l: ",the
аlso establlsh pгogrammes for dri||s
pгoсedures for tгalning .uppoiЪt it'" SMS, The сompany should
and еxeгсisеs to preрiгe for emergenсy s|tuations inteгvals,
The type of dri|ls should ьeЪitteient and a|| safety equipment should be used at гegular
inсiuding bгeаthing. apР3l"tч.r individual
тhe сrоWmembers shou|d be j" "."ЪIi "quip'"Ъt A|| сгew-members shou|d be trained !.u] in lifeboat
of "ьr"
duties at eaсh type "йt"rry "ipiained.
аnd Iifе raft opeгations,
but not the type of jnсide.,nt until the alaгm nas
Тhe tjme of driIls shou|d be announсed in advanсe
сomрtetion of the dri|l it is Vital to have a post-dгi||
sounded; this way the drill will й" й"i"i""п.ti" Upon
--. types of emergenсy dгil|s: aсcommodation fiтe' oi| fire'
i,n"fo||owing is а brief |ist of suggested
"й""r'in"ф' .p""" flre' rЪsсue from сonfined spaсe' oiI po|lution'
ga|ley fire, ho|d fire, Ventilation pyгotechniсs'
Use of breаthing apparаtus, ;f ;;";;;;.',firЬ pump' сo2 system' foam system, groundIng,
'.; tunсing] r'"IiЬopter'evacuation Via hoist,/|anding, сoILision,

emeгgenсy diesel' hе|iсopter
fire eХting uishеrs, etс'
the dri||s. Eгrors made ouring tr'e-j;|iйuii ь"
ln the future these еrгors should be сorreсted,

. . (0692)546 984
96. сhаstn kа slг sevasloрo|. Uкrаjne Рho.le (0692) 546 146 Е.аx:
Е-rnа l епg] sh@lгаnsсonlraсl'сom
. ш"&v,tгansсontгаci сoпr
Eng1ish for Eteсtriсаl Engineers PARт 2. EL. ЕNGlNEERlNG

|vlARPoL 7з178

. l\4АRPoL 73178 _ lnternatjonal сonvention

for Prevention of pollution trom Snips. ifr-is
сonvention is one of the mosl lmpoгtant
internаtional сonVentions of marine porlution, ьy'oli,
сhemiсals' harmfu| substanсes in paсkаged ioгm,
sewage, and garbage.

I\4АRPoL has six Аnnexes:

An|ex l ' R9gula.tions fo1 1r.l" вr."u"1t1o1 ot рo rution ьy
Аnn9х Il j Regylаlions
9f |9|ru-lign ьyлoxious r-ifuio suь"t"n"e.
lol !!9 сюnt1o|
in Ь,rк
] АT9r]!l j'il9Y9!].ч'tг91|чtion by
Harmful substanсes са
щlзL."-.'гЕ;тФ.Ф:jй#'qБ;йffi *-
] Аnnex V ] PrеVention of Po|lution by Ga1bgge from'#ilTl9d!'y-'se1]!te9ц?99dг9|m
АnneХ V|: D.^.,^-r:^
\/l Prevention- of Air Po||ution from ships

Еngineer aлd his offiсers must сarefully learn

^" ^ -^^ТЧ
lv|AбrUL '9l"f
/J//ё regulatlons and pay speсial attention to oil pЪ|lutjon
aлd Waste disposal сontro|s. Тhe сБief Еngineu'
йuit БЬ res[Jnsiьre
for proper and сonstant po|lution сontrols aйd
must instruсt hii.statt.
,. Тhe oi|y Water sеparаtor should be utiiized in
тne requ|rements and a|l entries made in the
oil Reсord"."Ь,d"й
Book. The ''tr'
Water separator must be in full operation and
jnspeсtion, reаdy йi-Ёoп state
Any.sludge. disсhаrged
^ ' trooк аnd shore receipts ashore
shou|d be reсorded in the Oil
kept' Тhe sewage plant must be kept
In good working order all the tjme.

lNтERNAт|oNAL сoNvЕNтloN FoR тнЕ sAFEтY oF
L|FЕ Aт sЕA (solAs), 1974
, The main objeсtive of the S.LАS сonvеntion is to speсify minimum standards for the
сonstruction, equipment, aлd operation of shjps [elated to thei; safetv,


Тhe 1978 sТCW сonvention wаs the first to estab|ish basiс
on tralning, сertifjсation, and Watсhkeeplng iЬr. i"аtu,","
Internаtional |evel, Rеvised in 1995 on an


Тhe lntеrnationa| Marjtime organization is a
speсialized agenсy of the United Nations Whiсh js
responsjbJe for measures to improve the safety аnd
shjppjng and to prevent maгine po|lutlon trom ships,
l|vlU oDJест|ve's: sаte' seсure and effiсient shipping
on сleаn oсeans,

English for EleсtrlсaI Engineels

UNlт ,l5
глAгoлЬl PEмoнтA / REPAIR vЕRBs

rоneir lripeа] peN4oнт

t^ rAnяiг tl''pеё] peMoHтирoвaтЬ' чиHитЬ

m bгoken ' or not
f< !.o.l.e.p1 1'1-o'lil. !9щ9Jh 9 1]]"ql]s''q1T1з.9.'e'9''.919
. We have done tne necessary repairs. .
MЬ| вЬlпoлнили нeoбхoдИ|\4Ь|e peп,loHтHЬ|e
pump' . лЯ OlPrMuп|y|Рy'
oтpeпioHтИpyю |voР9/'rfigl l..-.. ' Haсoс,
' .. IWill
repairthe damaged
l have й repаir this pipe|ine,
]. дoлжeн oтpеfutoнтиpoвaтЬ этoт
Я д:l](::^:т.eеfutoнтиpoвaтЬ
тnvбoп poвoд,
трyбoп ooвoд,


''Ф 1, пpивoдитЬ в пopядoк' нaлaживaтЬ'

peгyлиpoвaтЬ, peмoнтиpoвaтЬ, чинитЬ
to fiХ шiks] 2- vстaнaвливaть' п pикpeплятЬ, укрeпЛятЬ'

to fasten' seсUre, or attaсn

. The Seсond Engineer is fixing the high . 2-oЙ MeХaHик Чинит
тtl с) гI

- ]. --^^' '^n
MoтopистЬl yстaHoвили |\Лoтop Ha гЛaвHoи
ргessure fue| pumр, '
. й;",';. tixeo tйe motor to thе main dеck. . пaлyбe'
MЬ| зaкpeпиЛи пoЛкИ нa стeHe пpи
. We fixed the shelves to trre waш uslng sсгews' 1
' ви}lтoв '..

/-\ DlsAssElvtвLЕ
t, ow

to ld|sэsemb] paзбиpaть' дeMoнтиpoвaтЬ
[dis manl|]
' to dismantle
рaзбиpaтЬ нa сoстaвнЬle
. to di.jojnt . [dis'd3эiпt] ] , , so that,' , .... .
9j p]99.9.9!9sЧip11Ф! it is in ^^^^.^.: r'::--
Y ^:^^"
. 8 'l9 qi9!:l?n!L9'.:'!.o'.'tз'Цs'?.'цзg|.rj!9
l . You have to dismant|e the engine in two dаys. l .. BЬl дoл)t(HЬl paзoбpaть двигaтeЛЬ зa двa дHя,

: il:.:;ilъЫil;.;;;;йi;;
ц.i.^ 6|i }Ь6.|iё.сеAmь|р.l naгts ;';i' ]; n:l?:u'cтa'
пpИHecИтe всe paзoбpaнHЬ|e

disjointed. ] . Эти клaпaньt нeoбxoдимo де|v1oнтиpoвaтЬ,

. . тr."." va|Vеs need to be

I a\?tl
,^ l i

t^ 2ссAmh|о [d'semb|! сoбиpaтЬ' |voнтИpoвaтЬ

to assemb|e - to put all the parts of something togetheг
. We need to assemb|e th|s motor as soon аs ' . Haм нyжHo сoбpaть этoт пIoтop кaк [4oжHo
possible, скopee,

. Fаx: (0692) 546 984
96' chаsln ka sll', sevаstоpо]. Ukг. nе Phonе: .(0692) 546 146..
I rа e.s 'r@t,аa.сoa.J.l .оr 1м l|аn..o.гасI сo-
EngIish for ЕIectriса| Engineers PARт 2' EL. ENGINEЕRING UNlт {5. REPAIR vERвs

overnaul ['аL]vаh]:] p9 fu.l
9.!.l T.'. lqpeб9 p Цe

to ovеrhau| . lauvа'hf r p-eМoHтИpoвaтЬ'

:"^lil".:ЬH-oвaтЬ,. peКoнстpyИ poвaтЬ
,( overhau| - neсessary changes or repairs made to a maсhine or systеm
to overhau| - to гepаir or сhange a|| the parts thаt need it in a maсhine' system' etс, that is not
'( WorKIng сoгreст1y
сomp|ete overhaul - кaпитaЛЬнЬ|й peмoFlт
'( major overhaul - капИтaлЬнЬ|Й pеN]oнт
'( ti.orough overhаu| - кaпитаЛьнЬ|Й Pеп,loнт
'( тhe NЛain Еngine needs a сomp|ete . ГЛaвHЬ|Й двигaтeЛЬ тpeбyeт КaпИтaj]ЬHoгo
overhаu |- peМoHтa,
We p,an тo overhаuI tl"e auхi|iaгy engine, . |\4Ь| плаH ИрyeM пepeбpaтЬ вспo|\,lo.атeл ЬH Ь| Й

двИгaтeл Ь,

to bolt [bаtr|t] скpeплятЬ' скpyч ивaтЬ бoлтaми

to bo|t - to fastеn two things together using a bo|t

о We bo|ted the сover to the сV|inder, . |\ЛЬ| пpикp}лгИлИ кpЬ|шкy к цИЛИHдpy
. YoU сan Use these bo|ts' Тьt мoжeшь вoспoлЬзoвaтЬся этими бoлтaми.
: !JЦlslt tlr9 lqP '9.o'y'e'!:.'.'.''.' ..''. 9тtipy:rlе вepxHюю кpЬ|шкy,


to sсrew
to UnsсгeW oтвИHчивaтЬ. Dа3виHчИвaтЬ, вЬlвиHчивaтЬ
sсreW [skгu]] винт
to sсrёW - to fasten one objeсt to another Using а sсrew
'( to unscrew 'to loosen oг remove a sсrew
f( to tighten a sсrew - зaвopaчивaтЬ винт
|oose sсгew - oслaблeHHЬ|й вИHт
. Loose sсrews оaused the fue| leakage. : . oсЛaблeнHЬ|e виHтЬl вЬ|звaЛИ утeЧку тoпЛИвa,
. | сou|dn,t Цnsсrew that nut, . Я He сМoг oткpУт|4тьтУ гaЙКу,
. Don't foгget to sсrew the сap baсk on the oi| . He зaбyдьтe зaкp}титЬ кpЬIшкy кaHистpЬ| для
сontainer, Maслa,


to а|ign ain]

..'8'!!sl'-''aщnge things so that they foгm a Iine oI'.aгe Pз|q]l9'l.1.o..'e''q'с.l.9.!n9'l

. Тhе Chief Engineeг oгdered to aIign the . стapшиЙ fu]exaHик пpИкaзaл oтцeHтpИрoвaтЬ
сrankshaft, кoлeHчaтЬ|Й вaл'

s6. сhаstпikа slr 'sеvаsl.!. 'i-; 1е . Рhоnе (0692) 546 146. Еах (0692) 546 984
Е.mаr еr. s..l.:.s::1::эсi сom. !fi,rr]rаnsсоЛtrасt'сorn
Eng|ish for EIeсtrical Engineers PARт 2. EL' ЕNGINEЕR|NG UNlт 15. RЕPAIR vЕRвs

"6"1 чиотитЬ, oчищaтЬ oт 3aгpязHeH ия
Io с|ean Ikli:n]

с|ean lk|i:n] чистЬ|Й' oчищeн HЬ|Й

* to сlean to гgmo]/e dirt from something by rUbbing or Wash!n9

l . Тhis p|aсe needs сleaning. . Этo мeотo |.tyжHo oчиотитЬ.
: . C|eаn the air filteг, . oчиститe вoздyшHЬ|Й фиЛЬтp.
' ..1. T!i9 9ч{399''ig..a|le?q.)i.g!qqn'''.....' . .. '-.:.
Пoв9p1'ц'99'19.yжe'1ч.9тaя .

to с|ose

to сlose - shut something so that there is no |onger a spaсe or ho|e

'( should | сlose this va|ve? . |\ЛHe слeдyeт зaкpьtть этoт клапaн?
сlose the door tight|y' . 3aкpoЙ плoтHo дBepЬ.
]!9.9хр.!os]9.lчa9.Y'e'|.y.'.с!999..... ... ..'...':..'..Р!p.ь.]Рб.чл'.oч.eнь.близкo

сoNNЕст ]

"'{rt1 ;
] to сonneсI ] ikа'nekЦ сoeдинять (to/With - с чeM-Либo/кеM-Либo)
x.'!'9.99l Ц99!-.: to'j'o'in' two oг mole t|.'ils9'l'o'9's!!9l
. сonneсt the fire hose to the flange' Пpисoeдинитe пo}{аpHЬlЙ шлaHг к флaHцy,
. Тhе сonneсtion |s very bаd. связЬ oчeHЬ плoХaя.


to drain Idrein] oсyшать' oтвoдитЬ вoдУ' осyщeствЛятЬ дрeHaж
to qrаin - !o make,Jhe Water oг |iq.uid f|оw away J!.om s9lnelhlng '' .'..
] . Тhe motoгman drаined al| Water from the
'( . |\4oтopИст cлИЛ вoдy из пpoдyвoчHoгo
i sсavenge manifo|d, кoллeКтopa'

to turn on

вЬ|кЛючaтЬ (paдИo' гaз)'

to turn off [ta:n эfl гaситЬ (cвeт), зaкpЬ|вaтЬ (кpаH, вoдy)'
to turn on - to make the supp|y of Water, gas, etо, start f|owing from something by turning a hand|e
'( or tap; to make a maсhine or pieсe of e|eсtriсaI equipment suоh аs a сar, te|evision. Iight' etс' start
operating by pushing а button, turning a key
to turn off - to make а maсhine or pieсe of eleсtriсal eqUipment sUсh as a ie|evision' сar, Iight' etс,
'( stop opeгating by pushing a button' turning a key; to stop the supply of Water' gas' etс. fгom f|owing
by tuгning a..hаnd|e oг ta.p as far as'.]!.!11.||.L..g9

96. сhаsln ka stl . Srvаstoро]' Ukй .е . Phoie: (0592) 546 146 . Еах: (0692) 546 9B4
Е.rnа eng ish@t.ansсoпtlасt.сorn. W\'W,lransсопlгаctсom

EngIish for Eleсtlical Engineers PARт 2. EL. ЕNG]NЕЕRING uNlт 15. RЕPA.R vERвs

. тurn the TV off now. Bьtключите сeЙчaс жe тeлeвИзop,

. When I turned the motor on ii made Кoг.qa Я вкЛючИл fu1oтop' oH ИздаЛ стpaHHЬ|й
a strange noise. вyк,
Don't forget to turn the lights off when you He зaбyдьтe вЬ|ключитЬ свeт' кoгдa бyдeтe
IeaVе. yxoдИтЬ

я) sWlтсH oN
l'?J sWlтсH oFF
to switсh on tswrt ,nj' включaтЬ (свeт. Da.Диo и т п )

to switсh off Isw'I )f] BЬ|кЛючaтЬ

to switсh on . to turn on a maоhine' e|eсtriс |ight. rаdio' etс, by Using a switсh
'( to switсh off - to a maсhine' е|есtгiс |' radio' etс. by usin! a switсh
. P|eаse switсh
'( the light on| . ПoжаЛyЙстa, включитe свeт!
. Doл.t foгget sчitсh''off thg'mo!.o'l-. .
't'o' .'.....' .....': |]е'9?бyд.Ь Pt|J{Лю'!!ть' щ9-т'9p:'.'''.'


tO tlll If '] Haпoл|.tятЬ

* to^fil| put the right amount of Iiquid' substanсe' oг materiaI into a сontaineг,
or рut jn enoUgh to
. Have you fil|ed this tank? . BЬ| yжe напoлнили этy цИстephy?

.'to сool ] [ku:J]

to coo| -.?lig gool qow!.l to bесome сool or cooler' mаke-9ome!Цilg do this
o Let the engine сoo| down' | . flaЙтe двигaтел ю oстЬlтЬ,
. Тhe system is сoo|ed by sea Water, l . CИстeмa ocтyжaeтся N,1opскoЙ вoдoЙ.
.Тhе we'ather is qu.ite с'oo| : l. ]qг.oдa сeГoдня дoстaтoЧtJo пpoхЛaднaя,


to lgгaind] шпифoвaтЬ, тoчитЬ. зaтaч ИвaтL
* to grind - to make something smooth or shaгp by rubbing it on a hard surfaсe or by Using a
. YoU WilI need to grind the surfaсe with a ]. Teбe нaдo бyдeт зaшлифoватЬ пoвepХHoстЬ
'''9'lЦg'9l-Q'qf q|'q.-p'?i0.t!ns.. ''.''.'-].' -..''Ч.].!'l'].'ф91?]]'Ьj].Цy'.9т''al]]i!'lLдq'|.l'o'Цp'?9Ц'Ц'..'..'.'.' ' '......'.


96 сhаstn]ka sk' sevаstJ!. ' { r 1. . Рhcie, (0692) 546 146. Fзх' (a692) 546 984
: ..: :ъс,соJ . wwt r.rsсonl,асl сom
Engtish for Eleсtriсаl Еngineers

r'""i thi1] жapa, тeпЛo, oтoплeниe

,( to heаt. to make something beсome Warm or nol

1 * ехсessive heat - чpeз[4epHЬlЙ Hагрeв
l . Тhe boi|er needs heаting. . Кoтeл HeoбхoдиMo Haгрeть.
: i;;;;;i;";;; preheaйd before the start, . .!вигaтeль
бьtл пpoгpeт дo зaпyскa,
i сHЕсK ]

o6олeдoвaHиe, исслeдoвaHиe, пpoвepкa

.iiТ"n""* n
"*l that you think is оorreсt, true' oг
- to do somеthin;,и oтoer to find out Whether something
safe rea||y is сorreсt, truе, or safe
. Have these оablеs been сneсked for
faults? . Эти кaбeли пpoвepИЛи нa пoвpeждeния? КoЛЬцa,
. DoubIe cheсk all piston rings,
двa}qЬl пpoBepЬтe всe пopшHeвЬ|e
. тhe blower requires a сarefu| сheсk.
. нeoбхoди|\,la тщaтеЛЬHaя
poвepкa' . п

.. ЕxAт$l:Е
... ...'.' '
"Ф ] oaссМaтpивaтЬ, oсN4aтриBaтЬ'
to exаmine [.g'zееrг|n] iщ"'"no*o ИсслeдoвaтЬ' изyчaтЬ
in oгder to make a deоision, find something'
'] to examine. tooк at sometrrin! "u."tutty
'( sometnlng .' '
.- ..^^-^'.' '^ -..nи .).мnтnитe всe
. droр on the floor Еxаmlne all ' H.a
. 'i"*-"i".".'
pipes foг сraсks,
тpyбьr нa нaличие трeщИH'
oj|, . тщатeлЬHo ИссЛeдyЙ.тe кaчeствo тoпЛивa,
. ё;;;.й ;;ine thе quality of the fuel



. He is going to inspect ou. *o|.*.

. oн сoбиpaeтся ИзyчитЬ нaUJy paбoтy,
. ;;";;* eieсtroniЬ equipment needs .
] T"""ъ"*,#:[ff#oмy
тpeбyeтqя oс!!1oтPl


to iower ] [,|аuа] спyскaть' oпyскaтЬ

strength, etс, ' or to beсome |ess;
to |ower - to гeduсe something in amount, degгee'
'( to move something down frоm higher up
. Lower the Piston to suPPort
. oпyстИтe пopшeнЬ нa oпopy,

тRANsсoNтRAGт . Еах: (0692)546 984

96. сhаstn ka sevаstoрo|' Ukг.inе . Phone] (0692) 546 146
соm . WwW tвnsсопlrаc!сonr
Е.mа впq sh@trаnsсontlaсl
English for Eleсtriсa| Engineers PARт 2. ЕL. ENGINЕERING uNlт 15. REPAiR vЕRвs

t9. |lft'.. '. l]]lr ' 'пoднИп/]aтЬ
it' or саrrу it somewhere;
*.o tit, - to take something in yoUr hands and raise it, move

to lubriсate '' '.'.'... .'!l|!.РI]k91L.'., 9.|у!?зЧlP9]Ь

|ubriсation. ... ['|u:bri,keilan].. . . сMaзкa.

move more smooth|y
|ub,i..t" - to рut a lubriсant on something in order to make it
. Lubriсate aI| movlng parts of mechanism, . CMa)кЬтe всe дви)кyщИeоя чaстИ
'(.to мeXaHизMa'
. This oil is used for bearing |ubriсаtion сN4aзки . Этo мaслo испoЛЬзyeтся дЛя

to meаsure [me:а] изпjepЯтЬ' MepИтЬ
fiФ ol9oц9t-!.'r!1g.'ч9]19. stq]]q.qФ Ч'l.its''... ...
*'.!9 щ'qas''ч1e
:'.!q ll.e'.р!zе.'|e!gl.t]r '9l.'am-9uг.].!
. фn ygч Ц''e-q9'Ч19.11]'9.9y'цn'Qе,-р'ig:s'чE?- .''.-. '] '..:'f'P|..'|yo'Ц9-ЧЧ.I9щ'e'Pи-Т'P д?.в|9l.r'e''цц]]r-!:'дp9?


- .tIg.Y] ''' ' '.'' ] д's.i1|?'I'Ч,''|'].9p.'.eд9.!11'l?l'Ь','п9р9lY''9Ч?'тЧ

. тhe сamshaft was moved to the right' .. Paспpeдвaл пepeМeстИли впpaвo'

. We need your helP in moving of this . Haм нужнa твoя пo|\,1oщЬ' чтoбЬ| пepeдвИнyтЬ
maсhlneгy. этoт Mexaн изМ,


"Ф нaпoл HятЬ сHoвa

to refill [г].fi|]

x !9 rыi!L: tql|]!
. We need to refill these tanks beсause We . . дoлжньt снoвa Haпoл|"lитЬ эти баки,

don't have Water. чтo y Haс нeт вoдЬl'

"Ф экcпЛyaтИpoвaтЬ, дeЙствoвaтЬ,
to operate I'rpareitl
фyнкцИoн иpoвaтЬ

9р|ra11'on |]pаrel!аn] д'9Ц9тPЦ-e,.9l]9p'?цЦE' Pqq-o'ra.''

operate -'to use and contгol a maсhjne or equ|pment
'(.to motor oрerates at h|gh revoIUt]ons, Moтop paбoтaeт Ha
бoЛЬшиx oбopoтaх-

96 сhаs]пikа st sevаsl.р: .!i.. xe . Рhоie (0692) 546 ]46. Fах: (0692) 546 984
. соfi
Е-mаil enэ s.эl.э^s.э.lrасl'сom ш1,!w-transсonlracl -
English for Electrical Engineers PARт 2. EL. ENG]NЕERING UNlт t5. REPAIR vERвs

o€ '' ]


"€}push IрLlЛ ]
пpoдвИгaтЬ' пpoтaлкИвaтЬ' HaжиMaтЬ
to ' arms, shou|ders, etс, to рut
to push . to maKe someone or something move by using уour hands'
pressure on them; to pгess a button' swiйh' etс,' espeсia||y in order to make a pieсe of equipment
сtэгt! \^/nгkIn.l
Jrg| ll vl l\ll lJ

. Тhe box stuсk so it Was hard to push .. Кoрoбкa так зacтpялa, чтo ee бЬIлo тяжeлo
thгough, пpoтoлкHyтЬ.
. YoU just push that гed button and the
. Пpocтo нaжMитe нa тy крacHУю кHoпкУ' И

alarm will sound. .'-sшtl?.LэФ''?9.o'Iae--т-...-

6,U" :

. vбиoaть' vHoоИтЬ' пepeдвигaтЬ' пepeMeщaтЬ'

to removе [a m":v] u,"n"'o
* to lemove - to take something away from the р|aсe where ]t ]s

] . Remove that faulty fue| Valve, . сниMитe тoт неиспpaвHЬ|Й

] тoпливH Ь|Й кЛaпaн,
' . Remove mud and гust from the рipes,
Удaлитe гpязь и pжaвнинy из-трyб,

. The Worn out piston rings have to be l . Изнoшeнньte пopшнeBЬte кoлЬцa дoлжHЬl бЬ|тЬ

tM , ф o

paзъeдиHятЬ, paсцeплятЬ,
Io o|ser]gage tv|J|||g\lq j
вЬ|вoдитЬ из зацeпЛeHия
i .5q to engаge . to make one pагt fit into аnother part of a ,maсhin9
js ....^.^, .^ or ь^lnin^
holding i}it
io oi"Ъйщe - separatе soйething flom some]h]ng else that fastened to
it ^.
. He engаged the turning gear to turn the :. oн включил вaЛoпoвopoтHЬ|Й мexaнизм' чтoбьt
engine' : пpoвepHyтЬ двигaтeлЬ,
. di'sen9ag,9.d. '. ] ,.- шeстepeнки бЬJл.и paэ}eдцHeHЬl].
ThЬ wheels wele ''.-

.д6 . гal ,069?'5а698д
96 сnаы.raс| ь"vазlOpol -.'а:1..P'о.е l0692' 546
Е.т,, e1,',; ql'Jrsсoгl'Jсl Lот . \W,w та1sсor.€с.' оФ
English for Electrical Enginecrs PARт 2. EL. ENGINEЕRING UNlт {5. REPAIR vERвs


to shut - to c|ose something or to bесome сlosed
. P|eаsе shut
'( the door. ]. ПoжaЛyЙстa' зaкpoЙтe двepЬ,
. Don,t shut off the сoo|ing Water immediately . He пepeКpЬlвaЙтe oХлa)]<дaющyю вoдy сpaзy )кe
поqI.I9 ocIaнo.-P'цЧ дизeлЬHoгo двигaтeля,

to tighten : I'tаitn] ] нaтягИвaтЬ(ся)' зaтягИвaтЬ(ся)' yплoтHятЬ
f( to tighten . to сlose or fasten something firm|y by tuгning it
. Tighten up the sсrews. ]: ЦoдoжltlиJe лoтyжe вИнтЬ|l


'ФWg ld
. !_o, I lweldl l свapИватЬ
щe'Цllg' ['We|d'0] сваpкa
x ''!9
joil m.e'Ц]'s'!y'Ц's!.!il]'s."!h'e.l! ?.!q. P!'e'm together.'W!9.n.'t!].gy..?!:9'.!oI
. Hе we|ded the pipe, . oн зaвapил тpyбy.
: . W.q.г.9g'Ч |!..e''lu's.i'q l '!ve| !.n.s-.'.'...- . - ] ..'':....ЦaЦ .ЧyЩJ'a.9'Pз.Pк?. г!лeвIel49|\Л l

!o W!рe . [Wа]p] ] вЬlтИpaтьl пpoтиpaтЬ
.* to Wipe - to гub a surfaсe With а с|oth jn order to remove dirt' |iquid;
to сlean somelhing by rubbing it against a surfagei reЛ9v"е di[!

nесessaгy, . вHrгpeHHиe чaстИ' ecли

. Wipe off a|| interna| parts if , l:^"J|:]:.*e

: тRANscoNтRAGт
96 сhaslпika sll . sevаsl.э. .i.: 1. . Phоne (0692) 546 146 . Еaх: (0692) 546 984
E.mа erg s.э...sээ:J:!l"li ] *a:1Tli!li]i1":!!. .
English for ElectriсaI Engineeв PARт 2. EL. ENGINEERING UNlт 15. REPAIR vERвs

. tф' :

I* to plug - to block something with a plug

to the main supp|y of e|ectriсity' oг to
. to plug in - to сoпneсt a p'"Ъ" oiJ'!"i'Ъ"r equipment
another pieсе''оf eleс'triсaI egч'Lprn.9!.rт
. '(. I don't thiпk the portable lamp is р|ugged in' . He дyJ\Лaю' чтo nepeHocнaя ЛaMпa вклюЧeHa
в poзeткy'
deоk. . |\4Ьl зaтлyшили шпигатЬ| Ha гIaлуoe.
:. We plugged the sсupрq|s on th€

' 'I '' --l'l'1"

Imein tе oбслyживaть, сoдepжaтЬ в испpaвHoсти

to maInтalг
['mе|.t.nёns] тeхHичeскoе oбслyживaниe
' to maintain - to keep in good оondition painting' аnd fiХing
] '( maintenаnce _ кeep|ng *йъйj;;;й"d сondition su9h ai by cleaning'

..тr'u +.n Еngineeг must maintain a|l
. deсk
1."]1J'11.llli:j:::':.u"n,*''".o пaлyбнoe oбopy'Aoвaниe,
. с|ean|iness is an important рart of . Чиотoтa - вa)t(Haя ЧaстЬ тeх'oбсЛyжИвaH Ия




...prg!9-9.!loll,.. ....] -.,r,PL9,td.a{9111....- .. '' .-..-: "::='r'r': '

to Droteсt _ to defend against haгm or loss
i Ь'Jt""tion _ aсtion against harm.oI ]os's;.a d9fej]s9'..
',^' '" ь.n^.
. Yoш сan proteсt your hands м,ith gloves,
With /rl.\vрc . BЬ| N4oжeтe зaщититЬ рyки с пo|\r1oш
] P:].'.o]"'"
and .] . личнoИ
o BaшeЙ бeзoпaсHoстИ И

. . АIways remember abouт your safety !33li?. "o*'итe

p"i..Jn"r рroteсtion.

tl сUт

, tk^l] рeзатЬ| p?зpeзaтЬ

t'9. 9Чt''diYiq9'il!'o''P!99e9''9! '.P'?цi Wlll] ? !'!L!Р

. нe cut ttre pipe into two
'(. рieсes, 1 .- oн paзpeзaл Ipyбy Ha дP9 чaстИ.

s€Vаstорol LJkйiЛе . Phone: (0692) 546 146 ' Fax:
(0692) 546 984
96 сhаslnikа st .
Е.mа(: rnqlisп@tгаnsсоitrасt соm. www'lrаnsсon]гасt
English for Elect]iсal Engineers
PARт 3. GRAlvllvlAR uNlт t. тRANsGRlPтloN/ALPнAвEт

.',, -
In] HoсoвoЙ звyк, Чтoбьt нaуЧитЬся
сoглAсHЬlЕ звyки nрo,."Ъ"й.i ,,o, зЬyn' пpoизHeситe [nnnnn],
кaк pyсскИЙ [Б] *" oтpЬlвaя Кoнчик язЬ|кa oт дeсеH,
[b] - пpoизHoсится пpИMepHo "н"ч"n" этoт звyк' oтoдвинyв
be, bad' brush- boх 3","'
кaк pусскиЙ
,.,,*,"."д' вЬl пoЛyчитe звyк [r]]
Ipl - пpoизHoсится пpиMepHo "
doing, going' Painting
звук [П] open' pump' plug oг{ пoxoж
этoгo звyкa Heт
tmt .-пpoйзнoсится прИMeрнo кaк pусскиЙ [M] .
{h,l, - B рVсскo|\Л язЬ|кe MЬl слЬ|шиM, кoгдa дЬ|.Uи|!1
man. manу, mу, sw|m nu'.Ъy*' кoтopЬ|Й
Ifl - пpoизнoсится пpиMepнo
кaк pyсскиЙ [Ф] ,"."p*ano Или Ha oЧки, ятoбьt прoтeрeть
пoxoжи|v da
tat' safe' fender их, HЬ пpoизнoситe этoт звук
hate, who
lvl - прoизHoсится пpи|\j1epнo
кaк pУсскИЙ lB] Ьyсс*ии ix]
звyк he- her,
very' seven never .'',
iW] - B pvсскoM язЬ|кe этoгo звука чeт,
сблИзИтЬ гyбьt и ._.
Itl - пooИзHoсится пpимepнo кaк
pyсскиЙ [T], eгo, Haдo
'-, oд,"*o кoHчИк язЬ|кa yпиpaeтся че в бЬlcтpo Иx paзoмкHУтЬ' пpoизнeся
звyк [B]
яЗЬ|Кe' a в we, when, where' water
вepxHиe зyбЬ|, кaк в рyсскoM
тo eсть нaхoдится Ha десHax
"no""ono,' ten, table, tug' stoq гЛAсHЬlЕ зByки
пpи|иepHo как pyсскИЙ [Д],
.', - пooИзHoсится
B aнгЛийскo|v язЬ|кe oдни глaсHЬ|e дoлгиe'
,Ь *"* и в пpeдЬlдушe[4 слyчae' ,цpvги;. кpaткиe. B фoнeтиьeскoи
Ha дeсHaХ тoчкa\ЛИ
язЬlкa HaХoдится iЬi.,',o.".n""*o''oбoзнaчaeтся двyMя
door, daУ, decK pусский lИ]'
Inl - пpoизнoсИтся пpиMepHo
кaк русскиЙ [H], .. - пpoизнoсится пpиNЛepHo Кaк
язЬlкa . нa дeсHаХ бoЛee oткpЬlтo
нo кoнчик 'Ьлькo
name, not' finish It, /s, s/' c/'Y

[sl - пpoИзнoсится пpиMepнo кaк pyсскиЙ [с] ti:l - дoлгиЙ звyк [И]
me, sea' need' free
Piace sea' s/de
при[4epнo кaк pyсскии [o], ho
Iz] - пpoизнoсиiоя пpиMepHo
кaк рyсскиЙ [3] .-,- пDoизHoсится
11] '"Ъn"" o'*po''"'* pтoM и бeз
zero' сomes, nas
пpи|\r]epFo, кaк lt] и pусскoe ',рo*o oкpуглeH ия гyб
*,- г]ooИзнoсится
- Мeж,дy зyбaми got' clock' nat
no кoHчИк язЬ|кa
звyк [o]
hnk, thrust' binhdaу [э:] - пpoизнoсиiся кaк бoлee дoлгИИ
[d] и pyсcкoe [3],
нo sma// Porl. salt
[о] . прoизHoсИтся кaк
кaк [У], нo с бoЛeе
*Ь,",* - мeждy зyбaми . , - пpoизнoсится пpиMepHo
".o.*"this, father' mother слaбьtм oкрyглeниeп,1- губ
сMягчeHHЬ|Й pyсскиЙ look Put' tu
[|1 - пpoИзHoсится кaк
кaк дoЛгИи
.Бу* iшl she' b|Ush' shф, Russlаn .
[u:l - пpoизнoсИтся пpиMepHo
ovсскиЙ зBvк [У], Ho с п/]eнЬшИM
[3l - пpoизHoсится кaк смягчeнньlЙ PК] Иx
usuallУ, eхplosюn oкovглeниeм гyб и бeз вЬ|пячивaHия
pyсскиЙ [Ч] too, food' Pool
ItI] - сoчeтaHИe [tl" [i].no*o*" нa
сhildren сhair' watn [a] - пpoизHoсится пpимepHo, кaк звyк [Э]
Ha [Д}К] ago a. father motner
Idзl . сoчeтaнИe [d] c [з]' пoxoжe и рyсскиЙ
jimp, jaсket' journat ,
te:1 - npoизнoсится кaк дoлгиЙ звyк [э]
pyсскИи ll |] '" зЬyк Ir] firsf, heard' gir!- work
I|]- nрoизHoсится пpиMepHo кaк
lead, tight' !aunch Iel - пpoизioсится кaк кpaткиЙ [Э]
кaк pyсскиЙ [P] Ho set' bed. said
Jгl - прoизнoсится пpиMeрнo
кohчИк язЬ|кa зaкaтЬlвaeтся [a] - прoизHoсится кaк
звyк [Э] тoлЬкo с бoЛeе
бon"" кpаткo
нaзaд ro||, ro-ro, rope oткpЬ|тЬl|vl pтo|\4
сaptain, can, back
Ii] - пDoизHoсится кaк [И] pyсский [A]
уear, уoU, уour, few, new [^] - пpoизHoсится пpимepнo кaк
кaк рyсскиЙ [г] must, cut' but' front
Io] - пpoизнoсЙтся пpИмepнo
yдлиHeHHoе [A]' пpoИзнoсится с
gear- gain, gal|eу [a:] - пoxoж нa
пpИMepнo кaк pyсскиЙ [К] бoлee oткpьtтьtм pтoм
[k1 - гpoизнoсЙтся
keу' kilogram, keep Paft, Iargr, mark

(.J.:.lа J, JёJ.sloОо',J\,J.е.DIoге 'a6a2 - 546 45 ' 2'
. е l0692j5169Eд
"" . ' "."- - , 5. o)t, !., J^l,J(, сor . \Дv '|апsсфllосlсо.
Еnglish for E]eсtriсe| Engineers PARт 3. GRAП'П'AR
UNrт 1. тRANSсRrPтI.N/ALPнAвЕт

,цифтoнг - этo сoЧетaниe двyx глaснЬlx звyкoв' кoтopЬ|e пpoизHoсятся
слИтнo, Кaк eдиHЬ|И звyк'
Iei] - пpoИзHoсится пpиMeрнo как pyсскoe [ЭЙ]
daу' p|aу, make, plaсe
taЦ - пpoизHoсится пpиMepнo как pyсскoe
mу, buу' side, five
[fi] - пpoизнoсится пpи|иepнo как pyсскoe [oЙ]
boy, boil, coil
[au] - пpoизнoсится гlpиМepнo Кaк pyсскoe
now, brown, town
[аu] - пoxoж Ha,pyсскoe cpeднee мe)<,qy
[oУ] и [эУ]
no, go, home
[iэ] _ Haпoп/]ИHaeт сoчeтaHиe pyсскиx глaснЬ|x
[ИA] с yдapeнИeм Ha пepвЬlЙ звyк
near, here, theater
t".1 -'"::^y:]1?т сочeтaниe pyсскиx глaснЬlХ
[эА] с yдapeниeм
Ha пepвЬ|И звyк
Wnere,there, сarefu|
[uа] . нaпoМинaeт сoчeтaHиe pyсских глaсHЬlX
[yA] с yдаpeHиeм Ha пepвЬlИ звyк
sure, during, pure


96. сhаstnikа slr sevаstср., t]k.а]rе . Phoле (0692) 546 ]46. Еах: (0692)546 984
Е:mа]l еnс srэl.а'rs..n.,iзсl сom . ww!7,lranscоntrаelсoй
. .
Engineёrs PARт з. GRAммAR uNlт 2. NUI!лERALS
English for Electrical

UNlт 2

,,r/ J
вКлючитeлЬHo oбpaзyются дoбaвлeHИeМ
КoличeствeнHЬle ЧИслитeлЬHЬ|е oт 13 дo 19
.teen к оooтвeтствyющиМ Haзвaния|и eдиHИц пepвoгo дeсяткa.
'13 . thirteen ]-'.1pl.!qдЦ9lЬ-'.'.'' - ] t0".1!Ц'.,'-,''.'.'..'''-...

HaзBaHия кoличeствeнHЬ|х чиCЛитeЛЬHЬ|X, oбoзHaчaющиx дecятки'

1q0 -- -l'рli-rlф'lss''' .:''; .''. '.-'..-й*Цl9рQ1 '

''' . tW9 r.lЧLq|gq .. .д.s9.c'т.{.' '''' ..Itu: 'h^nd'rаd]

1000 . gne lhoчsand ; тыоя.v3

l twл1 ]Qqu1a1o] ..
] .mi|jаn]
'--' *.. .'''..', :..[W^n
109'qqq9 .-o'!9.IIli|!Lg]'.]' ...'.'.', ' '.'.l.l.1{.l.l.l.I9|.l.'''... ''- '.'.''

' тRANsсoNтRAcт
;;- 96. сhаstп kа slг'' sevаstoро|. Ukrа]nе Phone] (0692) 546 146.
. Еах] (0692)546 984
Е.rnа : eng lsh@tlаnsсопtlасt сom. wl..,w.ilаnsсoпtlасl сorn
English for E|eсtriсaI Engineers PARт 3. GRA|VI|uAR UNlт 2. NutvlERALs

пoPЯдкoвЬ|Е числитЕлЬHЬ|E oбoзнaчaЮт пopядoк пpeдМeтoв пpИ сЧeтe И oбpaзyются

oт кoЛичeствeннЬ|X пyтёп,l дoбaвлeHия сyффиксa .th,

+ - th [0] исклюЧЕнИЯ:
1-ь|Й first ] пepвый
th = fouгth - ЧeтвepтЬ |Й
tour +
five + th = fifth - пятьtЙ 2-oЙ seсond втoрoй |,sekаnd]
fifty six + th = fifty siХth _ пятЬдесят u]ecтoЙ 3-V'Й !!IId тpeтИЙ [оа]d]

EcлИ y кoЛичeствeHHoгo числитeлЬHoгo oкoнЧaниe -y, тo пpи oбpaзoвaнии пopядкoвoгo

-i И пpибaвляется сyффИкс -eth,
чисЛИтeЛЬнoгo oкoHчaHИe [Лeняeтся Ha
..''!ц.'е.Ц.)....'.''-...., . !w9щi9!t' ..'. .д'99дц-al!!l . .]
9evenJy. . . .] sеventiet.I]. . .... qqц.цд.eql.lчtЙ .
ninety I ninetieth дeвяHoстЬ|Й |

. on the 2sth April, 1998 . 7:30 seven thirty / half past seven
on the twenty.fifth of Apri|, nineteen ninety-eight или . 3:45 three forty.five / qUarteг to four
on Apгil the twenty-fifth' nineteen ninety.eight . 8:15 eight fifteen / qUaгter past eighi
. oп the 27lh september, 2002 . 1 :20 one twenty / twenty раst one

on the twenty-seventh of sеptеmbeг' . 6:40 six forty / twenty to seven

two thousand two илИ . 2:00 two o,c|oсk / 2 a,m,
on September the twenty-seventh, two thousand two . 14:00 fouгteen hundred hours / 2 p-m,


. тhere are seven daуs in a week, twe|Ve months in . Mу phone number is 2З-46-87.
a уear, and three hundred siхty five daуs in a уear. . тhere are twenty five crewmembers onboard
' |'lу watсh starts al 4 o,сlock, |t is 4 hours from - our sntp.
, тhe DWт of mу shiр is 8298'
4 a.m. till I a.m.
' тhis is the first c|ass cabin. . I was born in 1954.

Hапишитe английский ваpиaнт и

ЕХERсlsE #1
cтoящee пepeд ним

96. сhаstпikа sll ' s€Yаsl.]]
Е.me; :
'i.: i: . Phoпe: (0692] 546 146 . Faх: (0692)
е!: s^э:.:.s:э"::eсl сom. Www,irаnsrэonlrасt сorn
546 984

PARт з. GRAltnмAR uNlт 2. Nur!ЛERALs
English for EIect]iсаl Enginёers

G.// I

lК. :-:-"]:::i. n::"".:i:]":::,*.::":


' y'lz:1
йp9"il. ..l'
] дeсятЬ|и ] /o" //
o ruyvn t"?/?tI

ё/ql l/,
p,i , y'/a

,,,.,v,"l,,71 |

"."Ёo""*,*."' ' //,'r,,2

<. /.y'. ra
пятЬдeсят сeдЬMoЙ 7 ,.{,/ ,,
-t' Fr'/i /Fl t,

'4a nn
04,12,1950 ,,у! в/
01 ,03'2007 Й|'{t# А /?{ toory
tE. n, I| OOO
zo.vz- Jrr '
э^ nя 7nоА
^ .,4,n^
(, п^ l6,?n
|4 Uv дu Ig.Uw
д .^ nБ,,я
U ^д'. |!'/ дv vg,.g
^ UJ'

с 0:00 дo 04:00
1з9-0:Q1?'9'a9:] 19.. '.''.''. '.
+447 -52-з9Q-87 6Q .. .:

tт sеJasloро| lJк,а.е . р"o.е {0692, 5д6 I46 . а' l0692,546 9вд
96 сnзstг }а
e rJ e.q .4@t'аrsсo]гJс'сот
. \*Фv l|аnчсo1t а (.от
Eng|ish for EIectriсаI Engineers PARт 3. GRArlл tAR UNlт 3. PLuRALS

UNlт 3
lUlнox(EGтвEннoE чиGлo / PLURALS
ФopMa МнoжeствeHj{oгo числa' бoлЬL],JиHcтвa
сyщeствитeльньtx oбpaзyeтся лoсрeдствo[,1
-s ИЛи -es к фopмe единствeнHoгo чисЛa'
пpЙбaвлеH Ия oкoнчaния
. e4: !I.сl].o . мЦ'.l1Цqл9.. ... Ц'ep9.Рo4 траHскpипЦия
spanner spanners кЛюч . l{ЛючИ 'p"""*p
[sр@nа] - ['spёnaz]
сabin сabins
Udull|s , кaютЬl
:: кaютa
Kaютa - кaютЬl - I kфhin?]
|'k@bin] -[k@binz]
''' -' '.'glo''ye.9 ''.'....... ' '.'.'..l.l9рч'aткa.-l.]'9p''Ц'l':|9].1.u..].. .'.'.
Wqlq.h .'..-
. ... .... Wа!9h99' ' .. ..l -..вeЦЦ ..'
... 9зI'Тa . .'. . 'lwJ'tЛ

Имeна сyщeствитeльнь
пeкoтoрьle ИМeнa сyществитeЛъH
числo п}rгёM изMeHeHИя
Ь|e, o*u,u,""oщ,Ь"" нa -f, -fe' oоp"зyЪ.'',oж"стBеHHoe
-f |la -v и пpибaвлeниeм ;й;;,; -"=
числo ] t\.{н: числo
!' i
oooles кopпyс - кopпyсa ['b)di] . ['o)diz]
battery batteгies - батapeя - бaтapeИ ['b@tагi] .
na]I haiyes пoл9винa - пoлoвиHЬl [hа:0 _ [ha]vz]

. WЦ9.'. .'.. . .'.. lviypч'.'.,.''

'. - ', T9!.ra ' ж9нЬ.]'.' '..... .' .. .'.tyзi'].' iyglu4. .

eд' чиcлo мн. чиcлo n"pu"oл ,p"""*p
' tлпциlя .

man . me! МyжчиHЬl

\,lyжчиHq - [m@n] . [men]

. оh!|drqn ': ''' '

.'.'ч'o'.Ц.?Ц'. '.''.'' '.'.'. .. yo]l.!.e.!'.)'. ''.'.', '.'.'. l$9t1'Цlt,1а':.{9! Ц].l]'Ьi'''' '.j 'ц";to]
peбенoк - дeти .
- шIIdoп
. Cyбстaн-ции И вeщeствa воeгдa в eдинcтвeннo|\4
bread, milk, grass, steel, fuel, glass
. Абстparгньte оyщeствИтeлЬH Ьle всeгдa в
eдИ}lотвeнHo|\4 чисЛe
love, happiness, infОrmation, eteсiricitv
. Эти слoвa всeгдa в u,"n".
equipment' adviсe,"д,'"'"",,o'
work, progreSs, machinery' monev

Z.4 //'. ё s
a7{z t
't:,--=z-, -

А {17Э?.1.' е /;
l41,ф 9

96, сhаstnika slr s€v:sl.]. 'i.:.. ' Dьorre 10592) 546 146. Fах: (0692) 546 9s4
Еrnail e1! s1эl.:.s.эr:.эсt l сom www,lrаnsсcnt|ас1 сorn
UNlт 4. PRoNoUNs
English for EIeсtriсal En9ineers

UNlт 4
]tllEcтoи]t,lEния / PRoNouNs
z^ z'J'"

лиЧнЬle [4ecтoимe;ия l Г]ритяжaтeлЬнЬle

l ! . me . .м9ня' чнe.
Mнoю. 1
vou ] TЬl 'y9ч ' '-
.'.: ..т'e'Qj,]'9.б'9'
]-y-gЧ'r ' ] '.'1P9l.'.]'c9n.' ]'999..
ТBoЦ''. '..':

i" oH him
HиM l,.
e[ly' eгo,
it : oно -чr-ч it .- gio] e9' 9My ] its el'o, eе -

We ' мьl 1 u9. la9,н.зy,tl3'Ч! : 9Чr ' !.?ш'' l?.Ц?.Цir вaши


you . uo' you PaЧ' вaс' вal,lи
. }oUI . Baш' вaшa' вaшe' l

. ЧИслo them иM, их, HимИ . ttreir . их

] they i oHи

вcтaвЬтe мeстoиMeния в вoпpoситeлЬнЬIe

ExЕRс|sЕ #1 :

пpeдлo)кeния пo o6разцy

don,t know these Woгds. Do you know --JIP!L-?

know r'/ (
1.don't know
I his name. Do you '/

our сhief Еngineeг, Do you know

2, ldon't know
3. I don't know this woman Do you know
4. I don,t know those motormen' Do уou know
5. I don't know these seamen Do you know
6, l don't know his Wife' Do УoU know -?
7, l don't know the Masteг' Do you know
you know
8. I don't know the engine type' Do
9, l doп't know the сook. Do you know -?
10, l don't know this pеrson' Do you know-?
11, l doп't know your rank, Do you know -- ?

12. I don't know this vessel' Do you know-? ---.-:.-.11.- -


3aпoлнитe пpoпyски пo oбpазцy'
ExЕRсlsЕ #2 ]
испoлЬзyя мeстoимeния

I want to see her but she .

doesn't want to see me

We Want to see our Masteг but doesn't want to see

1 '
don,t want tо see
2, Еngineers Wаnt to see me our
3, l Waпt to see the сook but .- doesn't want to see
don't want to see .-
4. You want to see the motormen Dut
' 5, тheу Want to see the сhief offiсer but
doesn't Wаnt to see
] o, We wdrlLto see our fгiends but .-
vve Want -
don't Want to see
7. He Wants to see the pumрman - ьut lе
doesn,t Want to
/ -a
,h/'/ see
L She wants to see the manager DUt - doesn't want to see
9, Т|^ey Want to see us DUт don't want to see -

- тRANsсoNтRAcт
88 .
Ukгаjnе . Phoпe (0692) 546 146 fах: (0692) 546
96. сhаstп ka sk ' sevasloрo|'
Е.nlа : e|rg sh@llаnscoпtlасt соrn www iйnsсоnlrасt сoпl
Еnglish fo] Еlectriса| Engineors PARт з. GRAм]v!AR uN|т 4. PRoNouNs

ExERс|sЕ 3aпoлнитe пpoпyски no смЬlслy,

испoльзyя npитяжaтeлЬнЬle мeстoимeния

1. I like job.
2. Do you like _ lob?
3, |\4y husband WoГks on a ship. ship is a сontainer ship. h Ull is g гey,
4. Put on he|met When you Work on a сrane,
5. Petеr is the seоond offiсer аnd brother is the Chief Еngineer,
6, Тhank yoU for
he|p' |t Was very niсe of you.
7, Нe is very eхperienсed and We often Use ne rp.
8. Please repeat _ question.
9, Thеse tools be|ong to me, Don't touсh тoo]s,
she has two сhi|dren.
10. сhildren are young'
I l. Our vessel is old. _ age is 25 years.
12, Wе have 5 hаtсhes on the deсk, сovers are сloseo now'
13' We Woгk Wjth a sma|l number of сгewmembers сrеW has 8 people'

ЕxERсlsE Пepeвeдитe и вGтaвЬтe

мeстoимeния в пpoпyски

I am |ooking at (них) '
2, Тhis is a niсe tab|e' Look at (нeгo)
3' Give (мHe) (твoи) g|oves'
4' Тhe Chief Еngineeг is .n the engine-room. Тhe seсond Engineer is standing neaг (о ним)
5, (Егo) friend is on that ship'
6, (Haшe) - Look at (нeгo)
vesse| is |aгge,
7, Bring (мнe) an adjustable spаnneг. I need (oн)
8. Don't talk to (с ними). (oни)
- сannot he|p (вaм)
9, EХp|ain to (eмy) What to do in (этoй) situation.
10. Idont Undeгstand (eгo) beсausе 1мoй,1 Еng|ish is not Very good.
11, (Их)
сareeг is not as interesting as (нaшa) -
12, (Ee) Words don't mean muсh'
F -
- ExERс|sE #5 Пepeвeдитe эти слoвoсoЧeтaния
1 . eгo сyдHo
2' |Ах paбoтa
3. твoя oбязaннoстЬ
4. Baшa дoлжнoстЬ
5. их кaютЬl

6. Moe п,1aшиHHoe oтдeЛeH Иe z !Z)t^

7' Haш свapщик
8, еe сeм ья

96' сhаstnikа slг '
Е.mа е.; s-
|oьg? ) 5А6. 46' г.х (0692)
э:':.s]r^fасl'соm. www,!ЕnsсоnlЕct com
516 98.
Еnglish for Eleсtriсal Engineers PART з. GRAмMAR UNlт 5. PossEsslvЕ cAsE

UNlт 5
пPитя'I(AтEльныЙ пAдlE'к / PossEsslvE cAsE

pитя)кaтeлЬHoпjt пaдeжe oбoзнaчaeт пpиHaдлeжнocтЬ пpeдмeтa

сy|".,""."n",oe в

лицУ или дрyгoмy пpeдMeтy и слy)кит oпpeдeлeHиe[4 к дpyгoмy cyщecтвителЬнoMy'

" Js
пpйiяжaieлЬнЬlЙ naдeж oбpaзуeтся прeм пpибaвлeния к фopмe eдИHcтвeннoгo .

. Master's сabin - Кaюma КaПumaнa
. fitter's work . paбoma cлeсapЯ
. сadets' dUties - oбюaНHocmu кademoв
. engineers' tools - uHcmpу^leHmЫ МeхaНuКoв
ФopMa 's yпoтрeбляeтcя тoлЬкo с l в слyчae oбoзнaчeния
oдyшeвЛeннЬlп/tи cyщeствитeлЬHЬ|i, a He пpинaдлeжнoстИ oднoгo пpeдNлeтa к дрyгollly
' ]
с пpeдMeтaМи' B
сЛyЧae oбoзHaчeHия двa слoвa тaкжe lnoгrг прoстo сoe.цИнятЬся
пpИHaдЛeх{нoсти oднoгo пpедMeтa или .
бeз кaкИx-либo п рeдлoгoв,
вeщи к дpyгoмy исl9лЬзyel9l пPeдI''9г oI:- ]


. Cabin po|thole - uллю|iuHamop КaюmЬI
porthole of cabin - uллюMUНamo'p КaюmьI
. cуIinder Iiner - вmулКa цUлuН0pa
tiner of cуIinder - вmyлКa цuлuнdpa
. water de|ivery . пodaчa вodьt
delivery of water - nodaчa вodьt
. engine stop - ocmaНoвКa dвuеameля
stop of engine - ocmaHoвКa 0вu2ameлЯ

сoставЬтe пpeдлoжeния пo oбpазцy и

ExЕRсlsE #1
пepeвeдитe иx yстнo нa pyсGкий язЬIк

A |/.' llall'Il|v|
hАmmрr boatswain / hammer
I fёё|\ UUdLJV!с1III
^ ^+^t

is on the deск. сover / hatсh

tab|e / сook
2. Go to the
job / Peter
is Verу interesting,
,2 rudder / sh iP
4. Where is the bгokеn
сontrol / гoom
5. He is in the
are in the store-гoom, too|s / enginоer
time / departure
7. of youг ship is 6 o'сloсk p'm.
сhief / eХperienсe
8. I гespeсt
tomorrow. brush / generator
9' We aгe going to remove
,]0' today? your sisteг / family
Wheгe is
is the best сabin onboard, сabin / Masteг
engine-room /
12. What is the сondition
on your vessel?
equipment / deсk
is not in good оondition beсause it is VerУ o|d,

90 96 сhзstnlka stl .
sevast.эрol, Uk.аinе . Phоne] (0692) 546 146 Faх 10692) 546 984
Е-mа;l] €ls] sh@llаnsсoпtrасt сom v/.'w,irапsсоnl.aсt сoПr
Eng|ish for E|eсtricа| Еngineers PARт з. GRA|vt|l'AR UNrт 6. тo вЕ' тнERE ]s/ARЕ

UNlт 6
глAгoл тo вE' oБoPoтЬl тнERE ls / тнERЕ ARE
B aHгЛИЙскo[/] язЬIкe фИксИрoBaнньtЙ пopядoк слoв - пoдлeжaщee .+ сказyeмoe' Пoэтoмy
пpиcyтствИe тaкoгo глaгoла' как to be (бЬ|тЬ' явЛятЬся' HaХoдитЬся) oбязaтeльнo'
ecли в py.скol\,l
пpeдлox{e'ИИ скaзyеМoe oтсyтствyeт' Кaк пpaвилo' этoт гЛaгoл нa pУсcуJr''Й
язЬ|к нe пepeвoдИТся И
слy)кИт исключитeлЬHo дЛя зaMeHЬ| скaзyeN,loгo в пpeдЛoжeHИИ,

ФoPMЬl глAгoлA to be: аm. is. аre

- h:,t thu:.i!
...,.... we' You' they

. Boпpoситeльнaя
] yтвepдитeлЬнaя
. oтpицaтeльная
.... ... ..] ..... фopмз ''. '.... ' .ф9pЦз.. ... ...
Я элeКгpИк. . !am an e|eсtrjсian. Am l an e|eсtriсian?'
l am not an e|eсtrjсian'
oн элeктpик' He is an е|eсtriсian-
аn'e|ectriсian? ls he He is not an eleоtrjсJаn'
Q'!e эl9цp'Цк..'... ..-s'!]e i9'qn s|еgtr]g|а.n eleоtгiсian? |s she an
's'!e is-not аn e|eсtrjсlan
aтn MOI(J'P,
\,|o ^"^-^^ .'. ' !т..!'9'a Ц9!or .. |s it a motoг? |t is not a motor'
Этo тhis is а motoi' i" tr.i. ..oio.' inn.o u .*or.
Тo N,oтop, Тhat is а motor, ls that a motor? "".
Тhat is not a motor'
' '.'.
W.9'.з19 9lqqtligi.?'ls...
'-. .. .4!:'e. Ч'е'..9]9с!|]'qi?1!?
эЛeктpик ...'. . v.ou ar.e аn e|eсtгi'с.ian. : Are'.you an.e|e'сtriсian? - YoU are not an e|eсtriсian,
- ' ] We. аr.e' not e]eсtrjсi.ans,
oни элeггpики' тhey are eleсtriсians, Are they e|eсtricians? Тhey are
not e|ectriсlans,
Этo мoтopьt, Тhese are motors' Are these motors? These аre not motols,
Тo МoтopЬ|' Тhose аre motors Are those motors? ;.; ;;; .;;;;.

oбopoт is / there area|c yпoтpeбляeтоя

yIlUlРeU,lЯeIgЯ тoлЬкo
ToЛЬкo в тex сЛyчaяХ'
сЛyчаяХ' кoгдa гoвopящиЙ хoчeт
пoдчepкHyтЬ фaКг'thereнaличия |'4ли oтcутcтв|Ая
кaкoгo-либo пpeдl,leтa |j|л|4 яBлeн|lя, a He lne6тo' в
кoтo poм гl ocлeдн 14Й Haхo Д'1т cя.

. Тheгe js a generator on our ship, . flа Haшeм сyднe eстЬ гeHepaтop,

yтвeрдитeлЬнaя . Theгe is a new Vessel in the port' . B пopтy (eстЬ) Hoвoе сyдHo,
фopмa . Тhere are many сabins onboагd' . Ha бopтy (Имeeтся) Mнoгo Кaют,
. Тhere are 2 We]ders in the сrew . B экипажe двa свapщ',1ка,
. ls there a genеrator on oUг ship? . Ha HaшeM сyднe eстЬ гeHepaтop?
BoпpoсИтeлЬHая . ls there a new vessel in the port? . B пopтy (eсть) нoвoe сyднo?
?д^^..^ . Are there many сabins onboaгd? .
чJUР|v'c Ha бopтy (иMeeтоя) мнoгo кaют?
. Are theгe 2 We|ders in the сгeW? . B экИпaже двa сваpщИка?
. There is not а gеnerator on oUr shIp, . fla HaшeM сyдHe Heт гeHepaтopa,
.\-^,,,,^-^-, ,,^-
v I yy|чc l rJ IDпdЯ .
Тheгe s ^ot a neW vesseI in the poгt, . B пopтy нeт нoЕloгo сyдHa.
rhоn м a . тhere а.e not many оabins onboard . Ha бopтy He N4Hoгo кaют,
- 'Тhere are not 2 we|dеr's in'th'e сrev.''
:''B'р5'Ч !:l'?Ц9,Ц'eIд.qy1''q'в'?р''щ'И'ljg'в'.'.''. ..''..

96 сhаsln]kа si. sеLз::::] ...а1..аhone (0692)545
L.' . : .- ;.,,!, :,,.,,сI
146 . Еах: {a692) 546 984
-от. l!!1l,I,J lsссlt-а(t,сo.'] 9,t
English for Е|eсtriсаI Engineers PARт 3. GRAм]иAR UNIт 6. тo вE' тнERE ls/ARE

oсHoBHЬ|Е BoпPoситЕЛЬHЬ|Е слoвA

How? Кaк? : [hаu]

What? ] Чтo? ] [Wэt]

Whqt fo!' i 'Д]:r! Чqlo? ] [W]t fэl

Wha.t.(kind of)? КaкoЙ (Кaкoгo вИдa)? [W 'l kаind аv]

When? .Кoгда? [Wеn]

Wheге? ] Гдe? Кyда? i !Wеа]

Whiсh? Кoтopьtй? КaкoЙ? ] [WilЛ

Who else? / What else?

Who? / Whom?
Whose? ] Чeй? : [hu:z]

Why? l Пoveмy? Зaнем? IWаLI...


@."€,'1 тнЕ ]

|\4y ship is not Very |aгge and not Very new' |t is 20 years o|d, |i is a tanker, our саrgo is
petгo|eum, Тheгe arе 6 tanks onboard. Тhe ship's DWт is 92802' |ength overall is 243' beam is 42' draft
is ]3' gross tonr]age is 5329т' тhе poгt of registry is Panama' and the shipmanager is Тanker Pасifiс
Management Compаny' singapoгe,
тhere are six deсks on my ship, Тhe engine-room is under the fiгst deсk, Тheгe is a
nеar thе engine-room' on the fiгst deck there are thrеe rooms: |aundry, ga||ey' and Аbove
the laundry there is the hospita|' It is on the seсond deсk neхt to the store.гoom, There are no сabins on
this deоk but there аre сabins on the third deсk. тhe |\4astels сabin is on the fourth deсk, Тhe bridge is on
the fifth deсk, Above the bгidge there is the upper dесk.
our оrew is not Very Ьusy now, |t,s evening. our Master is in his сabin, Тhe сhief offiсer is on the
bridge, The Seсond offiсei is on the bridge, too, The seсond Еngineer is in the engine-room' the Chief
Еngineer is in the boiter.гoom. Тheгe are no seamen on the deсk, they are a|| in the mess-room beсause
it i. dinneг time, The сook is in thе ga||ey, Тhe Е|ectгiсaI Engineer and the e|есtriсian aгe bUsy With the
emergency гepair of the fire pump,

ЕxЕRс|sE #1 oтвeтьтe на вoпpoсЬl o Bашeм сyднe ,:

?. W!E!lllq 9f 9?Lg-o ]9 !|'9l-e'.on .yoчr 9hiP?

3. How manv tanks or holds are there on

4, What is the DWТ and the |ength overall?

Where is the Master's cabin?

6. W!9г9 j9 !]]!.q's''e?

7. What deоk is the Chief Enoineer's cabin on?

92 96' сhаsti kа str
sevasloрo|, UkЕ]nе . Phoie (0692) 546 146. Fах: (0692)546 984
Е"mаl: еng! sh@lrапsсoitrаоl cоп]. W\!W'tгаnsсont.асt'сorn
Еnglish for Еleсtriсa| Engineefs PARт з. GRAI!'мAR UN]т 6. тo вE' тHERE IS/ARE

8, Is the PЧЦP ro9Ц near the enginе.room?

9. !-{o!v' Ц?!y deсks'ere on youг shiр?..

l o, wrrere is your сabin?

11, Wheгe is the Master?

12' Аre there seamen on the deсk?

13, Where is the сook?

..'11...W.цl9I9 !!]e' ЕLe'с!Фal'ЕI]gilР'еr s.!q ]!t-e'gle'сцфl.b'Ч.s'y''w!th?

Fi ExERсlsЕ#2 Bставьтe в пpeдлoжeния глагoл

к to be в сooтвeтствyющeй фopмe

, 1. He a sailor. 9. You late for the vessel.

2 уou a We|deг? 10. А heavy-|ift ship a small Vesse|
3. Тhey in the boileьroom- 1 1 . We veгy tired after Woгk'
4,- sheaсook? 12. I angry with you.
5. They in the сabin. 13. What

- engineeгs. 14, Wheгe
- the superstruсture?
7. ne on the bгidoe? 15. What his name?
8. 1 _ - a motorman. 16 wlrat
::-::-:::.-----: Your rank?

&. ExЕRсlsЕ #3
Hапишитe пoлнЬ|e пpeдлoжeнияt
испo.lЬ1yя гла1oл to be :

.!!y gy-eЧll{yay qi(y : \tIу overall is very dirtу.

1: this рqin! / gleen ,/.{< : сz2/ ,.s f?.ё}'

qЧФily /.)
q lu.9l9lЦ9l q?-q
-' ' |
9 .overh3uL/ !.q! / Iin!9.hed
y'сly'rl, ol,г
1U, tne amp|]т|eг / broкen
11, fuel tanks/fUII 2o 1,,.с2 /. ,
,l?.IЦrЕLs9llr.'сзL.Eтrgineer/responsibleforfаls...'...''''...'.'*.'-..'.''..''.. ".z. "

..J9..'1щ g9lel?lor / a thгee.р аlternator

96, сhаstnikа slr '
nl, с.:
Ukга ie . Phone: (0692) 546 ]46 . Fах: (0692) 546 984
s. ]..а.s:o.I.асI,соff . М,|.a1sсо.r.сl,.on .93,
English for Еleсtriсаl Еngineers PARт 3. GRA]tll]UlAR UNlт 6. тo вE' тнERE ls/ARE

F ЕxERсIsE#4 пepeвeдитe эти пpeдлoжeHия i


r',l::!'::iз! r-у|!.o? . l

z нтoэтojэ;"б;"-ф',.i;qon'",o"|yа1oz нi..' pll, l-|\ /t.?' .? 2

I t/ t /ur ":i:i1'-''z?::!-rX:l/**',,
слесapя Иr,
_-^,. '''.^:^.,'',^"-.,;,L- ..т^ инстnvмeнтЬt нaшeгo -//е
^ ^-

" ",- 14 g91с-z
.. .Z. 'Р Ц?Цl.9i.ц9l.e]]чЦ9.r

B BaшеN!
8. скoлЬкo вcп o|\ЛoгaтeлЬн Ь'lx

.u-a ;*-. ./'" a zе /' l,"

9' B HaшeM экипaжe 22 чeлoвeкa. '7/с,"- ^

?.'J ) /'2С l^

,10. 7€2е .?Z с? а2с5
Ha кopaблe '
. .'. )- it;',"1 /2- '//;
и кистЬ'
сo y's
' ,1.zr. ;/lё.
1 1p. Cтаpмex q мaL!Ц!ЦoM
: |fuс/'1

1е,z ?/е ,.},
. -.'.,1.{'.

r,ъ tЬ // a ""*^
с/ сq ,L
-1" ( ?--

I фaзьt. ,o5 ! s/ат/ l7,,а*
.].8, B Moтope eсть
oбpьlв цeпи oднoЙ oбмoтки
.,, i".' ,. l,"Й'": ,,l' y'{, n,1'/:t .
.//o,о t-' )э д,/o/е" .ёА оа

свapщикa. й
19, Ha нaшем сyдHe нeт
Heт aE'/
/.?tta (
,. a /5
20' B [4aшинHo|и oтдeлeHии cилЬнЬlЙ
| /h .ftс
'. ,1l .,',.
'l''a,, А .71,.э .е )А,?
А',I |!sf
//1 a€ .''.-'-"'.-.-.' .''.-.i.'.-
',a /r9
4,/1 l,|э,7(-J/|,l,l
, iц01 /',s
' ёlстt,е l / 1^f=aitr ,,.n,)

i тRдNSсoNтRAст
546 984
96 сhаstпlkа sil. sevа5topoli,:хx,ff';":i:J; Jn:'-a;j:#61.Fax:(0692)
Еnglish for Еlectriсal Engine€rs PARт з. GRA]I|IШAR UNlт 6. тo вE' тнERE ]S/ARE


s,.ztbс,3 .

in сontаiners'

rc.щ9(gisJ9gr,muсh gqrgo on the stern.


UN.т 7
нAGтoящEE нЕoпPEдЕлE}tнoE вPE]UIя /


|-|aстoящee Heoп peдeЛeHHoe/п poстoe вpeMя (Present lndefinlte/sim p|e tense) испoльзyeтся
ИMeют мeстo вooбщe' a He тoлЬкo в HaстoящиЙ пepИoд вpeNлeHи. Чащe вceгo дaнHoe
yпoтpeбляeтся сo сЛoBal,/] и:
. usUa|ly (oбЬlчнo) . eveгy day (кa)r(дЬlЙ дeHЬ) . seldom (peдкo)
. . always (всeгдa)
. often (Чacтo) onсe a year (рaз в гoд)
. sometimes (ИHoгдa) . in the morning (пo yгpaN4)
. never (н Икoгдa)

Такхe вpeмя Present Indefinite yпoTpeбляeтся дЛя вЬlpa)кeHия:

. oбщeизвecтнЬ|Х Исти H:
Ihe sun rlses in the Еast, - Coлнцe всmaem Ha вocmoКe'
The Neva f|ows into the Вaltic Sea, _|leвa впadaem в БaлmuЙскoe мope,
. бyдyщeгo дeйствия c глагoлaMИ дви)кeHия сome' go, |eave, start' aгrive' depaгt
(кoцa этo дeЙствиe oоyщeствляeтся сoглaсHo рaсписaHия)
' ТЬe p|an'e.|eaves in Зб minutes' - Caмoлem omпpaвляemcя чepeз З0 |v\uнуm'
7 чaсoв,
our ship сomes to mis poft at 7 o'clock- - НaLue суoнo npuбьBaem в эmom Пopm в
: we I *or*
Пpи oбpaзoвaнии yтвеpдитeлЬнoЙ фopмЬl прeдлo}кeHия в Pгesent You
simple испoлЬзyется oсHoвHaя фopMa глaгoлa (lnfinitive) з9 :д"n".?:::|.1Y тhёv
B 3-e}j лИцe eдиHствeHнoгo числa к oснoвHoЙ фopMe глaгoла
l ||9,

пpибaвляeтcя oкoHчaниe -s иЛи -es. He



вoпPoситEлЬHAя ФoPMA

Do work?

пpи пoстpoeниИ oбщeго вoпpoсa испoлЬзyeтся

вcпoМoгaтeЛЬнЬlй глaгoл do (does) в нaстoящeп,4 вpeМeнИ,
КoтoDЬlЙ cтaвитcя пepeд пoдЛe)кaщим пpeдлoжeHия' he ..
: :

Does shе l
work? l


We : do not work
oтpицaтeльнoe пpeдЛoжeFtиe oбpaзyeтcя гlpи пoNлoщи
вспoмoгaтeлЬнoгo глaгoЛa do (does) в нaстoящeм врenrleHи' зa тhey
кoтopЬ|M слeдyeт oтpИцaтелЬHaя чaстицa not'
sne does not

.re : тRANsGoNтRдcт
.rt 96 Chаslnikа str ' Sеvаstoрol' Uk.аinе .
Phоne: (0692) 546 146 . Fax. (0692) 546 984

.eпslish@a'аnscоntlа:tсоm :.чJi]llа.']:соl]]':],с:пr
EngIish for E|eсtriсal Engineers PARт з. G RAttlItvlAR UNlт 7. PRESЕNт |NDEFlNlтE
L- . l Woгk on a tug,
. Pumps deliver water and fuel.
. Я pабoтaЮ Ha бyксиpe,
. HaсoсЬ| пoдaют вoдy и тoпЛивo,

. He keeps Watсh еvery day. . oн стoит вaХту кa)i(4Ь|Й деHЬ
. Do you work on a tug? . ТЬ| paбoтaeшЬ Ha бyксиpe?
. Do pumps deliver Wateг and fUе|? . HaсoсЬ| noдaют вoдy и тoпливo?
. Does he keep Watсh eveгУ daУ? . oн стoит вaxтy кax.дьtй дeнь?
. I do not work on a tug. . Я }ie pабoтaю на бyкоиpе,
t_ oтpицaтeльная . Pumps don't deliver water and fuel . гlасocЬ| He Пoдaют вoдy И тoпливo,
фopN{a . He does not keеp Watсh every day . oн нe стoит вaхтy кa)i(дЬ|Й дeh..

t_ ИCКЛЮЧEHИЕ: глAгoл to have, кoтoDЬlЙ в 3-eN4 лицe едиl.lотвeHHoгo чИcлa ИMeeт фop]My has,
.Ihaveaсertifiсatе' . у NЛeня eстЬ сepтификaт,

t- You
. We have a job.
. You have experienсe,
. V нe. A.т}. nэ6^тэ
. У тeбя eоть oпьtт.
Тhey . У ниx пpoблeмь| с ТHBД,
He . Нe hаs instгuсtions, . y нeгo eотЬ иHстpyкциИ,
She . She has a family. . y Hee естЬ сeMЬя'
lт ..Тhe poгt tЧ9.s ..У (P.]]o'p]y) тpИ бyксиpa,
!1s.!11.99 l9p.]?.

гloBEл итEл Ь HoЕ HAклoH ЕH|/|Е l IMPERAт|VE MooD

ПoвeлителЬHoe HaКлoнeниe yпoтрeбЛяeтся для вЬ|paжeния пoвeЛeния к дeйствию,
для вЬ|paжeHия пpикaзaния или сoвeтa.
Глaгoл испoЛЬзyeтся в oсHoвHoЙ (ИHфиHитИвHoЙ) фopмe; для oтpИцaния


, Go there! Don,t staу here, - Иdume mу1a! |1e cmoЙme зde7ь'
, Give it to me! - ,ЦaЙme эmo!
. Stop smoking! - Пpeкpamume^4Нe Куpumь!
. Adjust that punp! - ОmpeеулupуЙme mom нaсac|
Don't c|ean the fi|ter! _ Нe чucmume фuльmD!

M ЕсЯЦЬl дHи HЕдЕли

Januaгy i янвapь ' |'dзanjuагi]

l\лond ay пoнeдeл Ьн и к ['m^пdei] ]

'й;;;;"n втopHик ['tju:zdei]

сpeдa l,Wenzdеi]

May N]aЙ [тel] ' чeтвepг

JUne июHЬ [dJu:n]
' "--t
J U|y июлЬ [d]u:'|аi]

sunoaf вoскpeсeнЬe
Aug u st
' aвгyст г f пf(n i ['s^ndei]

r(An lоmьr]

I.l ьчb"l . .'. ]

[nau'vеmbа]'. ]

96' сhаslлikа sr s.t:::::: .. : ].. Phоnё (0692) 546 146. Aах: (0692) 546
Е.пra е.: :':: .':]э rасt'сom . W w'llаnsсonkaс1'сOm
ЕngIish for Еlect]iсal Еngineers PARт 3. GRAшIмAR UNlт 7. PRESЕNт lNDEFlNlтE

ЕxЕRсlsЕ #,l ]

Bставьтe в пpeдлoжeния
ЕxЕRсlsЕ #2 ]
yказaннЬle в скoбкax глагoлЬ|

] 1, |\Лy friend on а ro-гo (Work)

, 2. The Rules of the Sea that safety at sea is very important (say)
3. I usuаl|y a file and a hammer at my work (use)
4. Ru bber gloves eIectriсitу (not' conduсt)
5. 1 to finish this work in 20 minutes (hope)
6, A transformeг a|ternating сUrгent of one Vo|tage into anotheг (convert)
7 ' Theу to stop the engine as soon as possible (need)
8' | а|Ways offiсer's сommands (fo||ow)
9. People in the boi|er.гoom (not' smoke)
10. A tanker oiI In tanks (саrry)
1 1, Lubrjсating system main and aUХiIiaгy engines (|Ubriсate)
12. Тhe pump water (not, deliver)
13, тhree-phase Aс motors suсh deсk equiрment as сranes (drive)
14. We the engine (not, start) if we all systems before (not' оheсk)
15, тhe piston down (go)
16. We the eleсtriса| motor (dismant|e)
17. The ship's engine-room jn good сondition (not' be)
18. We to eХtinguish the fire (try)

тRANsсoNтRAcт ;
98 96' оhаsln kа sk sevastoрo|, Ukга]ne . Phоne (0692) 546 146 . Fах] (0692) 546 984
Е.mа]]: еnql sh@lrапsсontraсl сom. W\ш'trаnsсontгасt.сom
Еnglish for E|eсtriсal Engineers PARт 3. GRA|uIvlAR UNlт 7. PRЕSЕNт INDEFINIтE

ExERс|sЕ #3
Coставьтe вoпpoситeлЬнoe пpeдлo)кeниe
и oтвeт к нeмy пo oбpaзцy

Hапpимep: (he) gгind eХhaust / inlet Valves

Dqes-hQ qrind eхhaust or inIet Va|ves?
Нe QrInds ln|et valves'

--{"ll .
r. а,
.а^? /!.,,/ ..' . 7. zlr )|. r.,,. r "

"i:j:у";l l:l". o"We| у 1o :7o kW l й i; й !й, ^'{{, zj ; ;;,

)n,n):,::* sp /г l2э.tz

6, (,our vesse|) arrive аt а nu* pЬп ,oon / not Very

soon 2а p s . l/ е'sе / e??,,?е
ay' / n..l, zlal y' сrp^}) ?z ,t.,,'z2. z
l, z-2 lс'-. )
,/ ,
Z. (h9y)-cl' g'afe'tyv'a|ves 2" /r"/ ..,/::. i: !?е.

fill / drаin fuel tanks €./?q /4€?z /// r)

ЕХЕRс|sE #4
Coставьтe вoпpoсЬl к пpeдлoжeниям,
испoлЬзyя слoва в скoбкаx

''з'..Y'o'Ч9ftт'Y|'9l!у-9ЧItl9!qЦG"llу 1ir"i'"a j|1:


'5.. !Yl'зj{l!'uфLlg-s."Ч's.e!J9.a0'fl9rl'a,",r-"j'. nj''. i|й:t|: ,i|'-i


q W9!?Y9 9l9 main enз1ne

engine and two аЧllllary
twg auхiljary'.engines in ou.
9ns.ЦP.'s']!'q.Чг .,lii'т
rwнii 9199?) it,zi
9.'lgj.!e'poщ (щhз!
!у, о-, y' |",.6.;
!{с Fg-.'".
i- -/)t1
9. My lank iy. the Eleсtriоa| Engineer 1йr'"ti1 it,li а./ )'r:. 'lz7 т +'l,i ')

96 сho!Iл,l'а s1 sF'"ы
(0692' 5.6 146 . FJх 10692) 5.6 98Z
L.гlа', егq,. ;'.l ::o,...сI от.www,llаnsсо]tёсI'!Om
EngIish for EIeсtliсаI Engineers PARт 3. GRAr'Лг{IAR UNIт 7. PRESENт lNDEFlN|тE

&l ExERс|sЕ #5 oбpaтитeсь к тoварищy с пpoсь6oй



-, :.-,,', /' .i 1'l

Goстaвьтe npeдлoжeния пo oбpaзцy
ExERс|sЕ #6
и yстнo иx пepeвeдитe

Hапpимep: l |ike Russian сгеW / my friend / international сrew

l |ike Russian сrew. But mv friend does not |ike Russian Crew' Нe |ikes international crew,

1' l usual|y Wofk oц'?..!a!.ц-e| / Цy t'l-e'!.).q./ a !.o''-'|.'o'-!]].iP....

2. I take blue paint / my friend-./ Ied palnt

3..1 s,ee well / my friend / only with glasse,s

4. I call home.every week / my friend / every month

5. I assemble the motor/ my friend / the pump

6' l dry thе Winding / my friend / the air filter

7. I meаsure the gap / my friend./ insulаtion resistance

.!80 96 с|rаstnikа st
Sevаstoро]' UkЕ nе . Plrone:(0692) 546 146 ' Eах] (0692)546 984
..mз' eпg sh@lraiscoлlгас1соm . v^!W,tгалsсontгасt сoпl
EngIish for EIeсtriсal Еngineers PARт з. GRAмMAR UNlт 7. PRЕsЕNт lNDEFlNlтE

Bставьтe have или hаs

в пpeдлoжeния и пepeвeдитe

1, | ,l.z 4 l.€ eхpeгienсe, B, |n|s еng|ne ha 5

-,, sIoW sрeeo.
sh|p hЙэ
2, ll4y |ifeboats, 9. Тhe batteries .ё а l. aс|d.
3. You le tс а Visa. ] 0, Тheir сгeW , а \ mаny people,
4' The Тhird Еngineer /а s 1 1. The motor / а-s ovefloa0.
a/,? сoffee time. 12.Тhe repair a good result.
ship j l s

6. our two mеss-rooms. 13' we r/а r€ three Durifiers in the

7. We all welding equipment englne-room (./?аl Р/7
ready foг Woгk, l4, ouг ship lfs aUxiIiaгy maсhinery,

ExЕRсlsE #8
Bстaвьтe нeoбxoдимoe вoпpoситeлЬнoe слoвo ]

и yстнo пepeвeдитe эти пpeдлoжeния

llow many holds do you have onboaгd? э' ,/./! l., long is youг usua| voyage?
6 k/f7@ is responsible for mooring?
h /а l
1-__-z% is vour name? 7, ./'/o /'-.- muсh do you eqr! pelmonth?
2 ё ",е do you |ive? 8,/l nr,'r aremуt'ooь{1-7а.(r-".tзаt.,lo
is the сargo on their tanker? 9, Тoday IWoгk on the deсk,
about you?

ЕxERс|sЕ #9 j
Прoнитaйтe и пepeвeдитe эти пpeдлoжeн 9|я

'1 t.']9W -oI'l.e].] q9 y9Ч Ч9'e''q.''сзР''i!a! Q1q'з.'ryi!!Les9?

2. What do yoU think аbout the eng jne-room condi!]q!.?

''..qJ!.''q''Jhirq Е.l9l!:l9''e.!:j9р'qc!,!.!.l9'.o'p9.|9!i'o'|-l'.'9!'t]:]9-aЧ!!er.

8. .тh9 !lec!|9at .!ngineег renews the blown fusеs'

9.q!'es! ц's rh9.o'9tat f'o'r.disсonneс.t

10. lwant you to grind the brushes on the commu!a!o[ and сheсk the gap,

. .]-1j''o''Lq..9qЧ]Pment needs inspeсtion '

96 сhаstn ka
slr sё|эs:::: -r.. .е . Phone (0692) 546 ]46. Еах: (0692) 546 984 .io{
E-гnа €.: s.::..^s..ntraсl .
сom Www,tгапsсоntгасt,сom
English for ЕlectrlcaI Engineэ]s PARт з. GRAПi IAR UNlт 7. PRESЕNт lNDEFINlтE

12. The 2"" boiler badlv beсause of

14, The e|eсtriоian replaоes the shorted armature сoils.

16. тuгn the commutator.

1' y кaпитaнa бoльшая кaюта.

3' Иij Hy)кнo сдeЛaть нeбoльшoЙ peмoнт'

5. He бpoсaйтe мyсop зa бopт.

мьt oбьtчнo в 14 чeсoв.

] 1' зaMeHитe и зaтoчитe ujeтки

3. Пoчинитe тpaп мauJиннoгo oтдeлeния'

9т.t1 дР? !!л.aЦl.e..!-9P9.д б-yt|к9р'qqЦ9Й'.'..

EngIish for E]ectriса| Engineers PARт з. GRAIJ!мAR uNIт 7, PRESENт ]NDEFIN|тЕ


The man in сharge of a vesse| is the |Vlasteг. Hе is гesponsib|e for the vesse|' her сargo' and
safety of alI сгeW. He is an eхperienсed аnd We||-quaIified navigator' His сorreсt name is |\4asteг but ofteп
it is Captain, Тhe ship's сrew сonsists of Deсk, Еngine' and сatering departments. Еaсh depaгtment has
offiсers and rаtings. Тhe most eХperienсed offiсer is in сharge of a department,
Еngine department opегates' maintains' and repairs interna| сombustion engines' boi|ers' steam
tuгbines' refrigeгation and air сonditioning systems, and also takes paгt in emеrgenсy repairs'
ТHЕ сH|ЕF ЕNGINEER is in сommand of the engine department and personne|, He is
гesponsib|e for a|| shjp's machinery' eqU]pment, and сontroI systems, for their operation' majntenanсe,
аnd repair, Тhе Chief Еngineer is aIso responsibIe for adminisiration' superVision' and eсonomiсaI
operation of the engine depaгtment, He is гesponsib|e for engine department сorrespondenсe' reсords,
and reports. He kеeps the engine department fi|es' manua|s' and instгUсtions for maсhinery and
THE sЕCoND ЕNG|NЕER oFFlсЕR is the offjсer neХt in rank to the сhief Еngineeг' He is
гesponsible for dai|y aсtivities of the engine-room personne|. He supегvises maintеnanсe and гeрair
Works, He is a|so a Watсhkeeping Еngineer Who keeps tlvo 4-hour Watсhes, His duties inc|udе
гesponsibiIity for the main engine' fire main system' Water ba||ast system, bi|ge dгainage system' and
refгigeration system.
ТHЕ ТHIRD ЕNGINЕЕR oFFICЕR's duties inс|Ude responsibiIity for auxiIiaгy engines' fueI
storage and transfrr system' air compressors' and air сonditioner, The Third Еngineeг is UsUal|y in charge
of bun kering operation.
ТHE FoURТH ЕNGINЕЕR oFF|CЕR usua||y has auХiljary boilers and Waste.heat boi|eгs in his
responsibiIity. He is also in сhaгge of sea-Wateг sanitary system' ga||ey and |aundгy mесhaniсaI
equipment, and some other items.
тHЕ ЕLЕсТR|CАL ЕNGlNEЕR is responsib|e foг e|eсtriсal propu|sion p|ant, main and emergеncy
switсhboards' transfoгmeгs and converters' fire pUmps and other firejighting equipment' a|arm systems,
fire detection eqUipment and te|ephone systems' fans and e|eсtriс heaters, deсk equipment whiсh is
driven by elеctriс motors, Wiring' batteгies of auxiliary and emergenсy generators, etс' He is a|so in
сharge of all lighting onboaгd inсluding emergenсy, masts, and bridge Iights' тhe Elесtriсal Engineer is
responsib|e for a|| teсhnica| doсuments and spare parts сonсerning a|| e]eсtriсal equipment onboard.
The Е|eоtrical Еngineer reports to the Chiеf Еngineeг аnd is ab|e to Work With minimum supeгVision'


During his Wаtсh аn engineer сheсks:
. pressures and temperatures on gauges;
. all pipelines for leakages,
. a|aгms and automatiс сontгol deviсes foг proper funсtioning;
. avaj|abiIity and good сondition of firejightjng and safety equipment;
. liquid levels and flows; //,^ t- 7 I ,t,.',. 1/ ?f//"r/t?''/
. гunning maсhineгy bearings for oveгheаting:
. unusuaI rexсessive) noise or Vibrаtion'

1 / ..
lzrl аn й ./
с-r { *- ..tеPа//
"e l ."

96 сhаstп kа slг, sе!зsl.iэ -i.а n. . Рhone (0692) 546 146 . Еах: (0692) 546 984
. Е.ma i е... s^эi.:isr..tlас] соm . !,r'ww,tгаnsсоniгасt'сom
English for ЕIectricaI Engineers PARт з. GRAt!ЛtlЛAR UNlт 8. PREsENт coNтlNuoUs

UNlт 8
нAGтoящEE пPoдoл)t(EннoE вPE]UIя /
Haстoящee пpoдoЛ)]<eнHoe вpe[lя иcпoлЬзyeтся пpи oг||'4сa|1|r'|v1 дeйствИя или сoбьlтия '
кoтopoe paзвopaчИвaeтся в |\4oljeHт peчИ ИлИ в нaстoящИЙ пepИoд вpeMeHи'
Pгesent сontinuous чacтo иcпoлЬзyeтcя с тaкИ[4И Hapeчия|\4и и oбстoятeльствeнньIм и
вЬlpaжeH Ия|\ли, кaк:
. today (сeгoдHя) . at the moment (в дaHHЬlЙ мoMeHт) . now (сeйчaс)

Pгesent ContinUous тaкжe испoЛЬзyeтся пpИ:

. oбoзнaчeнии сoбьtтиЙ, кoтopЬ|e пpoисxoдят чaстo И вЬ|зЬ|вaют paздpa}{eнИe Или yдивЛeHИe
|1e is alwaуs shouting at me'
- oн вcezda Кpuчum нa Meня.
she is always сomplaining. _ oнa вceе0a Жaлуemся,
. oписaH и И Из|vенeHиЙ:
тhe Universe is eXpanding. Bceлeннaя увeлuчuвaemcя в paзMeрaX.
тhe popu|ation of the Еar7h is increasing- - НaceлeHue 3eмлu увeлuнuвaemcя.
l'l i' aц'.
I H-e, I ;

УтвepдитeЛЬHaя фopмa пpeдлoжeHия в Pгesent сontinuous i She i is

oбpaзyeтся прeм прибaвлeния к вспoмoгaтeлЬ}loMy глагoлy to be l ,.

, :
(am, ID'is, сrtc,/
are) tJв пd\.IUЯLЧс|v| пpичaстИя (.ing)
вpeМeни ||Рy|ia9ly|л
Haстoящe[л oРсlv|спy' cмьrслoвoгo '.
\.t||!,,r wry|D|9j'\
i.'.W'"''. ]

Ynrr afe
I lney I

вoпPoситEлЬHAЯ ФoPMA

Пpи пoстpoeHии oбщeгo вoпpoсa вспoМoгaтeлЬHЬlй глaгoл

to be (am' is, аre) стaвится пepед пoдлeжaщиM пpeдлoжeнИя'

I : am not i


oтрИцaтeлЬHoe пpeдЛoжeHиe oбpaзyeтся пyтel\i] She is not l

пpибaвлeHия к вспo|иoгaтeл Ьнoмy глaгoЛy to be (аm' is' are) lt ]

] Worк|ng
oтpИцателЬнoй чаcтиЦЬI not'
YoU :'

You are not


!!! Prеsent сontinuous пpaктичeоки He ИспoлЬзyется с глагoлaMИ сoстoяHИя и чyвствoвaHия:

like, love, hate, know, need, want, mean, believe, supрose, remember, depend, etс.
HAпPиMЕP: I don't know him, _ Я e1o нe зНaю, (Нeльзя сKa?amь: l,m not knowtng him)'

144 96, сhastn kа stг
sevаstoрo|' Ukга]nе . Phone] (0692) 546 146. Еах: (0692)546 984
Е mаj]: eng] sh@lrаnsсoпlraсl соm. www'tгалsсontгасt,сom
Eng|ish for Etectriсa| Engineers PARт 3. GRAI!лпIAR uNlт 8. PRESENт GoNтINUous

. (ееp ng wаtсh now,
УтвepдИтелЬнaя . lаm . сeЙчac я Heсy вaxтy,
фopма Hе s.eаd'ng rгanua|s, . oн чИтaeт инстpyкЦИи,
. Ihey aгe .eoа|r'ng a generаtor, . oни peмoнтиpyют гeHeратop,
Am l kеeping Watсh лoW? . CeЙчaс я нeсy вaxтy?
Boг]poситeлЬная . Is he reading mаnuals? . oн Читaeт инстpyкции?
''.'Are thry гeрaiгing a ge..!-lerаtor?'. .'. ' '. 'oни.
pемoнтиpyют гeHepaтop?
. l am not keeping Watсh now. . CeЙчaс я He Heсy вaХтy.
.l.le is
not гeading manUa|s' . oн нe читaeт ИHстpyкцИИ.
. They are not гepairing a gеnerаtor, . oни нe peмoHтИpyЮт гeнepатop,

lam a motorman ouг vesse| is at seа now' We аre сoming to a new port, Iam in the engine-
room' I Usually Work 8 hours а day but sometimes lWork overtjme. My Watсh is
Usua|ly from 8 ti|| 12
o с]oсk тoday l keeping Watсh With the Тhird Еngineer' I am he|pjng him and fo||owtng nts
сommаnds' Тhe Тhird Engineеr is responsib|e for a|| auxiliаry maсhinеry onboай
but during his Watсh he
superujs€s operation of all equipment in the engine-room' lf iheгe are some probIems
with iuel suppry ne
сheсks fue| tanks and fi|ls them if neсessary. й there are |eakages in pipes
the watсhkeeping eng|neer
asks a We|der to Weld them, lt is motoгmen's dUty to disassemb|e damaged
va|Ves' fi|ters' oг pUmрs'
They.сheсk, с|еаn' гepair' or rеnew them. When wЬ гecejvе new equlpment
Chief Еngineer alwаys lests
it b€fore instaIlation in the engine-room' on the bridge' or on the deсk.
pгob|ems When We even need to stop the engine' Befoie
Somеtimei We hаve seгioUs
We stop the engine We а|ways inform the bridge
about ]his, But today there aгe no prob|emJ and alI maсhinery is running
well at thЪ moment. We aгe
сontrolljng the Work of the main engine and auХiljary engines' We are cheЪking pressu,Ь
anJ lrquio tevur
on the gauges, Ijstening to the noise in the engine' сheсking the pipes for
lеakЪges' ano inspeсiing wo*
of all other equipment.
My friend Works in the position of E|есtricaI Engineer onboard. He is responsible
'' e|eсtriсa|
a|| ' equipment, He doesn,t keep Watсh аnd i|ways plans his Woгk, Аt the moment
for the opeгation of
he is busy wttn
mесhanism, He is о|еaning the сommUtator and slip-rings' гep|асing the
orusnes' tlgntеnIng the |oose attaсhments' lubriсating bearings, measUring the insu|;tion

EХЕRс|sЕ #1 oтвeтьтe на вoпpoсЬ| к тeкстy

3. How long is your usual workjng day?

{ W!]31.9quip.Ц.9l! Ls i1'..y9u'|.I'e'9рq.i!'!'рilj!y?..''

5. Аre there any'рroblems With maсhinery?

q. W!з] 'q99!. !]'s 'he reсeives

Cl.]]9! ЕЩЦ99l.сo WheЛ !.'e]ry' 9qцlpjn9l!?

7, Аre you stoрping the geneгator now?

8. HoW do you usuaIly mаintain e|eсtrjсal eqUlpmen!?

9..'Why'q9'.y9'Чсk insUlаtion resistаnсe?

96, chаslпikаstr S€!аslсi-..
L.m" .,: .-;: 'l.а
1е . Рhone (0692) 546 146 . Fах: {0692) 546 984
.i!I ,о' . f,ъ1!,I..sсO"l,Jсt,сon
English for Еleсtriсаl Engineers PARт з. GRA]I/|п,IAR UNlт в. PRESЕNт сoNтlNuous

] | / Woгk / on this shiр . ! am wчking on t!!i9 ship
, 1, l{s it / in the сontro|-room

3, You / keep / Watсh

/ dismantle / the motor

5, |/ |eaIn /'nеw ЕngIish words

to сonneсt / these two сables

7, We / ov€Ihau| /'the main engine

.8' Ц9 1 !!9!I9n. l thg с.9'!h'9.q!:9W9

э мotgJmen 4ais]ol11l t1..rе

10, AB seaman / grind / the surfaсe-bеfore

встaвЬтe в пpeдлoжeния rлагoлЬ|' yкaзaннЬ|e

ExЕRс|sЕ #3 i
в скoбкаx, в пpaвильнoй фopмe

this motorman (not, work) ?

I 1 . What's the matter? WhY
. 2, ouг ship se|dom at this port (оall)
3. Go and hёlp them, Тhey the сylinder сleaning (finish)
4' Where is the seсond Еngineеr? He the boiler (repair)

5. lt's night and we (sleep)

6, Wаter around the svstem (сirсu |аte)

7. What you there? (do) We

the motor (repair)
8. During every Watch а motorman the operation of al| eqUipment (оheсk)
Аt the moment he it again (сheck)
9. the сargo from heгe (move)
Lubriсating oiI a|| moving parts of mechаnism to avoid friсtion (|ubriсate)
11, Тhе rngine personne| for the overhaul (get ready)

12. your Watсh Without my permission (not' |eave)

13. The bosun always to new sеamen their Work (exp|ain)

14. When there fiгe (be)' at first We a fire eХtinguisheг

: (use) and if it (not, help) we сo2 sуstem (start)

{06 96' сhаstп ka str ' sevаstoрo|, Ukrа]пe . Phone (0692) 546 146. Fах: (0692)546 984
Е-rnа :eng ish@transсoп1lасt'соm. W\!!v'lгansсоntгасtcom
English for ЕIectriсаl Еngineers PARт з. GRAI!л IAR UNrт 8. PRESENт сoNтlNuous

А.//.+ ЕYEo.lеE JJl

oн вoзвpaщaeтся дo[4oЙ,
1 ..qЦ..Po9.speЦ?9Jся дoмoЙ,
2 oни зoвrг Hас.
3, oн peмoнтиpyeт.
'.'.1. E. Pq9'9ra9..,P !4з'Ци H Hol\4,-oтдeЛe H и И.

5, oHИ л poтиpaЮт пoл'

. 10: MЬ| вЬlтЦpaeм Maсля|l'рle кaпли с пoла' ]

,111 9!и
oни зaкрЬ|P?юI'двqp
eaиnцrрэ^- ".^^.
Ч:''. ''
12. oH нe Ha)кИмaeт кHoп

. ]'9..]!!'Ь]'-o'l1Ц*Ч'a9Ц'a91дуЦ''Ц'Ь'l'q.ф-Щ'Ч]Р.'Ц'.sт..tP'19Ц.'.'.'..'-.
.29,: л УPery4чЧР?ю ЦзлplЦ9.t]и9'Д.o'.Ц.o.l4-И.Ц?ll!н.q|.ql :

] Прovитайтe и .

.t : L чty1ly.Ygrk'fjqц 9 ?д.!l1 9 Pд.

3 What too|s aчyou using now to гeplасe the bearing in the motor?

4. We are not hаVing any problems With the equipment.

phoning to the bridge to tel| the Watсhkeeping offiсer about the blaсk-out in the engine-гoom.

6' А Wiper с|eаns the еVery dаy.

7. We are lifting the piston.

9.'l'зт !9:еgl"iь]e for refrigerating plaпt because We don't have a ref engineer onboard.

96' сhаstnikв sl. ' sеvаslc!э lkгэ пе . Phoпe: (0692) 546 146. Еах] (0692)
Е.mail: en! s.€l..ns.o.lrасl'оom r www'iгаnsсоntrасt'сom
546 9s4
PARт 3. GRAIvlпllAR U lт в. PRESENт сoNтlNUoUs
ЕngIish for Elect]iсal Engineers

& ExЕRс|sЕ #6 ]

I always qet uP at this time

It's 7 a.m.
at this time.
.I always
It's I a.m.
at this time.
It's 10 a.m. ' I a|Waуs
at this time.
.I always
It's 6 p.m.
at this timе,
. I always
It's I p.m.
' l a|Wаys з]t!]..1lT9.
It's 11 P.m.


use Plan need

Bставьтe yкaзанн Ьle глeгoлЬl
в пpeдлoжeния и yстнo пepeвeдитe

stop taкe ouт d гain сonneсt

be preрare fiХ work measure want lUbriсate go

. 1' AB seamеn
the deоk at the moment.
сargo onboard '
of the сranes
2. lt,s сargo loading operation and onе
to overhaul the main engine next
3, Тhe сhief Engineer
] badly and our NЛaster veгу angry'
4. The mooгing Winсh
lifeboats for |aUnсhing to save the man
5. Тhey
to assemble the сentrifugal separatoг
6. I

,mТЪБilr. 'sЫes With the сirсuit now'

the main engine immediatelyl
the рiston rings at the moment.
9' Тhey
a spanner.
10. Ioften
11, тhe auХiliary engine
the manifold now
12, Тhe W|per
all rotating Parts of the engine'
13. Lube oll ,7

14, Whеre you

ol] пoка3aния г]pиqoPo? в эJq 9pevrя

""",д" "',*."т


(0692)546 984
96 сhaslnikа st. se!аstoро] UkrаLпe . Phоne' (0692) 546 146. Fаx]
Е mаll eng lsh@trаnsфitrасt сom ' www'1Йnsсonrа 'сo|n
EngIish for Eleсtriса1 Engineers PARт з. GRAмП/IAR UNlт 9. PAsslvE volcE

UNlт 9
cтPAдAтEлЬнЬlй зAлoг / PAsslvE volcЕ

B aнглийскoм язЬlкe глaгoл имeeт двa зaЛoгa: дeЙcтвитeлЬнЬlЙ зaлoг (Асtive Voiсe) и
отpaдaтeЛЬнЬlЙ залoг (Passive Voiсe)- ГЛагoл в
Aсtive Voiсe (дeЙствитeЛЬнoM зaлoгe)
показЬ|вaeт' Лицo или пpeдMeт, вЬ|paжeнHЬ|Й пoдлe)кaщиNл.
. Аn oi|er often uses a sсrewdriver. - Momopuсm 1-еo клacca чacmО ucПoльзуem omвepmКу
. тhe сonneсting rod rotates the Crankshaft, _ Шamун вpaщaem Koлeнвaл,
ГлaгoЛ в Passive Voice (стpaдaтeлЬHoм зaлoгe) oзнaчaeт' чтo дeЙствиe пpoизвoдитcя Haд
пpeдмeтoМ, в Ьl pФкeнн'o]n' пoдЛe)кaщИм.
. A screwdriver is often used bу an oi|er. - ОmвepmКa чacmo ucrтoльЗуemcЯ llomopuсrПОfu:
1-еo кЛaссa,
. тhe сrankshaft ls rotated bу the connecting rod,'Koлelвaл вpaщaemcя UJamуНoM-

CтpaдaтeльньtЙ зaлoг oбрaзyeтся пpИ пoiv]oщи вопo|\4oгатeлЬHoгo глaгoлa to De в

оooтвeтствyющeЙ фopMe (am, is, are, Wаs, Were, wi|| be) и инфинитивa глaГoла с oкo|{чaF]ИeriЛ
-ed дЛя пpaBилЬнЬlХ гЛaгoлoв (или 3-eЙ фopмoй для HeпpaвИлЬньtх глaгoлoв).


l .'- '. am u99d - . |
. 1щ. Ч99d. -, |\4qHя испoЛЬзyют'
l'.!]9.'s'Ц9. l! .--. !'s-uQe.q. .Ah9m.mel.i9Ч's.9'q.'... '...-l49.l.l'9]q{!1]'qljo']'1'Чэyeтс1 .'.'.
'. .щ9l.yoЧ, !!]s.y ]".ql9 'Ч9'9'q''. Hаm.mе.Is.аre used, |\4oлoтк-и.Цс'пoлЬзyю.т'ся]..

|, he, she, itWаs used
. A hammer wаs used. |Vloлoтoк ИспoЛЬзoвaлся,
. We] you! they . wgl.g ц5.4, Hammers Were used, MoЛoтки испoлЬзoвaлИ,
|, hе' she' tt. .... |\4oлoтoк бyдeт
*" yo, ir'"y wi|l be Used А hammer Wi|| be Used
ИспoЛ ЬзoвaтЬся,


AuxiIiary maсhinery is a meсhaniсaI equipment onboard that has mаny funсtions'

AUx||iaгy maсhinery inс|udes:
. ajr сompressors Whiсh supp|y сompressed air for the engine srarт;
. сooleгs Whiсh are Used to сoo| oi| and Wаter;
. dieseI generators provide the Vesse| With eleсtriсaI poweг and Iight;
. heaters and air сonditioners are neсessaгy for heating and vеnti|ation;
. a sewаge p|ant is responsib|e for sanitation;
. a disti||ation p|ant supplies frеsh Wateг;
' bilge and ballast pumping systems keep the vessel dry and in order. Bilge pumping system
removes Wateг from maсhinery' сaгgo' and other p|aсes' Ba||ast pumping systеm pumps Water
into and out of bal|аst tanks, on genera| сaгgo vеsse|s these systems are interсonneсted and
served by the same pumps' on tankers and buIk carrieгs these systеms аre separate beсаuse
these vesse|s need |aгgeг pUmps;
. a feed-Water heater heаts Water before it is de|iveгed to a boi|eг in oгder to inсrease the effiсiеnсy
of the boi|еr Woгk:
a steeг|ng geaг |s necessaГy to operate a rudder for manoeuvгing;
fiгe{ightjng eqUipmrnt is used foг safety or in оase of fire onboard;
deсk mасhineгy sl]сh аs Windlasses' сapstans, Winches, and сгanes aгe Used for moorinq and
сargo operаtIons

gli сhаsli kа
stl se':sl:.. .i-а iе ' Рhoпe (a692) 546 146. Еах: (0692)
nr; е1: s^ээ.irасt соm . Www tгаnscontrасt,сom
546 9s4

Bстaвьтe yкaзан н Ьle глaгoлЬ|
в пpeдлoжeния и yстнo пeрeвeдитe

. . 'o'?I зg..e'..'.
fit make сool measure bl.эsk l

] After the engine ls stopрed the serviсe tanks are bloсked foг diese| oil and heavy oil'

1. Тhe hull of our vessel of good steel.

2' Gangwаy to get from ashoгe onboaгd,

3. Bitts on the starboard side.

4. Lаdder on thе port side

5. А|| hatсh сovers by АB seamen.

6, Еngine pistons by fresh water or oil.

7, Resistanсe With the helр of ohmmeter.

я qAэ-\^/'tAr n||mns afteг cheсking of the system.


1 1 .Кpаскy paзв9Дят.Paствoр!4тeЛeм]

2, Mаслo дoстaвляeтся нaсoсo|vl.

3' Пpикaзы oтдaюJcя oфицepaми.



{.to 96' сhаstп kа stг'' sevasloрo|' UkГа]nе . Phоne] (0692) 546 146 . Faх] (0692) 546 984
Е-mа : eng] sh@trаnscoпtlасl'com . !!\,/w,lгansсonrасr,сon]
EngIish fo, EIeсtriсal Engineers PARт з. GRAпiмAR UNlт 9. PAss|vE volcE

R-/.+ ЕYЕp..IeE JJa Пoставьтe пpeдлoжeния и3
N./ Aсtive Voiсe в Pаssive Voiсe

Hапpимep: А bulk сarrier Carries Such Cargo as сoal or grain'

Such cargo as coa| or grain is сarried bу a bulk carrier,

2, Тhey сheсk the emergenсy lights,

3 The brushjear сur'i"nt rro* tr'e a.'"iure *inJing.


4' Еngineers sUpp|y instruсtions for operation аnd maintenance of maсhineгy,

''s'. тье.irqgt*'?r Ёl,llisl еi?Цй;i ilй iLiciii?i!sчip'!ilr cyc..]'c?y...''.'.. '.

9 . Тhis svstem supрIies's.!9m al Innl;Ae ]ubriсatmg
tt tЬri^.ti^^ +^ +Ь^
^iI !9 ]l19 e'ngjn9.b.9.Фjngs

.9....'A pЧ Цр. {9.Цye t.s'99q.!v.'s!gr.

1o. 1ц9 englneer p""9uiu9 iц9 '.]""r-qnоe ь91ц,een 1ц9 !ea11ng аnо the shaft,

96. сhаstп]ka st se!аsl.э. -i.eiе.Phoпё (0692) 546 146 . Еаx: (0692) 546 984
Е.ma e1: s^э:-e"sэ.nilасt . сom Www,1rаnsсon1|ас1'сom
PARт 3. GRAr{llvlAR UNIт 1o. FUтURE lNDEFiNlтE
EngIish for Elcсt]ical Engineers

БyдyщEE нEOпPEдЕлEннoE вPE]tllя /
дeЙствИя или нeскoЛЬкИХ
BрeNlя FUture lndetinite yпoтpeбляется {l1 ^::'ju*"',"
сoвepшaтЬся в oyдyщeNЛ,
no".гop"oщ,*"" дeйствиЙ, кoтopьre бytyт
yпoтpeбляeтся сo слeдyющиМи cЛoвaNЛИ,
Чaстo бyдУщee нeoпpeдeлeнHoe BpeMя
N4oжeт тaкжe вЬlpaжaтЬся пpи aoМoщи:
Бyдyщee дeЙствиe в aHглиЙскoM язЬlкe
. oбopoтa
-_-.t to be going to + инфИHИтив: -
goingio п6Ip him soon.. Я coбupaюcь ПoМaчь eМУ cltopo-
coбupaeмcя Зaкoнчumь эmom peМoHm
We are going to rin'"'i iiii ,ep"ir b,у tomorrow. - Мьt
ЗaвmpaIJJHaмIу 0Hю.
вpeMeHи), oсoбeHнo с гЛaгoлaMи
. Presеnt lndefinite (Haстoящeгo нeoдyшeвлeнHoгo
двИ)кеHия: _ Пoeзd amпpaвляemcя чeрeз 15 MuHуm,
тhe train teaves n 1 5 minutes
. пpoдoлжeHHoгo врeMeHИ) с гЛaгoлaNЛи двИ)кeния
вpefuleHи Pгeseni сontinuous (нacтoящeгo
(кoгда pезyльтaт зapaHee извeстeH): oo|,loГ! uepeз dвe
тhe сrew i, in two weeks- - ЭКuпaЖ вaЗвpaщaemcя
"o'ini.Бu"[iЬ'йe'' бuлemы куплeHЬl, вeщu
нeoeлu. (У)Кe u,"""'"o, чmo экuПa)< вoзвpaщaemcя
уПaКoвaньl u пp-)


will work

вoпPoситЕлЬнAя ФoPMA
vou vou
, uOU .
. Пpи пoстpoeнИи oбщeгo вoпpoсa воnoMoгaтелЬныЙ Wi|l ;" Woгk?
глaгoл wiil стaBится пepeд пoдлeжaщиM l she tneУ
it ,We
'';;;i You

oтpицaтeльнoe пpeдлoжeниe oбpaзyeтся You will not rWOrk

пpибaвлeния к вспoMoгaтeлЬHoMy глaгoлy
oтpицaтeлЬHoЙ чaстицы not. Фopмa will not M6цg1 ]
сoкpaщaтЬся дo фoptv1Ьl won,t, i in" l ]

. |l '.,il| at 3
з n
m . Я HaчHy paбoтy в 15:00.
Wi|| .15r+ Work at
staгt l^,^rl.
УтвepдитeлЬHaя . He Wil| сome bасk in two days, . oн вepHeтся чepeз двa дHя'
фopмa . . We wi|l woгk tоЦoIpц.. 1 !'aв1ра. чьr'.бyл9щ
. Тьt чaчнeшь paбoтy в 15:00?
] . Will vou start Work аt 3 p,m-?
. oH вepHeтся чеpeз двa дHя,
BoпpocитeЛЬнaя . Wi|| Ьe come baсk in two days?
фopМa l . Wil| we work tomorrow? . 3aвтpa мьt бyдeМ рaбoтaтЬ?

. I will not (won't) start work at 3 p'm' . Я нe нaннy paбoтУ в 15:00,

. He WiIl not сome baсk in two daуs, . oн нe вepнeтcя чepeз д-вa-4Hя.
. We Won,t Work t9morlow : эaв.гpa мь1 не бyдeм paбoтать

712 s6 сnаы1l.аsl, sе!.sloрo Lk.а,n..o.о.е .'0692' 54ь
l!6. гаl 0692 cа6984
1эi е1q' tl@i,J. sсoгl'JсI ' от '{ryм,1а]sсо11"сt.ofl
EngIish for Е]eсtriсal Eng.neers PARт з. G RAlvt lt,|AR UNlт lo. FUтuRE lNDEFINlтE

ФoPMA тo вE GoING тo

going to work

ExЕRс|sЕ #,l ] пepeвeдитe эти пpeдлoжeния

1' ПЛoхoЙ щeтoЧHЬlЙ l{oHтaкт B. цoMмrгаJop9 вЬ|зoвeт искpЬ|'

a' Q н Р?9'9цqЦel,]щ'e''9-q'9тeЙ' l P Q'д'e'цр-'з'щ1р9..-

3' Haшe cyднo вoйдет в пopт в 7 нaсoв'

..'1'..'л'.'с''o'qЦP.at9'с'ч'!'?к9.!l]1'т'Ч''9]y.-p'?q9тy.чРpgэ'д'q9.'le9з...''' .

5, Я пoищy eгo Ha кaf\Лбyзe'

7, Я зaпуЩУ мoтoр !a xoлocтoM xoдy пepeд. eгo yстан9вкoi.

9. Bo скoлЬкo зaкoHчитоя твoя вaxтa?

]0. B кaкoм пopтy.BЬ].бyдeтe..нepeз месяц?

1 1 КoМq!]дa м]aшиннoгo oтдeлeH.ия

иpаeтся п.oчистИтЬ фильтpьl сeгoдHя вeЧepoп.|.

,ts oipeмoнтиpyЙтe этy лeбeдкy кaк мo)кHo скopee' oнa нам

t бyдeт нyжнa Е]o вpeмя швapтoвки'

. 96 сhаs|пikа sk sеvаstoрo , Ukгэine . Phопe: (0692)546146 . Fах: (0692)546 984
E.mаr] eng sh@trаisсontlасt'сom ' Www,llаnsсonlrасt'сom
English for ElёctriсaI Engineers PARт 3. GRAмIJIAR UNlт 10. FUтURE lNDEFINIтE

Чтo Bьr coбиpaeтecь или нe сoбираeтecЬ

ЕxЕRсlsЕ #2
дeлaтЬ зaвтpа?

(buy a сaг) t u, notЬoino to ьu, u

1' (get up before 7 o,с|ock)
2, (hаve bгeаkfast)
3, (|eaгn new Еng|ish Words)

4, (Watсh ТV in the evening)

N/, ЕxЕRсlsЕ#з
Этo Bаш план нa слeдyюциe нecкoлЬкo нeдeлЬ.
Gкaжитe, нтo Bьl бyдeтe дeлaтЬ в эти дaтЬ|

7- be at home to get гeаdy for departure 17 - come to Paris to meet the сompany agent
9-11 - go to Kiev to get a US visa 17-18 - spend time in Paгis
16 . go to Kiev aiгрort to fly to Franсe 19 - arrivr at my ship

on the 7th I will be at home to qet readv for depafture

On the 10'"
On the 16rh

On the 17th

on the 18th

On the 19th


When an engineer joins a ship he reports to the сhief Еngineeг, He Wi|| сonsu|t With him аbout
the maсhinery аnd Ьquipment Whiсh he Wi|| be responsible for' He Wi|| inspесt suсh maсhinery and
equipmeпt an-d wi|| repori аny faults to the сhief Еngineer if he fjnds them, His dUties Wi|| be to assist With
repair Work and insta||ation of ship's maсhineгy and eqUipment' In his normaI dai|y Work he Wi|| require а||
his personneI to provide safety preсautions Under his sUpervision
Тhe Chief Engineer is responsib|e to the п/aster for maintenanсe аnd safe operation of а||

meсhаniсa| and eleсtricaI maсhineгy and equipment.

тhe Chief Еngineeг is a|so гesponsible foг:
. bu nkering; . overall supervision of engine-room ratings,
. fresh-Waterproduсtion; engineering offiсeгs' e|eсtгiсa| offiсers' and
. po||ution сontгo|; a|| fitteгs onboard'

|f the Chief Еngineer beсause of i|lness or other сauses cannot be in charge of the engine
depaгtmeЛt' the seсond Еngineeг Wi|| tаke oveг. During the absence of the сhief Еnginreг from the ship
the 2n0 Еnginеer WilI fo||oW a|| Chief Engineеr,s instruсtions and wilI be responsib|e for сare and propеr
operation of alI maоhinery and eqUipment.
When thе Chief Engineeг is re|ieved' he Wi|| make а сareful inspeсtion (at |east 3 hours) of the
whole ship inсluding all:
E] maсhinery spaсes; g bгidge; ЕI Co2 room;
l7I h^ilAr с n,.Ae g radro-room; ЕI mooring Winсhes' Wind|ass,
ЕI store-rooms; g lifeboats; ЕI pum p-гoorn s,
и Workshop; g poop; Еl hatсhes;
гЙ etAArin.! .!Arr g emergenсy generalor ano и deсk hydrauIiс systems;
И gаl|ey; diesel fire pump; и deсk e|eсtгiсaI systems,

71& 96 сhаstnikа Stг sevastорoL LJk.аinе . Рhоnе: (0692) 546 146 . Еaх (0692) 546 984
Е.mаi : e1g].sh@trЕnsсoпtrасl сo1п ! W!'/W 1гаnsсontrаd'сo|т
EngIish for EIeсtriсaI Engineers PARт 3. GRAмII/IAR UNlт 10. FuтURE INDЕF|NIтE

тhe departing Chief Еnginеer wil| |ist for the joining сhief Engineeг:
. alI maсhinery that is out of service;
. a|l p|anned work foг the next month(s);
. |ist of аll сhemiса|s and gases;
. al| invеntory;
a |jst of mеasuring instruments and specia| too|s kept by the Chief Еngineer in his сabin,
Both сhief Еngineers Wi|l a|so make sounding of all fuel tanks and сa|сu|ate the quantities of fuel
oi|' diese| oil' lube oi|s inсluding oi| jn use in maсhinery and oiI in storage tanks,
|f thе сhief Еngineer reсeives an order from the Master that he believes Wil| dаmage the
maсhinery' boilers' etс.' or сause unneсessary Waste of fue|' it Wi|| be his duty to repoгt to the Master
about this, If thе prob|em is not сompromised and the Chief Engineer beIieves that the safety of life and
the ship сan be effeсted. he mUst repoгt to the shipowner,s offiсe immediately,

The 2nd Еngineer is the offlсer of the Who assists the Chief Еngir]eer in supervision
of running of a|l maсhinery and plant, At sea With a manned he will normally take сharge of
the 4-8 o,с|oсk Watсh'
Тhe First Assistant Еngineer WilI be responsible for:
.Genеra| maintenanсe and dаily running of the main engine,
GeneгaI maintenanсe and overalI condition of the steeгing gear,
General painting and с|eaning of the engine-room,
Genera| maintenanсe of the refгigeration p|ant With dai|y cheсks of temperatures and
peгformanсe and Week|y сhecks of a|arms.
Maintenanсe of air сonditioning system.
Lube oil quantities and analysis.
t\Лonitoгing of сooling Water effiсienсy аnd taking ana|ysjs every Week.
сorгeсt and fast supply of information to the сhief Engineer about everything, He Wi|| repoгt to the
Chief Engineeг at 08:00 and 20:00 eaсh day.
Supervision of all engine-room personnel.
Тhe 2"" Engineer Wi|| be also an enviгonmental offiсer onboard reporting to the |Vlaster about al|
environmental issues, His duties as an environmentaI offiсer Wi|| inс|ude сontroI of alI
environmentaI reсoгds.

. тRANsGoNтnAст .4, a
96' сhаstnikа str ' sevаsloPol, Ukгаine . Phonej (0692)546146. Fах: (0692) 546 984
I I lr,
. .-. .. . . ' '.'. . E.mаr]leng|sh@t€"!!!"]l"jl:'"!]l,l
Ч:]l1ll!9llT1""* -

maintenаnсe dut|es and to1he Chiеf ЕngIneeг for Watсhkeeping duties'
poгt he work aссoгdlng to the 2no Engineer's instгUсtions.
. If there is no eleсtriсian o"nboaгd tne 3,oЪngrneer WiIl take
responsibility, under the sUpervision of
the Chief Еngineer, for electrica| eqUipment and instal|ation.
. He wil| be responsible foг general maintenanсe of diesel
. Тhe 3.d Engineer Will be thЪ engineer responsib|e to the сhief Еngineer foг bunkering,

. Тhe 4th Engineeг will be responsib|e to the 2nd Еngineer for noгma| maintenanсe
duties аnd to the
сhief Еngineeг for Watсhkeeping duties,
. In addition to the geneгa| dutieЪ the 4th Еngineer Wi|| noгmallУ
tаke charge of the"8-,12 o'с|oсk
Watсh at sea wrtn a mЬnneс engine-room, ti a poгt he WiIl Work ассording to the 2'" Еnginee.s
. ir,l" ?-i.sineer Wi|| be responsib|e for geneгal maintenanсe of pumps, сompressoгs' and


. the сhief Еngineer Wi||
After main enqInes are in fu|| power and Watсhes are set (АMS or UMS)'
give the 2.d Еigineeг a Work sсhedule of maintenanсе,
. instruсtions from the bгidge,
The Watсhkeeper Wi|| ;aгry out a|| manoеuvring oгdeгs or emergenсy
. If the WatсnKeeplng n""o. to сhang; the main engine revoIutions for any reason he Wil|
inform the bridge and"nginЬ".
the сhief Еngineeг.
and сontrol Wi|l be
о When tests/repaiгs aie tinisrreo it," outy deck officer Will be informed
dangeгous Waters,
transferred to the br|dge. тests mUst never be сarried out in
. сheсk exhaust tempeiatures and сoloг of exhaust smoke from the funnel'
о Cheсk pressures and temperatures of coo|ing Water аnd Iubriсаting oi|'
. Al| worйing temperatures and pгessures Wi|l be cheсkеd аnd |ogged every four hours.
. Rounds Wi|l be made during
Watсhkeepеrs Will also pay aitention to strange sme|ls and sounds.
a Watch oi all maсhinery spaсes, boiler spaсes' etо,
. Abnormal reaorngs wil|Ъe гeportеd immediately to the Chief
аn eХtгeme
. lf the situatlon |s .",iou",
off the fuel .uppty to the engjnе immediately
can be 'on|
сhanged Without fiгst
emergenсy the main Бnlines сan be stopped'or the гevo|utions to
engineeг гequ|res
йto,йing ine watсirкeepБr on the bridge and the сhief Еngineer'
lf the dutУ
stop the engine he wlll:
. сa|l the bгidge,
' Slow or stop the engine'
. сa|l the сhief Engineer,
. lnform the bridgе"about the detai|s of the emergenсy сondition as soon as possib|e'

be responsible for pгoper maintenanоe methods of all e|eсtПсa|
EIeсtгiсal Еng ineer WiIl 'and e|есtriса| megger test for
for shoп grounded cirсuit' overloading'
maсhinary onboard sUоh as
insulation resistanсe'
report about them, and
tf neоessaгy' the Е|eсtriсaI Engineeг wi|| diagnose eleсtriсal fau|ts' to the сheсk|ist
perform repairs or rep|acement of broken e|eсtгiсal eq-uipment and systems aсcording

ordeг and Wit| а|Ways plan a|| duties and jobs assigned J9 h'Ц ,'
He Wi|| need to tr'" к"o]o offiсer in the maintenance of navigation eleсtroniс
equipment on the bгidgе, "oop"|."i"
do all other duties
He WiIl fo||oW a|| requiгements of pollution prevention and safety onboaгd and
assigned by the сhief Еngineer or seсond Engineer,
EngIish for E|eсtricaI Engineers PARт 3. GRAtvlмAR uNlт 1,t. PAsт INDEF]NIтE

UNlт {1
пPolцEдlцЕE нEOпPEдEлЕннOE вPEгtЛя /
Пpoшeдшee Heoпpедeлeннoe вpeМя yпoтpeбляeтся при o|It/|ca нV,|А дeЙствИя ИЛи ПoЛoжеHиЯ
дeЛ' И|\r]eвшeгo fuleстo B нeкoтopЬ|Й oпpедeлeнньtЙ MoмeHт
или HeкoтopЬlЙ пepИoд вpeMенИ в
пpot.t]лo|v]' Пpи этoМ oбЬ|чHo He являeтся вФкHЬ|п.4. кaк
дoлгo paзвopaчиваЛoсЬ teЙстBИe илИ
сoбЬlтИе, сУщeствeнHo' чтo сoбЬlтие пpoИзoшлo в пpoшлo|v И He ИNЛeeт свЯзИ
о Haстoящи|t,,
B пpИHцИпe, yкaзаниe нa oг]peдeлeннЬ|Й Мo[aeHт ИлИ oтpeзoк вpeMeни He являeтся oбязaтеЛЬHЬ|M.
eсли из пpедшeствyющeгo кoнтeкста ясHo, кoгдa иNЛeлo Meстo сoбьtтиe,

Past simplе частo испoлЬзyeтся в оoчeтaHии с тaкими oбoзнaчeниями вpeМeни как:

. yesterday (Bчrpа) . |ast summer (пpoшЛЬ|[4 ЛeтoM) . last year (в
пpoшлoм гoдy)
дHя Hазaд) . in 1956 (в 1956 гoдy)
. lwo days ago (двa . |ast Week (нa пpoшлoЙ HeДeлe)



фopNla пpeдЛo)кeния oбpазyeтся пyгe[4
You YoU
She Тhey

вoпPoсиTЕлЬнAЯ ФoPMA
Пpи пoстрoeнии oбщeгo вoпpoсa испoЛЬзyeтоя .t we
вспo|MoгaтeЛЬHЬlй глaгoЛ do в пpoшeдшeM вpefu!eFIи - did, you vou
кoтopЬ|Й отaвится пepeд пoдлeжaщиM ЛpедлoжeHИя, U|o woгk?
с[4Ь]сЛoвoЙ глaгoл лpи этoм yпoтpeбляeтся
cвoeЙ oсHoвHoй фoD[Лe.
. she thev
пo|voщи вслotvloгaтeлЬFloгo глaгoлa do в пpoшeдU]eм
Bpe[4eни - did, зa кoтopЬ||\,,] слeдyeт oтpицaтeлЬнaя
You You did not
чaстицa not. CмьtcлoвoЙ глaгoЛ пpи этoм yпoтpeбляeтся в

He ' didn't work


свoeЙ v9пvoп..lyl
vowЕy| oснoвHoй !PUР|v|c. фopMe. li

нAп PиM ЕP:

yтвepдИтeлЬHaя . l'had breakfаst in the morning' . Я пoзaвтpaкaл yтpoм,

фoo'" . Hе Went to Paris in 1990 . oн eздил в ПapИж в 1990,
. Тheу aгrived аt the airpoгt at5, . oни пpибьtли в aэpoпopт в 5

__ -*
. Did I have breakfast in the morning?
;. . Я пoзaвтpaкaл yтpoм?
";;;;; . Did he go to Paris in 1990? . oн eздил в Пapиж in 1990?
. Did they aIrive at the aiгport at 5?
] . oHи прибЬlли в aэpoпopт в 5?

. ldidn't have breakfast in the morning, ' . Я нe пoзaвтpaкaЛ yтpo|\,]
' .tle did 1990. l

фoомa . l h9y
not go to Parjs in . oн нe eздил в Пapиж в 1990 гoдy'
.qldll].'aг1Y1a!'!l]€.'.si.(P'9j'4!...' ''.'' '.':
o!l1.le п P{.б'1l.Ц.q.eэP'o'l9'Pj.P.!
' ' '.' ''.'.,

!!] ГлaгoЛ to be в пpoшeдLueп, вpe[4еHи иMеeт фopl,ly Was/Were, Ha нeгo He paслpoстpaняeтся

oбщеe-пpaвилo пoстpoeния oтpИЦaтeЛЬHЬ|x и вoпpocИтeЛьнЬ|Х пpeдлo)кeнИЙ' тo eсТЬ ПpИ
yпoтрeблeHИи глaгoлa to be в пpoстo|\, npoшeд[JJeN4 вpe[ЛeHИ вспo|v]oгaтeлЬHЬ|Й глагoл did нe
исг]oлЬзyeтся !!!

96, Chаstлikа slr sevаsloрol' Uk€iпе . Phone] (0692) 545146 . Faх] (0692)546 9B4
Е.mэi] eig isholr:nsсo0!lасI'сol]]. !'lvw,1Tаnsсcn1raсl сom "117
uNlт t,l. PAsт lNDEFlNlтЕ

seсond . i Was he the Seсond Hе Was nol tl]e .

oн He Was the .*l

Ь;.;il;; " ^ l Г]:*:jJffй;i-
Ha тoМ бaлкepe

эЛектpoN/lexaникoM, DuIKeг'
. ЕlТ$"."'ll.]' Еffxi."'':.
глaгoлЬ|, кoтopЬ|e He пoдчиHяются oбщeMy
!ll Исключeние тa*(e сoстaвляют нeпpaвилЬHЬ|e Haпpиfulep:
oкoнчaния .ed, ИХ фop[4Ьl нyжHo зaучивaтЬ'
'"'iili** '
пpaвилy дoбaвлeHия
|фopма .- it*'opцe- -*'!l!фojlц1-. - i-' .

: tbin]
tbil l was/were 1wэz1 1wа:1 ' been являтЬся'
. be
. ' ' l
Цlng .-.-. . l пoкyпaть
l Б"йr.t .;.ibэlt].'. ] bolrght . ] !q:.t]

й" .'. i;;ii'

сhoose ltjulz] ; "r,"." ttjaЧ.] . chosgn 1 tt!au3эn1 :":;uJ::"
..,me tk^m] l l tкeim] ' сome ] !k^ml ' пр!1ХoдитЬ .

"u'" [k^t] сut lк^t] peзатЬ

'..с'Ч,!'.'.'...'.'.'' цt]r-'']'! ]ut
drink o."nк . ldгФlkl ] qlunk {dlnq|] .
-. [d|i!k]
йi '- - цll* -,'Lil ''-'-'"- ', щll-- ''--1JaЩl-. ''-,-Ill9д*."".''']-!sдaT'P'' -.-'' ''
, i.J'
. !,"ild ]
foroet forgot :::1
lllJli;; :.]J#; l l]Ёillll ша

. ,- fnrбiven
:: "",.";
:;: пpoщ? lЬ
l.fоrg]ve ''.-..--i1l,.ч-*-'.jeйуi* -.'ugn*r--:-}yеtt-*--u99LY9l]..*
',9.9.''..'..'-:'[s*]'''']-;' - .tn.,r ]I9,'] jп9ЛyчaтЬ
get .[set] lgЪi l:::
givg ]- - . gзu" ' . '19"iu1. l*giv-el i 'Ilrgl-

!о'u1 l,"i:!. ..'Ц]Lej!''.''.''''.'..'''''.'

i f:11'
. hзyc - -- Jlr9Yl"-'- ] й - -*'.ll]:*r--- -!id----'. -
^^.. Ihiэ] l ;йiJ' '-.*. j .1!qlo.l''....'....'..'.'rl.e-?'lQ ' l цq.q]'.'
-] ::.:lii*
nl.e ';^';'
а|u] ;;''
L .'.i'id]
;^^.,. hрId
hidden . !hid-а'n] :lil1'' ]

-' ]
j Lhe|d] hetd дepжaтЬ
дepжg Ihe|d]
}ilfi'- ''
ih?чld] l t.eto
. hold
l'"n '
-.''liц - l
*- '.-' j t'!'a.]] '
-*-]JrцL- .- 'he|d]
'* -.
keep . *'.o, ] *:t. .9o* [kеpt] лЪ11aть
] ] l1"' ..,
known [nаun]

know [nаu] knew {nju:]

[|i:v] |eft t|eft] left [|eft] no*,д".o
z] |ost l|)st] lost [|эst] тepятЬ
]9se [|u
l i ' '. дeлaтЬ'
make . tmeiк] : [me|оl сoздав'qтl

: '.|] ' ', '-uo"


;; l::"

ou* -.
sаv ] [sei]
| s3'id '
' 9a!d -
. ll]l]'
,; Isеd]' ]''
скa9?тЬ |

;. t'"э.]-'-l len 9': ls',n] видeтЬ

l-iйi-'- ..'.,tl|tr .] 9hЧ! . i{lll . .'. .....эhчt .....'. -.'.... :..ЦЦl .9з-Цp!lвa].Ь' .' .'

t,t8 96. clrаsh kа stl. sеvаstoрoli.![xl]i.;li:li ]."i?fji#i.j"i;я*o.o:'uo
Eng|ish for E|eсtricа| Engineers PARт з. GRA|l'IvlAR uNlт 11. PAsт lNDEFtNlтE

spoke '''''i 'lsP9чЦ''.'. , 9p'"Ц9; - i:э"*п' ,Ь99р'ц1o

sрend. .' lspend] spent . l 1speпt] spe.n! '''.
.. [sрenl] пpoвoдИтЬ
stand [s1@nd] stood Jslll:d] stood [stu:d] стoятЬ
stjсk tstik]
stuсk . 1"tnк; ' stuсk прИкЛeивaтЬ'
Ist^k] ]зacтрeвaTЬ
sW99p'''' ..'..: .I"чi.P] '.'.'.'.''' '.'9Weр1 . '''syygр]'.. .'.'.-.... tiy9Pl] '.' пoдn,leтaТЬ'
.. took
..J?ke .. . .. ] .. !!9ik] .'.'... ...IlчЦ] ....'. , !a!еn .. . [.teikаn] бpать
teaсn ] [ti:tЛ

taught , ltэ:t] taught Jtr]t] oбyvaть

te|l [tе|] o|0
to|o [tэ|d] . told [tэld] paсскaзЬlвaтЬ
Цll]!.'.'..' ...''. {9-i!|r..''...'.' ...'!!.''qЧ.s.]'rt....''.'].l'e'..t] '.''.'j.l!.s'чgnl' ''''..Iо].!.].'.''.- ...дyщa]Ч
throw . .I0.Ц .'..'.. t|'I'9W...'.'.. . .. .|о.u.]..'. !hro. !.!.| ' .... I:qРuп] .....
. бPoсaтL
Understand ] L^noаstёno]
uiIuе|sLa]|u unde|slood .] ['^ndа'stu:d] .. Underslood
['^ndа,stёnd] unoe|slooo underslood ['^ndа,stu:d] ] пoHИ[4aтЬ
Write [rа|t] Wrote [гёul] Written ['гiln] писaтЬ

Ф i). lNсlDENт RЕPoRтs

Aug. 30' 2007 - Lаst Week We had 5 оаses of offiсers and гatings drinking onboard, lt didn't
happen for the first time With these сrewmembeгs on the vessel, though the inсidents
Were not reported to
our offiсe by ihe |\Лaster before,
Тhis is total|y unacсeptable. lf a сrewmember drinks above the average аnd it effeсts
п|s Worк'
Masteг should report to our head offiсe immediately. No Warning wil| be given to-this person,
Тhere Wi|| be
an Immedjate repatriation With al| сosts pаid by him.
Nov' 24,2007 - We had two serious incidents on a сhem jсal tanker. All сircumstanсes
are noт сlear
yet, one сrewmember ignored сompany proсеdUres and onboard sаfety
Wаrnjngs, He enteгed
а саrgo tank during сlеaning pгoсedure, Another сrewmember Warned him nЬt to ente-г beсause
Was insuffiсient oxygen and he didn't have a bгeathing apparatus. But he went in
anywЪy, one ot
сrеwmembers put on a bгeathing аpparatus aлd Went in to gеt him oUt. But his
mask wа! reЬoved for
some reasoл. The a|arm Was started and рropeг resсue operation Wаs сaгrled
out but two seamen diеd'
As you aIl know' this is the most сommon сause of death at seа but some peop|e don'iget
|essons, Bring this to the attention of aIl onboard and eХplain What сan happen if
tЁey.don't fo||oW basiс
safety proсed ures.

so 19ч 99l visjt staгt kеep |ubгiсate с|ose finish eХplain Wash be\/ а\,6h' 6^ || |^l^+^|1^'J
' сve|||||g
- wcll\;ltеu
-:---_- - _- ТV,

1,I to the bгidge to bring the message to the Chief offiсeг.

2.We -
Washing at 10 o,сloсk and
at 12 o'сloсk,
3. I already h olds.
4. Last Saturday we Hong Kong.
5. I
Watсh thгee times last Week,
6, The сhief Engjneeг to me my dutjes Veгy We||'
7.1 home a week ago.
8' Тhe fuе| oiI serviсe tanks full.
LWe the bearjngs in the manoeuvring meсhаnism'
10 He the bearings' the сommUtatoг' аnd the brushgear,

Е.mаr ]
96 сhаstп]ka st..' sеvаstоPol. UkЙiлe . Pho're] (0692)546 146. Faх (0692) 545 9s4
еng ]slr@tгаnsсolrtrасt,com' www'lraЛscorl|aсt,com lt9
PARт з. G RAtvI lllIAR UNlт 1l. PAsт lNDEFlNtтE
English for Electrlсal Engineers

вoшли в кaют- кoщ]]eЦ!g -q

10. т иe v|

19. У нaс были п

\124 i
EngIish for Electriса| Engineers PARт з. G RAI!,I |vtAR

Егo нeoбxoдимo paзoбpaтЬ и

Нa пpoшлoм коHтpзкгQ y нa9 бч1л9 автoMaтИзиpoвaH,o"

цq.,,",o" oтдeлeниe классa A 1.

ЕxЕRс|sЕ #3
Haпишитe эти пpeдлoжeния
в пpoшeдшeм вpeмeни

2. We. аlways'do.9.Ч r..щo-l.l.(..Iq9!. orl! !.s

. . .'Y.9э!т{зy. щ
3. Тhey work every day' ] Last month
4' Тhe genera-tor Woгks ql a vеry high sрeed,

6, sornetimes the сooler is out of order,

.. z'.' 'Qщ's'!ipqщ!.e'l'.q9'99]'r]!-b'Чy'o9ц.e''q'Чjp.Ц-е|!'!-[Q'| !he e

Lаst yeаr
8' Motormen a|Ways sс|ew аll bo|ts very tightly'
Durinq reoair

ExERсtsE #4 Пpoвepьтe сeбя на знаниe

втopoй фopмь| нeпpавилЬнЬ|x глaгoлoв

с M Е F o U N D B Т
Т г1 T гt P т o
п D Т K N H K o
B s E H Е R T s o s K
G s D t\4 N G o т
o B L Т D T F D s
K o K D P D R N K R
Е o s P E F X P N o P
L Е L J E т o
L п G P D Y E C Е K
o т Е o N D F U Т Е
Z 0 s P E N Т B s

сome go get find do put feel break speak leave

drink have know buy teaсh spend make see

96 сhзъ.}аs|' qeд!lЧ) .. а.е.Dro]" 10692'5д6 146.Fdх \aь9?) 546 gвz
Е.тJ еr ]
,,1o- l.а1s o.rcсl сот . ww,!a llалsссn|Jсl'(om
UNtт ,l2' PAsт coNтlNuous
English for Elёсtriсal Еngц,= PARт 3' G RAItllIvlAR

uNlт ,|2
E вlE_г.Jlя
Poш Eдш EE пPoдoл)кEннo
PAsт GoNтlNuous тENsЕ
пpoисxoдящегo в oп peдeлeнHE
ff:ilъ?"ь"f" iН"?:'f;T;l,:"Ё;fi:H"T:1"."""."":''fl
eщe н9 ззI.9!чилocЬ в lPoчI'9ч]
. "';;;;;'"; "
я."*onчил pабoтaть
Я нaчaл paбoтaтЬ
процeссe рабoтЬl)


oБPAзoBAHиЕ ФoPM PAsт сoNтlNUoUs

УтB..ЕPдllтЕllllAЯ 99.PMA .' '' ].''
УтвepдитeлЬнaя фopмa пpeдлoжeHия He, she. lt

пpи п:y:-щ:::п1п/loifl".i*ТЁ"
oбpaзyeтся пeи
oбpaзyeтcя пo|\Лoщи
;..;;;..;;';; We
.Ws-*. '*. woгking

'*. were

в пooшeдшeм вpeМeHи (tntinitiu"l


нaстoящeгo вpeMeни ",o,",;Ьii,oinЪ,on"
't hav
l lL,

BoпPoситEлЬHAя ФoPMA I

вoпp(Jua ] ''- :.'. '-'.'.it
he' she'
Пoи пocтрoeнии
o^AпЛAни _ We
working? l

,"no*o.,i"no"o,Й гЛaгoЛ to be Were vou

iЪ"й"'" стaвится пepeд пoдлeх(aщиM. theY
......,.. ...: ,.. ...,. .... .'. .'.'

пyтeM He, She, lt

oтpицaтeлЬнaя фopMa oбpaзуeтся '

j't jx "'т"н:х^}",y "TiJ, ;", ; ..We...

l 3:iТffi fl l; " You i
were not :

чaстицЬl not.

HAII|иMEI''' ;'. н"*"..i"itйg.ih;iii"Ъйp*r'".'.. . к"й"д*;:**l,r#fl "'

УтвepдитeлЬHaя . . Ь]''i .pЪ""p""й oгHетyшитeлИ
.lJvР'.'' T;"i ff}".:H::i,flg extinguist.e,s с 14 Дo 14'З0,
fгom 2 ti|| 2'30 p,m
the fire pumр WneП . ]
]ll]^ . NU|/.{a
Кoгдa |'yv99, lч,l* сИpeHa,^oH
пpoзвyЧaлa -',г
. Was he "*.;;j;;"
^^ stаrting 'i." ".,.o 'r,."n пoжapнЬ|Й нaсoс1
BoпpoсИтeльнaя . tr'e arагmlouiсeoz ..:aпускaл
oни пpoвepяли oгнeтушитeли
фopMa w"r" ,n"yi"r-'"""iing^eХtinguishers
tгom z tiriz:зo p,miz "^:^ i""::':::".nчrаnньtй нaсoс.

7?;2 l". . -'.:l.:"6.i*." r'ас'сorL . Iafr,l,а.*oт а1 сo-

English for Еlectricаl Engineers PARт з. GRAммAR uNlт 12. PAsт сoNт]NUoUs

Пpolитaйтe и пepeвeдитe эти пpeдлoжeния

.].l.Wha!.},v91.9'}.oЧ d''at 1 0 о'сloсk lest evening?

'.'? Тl9 рu|'!Prn?r]' Was.'сonneсting !'l]9. !os.9..?t !!e Ц.o'!:n'q!t WЦ9n | сame in,

4 Тhe bearing was being adjUsted by the motorman fгom 6 tiII 8 o'с|oсk two dаys ago

""";h;;tid;i;i;;;;;;;;;g й;'с"й;
5, We found out thаt the i" ir,'e p",ts ot
the motoг. 'oiкing

''.q |
!v'q'9 щ'?Цin.g-'a.!p''ql9s |i9'!'J9r tl]'c.9cщ'p'Фy.!:l:lysф]]:l'W!le1 1ц! щ"t99 qц".".'кф. ' ' ,

s l wаs vaгnishing ih;*inсin; of i"i"1 *r,r"' ir,l" j"n"й1*". stopped:

.l0..HeWas s!||t wоцkjng ц/.l-]en !hg-.qIoсk. sh.owed .9.p.m

Ri]'* ЕxERс|sЕ Bстaвьтe в пpeдлoжeния глагoлЬ| в скoбкax
N #2
в пpавилЬнoй фopмe и yстнo пepeвeдитe

1, Тhe Тhiгd EngineeI the bunkeгing p|an (prepare) Wnen ne

the fire a|аrm (hear)
2, Аt 6 o'с|oсk We (сheck) the qUantity of the fUe| oiI that
onboard (deliver)
3' Тhey the fue| fi|ters (о|ean) When I them (see)
4. He the brushgear on the generator (renew) and
to his сabin (go) becаuse his Work (fin ish)
5. Тhe generator at slow speed Whole yesteгday evening (work)
6' | ._.".- (notsee) how he -.--.-- oil spills (с|eаn)
Цl"I" ''.'..----.'--- you(be) Whenthefitter (injure)

: тRANscoNтRAст
96 сhаsln]kа slr. SeY6stоpcl. Uk.e]ле . Рhoпej (0692) 546 ]46 . Еах] (o6s2) 546 9s4
Е'mа eng] sh@trаnsсontlacl,оom . WwW irаnsсontmсt'сom
Еnglish for EIeсtriсal Engineers PARт з. GRA !мAR UNlт 12. PAsт сoNтlNUoUs

ЕxЕRсlsЕ #3 Пepeвeдитe эти пpeдлoжeния

oH oсnilaтривaЛ дP'ц].q]lлЬ'.в. Те!eн!t.и ll.glly:l?с? . '..

4- B этo врel,lя вчepа двигатeлЬ нe pqбoтaл


Engineer Weгe Woгking:| #4 iп the port With the

The Еleсtrica| Еngineeг and .Do
tne 2nd ]l:..с,"n"
and notiсЪsposted
рower turned off l?t.ччt.p:y::,"jlч""*:г::';"..'';
""JiJi',TJ.iir.ЁjйЪiiЬ"iйn" "no
*" ....Jij]i'i]Ъ'"'i'.o '.h;ouiyЬs ч": T^ч:lLi:o^lч:::,oI::.,J"1l jж ilP;::;
гequest|||9 "' . - lY]jl.
llЗ,'"'Ё]i,,],j.1#й3.Ъ"iЬi'';.й" . lт 9ч*J^T.?j:jН.:.."жl;: j::"j."l;lxlnn".'
engineer аnd
d||u in oy|Lg
spite of "йin"-.o.
the.notiсe Witсhboard' put the power baсk on'
informingo tпе
the eIIL,l|l|cеI ,l,i16. in hiс
his hя
hands end
Wiгes i^ and reсeived
reсе|' a
li.i"r'"t iI'." tr,lЬ Eleсiriсal ЕngIneer Was holding naked
сonsiderаbIe eleсtriс shoсk,

LEттER oF lNсlDЕNт #2
from an unheated doub|e bottom tаnk to а
Duгing a sea passage bunkers Were being transferгed
heated double bottom tank,
p"" i" *.ик". ьЬiig ."o" With the soUndings of the tаnk into Whiсh the
main deсk,
;;;iъЫ;й;йg to be transferred, the tank overflowed onto the
ir'" ti'"'
but the sсUppers were p|ugged and most,'of thе- o|l Was
Тhе Weather Was rough йotion some of the oi| esсaped
"t winos anj the
reсovered from the deck. ou" to йЬ..iiong йeal
into the sea.

LЕттER oF lNсlDЕNт #з

|ater resu|ted in his dеath'

А fitter onboaгd oUr Vesse| sUffeгed a serious injury that
*a",u"iy eХperienсed at this sort of Work having done
тhe fitter who Was maгried With z
26 сontгacts sinсe his first tjme on ouг managed vessels
in 1986.
from the Gu|f she Was гolling in the
While the Vesse| Was on-,.uoy"gЪ to Southeгn lndia
vertiсa| staсk of p|ates' Fitter B was at the s|de
southwest monsoon swe|l' 2 fitteis wЪгe tгyйg to re-stowа
the Way' Whi|e fitter A stood in fгont of the staсk
of the stow and moving .o.e ot tй"',."ttЬ' fri"""s out of
ho|ding them in plaсe,
and сhanged his ho|d on
Еor some reason Fitter A a|so bent down to assist moving a small р|ate
the p|ates, Тhe vessel rorreo ano_iйe piates co||apsed сrUshing fitter
А, He suffered a broken leg аnd
foг heIp but despitе аlI the vеry Dest
uьЪ6minar injuгies thаt Weгe later to prove fatat, The vesse|'asked
efforts of the сrеW onьoarJ- r'e died before the he|iсoрteг With mediсal assistanсe arrived,

424 96' сhаstnrka stг
Sеvaslopol, Uklаine . Phoie (0692) 546 146 гах (0692) 546 9в4
Е.mаr]: enq] sh@iransсontraсl сonr ш,'ц'.tгаnscontгасt.соm
English for Eleсtriсаl Еngineers PARт з. G RAпIIмAR UNlт 13. PRESENт PЕRFEст

uNlт ,I3
нAGтoящEE GoвEPllJEннoE вPE]UIя /
Haстoящee coвepшeннoe вpeп,я yгloтpeбляeтся для oбoзHaчeнИя дeйствия или сoбЬ|тИя,
пpoИсxoдившeгo в пpoшлo|\л и иi\,1eющeгo связЬ с нacтoящи|\,t, тo eCтЬ Являющeгoся aКтyaлЬHЬ||v,
cyщeствeH HЬl|\л знaЧИMЬlМ для мo|\,1ентa рeчи.
. |'ve broken my screwdriver. Can уou give me another one? - Я cЛoMaл cвoю omвеpmKУ-
MФкeLuь лu mы 1amь мне dpуеую?
. |,ve сomp|еted mу work so l сan he|p you with the repair of this pump,- Я ЗaвepLuuл cвoю
paбomу, Пoэmol|Iу я Mo7у Пofu|oчЬ meбe C peМoнmoМ] эmo^o нacoca.

Present Perfeоt yпoтpeбляют, кoгдa Хoтят oбъявИтЬ нeчтo иЛи cooбщитЬ o чeМ-тo, чтo прoизoшЛo
тoлЬкo чтo илИ сoвсeм HeдaвHo. .

. just dismant|ed this pump-- Я moльКo чmo paЗoбpaл эmom нacoс,
. The Chief Еngineer hasn't recrived anу te|exes from the technica| deрaftment |ate|у.- ПocлeoHee
вpeМя Cmapшua MeXaнuК нe Пoлучaл (нe пoлунaem) meлeКcoв om mexнuчecКoеo

Haстoящee сoBepшeнHoe вpeMя испoлЬзyeтся гlpИ |Yv| oбoзнaчeнии сoбЬ|тия, кoтopoe

| |UРUl,
paосIMaтpиваeтся кaк фaКг )кизHи, из кoтopoгo мoжнo чepпaтЬ жизнeHнЬ|Й oпЬ|т или ^vдeлaтЬ
y|\ЛoзаключeH ия ' To, кoгдa ип.4eннo пpoизoшлo дaннoe сoбЬlтиe' HeвaжHo иЛи нeИзвeстнo'

. l'Ve Seen our Superintendent. - Я вudeЛ Нaшrеo сУПepuНmeHdaнma-

. |'ve read this manua|- - я чumaл эmу uнcmpуКцuю'
. I have never been to Аmerica, - Я нuкoеda нe бьlл в Амepuкe,
. l1ave уou had suсh prob|ems with the main engine? - У вac (вooбщe) былu maКue пpoблeMЬ! c
eлaвнь]М dвuzameлeм?

Presеnt Perfесt yпoтpeбляeтся c вЬlpaжeнИЯMИ, oбoзнaнaющими пepиoд вpеп/енИ, кoTopЬIЙ к

|\4oNлeнтypeчи eщe He зaкoHЧИлcя, тaкИMи кaк:
. todаy (сeгoдHя) . for 2 years (пoслeдниe
двa гoдa)
. this Week (нa этoЙ нeдeлe) . this evening (этим вevepoм)
. thjs morning (этим yтpoм) . so fa| (дo сих пop' пoкa)

. I have unbo|ted ten nuts todaу- - Я omКpуmuл Ceeodня deсяmь еaeк,
(Мoх<em бЫmь, ycПeю ОmкpуmumЬ eщe пяmь, ao moтo КaK 7aКoHчumCя ceеo1няI,lJHuЙ deHь)
. I haven't seen him for ten уears. - Я Нe вu1eЛ eеo decяmь лem.

Haстoящee сoвepшeнHoe врeMя тaЮкe чacтo исnoлЬзyeтcя с HapeЧияMИ:

. |аte|y (нeдaвнo) . . yet (ркe)
Just (тoЛЬкo чтo)
. ....''.''.Le'99-!] !l
y ( щд.qc цq ) . already (yжe)

o |'ve recent|у been to the crewing company, - Я нedaвнo бЬ!Л в KpюuHroвoli кoMлaнuu,

Present Perfeсt нe yпoтpeбляeтся' eсЛи eстЬ yкaзаHиe Ha дaтy, тoчнoe вpeмя или пepиoд
вpeMeH И, зaкoнчившийся в |ipoшЛoп,l' H этo|v
слyчae испoЛЬзyeтся пpoшeдшee HeoпpeдeЛeHнoe
вpе[,1я (Past lndefinite
вpefulя lndefin itе Тense),
o l renewed the motor winding |ast week. - Я зafu|eнuл oбмomку нacaca Нa пpaшЛoЙ HedeЛe-

96 сhastn]kа stг.' sеvаstoрo]' Ukга ne. Phone: (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692)546 984
Е.mаi|: enq ish@trаnsсontlасt'сom . WwW,lrаnsсonlrаct'сom 1?'s
ЕngIish for Еleсtrical Engineёrs


с ] .щ9 ...'. ]

Утвepдитeльнaя фopMa Present Perfeсt oбрaзyeтоя

пoмoщЬlo вcпoмoгaтeльнoгo глaгoлa have/has в нaстoящeМ ,You l

И инфиHитивa сI,1ЬlслoBoгo глaгoлa с тh9 y
nЬo'"д,".o вpeп,eHи -ed иЛи 3-eЙ фopмЬI HeпpaвилЬl.loгo
-Це '
глагoлa. has
Yl :

вoпPoситEлЬHAЯ ФoPMA
вспoмoгaтeлЬныЙ глaГoл
Пpи пoстpoeнии вoпpoсa +ь6\, worked?
hаve/has в HacтoящeNl вpeMeни стaвитcя flepeд
пoдлe)кaщим пpeдлoжеHия. he
Has , she
W;. hаve not
пyтeм l "" w^,! haven't

oтpицaтeльнoe пpeдлoжeниe oбpaзyeтся
-.",,'".,''.i" "^"'ыn"Ъ
ir,."y "
,. Woгked
* ""no.,o,u.#ffi not,
eлЬнoй чaстиЦЬl
HастoящeM вpeМени oтpИцaтeЛЬнOи
чdU|и|ЧD| He
hаs noт
9Цe - hasn't

1. Have you сheсked all soсkets and
swiсhes yet?

4, Thе Third Еngin.еq1 hq9 jчs!'9t9pp9'd.'t!r9..PЧ.Цp'.!9.9?Чs9'9f i!9

5' We have found the гeason of short ciтсuit'

mojor of th'e'Windlass,.тhey аre.empty,

L"" iч.t "l.""к"q i!r" ;9;.1й;"й*.9.9l.ih9''9ц]9


96' сhаstnrka sll srvasloрo|, Ukaiпe .Phon" .('!93]':1^,"11:.:"l?}"|ч692) 546 984
i:й" ""g] "hoi,***1,sсt'сon ш!W.transсontгасl сonr
Eng|ish for EIeсtriса| Engineers PARт 3. GRAIшП'AR uNlт 1з. PRЕSENт PERFEGт

ЕХЕRсlsE #2 Пepeвeдитe эти пpeдлoжeния

'.'-2.''ц4o.l9Рц9T.y'Ц9.ЦP999р'.]44,'11зЦ'pqgg]?'eJ-{a999'I'P9'с'.]].9и'в'9д9] |.I99д'e' p,9!Ч9.t|'тз.

3. Я ркe ЛрoчитaЛ иHстрyкцию и зaМeнИл пoвpeщдeнHЬle дeтaли.

ЕxERс|sЕ #3
Coставьтe пpeдлoжeния'
испoлЬзyя даннЬte глaгoлЬI

btу burn
9,llarlS.9... , repair. ..... s!9p..
I nave a new сaг.

1. The сhief Еngineer is looking foг the manual. He оаn not find it
2, Theгe was no fue| in the tank. Now it's full.
3. I don't hear the noise of the engine.
Тhe eng ine
4, I don't see any сraоks in the pipe any moгe'
Тhe Welder
5. The eng jneer told the motorman to repair the pump but it is still not working.
Тhe oumo
6. Тhere is light in your сabjn again.

the lamp.
7, Тhere is a smoke from the soсket,
Тhe soсket

96. Chаstпiка stl ' sеvastoPo|,

Ukгaine . PhoПе] (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (o6s2) 546 984
en9||5.@YJ.s(олllасi,сoг1 i www,l|агsсonl.ас1 сolт ', ,lzr l
PARт з. GRAм]tltAR UNlт 14. т{loDAL vERвs
EngIish for Eleсtriсal Engineers

UNlт {4
lt,loдAJlЬнЬlE глAгoлЬt / ]t,loDAL vERвs

. oбoзнaнaющиe He сaМo дeЙствиe,

a oтнoшeHИe к HeNr1У
MoдaлЬнЬle глaгoЛЬI этo глaгoлЬ|,
oни ;;;;';Ь.* нeoбхoдимoсть, BoзМo)lкHoстЬ, жeлaтeЛЬHoстЬ
дeйствия,вЬ| pal+(eннoгo ocнoвнЬl|и глaгoлo|\,1.
язЬ|Ке He спpягaются и oбpaзyют вoпpoситeлЬнyto И
Moдaльньte |.nul.on,, u.
dни нe yпoтpeбляются сaNлoстoятeлЬнo'
oтpиЦaтeлЬнyto фop'Ь| бeз "",n"Йскo|\4 ,ni'on"
iono*o сoчeтaнии с инфинитивoм бeз
чacтицЬl to,

сAN - MoчЬ, БЬlтЬ сoстoЯнии, УMЕJP

' вoзпloжHoсти или cпocoбнocти
--. .'-^-.^;;;.-;" ';" *iio"*",""

. MoдaльHЬ|й гЛaгoЛ сan yпoтpeбляeтся для BЬlрaж

. coвepшeния сou|d _ для oбoзнaveния '

i".l:;"fi".." для oбoзнaЧeHИ: 1?:-T:'1Т:^:p,eмeни;

. .щ,"ц,iБiЬ иll !e з!|e.t9 - фoPмa
бyлyч91o 1P.eЧеlиl. ....
. .
can speak ten languages, Он ум^eem
('?*?:|:11?p"'Ь Ha 1e)яmu язЬlКaх,
(умeл) плaвamь' кoeda бьlл |laлeньKuM-
. Нe cau|d swim when he iмas smal!-- Он мoе
- Я cмoеу зaкoннumЬ эmom
pefu|oнm вcКope-
. l wi!! be able to finish tпii'i"pui, 'oon
. l1ow can I help уou? - Кaк я мozу Baм
мoz cлЬlLtlamь uJУI,| в 1вueameлe'
. I could hear the noise iithe enginе, - Я
- Mьt нe cмozлu'эmo omкpуmumь,
. wЬ-coutа not (couldn't) unsсrew it,
tonight'- СeeoaHя вeчepo|vI я нe
cvoеу npuHЯmь
. I won,t be able to t"k:' ;:;";;, tn".Ь,i"ri"g
vчaсmue в бpuфuнee,

вoзMoжHoстЬl I o' BЕPoЯтHoстЬ

oL. v,|,| |:ч- ' -
MAY' IvltGHт - ЕlO3MUЛ\n\Jr.
MAY, IvllGHт .,-.''',^', .;.
] глaгoлЬl
Moдaльньte глaгoлЬl
'"y Ь'o'
" 'igl'1.1:T1::y:'Т':^"''""#iT:1Ti#:.
'mayяии..;;;;;;;;;;;* Чтo-тo
нeт р€зHицЬl, oднaкo
;:::illъТ"#ъТ#:.ъT. fi'""ffi'"; ;;Ц1i^1""r.:ч".3:::"xlfl:ffi:ll
oп199Lв'?9ч 999".]]1l.
l"Ё."iH'"Д#jJ'"J#"1"й жHi1"",-tф!'P'P-9;-;r-'-9{rr,
. lt maу rain later,'Пoзжe Мo}кem HaчamЬcя doжdь,
. lt,vii"i"i
might rain tut",' - пo.з*","il,J,'iЬ,,iйi""
o""Оь (хomя эmo у:!:"^|2:,*)
o!1oзdaeme нa эmom peuс.
. i"t,/ss th,s fiiErht. - BoЗ|'1ФКнo, BЬl u^нe нe вoЙmu в Пapm 24-2o.
. тhe ship maу not сomei;;:;n""";;;;;-n" ii'n - - суo,o ^/Ioх{em
MUsт, HAVE тo . дoлжEH, oБЯ3AH,
. MoдaльнЬ|Й гЛaгoл .;;iy;;'p"б"';;" .-y :".".,u^*::,"."l"l?Tl'l1".J"ll'"""::i;#:il;
й;;;il;". й'"ipy-й"^.l:::-. испoЛьзyeтся для вЬ|paжe'ИЯ
o""*,"*8i.?l'-."il;;;;- oбcтoятeлЬcтв и сooтвeтствУeт
HeoбХoдиMocти сoвepшитЬ iЫ;;;;;
,-"йny, onp"л"neнHЬlХ
pyсскofuly ''вЬ|нyждeн ' пpишлoсЬ ' had to,
] глaгoл npo'"!ЬeM чpeMeни зa[4eHя9тcя кoнстpyкциeй
'u", "
doлжeн.ooлoКumь o Пoлollкe dвuеameля'
. You must repoft about the engine failure- тьl
the- maln engine doesn't want to
start, - Mьl
. We have to staу in the po|1 longer beсause dвueameль нe Xoчеm 3aПуcКamЬcя'
o"'""u'o",'"- nop'i oono'"' пomaму нmo
. .
IiuЬ to ь"u" the controlroom, Я бьtл вьtнужdeн
doлжньt meбя жdamь?
. whу
must we alt wait ror уЬu? Пoнeму мьt вce

728 96. сhаstn]ka slг. sеvastotя;:::*:':":l:::.].ffi),,iji#u"'l"l?l;l:u',,,ou'uo
English for Elertrical Епgineers PARт з. GRAм]vIAR UNlт l4. ПlIoDAL vERвs

sHoULD - слEдyET
Moдaльньtй глaгoЛ shou|d yпoтpeбляeтся пpи cooбщeнии o To|\4, чтo Heчтo слeдyeт
дeлaтЬ, yкaзЬlвaeт Ha MopaлЬHЬ|Й toлГ |Ал|/| oбязaHнoстЬ. Тa|оi(e чaстo ИспoлЬзуeтся в сoвeтaХ,
p9к9ц9H4qчц!.X и
. You shou|d do your work we||, - Baм cлedуem (Bьl оoлЖНь!) aeлamь paбomу Xopo|lJo.
. You shou|dn't smoke here- - |1e сmaum 1deсЬ Куpumь.
. Should Ic|ean the filter now? - |wНe слeoуem пoчucmumь фuльmp ceЙчaс?

ExЕRс|sЕ #1 ]
Haпишитe, какие нaвЬtки y вaс eсть'
испoлЬзyя I саn (Я yмeю)

Bьt сe1qдня бьt-1ь свoбoдF|Ьl|vl oт вaхтЬl'

..1'. 'щgдeтe

s' вам слeдyeт пpoи HфopN,lиpoвaтЬ кaпитaнa oб этoм инцидeнте.

.с.к9p..e'€.' '..... '.


9 B?ry!.]-!9.оЛeдygl зaг].y9кaI'Ь ?9зpиЙнЬlй. гeнepaтop

-q.I?{oщ сo9т9янЦЦ.'

96, Chаshikа Sl..' sеvаstoрc Lk?.е . Phопe: (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692)546 984
Е.mai]: engi]shэl.аrs.c11rасt'coгn . www,trаnsсonlTаct,com 129
Engineers PARт 3, GRAпlll{lAR UNlт 14. пltoDAL vERвs
English lor Eieсtrlсal

. 12' MoгyЛи я зaдaтЬ Baм вoпp9с' Cэp?

p'eм..o.!т.9.9ц!qс.'Ц.l.1..l.y!ш9 п.9дoщдa'!-!?
. 19.].с1'19дy9l'tli1
|и!'re -Ц'?ЧЦ!1q]Ь

] 4. BЬ| дoлжHЬl прoвeритЬ иx pабojy'

обoPкe Moтopa'
' ,16' зaзopЬl
долцньl QьrIь зaМеpенЬt.пpи

]7' HoMинaлЬнoe нaпpяжeниe пoстoяHHoгo тoкa

нa зaжИ[4aХ иотoЧt'икa питaния He дoлжl]o
пpeвЬIшaтЬ 230 вoгlЬт.

Зaпoлнитe npoпyски' испoлЬзyя мoдaлЬнЬle

l&l'l::"1'::1 глагoлЬ| саn, must, have to, should или may

stop it.
1, Тheгe is a leakage in the pipe' You
2, l am on|y a сadet, тhere are many things that

keep Watсh everу day'

3, Еngineers
be heated and separatеd '
4. Before fuel oil gets into the englne' lt
j,ng"йu. to, y* io *ork a|one in the enclosed spaсe Without
5. lt
deсreasе the fгequеnсy of rotation'
6' l reсeived the order from the bridge "nd .............. ........ ........

. Sai|ors must keep their p|асes сlean and in order, the exсeption of thosе
. sailors shou|d not ьring aьoard any Weaрons' or
.nагсotiсs' pгov|s|ons,
йt are pгovided bУ the shipowner as a partport
of the Vesse|,s
еХсept by рermission of the Mаster.
. sаilors shou|d not go ashore in any foreign


manua|s' drawings' techniсa| books, too|s, spaгe
1. Enginеers must quiсklУ learn the |ocation of a|| to lhese books
Daгts. etс, A|l manuals i""'r-lni""iЪoЪкs must ьe used -very сфeful]v, Damage that
Ьi"i r]"Бp".. *п";iй'
"no Ьngin"-,oom, So the сhief Еngineer mUst сontгo|
shoгt per|ods.
i;;i .;;Тily i"k"n into tйe".;i;k;;lnlo1r,.Ь
*i'"n itis absо|utely neсessary and on|у for
to the сhief Engineer and еxeсutе his'oгders . ,
2. A|| Watсhkееping offiсers .u.t.."рo.i oi,""t|y
3, Аl| engiпeeгing offiсers .'"il.Ыi.." r"yЬ,ut unс рarametйs of the Vesse|' |t inсludеs
aIarms, and
the funсtion
and opeгations of aIl maсhiпery, boiIers, pumping' pIpeIine systems'
4. Ail engineeгs must read and |earn the Quality system.
гegU|ations mUst be fol|owed, Еaсh shIp
5, Po||Ution is veгy important. дri n"iion,r anj iniernationa|
mUst have ShipЪoard oiI Pollution Emergency Plan, .
must be Used'
6, Тhe сompany ргovides рersonal proteсtive equipment Whiсh

EngIish for EleсtriсаI Еngineers PARт з. GRAммAR UNlт 15. vERв тENsEs

UNlт {5
вPЕMEнA AнглиЙGкoгo глAгoлA / vERв тENsEs

BPЕMЕHA AHглиЙскoгo глAгoлA. дЕЙствитEлЬHЬlЙ

lndefinite Present
глaгoл в личнoЙ
пoказЬlвaeт дeЙствиe кaк факг (oбьlvнoe, пoвтopяeмoe), . :":t Фopмe
] сontinuous l Present

пoкaзЬ|вaeт дeЙотвИe кaк npoЦeсс. Past

to be + ing
пoкaзЬ|вaет дeЙствИe' закoнчeHнoe
MoMeнтa в настoящeM, пpollJ.едш]eМ и бyдyL.{еi\,,
oпpeдeлёHнoгo Past to have +
п pи vаcтиe
гuйre Il
Perfeсt сontinuous
, Present-
И Bсe p""i-
пoкaзЬ|вaeт дeЙствиe' HaЧaтoe Heкoтoрoe вpeмя Haзaд
eщe пpoдoлжaющeecя lАл|'4 тoлЬкo чтo зaкoHчившeeся,
to have been + ing

тAБлицA вPEMЕH. дЕЙстBитЕлЬHЬtЙ зAлoг

Bpeмя : Фopn,|Ьl , oбстoятeльствo

Present . ];i"."^,. : ask . usually' sometimes,

evёrv dаv
hр сhA it asks seldom

Past . Indefinite
,].d нeпpаB'гл.. ;,;:i",
i |l ф, wгote [".i.ilx?]э yeаrs ago
I' we
Future I,
: il3l;l]l,]Ir l"J.1t",1 in 3 years

Present ; .
asking : now' аt the moment

Pаst Uontlnuous
were asking I yesterday from 5 till 6
Future be
Will be asking
аskino i
' will l^m^rr^$, from
tomorrow {r^m 5
д till 6

i Н:" i asked l l]ij;iillь!3ii.'"-

Past re.tcсI
i ь"o : ;
by 3 o'cloсk yesterday
l-uture Wili have
wili . asked ; by 3 o'cloсk tomorrow

Present askjnghave been
bеen !аs
1 for, sinсe
Past ^ ::'
сontinuous Deen
nao ь^^.
asking for' sinсe
Future ] wilI have bеen аsking
1 for


sk sе'аs:::] ':.r1э.Phonё
'..r 1э . Phonё .(0692) 546
96. Chаstп]kз] ]46.. Fа)(: (O692)
]46 (a6g2) 546 gв4
546 9s4
Е-mаl] е1: s.эi'э.s...irасl'сom WwW,tгаnsсоntrcсt'сom
PARт з. GRAмПIiAR UNrт 15, vERв тENsEs
English for Eleсtriсal Ens.1=::

_Ьбр"щ""глагoлЬ| в скoбкax в пpeдлox(eния'

вниманиe нa иxфopмy и врeмя

ЕxЕRсlsЕ #1 ]

the dесk at the moment (с|ean)

1, AB seameп
the rheostat (сheсk) and
2, An e|eсtr|clan
it (repair) beсause lt

shorted (be)
my work now (сan / сheck)
3. You
lifeboats for launching to save the
4, Тhey
man oveгboaгd (prepare) (think)
you about the machinerУ сondition?
5. What
operation of the aUxiliarу
6, The 3'" Еnginеer
boiler during his Watсh yesterday month (plan)
to overhaul the main engine next i
7' The сhief Еngineeг
а Veгy large vesse| (be)
8, This сruise Iineг
lubriсation (need)
L This bearlng ago (bolt)
those bolts very tightly two hours
10. He
йtt,ge the output сircuit (оan i not / measure)
tomorrow (dismantle)
12. Тhis pump

"''no't'йp ins.peсt repair be

staгt renew "nu"к''-'
. 1. the damaged
l z. Ывtu.t'i""l Еngineer and eleсtriсian
] relays tomorrow- deоk and maсhineгу
3, Тhe sUperintendent
spaоes equipment from 1o:30 till the fire alarm.
4, somebodу Watch yesteгdaу?
5, Whу
the engine-room ladderl
6. too low.
7, Тhe frequenсу in the altern-ator

l&l 1,
a*a*"taa n, I

Зaмeнитe пoвpeх(дeнH ыЙ пoдшИг]ник.

пepeвeдитe эти пpeдлoжeния


всu't" .Щu,qno.o ocМqтривaeт ]]9вЬlЙ.мoт9p пepeд тeщr кaк зaпyститЬ
] 3' Moтopист

тaк кaк 9бмoткa якqp1 бцлq пeрe1peтa

l 4, Я peшил сoкp".г,.o ,",рy.*y'"n"*'p9л"1',u19n.!,

тRANsсoNтRAст ,ou nuo

96. сhаsln ка st -..
sevasюры' uiialnе '
i.or.""sr" ,та ,' сo- . дvw rагsсо1l.эLl сo-
"].- '

English for Electrical Engineers PARт з. GRAIvllt/lAR UNlт l5. vERв тENsEs

о' эn".,po'"*.",*y np,фn.,, ."MeнитЬ плавящи"." ф"oд" *"*

'o*,o "*of"-"._..
.- ..


12. Гдe оeЙнaс стapuJиЙ пofuloщник? У нeгo сoвeщaнИe с кaпитaHoN4 и oфицepaми'

' 18. Moй пpедЬ!дyщий Le't.g б'рпэ'Ц€9!ц9e.д:.PqPtшlлоя дoмoй 20тo сeнтябpя.


.vk?ine Рhoп€: (0692) 546 146 . Fах:
96, сhastnikа stг, s€vаstоoс]. ' {0692) 546 984
Е-mаr еn9:.iiet?ns.оntrасl,сom' wwv!.1гаnscontгасi.сom
Eng|ish for Elёсtricai Еngineefs APPENDIХ 1. usEFUL vERвs

пoлEз}|ЬlE глAгoлЬl / USEFUL vERвs

Пpoслyшайтe и вЬ|yчитe слoва

PAБoчиЕ oпЕPAции

734 . .
96' сhаst'r kа slr sevastoрo|. Ukгaine Phone (0692) 546 146 Fаx:
E.mа ] еng sh@lъnsсoilrасl .оrn . W\Фv'tгаnsсontгасi.сom
(0692)546 984
English for ЕleсtriсaI Engineers

г9т.Фи.I!сЯ. . .' ..] get ready lget гed] . '...

гoтoвитьcя рl9pаre lpri'peаl
'. '.'.qs!.Ee.dy-. Ict.зlо|-].olils
iJерqгe foi qgраrtule'

.oлаздЬlватЬ . . . .' ...!9 j?!9 .... lbi '|e tj. . .''. \q.v-91'p.'9'!аte'fo1y'our siiр,
2' пpoдoлжeниe

'. |lP'949-ll}?Iэ ..' 99lщч9

'.'.'..- ..''l|9!'|l!rl!.]'--... .-. '.' Y'o'Ч.'s'!9ЧLq.99!!i!'Чe y.9-!]r'9q'ч9eцo.]]
go oл {gаU ]лj . P|eаse go on youг tral.]|ng,
'г]'o'чlg.P].]!.'.' ''.' '''],..|'ер9'q].., ''.'.' -. ''.t|i'P'i'.t] ...''.. .'.'''. 'P.lе.a99'rePeаl y'o'ur queslion,
3. завepшениё

::]).1'l]',.]:g.].P.'.'....'....l!l|!!]..'...'* .
'..l-Ln.!] -.'' . -..'.'. ] .'г!nish.'it'аs 's!oп'аs poss ible
. |]Pецp n.цil'ч '.']..9't.eP'' ''...'. .]'ti1]'!] .-........'.]
.''q!-oP'.i]]1'olitto. .9'top.13!ц1nn. .

IWi|| гetuгn tomorгow,

гequj.e i.,.,*",
-"..., ';,:"Ы':";Т::::::'"*
lt's nесessаry lo foj|ow аlJ оommаnds,
i 1e999sqry ] [bi, 1esаsэ.i]
1 Jol]l!l9lP W?9l]9р999iry f9lme:
oтсyгствoвать be аbsent loi 'ebsа'rll lwаs аbsent from lne meetrng, Who 's аbsеnI
сoбиrrатЬ ] .^|]6^r on тьe shiо,


IpaT!.1!. ..'1. qp"l.Q ]-r".''.ф]""; й;!ЫJй;;ы..- - ".- * " '

..''I-e-P.!'т|-'.'''''.i.'.'!$-u'.......*,'||у..),'-''.'.'.''.':...]'фll1.yз.l]],9L.й9'р.'l!9j! ..'...- .''

rо""" !"q
*"1ч!"1 oе |Oсаled [аLr ke nd]
[аLrkend] : тhe
Тhe engiпe-гoom is |oсаted on the iower deсk,
- Yl.у.]е"..'.'.''. '''..'. ''.' ]
-cl9!Iч-..'.'.''. '''..'..'.'.'.: ''s'!?ld
''sjqlo "t"nJ
.' '.]' ..D-g]:!'t
{st@лd] .' ф;t uno"iiь" сгane.
-9la!d .ui]'qgr.the
[]аr] . -. ]'-тhe mаn Wаs |yina on thе deсk,

.l. USEЕUL vERвs
English for EleсtrlсaI Engineers

l WillWake you uр.

EngIish for E|eсtriсaI Engineers APPENDIX 1. USЕFUL vERвs

глAгoлЬ| MЬ|шЛЕHиЯ
1. E}oспpиятиё миpа
.9ид9т.Ь' ' . ..]'.nq9 .-...'.'.. tsl .. '. ! 99.lryJ q9.e' ?l'ф'e'r's|r|P toцl'9'цф.ql!!?!'qе.
сvoтpeтЬ |ook tlLkj Look аt th|s'
слЬ Цa-o heаr l.|4 Do you hеaг me? | heа.d lhе гo sе
слytuатЬ . |isten : ['|isап] . Listen to me cагefu||y'
чyBствoватЬ . feq| ..1l!.Ц lfeе|bad'

писатЬ . Wrile {rit] .l'с-аnrot write in Еng|ish

slцi'"L"'зт9' qesс!:ib'e
' .-iqis\r""l '...i;;s,-.;й;.J|!ч1щ.."' *91ц.Ц9.'qay.''.
4. лoгичeскиe oпepaции
peUJать dесide [d sа|dl |саnnot dесide it пoW

:::"Jl': f|nd out [fа]nd аUt] i Go аnd fjпd out аbout Wo.klпg pгoсeduгes,
5. PазPyцJатЬ
лoматЬ : bгeak ] Ibгeik] ' вe сагefu аnd don't bгеаk the g|ass,

peзатЬ сLl tk.Ц You сan сut it With sсissors, сut this pieсe off,

...!J...']:]!.ф..o.q?} . ..''....] .gl'no ......''..'.'' ' -Igгаind] ... '.l ' ..Y9ч.19еo''t9.
g|:iл.d q9&.'r€'Рзj!!lrls .
глAгoлЬl oБщEния
1. гoвoрить

Pleаse sаУ ,тhаnk you''. Whаt did Vou s?y? sqy t! q9q!n,

ilX'"il!'"'" ' t"ri trel. P|еаse te|| the п.4аsle. about the inсidenl, тe|l me аbоu1 it,

2. oбpащaтЬся
инфopмирoватЬ iпfoгm [in'f]:m] ] YoU shou|d inform the 2nd Engineеr. lnform the bгjdge аbout the fire,

.Jnp"',.uu'o гequest [ljkwest] Youг гeсommendations Were гequеsled.
пpикaзыватЬ oгdel г]]dа] Masteг oгd.e[ф to abаndon the ship,
з. oтвeчaтЬ
oтвечать аnswе. [а 1sJ] | Wi|l аnswer а|| youl quest.ons |n t'me
o.вeчать геp|у I .o J|l l didn t rер|у to гim

9б}.я9!:llТЬ : eхp|ain |]ks'plein] .. Pleаse eхplain'to m9 ela9!|y Whql my qЧ!i9q qF]

...99..в.eIo91]ч.......'. aоvlse [аdvаiz] . Р|eаse advise гne what | сan do in suсh а situation.
n-oкa.3ь|вaтЬ show IIаu] ' '.' -'.!'ч'!]! 9.|]'oч у9.Ч.!!]9 'ч?y !9 th9 b!:idge showittome'

96 сhаsln kа str sеLз]l::: .i-:

r€ . Phoпe:(0692) 546 146. Еах: (0692)546 984 ,.З7
E.m. :..: s.эl..isээ.lTасI сom. www,tгаnsсOntrаct,сom


EngIish for E|eсtriсаI Engineers APPEND|x 2. тEснNlcAL voGAвULARY

тExничEcl(tЙ GлoвAPЬ / тEGнNIGAL vocAвULARY
3-paгt Iiпeг
abruрliOn oбpЬ|в' [a,bг^рiаn]
аccess .] дoстy! : l]akse91
. fгont aссess с пeредней стoрoнь| (панeли) [fг^пt]

t . W]г|ng aссessoг|es

ассommodation Iaddеr ] зaбopтный тpап

L lэ'kЭmа'deilэn '|@da]
lо aссumu|аte нaкапливdтЬ [а'(j.,m,u|e|l]

aссumu|аtion l нaкoплeниe [a*ju пju'|eiiа1]

L aссLlmu|аtoг .. аIкyмyлll9р lа,kjujmju|eita]

. асid aссumuIator . кислoтный Ia!id]
'.'... ..'.:'eц'?1iry.з'9gu]T ч!-q!'o.I цeлoЧнoи
ставить пoд нaпpЯжeниe'
lT:y:l: i' вoзбрl(дaтЬ''--'.''''.'..'.'.'.','..'....''.: ['@ktiveit]

to аdjiJst . ] !1?стp?цPзj! , b'd.^.s'!]

.. '1фч!lЦ.er]! ....
аfterрeak аxтepпик [а:ftJ.рi k]
aIr сompressoг вoздyшнЬ|Й кol\lгoессoр [еа l'ёгr'рresd]
-.'еl l'99 l-d(,9!'9l.-'''.-.--*
.аLl'с'9'0.L9i.'' ...
. sсavenging аir сoo]eг oхладитeлЬ пpoдувoчнoгo вoздyxа {'skavind3 0 eа .ku:'а]
аir distributor распрeдeлитeлЬ вoздyхa [еа dis'tribjаtа]
air iп|et ] влУJкиoй вoздуt!ный клaпан [eа 'in|qt]
air mаnifo|d
air tank i оал4o1дл1 999лy19. . : 1eа raqк]

а|terаtjon ] измeнeниe ] l]jtqrellР.l] i

aIternatoг геFepaтoр]epeмeннoгoтoка ['.:|tаneitJ]

. bгush|ess а|teгnator бecщeтoчflЬlй ['bг^Ilis] ]

. synсh.гon-ous а|teгnаtor
alumtnum алю|ии H иЙ :Iаlu:minаm]
;;;", Я нтарЬ . . . i€пb.?l.
ам]ерlиетp [аmitа]
yсилитeль IampIi,аiJ]
э]reкгPo!19'щ|.]].!1.9ll!...'.......-... t'l?ц!a!.i.].......

96 сhаsiп kа stг sе,аs:::] '(.: .е' Рno|е (0692) 546 ]46. Fах: (0692)546 984 -IоY
Е'nrа е.] s.эl...s.]iiгасi cоnT. !!9lW,tmnsсontгасt,сom
English for Еleсtricаl Engineers APPЕNDIX 2. тEс}|NIGAL VoGAвULARY

anсhor .. . якopD L d|J^dJ

аnсhor shaсk|е смь|чка яl{opя [@qkа 'jak!]


: b9tloq еJ]d
peqing ... .. ] t1l]!t!:19|. !-9Л9в.Цl.tll?]y!.q ] 'Гb]!аm.qnd]

jgчцe! q]F !hц:t-b9ar!ls.-

. сrossheаd oeаang гoлoвноЙ lkr )shed]

. doub]е.ror,v'ieаrlng

friсlion|ess bе'аring i '{?Jel'll * . ] 'y.iкlаntis]

. hаIf bearing l :x."'.i:H'J;

" "o,.u*"**-* l1rl **-*
.jouгna| beаring радиальный li.:':'],
. mаin beагing коpeннoЙ, Ll|'е|||]

. . гo||eг bеагing рoликoвь!й ггau|а]

. ruddeг beаriпg ] . p?ллgP? Py'l]! ] l,гм?l

96' сhаsln]ka sir. sevastoPo|, Ukrаiоe . Рhone: (о692) 546 146 . Fаx (0692)546 984
Е-mаil: engl]sh@lrаnsсoitlaсl,com l www,tгаnsсontrасt.сom
English for E]eсtriса] APPENDIX 2. тЕGнNIсAL voсAвuLARY

.] ||.grоlлan |U|a|а I'sa:kitl
L .''...':-с9i9'l9|'P9r'9.!.sчP'PLY.!o,{9'-.''-..''.'''.'.'.''.'.,-щ]i[1
. сontгo| boаrd пyльт (панель) упpaвлeния:






96 сhаsti kа sil sё!зsi.:] .'.- r. . эiroпе: (0692) 546 146. Еаx: (0692)
546 984
Е.mа l еiэ s. э:.:. s:. -il2сI' сom . Www.1Йn5соn1lас1'сo m 141 ]
.'l''Iga:qaЦ9!!Iits]'.'--' .-.-.'']

/142 l
English for Еlёсtriсal Engine€rs APPENDIX 2. тЕcнNIcAL VOсAвULARY

! сnагg'гg саpас|tor зaoЯд|rЬjи I+Iэ,аz,^]

t Uа ol гjl
cаpaс|tу пpoизвoдитeлЬнocтЬ [ka'D@sit|]


сагbon dioхide eхtinсtioп station сганL,lия углeкислoтнoгo тvшeния

. ['kа:bаn dаi)ksаid
'ikstinklаn .sterlаn]

. Ас сiгсujt пеoeменнoгo тoка Iрi сi,]

. grounded сjrcuil
l qгаundid]
. input сirсuit
вхoднаЯ I'inpЦt]

st' se,",,).
| 143
96' с,rа'г kа -.,а rе. ol"oге !0692, 546 l46. Еа{ (06921 5!6 984
', Е-mа :еngls1эl..1s:ontrасl,com . Www'lransсonlЕd сoй :
. 2. тEGнNIсAL voGAвuLARY
Eng]ish for Electrlсai Englnee]s ^. -.----
Т*puiL------ - -:

tktrlа keidзl **]

96, сhаslnikа sг,, sеvаsloo9
i;ъЪ;i3-.::::.;:;;.:*,, *u nu.
EngIish fo] EIeсtriса| Еngineers APPENDlx 2. тEснNlGAL voсAвULARY

t eneгgy сonsumeг пoтрeбитeль энер.ии I'еnаd3i]


. s]iding сontасtsts ] скoлЬ3ящиe кoнтактЬ| . Islаidi0]

сoпtаmiлаnl загpязняющeе веществo [kJn laminаntl
to сontroI
, ylPqqлlIч, кoнтрoлиpoвaть lк?n]!гaц|]
сontroIdesk . !yл!I упр3влeнця lkа.ntrаuJ desk]
. maln сontroIdesk
глaвнь|Й lrneinl
. remote сontroI desk
' вЬ|нoснoи lri,mаu1]

'' ''..
] convedibjljty oбрaтиiioсть [kаnva:lа'bi|а1i]

сoPpeг медь I'kana]

. агmаture сolе якopя ['а:matluа]
гAri |Ad]
coпon Wаste
] хлoпY3т9бIц?ж!1ry.РeToш! ' ['к,an weist]
сounteг bа|aпce
.'!Ipo"]19919'с'.. . ..'LKcЧnl?,QФ.]an!].


] кpан Ikrеin]
. beаm сгaпe
. цPq]tб?лка
. brасket сгa.le ] кoнсoльLlЬ|Й

96, сhаstлikа str sevаstoрo|, Ukгаinе . Phone (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692) 546 9s4
E-mэ] : eng] sh@iransсоntвсl.сom. Www'trаnsсontгасt'сom
Engineers 2. тEснNlcAL VOсAвULARY
EngIiзh for Eleсtriсal ---- цPENDlx
Еnglish for Electriсаl Епgineers APPENDIX 2. тEGнNIGAL voGAвuLARY

to dem


l,' i}ir t
APPENDlx 2. тEcнNlсAL vocAвuLARY

fuel injeоtion pump oпve


. fЦel injeсtion pump control гaск oпve рeйки тoпливнoгo
iive,no. . а.ive l

Tаi!!IiYе'. . ...

- - - _ -

..---..:'v--э9ц'q*г']:s'--* ]

. аi..injeсtion engIne
Еnglish for EleсtriсаI Engineers APPЕNDlx 2. тЕGнNlсAL voсAвuLARY

. high.соmрression eng nе двигателЬ с вЬ|coкoЙ

степенЬlo Фкaтия Ihаi kаm'preiэn]
. higlr.effiсieпcy eпgine двигaтель с вЬ|сoким кгlД [na. if,Jалsi]
. high-s!...эd diese| engine
вь|сo1ooбoоoI нь|й дизeлЬ [hа| spi:d'оi:z.'
. ]л-|ine елgine oднoряднЬIЙ двигатeлЬ tiл'!?j|.r]

. .. |]febo.аt engine шлloпoЧнЬ|Й.двигатeл|..'.. . ..... .. '..

. [.Iaifbаut]

.'....':..!L9y''sp''т9'qi9:'9]..9l's'|l9''..''.'. .....'.'.. '.-yеl999'9Р9]lчЦ'д199l.! .. ..[:L.ач. ipr,g.,!.i,a911.,,. ..,,.,,. .. ,
. steam turbine engine пapoвая rypбинa Isli,m 'tа:bin]

to fаsten
fastener '.'.'. .''.-.'''.
fаsteпing pагts кpene>кныe дeтaли [.fа-sаl гj рa ts]

fеed Watеr питатeгЬная вoда [fi:d 'W].tа]

feedbаоk oбрaтнaя связЬ . {
i 'з.Трyзoчн-oe
y-стpoйствo : гti]do]
пoлe [f|:|о]

Фцл"ь1g , Iтrl!а]

-] ' Po'эдyчl1Pll. . ' ' '.' : le€]

. fi||enсeг
. fine oilfilter маслЯнь|и тoнкoи oЧистки lfain rlll
i тoпливньtй [iu:аI]
ф!4л!]Pyющий 9л9мeнт ]. I'fl|tа 'e|imаnt]
to fit ] iрилaживa]ч] !oд.o!|тЬ [fit]


to flx

96' сhаstп kа slr Ukrа nе . Рhonel (0692) 546 146 . Faх: (0692) 546 984
Е'maii] engI sh@tгаnscont.aсl.сom. Www trаnsсoлtrасt'cоm
English fo] Eleсtriсаl Englneё]s APPENDIX 2. тЕснNIGAL vocAвULARY {

EngIish for E|ectriса| Еngineers APPENDlx 2. тЕGнNlсAL voGAвULARY

{oсoзyoая пePeдачa ['he|ikJ|]

LrJ9Pр'9.l!'99 59.9lo'--..'' .. ...'.'.'...' .'.J:.!.9l!].р'.9-чll.'.'.'.'..' .'

пpoмet<yтoчнoe кoлeсo ['аid|]

. Incrеase geаr
:.:".:'-*:ч1:^"р"ou'u ['inк-i:s]

вEутpeннeгo 3ацeплeHия [in'ta:naЦ

. пvolule geаг
. piоk-off gear сlMеннoe кoлeоo [рik эfl
шeстеpнЯ ['p]пlап]

. rаоk geat .. peeчнaя пepeдачa [г@k]

. reveгsing geаl рeвepсивная пepeдaчa [гi'va:s'4]

. .sp|га|geаг ] P!l]]l9вql lepеда!а .. ' [.spаiагJ|]
. spur geаr li;x:;li"":*"" ."p"д""" l.o":]
..:. i!9!:чP..s99r..' '....... ' ..... ...!:l'o'ч!]ц]9':ю'.щe!'!.9P-е'д9ча
'. ......'..'.'. .' lli!9Р.P].. . '
. sun geaг сoлнeчнoe iцeнтрaлЬнoe) кoлесo [s^n]
. wa-ve gear .
п9P9д q.-ч.a. [Wеiy]
' wolT.9,9i.!. ..

' . fresh.Watеr genеrаlor

giгder strаp стяжнaЯ бaлкa

96' сhаsinikв str sevаstсР. Uklа nе . Phoпе: (0092) 546 146 . Еах] (0692) 546 984 ,15{
Е mail, enэ ishэrаis.oгlrасi сom. www'lrаnsсоnlraсt,сom
Engineers APPENDIX 2. тEснNIсAL vocAвuLARY I

EngIish for Еlectriсаl

g --
lf,i"ton ,oс gr"nс *,o*" noйn" , I.pistаn г)d] l

] выключaтeль cвeчeЙ lo|аu o|^qz аnd stа,t switi]
g|ow рlugs аnd stагter switсh накаливания и стартеpa

"Ж -r.,з,olrщ:-- jfffi -**-'*-*' ]

--r "
* --] *#]L---*.
'!'-е!{9*-,----- --."tшs:]l.-oy:I1*-
"'l _
].'...'-:.Q9.ll.]raIц]9.'----.-!y"*"'"po""".....-_'-_-*.._tb,JL -,
---:-.r'*тч::чж-i*ffЧ' .-" -.

Engllsh for EleсtriсaI Engineers APPENDlx 2. тЕснNlcAL voGAвULARY

. mutuа| induction

. an6la ir^n
] vroлкoвaя сталЬ l

l ,t5з
English for

-*-]-пoднимaть -'*

'-.!9-l!r-.-'.* --*.-
']lslщs-*-- *
;l;.--'. -..--.-.-_' -...'. i j,:i,:ч]Ч:;;; ; tlain]
- -_'. -]

.'.|чpl|91lio'l * -*i'Ilэt
* ----**'j.дд.дэ9lеЦ"" -"
- i *- *-**
.'.qPiiф]щl,"?цo]l **-*- ":э.qtч.:ц,eyeц'---- .'- lsptel]
l'-|'фl-"дo.--'-''* '-_.**---*liTЧ.'-;;;;;;;;lt.:;lf'";l.*
--- - -
''' --.,- , for Electrlсe] Engiпeers APPEшDIX 2. тЕснlt|lGAL vocAвUцARY

. sp-гing Iubriсаtol


of installаtion
Engllsh for Elect]ical
--- _ :-'-**':::rl.,rrд.l-' -


i -. '':'v]r-сig
o]!'. . '.- ' '- - .'. ,,''''] .?:::):':-::.:::]---'' --.-.-,-'. -

.,oilgfll-..*--*. -'---'.-'*---..-g5;-----*]-Ё#'..lе-.^ -.
-'j.JrЦ!]99'P.-- '*--i
-*-** - --''

:'-..'..-''.-... :- 96, U1аslгikа str, seJазloрo',

LJчгаi]е . Pгoге 106921 546
.46 . Fах ,0692) 5а6 98а

1 56
! tl0il 01ш lПшlшгl.0Пi,а|i lflПl' llTll |ГlПillll1Гf!l!',
Eng|ish for E]eсtriсal Engineers APPENDIХ 2. тEcнNlсAL VOGAвULARY

96. сhэslnikа SevаsloPoi .]kгаlле . Phoпe (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692) 546 9s4
Е mа] ] еnс shct?isсоntraсt,сom . !,r'ww lransсoлlгаet'сom
APPEttDtx 2. тEснl{lcAl. vocAвuLARY

''**-*-.'.] i тRANSсoNтRAст lco..-.u,^юоsz'эао sв,
' 't58
.''.-,,, slr, sеvаsloш' u^" *-.1i"^",.oйl
.. сhаstn+а
96 . wlwv,tгаnsсonlгaс1,сon
I t.та'|, еng| sп@rаnsсont'aсi сoт
English for EIeсtricaI Engineers APPЕttDlx 2. тEGнNIсAL VoGAвULARY


Io геouсe


APPENDtх 2. тEсншIGAL voсAвULARY _
Engineers ^. . -.----
English for EleсtrIсal

. сomp[ession ring

:::т"'*ж;:нн. ^l'l"1й :

, {60 l
EngIish for E|eсtriсaI Engineeгs APPEND]x 2. тEGнN|сAL voсAвuLARY

odd-pitсh sсrеW
' '.
'. гight-hаnq sсrew

yстанoвoчнЬ|Й .. .... ....'- . t9''q!]

. s|otted sс.ew сo L!лицeм ['slэtid]
. squа|e-neаo sсrew о квадратнoй гoлoвкoй [.9кWqаhed]
.......: tut!l"s |е9тP9'9'ЧI!Ц'..''..-...''..'...-Il!.ч.li!]-.'''.''''''
' lwgod s uJ Pyll : Iчlrdl
t9 l9l9w d9 ] завиHчиватЬ lskru: daunl
'.' !-0'.9'9.г9.ч 9|1
. навинчивaтЬ lskгu: ]пl
sсгeW out


мeталличeскoe . [:m9ttl]
. oilseal мaслянoe
. rаdia|sea| paдиaлЬнoe
, rlng seа| yплoтнитeлЬfloe кoлЬцo
. ruoDef seat peзинoвoe Ir^br]
. shafl sеa| i
t W|per seаl ]ryIlegъeмlyl1

. brake shаfl тopмoзнoЙ [bre|k]

. сгank shаfl i кoленчaтыи Ik.я6L]
. drive shaft вeдущий ldraiv]
. dгjven shаfr
: ведol,itь|й i' llq|:iY?ll
'f|аnged shaft ] ф',.]qlцe.-вPй rал . If]ald]dl
. flexible shaft .: г|1бк|1Й
' ho||ow shаft лoлЬlЙ ] гh?!aЧ]
.line shaft
. output shaft ].-
чI9Al9'l.''.'.....'''.'''''...'..-''..'..'. [l1ч!pчt]
. p.ope||er shаft ] грeбнoй IhA'^A|э]
. propu|siоn shаf1 гpeбнoй , [Pre]p4ll9rl
. solid shaft : сллoU,lнoй t'erlidl
. sр|ine shaft
.' ''''.'ч{1!4!'e!!ц''9y'б]]1ч!
. steг shаft
] дe.йд.вy"днP!I . Iaiэ'n t'|',Ь]
. taiIshаfl
.. .'.. ''. .........lP.9qry1'ц9!
грeбнoй (кoнцeвoй) !::t:,1 :

. thгust shaft

96, сhаstпikа slг sеvаstоp. ,Jkга ne . Phoпe: (0692) 546 146 . Faх: (0692) 546 984
Е.mаi] eпg sirэt€isсontгасt,сom . Www,lranseonl|ас1 сo m r '16't :
Englneers APPENDIX 2. тEGнNIсAL VoсAвUцARY
English for Electricаl

. oiIsuction strаiner

t ',o2
EngIish for EIeсtrlcа| Еnginаers APPEltDlx 2. тEcнNlGAц VoGAвU|-]ARY

. fl'AI nil сv.t6m


to take off fll

.'.,'] 9!1цщ?I! Ile|к

. ,..
: liqlgЧ|aг lhread l тidyгoльнф l. Ikаi.@qgjulаl . . -. - i

' !nl-eeP!1se-(!gn*9!]Е0 -. '-' -' I

'Ф-тцlgФlgsyфglg]"o .. ] . IlеLtlэ Рjl.9.in9.з]1].a'nt1',',',,''.,,,,,,,,, ',,' ,


.- APPENDIX 2. тEcнNlсAL voсAвuLARY
English for Eleсt]Ical

under load
дштi-- -.. -r

Еnglish fo] Electriсаl Engineёrs APPENDIX 2. тEснNIсAL VOсAвULARY

. flаt wаsher


Engtish fo] Elect]iсal Enginee]s APPENDIX 2. тEснNIсAL VoGAвULARY

-'J**u'u-.*--'-- fwaindiп]. -
l-:,g,Ч;:. --*]
. seоondary open Winding ] P,op,"""" p,зo"*ny."" -]*::- шд----_*

. concave worm

. noп-sрaгk wrench

I кдN-i,l,Nr мv r ..
146 . Faх (0692) 546 984
96 сhasl]|l(а sr,, Sevаslоpol' LkЙ,пe .
Ehone: 10692) 546
Е.п]ai| еng||s'r@lгэnsсо.raсt,сom
English for Electriсa| Eпginaers APPENDIх 2. тEGнN;6AL ySGAвULARY }

Russian -Еng lish


JЬ"q!qи- '..^;,i-.-. ;;,;"; - .ttel1.'.''.*'----.'''.'.'.''.'..


вerl-иляuиoнnuс v,"-r-, ventilаlion il(.-nи"ъ]

вeнтиflяцl'я сrаnксаse ventilаt|on
r'*nк" t".пl


. стoпоpный
. set sсгew
. lieЦ

вкладЬlL],] "n",' eno ьеаring l'b)tаm

',,]a ьotrom :.:..""1].
.::]::.o",.,"'no" ff;:;;'
ёv. gia]
""oo"'o ".aцeплeниe, :ТH::, laut
зацeпления l'iпа rе|sl
вчe inner rасe ..
-'',.-^."uAF yoпь!э iloдшипнi4ка

sit *-*"eЁai:.Т".i$I!*F;::"l1:;j"'."я..o
96. сhаstnikа ...-^"]..1-.iл п."s.огt.aсt со,. l w\$^, lга| sLU |! .!. "'
EngIish for EIeсtriсaI Engineers APPENDlx 2. тЕcнN]сAL vocAвULARY

вoдяная pyбau.]ка wateIjаоket I'WJ:tа'dзаkit]

вoзбyдитeлЬ exсlteг Iik'saitа]
вoз'буцдaтЬ'' стaвить'!.loд на'!lpЯ)кeниe асtlvate
-l@kliveitl-....,.,.. .-.
вo3брк4eние ехсitаtion Ieksi.1eiIаn]
вoзвращaть to return Iri]!а !]
вoлна wаve IWеivl
вoльтiieтр vo|tmеter ] I,vаu|tmi:tа]
. вoсcтанавливатЬ l to .estore
вращать гolаte
lo гotаte
to гl]'''tоi|]
'вpaщelle ]] ' |otation
|otation lrачlie ?!]'
' a!хi]iaries
'..'.'... |1a'7ni>fl71
втoричi.lь|Й ] seсondаry l,sekаndaгi]

. автoмaтиЧeскиЙ i аЧt-olnatiс bгeakeг / сirсuit breakeг 1 lэ1a'm@tik] l,sа:kit]


,* lry:::'.":|:].:*n
]. ,- ]
] [pleit tаip trik]
.fj|;T#:;ifi}|!Йсo стpeлoчнЬ|v dаt inoiсating ro,quewreгс^ [da,э| '|nd|kеilin I):кl


. пнeвмo-ключ с тpещеткoй
для 3aтя)ккИ гаeк рneumаtjс гalсhet wrenсh Inju:'m@tik 'г@t]]t]

. pазвoAioЙ аdiustаble wrenсh l>'.l<^qtlЬ|]

. po)ккoвЬlЙ
двУстopoнний doub|e open end wгenсh ['d^baj аupаn end]
. poжкoвЬlЙ oдчoстopo|-ний
tloд Удаp slak|ng sing|е opened end ] [,stгaikii] 'si0ga| 'auраnd end]

96, сhаshikа stl', sevаstoPo|, Uk.ainе . Phoie (0692) 546 ]46. Еах: (0692)546 9s4
Е.mаrl: engI sh@t€'rsсоntraсl,сom. WwW']гаnsсontrасt,сom
English fo] Eleсtriсal Engineers

' - -*
'.'.'..'::ФP?l!9I'.',,-" ---- '.-gйй.чi!9-!9l'---'-,'-'.'.-.'ffilu*n.*,..'. ' ,

. . па.PoIe|.9p?].9P
. foam qeneгarol .' , ' . tфцm] .
[ei si] [],|taпe:ta]
AC generator / а|ternаtor
. лe.P9Ц9!!oio.]o!."
пepeмeннoгo тoка
l .l
ьгus-ьtess alternalo
: brush|ess atternator . [b.^tl|s]
. бeсцeтoчiый
svnсhгonous аtleгnatо. lsi4krаnёs]
. синхрoчнЬ|Й
Dс o"n",uto, [d| si,]
. пoс-oяrlrloгo тoка
ыundьy g"n","to,
.peзервнЬ!й n",oo, nJn",".o,

. стoячoчdый Ll" ::l'

eleсtriс-qеnerаtor li.|ektrik]
l злeктooгенeрaтop t*'-



- -"-"--'*'. '---i-Pl"!,tй-
- - - .ifl;Тi''-- *" '
... [рrа'pе|а]

""-' il,]:.::.'::::чl. ['tu:'bleidz]

..,. ..j,9j9j9Ary2l9-9r-ll Welded ргoрe||e- lwe|dld]

so||d oгooe||е. ls,''d]
. цeльнoлитon

'".'' -
ьчs1 i ..Imell bul]
' гpyндбyкса


тRANsсoNтRAст uou .,"

96 сhаslпikа stl sеvаstoро]. Ukra]nе . Phon-e.19:::),u"f.l*,:j.::"яun,)
Е:;" i;;;,;ъ."..*".aсt сoг1. !!ww,l|аn.sсonrасl сoЁ
English for Eleсtriса| Еngineers APPENDIX 2' тЕснNIGAL vocAвULARY

. pяднЬ]Й дизeль ] row diesel епgine ] {rаu

. сyдoвoй двигатeлЬ ] mаrine eпginе ] Imа'гi]п]

] if];
] IoЧI:9tгoke diese| engine
. . д"..л" stгёuk
. L!лю!gч!rч|l д9]1га19лч i lifeboat-eлgine ] ['!?iфa-ut]

. диaпазoн l tq!gu ] lЦindэ]

| 1-ta
-a r'a
] shеet iron
EngIish for ЕIect]icaI Engineэrs APPENDlx 2. тEGнNIGAL voсAвULARY

'-.'']'j9regДРls]-991г-'**j. [skrul гspaiаPl]-**-, ]

. внyтрeннегo зaцeплeниЯ inieгnа| 9eаг [in'tа:па|l

. вoлнoвoе

Iqufl9tlg ,, -;- -
*из|иepитeлЬный лpибoр gauge i lgeidз]


APPENDIX 2. т'""*]9o'jocAвUtAfg

::::":"1'"#'' :H:1,:"* lli:i-;'

Фevмhьlи щиlUк lows . ' ,'

riveting in , 'avlt'rjl
юпe.,(а в,ряд ll)zindз
- nu"tlng
.шalмa]lalклеIla 'o,"nр

/174 ..*"*t],i:l.Тff3l.йЁ"H,i""ifi iffi;:"::i' j"?'"я.',*.*.

English for E|eсt]iсal Еngineers APPENDIХ 2. тEснNIGAL VOсAвULARY

. :.ц,l.qсл9.)1l1'oтtjит.el!!9e ' i oi| sgi! !n.g' ..] [ri|.si:l] :'


..-.. сontасl Ik)ntФkt]

(oнтpoлиDoвaтЬ ] to сontгol [kэn'tгёu|]

кoрeнная шeЙкa кoлeнчaтoгo вала . m ain bearing journa| lmein'beari0'dlа:nа|]

кoP'м.o9il ц'9Й.{9'в.i.'lа
кoрoб для сбopа и гoдачи дЬ|мa . . : smoke box
кopoбкa bq* [b]ks]
. гnorвяяo rоnо6ия muo Doх Im^d blksl

96 сhаstnikа st.
sevаstopo| UkGine . Phone] (0692)546146. Fах: (0692)546
Е-mаi|: €nо ish@lrаns.ontraсl'сom. Www,tгаnsсоntгаФ'сom
984 l :1т5i
Eпgineetъ APPENDIX 2. тЕснI{IсAL VoсAвULARY
Engllsh for EIeсtricaI


-[a:saniq ]

lкдvэ] -trio] Iкер] - ]

, ,-'"ro-:-- -- ---l iolз'r

' '
English for Еlёctriса| Engineers APPENDlx 2. тEGнN]сAL voGAвuLARY

'' '' '

лoпастЬ гpeбнoгo винта p,op"rruiьl"J IpгJ'pe|а b|eid]
] лoшaдинaя силa hoгsepolveг ] l'h?:!]Pauа]

. пoстoяннь|и peгmаnent magnel ] [,раimаnаnt]

inагнитнoe floлe mаgпetiс fie|d - lmеg'netik 'fi:|d]

. заlЙкнУтЬ|Й ] 9|oqed mа9!e!i9 сojd.чсl.q! .. i .tkL?'.!4d]


манжeта сollar
i,lа |.lol\,1eтp
] P|e:iчг9. saч99 i I'г1ej9 'geio1]
маслeнкa ] lubгicаtor , : [']u:brikeitа]

. для гlластичнoй смaзки i s.гe199-]чQli9c!o.| '' '. igllq

oil r _trill__ ,-..* -. . . . ... - ..

. вязкoe
, . thiсk/visсidoi| [0rk] ['visid]
. зaryщeнHoе solidified oil Iaэ'Iiаifli.l]

I thin oil [0in]

. I used oil llu:stl
. с пpoтивoзадирнЬlми
i high.pressure oi| ] lhai 'рrelЭ]

мaслoсбopttик i oilcatсheг I
t]1lll1€!&l--.-*-*. *, -", I
маслoсeпаpатop .a^rr.t^. I
мaxoви( f|ywhee|/ handwheеl ['flаiwi:|] ['h@ndw:|]

i сoppeг . '- . ......

мeртвaя тoчка i deаd сeпter
-' ' - '' '] '{'!2P'a]..-.... . '. ......]

. вepxняЯ
...'..'.'.;..!o?.'q9?L9eлt!.l'qQq)........-... l.'L!тLltj..Ф.'9].].'''.'..''''..'...........
. нижняя
i b'o.!t9m d9аd 99!l!9|."('вDс) ;. t:b1?m]' Ib!| d]i lil
iлeхани3м mё.h,nicm / оA'l I'mAlf,ni?mt tAi!]
. дистaнциoннoгo
упpaвлeния i гemote сontro| meсhanism ]. l!:]lmaЧl lialrltгэЧ]' lm9!?]1jzm]

. мexанизм вь|пyскнoгo lслапaна . -e'Тhаu:J.vз|-v,e'

geаг [ig'z]:sl vФIv giJ]
..... .:.|.9.|P.^y-l.91l9-Р'1Щ'yз9'ч!!й
сargo hand|ingg-ea^r ___ _ l- t"цз.'gэ.ч 'lе1qli,]'9i9l'''''.''..'' ':
пeoeiЛь|чкa ...-*--._ -,
мoст, шyнт, b,ldq9 ,, , Ibridз]

. развиваeмая oulput [,a!tpuЦ

. включения сyдoвoЙ тpансмиссии mаrine trаnsmissioп сoup|ing [mа'ri:n tranz'm|Jаn]

. 3убчaтая j sealgoчp!]ng ] Isi9]

-9919.сj9!щ's* -
. кoничeскaя
] , tкaчrl]
-] '

.' .. .' -''''j .' "". lзч''99чP]ILs. ' . '''..

'...'..'] ''l!€дL.[!:2:1 '...'''''''''.'.'.. ]

. напpавления намoтки тpoсa лeбe4II wilgh diregliolg.] сou.р|iпg . lwintj direklаnаl]

96, сhаstnikа str sevаslоPol, Ukгаine . Phone: (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (о692) 546 984
' I aII j
Е.mэr i engI sh@tгanscoлtlaсi.сom. www.tIаnsсontrасt,с0m t.-
APPENDlx 2. тEGнNlcAL vocAвuLARY

.пpeдoхpаьитeльнaя *",'::".:]'i:,
. ^^ i'n,.'"]""'o,'"'

.. .!,?19,19,:lll.Y:Y.lL".lll:r-r:-1:-.- ..
-- -' '' '
ассUmu|at|on lJ kju mju1eiten]

нaкoплeн иe

to magnellze ... lmаеgпаtаiz]

j |Y ll|'
|?п9лllЯт| to leiil| I;l,,'
. наnoлнять внoвЬ
1 diгeсtion '' -'' --"''
ldrreklrnl '-''.,.'-,.'' ' ''.' .'.',*'''-.
*- ''19l'9l|"1']l

l.'Ь##;*"м.;''.'-.''..''...'''.-]-'-'iq.,...;'-:-'.. .'l'l],;i,.'''
:H,#;;;;;";;'"" :ll-""т
ourdes ll,li}]

"0"-""-" '"""" *"0
"" 11'1' 1n;;'o lT:'] :::,:i"-'t
рump I'sir,]gа| 'enki]
. с oднoстopoнним всаоь|ваниe.M single-eniry

/|т8 90' cлаslлjfiа str' $еyastоPо], t]kaino. Рhone:{069o,*u
. ]'o:,:.:::fu.,,
,ou ,uo

l].]'r. v?,!YW
English fo] Eleсtriсal Eng.neers APPEli|Dlx 2. тEcнNIсAL vocAвULARY

- . цeнтpoбeжный сentrifuaа| oumo I'qёп'ri'fil',d)|]

stг'' sevаstoрo|' lJkгаine .

engIish@t.аnsсontгасl'сom .
EnglIsh for Electrical

-joйa,-".''.9!'"pэц- '-_ ; l'..эj-!эц!t].t!1Ф'8аn !?!]1t]-...]

oтсeк ,. , ' goцPзItTen! IkaЦ'pa]tmаnt]

##;,'*-*:--. ---'"-i';;Т;т:".
-.- --': :i":=:ql"' ---

оrosshead pin lkOshed pinl ]

oaпet *l'-lP€l?ц_ '' '-.' . .'_ - .]

|... -''''."..'"---''.-; i тRANSсoNтRAст

80 ] s6 сhаstn|[а sit,, sеvаstoро]''lJ |. €ine . Phone: (0692),54.6.146.. Ёаx.
. www,1гansоontгаct,сom
(0692)546 984
Е-mаi|: engIish@tr.nscontlact,сom
English fo] EleсtriсaI Engineers APPЕNDlx 2. тEснNlGAL vocAвULARY

prop rDrjоl
Deaпng I'be".inl

|9лqвн9.и . сгossheаd b.eariЛg.. ] tlкashedl
двуxpяднь|Й doub|e.row bеаr 1q t,.^h5|r- n

. каLeния bеаrjng
fгiсlion|ess ['frikjаn|is]
. кol]ичeскии ] laрered bеaгing [.le|pаd]
. кoрeннoй
mаin bearing [mein]

i ч9l[]ls.Pil!9'l' ] I,Wа:ki0]

96, сhasti kэ str. sevаstoрo Ukга nе . Phone: (0692) 546 146 . Fах: {0692)
Е,rl,l:е19 ( r
Фrа15:oгl.lс' сoЕl . М,l'а'lsсonr.сt (om
546 98,' ,t8{
. пeремeчнoгo тoкa в
T:]::."-" й *nуn,
nр""pащa'" uпoer lоad "".
lкаnrвutl lbэ:d]
при t{агpyз{e сontгo|'bфrd i'".o -l
пpи6oрная дoс(a toweldoг tсгaiv]
пoiваpиватЬ dlive l,nein]
привoA main dпve lui ьelt]
. гпaвньtй v-belt drive
.- olive
. клинopемeннoи guv9t||w ' '..
tflu:аl rn'dtekJаn o*o
. pеryлятoра
pumр iian:рgL гrкt'. , '
" ] i*iгJur
- насoсa . сontlo!g9k.d'гI9*'
- "''
-- 'j -9gЦ9Цc9!.d'.'"9*.''' tb9]ll
. peйки -...'..u^r^ вaсoсa
тoflЛивtioгo ' .^.пl

.;;;;-;;;""'" :;;;,;;*.*"
. цeнтooбeхнoгo"рeл"

.otor hаlf.сouрling
еа ris',vа]
привoдная пoлумУФт" rесe|ve,
'. i"-@v|пd5|0

-..'-^ sсavenging alr
's^klаn bra ntЛ
nl""*""* ,
"o.o,"u.-^'o,uonoo"oo" oiln;.""u""
приемныЙ oтрoстoк
to rlvet o|| ::::,;",

. npцл?}lq?.!Ь' -гl9A]U-n.]: .- '..--' - -'.'.-'.

пpЙмеt'ять ' ' - ] ,19зLP]L,'
plug ijlsl
прoбка сoсk рlug ['0rеo|ol

. кранa tnleаded pl"g

. рeзЬбoвая dlаin рlug
. сливнaя bгeаkdown 'in.iа't"'lаn]
пpoooil вЬlхoд из
wиJiпg lnsutаtron
ьr'эakdown t'*"iniiq
l|n soeсt]
. пpoбoй изoЛяции обмoткЙ / to |ns'eсt ltleк] lig'zaгninl
"n."n ",".'n. lflеks]
прoвеpять fleх rk"n'd;kt]
|лv.. ',
пPUEUд гибкий
пpoвoд l(J UU||vЧv.
пooвoдЙть сonduсtor гsem']
пpoвoдниl{ seгn | сonduсtоr
; 1 r19лyлр9вoявy]ч i-
'ry]le - ''''
.''.'.. . I,aien]

пooмe}ryтo{, зазoo аir gap iI']''.'. '^*'."..

ilY:'..l:.-...:.. . ...'.' ]. to Wipe
lY'l:'ч- ... . t.pnl] . '. ''
lрoтиpать sр,irrg
[kэ'ntгаu| d9sk]


тRANsсoNтR,Aст *. .*
1, ., : r'. а .,,'.,-':':::ffi;"'..,"JgiT*.;::.; ::;;.:l".:*.,
English for EIeсtricаl Engine€rs APPENDI1 2. тEснN1GAL V9сAвULARY

. p'?'999.eд!1t]iЦ' ' .. . ]. to disсonneоt

расxoд (пoтpeблeниe) тoплива


I'mautа] ]


English for Eleсtriсal Еngineers
|efl-hаnd thrеао {{аinl

ч!9г911.уёl.:: . -- thread
: ma|e '.,
n.рy*n"", ,iаiiеneo tn,eao '':':''".:."L'
.нeпoльая thrеaо l'laith@.noj
.пpaвaя right-hand
,iu","tь'".а l:::^:.
. npя\лoугoльнag slгiрpеd thrеаd ::.,'"",--..
. сoрвaнная z)|oаЦ
lгaoezoldа| thгeаd

- j ::::_j,. -
", sleеve i:rraпotl .

r манеgpЛPvPql'.'', dirесtion hаnd|e

.laпрaвлeния вра!l,lения naпdle lеnd5in J^t dаun]
епgine shutdowп



J D|€en;t 9|аl
o|аnet geal
English for EIeсtriсaI Engineers APPENDlx 2. тEGнNlGAL vocAвULARY

сваpнoЙ weld Iweldl

. нaхлeстoчнь|й laр We|d I!фP]
. . плoтнЬlЙ

.. .
. стЬlкoвoЙ bult weld I [b41]
. тавpoвЬ|Й т We|d : tti:l
. тopцeвoй
'vfloqo-! fillet weld гfiIit]

99-o.99.4.t]'Ь]!.l !]-e9 ?]f 9.I..l9.1!:l!l Ц . . -_. .l ,IOO-Se

I flu:sl
связЬ' сoединениe lln k
сгoраниe оombustioп Ikаm.b^sUan]
сePPo пr]o'-т9
P sегvomoto. ] -{'9ai-vаu.Цаutа].

сore lkr j
. трeхстep)]<невoЙ

. Якopя ] aгmature сorr . r I'i:mptjgal ..

сeть (эл')' силoвая сeтЬ r main / mains Imein] [,mе|nz]
. 'q9TPl'о]'eдr''. '' . I lnetl

] 9!9Ieма ] 9у9t9m : ['sistim]

.6алластчая bа||asl systеm J'b@|Jst]

. лoдачи тoллива к
фopсyнкам system
fue| oi| serviоe JljU:э| )il 'sа:vis]
. пoдoгревa тoлливa I lчe! o]| hеallng y9lem ] lfju|аl ri| 'hiiti0]
] . сl\,tа3ки . ,.'..'.'.''.'-.'.''.'..'''.'] .'.цql'сз!Lsl'Ф'9y'919T. ' ". . ". .''''.'.] .'..I:lЧ'bji!-e]8!''].tl''''''.
t тoлливнaя . lчelol| 9yltem [iu:а| ]iЦ
.. ].]9!ll'в'|'Ь!х.]Рy.б'o.li9994.9'в'.' ''...-...'.. .. j fЧ.e!9i|Plpm's'!y!]9m .. . ] .t-!Ч.i].'?i! .]P'?Di!].....'..
. хранения тoллива fueI stoгage system

скoба для пoдъемa дизeля eng|ne |]tting уoke ] {'endзiп

,]ifii! jаuk]
cкoрoстЬ' Числo oбoрoтoв 9p9eо lspi:dl
скpеплятЬ to fasten ['fа:sэn].

I cлабый' нeзатянyтый i
slасk {q!фц]
cлив мaсла oi| dгain _ -[Jil dre n] _

слoман tl Ь]Й ] oгoкeп l,ь6l
! ::::t::!

смазка l Iubгication
. пoгpyЖeниeil immeгsioпlubгiсation LImа:Jаn]
t под дaвлениeм ' foгced-feedIubгiсation ;, It?]яt*Л;q],"-. '.- - '. .. .'.. .'.'.'..' '.''*. ''..
. pa36pЬ|3гиваниeм i sр|аsh |ubгiсatioп
F смaзoчный мaтepиaл ] lubгiсant ]
. кoнсистeнтнaя смaзкa : оonsislent Iubгiоant
Г . yнивeрсaлЬная смазкa : mu|tipurpose |ubriсant ]

cма3ь|вaть ] ...!9.].чPl9з1"119'9I.9.s9 l ]o oi|. . ] . I,lЧjр.,ц9iq'lg.!.s]'lЦ. . . .' ...' .. ....'..

смыЧкa якopя ] аnсhor shасkle . ['@oka 'l@k]l

96 сhаstnikа str ' sevаstoPo|, Ukгаine . Phone] (0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692) 546 984
Е.mаr : eng|]sh@tгаnsсontrасi,сom. www,tгаnsсoniгаф'сom
EngIish for E|eсt]iсa| Еngineёrs APPENDlx 2. тEGнNlcAL voсAвuLARY

. люкoвaя hatсh deггiсk lh@rJl

. мaчтoвая 9uygq'Цз's]l' qeTigk . . l''[g'аid.mа:st]
. шлюпoчнaя boаt deггiсk l [bаUt]
аrгow' neеd|e ] [€гаu] ['ni:d|]
сryп ица . NL] D r lh^bl
. гpeбнoгo вaла р|oрe||er hub ] lрrа'pe|а h^b]

стyчатЬ io'кIl
to knoсk [.)k]
стяжная балка g|ldeг strap ['gа:dа str@p]

.t9.'щy'...... .. ]
сyшить .] '.- .IdFi]
cХeма. чeртeж . diаgrаm ][daiаgг@m]

. соединении
. сonneсtion diаgгаm Ikэ,nekiэn]
] countе. ' ,: lk-eцl]!el-. .'.'..
. MoтoЧaсoв ] hourmeteг ] I,аUаЦi:!а].... ..
та|.т' ход ] l9!гэvh].
. впyскa inlake stloke l-,llrlerll. .
. вЬ]nyска eХhаUst stroke I lio'zf:sti
. paбoчий
. сжатия
. ] сomp|esiiPl lllokg : {kPmlpl9l?l]
тaрeлкa I disk ldrskl
Ii{9.м9т..р. . ... .
tасhometеr [tФ'k )mitа]
тeлo (бoлта' заклeпки) shаnk []eеnk]
тelл9' жqP ] heаt ' Ihill
тeплooбinei]ник heаt eхсhаnger ] '!!
i,-t ]!9]ц9i!d1а]
тepмo|\,{етp theгmometeг [0а,п)m(а]
теoмoэлeмeнт' теомo]ара theгmoсouр|e [,0a:ma'k^pаl]
тeхo6слУживаниe mаintenаnсе I'mc:.t)n)nql

.lg.f|o.y./.to.|eаk [f|аJ] [|i:k]

теЧЬ (лpoтeчка) Ieакa0e I'li:kid3l
сurrent ['k^.an1l
. вo3брqeния eхcitalion сuг.еnl [еksIte|jаn]
. в сeти ma]ns cuггeni I tlrs!.I .,..,,.,
l inрut сurгent t'|!Pчt.l

i short.сircuit сurrent ] t,i?:t!q]k]1]
. нeпрepЬ|внЬlи сoпtinuoJs сurrеnt lkrn1ini||эs]
. HoмиHaльнЬ]и гated сuгrent [''e rid]
. нo1\.!инaлЬ!Ь|и втoриЧнЬ|и rаtеd seсondаry сurrепt ['.eitid sekа1dа1l
rеverse current
. пepeмeннЬlЙ
]' qlleЦiting.9чT9nt (Aс) ['tr:|tаneiti0] [ei si:]
. пoстoЯннь|Й diгeсt сurreпt (Dс) ldi 'ekll [or s..]

. лрepьlвисть|й (имnyЛЬсный)
. [kаn.d^klаn]
: |lpоPoдимoсти ] 9olrduсliоl 9чггelt :

r статopа stator сurгent i ll9tqi!а] :

. хoлoстoгo хoда пo-|oad cuггent ггаuIdud]

. Якopя aгmatuгe сuг.enl ['а:mаtjUа]

тoлкатeлЬ рusп roo i [рul рo1

96, сhаs1n]kа
sa'' sеvаstopo|. Uk.аiпе . Phоne
Е.mа l: eng]
(0692) 546 146 . Fах: (0692) 546 984
sh@iransсоntlасl rom. и/ww'lгаnsсоntrасt,сom
| 187
English for Eleсtriсai EnsineC]s

.'' .. '-
.',';i;";;;;"'; ''" .;й;;" .Iri'mulvl

. тeмпeрaтyoь| маслa

. soь I46. гal^ю692,546 984
* l h,ql.rkа stг Sе!аslорo,, l'а|]r
6A .*''. L
"o"". . *'* .'dгsсо1t.a.t сoгг
Eng1ish for ЕlectriGаl Engineers APPENDlx 2. тEGнN1GAL voGAвULARY

. урoвня' ypoвнeмep |eve|gаuge ] L,levаl]
. yрoвня тoплива fue| сontents gauge ] [fju:а] 'k]ntents]

. вала ] shаfl seа| [Ia:ft]

. вoiлoчFoe .e|l sea, гfe|tl

. мaолянoe oil seal .'.lrlЦ. -
| мeталличeокoe ] metаlseal ][,m9tqЦ
, iЛeханичeскoe
] meсhaniса|seaI
. oсeвoe
- '......'.''-''j.'.qliз] ч9'1L. . .-....''..''...... ..'.'.'.''.]'.t,е'Ksic[ . -.-

1 l.siu:idзl
l ldai.]ujan eа]
.. . . . ......... '. ] ..-e'y?P'9.!.!9| Plqпt '.'..'...'. ' .. [i.v@pareitа]..
.кoмбиниpoвaнная ] сombined рlant lkэm.baind]
''.'.'.'.'.l.l/l9loз.p,o*.'. . . '. . '.'

: . 9!рeснlleл!нq| distillation p|ant ] [.disti'leijan]

yстpанитЬ нeиспpавнocтЬ to remedу fаUlt ] I'remidi ftrl|t] i

yстpoйствo gеa| Isiа]

. гидpaвличeскoe 3aтягивающee hydliuliс tightening gear [lr?!'dгэ!ik lqцlirl]
... ...: пoдpyл.l.вз.P.щe ..... . . ''. ....'' ..'...] -l1!!gчIrilg..sq9l....'.'. '.''..... ] !1l9'.ц].Y?l|l]l.......'.. .. .

'.'.'.:lPy99l1'9у-i].gll!l- l slгa|nеr
. маслa на вxoдe i oi] suсlion stгainer ] lэj| 's^k]аn 'stгeinа]

APPENDlx 2''."*Ц,lЦo"N
English for El".t'',1-1щ

tgO i
Еnglish fo] Eleсtriсal Engineers APPENDIX 2. тEснNIсAL VoсAвULARY


Do|t. p|n lodull, р||Ц


96' сhаs1nikа sk,' sevэsto

' E.mаi|:et
English for EleсtricaI Еnglneers

тRANscoNтRAG;546 Еax: (0692)546 9s4

96. сhaslrlkа Stl . sеvаstoр1l Чll1il.]"ll""l.?.j. www,trаnsсo
г]i",Ъ',.Ъi'"й' "i.й...эсI,сo.1 "* 1.,nsсontrcсt,сom

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